Highway 99W: Gaarde Street/McDonald Street Waterline CrossingINDEX OF DRAWINGS 14-1595.0202 121 S.W. Salmon, Suite 900 Portland, Oregon 97204 PHONE 503-225-9010 503-225-9022FAX LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1"=1,000' TIGARD SW BEEF BEND RD SW BULL MOUNTAIN RD SW MCDONALD ST KING CITY S W 1 2 1 S T A V E 99W 503-246-6899.) NUMBER FOR THE OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER IS CALLING THE UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER. (NOTE: THE TELEPHONE 952-001-0090. THE CONTRACTOR MAY OBTAIN COPIES OF THERULES BY RULES ARE SET FORTH IN OAR 952-001-0010 THROUGH OAR RULES ADOPTED BY THE OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER. THOSE ATTENTION: OREGON LAW REQUIRES THE CONTRACTOR TO FOLLOW THE SW GAARDE ST LOCATION PROJECT WATERLINE CROSSING OR99W:GAARDE\MCDONALD CITY OF TIGARD G:\PDX_Projects\14\1595 99W and SW Gaarde Street Undercrossing\CAD\DOR\16968F.wl1 :: Default 6/2/2015 8:37:47 AM hcm CIVIL GENERAL 3 2 1 EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND DETAILSG-3 GENERAL NOTES AND LEGENDG-2 COVERG-1 503.227.1800 Portland, Oregon 97204 101 S.W. Main Street, Suite 360 JANUARY 2015 8" WATERLINE PLAN AND PROFILEC-510 16" WATERLINE CONNECTION DETAILSC-4B9 WATERLINE CROSSING PROFILEC-4A8 WATERLINE CROSSING PLANC-47 CASING CROSSING DETAILSC-36 WATERLINE STANDARD DETAILS, COTC-2 5 TRAFFIC CONTROL AND PROJECT LIMITS PLANC-14 RECORD DRAWINGS VERSION 4.1 12-9-97 SIGNATURES. ORIGINAL CONTRACT DRAWINGS FOR ENGINEER'S SEAL AND FURTHER CLARIFY DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION MAY BE ON FILE. SEE SUBMITTAL INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR WHICH INFORMATION, FABRICATOR'S SHOP DRAWINGS AND OTHER PROJECT VERIFICATION OF ITS ACCURACY. CONTRACT MODIFICATION DRAWING FOR ANY PURPOSE ARE ADVISED TO OBTAIN INDEPENDENT THE ACCURACY OF THIS DRAWING. THOSE RELYING ON THIS RECORD ASSOCIATES, INC. MAKES NO ASSURANCES, STATED OR IMPLIED, AS TO INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE RELIABLE, MURRAY, SMITH & RELATIVE TO REPORTED CONSTRUCTED CONDITIONS. WHILE THIS PREPARED BASED IN PART ON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS THIS DRAWING IS FOR RECORD PURPOSES ONLY, AND HAS BEEN G-2AND LEGEND GENERAL WATERLINE NOTES GENERAL WATERLINE CONSTRUCTION NOTES:SYMBOLS AND LEGEND: Utility Monitoring Point (UMP) Abandon Water Mains Tapping Sleeve Assembly Straddle Block Water Meter Fitting Reducer Cap/plug Long Sleeve Thrust Block Temporary Blow-off Assembly Valve ProposedExisting CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE NOTES: *Note: All non-waterline symbols comply with ODOT standards. WASHINGTON COUNTY 503.225.9010 121 S.W. Salmon, Suite 900, Portland, Oregon 97204-2919 Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. Drafted By - Rhonda L. Freeman Designed By - Jeff S. Jones & Jamie Schick WATERLINE CROSSING OR99W:GAARDE/MCDONALD CITY OF TIGARD G:\PDX_Projects\14\1595 99W and SW Gaarde Street Undercrossing\CAD\DOR\16968F.wl2 :: Default 6/2/2015 8:37:58 AM hcm Scale: Rotation: 0° 503.227.1800 101 S.W. Main Street, Suite 360, Portland, Oregon 97204 McMillen Jacobs Associates backfilling the excavation. demonstrating no petroleum hydrocarbon contamination inside the pipeline prior to disinfection of entire waterline as specified. Contractor is responsible for When total hydrocarbon testing produces satisfactory results, conduct pipeline owner. contractor is responsible for additional flushing and testing at no additional cost to the BTEX in accordance with DEQ methodology. If petroleum hydrocarbons are detected, disinfection, collect and test water samples for diesel and petroleum hydrocarbons and After hydrostatic pressure test, flush waterline as specified. Prior to chlorine with water supply from McDonald Street connection. Perform hydrostatic pressure test on entire waterline using 150 psi test pressure buried waterlines, the piping shall be pressure tested and disinfected as outlined below: CN-5. Following completion of the installation of the pipelines within the casing and shown on C-5. buried 8" waterline between McDonald Street and 12" waterline connection on 99W as pit and existing 16" waterline, complete connection as shown on sheet C-4B. Install direct CN-4. Install direct buried 16" waterline on McDonald Street between jack and bore launch for testing and connecting pipe work. to redirect Gaarde Street right turn traffic as shown on sheet C-1 to provide work zone on the SW Gaarde side of 99W as shown. Provide City and ODOT approved traffic control completed