06/12/2019 - Minutes Water Advisory Board (WAB) Minutes — =i-' i —.-.= ai14 .att!4S--WL& SERVING TIGARD WATER SERVICE AREA MEETING DATE: Wednesday,June 12, 2019, 5:30 p.m. MEETING LOCATION: Tigard Public Works Building 8777 SW Burnham Street Tigard, OR 97223 Members Present: Ken Henschel Representing the Tigard Water District (TWD) Keith Jehnke Representing the City of Durham Heidi Lueb Representing the City of Tigard Members Absent: None City of Tigard Staff Present: John Goodrich Executive Manager Sue Billings WAB Recorder 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Introductions John Goodrich called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. 2. Selection of Chair and Vice Chair Commissioner Henschel nominated Commissioner Jehnke for Chair of the Water Advisory Board (WAB), and Councilor I.ueb seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote of the commissioners and council members present, with Commissioners Henschel,Jehnke, and Councilor Lueb voting yes. Councilor Lueb nominated Commissioner Henschel for Vice Chair of the Water Advisory Board (WAB), and Commissioner Jehnke seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote of the commissioners and council members present, with Commissioners Henschel,Jehnke, and Councilor Lueb voting yes. Page 1 of 4 Water Advisory Board (WAB) Minutes SERVING TIGARD WATER SERVICE AREA 3. Review of the WAB Bylaws Commissioner I Ienschel, gave his input regarding changes to the wording on various sections of the Bylaws. 4. Public Comments There were no public comments. 5. Discussion on At-large Members regarding Selection Process WAB members discussed advertising for At-large members providing a two- week window with a deadline to allow for interviews prior to the August 14 WAB meeting. 6. Water Supply Update Mr. Goodrich reported: ■ Average water use for the month of May was 6.6 million gallons per day (mgd).This usage is typical for this time of year,but slightly less from this time last year (6.75 mgd). ■ For the month of May, there was no change in aquifer storage recovery (ASR) conditions. Stored water for ASR-1 is approximately 53 days of supply based on 1,000 gallons per minute (gpm) recovery rates.ASR-2 has 81 days of supply based on 1,500 gpm recovery rates. • Bonita Pump Station data for May 31 indicates a pH of 7.7 with 1.0 mg/L chlorine residual, 24 mg/L alkalinity,and water temperature of 17 centigrade (63 degrees F). ■ For the month of May, staff received five water quality complaints related to color(brown water) and chlorine taste/odor. Staff conducted local flushing within the vicinity of these customer complaints with improvement in water quality. • Water treatment plant operations continue to be normal. Ozone is fully functional and operating without any problems reported-5y-LakeO.swego rWater Treatment Plant staff. However, the Raw Water Intake Pump motors have been systematically removed and repaired. These motors were having premature bearing failure due to VFD stray current problems. The repairs provided additional power grounding and ceramic coated bearings to extend the life. These motors have been in service since 2015. • Clackamas River USGS information reports that the river is flowing at 1,710 cubic feet per second. These flows are above our conditional use parameters for May and June. Water temperature is 58 degrees F,with a pH of 7.6,and turbidity average at 1.0 NTU. These parameters appear seasonally normal. • Tigard Budget Committee completed their review of the FY 2020 Water Utility budget.Water system development charges (SDC) will increase 4.7% based on 12-month Seattle Construction Cost Index (CCI) information on July 1,2019. Page 2 of 4 Water Advisory Board (WAB) Minutes SERVING TIGARD WATER SERVICE AREA 7. Proposed Second Restated Cooperative Agreement —Willamette River Water Coalition John provided information regarding the history of the WRWC and clarity regarding the stewardship of the WRWC by the Tualatin Valley Water District. 8. Proposed Water Rates A rate increase was presented to Council on June 4, 2019, and Council agreed to an increase of 3.25% that will become effective January 1, 2020. 9. Information Items • John shared information regarding the Capital Improvement Plan, Water Master Plan, Water Cost-of-Service Analysis, and Water SDC updates with WAB members. • John presented a Proclamation from Mayor Snider, declaring "Tigard Water Independence Day"June 9. 10.Non-Agenda Items Commissioner Henschel inquired about the requirement for an Emergency Response Plan. 11. Next Meeting August 14, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. Public Works 10 roil, 8777 Burnham Street, Tigard, Oregon 12.Adjournment At 7:50 p.m., Councilor Lueb moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Jehnke seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned by unanimous vote of the commissioners and councilor present, with Commissioners Henschel, Jehnke, and Councilor Lueb voting yes Page 3 of 4 Water Advisory Board (WAB) Minutes SERVING TIGARD WATER SERVICE AREA Ke th Jehn AB Chair Sue Billings, WAB ltecorde Date: 1c) Q — I l Date: /U ' 9 /9 Page 4 of 4