PFI2018-00201 CITY OF TIGARD PUBLIC FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PERMIT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Permit#: PF12018-00201 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard OR 97223 503.718.2421 Date Issued: 09/19/2018 Parcel: SEG1114 Jurisdiction: Tigard Site address: Subdivision: Lot: Project: Frontier Communications Project Description: SEG 1114/ 1113. Frontier will be splicing cable to reroute affected customers of Manchester Square Apartments that work order is 51351-WO 660431. Frontier will also be placing new copper cable and removing defective copper cable as other customers on this lead that are currently not having trouble will once fall rains hit, that work order is 51351-5232889. Owner: FEES Description Date Amount PFI Permit Fee 09/05/2018 $300.00 PHONE: Contractor: SONICOM 1275 S KODIAK CIRCLE CORNELIUS, OR 97113 PHONE: 503-519-3443 FAX: Applicant: RUSSEL WELLS 4155 SW CEDAR HILLS BLVD BEAVERTON, OR 97005 PHONE: 503-643-1001 Total $300.00 Please sign below to indicate acceptance of conditions and return a copy with the proposed work schedule along with names and contact information of responsible parties before beginning work- Permittee/Applicant Signature: See application Issued By: Special Conditions(See Attached) Note:THIS PERMIT DOES NOT COVER WORK ON PRIVATE PROPERTY Conditions for PF12018-00201 Type: Condition Name: Status: Severity: PFI_Utilities 01 -WORK SITE REQUIREMENTS Applied Notice Applicant must comply with all applicable provisions of federal and state law,the Tigard Municipal Code, and the terms of any agreement with the City of Tigard regarding work to be done pursuant to this permit. PFI_Utilities 02-WORK SITE AREA Applied Notice The work area and approach roads shall be maintained in a clean condition, free from obstructions and hazards. The spreading of mud or debris or storage of materials or equipment of any kind upon any public roadway is strictly prohibited and violation shall be cause for immediate cancellation of the permit. The City may at any time order immediate clean-up and suspension of work to accomplish clean-up. PFI_Utilities 03-WORK SITE EROSION CONTROL Applied Notice Prior to starting work, effective and approved erosion control devices must be installed and maintained meeting the Clean Water Services and DEQ requirements. The City may at any time order corrective action and suspension of work to accomplish effective erosion control. PFI—Utilities 04-WORK SITE REPAIRS Applied Notice Disturbed landscaped areas shall be restored or replaced. Existing signs, pavement markings, mailboxes, etc. shall be reinstalled or replaced,with like kind of material. Obtain City approval of restoration work. PFI_Utilities 05-TRAFFIC CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS Applied Notice Applicant shall provide traffic control according to the current edition of the"Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices [MUTCD]for Streets and Highways", U.S. Dept. of Transportation, FHWA, current edition, American Traffic Safety Services Association[ATSSA], and Oregon Temporary Traffic Control Handbook[OTTCH]. PFI_Utilities 06-TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Applied Notice Submit a job specific traffic control plan. A copy of the approved traffic control plan shall be readily available