from the SW McDonald side of Highway 99W with temporary blow-off installed CN-3. Installation of 36" steel pipe casing and 16" ductile iron waterline shall be before waterline work begins. and modify connection configuration as shown on the connection detail on sheet C-4B CN-2. Disconnect existing 16" waterline from existing 24" waterline on McDonald Street requirements for waterline work. CN-1. Waterline construction requires close coordination with ODOT, see general according to ANSI/AWWA C102/A21.5. WN-17. Provide polyethylene encasement for all piping within 10 feet of existing gas main provided with full-face Nitrile gaskets as specified. WN-16. All gaskets on buried piping shall be Nitrile rubber. All flanged connections to be allowed. WN-15. See specifications for types of manufacturer's proprietary restraint systems and fitting joints shall be restrained with approved joint restraint system. WN-14. The use of concrete thrust blocks is allowed only where shown on plans. All pipe temporary blow-offs and complete tie-ins. and services, remove and replace temporary test taps with permanent plugs and remove flushing, testing, and disinfection of new waterlines. Upon acceptance of proposed waterline WN-13. Contractor shall provide temporary taps and blow-offs as required to facilitate satisfactory methods of reducing chlorine residuals to a safe level as mandated by DEQ. not allow disinfection water to flow into a waterway without adequate dilution or other WN-12. The contractor shall dispose of the disinfection water in an approved manner. Do Bacteriological tests will be taken by City of Tigard personnel. standard C651-latest revision, the state health division and City of Tigard requirements. WN-11. All proposed mains and appurtenances shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA City of Tigard requirements. minimum test pressure is 150 psi. WN-10. All proposed mains and appurtenances shall be pressure tested in accordance with with affected utility. Contractor shall not assume shutdown times, but rather schedule and coordinate shutdowns shutdowns a minimum of 5 working days in advance of desired timing of connection work. facilities. The contractor shall coordinate this work with the affected utility and request WN-9. Connections to existing waterlines may require temporary shutdowns of existing WN-8. Operation of all valves shall be performed by authorized City of Tigard personnel only. to 1 foot length into pipe and fill if required by the specifications. shall seal and cap the remaining exposed ends of abandoned utilities with non-shrink grout removed by the contractor to the extent necessary to accomplish the work. The contractor WN-7. Utilities or interfering portions of utilities that are abandoned in place shall be damage resulting from the prosecution of the work. time in an unsafe condition. The contractor is responsible for and is liable for hazards or each day's work, unless otherwise directed. No trench, on-site or off-site, shall be left at any hard-surface patch as specified shall be placed on trenches within roadways at the end of streets shall be temporarily paved or covered to the satisfaction of the engineer. Temporary WN-6. At the end of each work day all trenches shall be backfilled and all trenches within indicated on these plans. grade, alignment, fittings and materials installed and any other utilities or obstacles not so WN-5. The contractor shall provide "As Constructed" drawings indicating all changes in test/reports shall be provided at the contractor's expense. contractor to validate claims of material or construction adequacy/compliance. Such WN-4. The engineer may, at their discretion, require tests and/or reports from the standard specifications and the Oregon Administration Rules (OAR), chapter 333. in accordance with the most recent version of City of Tigard standards, Oregon APWA WN-3. Unless noted on the plans or specified otherwise, all construction is to be performed complete tie-ins. required and within 80% of manufacturer's tolerances to avoid existing utilities and to Elevation adjustments shall be expected and are incidental to the work. Deflect pipe as of pipe to allow required elevation adjustments to be accomplished without rework. existing utilities prior to constructing new piping. Potholing shall sufficiently precede laying WN-2. The contractor shall pothole and verify locations, elevations, types and sizes of all potential conflicts and as required for connections to existing systems. construction. Contractor shall also field verify depths of existing