10/14/1975 - Minutes L%B :'.a:Y T-- ,J ML FO F, GC-C--R 14th,1975• The C7ariman, JeVi Cundiff, opened the reeting and the minutes awere read and corrected. '''hose present Jere Jeri, "Carlisle, Lary -ler,ons, an,,-,, ivonne '-°ur;ess+ Under old -business, the bac:; room discussed. i'he JC's ~gill be _,ayin- the rent and we should be in the first ;art of . ecember. Yvonne told about thu ldet,.aork meeting. '-'he discussion and rules about the r E D courier service; the progre3,3 of Ue coor.::inators in the Rocks by -ail, boo.:mobile, :etc. ; a .d l,rs Lalton coming; to the next t-eeting; and reference service at i"aclflc Universit,,7 was also discussed. mince there gra:z-: no further business, the rreetino, was adjourned.