at the work area. Traffic control devices, flag persons, etc., shall be in place prior to initiation of construction work and shall be effectively maintained. PFI_Utilities 07-TRAFFIC CONTROL ROAD CLOSURE Applied Notice Public roadway shall not be closed to traffic, at any time,without obtaining written approval from the City Engineer. The applicant is responsible to provide 48 hour advance notice of traffic flow disruptions to affected businesses, residents and area wide Emergency Services: 503-629-0111 (Tigard Police Dept., Tualatin Fire&Rescue)and to 503-962-8140(Tri-Met) and 503-431-2345(Tigard School District)and other service providers impacted by such closure. PFI_Utilities 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL PROPERTY ACCESS Applied Notice Access to existing properties shall be maintained at all times, including normal delivery service and mail service. Obtain City approval of any access closures. PFI_Utilities 09-TRAFFIC CONTROL WORK HOURS Applied Notice Work is permitted in daylight between the hours of 7:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m. Mon-Fri unless otherwise authorized by the City. PFI_Utilities 10-TRAFFIC CONTROL LIMITED WORK HOURS Applied Notice Hours of construction work on collector and arterial roads will be limited to 9:00 a.m.to 3:00 p.m. unless authorized by the City Engineer. Work will not be permitted on collector and arterial roads between 3:00 p.m.to 9:00 a.m. unless authorized by the City Engineer, PFI_Utilities 11 -TRAFFIC CONTROL MODIFICATION Applied Notice The City reserves the right to add to or modify traffic control requirements as necessary to effectively control traffic and to assure public safety. PFI_Utilities 12-UTILITY NOTIFICATION Applied Notice Oregon law requires following the rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Said rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-0100 through OAR 952-001-0080. Copies of said rules may be obtained from the Center by calling 503-246-1987. If you have any question about the rules, contact the Center. NOTE: Damage to utilities shall be corrected at the permit holder's expense. PFI_Utilities 13-UTILITY LOCATION CONFLICT Applied Notice Applicant must verify all existing utilities for both vertical elevation and horizontal location prior to start of work(pothole before digging if necessary). Should conflicts arise and redesign or relocation of facilities be necessary, it shall be done at the applicant's expense. Changes must be approved by the City in advance of work.Applicant shall coordinate the work with affected utility agencies. PFI—Utilities 14-TEMPORARY PATCH Applied Notice A temporary hard-surface patch shall be placed on trenches within roadways at the end of each work shift. Obtain advance approval of patching method. No trench shall be left at any time in an un-safe condition. Applicant is responsible for and is liable for hazards or damage resulting from the prosecution of the work. PFI_Utilities 15-REPAIR OF EXISTING FACILITIES Applied Notice Work under this permit shall include repair of existing facilities(roads, ditches, etc.)as may be necessary, as determined by the Inspector,to overcome deterioration or damage which occurred in conjunction with the work authorized by the permit. Corrective work shall be done at the applicant's expense. PFI_Utilities 