utilities to identify located in accordance with ORS 757.541 through 757.571 prior to commencing OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001-0090. The contractor shall have utilities follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in utilities and are shown for informational purposes only. Oregon law requires contractor to WN-1. Locations and grades of existing utilities are based on information provided by the 00406. existing 24" waterline shall be backfilled with grout as called out in Special Provision the abandoned section of 16" ductile iron pipe between the new connection and the annular space between the 36" steel casing and cased 16" waterline and the interior of CN-9. Following completion of the connection on the SW Gaarde side of Highway 99W, the shown including cutting portion of existing 16" waterline to be abandoned. existing 16" waterline on the SW Gaarde side of Highway 99W shall be completed as CN-8. Once the pipeline has been pressure tested and disinfected, the connection to the and cutting and capping the portion of existing 16" waterline to be abandoned. 99W as shown including disconnecting the existing 16" from the existing 24" waterline Complete the connection to the existing 16" waterline on the SW Gaarde side of Highway CN-7. Contractor shall remove the temporary blow-off assembly on the 16" waterline. the casing and surrounding ground to the SW Gaarde side of Highway 99W. migration of groundwater and soil from the SW McDonald side of Highway 99W as well as SW McDonald, the Contractor shall provide a seal between the casing and pipeline to prevent groundwater and assuring a safe work environment. Prior to backfilling the launch pit on Highway 99W. Contractor is responsible for proper disposal of impacted soil and CN-6. Contaminated soil and groundwater is anticipated on the SW McDonald side of flushing. WN-23. Contact Clean Water Services for approval for discharging chlorinated water during ODOT contractor to avoid conflicts with waterlines. away from all storm sewer crossings. Coordinate new storm sewer facilities locations with skin-to-skin clearance. Storm and water pipe joints shall be located a minimum of 5 feet WN-22. Whenever water line crosses storm sewer lines, maintain a minimum 6 inches service connection. Contractor shall reconnect all existing services. shall furnish and install meter boxes, install city supplied service meters and complete WN-21. All existing services within paving limits shall be replaced by contractor. Contractor times. Contractor shall cap and/or cover pipe ends at the end of each work day. WN-20. Contractor shall protect water pipe ends from contaminated water and debris at all otherwise specified. WN-19. All concrete for waterline work shall be a minimum of 3000 psi strength unless waterline piping unless otherwise approved by the engineer. See specifications. new sewer pipe as specified is centered across a full length (18 feet-20 feet) of and crossing requirements. Each crossing shall be made such that a full 20 foot length of WN-18. Comply with OAR chapter 333 rules for required waterline-sewerline separation DRAWING RECORD SEE DISCLAIMER, SHEET 1. 12-9-97 VERSION 4.1 NO. SHEET WASHINGTON COUNTY G-3 503.225.9010 121 S.W. Salmon, Suite 900, Portland, Oregon 97204-2919 Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. Drafted By - Rhonda L. Freeman Designed By - Jeff S. Jones & Jamie Schick WATERLINE CROSSING OR99W:GAARDE/MCDONALD CITY OF TIGARD NOTES AND DETAILS EROSION CONTROL G:\PDX_Projects\14\1595 99W and SW Gaarde Street Undercrossing\CAD\DOR\16968F.wl1 :: Default 6/2/2015 8:38:19 AM hcm Scale: NTSRotation: 0° All erosion control methods shall comply with applicable Clean Water Services detail drawings regardless if not shown on this sheet. Note: 503.227.1800 101 S.W. Main Street, Suite 360, Portland, Oregon 97204 McMillen Jacobs Associates 19. All exposed soils must be covered during wet weather period. measures. the application of fine water spraying, plastic sheeting, mulching, or other approved 18. In areas subject to wind erosion, appropriate BMP's must be used which may include and available to County and City inspectors upon request. 17. Written erosion and sediment control logs are suggested to be maintained on-site preferably vegetated area, and through a sediment control BMP (i.e. filter bag). 