03/23/1982 - Minutes CITY OF TIGARD CIVIC CENTER COMMITTEE The March 23, 1982 -meeting of the Civic Center Committee was called to order by the chairman, Dr. Samuels, at 7:30PM at the Durham Treatment Plant. Roll call of voting members was followed by the reading of the minutes, which were approved as read. The vice-chairman, Gary Fox, informed the group that all parts of Phase 1 had been completed, and had received the approval and "goal-ahead" from the City Council . Discussion centered on site analysis, cost estimates, policy options. Again, the subject of the Library was brought up. The question primarily, do it all now, or do it in stages later on, with inflation factors cited. A motion was made and seconded that the Library, as had been agreed, would be built consisting of.ther - 18000 sq ft, with the option of renting out 6000 sq ft as a viable option.; There were five ayes, one opposed and it was so moved. Because of the proximity to city government, it was stated that this would be highly desirable space, particularly to attorneys, accountants, etc. Bob Jean stated that it might mean that the city would have to give such tenants a three-year lease, but it was an option to look at. He also stated that Tektronix, as a tenant now, would plan to continue in that role at least through the next year. Suggestions were also given as to the desirabil- ity of showing the voters that there were ways to bring in revenue via rentals, and also other types of tenants who might possibly be considered; one suggestion - the Police Department. It was reaffirmed that the Library, as outlined in Plan B, would have its needs met for 20 years. It was reiterated that the council chambers would be referred to as the Community Hall . The opinion was given that after attending affairs at the present community hall , voters would be pleased to have a pleasant atmosphere and area for some of the community needs , giving as examples some of the local club shows, and meetings for different groups. Dr. Samuels stated that he was quite concerned about a rumor he had heard relative to the mayor being uncomfortable with the plan as adopted by the committee, and would not sup- port it. He wanted permission to write a letter stating his concern about lack of mayoral support. Discussion on this subject seemed to identify it as just that - a rumor; it was felt by those speaking to this question, that the mayor did support the plan. Chief Adams spoke about his concern relative to a firing range. There was discussion on this issue that the chief feels is important. Some of the suggestions as to its possibility ranged from locating it as a second story at the Public Works site, to other locations. Bob Jean stated that they would have a second look as to its feasi- bility. The chief stated that it could be used for other needs as well . Dr. Samuels asked Chief Adams to feel out other communities what use they would make of it, what con- tributions could be expected and would the range bring in revenue - showing the voters that it would pay its own way. It was suggested that there should be a meeting of the whole committee, 171 members at a later date; also a campaign strategy developed. . Linda Sargent will ,get a mailing out to these members inviting them to the meeting on April 20 - which, it 'was suggested, should be held in the present community hall , enhancing the need for the new one. Dennis Brun is to bring a progress report to the April 6th meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 9:25PM.