16-PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING Applied Notice Before initiating any construction activity, the applicant shall coordinate with the City's inspector, <Insert Name>at<Insert Phone#>,to establish a preconstruction meeting. PFI_Utilities 17-NOTICE TO COMMENCE WORK Applied Notice The applicant shall notify the City's Inspector twenty-four(24)hours prior to commencing work, prior to any staged inspection, and after completing work covered by the permit. PFI_Utilities 18-PERMIT/PLAN ON SITE Applied Notice A copy of the permit including a Certificate of Insurance, and all attachments, and a copy of the approved construction plan and all amendments shall be readily available at the work area. All work shall conform to the permit terms, conditions and provisions and to the City approved permit plans, and approved plan amendments and to the City's standards and specifications and to these General Conditions. Changes to any of these must be approved by the City, in advance of work performance. PFI_Utilities 19-MONUMENT PROTECTION Applied Notice Existing monuments, property corners, and survey markers shall be protected. Replacement shall be at the permit holder's expense. PFI_Utilities 20-EMERGENCY CONTACTS Applied Notice Provide to the City inspector, in writing,the names and 24 hour emergency telephone number of two(2)persons who have authority to resolve problems, take corrective action and, in general,will be responsible in case of any emergency. The applicant shall notify the City Inspector, in writing, of any/all assignment changes. PFI_Utilities 21 -OTHER Applied Notice REGEI� E D City of Tigard JUL 2 6 Z018 PUBLIC' WORKS -- ENGIN117YINGCITY OF TIGARD - --;'' ERING Pubhc Facthty Ttn rovement (PFITPermit TYPE OF WORK DESCRIPTION OF WORK(iii the right-of-way) F�TYPE I-Fnitichise 11tility\Vork Check one:7 I'tilities OSidewalk/driveway,,il)pro,,tcli El Street iniprovenien ts performed by NXVN5 PCIE, mid/or ufi11tvqv'P11Cy. Detailed description: 5-1-T51- WD 6&A4.31 AAJ17 El TYPE 2-S. 1-/ 75 1 - 5Z TZBF�-1 \Vork-perfonned for the purpose of Sidewalk installation or repair. installation Property address/location(s): 19k1l) 5'ltjA 'aFFIJU 5* -incl/or rep 57/Zff T I I I!i ml, Sanitary sewer hitend installation and/or nuln line tap F&W 17/6 a— M1#1&j1a1?1W 5 El TYTE 3-Full suite Development Address: i-At"19 W'ork-pufomied with Land USC apptoval which includes itiv of Ctity/state: /11): 3711195- the followitig. - Subdivisions or Partitions Phone:1044C-YAO/ F,rnail: Yy j"161 L,&.lej 1-�+ f-t r,a 14 Contact narne: Phone: - Street widening - Nbinfine installation for Swilt.try Contractor -100 la4 sewer, Stone sewer, 'Tigard water (:C]3#: [-,Ixpiration: 1IM119 mid/or'fiprd W'..itcr Service Arca .Address. AFe 0 INE D11 VE— SUBMITCOMPIXTE M APPLICKnONTO: ("i q/S tatc: &L x1p: 9 1124- City of Tigard Phone: AO;-519-TWImail: Planning/Engineering 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Contact name: Pi aidgn Phone: W-i-N -J'445- Tigard,OR 97223 %pplication";lbr"Inillor xvo4'in right-ol'-way" 1--.'ngineer only 111.1y be entailedto: Address: ("ity/state: XIII: Phone:— No.: _rr• 120 k&--002-01 Comm itr-lnie: Application subinitt-A fee(07,'(l of Engineer's Fsfinime) S E,;tlimucd v-,ilueof work-is required(if ovcj-$5,000):$ AMA Additional fees: S (xvithin the public right-of-way) Appficationaccepted: Bv: AL- bate: Is work related to ii LAN17-LTSI: Yes If so, please specify (MITA' SIM, SUB,etc.) case #: Application reviewed: By: 6Z' —Date: Is work- re=lated to a BUI1,IAN(.3 PFANIIT? El d'-C.1; Applicant notified: ji If so,pie-ase specify(BUILDING 11F.10111By: Dite., g )case#: W *-f I,\ENG\Per m1tAp pt icat Ion s%,pfi_a pp I Icat Ion Effect helO/16/2017 City of Tigard 13125 S\X"Hall Blvd. - 'figarcl,Oregon 97223 ww\%.tiprd-of.gov * 503-718-24211 - Page 1 of 4 APPLICANTS NOTE: Person specified as`A- pplicant"shrill be desiviated"Permittee"and shall prm,lde financial assurance fc:a-work, if required by file city pursumt to'IAIC; 15.1)-}1.14(1. XVidt the exception of a utility operating;pti suant to a valid franchise 17111 the City of Tigard,when ll►e owner and the applicant are different People,the applicmlt hitt be tile purchaser of wCord ora lessee Ill po-sesciotl Willi willtetl authorization from ill(-owner or an agent of the ow•iler. '11►r owner(s)luust sign this application in the space provided or subunit a writien authotvatiou with tltis application. E+rauchised L'tilities arc not required to obtain tllc owners siguatutc•on tlle application BY SIGNING BELOW,THE APPLICANT(S)SHALL CERTIFY THAT: • The:al)(we request does nor violate any mcurded deed restrictions that injy be attached r()or impc)sed LI Oil the.•stibiect • If tile.application is p-mited,the applicalir will exercise the ri�;ilrs granted in accordance with the terms mid subject to all the c:unditions gild limitations of rile approval. • All of the above stateinents and the statements ill any plat plan,attachments,Auld exhibits transmitted herewith,are tike;and the applicants so acknowledge rhat any permit issued,based oil this application,tray be revoked if it is fouled that mly such statements etre false. • They applicant has read the entire contents of die applicatic_itl,including the policies and criteria,and understands rile requirements for approving(.)I-denying the application. I11t5 L uan, 71&II E ip li tl /:�ttthc>ri�cc F1gent's sl�),l lftire Print mine l�;ttc SIGNATURES of each owner of the: subject property, if required. Owner's signmure print tl,tt»c 111te Owner's signature I'rhir mime bare. Owner's sign-ahu-e PI'Itlt millic PUBLIC FACILITY IMPROVEMENT PERMIT" City of Tigard 13125 SNX-'1 tall I31vd. • T'igard,Orej4m 97223 • wwwtigard-or.gov 51)3-718-2421 Page 2 of'4 DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING FEESFOR STAFF USE ONLY Public Facility Iml)rovemeut(PFI)Permit: DETAILED SUBMITTAL REi QUIREMENTS APPLICATION FEE Part 1: Required submittal fee$300.00 FRANCHISE UTILITY AND SIDEWALK/ PERMIT FEE DRWEWAYAND UTILITY Part 2: All non-warcr system itnprovemeiits CONNECTIONS,ETC.(work in the right of way) Engineer's estimate X 5%(less$300.00 subtnittal fee) EngYneer's estimate Z 2% Pl,,ui Review Sketch (mcludinginfvrmation below) WATER SYSTEM FEE ❑ Dimensions Part 3: All public water system improvements ❑ Street Name Engineer's estimate 4 12°/t► ❑ Site Address PFI Permit Fee Exemptions; FULL SCALE DEVELOPMENT There will be no permit fee charged,or assurance required for tl.ie followitag types of v►Tor1L: (Subclivisions/Partitioxns and Street Improvements) • Sidewalk re-pair(less thaui 20 lineal feet) • Relocate or replace mailbox Design Plans • Ditch cleaning that does not involve regwdiizg. (G Sets,2406 or.2-64) • Weep hale repair ❑ Cover—Site,Nriciniqr,Abbreviation,Legend • CUrb repair or replacetnetit(less than 20 lineal feet) ❑ General Notes(Gty,Water,Sewer,etc.) • Laurn sprinkler system iinstatllatioti or repair ❑.Street(Plan,Profile) • Street tree pruning or planting ❑ water,Storni aittd$artitan,(Plaut Profile) • Planter strip landscape tnaittten"uice ❑ Water Quality 1±arcilities • Tesr��reUs 11 Gra&ig ❑ Landscaping/Tree Plan ❑ Composite Utility Plan(Electrical,Phone,Gas, Note: A cash assurance ntay be required per Stoma,Sanitary,Water,Signiage,Street Lights,etc) TMC 15.04.140.(customer deposit) ❑ Details ❑ `Traffic Sight Distance ❑ Signing.rid Striping ❑ Street Light Plain acid Photometric ❑ Engineers seal/signiature ❑ Sheet label(project land use name,revision and plan log block-,dates and sheet numbers.) Additional Sulnnittals (per Land Use conditions) ❑ 'I'raffic Report ❑ Stotm water Drainage Calculations ❑ Geotcchnical Report ❑ Prelinunary Access Report(Sight Distance) ❑ Proposed Plat ❑ Pathway Design(if applicable) ❑ Nater Department Approval ❑ Eitgineer s Constmcrion Estimate PUBLIC FACILITY IMPROVEMENT PERMIT City of Tigard 13125 MVTTall Blvd. • Tig'trd,Orcgon 97223 • -%,,�vwtigard-or.g,:)v • 503-7113-242I Page3 of 4 SAMPI-E ffiETCH: S� ATTA049) Ed--e- Of Pavell-Lerit Ditch sti-eetlight — - —-— RfAft I-TihL T ri oj,o U E-6sting House E--:-'st i n g D '3fi Q I Loi CL 01 CL ,LI -ECr L .111 A >+' E.-,1A1ng '.:1hcip L= 2 Povvelpole- aI I F r;7 7-—-—-—-7 r;p 7r �'L 7in-p-—-— -— -—-—- Fire Hydrant(FH) Scale, 'I-=-30' d MINIMUM SKETCH REQUIREMENTS(Put"N/All if Not Applicabte): North arrow Property lines& dimem',1011 'slope of property trcer &.0rect mune J."Xisting budding,SWI]Cftircs L1611tv&street light poles Proposed work Vxisting curb or edge Trees Existing SAV or of pavement F"Xisting utility locations D/Waproti (sever,water,storm) 1-1 U BLIC FACILITY11\111ROVEMENT PERMIT City of'Tigard - 13125 S\V1 h1l Blvd. - Tigiird,Oregon 97223 - %v\v'\vnprd-or.gov s 503,718-2421 s Paguc 4 of'4 F a;Wj)�i jeA770Ut Yf �- Bile X133- WOU44-31 513,51- ' Z;SZ :99 ------------------------- C cn cn n a 1-n C.)z o rt 3 u ocno nocno I a1 j � a a � Single Flagger Operation "' C' for Low Volumes I (Optional) O m cn w N � i {ADT C 400)o cn c: D n I BEc FLAaarnA I PREPAREDROAD ONE SANE W a I H 7► J• H I TO STQP AHEAD r 0 w W 1 4— 'mn. i 4- I \ O O C-) — — muc — �►— I �\ ROAD (D I •�•®• I � � WORK to r K K K K \ n V w J l Ic a �� os. I AHEAD g I \ I O ILA TM a.&.h CvekaIrs ►�V+11C7 A B ------------------------� Tt 1 mile I -n max. • • to Q B B AT-It Buffer Protection Vehicle ROAD w/TMA(both Optional) WORK See Chapter 4 0 R�1 AHEAD144 NE Two Flagger Operation 3 v w � U, (Optional) IU o a t`N SW JWL &UID ri�tlT1�Z C�E�}f11J,(.IILA�T�DAl S -i72AFR[_ MLTIR . PZMJ L 1 TY/ i/maim a im r X1351' X10 X59 Page 84 2011 Edition Stationary Lane Closure with Flagging Diagram 320 Diagram 320 covers total closure of one lane of a two-lane,two-way roadway. See the detail inset for the layout if using a single flagger to control both directions of traffic on low volurne roads (less than 400 ADT)with good sight distance as discussed below. 1. Use truck-rnounted flashing warning lights on work and protection vehicles. See Section 4.3— Lights and Lighted Signs for exceptions. 