03/14/1978 - Minutes MINUTES Tigard Library Board March 14 , 1978 Call to order The regular meeting of the Tigard Library Board & roll call : was called to order at 1 :40 P.M. by Chairman Yvonne Burgess, All members were present, Reports : Minutes of the previous meeting were approved, The Librarian presented the monthly report for February. Old Business : A finalized version of the Library' s circulation policy was presented. It was discussed and changes were made , The Librarian was instructed to write in the changes and present a final paper at the next meeting, The Librarian presented a statement covering gifts and donations to the Board for inclusion in the book selection policy, Motion: Nancie Stimler moved that the statement be adopted as part of the selection policy. Motion was seconded and passed , New Business : The Librarian presented the proposed budget for 197879 operating expenses and capital outlay, The items were discussed, Darlene Laughlin moved Motion: that the Board accept the proposed budget as presented. The motion was seconded and passed, The Librarian announced to the Board that Pat Stryker, WCCLS consultant for library capital improvements , will be at the Library on March 17 to gather information in assessing the Library ' s needs . The Librarian presented materials from Oregon State Library regarding Speak Out activities for National Library Week, April 2-8. Betsy Chick suggested that this be incorporated into a Friends of the Library meeting to be held that week. Nancie Stimler suggested that Librarian have the questionnaires available in the Library and explore possibility ,of running it in the local newspapers , The Librarian read a letter from the Spiritual Assembly of the Bahai ' s of Washington County in- dicating their wish to donate two volumes to the Library. Meeting adjourned at 3 :40 P.M. Resppeyctfully submitted, Irene Ertell A�Proved: Approved as corrected :