16. All pumping of sediment laden water must be discharged over an undisturbed, be maintained for the duration of the project. must be installed are temporary sediment fence and inlet protection. These BMP's must 15. Prior to any land disturbing activities, the best management practices (BMP's) that vegetated corridors to be delineated with orange construction fence or approved equal. The owner/permittee must maintain the delineation for the duration of the project. Note: field. Unless otherwise approved, no disturbance is permitted beyond the clearing limits. buffers, and any sensitive areas shown on this plan shall be clearly delineated in the 14. Prior to any land disturbing activities, the boundaries of the clearing limits, vegetated Clean Water Services standards and state and federal regulations. maintenance of all erosion and sediment control measures, in accordance with current 13. Contractor or designated person shall be responsible for proper installation and application of fertilizers within any water way riparian zone. must be minimized. Time release fertilizers should be used and care should be made in manufacturer's recommendations. Nutrient releases from fertilizers to surface waters 12. The application rate of fertilizers used to reestablish vegetation must follow construction. concrete waste, liquid waste, or other toxic substances discovered or generated during 11. The contractor must properly manage hazardous wastes, used oils, contaminated soils, application, and disposal. 10. Any use of toxic or other hazardous materials must include proper storage, has been reduced by 50% and at the completion of project. 9. Cleaning of all structures with sumps shall occur when the sediment retention capacity reached a height of 1/3 the barrier height, and prior to the control measures removal. 8. Sediment must be removed from behind all sediment control measures when it has bodies. 7. Sediment must not be intentionally washed into storm sewers, drainage ways, or water performed according to the Oregon Department of State Lands required time frame. discharge within the same 24 hours. Any instream clean up of sediment shall be sediment release must be found and prevented from causing a recurrence of the hours and placed back on the site and stabilized or properly disposed. The cause of the 6. Significant amounts of sediment which leaves the site must be cleaned up within 24 u-shaped filter bag is required for all curb inlet catch basins. during construction unless otherwise approved. A surface mounted and attachable, 5. All active inlets must have sediment controls installed and maintained at all times permanent vegetation or other permanent covering of exposed soil is established. construction site at all times during construction. They must remain in place until 4. Sediment controls must be installed and maintained on all down gradient sides of the of each work day. 3. During wet weather period, temporary stabilization of the site must occur at the end 31 if exposed soils or soils not fully established. 2. Wet weather erosion control measures shall be in effect from October 1 through May sediment controls who works for the contractor. experienced in the principles, practices, installation, and maintenance of erosion and controls and discharge outfalls must be provided by someone knowledgeable and 1. When rainfall and runoff occurs, daily inspections of the erosion and sediment EROSION CONTROL NOTES: DRAWING RECORD SEE DISCLAIMER, SHEET 1. 12-9-97 VERSION 4.1 HOUSE 1 STORY 1 S T O R Y H O U S E NO. SHEET WASHINGTON COUNTY C-1 503.225.9010 121 S.W. Salmon, Suite 900, Portland, Oregon 97204-2919 Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. Drafted By - Rhonda L. Freeman Designed By - Jeff S. Jones & Jamie Schick WATERLINE CROSSING OR99W:GAARDE/MCDONALD CITY OF TIGARDN SW GAARDE ST SW McDONALD ST O R H W Y 9 9 W lane, see note 2 Close right turn as required, see note 1 Provide traffic control signs sign, see note 2 Right turn detour ahead turn detour, see note 2 Gaarde Street right bore pit Proposed G:\PDX_Projects\14\1595 99W and SW Gaarde Street Undercrossing\CAD\DOR\16968F.wl1 :: Default 6/2/2015 8:38:25 AM hcm Scale: 1"=80'Rotation: 0° PROJECT LIMITS PLAN TRAFFIC CONTROL AND site, see note 3 Abandoned gas station note 4 zone limits, see Proposed work 503.227.1800 101 S.W. Main Street, Suite 360, Portland, Oregon 97204 McMillen Jacobs Associates and other contractors Maintain access for ODOT c. Gaarde Street right turn lane: Pavement thickness shall match existing, T-cut not required. thick hot mix AC unless otherwise approved by ODOT or City. b. Areas behind existing curbs and out of traffic: Temporary surface restoration shall consist of a minimum of 2" 8" minimum or whichever is greater. 