09/18/1973 - Minutes 2I%93 :2 .22 .G a :' I " 2y 3 m 1801973 2£e ieeti63 was called to c at 10:A w} t5e 'President, Jeri 'ndif£, rPr eseat ye£e >on uaco s, 7vcn e »&£yeas, and i'lar-T alema s besides tie »resident. 11i&=tes se2e read aha approved as read. . Under old business, the yi6J of land v= &arol 'eed's group was discussed again and er lv d I£ this time. ?3e Fr iends of the 2ibr y tom sale netted & 1.00 of which 41)),00 was ~e=t to £cam se a five d>wer card :le and a set of to y lei for tie library to add to tie ijibrarlr 5oa£a g=£c se a: their 'cannd' . der £ business, it was nounsed t--a-, tze ie=6J of the Library Iola be v n§ a bow rev-ie-.,, for t<eir : ted er meeting and a ?up mc£s atio yartv for October. Phe times would to rested in the liter 7, lea Ch isle e de her a ± do»tip is t5e liar ry wi which catalog eliding shelves -would be obtained, < Sly §m! note would' to sent when tne »oma as a-1-rive, The 14brary cr n§ei iter hours to a full 11 to ±: ',-Iondays and e est 7e to provide more time for after- sc»ool an. 'he zeeti±§ was aijo>=&ed, tKen. Z: ect'llv zu- tted; Anne _Jc , zeceetcr3