11/09/2000 - Minutes Library Construction Committee Meeting Notes Thursday,November 9, 2000 The meeting convened at 6:30 p.m. The committee members present were: Joyce Patton, David Chapman, Curtis Tigard and George Burgess. Perspective committee members present were: Brian Douglas, Sue Carver, Lonn Honklin and Elaine Heras. Architects from BML present were Rich Brooks and Gary Larson. Staff present were: Bill Monahan, Gus Duenas and Margaret Barnes. City Manager Bill Monahan facilitated the meeting. He led a discussion that reviewed the process for the selection of new committee members. The City Council has selected six additional citizens to participate in this committee. The new members will be appointed at the City Council Meeting on Tuesday,November 14. He also mentioned the "Needs Analysis for the Tigard Library" a report prepared by BML Architects/Ripley Consulting. The new committee members will all be receiving a copy of this document. In addition to the new members there may be other people with specific areas of knowledge the committee may wish to use as a resource as we move along in this process. It was also mentioned that at some point the committee will want to select a citizen member of the committee to be Chair. Rich Brooks from BML distributed preliminary information about possible sites. He spoke about how he had driven around Tigard looking for potential sites in the area around City Hall and in the downtown Main Street area. Most sites in order to be viable need to be at least between 3.5 and 4 acres. He want on to say that 5 acres would be more ideal since it would allow for future growth. The current target size for the building is around 46,000-sq. ft., which is larger than originally expected. The target date to expand again after a new building is constructed given the population growth in the area is 2017. Rich reviewed the information about the possible sites with the committee. He explained the ranking system used in the matrix. He stated that after the committee had selected some of the proposed sites for further study BML will design some layout models to see if the models will fit on the property. Gary Larson also commented on the idea of looking at a location around City Hall and the downtown area. This is where transportation is available and the focus groups last spring expressed an interest in the library staying in this area. There was a discussion about the results from the recent election. It was mentioned that both the local transportation bond and the recreational district bond had failed. In addition, Measure #7 the land use/zoning measure passed. It is unclear at this time the impact these results will have on this process. It is important to go forward and narrow the possible site list to six. Rich also distributed a programming/site schedule. This was reviewed with the committee. A draft copy of the programming report, which the consultant Cynthia Ripley is working on, will be sent to Margaret in about two weeks. The programming report describes and recommends the needed level of service for the library and how different areas of operation are adjacent to each other. There was discussion about the challenge concerning informing the public why they need a new facility. It was mentioned that both May and November of 2002 are possible times that a bond measure for a new library may be placed on the ballot. Lonn Honklin spoke about the need to have an organized campaign to inform people and to get out the vote. All of the committee will receive a list of committee members. Rich Brooks will be sending a map to the Library this week. It will be photocopied and sent to all the committee members. In December the full committee will meet to have an orientation for new members, continue to review the possible sites and have a discussion about selecting a chairperson for the group. A tentative meeting date was scheduled for Monday, December 4 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.