12" T-cuts required. a. Within travel lanes of Gaarde and McDonald Streets: Replace pavement thickness shall equal existing pavement depth, 4. Excavation Surface Restoration Schedule shall be as follows: contaminated soil during bore pit, pipe trench, and bore excavations as specified in section 00294 of the special provision. 3. Decommissioning of abandoned gas station facility to be completed by others. Contractor shall remove and dispose several flaggers, and extensive traffic control. Gaarde St. or McDonals St. approaching or leaving Hwy 99W, Contractor should anticipate requirements for signal shut-off, St. intersection and redirects right turn traffic as generally shown. If work impacts through and/or left turn lane(s) of 2. Contractor shall submit to City and ODOT, traffic control plans that closes Gaarde St., right turn lane at 99W and McDonald any work in roadways. Traffic Control Devices. Contractor shall obtain ODOT and City approval of complete traffic control plans prior to commencing 1. Temporary traffic control shall comply with City and ODOT requirements and latest version of the Manual on Uniform :Notes receiving pit Proposed DRAWING RECORD SEE DISCLAIMER, SHEET 1. 12-9-97 VERSION 4.1 18" CAST IRON 910 BOX 6" ASTM 3034 PIPE BOTTOM SECTION FINISHED GRADE HAND TAMP BACKFILL AROUND TOP SECTION BUTTERFLY VALVE ENDS AS SPECIFIED GEAR OPERATOR 1 2 " M A X . PROVIDE VALVE OPERATING NUT EXTENSION (SEE DETAIL NO. 505) CONCRETE PAD AROUND VALVE BOX 4) PROVIDE 24" SQUARE BY 4" THICK 1) VALVE BOX NOT TO REST ON OPERATING ASSEMBLY. 2) OPERATING NUT EXTENSION REQUIRED WHEN VALVE NUT IS DEEPER THAN 3 FEET FROM FINISHED GRADE. 3) CENTER VALVE BOX ON AXIS OF OPER. NUT. NOTES: 6 " M I N SEE DETAIL W5. OUTSIDE OF PAVED AREAS AS SHOWN IN CONCRETE PAD DETAIL 24" 24" CONCRETE PAD W OUTSIDE PAVEMENT WITHIN PAVEMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 VOICE: (503) 639-4171 FAX: (503) 684-7297 CITY OF TIGARD OREGON NO SCALE DWG. NO.CITY ENGINEER APPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY: TYPICAL BUTTERFLY VALVE 504 AGUSTIN P. DUENAS MARCH 1998 TO BE 5 3/4" DIAMETER 18" CAST IRON 910 1" SCH. 80 STEEL PIPE SHAFT ROCK GUARD 1/4" STL. PLATE 2" SQ. OPER. NUT 3"x 3"x 3/8"x 2" LONG 2 1/2"x 2 1/2"x 3/8" LONG W/HOLE IN CENTER TO ACCOMODATE MOVEMENT OF SHAFT 1/8" MINIMUM 1/4" MAXIMUM CLEARANCE 1) EXTEND 2" NUT TO WITHIN 18" OF FINISH GRADE WHEN VALVE NUT IS DEEPER THAN 3 FEET FROM FINISHED GRADE NOTE: FINISH GRADE STEEL SQUARE TUBE STEEL FLAT BAR ASTM 3034 PVC PIPE 18" 6" MAX. OR 1" SOLID STEEL ROD SUPPORT COLLAR WELDED TO SHAFT VALVE BOX TOP ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 VOICE: (503) 639-4171 FAX: (503) 684-7297 CITY OF TIGARD OREGON NO SCALE DWG. NO.CITY ENGINEER APPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY: OPERATING NUT EXTENSION 505 AGUSTIN P. DUENAS MARCH 1998 C-2DETAILS, COT WATERLINE STANDARD WASHINGTON COUNTY 503.225.9010 121 S.W. Salmon, Suite 900, Portland, Oregon 97204-2919 Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. Drafted By - Rhonda L. Freeman Designed By - Jeff S. Jones & Jamie Schick WATERLINE CROSSING OR99W:GAARDE/MCDONALD CITY OF TIGARD G:\PDX_Projects\14\1595 99W and SW Gaarde Street Undercrossing\CAD\DOR\16968F.wl2 :: Default 6/2/2015 8:38:31 AM hcm Scale: NTSRotation: 0° 503.227.1800 101 S.W. Main Street, Suite 360, Portland, Oregon 97204 McMillen Jacobs Associates TYPICAL PIPE TRENCH DETAIL 21 PIPE ZONE = PIPE ZONE BACKFILL CLASS 'B' BEDDINGDIA+24" CLASS 'B' 4 " DIA + 1.0' 36" MIN FOR DI PIPE MAX 1 2 " EXIST BASE ROCK 12" SAW CUT 6" ROADWAY TRENCH IN OF ROADWAY TRENCH OUT BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS 1 SURFACE RESTORATION REQUIREMENTSSYMBOL 1 2 2 1 3 SURFACE TO MATCH ORIG CONTOURS. REPLACE EXIST LANDSCAPING. REPLACE TOPSOIL & BACKFILL W/CLASS 'A' NATIVE MATL. FINISH TRENCH SPECIFICATIONS. REPLACE REMOVED PAVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH ODOT STANDARD 2 3 DI MAIN BACKFILL TO FIN GR CLASS 'A' TRENCH FURNISH & INSTALL: CLASS 'E' BACKFILL FOR PAVEMENT BASE. COMPACTED TO 90% MAX DENSITY PER AASHTO T-99. FURNISH & INSTALL: CLASS 'A' NATIVE TRENCH BACKFILL TO FIN GR COMPACTED TO 90% OF MAX DENSITY PER AASHTO T-99. FURNISH & INSTALL: CLASS 'B' BEDDING & PIPE ZONE BACKFILL T-99. LIFTS TO ACHIEVE 95% OF MAX DENSITY IN ACCORDANCE W/AASHTO FURNISH & INSTALL: CLASS 'B' BEDDING, & PIPE ZONE COMPACT MATL IN BACKFILL CLASS 'B' TRENCH 1 2 " SEE NOTE 2 CLASS 'E' NEW BASE, PROPOSED PAVEMENT IN DETERMINING CLASS 'E' BASE LOCATION. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE APPROXIMATE GRADE OF NEW FOR PIPE ZONE MATERIAL AND BACKFILL. 