Hearings Officer Packet - 05/26/1983 - Deemie ►' adapa®io 1640 HEARING OFFICER DECISION 6/83 Deemie, Paul & Judy V 4-83 BEFORE THE HEARINGS OFFICER FOR THE CITY OF TIGARD IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) FOR A VARIANCE TO REDUCE THE No. MINIMUM LOT SIZE REQUIREMENT OF ) AN R-7 ZONE OF 7 , 500 SQ. FT. TO ) • 7 , 367 SQ. FT. ; Paul and Judy ) V 4-83 ) Deemie, Applicants. ) This matter coming before the Hearings Officer at the regularly scheduled meeting of May 26 , 1983 , at 7 : 00 P.M. in the conference room of the Durham Treatment Plant, in Tigard, Oregon, at which time testimony, evidence and the Planning Department' s staff report were received; and The Hearings Officer adopts the findings and conclusions contained within the staff report, a copy of which is attached * hereto and incorporated by reference herein and marked Exhibit "A" ; therefore I'I' IS HEREBY ORDERED V 4-83 is approved subject to the condition that all conditions of the approval of subdivision S 2-83 shall be met. DATED this /� day of June , 1983 . HEARINGS OFFICER APPROVED: BATII MASON �.._ / CITY OF TIGA Ru WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON NOTICE OF FINAL DECISION 1. The final decision was filed by: HEARINGS OFFICER Concerning V 4-83 —_ on June 6, 1983 Case Number Date 2. Name of Owner: Paul & Judy Deemie 3. Name of Applicant: Same Address 9740 S.W. McDonald St. City Tigard State Or. 4. Location of Property: Address 9740 S.W. McDonald St . Legal Description 2S1 IIBA lots 300 and 302 5. Nature of Application: Variance to R-7 lot for a lot size of 7,367 sq. ft . 6. Action: L_I Approval as requested L_U Approval with conditions F--1] Denial 7. Notce: *Notice was published in the newspaper & was mailed to: The applicant & owners C XX XX Owners of record within the required distance �J The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization Affected governmental agencies XX *If there are questions regarding the names of the persons or agencies who received notice, this information is available at the Planning Department. 8. Final Decision: The adopted findings of fact, decision, and statement of condition can be obtained frcm the Planning Director, City of Tigard, City Hall , 12.755 SW Ash, P.O. Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223. in the case of a decision on an application for a variance, the applicant must acknowledge this form and return it to the City of Tigard, Planning Director, before any building permits will be issued or engineering approval given. Signature of Applicant or Applicant's Agent. , Aml9. Appeal: An appeal [ J has been filed [F] has not been filed. Note: Any party to the decision may appeal this decision in accordance with Section 18.84.2509 which provides that a written appeal may be filed within fourteen days after notice is given and sent. Notice is given on June 8, 1983 + therefore the deadline for filing of an appeal is June 22, 1983 • 10. Questions: If you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Department, 639-4171 . 11 tc 1) A - 4:1(11 )01. /- STAFF REPUR1 AGENDA ITEM 2.1 C1'1Y OF 'IIGARD HEARINGS OFFICER May 26, 1983 - 7:00 P.M. DURHAM WASTE TREATMENT PLAN1 Corner of SW Hall and SW Durham A. FACTS 1. General Information: CASE: Variance (V 4-83) Paul & Juuy Deemie NPO # 6 REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval of a variance from Section 18.20.035 of the Zoning Code to allow for a 7,3b7 sq. ft. Lot in an approved H-7 subdivision. Section 18.20.035 reads, in part as follows : 18.20.035 Lut - It--i 4011.". lu an I. i llae Lut ate ree be as follows : (1) The minimum lot area shall be seven thousanu five hunured square feet , excepting for duplex use. RECOMMENDATION: Based on staff 's review, applicable policies and field inspections, staff recommends that the Hearings Officer approve the proposed variance. APPL1CAN1: Paul & Judy De,mie OWNER: Same 9740 S.W. McDonald St. Tigard, Oregon 97223 LOCATION: 9740 S.W. McDonald St. (Wash Co. lax Map 2S1 11SA lots 300 and 302). LOT AREA: . 71 acres COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low Density Residential ZONING DES1GNA11ON: k-10 PUBLIC NOTICES: Notices were mailed to 24 surround in) leropeat ) owners. At the time this report was written, nu written comments had been received. NPU GUMMEN'): NPU # 6 has not altered any written comment en thi ., application. BACKGROUND/PkEV1U0s ACTION: Un March 1 , 1983, the applicant tiled an application for subdivision approval in a R-7 zone. on March 16, 1983, the 'Tigard City Council adopted the interim zoning map which designated the property k-10. On April 5, 1983, the Tigard Planning Commission approved a lout lot subdivision for the properly with lot sIZe of approximately 7,500 Sq. It . k AREA CHARAC'IEIF.'S'IICS: The surrounding property is all designated low density on the Comprehensive Plan, zoned R-7 to the north and east, R-10 to the west and south and mostly developed as single family residences. SITE CHARACTERISTICS: The site slopes to the south. there is an existing house on the property which will remain. The shed and tence which are currently on the property will be removed. There are some trees on the site that are part of the landscaping around the existing house. The vacant portion of the property is covered with grass and brush. APPLICAbLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES: '. I . I 'lhf' City shall maint.,in an ongoing citizen involvement ltrotrant ilnli ;,troll assure that citizens will lit' pt,‘vidt'tl .III iT1,i1 : I lilt to be involved in all phases of the planning process. Notices were sent to all property owr,..rs within 250 feet of the application. A notice was published in the Tigard limes on May 12, 1983. In addition, NPO # 6 has been notified of the application 2. 1.3 The City shall ensure that information on land use planning issues is available in an understandable form for all interested citizens. All interested parties are given, at a minimum, 10 days to respond in writing to the application and request under consideration and are encouraged to du so. The planning staff is available to address any specific questions concerning the application or the application process. 6. 1. 1 The City shall provide an opportunity for diversity of housing densities and residential types at various price and rent levels. The subdivision of this property will provide three additional single family building lots in Tigard. 8. 1.3 'lhe City shall require as a precondition to development approval that : a. Development abut a publicly dedicated street or have adequate access approved by the appropriate approval authority; h. Street right-ol-way be dedicated when(' the street is substandard in width ; c. the Developer commit to the construction of the streets, curbs and sidewalks to city standards within the development ; S'IAl F' RI•.I'aek'I V 4-81 Page 2 wimisimimmimas d. Individual developers participate in the improvement of existing streets, curbs and sidewalks to the extent of the development's impacts ; The applicant has dedicated ten feet of property along McDonald St. for the improvement of McDonald. In addition, the applicant is participating in the ligardvllle heights LID. Improvements have been made to SW McDonald and SW 97th bringing both streets up to city standards in front of the subject property. APPLICABLE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE PROVISIONS 18.76.020 Granting - Conditions. No variance shall be granted by the hearings Officer unless it can be shown that all of the following Conditions exist : (1) Lxceptional or extraordinary conditions applying to the property that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone or vicinity, which conditions are a result of lot size or shape, topography, or other circumstances over which the applicant has no control; (2) The variance is necessary for the preservation of a property right of the applicant substantially the same as is possessed by owners of other property in the same zone or vicinity; (3) The authorization of the variance shall not be materially detrimental to the purposes of this title, be injurious to property in the zone or vicinity in which the property is location, or be otherwise detrimental to the objectives of any city development plan or policy; (4) The variance requested is the minimum variance from the provisions and standards of this title which will alleviate the hardship. (Ord. 70-32 Section 240-2, 1970). 18.20.035 Lot - k-7 zone. In an R-7 zone the lot size shall be as follows : (1 ) the minimum lot area shall be seven thousand live hundred square feet, excepting for duplex use; STAFF ANALYSIS: 'Ihe applicant/property owner has dedicated 10 feet oI property along; the northern properly line for the the improvement of SW McDonald Street. In addition, the applicant is participating in the ligardville Heights LID for the improvement of both McDonald St . and SW 97th to city standards. if the ten foot dedication along SW McDonald had not been required, the applicant would have had enough property to meet the 7,500 sq. it . minimum in the k-7 zone. SUFI, KII'11k'1 V 4-83 Page 1 2. The variance is necessary for the preservation ot a property right the same as possessed by other property owner participating in the ligardville Heights LID: the preliminary assessments for the LID were based on the potential number of lots for each piece of property. The Deemie's were assessed for a development potential of four lots. In addition, the street and property dimensions shown on the County's tax maps were incorrect. those dimensions were used to calculate the lot area for the preliminary subdivision plan. 3. The authorization of this variance will not be materially detrimental to the purposes of this code. The Planning Commission approved the four lots of approximately 7,500 sq. ft. . It is staff 's opinion �9 that a lot which is 233 sq. ft. under the minimum lot size will not be noticeable to surrounding property owners. 4. As is evidenced by the site plan attached, the applicant is asking for the minimum variance too allow for the creation of tour Iota: :as approved by the Planning; commission. 'lbs• lot i_unl igurut tern i own i ns the same as approved by the Planning Conunisei'n. The other three lots are each less than ten sq. it. larger than the 7,500 sq. it. minimum. SUMMARY: Based on staff's review the proposed variance request meeLs the conditions for granting a variance. In addition, the proposals meets applicable Comprehensive Plan Policies. Staff recommends the following condition be attached to the approval : 1. All conditions of the approval ot subdivision S 2-B3 shall he met . PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: ElizfArill04170 beth A. Newton Wtlltan A. Monahan Associate Planner Direct)r of Planning and Development STAFF KE:Pt►k'1 V 4-83 Page 4