2. For added visibility, a truck-mounted arrow board or PCMS in caution mode may be used. 3. Flaggers at each approach are required if any of the following conditions exist: a. Night Operations. b. Work space is over 200 feet in length. c. Sight distance is less than 750 feet from each approach through the lane closure. d. Traffic volumes are greater than 400 ADT. 4. The length between the Flagger Ahead signs shall not exceed one mile. Use Diagram 340—Lane Closure with Pilot Car if exceeding one mile. 5. Cones should be used to outline the work space when curves or other roadway alignments prevent clear direction for the motorists to pass the work space safely. 6. Cones along the work space are recornmended when posted speeds are 45 mph or greater, when working under heavy traffic or when travel lanes are narrower than 11 feet. 7. Extended queue signing(see Diagram 5-4)should be used when traffic queues extend beyond the initial advance warning sign. 8. When flagging near an intersection,the "Flagger Ahead" (CW23-2) sign should be visible to traffic entering from any side road. Additional advance warning and Flagger Ahead symbol signs may be placed on the side road(s). 9. Sign set-up and flagger placement shown may be used for intermittent full road closures of 20 minutes or less. 10. The "ONE LANE ROAD AHEAD"(W20-4) sign is optional and should be considered on high volume or high speed roads, or when extended queues are expected. Chapter 5 December 2011 1 CERT=YTHAT THE WORK tC WLETED ON TNSW ORDERPND14BLILTIS CONSTRUCTION NOTE NCOLPUPNCE tY tH FHONiIF.R OUA ITY STBdAD-*ENi1nF HE �PDIP CHBLWJST. 1-THIS WO IS SERVICE DRIVEN- OPUC COMPLAINT PLUS 6 TROUBLE TICKETS SONKTUREPODKTEI EXISTING TOTAL ALLOTTED HOURS 2-ODOT/CITY TIGARD PERMITS SW HUNZIKER RD HOUCONTACTSUIREDTORIFAODIPRORS ARE SU ER TO COMPLETE PROJECT. REQUIRED CAP. X-TIME MAINT. CREW 0 F D T 0 SPLICING 1 0 0 1 0 3-FLAGGERS/TRAFFIC CONTROL NECESSARY SW SCOFFINS STREET LliZ DRIVER ❑FTTP GROWTH THOMAS BROS. ❑FTTP OVERLAY MAP R O 4-****CAUTION***-FOLLOW ALL FLAGGING N ❑F❑CONDU DUZT ONLY SAFETY RULES CONSTRUCTION START O IN SERVICE DATE OPCEN NOTE SW COMMERCIAL STREET CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE 1-7HIS WO IS SERVICE DRIVEN- j CUTS REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION OPUC COMPLAINT PLUS 6 TROUBLE TICKETS vv i [(YES ❑NO EXISTING �"" Qtj JOINT TRENCH ❑DIAL. A DIG NIXYES FLAGGING HAM STREET Go i ❑SCCN READ O ❑RUSHING 2-ROBBIE DOUGHERTY-LOCAL MANAGER TO PROVIDE ❑CONTRACTING ❑YES [X NO no,D ALL SPLICING ON THIS JOB = ' PERMITS VICINITY MAP , MUNICIPALITY CITY/TIGARD MUNICIPALITY �T ❑ BLANKET ❑ TCP/TRAFFIC ❑ DETAILED (NOT BLANKET) ❑ NO PERMIT REQUIRED i ******STATION CONNECTION BLANKET**** JOINT POLE **OPUC COMPLAINT*** I JFN/NJUNS # 8690 SW SCOFFINS ST I JFN/NJUNS # i ($NO JPN REQUIRED j POLE. JPN JPN MANCHESTER APARTMENTS ODER O F0 'O'AER CONSTRUCTION CONTACTS ❑ ❑ C] CATV DAVID CARNLEY-971-940-9000 LCON-NIA- C] ❑ ❑ FRONTIER JAMES STAATS-503-758-3119 -CONTACT ROBBIE DOUGHERTY-LOCAL MANAGER POINT OF CONTACT SCHEDULING CONTACT 503-624-7555 SHEET 1 OF 3 I RUSS WELLS 03643-1001 RYAN ROBERTS-503-643-3713 503-936-3326 NORTH SCHEDULING RYANROBERTS PHONE NO. 503-643-3713 RUSS ELLS FACILITIES CONTACT PHONENEER No, SOM4131001 MICHELE CRISMAN 503-643-0180 LABOR HOURS MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS TECF:. i PHONE NO. INSPECTION CONTACT SPLICE-C-O/M-O/X-0 FIELDED BY R IggVXIIR RON SITTON 503-871-8065 