1. REFERENCE ODOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, SECTION 00405 NOTES: DRAWING RECORD SEE DISCLAIMER, SHEET 1. 12-9-97 VERSION 4.1 TRENCH DAM DETAIL 8" DI 16" DI 16" DI 8" DI ELEVATIONPLAN WATER LINE, (TYP)CLSM TRENCH DAM CLSM TRENCH DAM FINISH GRADE EXCAVATION, TYP SIDE OF TRENCH MIN' 3' EACH SIDE 1' MIN, TYP BACKFILL TYPICAL TRENCH MIN 2' MIN' 3' EXCAVATION BOTTOM OF TRENCH UNPAVED AREAS: KEY 1' INTO BACKFILL PAVED AREAS: TO BOTTOM BASE WHEN PRESENT, A S S H O W N O R R E Q ' D ' T R E N C H D E P T H T R E N C H W I D T H A S S H O W N 1 A.M.B.RECORD DRAWING1 No.REVISIONS BY 06/01/15 DATE C-3 CASING CROSSING DETAILS 3' w/plastic skids Casing insulators CASING DETAIL END DETAIL SECTION A-A plug, typ Cement grout 16" DI pipe configuration skids w/centered Casing insulator 3'-0" from bell end & 3'-0" from plain end mfr - min 2 insulators per pipe length. Install at 12'-0" OC for carrier pipe or as recommended by & top of skids 1•" Max clr between casing casing, see note 1 Min 1/2" thk stl Water main UTILITY MONITORING POINT (UMP) flush with surface steel monument 8" min. ID traffic rated Leveling point Patching material to be monitored Extg. utility or structure point Reference Concrete Depth Varies min 6" 12" 6" 3. 2. 1. Notes: outer casing 1" min. ID rounded end 1/2" dia. rod with Concrete cover 2" (min.) WASHINGTON COUNTY 503.225.9010 121 S.W. Salmon, Suite 900, Portland, Oregon 97204-2919 Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. Drafted By - Rhonda L. Freeman Designed By - Jeff S. Jones & Jamie Schick WATERLINE CROSSING OR99W:GAARDE/MCDONALD CITY OF TIGARD TEMPORARY BLOW-OFF ASSEMBLY grout. Annulus between steel casing and waterline shall be completely backfilled with cement 3. appurtenances. Provide 2" minimum clearance between casing and carrier pipe bells and 2. of carrier pipe or casing. factors. Casing diameter may need to be increased to accommodate greater wall thickness thickness dependent upon installation method, depth of bury, soil conditions, and other responsible for sizing casing for installation loads. Required casing material and wall Casing thickness has been sized for anticipated earth pressures. Contractor is 1. Notes: of action before the work is resumed. and provide immediate written notice. Meet with the engineer to develop a plan movement. If maximum allowable settlement is reached, stop all work immediately methods to determine what changes, if any, must be made to better control ground engineer within 24 hours of providing notice to discuss contractor means and of occurrence when 50% of maximum allowable settlement is reached. Meet with Maximum allowable settlement is 1 inch. Provide written notice within 24 hours casing has been installed. day. Measurements shall be taken once casing installation begins until the full minimum once per day if casing advancement is less than 5 feet in any given Take measurements at least once every 5 feet of casing advancement or at a of all instruments prior to starting casing installation. Install instrumentation prior to starting casing installation. Take initial readings MJ cap w/ 4" IPS tap casing, see note 1 Min 1/2" thk stl for superchlorinated water. See specifications regarding disposal/dechlorination 2. Provide temporary thrust restraint as required. 1. Notes: 4" Galv. elbow4" Galv. stl pipe 4" operating nut 4" AWWA Gate valve w/ as req'd 4" Elbow & hose fitting restr Bell/fitting G:\PDX_Projects\14\1595 99W and SW Gaarde Street Undercrossing\CAD\DOR\16968F.wl2 :: Default 6/2/2015 8:38:32 AM hcm Scale: NTSRotation: 0° (Typ ea. end) 2' max. 503.227.1800 101 S.W. Main Street, Suite 360, Portland, Oregon 97204 McMillen Jacobs Associates DRAWING RECORD SEE DISCLAIMER, SHEET 1. 12-9-97 VERSION 4.1 " w/sand Fill annular space A.M.B.RECORD DRAWING1 No.REVISIONS BY 06/01/15 DATE 1 1 2 " V 8 " 8 " 16"W 1 2 "W 24"W 24"W 8"W 1 2 "W 16"W 1 2 " S T 2 " G 1 0 " G 8 " S 8" S 8 " S T 1 2 " S T 16"W SW McDONALD ST SW GAARDE ST N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 C-4 8 1 6 " W 8 9 9 7 2 66 3 10 pit (see note 2) Jack & bore launch See Det. on Sht C-3 W/ 16" DI carrier pipe 36" min. dia. STL casing Jack & bore 6 11 (for detail, see sheet C-4B) Jack & bore receiving pit 10 5 8 7 6 11 UMP 1 WASHINGTON COUNTY 503.225.9010 121 S.W. Salmon, Suite 900, Portland, Oregon 97204-2919 Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. Drafted By - Rhonda L. Freeman Designed By - Jeff S. Jones & Jamie Schick WATERLINE CROSSING OR99W:GAARDE/MCDONALD CITY OF TIGARDO R H W Y 9 9 W O R H W Y 9 9 W G:\PDX_Projects\14\1595 99W and SW Gaarde Street Undercrossing\CAD\DOR\16968F.wl2 :: Default 6/2/2015 8:38:32 AM hcm 1"=20' Scale: Rotation: 0° "GM-W" Line 12 12 12 12 13 12 13 conduits electrical/signal Protect extg. work by others prior to waterline decommisioned and removed Existing gas station to be 503.227.1800 101 S.W. Main Street, Suite 360, Portland, Oregon 97204 McMillen Jacobs Associates UMP WATERLINE CROSSING PLAN 141516 1616 14 15 16 02010 20 "A-W" Line See sht C-5 16" W 8" W 8 " W (by others) Proposed curb six-foot fence, backfilled, or steel plated and pinned. Unattended pits shall either be protected by a 4. See specification 00294 for handling and disposal. impacted with low levels of petroleum hydrocarbons. portions of the bored pipeline and pipe trench are Soil and groundwater within the launch pit and 3. from damage or disturbance. installation methods that protect existing utilities casing installation. Select shoring and shoring based on selected means and methods for pit and Contractor to determine configuration and size of pit 2. All pipe to be restrained.1. Notes: 17 18 DRAWING RECORD SEE DISCLAIMER, SHEET 1. 12-9-97 VERSION 4.1 4 8"x12" RDCR, MJ 12" LS 8" 45° Bend, MJ 8" GV, MJ 8" LS from entering. and trench excavation to prevent surface runoff Provide secondary containment around launch pit construction Provide pedestrian access to sidewalks during McDonald connection detail sheet C4B Connect to modified McDonald connection, see Temp blow-off, see detail, sheet C-3 grout Abandon extg. 16" waterline in place and fill w/ 16" plug, MJ connection details, sheet C-4B Disconnect extg. 16" from extg. 24", see 16" 45°Bend, MJ 16" Cap, MJ 16" LS, as req'd 16" 11.25° Bend, MJ See McDonald St. connection detail, sheet C-4B See Gaarde St. connection detail, sheet C-4B others), see note WN-22, sht. G-2 Proposed storm facilities (by det., sht. C-2 Trench dam, see Straddle block, see det., sht. C-4B A.M.B.RECORD DRAWING1 No.REVISIONS BY 06/01/15 DATE 1 1 1 1 "GM-W"2 " G M - W " 1 " G M - W " 0 " A - W " 1 " A - W " 0 " A - W " 2 C-4A "GM-W" 1+00"GM-W" 0+00 "GM-W" 2+00 Ground line @ { 275 280 280 275 270 265 16" DI launch pit Jack & bore Extg. 12" Wat. Sta "GM-W" 0+13.30 Extg. 8" San. Sew. Sta "GM-W" 0+99.40 Extg. 10" Strm. Sew. Sta "GM-W" 1+05.40 Casing Sta "GM-W" 0+03.55 Casing Sta "GM-W" 1+25.72 Extg. 10ƒ" Gas Sta "GM-W" 1+11.80 Extg. 4" Gas Sta "GM-W" 0+25.50 Extg. UT Sta "GM-W" 1+07.00 Extg. 2" Gas Sta "GM-W" 1+13.20 Extg. UT Sta "GM-W" 2+16.20 16" DI receiving pit Jack & bore I.E.=268.8'| Prop. 16" W Sta "GM-W" 0+00.00 vert. offset 2.5' Min. casing, see det. sht. C-3 122 LF of 36" min. dia. stl. Furnish & Install: See Plan detail sht. C-4 I.E.=274.00'| verify Extg. 16" Wat. Sta "GM-W" 0.05.00 detail sht. C-4B rolled, MJ, see plan Combined angle bends Sta "GM-W" 0+00.00 Extg. 10ƒ" Gas Sta "GM-W" 2+30.17 I . E . = 2 7 6 . 6 0 ' 4 5 ° B e n d , r o l l e d u p S t a " G M - W " 2 + 3 3 . 2 5 I . E . = 2 7 5 . 1 ' | 4 5 ° B e n d , r o l l e d u p S t a " G M - W " 1 + 9 8 . 2 9 Extg. 16" Wat. WASHINGTON COUNTY 503.225.9010 121 S.W. Salmon, Suite 900, Portland, Oregon 97204-2919 Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. WATERLINE CROSSING OR99W:GAARDE/MCDONALD CITY OF TIGARD (by others) Prop. 12" Strm. Sew. Sta "GM-W" 1+56.50 Drafted By - Harry C. Marx Designed By - Jeff S. Jones & Jamie Schick G:\PDX_Projects\14\1595 99W and SW Gaarde Street Undercrossing\CAD\DOR\16968F.wl2 :: Default 6/2/2015 8:38:33 AM hcm H, 1"=2'V1"=20' Scale: Rotation: 0° 503.227.1800 101 S.W. Main Street, Suite 360, Portland, Oregon 97204 McMillen Jacobs Associates WATERLINE CROSSING PROFILE DRAWING RECORD SEE DISCLAIMER, SHEET 1. 12-9-97 VERSION 4.1 S=0.008 ft/ft Relocated, see sht. C-5 Extg. 8" Wat. Sta "GM-W" 2+23.50 I.E.=276.80| (verify) Connect to Extg. 16" wat. Sta "GM-W" 2+38.35 I . E . = 2 6 9 . 8 ' | 4 5 ° B e n d , r o l l e d u p S t a " G M - W " 1 + 3 3 I . E . = 2 7 0 . 6 ' | 1 1 . 2 5 ° B e n d , r o l l e d u p S t a " G M - W " 1 + 4 3 I . E . = 2 7 2 . 3 ' | 4 5 ° B e n d , r o l l e d u p S t a " G M - W " 1 + 6 2 A.M.B.RECORD DRAWING1 No.REVISIONS BY 06/01/15 DATE 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 2 " SECTION CONC. THRUST BLOCK AGAINST UNDISTURBED EARTH-BEARING AREA ON BOTH SIDES OF PIPE TIE RODS WHEN REQUIRED, AS PER PLUG, CAP FITTINGS AS REQUIRED RETAINER GLAND 2'-0" MIN. 18" MIN. 4'-0" MAX. PLAN M I N . 3000 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH MANUFACTURERS DITCH LINE RECOMMENDATIONS OR OTHER RETAINER GLAND(S) QUANTITY BASED ON PIPE SIZE TAPPED 2" REFER TO DRAWING NO. 560 ARE MINIMUMS - (CONCRETE DIMENTIONS FOR BEARING DATA) STRADDLE BLOCKS TO BE USED AT: 1. END OF LINE BLOW OFFS 2. BLIND TEES 3. BLIND CROSSES 4. VERTICAL BENDS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 VOICE: (503) 639-4171 FAX: (503) 684-7297 CITY OF TIGARD OREGON NO SCALE DWG. NO.CITY ENGINEER APPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY: STRADDLE BLOCK 561 AGUSTIN P. DUENAS MARCH 1998 MIN 12" TRENCH WIDTH AS REQUIRED 3'-0" MIN 3'-0" MIN MIN 12" MIN 3'-0" C-4B N 1 2 3 4 5 Scale: 1"=5' 7 3 9 10 receiving pit Jack & bore ~ ~ ~ 16" DI ~ ~ ~ 16" DI 1 1 2 6 24"x16" Tee 16"x16" Tee Thrust block, typ 6 7 8 9 10 Modified Connection Configuration Existing Connection Configuration McDonald Connection DetailsGaarde Connection Details WASHINGTON COUNTY 503.225.9010 121 S.W. Salmon, Suite 900, Portland, Oregon 97204-2919 Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. Drafted By - Rhonda L. Freeman Designed By - Jeff S. Jones & Jamie Schick WATERLINE CROSSING OR99W:GAARDE/MCDONALD CITY OF TIGARD 24" DI 24" DI 12 5 11 8 11 12 E x t g 1 6 " D I E x t g 1 2 " D I E x t g 1 2 " D I E x t g 1 6 " D I Scale: NTS All pipe to be restrained.1. Notes: G:\PDX_Projects\14\1595 99W and SW Gaarde Street Undercrossing\CAD\DOR\16968F.wl2 :: Default 6/2/2015 8:38:33 AM hcm Scale: As ShownRotation: 0° 503.227.1800 101 S.W. Main Street, Suite 360, Portland, Oregon 97204 McMillen Jacobs Associates CONNECTION DETAILS 16" WATERLINE 16" 90° bend, MJ this sheet Straddle block tie to 16" BFV, see detail piping, see note CN-9, sheet G-2 16" Cap, MJ, fill and abandon 16" DI 16" 1" Corp stop top of pipe 18" west of 16" BFV, MJ 16" Plug, MJ blocks and 16" connecting piping Remove extg. 16" tee, concrete thrust 6 DRAWING RECORD SEE DISCLAIMER, SHEET 1. 12-9-97 VERSION 4.1 Extg. 16" BFV Abandon 13 16" Long Sleeve Thrust block 12" valves Remove extg 12" connecting piping and (45°, 22.5° & 11.25°) 16" Combined angle bends, rolled up, MJ 16" 90° bend, rolled down, MJ or blind flanges, contractor to confirm Plug 12" outlets on extg tees w/ plug 13 ~ A.M.B.RECORD DRAWING1 No.REVISIONS BY 06/01/15 DATE 1 1 1 JJ 8 " 12" V 8"8" 24" W 16" W 24" W 8" W 12" ST 2" G 10" G 8" S 8" S 8 " S T 12" ST 16" W J 10" S W Mc D O N A L D S T S W G A A R D E S T WASHINGTON COUNTY 503.225.9010 121 S.W. Salmon, Suite 900, Portland, Oregon 97204-2919 Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. OR HWY 99W 503.227.1800 101 S.W. Main Street, Suite 360, Portland, Oregon 97204 McMillen Jacobs Associates G:\PDX_Projects\14\1595 99W and SW Gaarde Street Undercrossing\CAD\DOR\16968F_C-5.dgn :: Default 6/2/2015 8:38:37 AM hcm Full Size 1=1 Scale: Rotation: 0° WATERLINE CROSSING OR99W:GAARDE/MCDONALD CITY OF TIGARD C-5 NO. SHEET PLAN AND PROFILE 8" WATERLINE Drafted By - Harry C. Marx Designed By - Jeff S. Jones & Jamie Schick 17 18 16 "GM-W" Line "A-W" Line below waterline, see profile New alignment for 8" 288 284 280 276 272 288 284 280 276 272 8" W Extg. 8" Wat. Extg. UT Sta "A-W" 0+13.00Extg. " Strm. Sew. Sta "A-W" 2+24.00 Extg. 12" Wat. launch pit Jack & bore Ground line @ { 40 20 0 40 See sheet C-4 I.E.=281.2'| (verify) Connect to Extg. 12" wat. 12" LS Sta "A-W" 3+06.99 vert. offset 1.5' Min vert. offset 1.5' Min G V S t a " A - W " 0 + 0 3 . 4 0 I . E . = 2 7 4 . 6 ' 4 5 ° B e n d , r o l l e d S t a " A - W " 0 + 7 4 . 4 8 I . E . = 2 7 7 . 6 9 4 5 ° B e n d , r o l l e d S t a " A - W " 0 + 0 5 . 9 2 I . E . = 2 7 6 . 4 1 4 5 ° B e n d S t a " A - W " 0 + 3 3 . 0 6 8 " D I "A-W"0"A-W"1"A-W"2"A-W"3 (by others) Proposed curb (by others) Proposed curb 2. All pipe joints shall be restrained. requirements on trench detail, sheet C-2. comply with trench in roadway 1. All waterline trench backfill shall NOTE: note WN-22, sht. G-2 facilities (by others), see Proposed storm 8" W 16" W Sht. G-2 See notes WN-22 & CN-1, FL=281.78' 12" Strm. Sew. Sta "A-W" 2+59.24 Sht. G-2 See notes WN-22 & CN-1, 12" Strm. Sew. FL=276.97' Sta "A-W" 0+73.79 service required. Contractor to verify size of Drawing No. 520 or 521. with City of Tigard Standard existing service in accordance install new meter, reconnect to Abandon existing water service, I . E . = 2 8 2 . 6 7 ' 4 5 ° B e n d , r o l l e d S t a " A - W " 3 + 0 1 . 0 6 I . E . = 2 8 0 . 2 ' 4 5 ° B e n d , r o l l e d S t a " A - W " 2 + 9 2 . 4 DRAWING RECORD SEE DISCLAIMER, SHEET 1. 12-9-97 VERSION 4.1 I.E.=277.8'| (verify) Connect to Extg. 8" wat. 8" GV, MJ Sta "A-W" 0+02.50 1 1 A.M.B.RECORD DRAWING1 No.REVISIONS BY 06/01/15 DATE " G M - W " 2 " G M - W " 1 " A - W " 1 "A-W"0 " A -W " 3 " A - W " 2