02/08/1977 - Minutes Ti-ard Li"rar-r 3r)ard in u t e s - 2ebru-:.ry 8, 1977 The re,711.ar rpetin, of the ,'i.- rd Librar --joard wraF,, ca-l-led to order by the cha-*I-rman, Yvonne re s,e.n t Yvonne 311-ges., , ."Inne hicks, 7ary `31e"jonq , Jeri Cundiff, Jean Don Jacobs and Irene ',:rtell . I'T Tl e been s t--p ` c.e t . e at]-a's- s�.t,-n!1 her a r r i ve(? ^.n s i n 1:4 s e 7 '�'ick,- r�,vi ewed the proT�o,,7ec"I lud;�-et for 2Y ' Q78, -,.nne I - - 0 C' I , I ex l4inin, that the rent gill -(-)ba')1v -o u-0, -Jhe also noted that the J.�- '-,-ikpll,T to )e cut in the event that city -crsonnei are Fiven rri E s which :are due , 4 . ',Exceilent -)u-Llrnn the Iibra-v trlrnu 7h F-ift books wa�� noted. -T.,. ,,U T "-T ' 1 . The vearl�r -I I-brary re,,--..o-rt reflected a c i rcul a t i on o-1p 72, CCC, 2 . A. eounl done in E-1-ri-y siowed an increase 4 -- the rat,io o out-of-town to in-town user c'=- d-- beint-, uti'tized , The earlier ra-'—Io , in June 1976, vias 1 to 2 . 141- is now 6 tf, 7. 3 . ':')Ier=s, su�y-ested -r.h-,--" a Tetter "Ci(e sent IUO the owner o�i the 7-ibra-ry bjild—i -rag thanking him for -thp. _l-nprovern'entp. and i eneral ui17Keep. 4. it was decJ ded to send a Iettcr oil" '.Yianks tri Broh Cai;tf-,r vho rnnovI a --II- p-1, ace, don;�iit -1- in�r his ime and_ the T�,',aterial.s . , -I.-ed the fI rpj- / 5 , Chairman 3-ar=-ess announced t�iat no COMMUn.ic--Ition from City Council- reT-trding -newly appo--inted boa-,-.'-I'- member. 6- The Center .!cmes every three -vieeks arid checlks out books . 7. The library has recently en-larged its record -collection. 1 ii-,�ard Library 3o;.,,d - 2 8. The book budget for the past ye-"r wac 65 ,000, 3ooks average ;,10 ,0 ; each at discount , Lhe r:eeting ti IS adjourned . Respectfully submitted, Irene Erluell Ar)-,)rcve . 1 Appreed as read :