CREW-C-O/M-OIX-O ***6X COPPER SERVICE FLAGGERS-8 HOURS DROP REQUIRED-150 FT j�ns ENGINEERING CONTACT ■ SONICOM-FIBER DROP Com ni atio ft RUSS WELLS 503-312-7330 PLACEMENT M'SPL1GE-8610 SW SCOFFINS ACCT CODE--2421.201 PROJECT C.O.AREA NUMBER EXCH.CODE: 51151 DRAWN DATE ENGR: RUSS WELL NTY:WASH 51351-5223783-455 i PHONE: _ FILE: 51351-VU066Q431 SCALE: = TAX DISTRICT: DWG OF TWNSHP: RNG: SEC: BLDG TERM 50PR PROT 50 2423.101 SHEET 2 OF 3 BBGTD 2789 NORTH BBGTD 3,2101-2125+ 158' XD,26-28+ NO AKF 100 24 BBGTD 3,2129-2130+) BBGTD 4,751-776+ XD,31-50 XD,27-28+ BBGTD 3,2101-2125+XD,26-28+BBGTD 3,2129-2130+ BBGTD 4,779+ XD,38-44+BBGTD 3,2245-2250 XD,30+ BBGTD 4,781-783+ B XD,34+ BLDG TERM 25PR PROT 25 2421.101 BBGTD 4,785-790+ BBGTD 4552 XD,41+ (BBGTD 3,1801-1825 ) 1AKF 25 24 BBGTD 4,1751+95' BBGTD 4,792-800+ BBGTD 4,751-760+3,1811-1825 51351-5223783-455 BBGTD 3,1801-1825 XD,52-72+ 0 BLDG TERM 25PR PROT 25 2421.101 51351-W0660431 BBGTD 4,1773-1774+ BBGTD 4553 XD,75+ BBGTD 3,1801-1825 BBGTD 4,1776+ \ XD,77+ BBGTD 4,751-760+3,1811-1825 BBGTD 4,1778-1782+ XD,83+ BLDG-PROT TERM 50 2423.101 G BBGTD 4,1784-1786+ BBGTD 4551 ( BBGTD 3,1801-1825+) XD,87+ XD,26-50 BBGTD 4,1788+ XD,89+ BBGTD 3,1801-1815-1825+BBGTD 4,751-762+ O SW SCOFFINS STREET BBGTD 4,1790-1792+ XD,38-50 © E -- XD,93+ BBGTD 4,1794+ MANCHESTER SQUARE,,,\ BBGTD 4,1796-1798+ 0 BLDG-PROT TERM 50 2423.101 APARTMENTS \ 40 XD,99+ BBGTD 4550 8610 SW SCOFFINS AE 50 24 BBGTD 4,1800 BBGTD 3,1801-1825+ 0 BBGTIJ 3,1801-1825+ 1 XD,26-50 �� ` xD,2e-50 j BBGTD 3,1801-1815-1825+BBGTD 4,751-762+ XD,38-50 168 AE 25 24 F �5•�� 90' BBGTD 3,1801-1825 224 �. AE 50 24 O AE 50 24 5 ( BBGTD 3,1801-1825+) ( BBGTD 3,2101-2125+1 XD,26-50 BBGTD 19630 \BBGTD 3,21292 2130+/ BBGTD 3,1801-1815-1825+BBGTD 4,751-762+ pft7o7p7j!erBBGTD 3,2125-2130+ XD,31-50 XD 38-50 cations XD,7-26 'M'SPLICE-8610 SW SCOFFINS BBGTD 3,2101-2125+XD,26-28+BBGTD 3,2129-2130+ XD,38-44+BBGTD 3,2245-2250 PROJECT NUMBER: EXCH.EXCH.CODE: , DRAWN DATE ENGR: RUSS WE WASH PHONE FILE: SCALE: TAX DISTRICT: DWG 2 OF TWNSHP: RNG: SEC: it __ II MANCHESTER SQUARE APARTMENTS 8610 SW SCOFFINS � 195 JAKF 25 24 I BBGTD 3,1801-182r I 1 SI,I,'YON2 SEE 51351-5232889 BBGTD,2101-2050+1801-1825+ 1876-1900 AKF:100X24 W SOFFINS S �) \ � I 240' SS 400 24 SEE 51351-5232 9 �`. BBGTD 3,1801-1825+ BBGTD,2101-2050 1801-1825+ XD,26-75+ 1876-1900 0 BBGTD 3,2245-2250 BBGTD 3,1876-1900+ AKF:100X246X-AERIALDROP % XD,101-150+ BBGTD 3,2051-2052+ O` XD,153+ 376' ,//// J� BBGTD 3,2054+ MKF 2700 26P��~ BBGTD 3,2056-2073+ BBGTD 3,1826-1875+ .�. XD,174-200+ BBGTD 2,201-475 BBGTD 3,1901-2050+ � - 5� BBGTD 3,2101-2125+BBGTD 3,2076-2100+ 0 870 XD,226-228+ BBGTD 2,501-900+ AE 1800 24 BBGTD 3,2129-2150+ BBGTD 16,1-18 XD,251--400 207' BBGTD 20,1-180o SHEET 3 OF 3 SS 300 24 `r C BBGTD 3,2201-2494+ NORTH XD,295-300 ,/A 1673' BBGTD 8433 'P �� AFB 28 22 BBGTD 3,2051-2073+ p�q� �\ /' � TGRDORXA T14,1-28 XD,2074-2075 s2 940 Ilk, AES 106 22 ' F`2 940' BBGTD T101,1-100+ AE 50 24 ! l AES 106 22 TGRDORXA X,1-6 Onh p v� n BBGTD 3,2101-2125+ BBGTD T102,1-100+ O XD,26-28+ Communi ations TGRDORXA X,1-6 (BBGTD 3,2129-2130+} 'M'SPLICE-8610 SW SCOFFINS X D,31-5 0 PROJECTc.o.AREA: BBGTD 3,2101-2125+XD,26-28+BBGTD 3 51351-5223783-455 pRAyyN DATE: ENGR: EXCH.CONTTY.WASH ,2129-2130+XD,38-44+BBGTD 3,2245-2250 PHONE: ROSS WELL FILE 51351-W0660431 SCALE TAX DISTRICT: DWGj OF TWNSHP: I RNG: SEC: