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Lorne McConachie, FAIA Bassetti Architects 111 END OF DOCUMENT 00 01 07 I I I I 1 I 000107- Page 1 oft 1 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 00 01 07 March 28,2018 SEALS PAGE 1 Bassetti Architects Project#16992.00 PROF I herebycertifythat the followingsections of the projectEiD 45, > specification was prepared by me or under my direct ' t.*GINEe �a Isupervision and that I am a duly registered Professional 7.,.28p f Engineer under the laws of the State of Oregon. 44, . lin. Ff 11 Sections t}REe 01 56 39 -TEMPORARY TREE & PLANT PROTECTION ?V • ± ' 01 73 29-CUTTING AND PATCHING r I, I 31 00 00 -SITE CLEARING 31 20 00 -EARTH MOVING IXPIRES:121312018 32 12 16-ASPHALT PAVING 32 13 13-CONCRETE PAVING I 33 05 00 -COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR UTILITIES 33 14 16 -WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPING 33 31 13 -SANITARY SEWER GRAVITY PIPING I 33 41 00 -STORM UTILITY AND DRAINAGE 33 42 11 -STORMWATER UTILITIES 33 46 00 -SUBDRAINAGE IMatthew Lewis, PE Cardno 1 Hi i . I I I I I I I0001 07-1 of1 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 00 01 07 March 28, 2018 SEALS PAGE I Glumac OFFICE COPY I hereby certify that the following sections of the EXPIRES: 12/31/18 project specification was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly %3 PROFF registered Engineer under the laws of the State of � Oregon. (4' NfF,� �� 8028 l ti o OREGON 31, ti°o�� FS H• � DIVISION 21 210500 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND METHODS 211000 FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION 22 220500 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS 220533 HEAT TRACE FREEZE PROTECTION FOR PLUMBING PIPING 220700 PLUMBING INSULATION 221000 PLUMBING PIPING, VALVES AND SPECIALTIES 221123 PUMPS AND SPECIALTIES 224000 PLUMBING FIXTURES Charlie Norris Glumac I I I I 1 I I 0001 07-1 of Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 00 01 07 March 28, 2018 SEALS PAGE Glumac I hereby certif that the following sections of the EXPIRES: 12/31/19 project specification was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly PRO/F registered Engineer under the laws of the State of Oregon. i"r,‘,.‘..6INE, r - OREGOl voBER.fc:y0-1M' C:CG DIVISION 31 111 312113 RADON MITIGATION I Joshua Checkis Glumac I I I I I I 00 01 07-1 of 1 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 00 01 07 March 28, 2018 SEALS PAGE Bassett' Architects Project# 16992.00 EXPIRES: 12/31/19 I hereby certify that the following sections of the C . PROF project specification was prepared by me or under PROF Fs' ' my direct supervision and that I am a duly I NEF_ registered Engineer under the laws of the State of 757 .7PE Oregon. r»rik %OREGON 4v ■ � eER `L,� J� /eiy T. BLS PCO DIVISION 26 260526 GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260543 UNDERGROUND DUCTS AND RACEWAYS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS DIVISION 27 270543 UNDERGROUND PATHWAYS &STRUCTURES FOR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS Brien Bliatout Glumac I I I I I I I 00 01 07-1 of 1 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 00 01 07 March 28, 2018 SEALS PAGE Bassett' Architects Project# 16992.00 I herebycertifythat the followingsections of the project specification was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Architect under the laws of the State of Oregon. ' Sections 03 10 00 Concrete Forming and Accessories sit) CT ''A.q 03 20 00 Concrete Reinforcingp•, 03 30 00 Cast-in-Place Concrete i 0 05 12 00 Structural Steel Framing • O► r' 05 12 50 Buckling Restrained Braces c 05 21 00 Steel Joist Framing 05 31 00 Steel Decking •-EG, tgo niO EXPIRES:08130/2018 Jason Thompson, SE Catena Consulting Engineers I 1 I I 1 I 0001 07-1 oft Tigard High School Modernization DOCUMENT 00 01 10 March 28, 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS Bassetti Architects Project#16992.00 DOCUMENT 00 01 10 - TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION 1 00 0107 Seals Page -Architect -Civil I - MEP 00 01 10 Table of Contents DIVISION 03 - CONCRETE 03 10 00 Concrete Forming and Accessories 03 20 00 Concrete Reinforcing 03 30 00 Cast-In-Place Concrete DIVISION 07 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07 13 00 Sheet Waterproofing 07 21 00 Thermal Insulation 07 26 16 Below-Grade Vapor Retarder DIVISION 14 - CONVEYING EQUIPMENT 14 24 00 Hydraulic Elevators DIVISION 20 - COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR FIRE SUPPRESSION, PLUMBING, AND HVAC DIVISION 21 - FIRE SUPPRESSION 21 05 00 Basic Fire Protection Materials and Methods 21 11 00 Fire Protection DIVISION 22 - PLUMBING 22 05 00 Basic Plumbing Materials and Methods 22 05 33 Heat Tracing Freeze Protection for Plumbing Piping 22 07 00 Plumbing Insulation 22 10 00 Plumbing Piping, Valves and Specialties 22 40 00 Plumbing Fixtures I DIVISION 26 - ELECTRICAL 26 05 26 Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems 26 05 43 Underground Ducts and Raceways for Electrical Systems 1 0001 10 - 1 oft Tigard High School Modernization DOCUMENT 00 01 10 March 28, 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 1 DIVISION 27 - COMMUNICATIONS 27 05 43 Underground Pathways and Structures for Communication Systems I DIVISION 31 - EARTHWORK I 31 20 00 Earth Moving 31 21 13 Radon Mitigation I DIVISION 33 - UTILITIES 33 05 00 Common Work Results for Utilities 33 14 16 Water Distribution Piping 33 31 13 Sanitary Sewer Gravity Piping 33 41 00 Storm Utility Drainage Piping 33 42 11 Stormwater Utilities END OF TOC I I I 1 I I I I I I I 000110 - 2of2 I Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 10 00 March 28, 2018 CONCRETE FORMING AND ACCESSORIES Bassetti Architects Project#16992.00 SECTION 03 10 00 - CONCRETE FORMING AND ACCESSORIES PART 1 GENERAL 1 .1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1 . Formwork for cast-in place concrete, with shoring, bracing and anchorage. 2. Openings for other work. 3. Form accessories. 4. Form stripping. 1 B. Related Requirements: 1 . Section 03 20 00 - Concrete Reinforcing. 2. Section 03 30 00 - Cast-in-Place Concrete. 3. Section 05 12 00 - Structural Steel Framing: Placement of embedded steel anchors and plates in cast-in-place concrete. 4. Section 07 92 00 -Joint Sealants. 5. Division 22 - Plumbing. 6. Division 26 - Electrical. 7. 31 20 00- Earth Moving: Drainage fill under slabs on grade. 111 1 .2 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Formwork Design, Structural Stability, and Sufficiency: Conform to ACI 318 Chapter 6, and ACI 347R. 1. Design, engineer, and construct formwork, shoring and bracing to withstand construction loads, continuous loads, and lateral pressure. 2. Design formwork to withstand pressure resulting from placement and vibration, while maintaining specified tolerances. 3. Design for special vertical and horizontal loads conforming to ACI 347R Section 2.2. B. Exposed to View Concrete: Conform to ACI 301 Chapter 6 and ACI 347R for Architectural Concrete, except non-public utility areas. 1 .3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide data on void form materials. B. Delegated Design Data: As required by authorities having jurisdiction. I 031000 - 1 of 7 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 10 00 March 28, 2018 CONCRETE FORMING AND ACCESSORIES Bassetti Architects Project#16992.00 1 1 .4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. DesignerQualifications: Design formwork and shoringunder direct supervision of a g 9 p Professional Structural Engineer experienced in concrete formwork design and licensed in the state of Oregon. 1 .5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store prefabricated forms off ground in ventilated and protected manner to prevent deterioration from moisture. 1 .6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Foundation Concrete in Neat Excavations: As accepted by Architect where following conditions are met: 1 . Excavations of foundation trench walls are determined as stable by Geotechnical Engineer. 2. Excavations are clean, neatly excavated, and accurately located. 1 3. Excavation expose bearing soils as approved by Geotechnical Engineer. 4. Foundation is over-excavated and additional concrete placed beyond detailed design profiles and dimensions. 1 .7 COORDINATION A. Coordinate with Section 03 20 00 and 03 30 00 for placement of rebar and concrete. B. Embedded Items: Where items, such as embedded plates, reglets, anchors, fastenings, conduit, piping, and other items are supplied by other trades and specified elsewhere in the Contract Documents, coordinate and obtain approval of their placement in the forms prior to placing any concrete. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 FORMWORK - GENERAL A. Concrete surfaces equal to or better than APA B-B Grade plywood forms, exterior type, class-1 plywood with uncoated surfaces. Reusable forms are acceptable. I C. Chamfer outside corners of beams,joists, columns, and walls. D. Comply with applicable state and local codes with respect to design, fabrication, erection, and removal of formwork. 031000 - 2of7 I Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 10 00 March 28, 2018 CONCRETE FORMING AND ACCESSORIES Bassetti Architects Project#16992.00 E. Comply with relevant portions of ACI 347R, ACI 301 , and ACI 318. 2.2 REMOVABLE PREFABRICATED FORMS A. Preformed Steel Forms: Minimum 16 gage matched, tight fitting, stiffened to support weight of concrete without deflection detrimental to tolerances and appearance of finished surfaces. Accepted in lieu of wood forms. B. Glass Fiber Fabric Reinforced Plastic Forms: Matched, tight fitting, stiffened to support weight of concrete without deflection detrimental to tolerances and appearance of finished concrete surfaces. 2.3 FORMWORK ACCESSORIES A. Form Ties - Exposed Concrete Locations: 1 . Fiberglass Ties: Glass-fiber-reinforced plastic form ties designed to resist lateral pressure of fresh concrete on forms and to prevent spalling of concrete on removal. �( 2. Color: Gray. B. Form Ties - Concealed Concrete Locations: 1 . Snap Ties: Burke Penta-Tie specified for type and quality. a. 1 inch diameter by 1 inch deep snap-tie with flattened break-offs and plastic cone. b. High strength, non-corrosive, non-staining finish. c. One inch minimum break-back below concrete surface. d. Wire snap-ties strength and length as required for conditions of installation. e. Water seals to inhibit flow of water along tie shaft and to block against leakage. f. Products: 1) Meadow Burke, Penta-Tie 2) Dayton/Richmond 1 2. Concrete Plugs: Meadow Burke BA Snaplug, specified for type and quality. a. Cones: Burke BA Standard or accepted plastic cones standard with form tie manufacturer's system. b. Reveal Type: At exposed Architectural Concrete. c. Flush Type: At concealed concrete. d. Plug Adhesive: Waterproof neoprene adhesive, as instructed by manufacturer. e. Products: 1) Burke, Snaplug Bonder 3. Flush Filling and Sacking of Cone Holes: Architectural Concrete surface achieved by filling cone holes with stiff sand/cement mix, accepted in lieu of plugs. I 031000 - 3of7 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 10 00 111 March 28, 2018 CONCRETE FORMING AND ACCESSORIES Bassetti Architects Project#16992.00 I C. Form Release Agent : Used on all concrete formwork: 1 . Maximum VOC content: 250 g/L. Low Emitting Materials, exterior applied coatings I applied on site must meet the VOC limits of California Air Resources Board (CARB) 2007 Suggested Control Measure (SCM) for Architectural Coatings, and South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), Rule 1168, effective July 1, 2005. 2. Products: a. Cresset Chemical "Crete Lease 880 VOC", 240 g/L. b. Dayton Superior "Clean Strip J100 VOC", less than 100 g/L. c. Masons Supply Company "Mascokote VOC", less than 250 g/L. D. Filler Strips for Chamfered Corners: Rigid plastic type; 1 /2 x 1 /2 inch size; maximum possible lengths. E. Flashing Reglets: Galvanized steel, at least 22 gage, 0.0299 inch thick, longest possible lengths, with alignment splines for joints, foam filled, release tape sealed slots, anchors for securing to concrete formwork. F. Nails, Spikes, Lag Bolts, Through Bolts, Anchorages: Sized as required, of sufficient I strength and character to maintain formwork in place while placing concrete. G. Embedded Anchor Shapes, Plates, Angles and Bars: As specified in Section 05 12 00. ' H. Waterstops: 1 . Multiple composite waterstop cubes of laminated, expandable materials reinforced with two layers of polyester netting and non-woven polypropylene. 2. Products: ' a. Tremco "Superstop" b. Cetco "Volclay Watestop - RX 101." PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION 111 A. Verify lines, levels and centers before proceeding with formwork. Ensure that dimensions I, agree with drawings. 3.2 EARTH FORMS A. Earth forms are not permitted. I I 031000 - 4of7 ITigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 10 00 March 28, 2018 CONCRETE FORMING AND ACCESSORIES IBassetti Architects Project#16992.00 3.3 ERECTION - FORMWORK IA. Erect formwork, shoring and bracing to achieve design requirements, in accordance with I requirements of ACI 301 . B. Construct formwork so concrete members and structures are of size, shape, alignment, I elevation, and position indicated, within tolerance limits of ACI 117 and ACI 347R.3-13. Criterion Form Facing Category FC1 FC2 FC3 I Holes, greater Plug or disk Acceptable if patched, Visible filling is than 3/16 in. covers are sanded, or sealed or unacceptable acceptable ground to match adjacent form surface I Holes, 3/16 in. or Acceptable Acceptable without Acceptable if patched, less patching, provided form sanded, or and sealed or surface is not damaged or grounded to match I torn around hole(s) adjacent surface Vibrator burns Acceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable Scratches/dents Acceptable Acceptable if patched, Unacceptable unless sanded, or and sealed or otherwise approved I ground to match adjacent form surface Concrete Acceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable I remnants Cement residue Acceptable Acceptable Should not affect finished concrete surface I Swelling of Acceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable facing at fastener or tie holes I Patching Acceptable Acceptable Should not affect finished concrete surface I C. Limit concrete surface irregularities based on selected formed concrete surface categories, in accordance with ACI 117 and ACI 347R.3-13. 1 . Surface Irregularities: Ia. SI4 (Class A), 1 /8 inch (3 mm) for smooth-formed finished surfaces. b. SI2 (Class C), 1 /2 inch (13 mm) for rough-formed finished surfaces. 1 D. Provide bracing to ensure stability of formwork. Shore or strengthen formwork subject to overstressing by construction loads. IC. Install permanent insulated foam panel formwork per manufacturer's recommendations. ID. Arrange and assemble formwork to permit dismantling and stripping. Do not damage concrete during stripping. Permit removal of remaining principal shores. I I031000 - 5of7 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 10 00 March 28, 2018 CONCRETE FORMING AND ACCESSORIES Bassetti Architects Project#16992.00 1 E. Align joints and make watertight. Keep form joints to a minimum. F. Obtain approval before framing openings in structural members that are not indicated on 111 drawings. G. Install void forms in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Protect forms from moisture or crushing. H. Coordinate this section with other sections of work that require attachment of components to formwork. I 3.4 APPLICATION - FORM RELEASE AGENT A. Apply form release agent on formwork in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.5 INSERTS, EMBEDDED PARTS, AND OPENINGS A. Provide formed openings where required for items to be embedded in passing through 111 concrete work. B. Coordinate with work of other sections in formingand placingopenings, slots, re lets, reg lets, sleeves, bolts, anchors, other inserts, and components of other work. C. Install accessories in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, so they are straight, level, and plumb. Ensure items are not disturbed during concrete placement. D. Install waterstops in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, so they are continuous without displacing reinforcement. Heat seal joints so they are watertight. I E. Provide temporary ports or openings in formwork where required to facilitate cleaning and inspection. Locate openings at bottom of forms to allow flushing water to drain. F. Close temporary openings with tight fitting panels, flush with inside face of forms, and neatly fitted so joints will not be apparent in exposed concrete surfaces. 3.6 FORM CLEANING A. Clean forms as erection proceeds, to remove foreign matter within forms. B. Clean and protect permanent insulated concrete foam panel formwork per manufacturer's recommendations. 031000 - 6of7 I Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 10 00 March 28, 2018 CONCRETE FORMING AND ACCESSORIES IBassetti Architects Project#16992.00 C. Clean formed cavities of debris prior to placing concrete. 1 1 . Flush with water or use compressed air to remove remaining foreign matter. Ensure that water and debris drain to exterior through clean-out ports. I 2. During cold weather, remove ice and snow from within forms. Do not use de-icing salts. Do not use water to clean out forms, unless formwork and concrete construction proceed within heated enclosure. Use compressed air or other means Ito remove foreign matter. 3.7 FORMWORK TOLERANCES I A. Construct formwork to maintain tolerances required by ACI 117, unless otherwise i indicated. B. Construct and align formwork for elevator hoistway in accordance with ASME Al 7.1 . 3.8 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL IA. An independent testing agency will perform field quality control tests, as specified in Section 01 40 00 - Quality Requirements. IB. Inspect erected formwork, shoring, and bracing to ensure that work is in accordance with formwork design, and to verify that supports, fastenings, wedges, ties, and items are Isecure. 3.9 FORM REMOVAL I carr to A. Do not remove forms or bracing until concrete has gainedstrengthY sufficient its I own weight and imposed loads. B. Loosen forms carefully. Do not wedge pry bars, hammers, or tools against finish 111 concrete surfaces scheduled for exposure to view. C. Store removed forms to prevent damage to form materials or to fresh concrete. Discard 1 damaged forms. END OF SECTION I I I I031000 - 7of7 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 20 00 March 28, 2018 CONCRETE REINFORCING IBassetti Architects Project#16992.00 ISECTION 03 20 00 - CONCRETE REINFORCING PART 1 GENERAL 1 1 .1 SUMMARY IA. Section Includes: 1 . Reinforcing steel for cast-in-place concrete. I 2. Supports and accessories for steel reinforcement. B. Related Requirements: I 1 . Section 03 10 00 - Concrete Forming and Accessories. 2. Section 03 30 00 - Cast-In-Place Concrete. 3. Section 03 45 00 - Precast Architectural Concrete: Reinforcement for precast Iconcrete. 4. Section 04 20 00 - Unit Masonry: Reinforcement for masonry I1 .2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 111 A. Bar Reinforcement: By the ton. Includes reinforcement, placement, and accessories. B. Welded Wire Reinforcement: By the square foot. Includes welded wire reinforcement, I placement, and accessories. I1 .3 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Comply with requirements of ACI 315. Include bar schedules, shapes of I bent bars, spacing of bars, placement, material, grade, mechanical connections, and location of splices and laps. The steel reinforcement detailer shall generate all shop drawing bending and installation details from the structural and architectural drawings Iand specifications. The use of reproductions or photocopies of the contract drawings shall not be permitted. 111 1 . Shop drawing re-submittals shall clearly identify all revisions to previous submittals. 2. Heavy ink clouded outlines (revision clouds) shall be drawn around revised areas of individual sheets. I3. Architect/Engineer will not review information outside of revision clouds on resubmitted drawings. IB. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify that reinforcing steel and accessories supplied for this project meet or exceed specified requirements. C. Reports: Submit certified copies of mill test report of reinforcement materials analysis. I 03 20 00 - 1 of 3 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 20 00 March 28, 2018 CONCRETE REINFORCING Bassetti Architects Project#16992.00 1 .4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work of this section in accordance with ACI 301 . 1 . Maintain one copy of each document on project site. B. Provide Architect with access to fabrication plant to facilitate inspection of reinforcement. Provide notification of commencement and duration of shop fabrication in sufficient time to allow inspection. C. Welders' Certificates: Submit certifications for welders employed on the project, verifying AWS qualification within the previous 12 months. PART 2 PRODUCTS , 2.1 REINFORCEMENT A. Recycled Content of Steel Products: 1 . Provide reinforcing steel containing a minimum of 95% recycled content. I 2. Provide reinforcing steel manufactured with a 100 mile radius of the project site to the greatest extent possible. B. Reinforcing Steel: Unless noted on the drawings all reinforcing steel conforming to ASTM A61 5 (Standard Specification for Plain and Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement) Grade 60 or ASTM A706 (Standard Specification for Low Alloy Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcement) Grade 60. C. Reinforcement Accessories: 1 . Bar and rod mats for concrete reinforcement conforming to ASTM Al 84 (Standard Specification for Welded Deformed Steel Bar Mats for Concrete Reinforcement). 2. Cold drawn wire reinforcement conforming to ASTM 82 (Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement). 3. Plain smooth dowels and %a inch diameter smooth bars conforming to ASTM A61 5 Grade 60. 4. Tie wire shall be 16 gauge or heavier black annealed wire. ' 5. Welder wire fabric electrically welded, gauge and mesh size as detailed, conforming to ASTM A185 (Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain, for Concrete). 6. Bar supports shall conform to the CRSI Manual of Standard Practice, Chapter 3, Bar Supports. ' 7. Galvanized chairs and spacers. 8. Bars cut and bent cold. 032000 - 2of3 I Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 20 00 March 28, 2018 CONCRETE REINFORCING I Bassetti Architects Project#16992.00 2.2 FABRICATION I A. Fabricate concrete reinforcing in accordance with CRSI (DA4) - Manual of Standard IIPractice. B. Welding of reinforcement is not permitted. IC. Locate reinforcing splices not indicated on drawings at point of minimum stress. IPART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PLACEMENT I A. Comply with CRSI's "Manual of Standard Practice", Chapter 3,Bar Supports. for placing I reinforcement. B. Place, support and secure reinforcement against displacement. Do not deviate from Irequired position. Do not displace, puncture or damage vapor barrier. IC. D. Accommodates.lacement of formed openings. p p 9 IE. Conform to Structural Drawings and applicable code for concrete cover over reinforcement. I3.2 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL I A. An independent testing agency, as specified in Section 01 40 00, will inspect installed reinforcement for conformance to contract documents before concrete placement. 1 3.3 DEFECTIVE WORK l A. General: The following reinforcing steel work will be considered defective and shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner: 1 . Bars with kinks or bends not shown on drawings. I2. Bars injured due to bending or straightening. 3. Bars heated for bending. I4. Reinforcement not placed in accordance with the drawings and/or specifications. END OF SECTION I I03 20 00 - 3 of 3 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Bassetti Architects Project#16992.00 SECTION 03 30 00 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART 1 GENERAL 1 .1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1 . Formwork ' 2. Reinforcement 3. Concrete Material 4. Admixture ' 5. Accessories Materials 6. Bonding and Jointing ' 7. Curing Materials 8. Repair Materials 9. Protective Coatings 10. Concrete Mix Design 11. Mixing ' 12. Source Quality Control 13. Finishes 14. Stair Nosings B. Section Includes: 1 . Concrete for composite floor construction. ' 2. Elevated concrete slabs. 3. Floors and slabs on grade. 4. Elevator shaft walls, and foundation walls. 5. Concrete foundations and anchor bolts for pre-engineered building. 6. Joint devices associated with concrete work. ' 7. Miscellaneous concrete elements, including equipment pads, light pole bases, flagpole bases, thrust blocks, and manholes. 8. Concrete curing. C. Related Requirements: 1 . Section 03 10 00 - Concrete Forming and Accessories: Forms and accessories for formwork. 2. Section 03 20 00 - Concrete Reinforcing 4. Section 07 92 00 -Joint Sealants: Products and installation for sealants for saw cut joints and isolation joints in slabs I 033000 - 1 of 22 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 5. Section 07 13 00 - Sheet Waterproofing: Manufacturer's reference preparation for concrete. ' 6. Section 07 95 13 - Expansion Joint Cover Assemblies. 7. Section 07 92 00 -Joint Sealants: Sealants for saw cut joints and isolation joints in slabs. 8. Section 09 30 00 - Tiling. 9. Section 09 65 00 - Resilient Flooring. 10. Section 09 68 00 - Carpeting 11 . Section 32 13 13 - Concrete Paving: Sidewalks, pavement, curbs and gutters. 1 .2 DEFINITIONS A. Cast-in-Place Concrete: Formed concrete that is concealed or locations where appearance is not critical. B. Architectural Exposed Concrete: Formed concrete that is exposed to view on surfaces of completed structure or building and that requires special concrete materials, formwork, placement, or finishes to obtain specified architectural appearance. C. Cementitious Materials: Portland cement alone or in combination with one or more of the following: blended hydraulic cement, fly ash and other pozzolans, ground granulated blast-furnace slag, and silica fume; subject to compliance with requirements. 1 .3 SUBMITTALS A. Sustainable Design Submittals: , 1 . For liquid floor treatments and sealing compounds, submit documentation including printed statement of VOC content. B. Mix Designs: For each concrete mixture, a minimum of 15 days prior to the start of Work. Submit alternate design mixtures when characteristics of materials, Project conditions, weather, test results, or other circumstances warrant adjustments. 1 . Identify all materials and admixtures and the proportion of each. 2. Water-cement ratio, slump, and aggregate grading. 3. Indicate proposed mix design complies with requirements of ACI 301 , Section 4 - Concrete Mixtures. 4. Indicate proposed mix design complies with requirements of ACI 318, Chapter 5 - Concrete Quality, Mixing and Placing. Include substantiating substantial test data to show compliance with ACI 318 Chapter 5. i 5. Indicate materials sources for principal constituents. I 033000 - 2of22 ' ITigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE I Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 6. For exact mix, including all constituents, provide test data demonstrating Icompliance with shrinkage or initial crack limitation requirements of Paragraph 2.10. 7. Indicate whether mix is appropriate for pumping. I 8. Indicate amounts of mixing water to be withheld for later addition at Project site. 9. Air entrainment. 10. Hot and cold weather designs. I11. Location and intended use. C. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Submit manufacturer's data on Imanufactured products showing compliance with specified requirements and installation instructions. I 1 . Cementitious materials. 2. Admixtures and additives. 3. Evaporation retarder. I4. Bonding agents. 5. Adhesives I 6. Semi-rigid joint filler. 7. Joint filler strips. 8. Screeding products and equipment. I 9. Hardener densifiers, dry shake. 10. Contraction joints, isolation joints, construction joints and cold joints. 11. Repair materials. D. Certification: Written and signed by batch plant quality control engineer or responsible I agent. Certify that mix design conforms to provisions of this Section and that ingredients for each mix design are compatible. 1 . Cement type. I 2. Fly ash or slag types. 3. Source of water supply. IE. Contractor Qualifications as specified in this Section. IF. Floor surface flatness and levelness measurements to determine compliance with specified tolerances. IG. Minutes of preinstallation conference. I H. Project Record Documents: Accurately record actual locations of embedded utilities and components that will be concealed from view upon completion of concrete work. I 033000 - 3 of 22 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Bassett]Architects Project#16992.00 1 .5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work of this section in accordance with ACI 301 and ACI 318. B. Follow recommendations of ACI 305R when concreting during hot weather. 1 C. Follow recommendations of ACI 306R when concreting during cold weather. D. Concrete Producer Qualifications: 1 . Company specializing in manufacturing ready-mixed concrete products conforming to ASTM C94. 2. Producer Member of the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA). E. Applicators for Semi-Rigid Epoxy and Polyurea Joint Sealers, Elastomeric Joint Sealants, Hardener Densifier, Dry Shake Color Hardeners, and Other Specialized Systems: 1 . Trained and authorized by manufacturer as qualified prior to Bid Date. F. Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm experienced in manufacturing ready-mixed concrete products and that complies with ASTM 94/C94M requirements for production facilities and equipment. 1 . Manufacturer certified according to NRMCA's "Certification of Ready Mixed Concrete , Production Facilities. G. Installer Qualifications: 1 . Company specializing in Work of this Section. 2. Able to demonstrate minimum of three years documented experience in successful quality of work of comparable scope and quality when requested by Architect. H. Source Limitations: Obtain each type or class of cementitious material of the same brand ' from the same manufacturer's plant, obtain aggregate from one source, and obtain admixtures through one source from a single manufacturer. ' I. ACI Publications: Comply with the following unless modified by requirements in the Contract Documents: , 1 . ACI 301 , Specification for Structural Concrete, Sections 1 through 5. 2. ACI 117, Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials. 3. ACI 347.3R-1 3, Guide to Formed Concrete Surfaces. 033000 - 4 of 22 1 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Bassetti Architects Project#16992.00 Category Description CSC Requirements ' CSC1 Concrete surfaces in areas with Ti SVR1 GUI S11 CJI FC1 low visibility or of limited importance with regard to formed ' concrete surface requirements, used or covered with subsequent finish materials. No mockup. CSC2 Concrete surfaces where visual T2 SVR2 CU1 SI2 CJ2 FC1 ' appearance is of moderate importance. Mockup optional. CSC3 Concrete surfaces that are in T3 SVR3 CU2 SI3 CJ3 FC2 ' public view or where appearance is important, such as exterior or interior exposed building elements. Mockup required. ' CSC4 Concrete surfaces where the T4 SVR4 CU2 S14 CJ4 FC3 exposed concrete is prominent feature of the completed structure or visual appearance is important. Mockup required. j. Pre-installation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Division 1 . 1. Before submitting design mixtures, review concrete design mixture and examine ' procedures for ensuring quality of concrete materials. Require representatives of each entity directly concerned with cast-in-place concrete to attend, including the following: ' a. Contractor's superintendent. b. Independent testing agency responsible for concrete design mixes. c. Ready mix concrete manufacturer. d. Concrete subcontractor. 2. Review special inspection and testing and inspecting agency procedures for field ' quality control; concrete finishes and finishing; cold- and hot-weather concreting procedures; curing procedures; construction contraction and isolation joints, and ' joint-filler strips; semi-rigid joint fillers; forms and form removal limitations; vapor- retarder installation; anchor rod and anchorage device installation tolerances; steel reinforcement installation; floor and slab flatness and levelness measurement; ' concrete repair procedures; and concrete protection. K. Moisture Content and Alkalinity Testing for Concrete Slab: 1 . Take measures to control concrete mix design water content, placement, curing, and other procedures as necessary to achieve acceptable moisture and alkalinity content ' within time period scheduled for installation of finish flooring systems specified under other Sections. 1 033000 - 5of22 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Bassetti Architects Project#16992.00 ' 2. Conduct testing as specified under PART 3 of this Section under Field Quality Control testing for concrete slabs. Do not begin testing until after building envelope is fully enclosed and ambient temperature and humidity approximate final interior conditions. 3. Following initial curing period, take necessary measures to control temperature and humidity levels and to remove moisture through ventilation to outside of building as specified by Section 01 50 00. Do not use propane heaters or other moisture generating heating equipment. L. Testing: Independent testing laboratory. , 1 . As indicated in other paragraphs of this Section. 2. Provide a 28 day preliminary compression strength test prior to start of construction. M. Floor Flatness and Tolerances: 1 . As indicated in Part 3 of this Section. N. Moisture Curing of Slabs: Prime Contractor to assume full responsibility to ensure that concrete slabs are sufficiently dry to the criteria of floor covering manufacturer ' requirements. Require management of the concrete floor slab installation and post- installation curing, protection from re-saturation, and augmented efforts if necessary (such as mechanical dehumidification). 1 .6 MOCK-UP ' A. Provide under provisions of 01 45 00 Quality Assurance 1 . Before performing work of this section provide following field mock-up to verify ' selections made under submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects of finishing. Approval does not constitute approval of deviations from Contract Documents unless Architect specifically approves deviation writing. a. Form reinforce and cast a minimum 30 square foot mock-up of slab on grade conditions. ' 1) Incorporate the same subgrade preparation, sub-base material vapor retarder, reinforcing, slab thickness, and concrete mix design as that of the final work. 2) Incorporate sample of joint pattern and hand tool finishing as directed. b. Location of mock-ups shall be approved in advance by the Architect and Owner. c. Placement and finishing work shall be performed by the same personnel as will place and finish concrete for project. d. Approval is for the following aesthetic qualities: Compliance with approved ' submittal. e. Obtain Architect's approval before starting the final work. 033000 - 6of22 ' Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE IBassett'Architects Project# 16992.00 f. Protect and maintain approved mock-up during construction in an undisturbed Icondition as a standard for judging the completed final work. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING I A. Mixing and Delivery: Conform to ASTM C94. IB. Batch Tickets: Accompany with each load, fully executed, and signed. Log in with inspector at time of entry. Conform to Source Quality Control requirements specified by i this Section. 1 . Information: Conform to ASTM C94, Option A or C. Include additional batch ticket information to that required by ASTM C94. Ia. Concrete mix design. b. Water content and water withheld at batch plant. 1 c. Time to nearest minute that batch was dispatched from plant, when it arrived at site, and when unloading began and was finished. d. Ambient air temperature and concrete internal temperature of at time of arrival. Ie. Written record of water and other additives added to design mix following time that mix truck has left batch plant. I2. Truck load not accompanied with batch tickets will be rejected. C. Reject concrete that has reached internal temperature greater than 90 degree F or when I temperature has risen 5 degrees in 10 minutes, indicating that concrete is setting up prior to discharge. 1 E. Store products in accordance to ACI 301. Do not use admixtures that have been in storage at project site for more than 6 months or which have subject to freezing, except 111 as accepted by Architect and Structural Engineer based on test results. 1 .8 FIELD CONDITIONS 1 A. Environmental Conditions: Conform to ACI 301 , 5.3.2 for placement of concrete weather considerations. I B. Protect concrete during falling rain, sleet, or snow. I 1. Concrete finish deformed by weather will be removed or repaired at contractor's expense when directed by Owner. 1 .9 COORDINATION A. Conform to Section 01 31 00 for coordination with work of other Sections. I I033000 - 7 of 22 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Bassetti Architects Project#16992.00 B. Section 01 45 00 for concrete testing and inspections. D. Section 07 21 00 for rigid insulation board under perimeter interior slabs-on-ground. E. Section 07 26 16 for placement over underslab vapor retarder. F. Division 09 for Finish Flooring: 1 . Coordinate with carpeting, resilient flooring, sheet flooring, and other finish flooring systems to prevent moisture conditions, bond breaking, and alkaline levels at interior concrete slabs incompatible with manufacturers' Warranty provisions. 2. Refer to Paragraph 3.7 for allowed curing methods. G. Division 26: Plumbing for flooring to be sloped to floor drain or sink. I PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 FORMWORK A. Comply with requirements of Section 03 10 00. 2.2 REINFORCEMENT A. Comply with requirements of Section 03 20 00. 2.3 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. Cement: ASTM Cl 50/C1 50M, Type I, II, or I/II - Normal Portland type. B. Fine and Coarse Aggregates: ASTM C 33. 1 . Acquire all aggregates for entire project from same source. 2. Maximum Coarse-Aggregate Size: 1 inch (25mm). 3. Combined Aggregate Gradation: Well graded from coarsest to finest with not more than 18 percent and not less than 8 percent retained on an individual sieve, except that less than 8 percent may be retained on coarsest sieve and on No. 50 (0.3-mm) 111 sieve, and less than 8 percent may be retained on sieves finer than No. 50 (0.3 mm). C. Fly Ash: ASTM C618, Class C or F. I D. Calcined Pozzolan: ASTM C618, Class N. E. Silica Fume: ASTM Cl 240, amorphous silica, proportioned in accordance with ACI 211 .1 . 1 033000 - 8 of 22 iTigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE IBassetti Architects Project#16992.00 F. Water: Clean and not detrimental to concrete. I2.4 ADMIXTURES I 1. Chemical Admixtures: Provide admixtures certified by manufacturer to be compatible with other admixtures that will not contribute water-soluble chloride ions in excess of 0.1 percent by weight of cement. Do not use calcium chloride or admixtures icontaining calcium chloride. a. Air Entrainment Admixture: ASTM C260/C260M. I b. Water Reducing Admixture: ASTM C494/C494M, Type A. c. Retarding Admixture: ASTM C494/C494M, Type B. d. Water Reducing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C494/C494M, Type D. I. e. High Range Water Reducing Admixture: ASTM C494/C494M, Type F. f. High Range Water Reducing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C494/C494M, Type G. Ig. Plasticizing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C1017/C101 7M, Type II. h. Shrinkage Reducing Admixture: ASTM C494/C494M, Type S. Ii. Crack Reducing Admixture: ASTM C494/C494M, Type S. j. Moisture Vapor Reduction Admixture (MVRA): Liquid, inorganic admixture free of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formulated to close capillary systems formed during curing to reduce moisture vapor emission and transmission, with ; no adverse effect on concrete properties. 1 1). Provide admixture in slabs to receive adhesively applied flooring. 2). Products: i) Barrier One, Inc; Barrier One Moisture Vapor Reduction Admixture. 1 ii) Hycrete, Inc; V1000. iii) ISE Logik Industries; MVRA 900 iv) Substitutions: See Division 01 Section: Product Requirements 2.5 ACCESSORY MATERIALS IA. Underslab Vapor Retarder: As indicated in Section 07 26 16. B. Non-Shrink Cementitious Grout: As indicated in Structural Drawings. 2.6 BONDING AND JOINTING PRODUCTS A. Epoxy Bonding System: I 1 . ASTM C881, two-component epoxy resin, capable of humid curing and bonding to damp surfaces, of class, suitable for application temperature and grade to suit requirements, and as follows: I i03 3000 - 9of22 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Bassett'Architects Project# 16992.00 a. Types IV and V, load bearing, for bonding hardened or freshly mixed concrete to hardened concrete. I B. Anchor Systems: 1 . Two-Component Adhesive Anchor Systems: Shear and tensile bond strength greater than hardened concrete strength conforming to ASTM C 882 and compatible for use with damp concrete. a. Use only those anchor systems indicated in the Structural Drawings. C. Semi-rigid Joint Filler: Two-component, semi rigid, 100 percent solids, epoxy resin with U a Type A shore durometer hardness of 80 per ASTM D2240. D. Bonding Agent: ASTM C1059, Type II, non-redispersable, acrylic emulsion or styrene butadiene. F. Slab Isolation Joint Filler: 1 /2 inch thick, height equal to slab thickness, with removable 111 top section that will form 1 /2 inch deep sealant pocket after removal. 1 . Material: ASTM D1751 , cellulose fiber. 1 G. Slab Construction Joint Devices: Combination keyed joint form and screed, galvanized steel, with minimum 1 inch diameter holes for conduit or rebars to pass through at 6 inches on center; ribbed steel stakes for setting. H. Saw Cut Control Joints Equipment: 1 . Saw Blades for Cutting Green Concrete. a. Manufacturer: Husqvarna Soff-Cut. 2. Model: As instructed by manufacturer for saw model and concrete composition and hardness. I 2.7 CURING MATERIALS A. Evaporation Reducer: Liquid-thin-film forming compound that reduces rapid surface moisture evaporation from fresh concrete; intended for application immediately after concrete placement. 1 . Products a. Dayton Superior Corporation, AquaFilm Concentrate J74 b. Kaufman Products Inc.; VaporAid c. Sika Corporations, Inc; SikaFilm d. SpecChem, LLC; SpecFilm Concentrate or SpecFilm RTU e. W.R. Meadows, Inc; Evapre or Evapre-RTU f. Vexcon Chemicals, Inc; Certi-Vex Envio Assist I 033000 - 10of22 ITigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE IBassetti Architects Project#16992.00 B. Absorptive Cover: AASHTO M182, Class 2, burlap cloth made from jute or kenaf, Iweighing approximately 9 oz./sq. yd. (305 g/sq. m) when dry. C. Moisture-Retaining Sheet: ASTM Cl 71 . I1 . White-burlap-polyethylene sheet, weighing not less than 10 ounces per linear yard, 40 inches wide. a. Manufacturers/Products: 1) Reef Industries Transguard Reusable Wet Cure Covers, www.reefindustries.com. 1 2. Waterproof Paper (Reinforced Kraft Curing Paper): Two sheets of reinforced kraft paper cemented together with bituminous adhesive with one white reflective surface, I non-staining, moisture retentive. a. Manufacturers/Products: 1) Fortifiber, Orange Label Sisalkraft 280 E. Water: Potable, not detrimental to concrete. I2.8 REPAIR MATERIALS I A. Repair Underlayment: Cement-based, polymer-modified, self-leveling product that can be applied in thicknesses from 1 /8 inch and that can be feathered at edges to match adjacent floor elevations. I 1 . Cement Binder: ASTM C 1 50, portland cement or hydraulic or blended hydraulic cement as defined in ASTM C 219. I 2. Primer: Product of underlayment manufacturer recommended for substrate, conditions, and application. 3. Aggregate: Well-graded, washed gravel, 1 /8 to 1 /4 inch or coarse sand as recommended by underlayment manufacturer. B. Repair Overlayment: Cement-based, polymer-modified, self-leveling product that can be Iapplied in thicknesses from 1 /4 inch and that can be filled in over a scarified surface to match adjacent floor elevations. 1. Cement Binder: ASTM C 1 50, portland cement or hydraulic or blended hydraulic cement as defined in ASTM C 219. 2. Primer: Product of topping manufacturer recommended for substrate, conditions, Iand application. 3. Aggregate: Well-graded, washed gravel, 1 /8 to 1 /4 inch or coarse sand as 1 recommended by topping manufacturer. 4. Compressive Strength: Not less than 5000 psi at 28 days when tested according to ASTM C 109/C 109M. I i03 30 00 - 1 1 of 22 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Bassett Architects Project#16992.00 2.9 PROTECTIVE COATINGS A. Floor Hardener Densifier: 1 . VOC Content: Liquid floor treatments shall have a VOC content of 200 g/L or less when calculated according to EPA 40 CFR Part 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). 2. Floor Hardener Densifier, 100 percent active Lithium Silicate ingredient chemicals which penetrated concrete to seal, densify, dustproof and harden to resist water and oil penetration and contamination. a. Provide 100 sf mock-up and match accepted mock-up. b. Manufacturers/Products: 1) Dayton Superior, Pentra-Hard Densifier (Lithium Based). 2) L&M, Lion Hard (Lithium Based) 3) Scofield, Formula One Lithium Densifier MP 4) Substitutions: See Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements. 3. Floor Hardener Densifier for Polished Concrete Finish: I a. As specified in 03 35 43. B. Liquid Floor Sealer: 1 1 . VOC Content: Liquid floor treatments shall have a VOC content of 200 g/L or less when calculated according to EPA 40 CFR Part 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). 2. Liquid Floor Sealer: Surface applied coating, odorless, water-white, non-yellowing for sealing exposed slabs not receiving finish flooring. Compatible with floor hardener densifier. a. Provide 100 sf mock-up and match accepted mock-up. b. Manufacturers/Products: 1) Provide product compatible with floor hardener densifier. 111 2.10 CONCRETE MIX DESIGN A. Prepare design mixtures for each type and strength of concrete, proportioned on the basis of laboratory trial mixture or field test data, or both, according to ACI 301 and in accordance with the following: 1 . Proportion constituents in accordance with ACI 211 .1 recommendations and as recommended by admixture manufacturers. 2. Compressive Strength: Refer to Drawings within General Structural Notes. 3. Maximum Water-Cementitious Materials Ratio: Refer to Drawings within General Structural Notes. 4. Air Content: Add air-entraining admixture at manufacturer's prescribed rate to result in concrete at point of placement having the air content specified in the General Structural Notes. I 03 30 00 - 12of22 I iTigard High School Modernization - SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE IBassetti Architects Project#16992.00 B. Cementitious Materials: Unless otherwise indicated, limit percentage, by weight, of cementitious materials other than Portland cement in concrete as follows: 1 . Fly Ash: 20 percent. 2. Combined Fly Ash and Pozzolan: 20 percent. I/ 3. Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag: 50 percent. 4. Combined Fly Ash or Pozzolan and Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag: 50 percent portland cement minimum, with fly ash or pozzolan not exceeding 20 percent. 5. Silica Fume: 10 percent. 6. combined Fly Ash, Pozzolans, and Silica Fume: 30 percent with fly ash or pozzolans ) not exceeding 20 percent and silica fume not exceeding 10 percent. 7. Combined Fly Ash or Pozzolans, Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag, and Silica IFume: 50 percent portland cement minimum, with fly ash or pozzolans not exceeding 20 percent and silica fume not exceeding 10 percent. IC. Limit water-soluble, chloride-ion content in hardened concrete to 0.1 5 percent by weight of cement. ID. Admixtures: Use admixtures according to manufacturer's written instructions. 1 . Use water-reducing admixture or high-range water-reducing admixture I (superplasticizers) in concrete, as required, for placement and workability. 2. Use water-reducing and retarding admixture when required by high temperatures, I low humidity, or other adverse placement conditions. 3. Use shrinkage-reducing or crack-reducing admixture for floors indicated to receive polished concrete finish. 1 2.11 MIXING A. Ready-Mixed Concrete: Measure, batch, mix, and deliver concrete according to ASTM C94/C94M, and furnish batch ticket information. 1 . When air temperature is between 85 and 90 deg F (30 and 32 deg C), reduce mixing and delivery time from 1-1 /2 hours to 75 minutes; when air temperature is above 90 deg F (32 deg C), reduce mixing and delivery time to 60 minutes. I2.12 SOURCEQ UALITY CONTROL IA. Conform to provisions and limitations ASTM C94. B. Admixtures: Add to within accuracy of 3 percent. I03 30 00 - 13 of 22 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Bassetti Architects Project#16992.00 1 . Add separately and verify compatibility in design mix, conforming to manufacturer's instructions. 'I( 2. Reject concrete that shows signs of segregation due to use of admixtures. C. Reject concrete that has reached an internal temperature of greater than 90 degrees F or when temperature has risen 5 degrees F in 10 minutes, indicated that concrete is setting up prior to discharge. D. Do not use calcium chloride containing products. 2.13 FINISHES 2.14 STAIR NOSINGS �I A. Poured-In-Place Concrete Stairs with Integral Riser: 1 . American Safety Tread 351 1 2. Balco R-31 5 P 3. Wooster WP SUPERGRIT 231 BF (1 32) (238) PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify lines, levels, and dimensions before proceeding with work of this section. B. Verify under slab vapor retarder is undamaged and conforming to Section 072616. f C. Verify that anchors, seats, plates, reinforcement, and other items cast into concrete are accurately located, securely in place, and approved before concrete placement. 1 . Install anchor rods, accurately located, to elevations required and complying with tolerances in Section 7.5 of AISC's "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges." 3.2 JOINTS I A. General: Construct joints true to line with faces perpendicular to surface plane of concrete. B. Construction Joints: Install so strength and appearance of concrete are not impaired, at locations indicated or as approved by Architect. I 033000 - 14of22 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Bassett'Architects Project# 16992.00 1 . Place joints perpendicular to main reinforcement. Continue reinforcement across construction joints, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Form keyed joints as indicated. 3. Anchor joint fillers and devices to prevent movement during concrete placement. I4. Space vertical joints in walls as indicated. Locate joints beside piers integral with walls, near corners, and in concealed locations where possible. I 5. Use a bonding agent or roughen interface to 1 /4 inch (6 mm) amplitude at locations where fresh concrete is placed against hardened or partially hardened concrete surfaces. i C Contraction Joints in Slabs-on-Grade: Tool or saw weakened-plane contraction joints, I sectioning concrete into areas. 1 . Locate and space contraction joints as indicated on the Drawings. Confirm final layout of joints with Architect prior to installation of the slab. 1 2. Sawed Joints: Within 4 to 12 hours after concrete placement, form contraction joints with power saws equipped with shatterproof abrasive or diamond-rimmed blades with a triangular arbor configuration. Cut joints into concrete when cutting action I ' will not tear, abrade, or otherwise damage surface and before concrete develops random contraction cracks. Ia. Depth of Cut: As shown on the Drawings. l b. Width of Cut: As shown on the Drawings. 1 D Isolation Joints in Slabs-on-Grade: After removing formwork, install joint-filler strips at slab junctions with vertical surfaces, such as column block-outs, foundation walls, and other locations, as indicated. I 1. Extend joint-filler strips full width and depth of joint, terminating flush with finished concrete surface, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Install joint-filler strips in lengths as long as practicable. Where more than one length is required, lace or clip sections together. 3.3 CONCRETE PLACEMENT A. Before placing concrete, verify that installation of formwork, reinforcement, and embedded items is complete and that required inspections have been performed. I B. Do not add water to concrete during delivery. Add water at Project Site only as needed to increase slump of concrete within first 15 minutes after truck arrives at site, and only under the following conditions: I1 . Prior approval by the Architect and Engineer of Record has been obtained_ 1 I03 30 00 - 15 of 22 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 11 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 1 2. Quantity of water does not exceed specified slump and maximum water/cement ratio and conforms to batch plant mix designer's written instructions. I 3. Special inspector is present to monitor quantity of water added in comparison to that added at batch plant and make written record of that for each truck load delivered. 4. Drum is turned an additional 30 revolutions or more as necessary to uniformly mix water into concrete. 5. Water is not added to concrete batch after: a. Taking test cylinders, except where new cylinders are taken at Contractor's expense. b. Adding high-range water reducing admixtures to concrete mix. C. Adjust mix as required to maintain specified air content at the point of discharge. D. Deposit concrete continuously in one layer or in horizontal layers of such thickness that no new concrete will be placed on concrete that has hardened enough to cause seams or planes of weakness. If a section cannot be placed continuously, provide construction joints as indicated. Deposit concrete to avoid segregation. 1 . Deposit concrete in horizontal layers of depth to not exceed formwork design pressures and in a manner to avoid inclined construction joints, 2. Consolidate placed concrete with mechanical vibrating equipment according to ACI 301 . 3. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete inside forms. Insert and withdraw vibrators vertically at uniformly spaced locations to rapidly penetrate placed layer I and at least 6 inches (1 50 mm) into preceding layer. Do not insert vibrators into lower layers of concrete that have begun to lose plasticity. At each insertion, limit duration of vibration to time necessary to consolidate concrete and complete embedment of reinforcement and other embedded items without causing mixture constituents to segregate. E. Deposit and consolidate concrete for slabs in a continuous operation, within limits of construction joints, until placement of a panel or section is complete. 1 . Consolidate concrete during placement operations so concrete is thoroughly worked around reinforcement and other embedded items and into corners_ 2. Maintain reinforcement in position on chairs during concrete placement. 3. Screed slab surfaces with a straightedge and strike off to correct elevations as follows. a. Laser Screeding: Required at elevated floors. b. Ground Set Screed Stakes: Allowed at slabs on grade only. Not accepted for interior slabs. Do not penetrate underslab vapor retarder sheeting underlying concrete slabs with screed stakes. I 033000 - 16of22 I ITigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 c. Base Set Screed Posts: Allowed at slabs on grade only. Non-stake screeds Iaccepted. Following specified for type and quality and as accepted by Architect. 1) Fabricated, removable, 1 /4 inch by 12 inch by 12 inch steel base plate with welded steel or all-thread steel screed post. d. Leave-In-Place Screed Rail: Allowed at slabs on grade only. Floor Leveling I Systems Ltd., CombiForm Floor Leveling System, www.combiform.com 4. Slope surfaces uniformly to drains where required. 5. Begin initial floating using bull floats or darbies to form a uniform and open- textured surface plane, before excess bleedwater appears on the surface. Do not Ifurther disturb slab surfaces before starting finishing operations. F. Cold-Weather Placement: Comply with ACI 306R and as follows. Protect concrete work from physical damage or reduced strength that could be caused by frost, freezing actions, or low temperatures. 1 1 . When average high and low temperature is expected to fall below 40 deg F (4.4 deg C) for three successive days, maintain delivered concrete mixture temperature within the temperature range required by ACI 301_ ill2. Do not use frozen materials or materials containing ice or snow. Do not place concrete on frozen subgrade or on subgrade containing frozen materials. 3. Do not use calcium chloride, salt, or other materials containing antifreeze agents or chemical accelerators, unless otherwise specified and approved in mixture designs. G. Hot-Weather Placement: Comply with ACI 301 and as follows: 1 . Maintain concrete temperature below 90 deg F (32 deg C) at time of placement. I Chilled mixing water or chopped ice may be used to control temperature, provided water equivalent of ice is calculated to total amount of mixing water. Using liquid nitrogen to cool concrete is Contractor's option. 1 2. Fog-spray forms, steel reinforcement, and subgrade just before placing concrete. Keep subgrade moisture uniform without standing water, soft spots, or dry areas. III3.4 FINISHING FORMED SURFACES 11 A. As-Cast Finishes: Coordinate finishes of all as-cast concrete with construction of formwork in accordance with ACI 117 and ACI 347R.3-13. Produce as-cast form finishes in accordance with the following requirements: I, 1 . Rough-Formed Finish, CSC2: Repair and patch tie holes and defects. Chip or rub off fins exceeding 1 /2 inch in height. Leave surfaces with texture imparted by the forms. Ia. Apply to concrete surfaces not exposed to public view. I II03 30 00 - 17 of 22 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Bassett'Architects Project# 16992.00 1 2. Smooth-Formed Finish, CSC3: Form-facing materials arranged in an orderly and symmetrical manner with a minimum of seams. Repair and patch tie holes and defects. Remove fins exceeding 1 /8 inch in height. Leave surfaces with the texture imparted by the forms. a. Apply to concrete surfaces exposed to public view or to be covered with a coating or covering material applied directly to concrete. B. Unspecified Finishes: When a specific finish is not specified in the Contract Documents 1 for a concrete surface, apply the following finishes: 1 . Rough-formed finish, CSC2, on concrete surfaces not exposed to public view. I 2. Smooth-formed finish, CSC3, on concrete surfaces exposed to public view. C. Related Unformed Surfaces: At tops of walls, horizontal offsets, and similar unformed I surfaces adjacent to formed surfaces, strike off smooth and finish with a texture matching adjacent formed surfaces. Continue final surface treatment of formed surfaces uniformly across adjacent unformed surfaces, unless otherwise indicated. 3.5 FINISHING FLOORS AND SLABS A. General: Comply with ACI 302.1 R recommendations for screeding, re-straightening, and finishing operations for concrete surfaces. Do not wet concrete surfaces. B. Float Finish: Consolidate surface with power-driven floats or by hand floating if area is small or inaccessible to power driven floats. Re-straighten, cut down high spots, and fill low spots. Repeat float passes and re-straightening until surface is left with a uniform, smooth, granular texture. 111 1 . Apply float finish to surfaces indicated, to surfaces to receive trowel finish, and to be covered with fluid-applied or sheet waterproofing. C. Trowel Finish: After applying float finish, apply first troweling and consolidate concrete by hand or power-driven trowel. Continue troweling passes and re-straighten until surface is free of trowel marks and uniform in texture and appearance. Grind smooth any surface defects that would telegraph through applied coatings or floor coverings. 1 . Apply a trowel finish to surfaces indicated and to floor and slab surfaces exposed to view or to be covered with resilient flooring, carpet, ceramic or quarry tile set over a cleavage membrane, paint, or another thin film-finish coating system. 111 2. For slabs-on-grade finish surfaces to the following tolerances, according to ASTM E1 1 55/E1 1 55M for a randomly trafficked floor surface: a. At non-gymnasium floors, specified overall values of flatness, F(F) 25; and I levelness, F(L) 20; with minimum local values of flatness, F(F) 17; and levelness, F(L) 15. 03 30 00 - 18of22 I 1 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE IBassett'Architects Project# 16992.00 b. At gymnasium floors, specified overall values of flatness, F(F) 45; and levelness, F(L) 35; with minimum local values of flatness, F(F) 35; and levelness, F(L) 20. 3. At elevated slabs finish surfaces so 90% of measured gaps at any point between 1 concrete surface and an unleveled freestanding 10 foot-long straightedge, resting on two high spots and placed anywhere on the surface, does not exceed %a inch. I3.6 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE ITEMS A. Filling In: Fill in holes and openings left in concrete structures, unless otherwise indicated, after work of other trades is in place. Mix, place, and cure concrete, as I specified, to blend with in-place construction. Provide other miscellaneous concrete filling indicated or required to complete the Work. I B. Curbs: Provide monolithic finish to interior curbs by stripping forms while concrete is still green and by steel-troweling surfaces to a hard, dense finish with corners, intersections, and terminations slightly rounded. i C. s.Equipment Bases: As indicated on the Drawings. 9 I 1 . Refer to Mechanical drawings for locations. 2. Pad size to extend 6 inches (150mm) beyond edge of equipment on all sides. 3. Set anchor bolts for machines and equipment at correct elevations, complying with Idiagrams or templates of manufacturer furnishing machines and equipment. 3.7 CONCRETE PROTECTION AND CURING 1/ A. General: Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot I temperatures. Comply with ACI 306R for cold-weather protection and with recommendations in ACI 305R for hot-weather protection during curing. I B. Evaporation Retarder: Apply evaporation retarder to unformed concrete surfaces. Apply according to manufacturer's written instructions after placing, screeding, and bull floating or darbying concrete, but before float finishing. 0 C. Formed Surfaces: Cure formed concrete surfaces. If forms remain during curing period, moist cure after loosening forms. If removing forms before end of curing period, I continue curing for the remainder of the curing period. I D. Unformed Surfaces: Begin curing immediately after finishing concrete. Cure unformed surfaces, including floors and slabs, concrete floor toppings, and other surfaces. 1 i03 30 00 - 19 of 22 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 1 E. Cure concrete according to ACI 308R by one or a combination of the following methods: 1 . Moisture Curing: Keep surfaces continuously moist for not less than seven days with I the following materials: a. Water. b. Continuous water-fog spray. c. Absorptive cover, water saturated, and kept continuously wet. Cover concrete surfaces and edges with 12 inch (300 mm) lap over adjacent absorptive covers. 2. Moisture-Retaining-Cover Curing: Cover concrete surfaces with moisture-retaining cover for curing concrete, placed in widest practicable width, with sides and ends lapped at least 12 inches (300 mm), and sealed by waterproof tape or adhesive. Cure for not less than seven days. Immediately repair any holes or tears during curing period using cover material and waterproof tape. 3.8 JOINT FILLING A. Prepare , clean and install joint filler according to manufacturer's written instructions. 1 . Defer joint filling as long as possible. B. Remove dirt, debris, saw cuttings and sealers from joints; leave contact faces of joint clean and dry. I C. Where indicated on the Drawings, install semi-rigid epoxy joint filler full depth in saw- cut joints and at least 2 inches deep in formed joints. Overfill and shave joint filler flush with top of slab after full cure. 3.9 CONCRETE SURFACE REPAIRS A. Defective Concrete: Repair and patch defective areas only when and as specifically approved by the Architect in writing. Remove and replace concrete that cannot be repaired and patched to Architect's approval. B. Patching Mortar: Mix dry-pack patching mortar, consisting of one part portland cement to two and one-half parts fine aggregate passing a No. 16 (1 .18 mm) sieve, using only enough water for handling and placing. C. Repairing Formed Surfaces: Surface defects include color and texture irregularities, cracks, spalls, air bubbles, honeycombs, rock pockets, fins and other projections on the surface, and stains and other discolorations that cannot be removed by cleaning. 1 . Immediately after form removal, cut out honeycombs, rock pockets, and voids more 1 than 1 /2 inch (13 mm) in any dimension in solid concrete but not less than 1 inch (25 mm) in depth. Make edges of cuts perpendicular to concrete surface. Clean, 033000 - 20of22 I Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Bassetti Architects Project#16992.00 dampen with water, and brush-coat holes and voids with bonding agent. Fill and compact with patching mortar before bonding agent has dried. Fill form-tie voids with patching mortar or cone plugs secured in place with bonding agent. 2. Repair defects on surfaces exposed to view by blending white portland cement and standard portland cement so that, when dry, patching mortar will match surrounding color. Patch a test area at inconspicuous locations to verify mixture and color match before proceeding with patching. Compact mortar in place and strike off slightly higher than surrounding surface. 3. Repair defects on concealed formed surfaces that affect concrete's durability and structural performance as determined by Architect. D. Repairing Unformed Surfaces: Test unformed surfaces, such as floors and slabs, for finish and verify surface tolerances specified for each surface. Correct low and high areas only when and as specifically approved by the Architect in writing. Test surfaces sloped to drain for trueness of slope and smoothness; use a sloped template. 1 . Repair finished surfaces containing defects. Surface defects include spalls, pop- outs, honeycombs, rock pockets, crazing and cracks in excess of 0.01 inch (0.25 1 mm) wide or that penetrate to reinforcement or completely through unreinforced sections regardless of width, and other objectionable conditions. 2. After concrete has cured at least 14 days, correct high areas by grinding. 3. Correct localized low areas during or immediately after completing surface finishing operations by cutting out low areas and replacing with patching mortar. Finish repaired areas to blend into adjacent concrete. 4. Correct other low areas scheduled to receive floor coverings with a repair underlayment. Prepare, mix, and apply repair underlayment and primer according to manufacturer's written instructions to produce a smooth, uniform, plane, and level surface. Feather edges to match adjacent floor elevations. 5. Correct other low areas scheduled to remain exposed with a repair topping. Cut out low areas to ensure a minimum repair topping depth of 1 /4 inch (6 mm) to match adjacent floor elevations. Prepare, mix, and apply repair topping and primer according to manufacturer's written instructions to produce a smooth, uniform, plane, and level surface. 6. Repair defective areas, except random cracks and single holes 1 inch (25 mm) or less in diameter, by cutting out and replacing with fresh concrete. Remove defective areas with clean, square cuts and expose steel reinforcement with at least 3/4 inch (19 mm) clearance all around. Dampen concrete surfaces in contact with patching concrete and apply bonding agent. Mix patching concrete of same materials and mixture as original concrete except without coarse aggregate. Place, compact, and finish to blend with adjacent finished concrete. Cure in same manner as adjacent concrete. I 03 30 00 - 21 of 22 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 03 30 00 I March 28, 2018 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Bassett'Architects Project#16992.00 1 7. Repair random cracks and single holes 1 inch (25 mm) or less in diameter with patching mortar. Groove top of cracks and cut out holes to sound concrete and clean off dust, dirt, and loose particles. Dampen cleaned concrete surfaces and apply bonding agent. Place patching mortar before bonding agent has dried. Compact patching mortar and finish to match adjacent concrete. Keep patched area continuously moist for at least 72 hours. E. Perform structural repairs of concrete, subject to Architect's approval, using epoxy I adhesive and patching mortar. F. Repair materials and installation not specified above may be used, subject to Architect's approval. I 3.10 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. An independent testing agency will perform field quality control tests, as specified in 1 Section 01 45 00. B. Provide free access to concrete operations at project site and cooperate with appointed firm. C. Inspections: As indicated in the Special Inspection Requirements sheet of the Structural Drawings. 1 D. Concrete Tests: As indicated in the Special Inspection Requirements sheet of the Structural Drawings. E. Moisture Testing: Cooperate with manufacturer of specified moisture vapor reduction admixture (MVRA) to allow access for sampling and testing concrete for compliance with warranty requirements. F. Floor flatness and levelness shall be tested within 48 hours after completion of the final toweling operation according to ASTM El 1 55/E1 1 55M by an independent testing agency experienced with the testing procedure and possessing the necessary equipment. 4 1 . Out of tolerance work shall be corrected. I END OF SECTION I I 03 30 00 - 22 of 22 1 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 13 00 March 28, 2018 SHEET WATERPROOFING IBassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 ISECTION 07 13 00 - SHEET WATERPROOFING PART 1 GENERAL I1 .1 SUMMARY IA. Section Includes: 1 . Sheet membrane waterproofing. I 2. Cant strips and other accessories. 3. Protection boards. IB. Related Requirements: 1 . Section 03 30 00 - Cast-In-Place Concrete: Concrete substrate. 2. Section 07 92 00 -Joint Sealants: Sealing moving joints in waterproofed surfaces that are not required to be treated in this section. I1 .2 REFERENCE STANDARDS _ A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International: 1 1 . ASTM D412 - Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers--Tension; 2006a (Reapproved 2013). 3 2. ASTM D570 - Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics; 1998 (Reapproved 2010). 3. ASTM D882 - Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting; i 2012. 4. ASTM D903 - Standard Test Method for Peel or Stripping Strength of Adhesive Bonds; 1998 (Reapproved 2010). 5. ASTM D1876 - Standard Test Method for Peel Resistance of Adhesives (T-Peel Test) ; 2008. 6. ASTM Dl 970/D1970M - Standard Specification for Self-Adhering Polymer Modified Bituminous Sheet Materials Used as Steep Roofing Underlayment for Ice Dam Protection; 2013. 7. ASTM D5295/D5295M - Standard Guide for Preparation of Concrete Surfaces for Adhered (Bonded) Membrane Waterproofing Systems; 2014. 8. ASTM D5385/D5385M - Standard Test Method for Hydrostatic Pressure Resistance of Waterproofing Membranes; 1993 (Reapproved 2014). 9. ASTM E96/E96M - Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of IMaterials; 2014. 10. ASTM El 54/E154M - Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Retarders Used in I Contact with Earth Under Concrete Slabs, on Walls, or as Ground Cover; 2008a (Reapproved 2013). I071300 - 1 of Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 13 00 March 28, 2018 SHEET WATERPROOFING Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 1 .3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide data for membrane. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate special joint or termination conditions and conditions of I interface with other materials. C. Certificate: Certify that products meet or exceed specified requirements. D. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate special procedures. I E. Warranty: Submit manufacturer warranty and ensure forms have been completed in Owner's name and registered with manufacturer. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Membrane Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in waterproofing sheet membranes with three years experience. I B. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in performing the work of this section with minimum five years experience. 1 1 .5 PRE-INSTALLATION CONFERENCE A. Attendance: Contractor, waterproofing sub-contractor (installer), Owner, Architect, Waterproofing Consultant], manufacturer's technical representative, and other affected parties. B. Meeting Time: Approximately 2 weeks prior to beginning work of this Section and work of related sections affecting work of this Section. C. Review installation procedures, coordination, and scheduling of work of this Section with related work. D. Review conditions, preparation work (e.g., concrete sack and patching, etc.) completed, and that needing to be completed prior to waterproofing application, installation procedures, weather forecast, provisions necessary to dealing with inclement weather, coordination, and scheduling of work of this Section with related 1 .6 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Apply within the range of ambient and substrate temperatures recommended by manufacturer. 071300 - 2of7 I Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 13 00 March 28, 2018 SHEET WATERPROOFING Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 1 .7 COORDINATION A. Conform to Section 01 31 00 for coordination with work of other Sections B. Division 31 for compacted earth subgrade suitable for underslab membrane waterproofing work of this Section. 1 .8 WARRANTY A. Contractor shall correct defective Work within a five year period after Date of Substantial Completion on material defects, up to two years on installation; remove and replace 11 materials concealing waterproofing at no extra cost to Owner. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 WATERPROOFING APPLICATION A. At elevator pits: 1 . Provide pre-applied or post-applied sheet waterproofing at contractor's option. 111 2.2 MEMBRANE MATERIALS 3 A. Self-Adhered Modified Bituminous Membrane: Post-applied waterproofing membrane. 1 . Thickness: 60 mil (0.060 inch). 2. Tensile Strength: a. Film: 5000 pounds per square inch, minimum, measured according to ASTM D882 and at grip-separation rate of 2 inches per minute. Rb. Membrane: 325 pounds per square inch, minimum, measured according to ASTM D412 Method A, using die C and at spindle-separation rate of 2 inches per minute. 3. Elongation at Break: 300 percent, minimum, measured according to ASTM D412. 4. Water Vapor Permeance: 0.05 perm, maximum, measured in accordance with ASTM E96/E96M. 5. Low Temperature Flexibility: Unaffected when tested according to ASTM D1970 at minus 20 degrees F, 180 degree bend on 1 inch mandrel. 6. Peel Strength: 9 pounds per inch, minimum, when tested according to ASTM D903. 7. Lap Adhesion Strength: 5 pounds per inch, minimum, when tested according to ASTM D1876. 8. Puncture Resistance: 50 pounds, minimum, measured in accordance with ASTM El54/E154M. 9. Water Absorption: 0.1 percent increase in weight, maximum, measured in accordance with ASTM D570, 24 hour immersion. 071300 - 3of7 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 13 00 March 28, 2018 SHEET WATERPROOFING Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 10. Hydrostatic Resistance: Resists the weight of 200 feet when tested according to ASTM D5385. 1 11. Adhesives, Sealants, Tapes, and Accessories: As recommended by membrane manufacturer. 12. Priming: Provide manufacturer's recommended primer as required and for installation on damp surfaces or green concrete. 13. Manufacturers/Products: I a. Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing Incorporated; MiraDRI 860/861 b. Grace Construction Products; Bituthene System 4000 c. Henry Company; Blueskin WP 200: d. 3M Industrial Adhesives and Tapes: 301 5VP Membrane d. Substitutions: Conform to provisions of Division 01 . 1 B. Self-Adhered HDPE Waterproofing Membrane: Pre-applied waterproofing membrane. 1 . Thickness: 46 mil (0.046 inch). 2. Tensile Strength: a. Film: 5000 pounds per square inch, minimum, measured according to ASTM D882 and at grip-separation rate of 2 inches per minute. b. Membrane: 325 pounds per square inch, minimum, measured according to ASTM D412 Method A, using die C and at spindle-separation rate of 2 inches . per minute. c. Film: 4000 pounds per square inch, minimum, measured according to ASTM D412. 3. Elongation at Break: 300 percent, minimum, measured according to ASTM D412. 4. Water Vapor Permeance: 0.01 perm, maximum, measured in accordance with ASTM E96/E96M. 5. Low Temperature Flexibility: Unaffected when tested according to ASTM D1970 at minus 20 degrees F, 180 degree bend on 1 inch mandrel. 6. Peel Strength: 5 pounds per inch, minimum, when tested according to ASTM D903. 7. Lap Adhesion Strength: 2.5 pounds per inch, minimum, when tested according to I ASTM 01876. 8. Puncture Resistance: 180 pounds, minimum, measured in accordance with ASTM El 54. 9. Water Absorption: 0.5 percent increase in weight, maximum, measured in accordance with ASTM D570, 24 hour immersion. 10. Hydrostatic Resistance: Resists the weight of 200 feet when tested according to ASTM D5385. 11. Adhesives, Sealants, Tapes, and Accessories: As recommended by membrane I manufacturer. 12. Basis of Design: 071300 - 4of7 I Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 13 00 March 28, 2018 SHEET WATERPROOFING Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 a. Grace Construction Products; Product Preprufe 300R: www.na.graceconstruction.com. b. Substitutions: Conform to provisions of Division 01 . 1 C. Membrane Sealant: As recommended by membrane manufacturer. D. Termination Bars: Aluminum; compatible with membrane and adhesives. E. Fasteners: As instructed by manufacturer. F. Surface Conditioner: Primer type, compatible with membrane. G. Adhesives: As recommended by membrane manufacturer. 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. Sheet Metal Flashing for Below Grade Waterproofing Terminations: As specified in Section 076200. 1 . Provide 24 gauge stainless steel counterflashing at all below-grade waterproofing terminations with sealant cup skyward vertical terminations. B. Cant Strips: Premolded composition material . C. Waterstop: As specified in Section 03 30 00. 111 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify existing conditions before starting work. I1Concrete substrate is properly cured and meets waterproofing manufacturer's . guidelines. 111 B. Verify substrate surfaces are durable; free of matter detrimental to adhesion or application of waterproofing system. C. Verify that items that penetrate surfaces to receive waterproofing are securely installed. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Protect adjacent surfaces not designated to receive waterproofing. 1 071300 - 5of7 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 13 00 March 28, 2018 SHEET WATERPROOFING Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 B. Clean and prepare surfaces to receive waterproofing in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Vacuum substrate clean. C. Do not apply waterproofing to surfaces unacceptable to membrane manufacturer. D. Seal cracks and joints with sealant using depth to width ratio as recommended by sealant manufacturer. 1 . On vertical surface: Pre-strip all cracks over 1 /16 inch in width with 6-inch wide strip of self-adhered membrane. E. Surfaces for Adhesive Bonding: Apply surface conditioner at a rate recommended by manufacturer. Protect conditioner from rain or frost until dry. F. Concrete Surfaces for Adhesive Bonding: Prepare concrete substrate according to ASTM D5295. 1 . Remove substances that inhibit adhesion including form release agents, curing compounds admixtures, laitance, moisture, dust, dirt, grease and oil. 2. Repair surface defects including honeycombs, fins, tie holes, bug holes, sharp offsets, rutted cracks, ragged corners, deviations in surface plane, spalling and delamination, as described in the reference standard. 3. Remove and replace areas of defective concrete as specified in Section 03 30 00. 4. Prepare concrete for adhesive bonded waterproofing using mechanical or chemical methods described in the referenced standard. I 5. Test concrete surfaces as described in the referenced standards. Verify surfaces are ready to receive adhesive bonded waterproofing membrane system. 3.3 INSTALLATION - MEMBRANE A. Install membrane waterproofing in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Roll out membrane. Minimize wrinkles and bubbles. I C. Self-Adhering Membrane: Remove release paper layer. Roll out on substrate with a mechanical roller to encourage full contact bond. D. Overlap edges and ends and seal by method recommended by manufacturer, minimum 3 inches. Seal permanently waterproof. Apply uniform bead of sealant to joint edge. E. Reinforce membrane with multiple thickness of membrane material over joints, whether I joints are static or dynamic. F. Weather lap joints on sloped substrate in direction of drainage. Seal joints and seams. t 071300 - 6of7 ITigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 13 00 March 28, 2018 SHEET WATERPROOFING Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 G. On vertical surface: 1 . Install 3/4 inch liquid membrane fillet at all inside corners. I H. Install 12-inch wide reinforcing strip of self-adhered membrane at all angle transitions at inside and outside, vertical and horizontal. I I. Install flexible flashings. Seal items penetrating through membrane with flexible flashings. Seal watertight to membrane. Ij. Seal membrane and flashings to adjoining surfaces. Install termination bar at all edges. Install counterflashing over all exposed edges. 3.4 INSTALLATION - PROTECTION BOARD I A. Place protection board directly against sheet waterproofing; butt joints. Scribe and cut boards around projections, penetrations, and interruptions. IB. Adhere protection board to substrate with compatible adhesive as instructed by manufacturer. Use of fasteners are not allowed. 3.5 PROTECTION 1 A. Do not permit traffic over unprotected or uncovered membrane. END OF SECTION I 1 I I I I I I071300 - 7of7 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 21 00 March 28, 2018 THERMAL INSULATION Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 SECTION 07 21 00 - THERMAL INSULATION PART 1 GENERAL i1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1 . Board insulation at cavity wall construction, perimeter foundation wall, underside of floor slabs, over roof deck, and over roof sheathing. 2. Batt insulation and vapor retarder in exterior wall, ceiling, and roof construction. 3. Batt insulation for filling perimeter window and door shim spaces and crevices in exterior wall and roof. B. Related Requirements: 1 . Section 06 10 00 - Rough Carpentry: Installation requirements for board insulation over steep slope roof sheathing or roof structure. 2. Section 07 84 00 - Firestopping: Insulation as part of fire-rated through- penetration assemblies. 3. Section 09 21 16 - Gypsum Board Assemblies: Acoustic insulation inside walls and partitions. 1 .2 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International: 1 . ASTM C518 - Standard Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus; 2010. 1 2. ASTM C553 - Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for Commercial and Industrial Applications; 2011. 3. ASTM C578 - Standard Specification for Rigid, Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation; 2015a. 4. ASTM C612 - Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber Block and Board Thermal Insulation; 2014. 5. ASTM C665 - Standard Specification for Mineral-Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for Light Frame Construction and Manufactured Housing; 2012. 6. ASTM C1289 - Standard Specification for Faced Rigid Cellular Polyisocyanurate Thermal Insulation Board; 2014. 7. ASTM E84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials; 201 5a. 8. ASTM El 36 - Standard Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube 111 Furnace At 750 Degrees C; 2012. 07 21 00 - 1 of 13 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 21 00 March 28, 2018 THERMAL INSULATION Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 1 9. ASTM E2357 - Standard Test Method for Determining Air Leakage of Air Barrier Assemblies; 2011 . 1 B. NFPA 285 - Standard Fire Test Method for Evaluation of Fire Propagation Characteristics of Exterior Non-Load-Bearing Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components; 2012. C. California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method v 1 .1-2010. D. GREENGUARD (GG) Gold, Collaboration for High Performance Schools (CHPS). I E. Scientific Certification System (SCS) Indoor Advantage Gold. 111 1 .3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide data on product characteristics, performance criteria, and product limitations. 1 . Published R-Value for thickness of batt insulation, product characteristics, performance criteria, and limitations. 2. Accessories including insulation hangers and other specified items. 3. Sound Absorptive Coefficient for fiberglass sound blanket. B. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify that products meet or exceed specified requirements. C. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Include information on special environmental conditions required for installation and installation techniques. I D. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify that products meet or exceed specified requirements. 1 .4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Provide thickness and R-Values shown on Drawings. 1 .5 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS A. Surface-Burning Characteristics: As determined by testing identical products according to ASTM E 84 by a qualified testing agency. Identify products with appropriate markings of applicable testing agency. B. Formaldehyde Free: 3rd Party Certified with UL Environmental Validation. C. Product to contain a minimum 30% recycled content. I 072100 - 2of13 I Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 21 00 9 g March 28, 2018 THERMAL INSULATION Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 1 .6 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Do not install insulation adhesives when temperature or weather conditions are detrimental to successful installation. 1 .7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Protect insulation materials from physical damage and from deterioration due to moisture, soiling, and other sources. Store inside and in a dry location. Comply with Imanufacturer's written instructions for handling, storing, and protecting during installation. B. Protect foam-plastic board insulation as follows: 1 . Do not expose to sunlight except to necessary extent for period of installation and concealment. 2. Protect against ignition at all times. Do not deliver foam-plastic board materials to Project site before installation time. 111 3. Quickly complete installation and concealment of foam-plastic board insulation in each area of construction. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Insulation: 1 . CertainTeed Corporation: www.certainteed.com 2. Dow Chemical Co. www.dow.com 3. John Manville. www.jm.com 4. Knauf Insulation, www.knaufinsulation.com 5. Owens Corning. www.owencorning.com 6. Roxul Inc. www.roxul.com 7. R-Max: www.rmaxinc.com 8. Substitutions: Conform to provisions of Division 01 . 2.2 APPLICATIONS A. Board Insulation: 1 . Insulation Under Concrete Slabs: Extruded polystyrene board. 2. Insulation at Perimeter of Foundation: Expanded polystyrene board. 3. Insulation Inside Masonry Cavity Walls: Rock mineral fiber board. 4. Insulation Inside Prefabricated Wall Panels: Rock mineral fiber board. 111 072100 - 3of13 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 21 00 March 28, 2018 THERMAL INSULATION Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 1 5. Insulation Over Metal Stud Framed Walls, Continuous: Rock mineral fiber board. 6. Insulation on Inside of Concrete and Masonry Exterior Walls: Rock mineral fiber I board. B. Blanket Insulation: I 1 . Insulation in Metal Framed Walls: Batt insulation with no vapor retarder. 2. Insulation in Wood Framed Walls: Batt insulation with separate vapor retarder. I 3. Insulation in Wood Framed Ceiling Structure: Batt insulation with separate vapor retarder. 4. Insulation Above Lay-In Acoustical Ceilings: Batt insulation with no vapor retarder. 5. Insulation Under Metal Roof Deck: Batt insulation with vapor retarder pinned under metal roof deck. 2.3 FOAM BOARD INSULATION MATERIALS A. Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Board Insulation: ASTM C578, Type XI; with the following 9 characteristics: 1 . Flame Spread Index: 25 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 2. Smoke Developed Index: 450 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 3. Board Size: 48 x 96 inch. I 4. Board Thickness: 2 inches. 5. Board Edges: Square. 6. Thermal Conductivity (k factor) at 25 degrees F: 0.28. B. Extruded Polystyrene Board Insulation: Extruded polystyrene board; ASTM C578; with either natural skin or cut cell surfaces, and the following characteristics: 1 . Flame Spread Index: 25 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 2. Smoke Developed Index: 450 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 1 3. R-value; 1 inch of material at 72 degrees F: 5, minimum. 4. Board Size: 48 x 96 inch. 5. Board Thickness: 1-1 /2 inches. 6. Board Edges: Square. 7. Thermal Resistance: R-value of 5.0 per inch aged R-Value at 75 degree F, ASTM I C518. 8. Compressive Resistance: 25 psi. 9. Water Absorption, Maximum: 0.3 percent, by volume. C. Polyisocyanurate Board Insulation with Facers Both Sides: Rigid cellular foam, complying ' with ASTM Cl 289; Type II, Class 2, polymer bonded glass fiber mat both faces. I 072100 - 4of13 I Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 21 00 March 28, 2018 THERMAL INSULATION Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 1 . Flame Spread Index: 25 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 2. Smoke Developed Index: 450 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 3. Compressive Strength: 16 psi 4. Board Size: 48 x 96 inch. 5. Board Edges: Square. 2.4 FIBER BOARD INSULATION MATERIALS A. Glass Wool Board Insulation: Rigid glass fiber, ASTM C612. 1 . Facing: None, unfaced. 2. Flame Spread Index: 25 or less, when tested with facing, if any, in accordance with ASTM E84 . 3. Smoke Developed Index: 50 or less, when tested with facing, if any, in accordance with ASTM E84. 4. Board Size: 24 x 48 inch. 5. Board Thickness: 1 inch. 6. Board Edges: Square. B. Rock Mineral Fiber Board Insulation: Rigid or semi-rigid mineral fiber, ASTM C612 or C553; unfaced flame spread index of 0 (zero) when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 1 . Smoke Developed Index: 0 (zero), when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 2. Board Size: 24 by 48 inches. 3. Board Thickness: 1 inch. 4. Thermal Resistance: R-value of 4.2 deg F sq ft/Btu at 75 degrees F, minimum, when tested according to ASTM C518. 5. Maximum Density: 8.0 lb/cu ft. 6. Manufacturers: a. Owen Corning/Thermafiber; Rain Barrier 45: www.thermafiber.com. b. ROXUL, Inc; CavityRock MD: www.roxul.com. M7. Substitutions: Conform to provisions of Division 01 . 2.5 BATT INSULATION MATERIALS A. Where batt insulation is indicated, either glass wool or rock mineral fiber batt insulation may be used, at Contractor's option. Size insulation to friction fit between framing members. B. Thermal Resistance Values: Conform to ASTM C518. 1 . Provide High Density blanket insulations, except Normal Density insulation is accepted in thickness as required to meet Thermal Resistance Values shown on Drawings. 072100 - 5of13 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 21 00 March 28, 2018 THERMAL INSULATION Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 1 2. Where not shown, use thickest high density batt insulation that fits but not less than for minimum R-Values. I 3. Thermal Performance for Normal Density Fiberglass Batt and Blanket Insulation: a. R-1 1 : 3-1 /2 inch thick b. R-13: 3-1 /2 inch thick 111 c. R-19: 6-1 /4 inch thick d. R-22: 6-1 /2 inch thick ,( e. R-25: 8 inch thick f. R-26: 9 inch thick g. R-30: 9-1 /2 or 10 inch thick h. R-38: 12 inch thick 4. Thermal Performance for High Density Fiberglass Batt and Blanket Insulation: I a. R-1 5: 3-1 /2 inch thick b. R-21 : 5-1 /2 inch thick c. R-30: 8-1 /4 inch thick d. R-38: 10-1 /4 inch thick C. Glass Wool Batt Insulation: Flexible preformed batt or blanket, complying with ASTM C665; friction fit. 1 . R-value as indicated when tested in accordance with ASTM C 518. 1 2. Flame Spread Index: 25 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 3. Smoke Developed Index: 50 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 4. Combustibility: Non-combustible, when tested in accordance with ASTM El 36, except for facing, if any. 5. Formaldehyde Content: Zero as validated by UL/Environment. I 6. Recycled Content: Minimum 50% recycled content. 7. Facing: Aluminum foil, flame spread 25 rated; one side. D. Rock Mineral Fiber Batt Insulation: Flexible or semi-rigid preformed batt or blanket, complying with ASTM C665; friction fit or fastened with insulation fasteners; unfaced flame spread index of 0 (zero) when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 1 . Recycled Content: Postconsumer recycled content plus one-half of preconsumer recycled content not less than 50 percent. 2. Smoke Developed Index: 0 (zero), when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 3. Size to friction fit between stud joists. 2.6 ACCESSORIES A. Vapor Retarder at Concealed Conditions: Typically in walls between gypsum board and p Yp Y stud: ' 072100 - 6of13 I ITigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 21 00 March 28, 2018 THERMAL INSULATION Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 1 . Manufacturer/Product: CertainTeed, MemBrain, Smart Vapor Retarder. Ia. 2 mil thick polyamide (Nylon) sheet. b. Fire Testing: Tested to ASTM E84. I 1) Flame Spread Index: 20. 2) Smoke Developed Index: 55. c. Permeance: Tested to ASTM E96 I1) 1 perm or less using dry cup method (Procedure A - Desiccant Method). 2) Increases up to 10 perms using wet cup method (Procedure B - Water IMethod). B. Insulation Fasteners: Impaling clip of galvanized steel with washer retainer , to be I adhered to surface to receive insulation, length to suit insulation thickness and substrate, capable of securely and rigidly fastening insulation in place. IC. Nails or Staples: Steel wire; electroplated or galvanized; type and size to suit application. I D. Batt Insulation Support: Provide as necessary to support insulation in ceiling and floor assembly. 1 . Install between joists. 2. Length to suit spacing as required. I 3. Made from carbon steel, spring wire for optimum flexibility and strength, 14 gage I wire. E. Batt Insulation Hangers: Provide as necessary to support insulation at underside of I suspended slab. 1 . Tactoo Insulation Hangers 2. 12 gauge, 2" square, 10 Y2 inch long 3. Galvanized steel F. Sub-framing Thermal Spacer: 111 1. Manufacturers/Products: a. Cascadia Windows, Thermal Spacer; www.cascadiawindows.com. I 1) Type: Fiberglass thermal spacer clip. 2) Size: 3.5 inch depth. b. Engineered Assemblies, TClip System; www.engineeredassemblies.com. I1) Type: Aluminum thermal clip with thermal break provided via cork/neoprene pad between subgirts and clip and exterior sheathing via I aerogel insulation pad. 2) Size: 3.5 inch depth. c. Knight Wall, MFI System; www.knightwallsystems.com. I 0721 00 - 7of 13 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 21 00 March 28, 2018 THERMAL INSULATION Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 1 1) Type: Steel bracket system with thermally insulated and isolated between metal components and substrate. I 2) Size: 3.5 inch depth. d. Northern Facades, ISO Clip, www.northernfacades.com. 1) Type: Galvanized steel with integral HDPE thermal isolator pad. 2) Size: 3.5 inch depth. e. Smart ci, GreenGirt HD, www.smartcisystem.com. I 1) Type: Pultruded fiberglass girt with 16 ga G90 metal strip for fasteners. 2) Size: 3.5 inch depth. f. Substitutions: Conform to provisions of Division 01 . F. Adhesive: Type recommended by insulation manufacturer for application. I PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that substrate, adjacent materials, and insulation materials are dry and that I substrates are ready to receive insulation and adhesive. B. Verify substrate surfaces are flat, free of honeycomb, fins, irregularities, or materials or substances that may impede adhesive bond. C. Vacuum at all stud cavities prior to installation of insulation. D. Verify mechanical and electrical services within walls have been tested and inspected. 1 3.2 BOARD INSTALLATION AT FOUNDATION PERIMETER A. Adhere a 6 inch wide strip of polyethylene sheet over construction, control, and expansion joints with double beads of adhesive each side of joint. 1 . Tape seal joints. 2. Extend sheet full height of joint. B. Apply adhesive to back of boards: 1 . Three continuous beads per board length. 111 2. Full bed 1 /8 inch thick. C. Install boards horizontally on foundation perimeter. I 1 . Place boards to maximize adhesive contact. 2. Install in running bond pattern. 072100 - 8 of 13 ITigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 21 00 March 28, 2018 THERMAL INSULATION IBassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 3. Butt edges and ends tightly to adjacent boards and to protrusions. I D. Extend boardsv o er expansion joints, unbonded to foundation on one side of joint. IE. Cut and fit insulation tightly to protrusions or interruptions to the insulation plane. I F. Immediately following application of board insulation, place protective boards over exposed insulation surfaces. 1 . Apply adhesive in five continuous beads per board length. 1 2. Install boards horizontally from base of foundation to top of insulation. 3. Butt boards tightly, with joints staggered from insulation joints. 1 3.3 BOARD INSTALLATION AT EXTERIOR WALLS I A. Adhere a 6 inch wide strip of polyethylene sheet over expansion joints with double beads of adhesive each side of joint. 1 . Tape seal joints between sheets. 1 2. Extend sheet full height of joint. I B. Apply adhesive to back of boards: 1 . Three continuous beads per board length. 2. Full bed 1 /8 inch thick. IC. Install rigid insulation directlyto steel studs or exteriorgrade sheathingat 16 inches on I center with manufacturer recommended mechanical fasteners. Tape all joints with manufacturer's minimum 4 inch wide sealant tape; comply with ASTM E2357. ID. Install boards horizontally on walls. 1. Place boards to maximize adhesive contact. 2. Install in running bond pattern. 1 3. Butt edges and ends tightly to adjacent boards and to protrusions. iE. Extend boards over expansion joints, unbonded to wall on one side of joint. F. Cut and fit insulation tightly to protrusions or interruptions to the insulation plane. IG. Place 6 inch wide polyethylene sheet at perimeter of wall openings, from adhesive vapor retarder bed to window and door frames. Tape seal in place to ensure continuity of vapor Iretarder and air seal. IH. Tape insulation board joints. 1 072100 - 9of13 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 21 00 March 28, 2018 THERMAL INSULATION Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 1 3.4 BOARD INSTALLATION AT CAVITY WALLS A. Secure impale fasteners to substrate at a frequency as follows: 1 . 6 per insulation board. 2. ____ per 10 square feet. 111 B. Adhere a 6 inch wide strip of polyethylene sheet over expansion joints with double beads of____ adhesive each side of joint. 1 . Tape seal joints between sheets. 2. Extend sheet full height of joint. C. Apply adhesive to back of boards: 1 . Three continuous beads per board length. 2. Full bed 1 /8 inch thick. D. Install boards to fit snugly between wall ties. 1 . Place membrane surface against adhesive. 2. Place membrane surface facing out, and tape seal board joints. E. Install boards horizontally on walls. 1 . Place boards to maximize adhesive contact. 2. Install in running bond pattern. 3. Butt edges and ends tightly to adjacent boards and to protrusions. 4. Place impale fastener locking discs. F. Cut and fit insulation tightly to protrusions or interruptions to the insulation plane. G. Place 6 inch wide polyethylene sheet at perimeter of wall openings, from adhesive vapor retarder bed to window and door frames. Tape seal in place to ensure continuity of vapor retarder and air seal. 3.5 BOARD INSTALLATION UNDER CONCRETE SLABS A. Place insulation under slabs on grade after base for slab has been compacted. B. Cut and fit insulation tightly to protrusions or interruptions to the insulation plane. I C. Prevent insulation from being displaced or damaged while placing vapor retarder and placing slab. I I 07 21 00 - 10of13 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 21 00 March 28, 2018 THERMAL INSULATION Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 3.6 BOARD INSTALLATION OVER LOW SLOPE ROOF DECK A. Installation of board insulation over low slope roof deck is specified in Section 111 B. Board Installation Over Roof Deck, General: 1 . See applicable roofing specification section for specific board installation requirements. 2. Ensure vapor retarder is clean and dry, continuous, and ready for application of roofing system. 3. Fasten insulation to deck in accordance with roofing manufacturer's written instructions and applicable Factory Mutual requirements. 4. Do not apply more insulation than can be covered with roofing in same day. 3.7 BOARD INSTALLATION OVER STEEP SLOPE ROOF SHEATHING OR ROOF STRUCTURE A. Installation of board insulation over steep slope roof structure or roof sheathing is specified in Section 06 10 00. 3.8 BATT INSTALLATION A. Install insulation and vapor retarder in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install in exterior wall and roof spaces without gaps or voids. Do not compress insulation. 111 C. Trim insulation neatly to fit spaces. Insulate miscellaneous gaps and voids. ' D. Fit insulation tightly in cavities and tightly to exterior side of mechanical and electrical services within the plane of the insulation. E. At wood framing, place vapor retarder on warm side of insulation by stapling at 6 inches on center. Lap and seal sheet retarder joints over member face. F. At metal framing, place vapor retarder on warm side of insulation; lap and seal sheet retarder joints over member face. G. Glass Mineral Wool insulation shall be installed in six sided cavities, meaning that no surface of the insulation shall be left exposed. H. For metal-framed wall cavities where cavity heights exceed 96 inches, support unfaced blankets mechanically and support faced blankets by taping flanges of insulation to flanges of metal studs. 07 21 00 - 11 of13 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 21 00 March 28, 2018 THERMAL INSULATION Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 1 I. Maintain 3-inch clearance of insulation around recessed lighting fixtures not rated for or protected from contact with insulation. I J. Install eave ventilation troughs between roof framing members in insulated attic spaces at vented eaves. K. Tape seal tears or cuts in vapor retarder. I L. Extend vapor retarder tightly to full perimeter of adjacent window and door frames and other items interrupting the plane of the membrane. Tape seal in place. I 3.9 INSTALLATION OF VAPOR RETARDERS A. Place vapor retarders on side of construction indicated on Drawings. Extend vapor retarders to extremities of areas to protect from vapor transmission. Secure vapor retarders in place with adhesives or other anchorage system as indicated. Extend vapor retarders to cover miscellaneous voids in insulated substrates, including those filled with loose-fiber insulation. I B. Seal vertical joints in vapor retarders over framing by lapping no fewer than two studs. 1 . Wood Framing: a. Fasten vapor retarders to wood framing at top, end, and bottom edges; at perimeter of wall openings; and at lap joints. Space fasteners 16 inches o.c. 2. Metal Framing: a. Before installing vapor retarders, apply urethane sealant to flanges of metal framing including runner tracks, metal studs, and framing around door and window openings. Seal overlapping joints in vapor retarders with vapor-retarder tape according to vapor-retarder manufacturer's written instructions. Seal butt joints with vapor-retarder tape. Locate all joints over framing members or other solid substrates. b. Firmly attach vapor retarders to metal framing and solid substrates with vapor- I retarder fasteners as recommended by vapor-retarder manufacturer. C. Seal joints caused by pipes, conduits, electrical boxes, and similar items penetrating I vapor retarders with vapor-retarder tape to create an airtight seal between penetrating objects and vapor retarders. D. Repair tears or punctures in vapor retarders immediately before concealment by other work. Cover with vapor-retarder tape or another layer of vapor retarders. I I 072100 - 12of13 I ' Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 21 00 March 28, 2018 THERMAL INSULATION Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 3.10 PROTECTION A. Do not permit installed insulation to be damaged prior to its concealment. END OF SECTION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I �, 072100 - 13of13 ITigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 26 16 March 28, 2018 BELOW-GRADE VAPOR RETARDER IBassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 ISECTION 07 26 16 - BELOW-GRADE VAPOR RETARDER PART 1 GENERAL I1 .1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Underslab vapor barrier sheeting. IlB. Related Sections: 1 . Section 03 10 00 - Concrete Formwork 1 2. Section 03 20 00 - Reinforcing Steel 3. Section 03 30 00 - Cast-in-Place Concrete I 4. Division 22- Plumbing 5. Division 26- Electrical 6. Division 31- Earthwork I1 .2 REFERENCES 1 A. American Concrete Institute (ACI): 1. ACI 302.1R - Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction. I2. ACI 302.1 R - Addendum Vapor Retarder Location B. Section 1811 of Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC) : Radon Mitigation. I1 .3 SUBMITTALS 1 A. Product Data: Manufacturer's literature for vapor barrier, seaming, patching materials, and accessories IB. Manufacturer Instructions: Installation instructions, special procedures, and perimeter, penetration and other conditions requiring special attention. Include product limitations. I1 .4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 111 A. Take precautions to prevent puncturing, tearing and damage to vapor barrier. 1 .5 COORDINATION A. Section 03 30 00 for cast-in-place concrete slab placement directly over vapor retarder. I 072616 - 1 of 5 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 26 16 March 28, 2018 BELOW-GRADE VAPOR RETARDER Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 B. Division 22 and Division 26 for penetrations through vapor barrier. 1 . Coordinate and sequence penetrations through the vapor barrier to allow proper ' flashing and sealing of all penetrations prior to placement of concrete. 2. Flash and seal penetrations through the vapor barrier prior to placement of concrete. 3. Space utility penetrations through the vapor barrier a minimum of 12-inches apart. C. Division 31 for compacted subgrade under vapor barrier, fully compacted and complete. I PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 VAPOR BARRIER A. Location: Horizontal underslab vapor barrier. B. Material: Reinforced Polyolefin vapor retarder meeting ASTM El 745 Class A. 1 . Minimum Thickness: 15-mil. 2. Perm Rating: 0.01 or less after conditioning, tested to ASTM E 1 54. 3. Manufacturers: a. Stego Industries, Stego Wrap 1 5-mil Class A. b. Fortifiber Corp., Moistop Ultra-15. c. Reef Industries, Griffolyn 1 5-Mil. d. Viper, Viper II 15-Mil. e. WR Meadows, Perminator 1 5. ' 2.2 ACCESSORIES A. Pressure Sensitive Tape, Seam Splice Tape Primer, Boots, and Other Accessories: As instructed by manufacturer for watertight impermeable underslab barrier. I B. Pipe Boots: Manufacturer's supplied pipe boot system. C. Granular Base: See Division 31 Sectionsfor granular base below concrete slab. PART 3 EXECUTION I 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify installation conditions as satisfactory to receive work of this Section. 1 . Underslab Utilities: Drain lines and utilities of Division 22 and Division 26 properly I installed and ready for work of this Section. 2. Through-Slab Penetrations: Ready for work of this Section. 072616 - 2of5 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 26 16 March 28, 201 8 BELOW-GRADE VAPOR RETARDER Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 B. Verify subgrade free from conditions that may cause puncture or other damage to vapor ' retarder. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Complete subgrade and subbase prior to before beginning work of this Section. B. Refer to Division 31 for earthwork preparation of capillary break under vapor retarder. C. Granular Base Course as Capillary Break Under Vapor Barrier: 1 . Install minimum 8 inch thick minimum with 2 inch for grading per drawings, and as ' required by soil conditions. 2. Install over well compacted rough graded structural subgrade or subbase. 3. Fine grade granular base course to tolerance of plus zero inch / minus 1 inch and conduct proof-rolling, conforming to ACI 302 Chapter 4. 4. Survey using rod and level to confirm tolerances by taking measurements at 20 foot intervals, less at elevator pit 1 5. Repair rutting and pumping of base resulting in depressions exceeding 1 /2 inch by raking and then re-compacting repaired areas of base course. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Install underslab vapor barrier continuous, with all penetrations, transitions, and perimeters sealed, to fully protect concrete slabs-on-grade from moisture vapor migration into occupied spaces. B. Install and protect vapor barrier in conformance to manufacturer's instructions, ASTM El 643, and provisions of Contract Documents. C. Interior Concrete Slabs-On Grade: Provide vapor barrier as specified this Section whether Ior not indicated on Drawings. D. Install vapor retarder sheet over compacted granular base course, and where specified ' over rigid insulation placed over compacted granular base. E. Roll down vapor barrier in widest practical width, parallel with direction of concrete pour, and with minimum number of joints. F. Lap vapor barrier over footings, turn up to full slab thickness, and seal with pressure sensitive tape to foundation wall. 1 072616 - 3of5 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 26 16 March 28, 2018 BELOW-GRADE VAPOR RETARDER Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 I G. Overlap vapor barrier 6 inches minimum at all side and end laps and seal with manufacturer's pressure sensitive tape. Roll tape thoroughly to achieve water vapor- I tight performance. 1. No wrinkles and fish-mouths allowed in the laps where tape is to be installed to seal vapor retarder. H. Fully seal pipe and other penetrations with vapor barrier or prefabricated boots and pressure sensitive tape. Field fabricate boots and other shapes as necessary to seal vapor retarder against vapor penetration. I. Place concrete slab-on-grade directly over installed vapor barrier under work of Section 03 30 00. Do not install granular fill layer over vapor retarder. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Verify vapor barrier installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions with penetrations taped and sealed. B. Verifythat vapor barrier has not beenpenetrated byscreed stakes and that base set p screed posts are in place. 3.5 ADJUSTMENTS A. Patch penetrations with pressure sensitive tape and make adjustments as necessary to maintain performance of vapor barrier as instructed by manufacturer. Ensure penetrations are fully sealed against vapor migration. I B. Repair damaged areas by cutting vapor barrier patches. Overlap tears and holes 6 inch beyond damaged area with patches. Seal patch to installed vapor barrier with pressure sensitive tape or as instructed by manufacturer. 3.6 PROTECTION A. Protect From Penetration: Do not permit use of ground set stakes, screed posts, and ' other items to puncture vapor barrier. Where punctured, remove penetrating item and patch vapor barrier, as specified this Section, before placing concrete. I 072616 - 4of5 ITigard High School Modernization SECTION 07 26 16 March 28, 2018 BELOW-GRADE VAPOR RETARDER IBassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 B. Protect From Damage: After sweeping area clean and free of debris, lay rigid insulation Ithen plywood, or other protection board over installed vapor barrier at areas of traffic and protect from construction loads. Do not stack loose items or any construction I materials directly on vapor barrier. END OF SECTION I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 I 072616 - 5of5 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 14 24 00 ' March 28, 2018 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 ' SECTION 14 24 00 - HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS PART 1 GENERAL ' 1 .1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1 . Complete hydraulic elevator systems. ' a. Passenger type. 2. Elevator Maintenance Contract. B. Related Requirements: 1 . Section 09 65 00 - Resilient Flooring: Floor finish in car. ' 2. Section 21 13 00 - Fire Suppression Sprinklers: Sprinkler heads in hoistway. 3. Section 26 05 34 - Conduit 4. Section 26 27 17 - Equipment Wiring ' 1 .2 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Reference Standards: Current edition at date of Bid. ' B. ADA Standards - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design; 2010. C. AISC 360 - Specification for Structural Steel Buildings; 2010. D. ASCE 7 - Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures; 2010, with 2013 ' Supplements and Errata. ' E. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International: 1 . ASME Al 7.1 - Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators; 2013. 2. ASME Al 7.2 - Guide for Inspection of Elevators, Escalators, and Moving Walks; 2014. 3. ASTM A653/A653M - Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process; 201 5. ' 4. ASTM A666 - Standard Specification for Annealed or Cold-Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Flat Bar; 201 5. 5. ASTM B221 - Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded ' Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes; 2014. 6. ASTM B221 M - Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes [Metric]; 2013. 111 142400 - 1 ofl7 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 14 24 00 March 28, 2018 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 ' F. AWS Dl .1 /D1 .1 M - Structural Welding Code - Steel; 2015. G. NEMA MG 1 - Motors and Generators; 2014. H. NFPA 13 - Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems; 2016. 1 I. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. J. NFPA 80 - Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives; 2016. ' K. PS 1 - Structural Plywood; 2009. 1 .3 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Coordination: ' 1 . Coordinate the work with other installers to provide conduits necessary for installation of wiring including but not limited to: I a. To elevator equipment devices remote from elevator machine room or hoistway. B. Preinstallation Meeting: Convene a meeting one week prior to starting work. ' 1 . Review schedule of installation, installation procedures and conditions, and coordination with related work. 1 .4 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 33 00 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide data on the following items. ' 1 . Signal and operating fixtures, operating panels, and indicators. 2. Car design, dimensions, layout, and components. 3. Car and hoistway door and frame details. 4. Electrical characteristics and connection requirements. C. Shop Drawings: Indicate the following information. 1 . Locations of Elevator Machine Equipment: Driving machines, power units, controllers, and other component. 2. Hoistway Components: Car guide rails, buffers,jack unit and other components. 3. Rail bracket spacing; maximum loads imposed on guide rails requiring load transfer , to building structural framing. 4. Individual weight of principal components; load reaction at points of support. 142400 - 2of17 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 14 24 00 March 28, 2018 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 5. Clearances and over-travel of car. ' 6. Locations in hoistway and machine room of traveling cables and connections for car lighting and telephone. 7. Location and sizes of doors and frames. 8. Calculated heat dissipation of elevator equipment in machine room. 9. Applicable seismic design data; certified by a licensed Professional Structural Engineer. 10. Interface with building security system. ' 1 1. Electrical characteristics and connection requirements. 12. Show arrangement of elevator equipment in machine room, and allow for clear passage of equipment through access door. ' 13. Full range of cab interior standard plastic laminate finish options for initial selection. ' D. Samples: Submit samples illustrating car interior finishes and car and hoistway door and frame finishes in the form of finish color selection brochures. 1 . Submit two samples of full range of cab interior standard plastic laminate finish options for initial selection. E. Warranty Documentation: Submit manufacturer warranty and ensure that forms have ' been completed in Owner's name and registered with manufacturer. ' F. Initial Maintenance Contract. G. Maintenance Contract: Submit proposal to Owner for standard one year continuing maintenance contract agreement in accordance with ASME Al 7.1 and requirements as indicated, starting on date initial maintenance contract is scheduled to expire. 1 . Indicate in proposal the services, obligations, conditions, and terms for agreement period and for renewal options. ' H. Operation and Maintenance Data: 1. Parts catalog with complete list of equipment replacement parts; identify each entry with equipment description and identifying code. 2. Operation and maintenance manual. 3. Schematic drawings and wiring diagrams. 1 .5 QUALITY ASSURANCE ' A. Designer Qualifications: Perform design under direct supervision of a licensed Professional Structural Engineer experienced in design of this type of work and licensed in the State in which the Project is located. 1 142400 - 3of17 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 14 24 00 March 28, 2018 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 1 Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 B. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the Products specified in this section with minimum ten years documented experience. I C. Installer Qualifications: Trained personnel and supervisor on staff of elevator equipment manufacturer. D. Products Requiring Fire Resistance Rating: Listed and classified by testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. E. Products Requiring Electrical Connection: Listed and classified by testing agency I acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction as suitable for the purpose indicated in construction documents. 1 .6 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) - Al 7.1 , Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. B. Occupational Safetyand Health Administration (OSHA) for elevators. p C. National Fire Protection Code NFPA 70E - Electrical Safety Requirements for Employees I Workplaces. D. Seismic Design Category: Conform to IBC for requirements pertaining to Category D. E. Seattle Fire Department: Conform to Memorandum No 103-03 requiring a fire helmet shaped warning light that flashes in the elevator car if there is a fire related event in the elevator machine room of that elevator. 1 .7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Provide dry, protected areas, convenient to elevator hoistways for storage of materials I and tools. 1 .8 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Machine Room: Ventilation and heat to maintain temperature between 65 degrees F and I 100 degrees F. I I 142400 - 4of17 ITigard High School Modernization SECTION 14 24 00 March 28, 201 8 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS I Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 1 .9 COORDINATION I A. Coordinate with work 0 of other Sections and for work to complete work of this Section. IB. Legal Hoistway: Properly frame and enclose, to pit depth as necessary for elevator, equipped with ladder, sump, sump grating, lights, access doors, hoistway beam, and Iwaterproofing. Machine Room: Suitable construction, lighting, ventilation, cooling, and heat. IC. D. Supports and Foundations: Adequate construction to carry loads of equipment, such as Isupports for guide rail brackets. E. Electrical Connections: Electric power mains to each controller. F. Signal Equipment Feeders: Circuit breakers or fused mainline disconnect switches and shunt trips. I1 . Dead ground, as required by manufacturer's system. 2. Car Lighting: Electrical 120 volt single phase power with disconnect as shown on I elevator shop drawings. 3. Electrical Power for Testing and Adjusting: Provide same characteristics as permanent supply. I 4. 480 volt supply for motor. 5. 120 volt supply for tank heater for hydraulic fluid, located in Elevator Machine Room. IG. Cutting, Patching, and Blockouts: 1 . Removal of obstructions to elevator installations. I 2. Setting of anchors and sleeves. 3. Installing Pockets or block-outs for signal fixtures. IH. Sill Supports: As instructed by manufacturer. II. Barriers: Temporary enclosures or other protection at open hoistways. J. Trenching and Backfilling: Such as for underground piping or conduit. K. Telephone Line: 1. Provide Elevator machine room control panel with hook-up to outside service. I2. Wires in traveling cable for telephone hook-up are under provisions of this Section. I 142400 - 5of17 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 14 24 00 March 28, 2018 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 1 L. Fire Detection Systems: Manual reset type at floor landings and machine room in accordance with Code, including NFPA 72E and ANSI/ASME Al 7.1 . Provide wiring from ' each detector to elevator controller. M. Machine Room Door: 60 minute fire rated labeled door and frame. ' N. Fire-Rated Hoistway: Construction required for fire-rating of elevator hoistway walls, including penetrations of fire wall by fixture boxes. O. Sump Hole: As shown on drawings, covered with metal grate specified Section 055000. , 1 . Coordinate with Electrical for sump pump connection requirements. P. Keying System: For key operated hall stations, as specified Section 087100 to tie into , Owner's master keying system. Q. Recesses and Projections: Conform to ASME Al 7.1, Rule 100.6. 1 . Recesses: Covered or filled. 2. Projections Greater than 2 inch: Smooth face with top surface sloped not less than ' 75 degrees angle from horizontal. R. Division 23 - Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning: HVAC systems and other 1 mechanical systems required for work of this Section. S. Division 26 - Electrical: Electrical power mains to each controller or motor generator set starter, conduit electrical boxes, switches, relays, connections, telecommunication systems, monitoring systems, access control and other electrical components. 1 1 .10 WARRANTY A. See Section 01 77 00 - Closeout Submittals, for additional warranty requirements. B. Provide 12 month manufacturer warranty for elevator operating equipment and devices from Date of Substantial Completion. C. Replace, repair, and adjust equipment found defective and covered by warranty prior to expiration of warranty period. D. At least 30 days prior to warranty expiration, schedule final inspection, retest, and examine equipment with Owner's representative. 142400 - 6of17 ' Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 14 24 00 ' March 28, 2018 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 PART 2 PRODUCTS ' 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Hydraulic Elevators: 1 . ThyssenKrupp Elevator: Basis of Design: Endura Hydraulic Elevators. ' 2. Otis Elevator Company 2. Primarius Elevator 3. Schindler Elevator Corporation B. Substitutions: Conform to provisions of Division 01 . ' 1 . For any product not identified as Basis of Design, submit information as specified for substitutions. C. Source Limitations: Provide elevator and associated equipment and components produced by the same manufacturer as the other elevator equipment used for this project ' and obtained from a single supplier . 2.2 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS A. Hydraulic Passenger Elevator: Elevator 01 1 . Hydraulic Elevator Equipment: a. Holeless hydraulic with cylinder mounted within hoistway. 2. Drive System: a. Variable voltage variable frequency (VVVF) to modulate motor speed. 3. Operation Control Type: a. Two-stop automatic. ' 4. Interior Car Height: 96 inch. 5. Electrical Power: 480 volts; alternating current (AC); three phase; 60 Hz. 6. Rated Net Capacity: 2500 lbs. 7. Rated Speed: 1 50 feet per minute. 8. Hoistway Size: As indicated on drawings. 9. Interior Car Platform Size: As indicated on drawings. 10. Elevator Pit Depth: As indicated on drawings. Ii 1 . Overhead Clearance at Top Floor: As indicated on drawings. 12. Travel Distance: As indicated on drawings. 13. Number of Stops: As indicated on drawings. ' 14. Number of Openings: 2 Front. B. Hydraulic Passenger Elevator: Elevator 02 142400 - 7of17 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 14 24 00 March 28, 2018 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 1 . Hydraulic Elevator Equipment: a. Holeless hydraulic with cylinder mounted within hoistway. 2. Drive System: a. Variable voltage variable frequency (VVVF) to modulate motor speed. 3. Operation Control Type: a. Three-stop automatic. 4. Interior Car Height: 96 inch. U 5. Electrical Power: 480 volts; alternating current (AC); three phase; 60 Hz. 6. Rated Net Capacity: 5000 lbs. 7. Rated Speed: 1 50 feet per minute. 8. Hoistway Size: As indicated on drawings. 9. Interior Car Platform Size: As indicated on drawings. I 10. Elevator Pit Depth: As indicated on drawings. 11 . Overhead Clearance at Top Floor: As indicated on drawings. 12. Travel Distance: As indicated on drawings. 13. Number of Stops: As indicated on drawings. 14. Number of Openings: 2 Front, 1 Rear. ' 2.3 COMPONENTS ' A. Elevator Equipment: 1 . Motors, Hydraulic Equipment, Controllers, Controls, Buttons, Wiring, Devices, and Indicators: Comply with NFPA 70. Refer to Section 26 27 17 2. Guide Rails, Cables, Buffers, Attachment Brackets and Anchors: Design criteria for components includes safety factors in accordance with applicable requirements of Elevator Code, ASME Al 7.1. 3. Buffers: a. Spring type for elevators with speed less than or equal to 200 feet per minute. 4. Lubrication Equipment: ' a. Provide grease fittings for periodic lubrication of bearings. B. Electrical Equipment: ' 1 . Motors: NEMA MG 1 . 2. Boxes, Conduit, Wiring, and Devices: As required by NFPA 70. Refer to Sections 26 05 34 and 26 27 17. 3. Spare Conductors: Provide ten percent in extra conductors and two pairs of shielded audio cables in traveling cables. t 142400 - 8of17 iTigard High School Modernization SECTION 14 24 00 March 28, 2018 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS IBassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 I 4. Include wiring and connections to elevator devices remote from hoistway and between elevator machine room. Provide additional components and wiring to suit machine room layout. I2.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS I A. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with ASME Al 7.1 , applicable local codes, and authorities having jurisdiction (AHJ). IB. Accessibility Requirements: Comply with ADA Standards. IC. Perform structural steel design, fabrication, and installation in accordance with AISC 360. D. Comply with seismic design requirements in accordance with ASME Al 7.1 , applicable I local codes, authorities having jurisdiction (AHJ), and . 1 . Comply with Elevator Safety Requirements for Seismic Risk Zone in accordance with ASME Al 7.1 , ASCE 7 and other related requirements. 1 2. Provide earthquake emergency operations in accordance with ASME Al 7.1 requirements. E. Perform welding of steel in accordance with AWS Dl.1 /D1 .1 M. I F. Fabricate and install door and frame assemblies in accordance with NFPA 80 and in compliance with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. IG. Perform electrical work in accordance with NFPA 70. I H. Comply with venting or pressurization of the hoistway design in accordance with HVAC system requirements and authorities having jurisdiction. I I. Comply with fire protection sprinkler system of the hoistway design in accordance with NFPA 13 requirements and authorities having jurisdiction. Refer to Section 21 13 00. I2.5 OPERATION CONTROLS I A. Elevator Controls: Provide landing operating panels and landing indicator panels. 1 . Landing Operating Panels: Metallic type, one for originating "Up" and one for originating "Down" calls, one button only at terminating landings; with illuminating I indicators. 2. Landing Indicator Panels: Illuminating. 3. Comply with ADA Standards for elevator controls. I I142400 - 9of17 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 14 24 00 March 28, 2018 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 B. Interconnect elevator control system with building security, fire alarm, card access, smoke alarm, and building management control systems. C. Features: Security features shall not affect emergency firefighters' service. 1 . Card-Reader Operation: System uses card readers at car-control stations and hall- push button stations to authorize calls. Security system determines which landings and at what times calls require authorization by card reader. Provide required111 conductors in traveling cable and panel in machine room for interconnecting card readers, other security access system equipment, and elevator controllers. Provide strip-swipe card reader integral with each car-control station. D. Door Operation Controls: 1 . Program door control to open doors automatically when car arrives at floor landing. 2. Render "Door Close" button inoperative when car is standing at dispatch landing with doors open. I 3. Door Safety Devices: Moveable, retractable safety edges, quiet in operation; equipped with photo-electric light rays. E. Lobby Monitoring Panel: 1 . Locate status indicator and control panel for each individual elevator and group of elevators as indicated on drawings. 2. Etch face plate markings in panel, and fill with paint of contrasting color. 3. Include direction indicator displaying landing "Up" and "Down" calls registered at each landing floor. 4. Include position and motion display for direction of travel of each elevator. Display appropriate graphic characters on non-glare screen. Indicate position of cars at rest and in motion. 5. Include "Firefighter's Service Switch" that manually recalls each elevator to main floor. 6. Emergency Pictorial Signs: Fabricate from materials matching hall push-button stations, with text and graphics as required by authorities having jurisdiction, indicating that in case of fire, elevators are out of service and exits should be used instead. Provide one sign at each hall push-button station unless otherwise indicated. F. Provide "Firefighter's Emergency Operation" in accordance with ASME Al 7.1, applicable I building codes, and authorities having jurisdiction (AHJ). 1 . Designated Landing: Main Lobby. 2. Emergency Communication System: Two-way voice communication system, with visible signal, which dials preprogrammed number of monitoring station and does I 14 24 00 - 10of17 I Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 14 24 00 March 28, 2018 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 not require handset use. System is contained in flush-mounted cabinet, with identification, instructions for use, and battery backup power supply. G. Emergency Communication System: Provide two-way voice communication system, with visible signal, which dials preprogrammed number of monitoring station and does not require handset use. System is contained in flush-mounted cabinet, with identification, instructions for use, and battery backup power supply. 2.6 OPERATION CONTROL TYPE A. Single Automatic (Push Button) Operation Control: Applies to car in single elevator shaft. 1 . Refer to description provided in ASME Al 7.1. 2. Set system operation so that momentary pressure of landing button dispatches car from other landing to that landing. 3. Allow call registered by momentary pressure of landing button at any time to remain registered until car stops in response to that landing call. 4. If elevator car door is not opened within predetermined period of time after car has stopped at terminal landing allow car to respond to call registered from other landing. 2.7 EMERGENCY POWER A. Set-up elevator operation to run with building emergency power supply when the normal building power supply fails, and in compliance with ASME A17.1 requirements. B. Building Emergency Power Supply: Supplied by backup generator; provide elevator system components as required for emergency power characteristics with phase rotation the same as for normal power. 1. Provide transfer switches and auxiliary contacts. 2. Install connections to power feeders. C. Emergency Lighting: Comply with ASME Al 7.1 elevator lighting requirements. D. Provide operational control circuitry for adapting the change from normal to emergency power. E. Upon transfer to emergency power, advance one elevator at a time to a pre-selected landing, stop car, open doors, disable operating circuits, and hold in standby condition. I 14 24 00 - 11 of 17 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 14 24 00 March 28, 2018 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 2.8 MATERIALS A. Sheet Steel: Hot-dipped galvanized steel sheet, ASTM A653/A653M, with G90/Z275 coating. i B. Stainless Steel Sheet: ASTM A666, Type 304; No. 4 Brushed finish unless otherwise indicated. I C. Extruded Aluminum: ASTM B221 (ASTM B221 M), natural anodized finish unless otherwise indicated. D. Plywood: PS 1 , Structural I, Grade C-D or better, sanded. E. Plastic Laminate: NEMA LD 3, Type HGS, Color as selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard color 2.9 CAR AND HOISTWAY ENTRANCES A. Elevator, No. 01 : 1 . Car and Hoistway Entrances: a. Hoistway Fire Rating: 1 Hours. b. Elevator Door Fire Rating: 1-1 /2 Hours. c. Framed Opening Finish and Material: Stainless Steel. d. Car Door Material: Stainless steel, with rigid sandwich panel construction. e. Hoistway Door Material: Stainless steel, with rigid sandwich panel construction. f. Door Type: Double leaf. g. Door Operation: Side opening, two speed. h. Door Width: 36 inch. i. Door Height: 84 inch. j. Sills: Extruded aluminum. B. Elevator, No. 02: 1 . Car and Hoistway Entrances: a. Hoistway Fire Rating: 1 Hours. b. Elevator Door Fire Rating: 1-1 /2 Hours. c. Framed Opening Finish and Material: Stainless Steel. 111 d. Car Door Material: Stainless steel, with rigid sandwich panel construction. e. Hoistway Door Material: Stainless steel, with rigid sandwich panel construction. f. Door Type: Double leaf. g. Door Operation: Side opening, two speed. 1 142400 - 12of17 111 ITigard High School Modernization SECTION 14 24 00 March 28, 2018 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS IBassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 h. Door Width: 48 inch. Ii. Door Height: 84 inch. j. Sills: Extruded aluminum. I C. Sills/Thresholds: Configure to align with frame return and coordinate with floor finish. 2.10 CAR EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS IA. Elevator Car: 1 . Car Operating Panel: Provide main and auxiliary; flush-mounted applied face plate, I with illuminated call buttons corresponding to floors served with "Door Open/Door Close" buttons, "Door Open" button, "Door Close" button, and alarm button. a. Panel Material: Stainless steel; one per car. Ib. Car Floor Position Indicator: Above car operating panel with illuminating position indicators. c. Locate alarm button where it is unlikely to be accidentally actuated; not more than 54 inch above car finished floor. d. Provide matching service cabinet integral with front return panel, with hinged door and keyed lock in each car. 2. Ventilation: Single speed fan with grille in ceiling. 3. Flooring: Linoleum as specified in Section 09 65 00. 4. Wall Base: Recessed stainless steel, 4 inch high. 5. Front Return Panel: Stainless steel. f 6. Door Wall: Stainless steel. 7. Side Walls: Plastic laminate on plywood. 8. Rear Wall: Plastic laminate on plywood. 9. Hand Rail: Stainless steel. Provide open clearance space 1-1 /2 inch (38 mm) wide to face of wall. I a. Stainless Steel Finish: No. 4 Brushed. 10. Ceiling: a. Canopy Ceiling: Stainless steel. Ib. Lighting: LED lighting system. I B. Car Accessories: 1 . Protective Pads: Canvas cover, padded with impact-resistant fill material, sewn with piping edges; fire resistant in compliance with ASME Al 7.1 ; brass grommets for Isupports, covering side and rear walls and front return, with cut-out for control panel; provide one set for each elevator. a. Color: Grey. 111 I14 24 00 - 13 of 17 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 14 24 00 I March 28, 2018 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 ' b. Provide at least 4 inch clearance from bottom of pad to finished floor. c. Pad Supports: Stainless steel studs, and mounted from ceiling frame. 2.1 1 MACHINE ROOM FITTINGS A. Wall-Mounted Frames: Glazed with clear plastic; sized as required. Provide one chart each for master electric and hydraulic schematic and for lubrication chart. Install charts. B. Key Cabinet: Wall-mounted, lockable, keyed to building keying system, for control and operating panel keys. I PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify existing conditions before starting this work. 1 B. Verify that hoistway, pit, and machine room are ready for work of this section. U C. Verify hoistway shaft and openings are of correct size and within tolerance. D. Verify location and size of machine foundation and position of machine foundation bolts. E. Verify that electrical power is available and of correct characteristics. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Arrange for temporary electrical power for installation work and testing of elevator components. Comply with requirements of Section 01 50 00 - Temporary Facilities and I Controls. B. Maintain elevator pit excavation free of water. r 3.3 INSTALLATION 1 A. Coordinate this work with installation of hoistway wall construction. B. Install system components, and connect equipment to building utilities. 11 C. Provide conduit, electrical boxes, wiring, and accessories. Refer to Sections 26 05 34 and I 26 27 17. I 142400 - 14of17 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 14 24 00 I March 28, 201 8 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 D. Install hydraulic piping between cylinder and pump unit. I E. Mount machines, motors, and pumps on vibration and acoustic isolators. I 1 . Place on structural supports and bearing plates. 2. Securely fasten to building supports. 3. Prevent lateral displacement. F. Install hoistway, elevator equipment, and components in accordance with approved shop drawings. G. Install guide rails to allow for thermal expansion and contraction movement of guide rails. H. Accurately machine and align guide rails, forming smooth joints with machined splice Iplates. I. Install hoistway door sills, frames, and headers in hoistway walls; grout sills in place, set I/ hoistway floor entrances in alignment with car openings, and align plumb with hoistway. 111 J. Structural Metal Surfaces: Clean surfaces of rust, oil or grease; wipe clean with solvent; prime two coats. K. Wood Surfaces not Exposed to Public View: Finish with one coat primer; one coat enamel. L. Adjust equipment for smooth and quiet operation. 3.4 ERECTION TOLERANCES 1 A. Guide Rail Alignment: Plumb and parallel to each other in accordance with ASME Al 7.1 and ASME A17.2. 11 B. Car Movement on Aligned Guide Rails: Smooth movement, without any objectionable lateral or oscillating movement or vibration. I3.5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL IliA. See Section 01 40 00 - Quality Requirements, for additional requirements. 111 B. Operational Tests: 1 . Perform operational tests in the presence of Owner and Architect. I I14 24 00 - 1 5 of 17 1 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 14 24 00 March 28, 2018 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 2. At an agreed time, and the building occupied with normal building traffic, conduct tests to verify performance. a. Furnish event recording of each landing call registrations, time initiated, and response time throughout entire working day. 3. Set period of time elevator takes to travel between typical floor landings at not more than ____ seconds. a. Measure time from moment doors start to close until car has stopped level at next floor landing and doors are opening. 3.6 ADJUSTING I' A. Adjust for smooth acceleration and deceleration of car to minimize passenger discomfort. B. Adjust with automatic floor leveling feature at each floor landing to reach 1 /4 inch maximum from flush with sill. 3.7 CLEANING A. Remove protective coverings from finished surfaces. B. Clean surfaces and components in accordance with manufacturers written instructions. 1 3.8 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES A. Demonstrate proper operation of equipment to Owner's designated representative. 3.9 PROTECTION A. Do not permit construction traffic within car after cleaning. I B. Protect installed products until Date of Substantial Completion. C. Touch-up, repair, or replace damaged products and materials prior to Date of Substantial Completion. I 3.10 MAINTENANCE A. Provide Initial Maintenance Contract of elevator system and components in accordance with ASME Al 7.1 and requirements as indicated for 3 months from Date of Substantial Completion. I 14 24 00 - 16 of 17 1 Tigard High School Modernization SECTION 14 24 00 I March 28, 2018 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS Bassetti Architects Project# 16992.00 B. Perform maintenance contract services using competent and qualified personnel under ithe supervision and direct employ of the elevator manufacturer or original installer. IC. Include systematic examination, adjustment, and lubrication of elevator equipment. D. Perform work without removing cars from use during peak traffic periods. IE. Provide emergency call back service during regular working hours throughout period of this maintenance contract. END OF SECTION I I I i ..,` I I I I I I I I I142400 - 17 of 17 iTigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND 0 Glumac METHODS 21 05 00 - BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND METHODS IPART 1 GENERAL I1 .1 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS A. All work under this Section shall comply with the requirements of General Conditions, I Supplemental Conditions, Special Conditions and Division 01 - General Requirements, and shall include all Fire Protection Sections specified herein. I1 .2 SCOPE OF THIS SECTION A. All work to be furnished and installed under this Section shall comply with all the Irequirements of Division 01, and shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: I 1 . Compliance with all codes and standards applicable to this jurisdiction. 2. Shop Drawings for Equipment 3. Coordination Documents 4. Record Drawings I 5. Start-up Service and Building Commissioning 6. Instruction, Maintenance, and 0 & M Manuals 11 7. Work associated with Delivery, Storage, and Handling of products 8. Work associated with provision of Temporary Facilities I 9. Preparation of Posted Operating Instructions 10. Meeting Project Safety and Indemnity requirements 11. Proper Cleaning and Closing 12. Supplying proper Warranty information 13. Supply specified Guarantee documentation 14. Design and provision of Supports and Anchors 1 5. Pipe Portals 16. Access Panels and Doors 11 I 1 7. Identification Markers 18. Coordination of Electrical requirements for equipment provided 1 .3 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The Contract Documents, including Specifications and Construction Drawings, are IIIintended to provide all material and labor to install complete fire protection systems for the building and shall interface with all existing building systems affected by new construction. 1 1 111 Print Date:3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 1 of 27 Tigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND Glumac METHODS B. The Contractor shall refer to the architectural interior details, floor plans, elevations, and the structural and other Contract Drawings and he shall coordinate his work with that of the other trades to avoid interference. The plans are diagrammatic and show generally the locations of the equipment, and risers and are not to be scaled; all dimensions and existing conditions shall be checked at the building. I C. The Contractor shall comply with the project closeout requirements as detailed in General Requirements of Division 01 . 1 D. Where project involves interface with existing building and site systems, effort has been made to note existing utilities and services. However, the Contractor should thoroughly familiarize themselves with existing conditions and be aware that in some cases information is not available as to concealed conditions, which exist in portions of the existing building affected by this work. 1 .4 DESCRIPTION OF BID DOCUMENTS A. Specifications: 1 . Specifications, in general, describe quality and character of materials and equipment. I 2. Specifications are of simplified form and include incomplete sentences. 1 .5 DEFINITIONS A. "Above Grade": Not buried in the ground and not embedded in concrete slab on ground. B. "Actuating" or Control Devices: Automatic sensing and switching devices such as thermostats, pressure, float, electro-pneumatic switches and electrodes controlling operation of equipment. C. "Below Grade": Buried in the ground or embedded in concrete slab on ground. D. "Concealed": Embedded in masonry or other construction, installed in furred spaces, within double partitions or hung ceilings, in trenches, in crawl spaces, or in enclosures. In general, any item not visible or directly accessible. E. "Connect": Complete hook-up of item with required service. R F. "Exposed": Not installed underground or "concealed." G. "Furnish": To supply equipment and products as specified. H. "Indicated," "Shown" or " "Noted": As indicated, shown or noted on Drawings or I Specifications. Print Date:3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 2 of 27 ITigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND IGlumac METHODS I. "Install": To erect, mount and connect complete with related accessories. IJ. "Motor Controllers": Manual or magnetic starters (with or without switches), individual push buttons or hand-off-automatic (HOA) switches controlling the operation of motors. IK. "Must": A desire to complete the specified task. Allows some flexibility in application as opposed to "Shall." L. "NRTL": Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory, including UL and/or ETL. I M. "Piping": Pipe, tube, fittings, flanges, valves, controls, strainers, hangers, supports, unions, traps, drains, insulation, and related items. I N. "Provide": To supply, install and connect as specified for a complete, safe and operationally ready system. I O. "Reviewed," "Satisfactory" or "Directed": As reviewed, satisfactory, or directed by or to Architect/Engineer/Owner. 11 P. "Rough-In": Provide all indicated services in the necessary arrangement suitable for making final connections to fixture or equipment. IQ. "Shall": An exhortation or command to complete the specified task. R. "Similar" or "Equal": Of base bid manufacture, equal in materials, weight, size, design, and 111 efficiency of specified products. S. "Supply": To purchase, procure, acquire and deliver complete with related accessories. T. Typical or "Typ": Exhibiting the qualities, traits, or characteristics that identify a kind, I class, number, group or category. Of or relating to a representative specimen. Application shall apply to all other similarly identified on plan or detail. I U. "Will": A desire to complete the specified task. Allows some flexibility in application as opposed to "Shall." V. "Wiring": Raceway, fittings, wire, boxes and related items. W. "Work": Labor, materials, equipment, apparatus, controls, accessories, and other items Irequired for proper and complete installation. 1 .6 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE IA. All Division 21 Fire Suppression sections included herein. I Print Date:3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 3 of 27 Tigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND Glumac METHODS B. Division 02: Existing Conditions. 1 . Coordination of excavation of trenches and the installation of piping on site. C. Division 03: Concrete. 1 . All concrete work for Fire Suppression Division shall be included in Division 21 under the appropriate Sections and shall include: a. Concrete curbs and housekeeping pads for the equipment. b. Thrust blocks for piping. I D. Division 07: Thermal and Moisture Protection. 1 . Sealants and caulking. 2. Firestopping. E. Division 09: Finishes: 1 . Division 21 installers shall perform all painting, except where specifically stated otherwise in Division 09. F. Division 26: Electrical is related to work of: 1 . Fire protection alarms and relays. I 2. Detectors and monitoring. 3. Power connections to all equipment. 11/ 4. Life safety provisions. 1 .7 CODES AND STANDARDS A. The Contractor is cautioned that code requirements not explicitly detailed in these specifications or drawings, but which may be reasonably inferred or implied from the nature of the project, must be provided as part of the contract. B. Perform all tests required by governing authorities and required under all Division 21 Sections. Provide written reports on all tests. C. Electrical devices and wiring shall conform to the latest standards of NEC; all devices shall be UL listed and labeled. D. All excavation work must comply with all provisions of state laws including notification to all owners of underground utilities at least 48 business day hours, but not more than 10 business days, before commencing an excavation. E. Provide in accordance with rules and regulations of the following. 1. NFPA Standards: a. NFPA 13: Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems (Latest adopted version) Print Date 3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 4 of 27 ITigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND Glumac METHODS 1 b. NFPA 14: Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems (Latest adopted version) c. NFPA 20: Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection (Latest adopted version) Id. NFPA 22: Standard for Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection (Latest adopted version) 1 e. NFPA 24: Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances (Latest adopted version) f. NFPA 25: Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based I Fire Protection Systems (Latest adopted version) g. NFPA 70: National Electrical Code (latest adopted version) h. NFPA 72: National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code (Latest adopted version) II i. NFPA 80: Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives (Latest adopted version) I j. NFPA 101 : Life Safety Code (Latest adopted version) k. NFPA 2001 : Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems (Latest adopted version) 1 2. Building Codes enforced by the Authority Having jurisdiction in Oregon: a. 2014 Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC) based on 2012 International I Building Code (IBC) b. 2014 Oregon Energy Efficiency Code (OEESC) based on the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) I c. 2014 Oregon Mechanical Specialty Code (OMSC) based on 2012 International Mechanical Code (IMC) and 2012 International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC) with State Amendments Id. 2014 Oregon Plumbing Code (OPC) based on 2009 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) with State Amendments II e. 2014 Oregon Fire Code (Based on the 2012 International Fire Code) f. 2014 Oregon Electric Specialty Code (Based on the 2014 National Electric Code (NEC) with State Amendments I 3. Local, city, county and state codes and ordinances 4. Local and State Fire Prevention Districts. 5. Other applicable standards and references: a. UL and FM Compliance: Provide products, which are UL listed and FM approved. b. ASCE/SEI 7-10: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. c. MSS Standard Compliance: Manufacturer's Standardization Society (MSS). d. SMACNA: Seismic Restraint Manual-Guidelines for Mechanical Systems. e. Factory Mutual Approval Guide (Product listing, only). f. Factory Mutual Approval Guide and FM Pamphlet #20 "Rules for Installing Sprinklers" (Product listing and project review). g. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. aPrint Date:3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 5 of 27 Tigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND Glumac METHODS h. Industrial Risk Insurance Underwriters. i. Owner's insurance agency. F. Provide in accordance with appropriate referenced standards of the following: 1 . NFPA - National Fire Protection Association. I 2. CSA - Canadian Standards Association. 3. ANSI - American National Standards Institute. 4. ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 5. ASTM - American Society for Testing Materials. 6. AWS - American Welding Society. 7. AWWA - American Water Works Association. 8. FM - Factory Mutual. 9. MSS - Manufacturer's Standardization Society. 10. NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturer's Association. 11 . UL - Underwriter's Laboratories. 12. ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act. 13. ETL - Electrical Testing Laboratories. 14. IAPMO - International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials. I 1.8 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer's Nameplates: Nameplates on manufactured items shall be aluminum or Type 304 stainless steel sheet, not less than 20 USG (0.0375"), riveted or bolted to the manufactured item, with nameplate data engraved or punched to form a non-erasable I record of equipment data. B. Current Models. All work shall be as follows: I 1 . Manufactured items furnished shall be the current, cataloged product of the manufacturer. 2. Replacement parts shall be readily available and stocked in the USA. C. Experience: Unless more stringent requirements are specified in other sections of Division 21 , manufactured items shall have been installed and used, without modification, renovation or repair, on other projects for not less than one year prior to the date of bidding for this project. D. Furnish and install all new material, equipment, and apparatus hereinafter specified unless specifically noted otherwise. All material, equipment, and apparatus shall be identified by the manufacturer's name, nameplate, and pertinent data 1 . All pipe, pipe fittings and valves shall be manufactured in North America. Alternatives may be acceptable, but must be submitted and approved by the Owner's Representative prior to bidding. Print Date 3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 6 of 27 ITigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND Glumac METHODS I OR 2. Upon request, the Owner's Representative shall be furnished certification by the manufacturer, stating samples representing each lot have been tested and inspected ias indicated in governing ASTM specifications have been met. Certification shall be accompanied by test reports as prepared in accordance with relevant ASTM sections I governing Test Methods and Inspection. Tension Tests reports shall include breaking load, machined diameter of the test bars, and calculated tensile strength. Certification shall include the legal name and address of the manufacturer. 1 .9 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS $ A. Examine all existing conditions at building site. B. Review contract documents and technical specifications for extent of new work to be Iprovided. C. Provide and pay for all permits, licenses, fees and inspections. 1D. Install equipment and materials to provide required access for servicing and maintenance. 1 Coordinate the final location of concealed equipment and devices requiring access with final location of required access panels and doors. Allow ample space for removal of all parts that require replacement or servicing. This work shall include furnishing and Iinstalling all access doors required for mechanical access. E. Coordinate equipment and materials installation with other building components. 1 F. Verify all dimensions by field measurements. I G. Arrange for chases, slots, and openings in other building components to allow for installations. I H. Coordinate the installation of required supporting devices and sleeves to be set in poured-in-place concrete and other structural components, as they are constructed. I I. Sequence, coordinate, and integrate installations of materials and equipment for efficient flow of the work. $ J. Coordinate the cutting and patching of building components to accommodate the installation of equipment and materials. Contractor to provide for all cutting and patching Irequired for installation of his work unless otherwise noted. K. Install fire protection services and overhead equipment to provide the maximum iheadroom possible. IPrint Date 3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 7 of 27 Tigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND Glumac METHODS 1 L. Install equipment to facilitate maintenance and repair or replacement of equipment components. Connect equipment for ease of disconnecting, without interference with other installations. M. Coordinate the installation of materials and equipment above ceilings with ductwork, I piping, conduits, suspension system, light fixtures, cable trays, and other installations. N. Coordinate connection of systems with exterior underground utilities and services. I Comply with requirements of governing regulations, franchised service companies, and controlling agencies. Provide required connection for each service. O. Coordinate with Owner's Representative in advance to schedule shutdown of existing systems to make new connections. Provide valves in new piping to allow existing system 111 to be put back in service with minimum down time. P. All materials (such as insulation, piping, wiring, controls, etc.) located within air plenum spaces, air shafts, and occupied spaces shall have a flame-spread index of 25 or less, and smoke-developed index of 50 or less, as tested by ASTM E84 (NFPA 255) Method. In addition, the products, when tested, shall not drip flame particles, and flame shall not be progressive. Provide Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., label or listing, or satisfactory certified test report from an approved testing laboratory to prove the fire hazard ratings for materials proposed for use do not exceed those specified. Q. Products made of or containing lead, asbestos, mercury or other known toxic or hazardous materials are not acceptable for installation under this Division. Any such products installed as part of the work of the Division shall be removed and replaced and all costs for removal and replacement shall be borne solely by the installing Contractor. I 1 .10 MINOR DEVIATIONS A. The Contractor shall review the structural and architectural conditions and drawings affecting his work. It is the specific intention of this section that the contractor's scope of work shall include I 1 . Proper code complying support systems for all equipment whether or not scheduled or detailed on drawings or in these specifications B. The Contractor shall study the operational requirements of each system, and shall arrange his work accordingly, and shall furnish such fittings, offsets, supports, accessories, as are required for the proper and efficient installation of all systems from the physical space available for use by this section. This requirement extends to the Contractor's coordination of this section's work with the "Electrical Work." Should conflicts occur due I to lack of coordination, the time delay, cost of rectification, demolition, labor and materials, shall be borne by the Contractor and shall not be at a cost to the Owner. Print Date:3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 8 of 27 Tigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND IGlumac METHODS C. Advice the Owner's Representative, in writing, in the event a conflict occurs in the location I or connection of equipment. Bear all costs for relocation of equipment, resulting from failure to properly coordinate the installation or failure to advise the Owner's Representative of conflict. I1 .11 PRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONS IA. The Contractor shall certify the following items are correct when using substituted products other than those scheduled or shown on the drawings as a basis of design: Ii . The proposed substitution does not affect dimensions shown on drawings. 2. The Contractor shall pay for changes to building design, including engineering design, detailing, structural supports, and construction costs caused by proposed I substitution. 3. The proposed substitution has no adverse effect on other trades, construction schedule, or specified warranty requirements. II4. Maintenance and service parts available locally are readily obtainable for the proposed substitute. 111 B. The Contractor further certifies function, appearance, and quality of proposed substitution are equivalent or superior to specified item. IC. The Contractor agrees that the terms and conditions for the substituted product that are found in the contract documents apply to this proposed substitution. I1 .12 SHOP DRAWINGS AND EQUIPMENT SUBMITTALS I A. Prior to construction submit for review all materials and equipment in accordance with Division 01 requirements. B. After approval of preliminary list of materials, the Contractor shall submit Shop Drawings Iand manufacturer's Certified Drawings to the Owner's Representative for approval. C. The Contractor shall submit approved Shop Drawings and manufacturer's equipment cuts, I of all equipment requiring connection by Division 26, to the Electrical Contractor for final coordination of electrical requirements. Contractor shall bear all additional costs for failure to coordinate with Division 26. aD. Submittals and Shop Drawings: 1 . Submit electronic copies of manufacturer's submittal sheets in one (1) coordinated Ipackage per Division. Multiple submissions will not be accepted without prior approval of the Owner's Representative. Organize submittal sheets in sequential Iorder aligned with matching specification section numbers. 1 IPrint Date 3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 9 of 27 Tigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND Glumac METHODS 2. Provide electronic copies of shop drawings prepared to show details of the proposed installation. Copies of contract design drawings submitted to demonstrate shop drawing compliance will not be accepted. 3. Paper submittals will only be acceptable if specifically required by Division 01 . 4. The approved submittals shall be converted into Operations & Maintenance Manuals 1 at the completion of the project. Refer to Division 01 for additional requirements. 1 .13 COORDINATION DOCUMENTS/SHOP DRAWINGS I A. The Contractor shall prepare coordinated Shop Drawings using the same electronic format as the contract documents. I 1 . The shop drawings shall serve to record the coordination of the installation and location of all fire sprinkler heads, piping, HVAC equipment, ductwork, grilles, diffusers, lights, audio/video systems, electrical services and all system appurtenances. 2. The Drawings shall include all mechanical rooms and floor plans. 3. The Drawings shall be keyed to the structural column identification system, and shall be progressively numbered. Prior to completion of the Drawings, the Contractor shall coordinate the proposed installation with the Owner's Representative and the I structural requirements, and all other trades (including HVAC, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Electrical, Ceiling Suspension, and Tile Systems), and provide maintenance access clearance as required by manufacturer installation instructions and as required 111 to meet minimum code clearances. When conflicts are identified, modify system layout as necessary to resolve. Do not fabricate, order or install any equipment or materials until coordination documents are approved by the General Contractor and Owner's Representative. 4. Within thirty (30) days after award of Contract, submit proposed coordination document Shop Drawing schedule, allowing adequate time for review and approval by parties mentioned above. Drawings or electronic coordination should be prepared and submitted for approval on a floor-by-floor basis to phase with building 111 construction. B. The coordination work shall be prepared as follows: I 1 . Two dimensional AutoCAD / Revit based documents: a. Contractor shall prepare AutoCAD/Revit coordination drawings to an accurate scale of 1 /4" = 1'-0" or larger. Drawings are to be same size as Contract Drawings and shall indicate locations, sizes and elevations above finished floor, of all systems. Lettering shall be minimum 1 /8" high. I b. Contractor shall obtain AutoCAD/Revit drawings from all other trades as required to fully coordinate the installation with architectural, structural, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, fire alarm devices, low voltage devices, and other systems that interface with and/or impact the HVAC work. I Print Date:3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 10 of 27 ITigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND IGlumac METHODS c. Fire protection drawings shall indicate locations of all sprinkler heads and I piping, including valves and fittings, dimensions from column lines, and bottom of pipe elevations above finished floor. d. Provide maintenance access clearance as required by manufacturer installation instructions and as required to meet minimum code clearances. e. Drawings shall incorporate all addenda items and change orders. I f. Distribute drawings to all other trades and provide additional coordination as needed to assure adequate space for piping, equipment and routing to avoid conflicts. When conflicts are identified, modify system layout as necessary to I resolve. 2. Three dimensional Revit / BIM based documents (if required for project): I a. Provide three dimensional Revit model and BIM input information locating all equipment and piping, including valves and fittings, dimensions from column lines, and bottom of pipe elevations above finished floor. I b. Contractor shall obtain Revit model and BIM input from all other trades as required to fully coordinate the installation with architectural, structural, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, fire alarm devices, low voltage devices, and other systems Ithat interface with and/or impact the fire protection work. c. Model shall indicate locations of all equipment and piping, including valves and fittings, dimensions from column lines, and bottom of pipe elevations above Ifinished floor. d. Provide maintenance access clearance as required by manufacturer installation I instructions and as required to meet minimum code clearances. e. Model shall incorporate all addenda items and change orders. Distribute Revit model and BIM input information to all other trades and provide If. additional coordination as needed to assure adequate space for equipment and piping and routing to avoid conflicts. When conflicts are identified, modify I system layout as necessary to resolve. C. Advise the Owner's Representative in the event a conflict occurs in the location or connection of equipment. Bear all costs for relocation of equipment, resulting from Ifailure to properly coordinate the installation or failure to advise the Owner's Representative of conflict. 1 D. Verify in field exact size, location, invert, and clearances regarding all existing material, equipment and apparatus, and advise the Owner's Representative of any discrepancies between those indicated on the Drawings and those existing in the field prior to any Iinstallation related thereto. E. Final Coordination Drawings with all appropriate information added are to be submitted Ias Record Drawings at completion of project. I IPrint Date:3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 11 of 27 Tigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND Glumac METHODS 1 .14 REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION (RFIS) A. Refer to Division 01. 1 .15 RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Maintain set of Coordination Documents (drawings and specifications) marked "Record Set" at the job site at all times, and use it for no other purpose but to record on it all the changes and revisions during construction. B. Record Drawings shall indicate revisions to piping, size and location both exterior and interior; including control devices, and similar units requiring periodic maintenance or repair; actual equipment locations, dimensioned from column lines; actual inverts and locations of underground piping; concealed equipment, dimensioned to column lines; I mains and branches of piping systems, with valves and control devices located and numbered, concealed unions located, and with items requiring maintenance. C. Record Specifications shall indicate approved substitutions; Change Orders; and actual equipment and materials provided. D. At the completion of the construction transfer all "Record Set" notations to a clean set of drawings and specifications in a neat and orderly fashion that incorporates all site markups to clearly show all changes and revisions to the Contract Documents. Submit copies of Record Documents and CD/DVD disks labeled with all drawings and specifications and other supporting documentation. I E. Refer also to Division 01 for full scope of requirements. 6 S 1 .16 TART-UP SERVICE AND BUILDING COMMISSIONING . A. Prior to start-up, be assured that systems are ready, including checking the following: I Proper equipment rotation, proper wiring, auxiliary connections, lubrication, venting, controls, and installed and properly set relief and safety valves. B. Provide services of factory-trained technicians for start-up of pumps, and other major pieces of equipment. Certify in writing compliance with this Paragraph, stating names of 111 personnel involved and the date work was performed. C. Refer to other Division 21 Sections for additional requirements. 1 .17 INSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, AND O&M MANUALS A. O&M Manuals: Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall submit to the Owner's Representative complete set of operating instructions, maintenance instructions, part I Print Date 3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 12 of 27 Tigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND IGlumac METHODS lists, and all other bulletins and brochures pertinent to the operation and maintenance for 0 equipment furnished and installed as specified in this section, bound in a durable binder. Refer to Division 01. iB. The Contractor shall be responsible for proper instruction of Owner's personnel for operation and maintenance of equipment, and apparatus installed as specified in Division 21 to be no less than 2 hours for each piece of equipment. I 1.18 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. Deliver products to project properly identified with names, model numbers, types, grades, compliance labels, and similar information needed for distinct identifications; adequately packaged and protected to prevent damage during shipment, storage, and handling. IB. Store equipment and materials in an environmentally controlled area at the site, unless off-site storage is authorized in writing. Protect stored equipment and materials from I'I 1 damage. Piping and equipment showing signs of rust shall be removed from site and replaced with new. I1 .19 POSTED OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS A. Furnish approved operating instructions for systems and equipment indicated in the technical sections for use by operation personnel. The operating instructions shall include wiring diagrams, control diagrams, and control sequence for each principal I system and equipment. Print or engrave operating instructions and frame under glass or in approved laminated plastic. Post instructions where directed. Attach or post operating instructions adjacent to each principal system and equipment including start-up, IIoperating, shutdown, safety precautions and procedure in the event of equipment failure. Provide weather-resistant materials or weatherproof enclosures for operating instructions I exposed to the weather. Operating instructions shall not fade when exposed to sunlight and shall be secured to prevent easy removal. I1 .20 SAFETY AND INDEMNITY A. The Contractor shall be solely and completely responsible for conditions of the job site I including safety of all persons and property during performance of the work. This requirement will apply continuously and not be limited to normal hours of work. 1 B. No act, service, Drawing, review, or Construction Review by the Owner, Architect, the Engineers or their consultants, is intended to include the review of the adequacy of the Contractor's safety measures, in, on, or near the construction site. iC. The Contractor performing work under this Division of the Specifications shall hold harmless, indemnify and defend the Owner, the Architect, the Engineers and their IPrint Date 3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 13 of 27 Tigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND Glumac METHODS I consultants, and each of their officers, employees and agents from any and all liability claim, losses or damage arising, or alleged to arise from bodily injury, sickness, or death of a person or persons, and for all damages arising out of injury to or destruction of property arising directly or indirectly out of, or in connection with, the performance of the work under the Division of the Specifications, and from the Contractor's negligence in the 1 performance of the work described in the Construction Contract Documents; but not including the sole negligence of the Owner, the Architect, the Engineers, and their consultants or their officers, employees and agents. 1 .21 CLEANING AND CLOSING A. All work shall be inspected, tested, and approved before being concealed or placed in operation. I B. Upon completion of the work, all equipment installed as specified in this section, and all areas where work was performed, shall be cleaned to provide operating conditions I satisfactory to the Owner's Representative. 1 .22 WARRANTIES A. Refer to general terms and conditions, as well as warranties and obligations defined in Division 1 of the specifications that provide basic warranty requirements for the entire I project. B. The warranties and corrective obligations provided under this section (i) are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other warranty, representation, covenant, duty or other obligation (including any corrective obligation) of the Contractor or Manufacturer, (ii) have no 111 relationship to the time when any warranty, representation, duty, covenant or other obligation of Contractor or Manufacturer may be enforced or any dispute resolution proceeding commenced and (iii) are made by the Manufacturer to both the Contractor and the Owner and by the Contractor to Owner. C. All equipment and systems shall be provided with a minimum one-year warranty, defined I as starting from the date of Certificate of Occupancy, and shall include all parts, material, labor and travel. D. Refer to individual Specification sections for additional extended warranty requirements. E. Provide complete warranty information for each item, to include product or equipment, date of beginning of warranty or bond; duration of warranty or bond; and names, addresses, telephone numbers and procedures for filing a claim and obtaining warranty 1 services. I Print Date:3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 14 of 27 ITigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND IGlumac METHODS F. Nothing in any separate warranty or other document provided by Contractor or I Manufacturer, or both, will apply to limit their liability or responsibility for damages arising out of or related to a breach of any warranty or corrective obligation. G. Service during warranty period: Contractor shall provide maintenance as specified elsewhere during the 12-month warranty period. I1 .23 GUARANTEE A. The Contractor shall guarantee and service all workmanship and materials to be as Irepresented by him and shall repair or replace, at no additional cost to the Owner, any part thereof which may become defective within the period of one (1) year, minimum, I after the Certificate of Occupancy, ordinary wear and tear excepted. The guarantee shall include parts, shipping, labor, travel costs, living expenses, required fees, and any other associated cost or expense to repair or replace products or systems B. Contractor shall be responsible for and pay for any damages caused by or resulting from defects in this work. IPART 2 PRODUCTS I2.1 GENERAL A. Furnish and install all new material, equipment, and apparatus hereinafter specified unless Ispecifically noted otherwise. All material, equipment, and apparatus shall be identified by the manufacturer's name, nameplate, and pertinent data. IB. All materials, equipment, and apparatus are mentioned as standards unless noted otherwise. The words "or approved equal" shall be considered to be subsequent to all I manufacturers' names used herein, unless specifically noted that substitutes are not allowed. 2.2 SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS A. General: Comply with applicable codes pertaining to product materials and installation of supports and anchors, including, but not limited to, the following: 1 . Provide copper plated or plastic coated supports and attachment for copper piping I systems. Field applied coatings or tape is unacceptable. 2. Do not fasten anything directly to the plywood roof sheathing to avoid penetrating roof air/vapor barrier. See architectural drawings for top chord joist blocking details. I 3. Manufacturers: Hilti Inc., B-Line, Anvil International, Tolco, Kin-Line, Simpson, Erico or Superstrut. I IPrint Date 3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 15 of 27 Tigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND Glumac METHODS B. Horizontal Piping Hangers and Supports: Except as otherwise indicated, provide factory-fabricated hangers and supports of one of the following MSS types listed. 1 . Adjustable Steel Clevis Hangers: MSS Type 1 . 2. Adjustable Steel Swivel Band Hangers: MSS Type 10. 3. U-Bolts: MSS Type 24. 1 4. Pipe Slides and Slide Plates: MSS Type 35, including one of the following plate types: a. Plate: Unguided type. b. Plate: Guided type. c. Plate: Hold-down clamp type. 5. Pipe Saddle Supports: MSS Type 36, including steel pipe base support and cast iron floor flange. 6. Pipe Saddle Supports with U-Bolt: MSS Type 37, including steel pipe base support and cast iron floor flange. 7. Adjustable Pipe Saddle Supports: MSS Type 38, including steel pipe base support and cast iron floor flange. 8. Pipe Guides: Provide factory-fabricated guides of cast semi-steel or heavy fabricated steel, consisting of a bolted two-section outer cylinder and base with a two-section guiding spider bolted tight to pipe. Size guide and spiders to clear pipe and I insulation (if any), and cylinder. Provide guides of length recommended by manufacturer to allow indicated travel. C. Horizontal Cushioned Pipe Clamp: Where pipe hangers are called out to absorb vibration or shock install a piping clamp with thermoplastic elastomer insert. Cush-A-Clamp or equal. D. Vertical Piping Clamps: Provide factory-fabricated two-bolt vertical piping riser clamps, MSS Type 8. E. Hanger-Rod Attachments: Except as otherwise indicated, provide factory-fabricated hanger-rod attachments of one of the following MSS types listed. 1 . Steel Turnbuckles: MSS Type 13. 2. Steel Clevises: MSS Type 14. 1 3. Swivel Turnbuckles: MSS Type 1 5. 4. Malleable Iron Eye Sockets: MSS Type 16. 5. Steel Weldless Eye Nuts: MSS Type 17. F. Building Attachments: Except as otherwise indicated, provide factory-fabricated building attachments of one of the following types listed. 1 . Concrete Inserts: HCI-MD (for metal deck) or HCI-WF (for wood forms) cast-in anchors by Hilti Inc. or MSS Type 18 or Blue Banger Hanger by Simpson I 2. Steel Brackets: One of the following for indicated loading: a. Light Duty: MSS Type 31. Print Date 3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 16 of 27 ITigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND 111 Glumac METHODS b. Medium Duty: MSS Type 32. I c. Heavy Duty: MSS Type 33. 3. Horizontal Travelers: MSS Type 58. 4. Concrete Screw Anchors: Hilti Kwik HUS EZ or equal. 1 5. Torque-Controlled Expansion Anchor: Hilti Kwik Bolt TZ or equal. G. Saddles and Shields (for heat traced pipe): Except as otherwise indicated, provide saddles or shields under piping hangers and supports, factory-fabricated, for all insulated piping. Size saddles and shields for exact fit to mate with pipe insulation I 1 . Pipe Covering Protection Saddles: MSS Type 39; fill interior voids with segments of insulation matching adjoining insulation. 2. Insulation Protection Shields: MSS Type 40, 18" minimum, or of the length Irecommended by manufacturer to prevent crushing of insulation. High-density insulation insert lengths shall match or exceed shield length. I 3. Thermal Hanger Shields: Constructed of 360° insert of waterproofed calcium silicate (60 psi flexural strength minimum) encased in 360° sheet metal shield. Provide assembly of same thickness as adjoining insulation. Shield length shall match or I'I I exceed length of calcium silicate insert. 4. Thermal Hanger Couplings: Constructed of high strength plastic coupling to retain tubing and join insulation at clevis hangers and strut-mounted clamps. Klo-Shure IInsulation Coupling or equal. H. Miscellaneous Materials: 1 1. Metal Framing: Provide products complying with NEMA STD ML1 . 2. Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: Provide products complying with ASTM A36. I 3. Cement Grout: Portland Cement (ASTM Cl 50, Type I or Type III) and clean uniformly graded, natural sand (ASTM C404, Size No. 2). Mix at a ratio of 1.0 part cement to 3.0 parts sand by volume, with minimum amount of water required for placement and Ihydration. 4. Heavy-Duty Steel Trapezes: Fabricate from steel shapes selected for loads required. Weld steel in accordance with AWS standards. 5. Pipe Brackets: "HoldRite" copper plated brackets. Insulate brackets attached to metal studs with felt. I2.3 SEISMIC RESTRAINT/VIBRATION ISOLATION REQUIREMENTS I A. Equipment, piping, and all system appurtenances (including weight of normal operating contents) shall be adequately restrained to resist seismic forces. Restraint devices shall be designed and selected to meet seismic requirements as defined in the latest code Ieditions with State Amendments, applicable local codes, and applicable Importance Factors and Soil Factors. Refer to Section 210548 Vibration Isolation for Fire Protection I IIPrint Date 3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 17 of 27 Tigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND Glumac METHODS I Equipment or Section 210549 Seismic Restraint for Fire Protection Piping and Equipment, as applicable. I 2.4 ACCESS PANELS AND ACCESS DOORS A. Provide all access doors and panels to serve equipment under this work, including those which must be installed, in finished architectural surfaces. Frame of 16-gauge steel, door of 20 gauge steel. 1" flange width, continuous piano hinge, key operated, prime coated. I Refer to Architectural Specifications for the required product Specification for each surface. Contractor is to submit schedule of access panels for approval. Exact size, number and location of access panels are not shown on Plans. Access doors shall be of a size to permit removal of equipment for servicing. Access door shall have same rating as the wall or ceiling in which it is mounted. Provide access panel for each concealed valve. Use no panel smaller than 12" x 12" for simple manual access, or smaller than 24" x 24" where personnel must pass through. Provide cylinder lock for access door serving mixing or critical valves in public areas. B. Included under this work is the responsibility for verifying the exact location and type of each access panel or door required to serve equipment under this work and in the proper sequence to keep in tune with construction and with prior approval of the Owner's Representative. Access doors in fire rated partitions and ceilings shall carry all label ratings as required to maintain the rating of the rated assembly. C. Acceptable Manufacturers: Milcor, Karp, Nystrom, Elmdor/Stoneman, or equal. I D. Submit markup of architectural plans showing size and location of access panels required for equipment access for approval by Owner's Representative. I 2.5 IDENTIFICATION MARKERS A. Mechanical Identification Materials: Provide products of categories and types required for each application as referenced in other Division 21 Sections. Where more than a single type is specified for application, selection is at installer's option, but provide single selection for each product category. Stencils are not acceptable. B. Plastic Pipe Markers: �+ 1 . Snap-On Type: Provide pre-printed, semi-rigid snap-on, color coded pipe markers, complying with ANSI Al 3.1. 2. Pressure Sensitive Type: Provide pre-printed, permanent adhesive, color coded, pressure sensitive vinyl pipe markers, complying with ANSI A13.1 . Secure both ends of markers with color coded adhesive vinyl tape. , I Print Date:3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 18 of 27 Tigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND IGlumac METHODS 3. Arrows: Print each pipe marker with arrows indicating direction of flow, either I integrally with piping system service lettering (to accommodate both directions), or as separate unit of plastic. I C. Underground-Type Plastic Line Markers: Provide 6" wide x 4 mils thick multi-ply tape, consisting of solid metallic foil core between 2 layers of plastic tape. Markers to be permanent, bright colored, continuous printed, intended for direct burial service. I D. Valve Tags: I 1 . Brass Valve Tags: Provide 1 1 /2" diameter 19-gauge polished brass valve tags with stamp-engraved piping system abbreviation in 1 /4" high letters and sequenced valve numbers 1 /2" high, and with 5/32" hole for fastener. Fill tag engraving with black enamel. I 2. Plastic Laminate Valve Tags: Provide 3/32" thick engraved plastic laminate valve tags, with piping system abbreviations in 1 /4" high letters and sequenced valve number 1 1 /2" high, and with 5/32" hole for fasteners. 3. Valve Tag Fasteners: Provide solid brass chain (wire link or beaded type), or solid I brass S-hooks of the sizes required for proper attachment of tags to valves, and manufactured specifically for that purpose. 4. Access Panel Markers: Provide 1 /16" thick engraved plastic laminate access panel I markers, with abbreviations and numbers corresponding to concealed valve. Include 1 /8" center hole to allow attachment. iE. Plastic Equipment Signs: 1 . Provide 4-1 /2" x 6" plastic laminate sign, ANSI A.13 color coded with engraved white I core lettering. 2. Fasteners: Self-tapping stainless steel screws, except contact-type permanent adhesive where screws cannot or should not penetrate the substrate. I 3. Nomenclature: Include the following, matching terminology on schedules as closely as possible: a. Name and plan number. Ib. Equipment service. c. Design capacity. d. Other design parameters, such as pressure, rpm, etc. F. Acceptable Manufacturers: Craftmark, Seton, Brady, Marking Services, Inc., Brimar or Iequal. 2.6 ELECTRICAL IA. General: I Print Date:3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 19 of 27 Tigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND Glumac METHODS 1 . All electrical material, equipment, and apparatus specified herein shall conform to the requirements of Division 26. 2. Provide all motors for equipment specified herein. Provide motor starters, controllers, transfer switches, and other electrical apparatus and wiring which are required for the operation of the equipment specified herein. I 3. Set and align all motors and drives in equipment specified herein. 4. Provide expanded metal or solid sheet metal guards on all V-belt drives to totally enclose the drive on all sides. Provide holes for tachometer readings. Support guards separately from rotating equipment. 5. Provide for all rotating shafts, couplings, etc., a solid sheet metal, inverted "U" cover over the entire length of the exposed shaft and support separately from rotating equipment. Cover shall extend to below the bottom of the shaft and coupling, and shall meet the requirements of the State Industrial Safety Regulations. I 6. Specific electrical requirements (i.e., horsepower and electrical characteristics) for mechanical equipment are scheduled on the Drawings. B. Quality Assurance: 1 . Electrical components and materials shall be UL or ETL listed/labeled as suitable for location and use - no exceptions. C. Low Voltage Control Wiring: 1 . General: 14 gauge, Type THHN, color coded, installed in conduit. 2. Manufacturer: General Cable Corp., Alcan Cable, American Insulated Wire Corp., Senator Wire and Cable Co., Southwire Co, or equal. I PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Workmanship shall be performed by licensed journeymen or master fitter and shall result I in an installation consistent with the best practices of trades. B. Install work uniform, level and plumb, in relationship to lines of building. Do not install I any diagonal, or otherwise irregular work, unless so indicated on Drawings or approved by Owner's Representative. I 3.2 MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS A. Follow manufacturers' directions and recommendations in all cases where the manufacturers of articles used on this Contract furnish directions covering points not shown on the Drawings or covered in these Specifications. I I Print Date 3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 20 of 27 ITigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 201 8 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND IGlumac METHODS 3.3 INSTALLATION IA. Coordinate the work between the various Fire Protection Sections and with the work specified under other Divisions. If any cooperative work must be altered due to lack of 1 proper supervision or failure to make proper and timely provisions, the alternations shall be made to the satisfaction of the Owner's Representative and at the Contractor's cost. Coordinate wall and ceiling work with the General Contractor, and his subcontractors in Ilocating ceiling air outlets, wall registers, etc. I B. Inspect all material, equipment, and apparatus upon delivery and do not install any damaged or defected materials. I3.4 SUPPORTS AND HANGERS A. Installation of Building Attachments: Install building attachments at required locations for I proper piping support. Install additional building attachments where support is required for additional concentrated loads, including valves, flanges, guides, strainers, expansion joints, and at changes in direction of piping. IB. Proceed with installation of hangers, supports, and anchors only after required building structural work has been completed in areas where the work is to be installed. Correct Iinadequacies including, but not limited to, proper placement of inserts, anchors, and other building structural attachments. iC. Install hangers, supports, clamps, and attachments to support piping properly from building structure. Arrange for grouping of parallel runs of horizontal piping to be I supported together on trapeze type hangers where possible. Where piping of various sizes is to be supported together by trapeze hangers, space hangers for smallest pipe size or install intermediate supports for smaller diameter pipe. Do not use wire or perforated Imetal to support piping, and do not support piping from other piping. Install hangers within 12 inches of every change in piping direction, end of pipe run or ID. concentrated load, and within 36 inches of every major piece of equipment. Hangers shall be installed on both sides of flexible connections. Where flexible connection connects directly to a piece of equipment only one hanger is required. E. Install hangers and supports complete with necessary inserts, bolts, rods, nuts, washers, I and other accessories. Except as otherwise indicated for exposed continuous pipe runs, install hangers and supports of same type and style as installed for adjacent similar piping. IF. Support sprinkler piping independently of other piping. I 1 Print Date:3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 21 of 27 Tigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND Glumac METHODS G. Prevent electrolysis in support of copper tubing by use of hangers and supports which are copper plated, or by other recognized industry methods. H. Hanger Spacing in accordance with following minimum schedules (other spacings and rod sizes may be used in accordance with NFPA): 1 . Steel Pipe: Pipe Size Max. Hanger Spacing Rod Size I 1 /2" to 1-1 /4" 5 feet 3/8" 1-1 /2" to2" 7feet 3/8" 2-1 /2" to 3" 10 feet 1 /2" 4" and larger 12 feet 5/8" I. Sloping, Air Venting, and Draining: 1 . Slope all piping as specified and as indicated, true to line and grade, and free of traps and air pockets. Unless indicated otherwise, slope piping in the direction of flow as I follows: Service Slope 1 Wet Not required Dry/Preaction Mains 1 /4"/10' minimum Dry/Preaction Branches 1 /2"/10' minimum J. Provisions for Movement: I 1 . Install hangers and supports to allow controlled movement of piping systems and to permit freedom of movement between pipe anchors, and to facilitate action of expansion joints, expansion loops, expansion bends, and similar units. 2. Load Distribution: Install hangers and supports so that piping live and dead loading and stresses from movement will not be transmitted to connecting equipment. I K. Installation of Anchors: 1 . Install anchors at proper locations to prevent excessive stresses and to prevent transfer of loading and stresses to connected equipment. 2. Fabricate and install anchor by welding steel shapes, plates and bars to piping and to structure. 3. Where expansion compensators are indicated, install anchors in accordance with expansion unit manufacturer's written instructions, to limit movement of piping and forces to maximums recommended by manufacturer for each unit. 4. Anchor Spacings: Where not otherwise indicated, install anchors at ends of principal pipe runs, at intermediate points in pipe runs between expansion loops and bends. I L. Equipment Supports: Print Date 3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 22 of 27 Tigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND IGlumac METHODS 1 . Provide all concrete bases, unless otherwise furnished as work of Division 03. I Furnish to Division 03 Contractor scaled layouts of all required bases, with dimensions of bases, and location to column centerlines. Furnish templates, anchor bolts, and accessories necessary for base construction. 1 2. Provide structural steel stands to support equipment not floor mounted or hung from structure. Construct of structural steel members or steel pipe and fittings. Provide Ifactory-fabricated tank saddles for tanks. M. Adjusting: II 1 . Hanger Adjustment: Adjust hangers so as to distribute loads equally on attachments. 2. Support Adjustment: Provide grout under supports so as to bring piping and equipment to proper level and elevations. I3. Clean factory-finished surfaces. Repair any marred or scratched surfaces with manufacturer's touch-up paint. I3.5 PIPE PORTALS A. Install per manufacturer's instructions. III B. Coordinate with other trades they are installed when roofing is being installed. I3.6 VIBRATION CONTROL ISOLATORS I A. Comply with manufacturer's recommendations for selection and application of vibration isolation materials and units except as otherwise indicated. Comply with minimum static deflections recommended by ASHRAE, of vibration isolation materials and units where not otherwise indicated. B. Comply with manufacturer's instructions for installation and load application to vibration I control materials and units except as otherwise indicated. Adjust to ensure that units have equal deflection, do not bottom out under loading, and are not short-circuited by other contacts or bearing points. Remove space blocks and similar devices intended for Itemporary support during installation. I C. Install units between substrate and equipment as required for secure operation and to prevent displacement by normal forces, and as indicated. I D. Adjust leveling devices as required to distribute loading uniformly onto isolators. Shim units as required where substrate is not level. IE. Flexible Pipe Connectors: Install on equipment side of shutoff valves. I IPrint Date 3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 23 of 27 Tigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND Glumac METHODS F. Upon completion of vibration control work, prepare report showing measured equipment deflections for each major item of equipment as indicated. Clean each vibration control unit, and verify that each is working freely, and that there is no dirt or debris in immediate vicinity of unit that could possibly short-circuit unit isolation. 3.7 ELECTRICAL COORDINATION A. Division 21 installers shall coordinate with Division 26 work to provide complete systems I as required to operate all mechanical devices installed under this Division of work. B. Installation of Electrical Connections: Furnish, install, and wire (except as may be I otherwise indicated) all heating, ventilating, air conditioning, etc., motors and controls in accordance with the drawings and in accordance with equipment manufacturer's written instructions and with recognized industry practices, and complying with applicable requirements of UL, NEC, and NECA's "Standard of Installation" to ensure that products fulfill requirements. I C. Division 21 has responsibilities for electrically powered fire protection equipment which is specified in Division 21 Specifications or scheduled on Division 21 Drawings as follows: I 1. Motors: Furnish and install all motors necessary for mechanical equipment. 2. Magnetic Starters: Furnish all magnetic starters whether manually or automatically controlled which are necessary for mechanical equipment. Furnish these starters with all control relays or transformers necessary to interface with mechanical controls. If the starter is factory installed on a piece of Division 21 equipment, also furnish and install the power wiring between starter and motor. 3. Variable Frequency Drives: Provide all VFD's associated with fire protection equipment. If the drive is installed on a piece of factory assembled equipment the 1 wiring between motor and drive is to be provided as part of the factory equipment. 4. Disconnects: Provide the disconnects which are part of factory wired Division 21 equipment. Factory wiring to include wiring between motor and disconnect or combination starter/disconnect. 5. Controls: Division 21 Contractor (including the Building Automation System (BAS) Controls subcontractor) is responsible for furnishing the following equipment in its entirety. This equipment includes but is not limited to the following: a. Control relays necessary for controlling Division 21 equipment. b. Control transformers necessary for providing power to controls for Division 21 equipment. c. Low or non-load voltage control components. d. Non-life safety related valve or damper actuators. e. Float switches. I f. Solenoid valves, EP and PE switches. I Print Date 3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 24 of 27 ITigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND IGlumac METHODS g. Communications wiring and conduit between control devices and fire protection I equipment. h. Raceway to support control cabling. ID. Division 26 Electrical Responsibilities: 1 . Motors: Provide the power wiring for the motors from servicing panel to motor I controller. 2. Magnetic Starters: Except where magnetic starters are factory installed on Division 21 factory assembled equipment, Division 26 is to install magnetic starters furnished I by Division 21 and install the necessary power wiring to the starter and from the starter to the motor. In the case of factory installed starters, Division 26 is to install the necessary power wiring from source panel/disconnect to the starter. I3. Variable Frequency Drives: Provide the necessary power wiring to the VFD and from the VFD to the motor except in the case of factory installed VFD's where wiring I between the motor and VFD is to be by Division 21. 4. Disconnects: Provide all disconnects necessary for Division 21 fire protection equipment which are not provided as part of factory wired Division 21 equipment. I Provide power wiring to all disconnects. In addition, provide power wiring between motor and disconnect when the disconnect is not factory installed. 5. Controls: Division 26 is responsible for providing power to control panels and Iprovide final power connection to Division 21 provided control transformers. 6. Fire Sprinkler System: Division 26 is responsible for providing power wiring to fire protection controls including flow switches and alarm bells. 7. Specialized fire suppression systems: Division 26 is responsible for providing power wiring to suppression system and its controls. IE. Motors and Motor Control Equipment: Conform to the standards of the NEMA. Equip motors with magnetic or manual line starters with overload protection. Motor starters and 1 line voltage controls shall be installed under Electrical Section but located and coordinated as required under this Section of the work. Starters shall be combination type with I non-fusible disconnect switches. All single phase fractional horsepower motors shall have built-in overload protection. I3.8 IDENTIFICATION MARKERS A. General: Where identification is to be applied to surfaces which require insulation, I painting, or other covering or finish, including valve tags in finished mechanical spaces, install identification after completion of covering and painting. Install identification prior to installation of acoustical ceilings and similar removable concealment. IB. Piping System Identification: I IIPrint Date 3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 25 of 27 Tigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND Glumac METHODS 1 . Install pipe markers on each system indicated to receive identification, and include arrows to show normal direction of flow. 2. Locate pipe markers as follows: a. Near each valve and control device. b. Near each branch, excluding short take-offs for fixtures and terminal units; mark I each pipe at branch, where there could be question of flow pattern. c. Near locations where pipes pass through walls or floors/ceilings, or enter non-accessible enclosures. d. At access doors, manholes, and similar access points which permit view of concealed piping. e. Near major equipment items and other points of origination and termination. f. Spaced horizontally at maximum spacing of 20' along each piping run, with minimum of one in each room. Vertically spaced at each story traversed. C. Underground Piping Identification: During backfilling/topsoiling of each exterior underground piping system, install continuous underground-type plastic line marker, located directly over buried line at 6" to 8" below finished grade. Where multiple small lines are buried in common trench and do not exceed overall width of 16", install single line marker. D. Equipment Identification: Locate engraved plastic laminate signs on or near each major item of mechanical equipment and each operational device. Provide signs for the following: 1 . Main control and operating valves, including safety devices. 2. Meters, gauges and similar units. 3. Pumps, compressors, and similar motor-driven units. 4. Tanks and pressure vessels. 5. Sprinkler and standpipe equipment. E. Text of Signs: In addition to name of identified unit, provide lettering to distinguish between multiple units, inform operator of operational requirements, indicate safety and emergency precautions, and warn of hazards and improper operations. Equipment signs I shall include an identification of the area or other equipment served by the equipment being labeled. I 3.9 VIBRATION AND DYNAMIC BALANCING A. Vibration tolerances shall be as specified by the "International Research and Development I Corporation", Worthington, Ohio, measured by the displacement, peak to peak, as follows: 1 . Pump and Electric Motors: Below severity chart labeled "SLIGHTLY ROUGH", maximum vibration velocity of 0.157 in/sec, peak. 2. Compressors: Same as pumps. Print Date 3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 26 of 27 IITigard High School Modernization 21 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION MATERIALS AND IGlumac METHODS B. Correction shall be made to all equipment which exceeds vibration tolerances specified Iabove. Final vibration levels shall be reported as described above. 3.10 TESTING IA. Provide all tests specified hereinafter and as otherwise required. Provide all test equipment, including test pumps, gauges, instruments, and other equipment required. ITest all rotational equipment for proper direction of rotation. Upon completion of testing, certify to the Owner's Representative, in writing, that the specified tests have been I performed and that the installation complies with the specified requirements and provide a report of the test observations signed by qualified inspector. 111 END OF SECTION I I 1 I I I I I I I I IPrint Date:3/13/2018 21 05 00 - 27 of 27 ITigard High School Modernization 21 11 00 March 28, 2018 FIRE PROTECTION IGlumac 21 11 00 - FIRE PROTECTION IPART 1 GENERAL 1 .1 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS A. All work to be furnished and installed under this section shall comply with all the requirements of General Conditions, Supplemental Conditions, Division 01 - General I Requirements, Section 210500 - Basic Fire Protection Materials and Methods, and other Sections in Division 21 specified herein. I1 .2 DEFINITIONS A. Pipe sizes used in this Section are nominal pipe size (NPS) specified in inches. 111 B. Working plans as used in this Section refer to documents (including drawings and calculations) prepared pursuant to requirements in NFPA 13 for obtaining approval of authority having jurisdiction. I C. NICET - National Institute For Certification In Engineering Technologies 1 D. Other definitions for fire protection systems are included in referenced NFPA standards. 1 .3 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1 A. The work includes designing, providing and installing a complete and fully operable automatic sprinkler system as described in this Section of the Specification and as shown I on the contract construction drawings and shall be in accordance with rules, regulations and standards as required by the authorities having jurisdiction. 1 . State. I 2. City. 3. Building Department. 4. Fire Prevention Division, Fire Marshal's Office. IB. Work includes but is not limited to the following: 1 . Automatic Wet Type Sprinkler System. 2. Non-Critical Electronic Equipment Areas: Single interlocked pre-action system 1 3. Areas Subject to Freezing Temperatures: Dry Type Sprinkler System. 4. All cutting and patching. 5. Provide all pipe, fittings, sprinklers,valves, signs, flow switches, tamper switches, I protective painting, test connections, drains and tests necessary to make the entire system complete and operative. 6. Coordinate with plumbing contractor for capacity of all sprinkler main, test, and I auxiliary drain connections. 7. Valve tags and instruction plates shall be mounted and/or hung per local fire department requirements. I 8. All sleeves and inserts. 9. 3" drain riser shall be provided adjacent to each standpipe riser for testing and draining. I IPrint Date:3/13/2018 21 11 00 - 1 of 18 Tigard High School Modernization 21 11 00 March 28, 2018 FIRE PROTECTION Glumac I 10. Provide hose valve with cap downstream of sprinkler system pressure reducing valves for the purpose of testing. Hose valve shall be sized to provide full flow through pressure reducing valve. 11. All trenching and backfilling, including culverts under rails and guard posts where required. 1 .4 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit six copies of manufacturer's technical data and installation instructions for fire protection materials and products. 1 . Thirty days after the awarding of contract, contractor shall submit list of manufacturer's names and model numbers for review and comment to Owner's Representative. This list shall identify any prior approved substituted items contractor wishes to use. Do not submit technical data until list has been approved. 2. Prior to construction submit for review and comment items including but not be limited to the following: a. Coordinated layout drawings. Lettering shall be minimum 1 /8" high. b. Sprinklers and escutcheons - designating area of use. c. Valves, valve boxes, flow switches, and tamper switches. d. Provide Fire Marshal approval numbers for flow switches and tamper switches. e. Pipe, fittings, sway bracing, inserts, anchors and hangers. f. Inspector's test and drain station. g. Fire department connections. h. Hose valves, pressure relief valves, and pressure reducing valves. 111 B. Working Plans: Prepare scaled working plans for fire protection pipe and fittings including, but not necessarily limited to, pipe and tube sizes, locations, and elevations and slopes of horizontal runs, wall and floor penetrations, and connections. Indicate interface between and spatial relationship to piping and adjacent equipment. Lettering shall be minimum 1 /8" high. 1 . Spacing of fire sprinklers shall be coordinated with lights, air conditioning outlets, sound speakers, architectural reflected ceiling plan; obstruction from light fixtures and other architectural features; and sprinkler piping shall be coordinated with HVAC ductwork & piping, plumbing, electrical conduit, cable trays and structure prior to the installation. Drawings shall be composite type including mechanical, plumbing and lighting equipment with sprinkler and sprinkler drain piping. C. Submittal Drawings: Submit shop drawings to Agency having jurisdiction for approval bearing engineer of record stamp bearing preparer's NICET stamp. Submit six approved copies, bearing stamp and/or signature of authority having jurisdiction to the Owner's Representative for review and comment. 1 . Contractor shall submit sprinkler head locations to architect for approval. 2. Each calculation shall include legible schematic of system showing all hydraulic reference points. I D. Hydraulic Calculations: Prepare hydraulic calculations of fire protection systems. Submit to authority having jurisdiction for approval. Submit six approved copies, bearing stamp, and/or signature of Agency having jurisdiction to Owner's Representative for review and comment. I Print Date:3/13/2018 21 11 00 - 2 of 18 1 Tigard High School Modernization 21 11 00 March 28, 2018 FIRE PROTECTION IGlumac 1 . Contractor shall submit published piping friction loss data from manufacturer with I hydraulic calculations. E. Certificate of Installation: Submit certificate upon completion of fire protection piping work, which indicates that work has been tested in accordance with NFPA 13, and also that Isystem is operational, complete, and has no defects. F. Maintenance Data: Submit maintenance data and parts lists for fire protection materials I and products. Include this data, product data, shop drawings, approval drawings, approval calculation, certificate of installation, and record drawings in maintenance manual; in accordance with requirements of the General Conditions and of Division 01 . IG. Operating and Maintenance Instructions: Provide the Owner with three sets of operating and maintenance instructions covering completely the operation and maintenance of I sprinkler equipment and controls. Manual shall be assembled in a 3-ring binder and arranged in following sections: 1 . Site Utilities: Drawings showing location, size, depth of all connections, valve boxes, manholes, etc., as installed. I2. A chart tabulating all types of pipe fittings, valves, and piping specialties installed in each system. 3. A chart tabulating all pressures, valve settings for fire department and sprinkler 1pressure reducing valves. Provide pressure reducing valve flow test documentation. 4. Manufacturer's brochures of all sprinkler heads. 5. Tamper switches and flow switches. I 6. Fire Department connections. 7. Reproducible copies of approved working drawings prepared to facilitate the actual installation of ductwork and piping. Drawings shall indicate location of all concealed I valves, and other apparatus. 8. Copy of NFPA 25 "Standard for Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Water Based Fire Protection Systems." I 9. Approval Calculations. 10. Certificate of Installation. 11. Guarantees. 1 12. The Contractor is responsible for proper instruction of Owner's personnel for operation and maintenance of all material, equipment and apparatus provided. 1 .5 DESIGN DESCRIPTION A. This section of the specification combined with any of the contract drawings are intended as a guide to establish a basis of design for the systems required. ' B. Contractor shall examine Architectural, Interior Design, Structural, Mechanical and Electrical drawings, layout and install a completely hydraulically sized sprinkler system for I all areas. Space shall be provided for any valving and equipment to be used. 1. System shall start 5'-0" from perimeter wall and extend throughout the building. Fire main beyond 5'-0" perimeter is provided under Division 02 work. System shall start at I connection to utility main, with double detector check backflow prevention assembly, and extend throughout the building. I I Print Date:3/13/2018 21 11 00 - 3 of 18 Tigard High School Modernization 21 11 00 March 28, 2018 FIRE PROTECTION Glumac I 2. Contractor shall contact Owner's insurance agency to incorporate insurer's design requirements in this layout document. Factory Mutual may review layout drawings and calculations. Incorporate all of their design criteria into documents. C. The building shall be served with a wet type sprinkler system.The sprinkler valves shall be located in the second-floor mechanical room. D. Base Building construction shall include upright heads with tees with 1" outlets for future drop in areas with no ceiling. Areas with ceilings, including finished core areas, lobbies, corridors or as noted herein shall have concealed heads installed as part of the base building construction. Unfinished areas shall be provided with upright type heads. E. All areas shall be sprinklered as the construction progresses, including accessible pipe chases, elevator hoistways, etc. Provide shutoff valve with tamper switch for elevator hoistways. Provide shutoff valve with tamper switch for elevator machine room. F. Design, provide and install a single / double interlocked Pre-Action sprinkler system for the computer room. System shall utilize an electric controlled deluge valve by the fire protection contractor controlled by detection and alarm system by the fire alarm I design/build contractors. Piping to be pneumatically pressurized for supervisory purposes only. Upon loss of pressure, an alarm will sound and a signal sent to the fire alarm panel. Coordinate with Division 26 work. System will be from one manufacturer. G. The covered play area, exposed to freezing temperatures, shall be protected by a dry type sprinkler system. H. Pressure restricting devices shall be installed on any branch outlet exceeding 100 psi. I. All electrical devices used for this system shall be compatible with the fire alarm system, I refer to Division 26. 1 .6 HYDRAULIC DESIGN , A. System shall be a straight line or gridded system per NFPA No. 13 with the following exceptions: 1 . For all systems the design area shall be the hydraulically most demanding rectangular area. 2. Minimum pressure for any sprinkler head shall not be less than 7 psi. B. Total Combined Inside& Outside Hose Allowances: Hydraulic calculations shall include an allowance for hose streams, added at the point of connection to the water supply. C. Safety Factor: 10 psi, or 10 percent of static and residual pressure, whichever is greater. D. Sprinkler system Occupancy Hazard Classifications shall be approved by authorities having , jurisdiction: 1 . Building Service Areas: Ordinary Hazard, Group 1 2. Unfinished Areas: Ordinary Hazard, Group 2 3. Electrical Equipment Rooms: Ordinary Hazard, Group 1 4. General Storage Areas: Ordinary Hazard, Group 1 I Print Date:3/13/2018 21 11 00 - 4 of 18 ITigard High School Modernization 21 11 00 March 28, 2018 FIRE PROTECTION IGlumac 5. Laundries: Ordinary Hazard, Group 1 I 6. Mechanical Equipment Rooms: Ordinary Hazard, Group 1 7. Office and Public Areas: Light Hazard I E. Minimum Density for Automatic-Sprinkler Piping Design shall comply with the following: 1 . Light Hazard Areas: Water density of 0.10 GPM per square foot calculated for an area of 1 500 square feet in the most remote location. 2. Ordinary Group I Hazard Areas: Water density of 0.1 5 GPM per square foot calculated Ifor an area of 1 500 square feet in the most remote locations. 3. Ordinary Group II Hazard Areas: Water density of 0.20 GPM per square foot calculated for an area of 1 500 square feet in the most remote locations. IF. Head spacing shall not exceed the limits described in NFPA Pamphlet No. 13. 1. Light Hazard: 225 sq.ft. (for smooth ceiling). I2. Ordinary Hazard: 130 sq. ft. G. Maximum floor areas protected by any one sprinkler system riser: ' 1 . Light Hazard: 52,000 sq.ft. 2. Ordinary Hazard: 52,000 sq.ft. I H. Flow Data: Contractor is to verify flow data (static pressure, residual pressure and GPM flowing) available at site and provide design for available pressure and flow. 1 .7 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE II A. Section 210500: Basic Materials and Methods I B. Section 210549: Seismic Restraint for Fire Protection Piping and Equipment C. Division 26: Electrical. Coordinate for electrical wiring of detectors, flow alarm switches, I tamper switches, and fire alarm bell.All electrical devices used for this system shall be compatible with the fire alarm system. Division 09: Finishes. I D. Division 02: Existing Conditions. Coordinate with General Contractor for excavation for the underground water supply system. IE. Division 22: Coordination with Plumbing for drain. 1 .8 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. The Contractor for the fire protection installation shall be duly qualified Fire Protection Contractor, experienced and regularly engaged in the installation of fire protection systems with a license classification of C-16. Where local authorities require additional I licensing of the Fire Protection Contractor, and/or workmen, such a license shall be mandatory for a prospective Contractor. 1 . Contractor is to verify flow data (static pressure, residual pressure and GPM flowing) I available at site and provide design for available pressure and flow. 2. The Fire Protection contractor shall be the Engineer of Record for the automatic sprinkler and standpipe system. I Print Date:3/13/2018 21 11 00 - 5 of 18 Tigard High School Modernization 21 11 00 March 28, 2018 FIRE PROTECTION Glumac I 3. Permits - The Fire Protection Contractor shall obtain permits for the installation or construction as required for approval and installation of the fire protection system. The Fire Protection Contractor shall submit working plans to the authorities having jurisdiction to obtain approval. 1 .9 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING I A. Deliver products to site under provisions of Division 01 . Handle components carefully to prevent damage, denting, and scoring. Do not install damaged components. Damaged components shall be replaced with new components. B. Store/protect products under provisions of Division 01 . Store components in clean, dry place. Protect from weather, dirt, water, construction debris, and physical damage. 1 .10 WARRANTY - ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS A. Refer to section 210500 for basic warranty requirements. B. Contractor and Manufacturer warrant that, for a period of ten (10)years from the date of I Certificate of Occupancy (or for such longer period as may be provided under the Contract or law), the entire system, including but not limited to the fittings and joints, will conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents, will be free from defects, and will not leak. PART 2 PRODUCTS I 2.1 GENERAL A. All products to be commercial grade, new and of the manufacturer's latest design model. , Products manufacturers outside of North America will not be accepted without written approval from engineer prior to submission of bid. B. All products to be UL listed and/or FM approved, except for items, which are not required to be listed by code. C. All products shall be delivered and stored in original containers. Containers shall be clearly marked or stamped with manufacturer's name and rating. D. The following items to be included but specified under Section 210500: Basic Fire , Protection Materials and Methods. 1 . Hangers and supports. 2. Escutcheons plates, flashings and sleeves. 3. Access panel and doors. 4. Identification markers and signs. 5. Expansion compensators and flexible connectors. 6. Anchors, and seismic restraints. 7. Excavation and backfill. I Print Date:3/13/2018 21 11 00 - 6 of 18 Tigard High School Modernization 21 11 00 March 28, 2018 FIRE PROTECTION Glumac 2.2 PIPE AND FITTINGS - ABOVE GROUND A. General: The piping products listed below by manufacturer's name and model numbers are the only acceptable materials listed for this project. Substitutions of pipe must be submitted and approved in writing by the architect prior to bid. No copper pipe shall be allowed in the wet fire sprinkler system. B. Piping or fittings that show substantial rust or breaks in coating will be removed and ' replaced. C. Steel Pipe and Fittings for wet systems: 1 . Standard-Weight, Galvanized- and Black-Steel Pipe: ASTM A53/A53M. Pipe ends may be factory or field formed to match joining method. 2. Schedule 40, Galvanized- and Black-Steel Pipe: ASTM Al 35/A135M; ASTM A795/A795M, or ASME B36.10M wrought steel, with wall thickness not less than Schedule 40. Pipe ends may be factory or field formed to match joining method. 3. Schedule 10, Black-Steel Pipe: ASTM Al 35/A135M or ASTM A795/A795M, Schedule Ii 0 in NPS 5 (DN 125) and smaller; and NFPA-13 specified wall thickness in NPS 6 to NPS 10 (DN 1 50 to DN 250), plain end. 4. Galvanized- and Black-Steel Pipe Nipples: ASTM A733, made of ASTM A53/A53M, standard-weight, seamless steel pipe with threaded ends. ' 5. Galvanized- and Uncoated-Steel Couplings: ASTM A865/A865M, threaded. 6. Galvanized and Uncoated, Gray-Iron Threaded Fittings: ASME B16.4, Class 125, standard pattern. 7. Malleable- or Ductile-Iron Unions: UL 860. 8. Cast-Iron Flanges: ASME 16.1, Class 125. 9. Steel Flanges and Flanged Fittings: ASME B16.5, Class 1 50. ' a. Pipe-Flange Gasket Materials: AWWA C110, rubber, flat face, 1 /8 inch (3.2 mm) thick, ASME B16.21, nonmetallic and asbestos free or EPDM rubber gasket. b. Class 125 and Class 250, Cast-Iron, Flat-Face Flanges: Full-face gaskets. c. Class 150 and Class 300, Ductile-Iron or -Steel, Raised-Face Flanges: Ring-type gaskets. d. Metal, Pipe-Flange Bolts and Nuts: Carbon steel unless otherwise indicated. 10. Steel Welding Fittings: ASTM A234/A234M and ASME B16.9. a. Welding Filler Metals: Comply with AWS D10.12M/D10.12 for welding materials appropriate for wall thickness and chemical analysis of steel pipe being welded. ' b. Shop-weld thread-o-lets may be used in lieu of tee fittings, but field (site) welding will not be permitted. 11. Grooved-Joint, Steel-Pipe Appurtenances: a. Pressure Rating: 175-psig (1200-kPA) minimum, and as required by the design. b. Galvanized, Painted, or Uncoated Grooved-End Fittings for Steel Piping: ASTM A47/A47M, malleable-iron casting or ASTM A536, ductile-iron casting, with dimensions matching steel pipe. c. Grooved-End-Pipe Couplings for Steel Piping: AWWA C606 and UL 213 rigid pattern, unless otherwise indicated, for steel-pipe dimensions. Include ferrous housing sections, EPDM-rubber gasket, and bolts and nuts. ' d. Mechanical Couplings: Victaulic grooved couplings style 07, 75 or 77, or equal by Gruvlok. e. Mechanical Tees: Victaulic style 920, Gruvlok. U-bolt mechanical tees are not ' acceptable. Print Date:3/13/2018 21 11 00 - 7 of 18 Tigard High School Modernization 21 11 00 March 28, 2018 FIRE PROTECTION Glumac , f. Steel Pressure-Seal Fittings: UL 213, FM Global-approved, 175-psig (1200-kPa) pressure rating with steel housing, rubber 0-rings, and pipe stop; for use with fitting manufacturers' pressure-seal tools. g. Use rigid couplings where flexibility is not required or provide necessary sway bracing. D. Dry Standpipe, Dry Sprinkler and Pre-Action Sprinkler Piping and Fittings: 1 . Schedule 40 galvanized steel, ASTM Al 23. 2. Pipe ends may be factory or field formed to match joining method. E. Flexible sprinkler connector for ductwork and suspended ceiling sprinkler application: Flexhead or equal Factory Mutual approved system. ' F. Piping and Fittings - Not Allowed: 1 . Pipe less than Schedule 40 with threaded fittings is not allowed. 2. Schedule 5 piping and fittings are not allowed. 3. Threadable lightwall pipe is not allowed. 4. CPVC is not allowed. 5. Mechanical "gripping teeth" type fittings are not allowed. 6. Mechanical "clamping" type tee fittings are not allowed. 7. Quick disconnect, boltless, snap-joint, field drilling or welding of any main or branch lines, and any device specifically prohibited by the local authority having jurisdiction is not allowed. 8. Unions are not allowed for any size pipe. 9. Plain end fittings are not allowed. 2.3 PIPE AND FITTINGS - UNDERGROUND A. Class 52 ductile iron pipe and fittings, white, cement lined, mechanical or Tyton joint fittings. Piping to be factory encased with 8 mil polyethylene tube or sheet. Fittings to be double field wrapped with 2" wide, 20 mil vinyl tape, 50% overlap. I B. Manufacturer: United States Pipe and Foundry, Griffin or Pacific States, only. C. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe: I 1 . Pipe and fittings: Pipe shall conform to AWWA C900 and shall be plain end or gasket bell-end, pressure Class 150 with cast-iron-pipe-equivalent OD. Fittings shall be gray-iron or ductile-iron conforming to AWWA C110, and shall have cement lining conforming to AWWA C104, standard thickness. 2. Joints and Jointing Material:Joints for pipe shall be push on joints as specified in ASTM D3139.Joints between pipe and metal fittings, valves, and other accessories shall be push on joints as specified in ASTM D3139 or shall be compression type joints / mechanical joints as respectively specified in ASTM D3139 and AWWA C1 1 1 . Provide each joint connection with an elastomeric gasket suitable for bell or coupling or push-on joints with which it is to be used. 3. Transition from PVC to ductile iron pipe shall occur a minimum of 5 feet from building. ' D. All underground piping for fire mains shall be installed, clamped, anchored, flushed and hydrostatically pressure tested according to the requirements of the authorities and/or Print Date:3/13/2018 21 11 00 - 8 of 18 Tigard High School Modernization 21 11 00 March 28, 2018 FIRE PROTECTION I Glumac agencies having jurisdiction, and NFPA Pamphlets Nos. 13 and 24 and F. M. Handbook of IIndustrial Loss Prevention. E. Anchor underground riser stub to nearest underground connection by means of rodding. Retaining glands with setscrews above grade are not allowed. I 2.4 UNDERGROUND PIPE COATING: I A. All underground ferrous piping shall be covered with: 1 . Either two coats of 10 Mill Scotch Wrap No. 51 , or with; 2. "XTRU-COAT" prefabricated extruded cover with joints sealed with two coats of 10 I Mill Scotch Wrap #51 . 3. Or approved equal I2.5 THRUST BLOCKS A. Provide thrust blocks at changes in pipe direction, changes in pipe sizes, dead-end stops I and at valves. B. Calculate area of undisturbed earth of thrust block based on actual soil conditions and water test pressure of 200 psi. 1 C. Concrete and reinforcing steel shall be as specified in Division 03 and 05. All concrete shall be Class A, unless specified otherwise. ID. Miscellaneous nuts and bolts shall be stainless steel. I2.6 RODS AND CLAMPS A. Socket clamps shall be stainless steel; four bolt type, equipped with stainless steel socket Iclamp washers and nuts Grinnell Fig. 595 and 594, Elcen Fig. 37 and 37X, or equal. B. Rods shall be stainless steel, 3/4" diameter. I 2.7 SPRINKLER HEADS - GENERAL A. Sprinkler heads shall be regular automatic closed-type heads of ordinary degree I temperature rating except that sprinkler heads installed in the vicinity of heating equipment or in special occupancy areas shall be of the temperature rating as described in NFPA No. 13. IB. Provide quick response heads in all new light hazard occupancies. I C. Provide corrosion-resistant sprinkler heads where they are exposed to weather, moisture or corrosive vapors. Provide sprinkler head protection in covered play. ID. E. The Contractor shall furnish spare heads. The heads shall be packed in a suitable container and shall be representative of, and in proportion to, the number of each type I I Print Date:3/13/2018 21 11 00 - 9 of 18 Tigard High School Modernization 21 11 00 March 28, 2018 FIRE PROTECTION Glumac ' and temperature rating head installed. In addition to the spare heads, the contractor shall furnish not less than two special sprinkler head wrenches. Refer to NFPA 13 section; "Stock of Spare Heads". F. Provide flexible connectors for heads located in suspended ceilings. Do not use oversized escutcheons. Provide 1" clearance with escutcheon around penetrations through suspended ceilings per ASCE requirements>>. 2.8 SPRINKLER HEADS I A. Sprinkler heads installed shall be upright or pendent, as conditions require, and shall be of the following type and finish for the areas designated. Unless otherwise specified, sprinklers shall be small frame type, center bulb capsule for finished areas, fusible link for unfinished areas, and 1/2" orifice. Extended coverage heads not allowed in unfinished areas except garages. Sprinkle Escutcheo Temp. Building Area Sprinkler Head r Finish n Finish Deq. Unfinished Retail, & Office, Garage & Upright/Pendant Brass None 165°F Mechanical Rooms Electrical, Telephone & Upright Brass None 286° F Switchgear Rooms Finished Ceilings Semi-recessed White White 165° F Pendant Soffit Flush Sidewall White White 165°F Sidewall Horizontal Sidewall Brass None 165°F Balconies Dry Sidewall Brass Chrome 155°F B. Manufacturer: Tyco, Reliable or Viking. , 2.9 VALVING A. 2" or Smaller: 1 1 . Control Valve: OS&Y rising stem type gate valve bronze body, bonnet and disc, copper alloy stem, threaded ends, 1 75 psig WOG min. Provide with tamper switch. 2. Check Valve: Swing check type with bronze body, cap and disc, threaded ends, 175 psig WOG min. 3. Drip Valve: 3/4", cast brass automatic ball drip type, threaded ends, 175 psig WOG min. 4. Testing Valve: 1-1 /4", test and drain, sight glass, 1/2" test orifice, lever operated, 300 psig WOG. Drain to mop sink or drain riser. 5. Main Drain Valve: 2", angle gate valve, bronze body, copper alloy stem, threaded ends, 1 75 psig WOG. Drain to mop sink or drain riser. B. 2-1 /2" or Larger: Print Date:3/13/2018 21 11 00 - 10 of 18 Tigard High School Modernization 21 11 00 March 28, 2018 FIRE PROTECTION I Glumac 1 . Control Valve: Grooved butterfly valve with tamper switch, ductile iron body, I aluminum bronze disc, stainless steel stem and EPDM Liner, 200 psig WOG min, Victanlic 700. 2. Control Valve: OS&Y rising stem type gate valve, cast iron body and bonnet, bronze I stem, seat and disc, flanged ends, 175 psig WOG min. Provide with tamper switch. 3. Check Valve: Swing check type with cast iron body, bolted cap and disc, flanged ends, 175 psig WOG min. 4. Manufacturer: Grinnell, Stockham, Milwaukee, Mueller, Kennedy, Elkart or AGF. I2.10 WET SPRINKLER ALARM CHECK VALVE I A. Contractor shall provide, where required, a completely engineered horizontal wet alarm check valve, retarding chamber, and trim assembly. Viking #F-1 , Star or Reliable. I2.11 UNDERGROUND WATER VALVE A. Resilient seated gate, valve, non-rising stem, 2" square valve nut, ductile iron construction I with epoxy coated surfaces, both interior and exterior, 250 psi, mechanical joint ends. Provide yard box and cover. B. Manufacture: American Darling, Clow, Dresser, or U.S. Pipe. I 2.12 VALVE BOXES I A. Cast iron valve boxes for shutoff valves buried in ground shall be complete with bellbottoms, extension piece, top and cover. Boxes shall be suitable for the types of valves with which they are used. All valve boxes shall have a concrete collar flush with grade. B. Lids shall have the applicable letters embossed upon the top surface. Tagging shall match existing lids. IC. Manufacturer: Tyler, ITT Grinnell, or equal. 2.1 3 PRESSURE REDUCING VALVES 1 A. Sprinkler System: Rough bronze bodywith red enameled hand wheel with integral check p Y 9 9 valve of the pressure reducing type. Outlet pressure shall not exceed 165 psig at I maximum system pressures. Pressure settings to be field adjustable. 1 . Manufacturer: Zurn #Z-3004 II B. Fire Service: 150 class pressure rating, cast iron body with brass main valve trim, control system cast bronze with stainless steel trim 1. Manufacturer: CIa-Val #90-21 UL. I2.14 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE IA. Provide 3/4" pressure relief valve on discharge side of Sprinkler system pressure reducing valve. Set to a maximum of 1 75 psi. 1 . Manufacturer: Zurn #P1000A. I I Print Date:3/13/2018 21 11 00 - 11 of 18 Tigard High School Modernization 21 11 00 March 28, 2018 FIRE PROTECTION Glumac ' 2.1 5 BACKFLOW PREVENTER A. Provide listed backflow prevention device as required by local codes and ordinances. 1 Backflow prevention devices installed in the vertical position shall be approved for that orientation. B. Double check detector check valve assembly: Epoxy coated, ductile iron construction, 175 psig working pressure, complete with two spring loaded "Y" type check valves, "Y" strainer with hose bibb on suction side of assembly, two OS&Y gate valves, test cocks, bypass water meter and bypass doublecheck. Ames Model 3001 SS, Febco #856-DCDA, Watts #709-DCDA-OSY,Wilkins #950DA or approved equal C. Reduced pressure backflow preventor: Ductile iron construction, 150 psig working ' pressure, complete with two spring loaded "Y"type check valves, "Y" strainer with hose bibb on suction side of assembly, one differential relief valve,two OS&Y gate valves and test cocks. Unit shall be tapped on both sides to accommodate installation of test cocks. Febco #860 RPA, Wilkins #975DA, Watts #909-RPDA or approved equal. 2.16 INTEGRAL INSPECTORS ALARM TEST AND SYSTEM DRAIN ' A. Combination system drain and visible orifice insert/sight glass for testing system alarm; with screwed or grooved inlet and outlet connections, Malleable iron hand wheel, EPDM valve seats, maximum working pressure 300 psi, 1 /2" orifice insert, Bronze housing with 1 /2" pressure relief valve, Watts Regulator Model FP 53L, 175 psi, UL listed and FM Approved. Victaulic TestMaster II style 720, or approved equal. B. Water pressure gauge, range 0-300, in 5 psig increments, brass case - 3-1 /2" diameter,, 1 /4" NPT male pipe connection, UL listed. Locate pressure gage on riser per code. Star Sprinkler, Ashcroft or approved equal. C. Pressure gauge test valve, brass 1 /4" screwed ends, 300 psig WOG. United or approved equal. I D. All relief, main, auxiliary and equipment drains shall be routed separately to hub drain or air gap fitting (by plumbing). I 2.17 TAMPER SWITCHES A. Switch shall be mounted so as not to interfere with normal operation of the valve and be adjusted to operate when handle of valve has traveled more than one-fifth the distance of its normal operating position. Electrical Contractor shall provide conduit from switch to fire alarm panel. 1 B. Housing shall be of aluminum, acid-treated, primed and finished in baked red enamel. Removal of housing shall cause switch to operate. Inside shall be single pole, double throw micro switch with connection for electrical conduit. C. Install on all control valves. D. Manufacturer: Potter-Electric, Notifier, Ellenco, or Simplex. Print Date:3/13/2018 21 11 00 - 12 of 18 ITigard High School Modernization 21 11 00 March 28, 2018 FIRE PROTECTION I Glumac 2.18 WATER FLOW ALARM -VANE TYPE IA. Indicator shall be for either vertical or horizontal installation. Indicator shall not be installed in a fitting that changes direction of water flow and shall have a sensitivity setting to signal any flow of water that equals or exceeds the discharge from one sprinkler head. IProvide retarding device to prevent false alarms from line surges. B. Whenever a water flow alarm is installed in the piping system, an approved floor control I valve shall be provided upstream of the alarm indicator. In addition, a drain is required downstream of the alarm indicator. I C. Each water flow alarm shall be wired to a Fire System. All wiring and conduits as required will be provided under Division 26. An alarm will automatically activate the local fire alarm system. ID. Manufacturer: Potter-Electric, Ellenco, Notifier, or Simplex. 2.19 EXTERIOR ALARM I A. Electric bell, 10" diameter, U.L. listed, weather-proof back box housing, 120 VAC, 99 dB at 10 FT; Potter model PBA12010 or equal. B. Electric Horn: Potter-Electric, Ellenco, Notifier, or Simplex weatherproof, 120 VAC. I2.20 DRY-PIPE VALVE SYSTEM A. Contractor shall provide where indicated on drawings a completely engineered dry-pipe Ivalve assembly in accordance with NFPA Pamphlet No. 13. B. Space shall be provided for all valving required. Dry-pipe alarm valve(s) shall be of the differential type with all accessories including, but not limited to, the following: I1 . Alarm Valve, Trim, Pressure Switch with auxiliary contacts for fire alarm connection, Water gong, Air maintenance device, listed air compressor unit designed to fill system in a minimum of thirty minutes, Dry type valves supplying more than 300 sprinkler Iheads shall be provided with quick opening device (accelerator). C. Manufacturer: Viking #E, Star or Reliable. I2.21 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS I A. Freestanding unit with individual clapper valves, plugs and chains, locations as indicated on drawings. Escutcheon plate to be lettered as follows; "AUTO SPRINKLER", "DRY STANDPIPE" or "AUTO SPRINKLER AND STANDPIPE". Unit shall be polished chrome, mounted 36" above finished grade. Number of inlets required shall be in accordance with Iregulations of the Fire Marshal or local fire department. 2.22 FIRE DEPARTMENT HOSE VALVES IA. Fire Department Valves: 2-1 /2" outlets brass construction female to male angle valve with cap and chain, rough chrome finish and mounted 48" above finished floor. I Print Date:3/13/2018 21 11 00 - 13 of 18 Tigard High School Modernization 21 11 00 March 28, 2018 FIRE PROTECTION Glumac ' B. Pressure Reducing Fire Department Valves: 2-1 /2" outlets tamper proof, automatic pressure reducing, all brass male to female angle, rated at 400 psig rough brass finish, mounted 48" above finished floor. C. Manufacturer: Croker, Elkhart, Powhattan Brass, Potter-Roemer or Zurn. 2.23 POST INDICATOR VALVE A. Indicator post valve and indicator post. Clow# 2945 or approved equal. ' 2.24 BYPASS METERS EQUIPPED WITH TOUCH READ REGISTER AND TOUCH PADS A. All Double Check Detector Assemblies (DCDAs) and Reduced Pressure Detector Assemblies , (RPDA's) installed on fire services must be equipped with a Water Bureau approved bypass meter and compatible touch-pad.The touch-pad must be accessible from the right-of- way. B. Only 5/8" x 3A" Neptune T-10 meters with PRO READ or AUTOREAD registers are to be used. Registers must read in cubic feet. Touch-pads must be compatible with these meters. Compatible touch-pads for the above meter are Neptune model #12081-000(wall mount application) and Neptune model 12223-150 (vault door application, requires 1 3A" hole). ' C. All wiring from the touch-pad to the bypass meter shall be insulated 1 pair solid 22 AWG copper wires secured so as not to interfere with the operation and maintenance of the backflow assembly. The wiring shall not encumber the vault opening or ladder. Where the touch-pad wire follows the path of other electrical wiring, shielded wire as described above shall be used. Splices shall be made with 3M Scotchlok moisture resistant connectors part number UR or UY or equivalent. All splices shall be accessible. D. Touch-pad mounting options: 1. On an outside building wall, at a height between 1' and 5' above the floor or finished ' grade and within 50' of the backflow assembly. 2. May be mounted on the vault door. The orientation should locate the touch-pad near the hinged portion of the door so as not to stress the wire between the touch-pad and meter when the door is fully opened. 3. May be installed in the concrete portion of the vault top, the touch-pad must be easily accessible for replacement. 4. If touch-pad wire must be run underground, the wire must be routed through PVC conduit from the meter to the touch-pad. 5. Touch-pads not installed in vault doors or on a building face shall be installed using the Brooks #07, 12"X 20" box with T&R lid. 6. The touch-pad must be rigidly mounted. PART 3 EXECUTION ' 3.1 GENERAL A. This system to be installed by an experienced firm regularly engaged in the installation of automatic sprinkler system as specified by the requirements of the Specifications. Print Date:3/13/2018 21 11 00 - 14 of 18 ITigard High School Modernization 21 11 00 March 28, 2018 FIRE PROTECTION I Glumac 3.2 PERFORMANCE OF WORK A. Examine areas and conditions under which materials are to be installed. Layout the system to suit the different types of construction and equipment as indicated on the drawings and in accordance with NFPA Pamphlet No. 13, 14, 20 and 24. t B. Work to start immediately after authorization has been given to proceed so that the overall progress of the construction is not delayed. C. Coordinate with other trades as necessary to properly interface components of the sprinkler system. ID. Follow manufacturer's directions and recommendations in all cases. 1 E. The omission from the drawings or Specifications of any details of construction, installation, materials, or essential specialties shall not relieve the Contractor from furnishing the same in place for a complete system. I 3.3 TEMPORARY FIRE PROTECTION A. Provide all temporary valving, piping, Siamese connections and other components as directed by the fire agency office during all phases of construction. 3.4 INSTALLATION - GENERAL IA. Fire protection system shall be installed in accordance with the approved Drawings. The finished ceiling is not to be erected until all fire protection piping has been installed, 1 tested, and inspected. Sprinkler heads located in the electrical equipment, elevator, or similar rooms shall be furnished with deflectors to prevent water spray on equipment. B. Before connection to the overhead piping, all underground piping shall be flushed with water flowing at velocity and quantity required by the installation standards specified above in this Section of the Specifications. I C. The arrangement of all pipes shall conform to all architectural requirements and field conditions, shall be as straight and direct as possible, forming right angles or parallel lines with building walls and other pipes, and shall be neatly spaced. Offsets will be permitted only where required to permit the pipes to follow the walls. Standard fittings shall be used for offsets. All risers shall be erectedplumb and true, shall be parallel with the walls and other pipes, and shall be neatly spaced. All work shall be coordinated with HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical and Structural work in order to avoid interference and unnecessary cutting of floors or walls. All underground or concealed work shall be inspected before the construction is closed up. I D. All sprinkler heads to be installed in ceilings throughout the scope of work building as listed in Part 2 sections. All areas without ceilings shall have rough brass upright or pendent heads. I E. Sprinkler heads in all finished areas are to be installed on a true axis line in both directions, with maximum deviation from the axis line of 1 /2 inch plus or minus and shall I be plus or minus 1"within center of tile. At the completion of the installation, if any heads Print Date:3/13/2018 21 11 00 - 15 of 18 Tigard High School Modernization 21 11 00 March 28, 2018 FIRE PROTECTION Glumac ' are found to exceed the above-mentioned tolerance, they shall be removed and reinstalled. F. No pipes or other apparatus shall be installed so as to interfere in any way with full swing of doors. G. The arrangement, positions, and connections of pipes, drains, valves, etc., shall be as required by NFPA Pamphlet #13 for all areas to be sprinklered. At all low points provide drains and provide drains or capped tees fittings at isolated low points in the piping system. However, the right is reserved by the Owner's Representative to change the location of any item to accommodate conditions, which may arise during progress of the work, without additional compensation for such changes provided that no additional heads are required prior to the installation of the work. H. Where required, piping shall be installed concealed in building construction, or though steel beams, to obtain adequate head room. I. All pipe throughout the job shall be reamed smooth before being installed. Pipe shall not be split, bent, flattened, or otherwise injured either before or during installation. J. Provide protective pans under pipes passing over high voltage electrical bus duct or switchgear equipment. The pan shall be constructed of 12 gauge black iron with a 6 inch lip, the corners being welded to make the pans watertight. Each pan shall be given three coats of Rust-Oleum paint and shall be supported by pipe hangers.The pan shall drain clear of the bus duct or switchgear. K. All pipe interiors shall be thoroughly cleaned of foreign matter before installation, and shall be kept clean during installation by plugging or other approved means. Piping shall be covered with visqueen during storage. Piping that shows signs of rusting will be removed from job site and replaced. L. Field Connections: Any modifications to system required by field conditions, physical equipment changes or compliance with code regulations shall be made promptly without cost to Owner. M. Interference: No piping or sprinkler devices shall interfere with the operations of any door, window, or mechanical and/or electrical systems. No part of this system shall visibly installed in the physical parameter of any window. Sprinkler mains and branch piping shall not interfere with existing or future ceiling, light fixtures and HVAC diffusers, N. Threaded Pipe: Threads shall be clean cut, standard and tapered. Threads shall be made up using flaked graphite and lubricating oil, piping compound or Teflon tape applied to the male threads only. O. Grooved Pipe: Installation shall be as prescribed in the Victaulic Piping Manual only. Holes in the piping are to be made in the fabrication shop, not at the job site. Contractor shall provide at the project site a sample of each type of coupling (threaded, standard grooved coupling and mechanical type), showing complete assembly with pipe connections. Couplings will not be installed until samples are approved by the Owner's Representative. Owner's Representative approval does not eliminate the Contractor's final approval by the fire agency's office. Print Date:3/13/2018 21 11 00 - 16 of 18 111 Tigard High School Modernization 21 11 00 March 28, 2018 FIRE PROTECTION Glumac P. Keep all pipe and other openings closed to prevent entry of foreign matter. Cover all equipment and apparatus to protect against dirt, water, chemical or mechanical damage, before and during construction period. Restore to original condition all apparatus and equipment damaged prior to final acceptance, including restoration of damaged shop coats of paint. Q. Location of sprinkler piping is critical. 1 . Where ceiling space is at a minimum under beams location of ductwork takes precedence, coordinate accordingly. 2. Include in base bid, multiple coordination meetings, as required with Owner's Representative for coordination of sprinkler pipe routing, at no additional cost to the Owner. 3. Coordinate beam and shear wall penetrations with Structural Engineer. Obtain written approval for all beam penetrations from Structural Engineer. R. Elevator Pits: For hydraulic elevators provide sprinkler heads in elevator pits per elevator code. Provide control valve with tamper switch to each pit area. Coordinate with Division 26 Fire Alarm System. S. Tracer wire shall be wrapped and taped to non-metallic underground piping at maximum p 9 p 9 20 foot intervals. 3.5 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL A. Trench and excavation work shall be done in a neat workmanlike manner, of the depth required by the authorities and/or agencies having jurisdiction. Pipe crown shall not be less than 30 inches below the finished ground surface. After the pipe has been properly tested and inspected, trench shall be backfilled with sand, or an approved sandy material, to a depth of 6 inches above the pipe. Backfill material shall be consolidated by tamping or by saturating with water and vibrating. Subsequent backfill shall consist of the original excavated material, free of organic matter, placed in 6 inch layers and compacted layer by layer by means of power driven vibrators. B. Replace to original condition all turf, plants, concrete, asphalt, or other improvements disturbed by trenching. In graded, unpaved areas, backfill trenches with crown 8 inches above the surrounding surface. 3.6 SLEEVES AND FLASHINGS A. Wherever pipes are exposed and pass through walls, floors, partitions or ceilings, they shall be fitted with chromium plated steel escutcheons held in place with setscrews. Care shall be taken to protect the escutcheons during the course of construction. B. Penetrations through fire rated walls and floors shall be sealed with listed mastic of similar fire rating. 3.7 HANGERS, INSERTS, SUPPORTS, AND SWAY BRACING A. Hangers and supports shall be installed per NFPA#13 sections on Hangers and Protection of Piping Against Damage Where Subject to Earthquake. Provide restraint from movement at end sprinkler on branch line per NFPA 13. Print Date:3/13/2018 21 11 00 - 17 of 18 Tigard High School Modernization 21 11 00 March 28, 2018 FIRE PROTECTION Glumac 1 B. Bending of threaded hanger rod is not allowed. All powder driven anchor pins in concrete are not allowed. 3.8 SAFETY TESTING & VERIFICATION A. Flush, test, and inspect sprinkler piping systems according to NFPA 13 Chapter "System Acceptance." B. Provide NFPA 13 Contractor's Material & Test Certificate Form 85A for above ground piping and Form 85B for underground piping. C. Provide manpower to test the function and performance of all Life Safety System components and devices per floor and per zone basis in accordance with the local requirements. 3.9 IDENTIFICATION A. In addition to the requirements of Section 210500, provide pipe markers every 20 feet, once in every room, and at each building level traversed, minimum. Stencil riser/zone numbers on risers. B. Provide hydraulic design data nameplates on the riser of each sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 13 C. Equipment such as valves, drains, etc., shall be provided with signs that identify type of equipment and service. The tag shall be securely fastened to the handle or spindle of the valve by a brass chain. Furnish four schedules of valves so tagged. There shall also be furnished four diagrammatic charts showing schematically the complete sprinkler system with major control valves and numbers thereof. One set of Schedules and charts shall be mounted in glazed frames located where directed. 3.10 AS-BUILT RECORD DRAWINGS AND CERTIFICATION A. As-built Record Drawings are to be kept up-to-date and the Master Copy kept at the job site. Prior to final acceptance of work being approved, these drawings are to be turned over to the Owner's Representative for approval. B. Written certification from the insuring agents, and authorities having jurisdiction that the tests were satisfactory. C. After installation is complete and tests satisfactorily approved, deliver test certificates and approval by the local Fire Authorities and the FMA to the architect. Final acceptance of sprinkler/standpipe system by Owner's Representative shall be contingent upon receipt of certificate and approval from authorities having jurisdiction and for the delivery of final As-Built Drawings. I END OF SECTION I I Print Date:3/13/2018 21 11 00 - 18 of 18 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS IGlumac 22 05 00 - BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS I+ PART 1 GENERAL 1 .1 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS A. All work under this Section shall comply requirements the of General Conditions, Supplemental Conditions, Special Conditions and Division 01 - General Requirements, and Iall Plumbing Sections specified herein. 1 .2 SCOPE OF THIS SECTION IA. Work to be furnished and installed under this Section shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: I 1 . Compliance with all codes and standards applicable to this jurisdiction. 2. Shop Drawings for Equipment 3. Coordination Documents i 4. Record drawings 5. Start-up and commissioning service 6. Instruction, Training, and Operations & Maintenance Manuals I 7. Work associated with delivery, storage, and handling of products 8. Work associated with provision of temporary facilities 9. Preparation of posted operating instructions I 10. Meeting project safety and indemnity requirements 11. Proper cleaning and closing 12. Supplying proper Warranty information 13. Supply specified Guarantee documentation 1 14. Design and provision of supports and anchors 15. Design and provision of seismic restraints 16. Design and provision of vibration isolation I17. Through-penetration firestop assemblies 18. Pipe portals 19. Pipe stands I 20. Equipment supports 21. Access panels and doors 22. Roof flashings 1 23. Water hammer arrestors i 24. Drains 25. Trap primers I 26. Miscellaneous fixtures 27. Identification markers 28. Coordination of electrical requirements for equipment provided 1 1 .3 DESCRIPTION OF WORK I A. The Contract Documents, including Specifications and Construction Drawings, are intended to include all material and labor to install complete plumbing systems for the building and shall interface with all existing building systems affected by new construction. III IPrint Date:3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 1 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac I B. The Contractor shall refer to the architectural interior details, floor plans, elevations, and the structural and other Contract Drawings and shall coordinate the work with that of the other trades to avoid interference. The plans are diagrammatic and show generally the locations of the fixtures, equipment, and pipe lines and are not to be scaled; all dimensions and existing conditions shall be checked at the building. C. The Contractor shall comply with the project closeout requirements as detailed in General . Requirements of Division 01. D. Where project involves interface with existing building and/or site systems, existing utilities and services have been indicated on the drawings to the extent possible based on available record drawings. The Contractor shall thoroughly familiarize themselves with existing conditions and be aware that in some cases information is not available as to concealed conditions, which exist in portions of the existing building affected by this work. E. Refer to Basis of Design on drawings. Systems as specified under this section shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following: 1. Connection to utilities at five (5) feet from the building. Coordinate with the Civil Engineering Plans and/or Division 02 work. 2. Connection of all waste, vent, and water piping to all plumbing fixtures, drinking fountains, sinks, drains and mechanical equipment. 3. Provide for future expansion as indicated. 4. Connect to new equipment including expansion tanks, and domestic hot water heaters, etc. 5. Connect to kitchen fixtures and equipment. Provide all traps, supplies, stops, backflow devices, pressure reducing valves and flexible gas connectors. 6. Connect to laboratory fixtures and equipment. Provide all traps, supplies, stops, backflow devices, pressure reducing valves and flexible gas connectors. 7. Connect to laundry fixtures and equipment. Provide all traps, supplies, and stops. 8. Connect cold water to hose bibbs and wall hydrants. Provide individual shut-off valves at each location. 9. Provide traps on all floor drains with trap primer where specified. Pipe to trap shall be 1/2" minimum. 10. Provide 110°F hot water mixed at point of use for service to public fixtures including lavatories. 11. Domestic water heating plant shall be electric. 12. Provide domestic hot water recirculation system. Each branch line to be set at 1 .0 gpm. Provide individual self-adjusting paraffin type balancing valve at each location. 13. Provide floor drainage in restrooms, mechanical rooms and equipment rooms. 14. Provide connections for all area drains, catch basins, downspouts, roof drains and overflow drains to storm sewer system. 1 5. Gas service and meter assembly shall be by the local natural gas utility. Location of new meter to be approved by Owner's Representative prior to installation. 16. Contractor to start gas system at discharge flange of meter setting assembly. Provide regulator assembly to reduce pressure to 2.0 psi maximum entering building. 1 7. Provide gas shut-off and regulator assembly at each connection, as detailed on drawings. Supply to any piece of equipment shall not exceed 0.5 psi. I Print Date 3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 2 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac 18. Temporary Water Service: As directed by the General Contractor, the plumber shall provide a temporary metered water service and temporary water risers with four (4) I hose bibbs installed at each level as the building proceeds upwards to the roof. 1 .4 SUBMITTALS A. Prior to construction submit for approval all materials and equipment in accordance with Division 01 . Submit manufacturer's data, installation instructions, and maintenance and I operating instructions for all components of this section including, but not limited to, the following: 1 . Supports and anchors 1112. Access panels and doors 3. Identification markers and tags 4. Electrical equipment IS. Pipe portals 6. Emergency showers and eye washes 7. Plumbing specialties 8. Trap primers I 9. Cleanouts 10. Drains IllRoof flashing . 12. Wall hydrants and hose bibbs 13. Backwater valves IB. Contractor shall submit a letter that all products used in the plumbing system are certified for use in the State and Municipality of the project site. I1 .5 DESCRIPTION OF BID DOCUMENTS A. Specifications: 1 . Specifications, in general, describe quality and character of materials and equipment. 2. Specifications are of simplified form and include incomplete sentences. I B. Drawings: 1. Drawings in general are diagrammatic and indicate sizes, locations, connections to equipment and details of installation. I 2. Before proceeding with work check and verify all dimensions. 3. Assume all responsibility for fitting of materials and equipment to other parts of equipment and structure. I 4. Make adjustments that may be necessary or requested, to resolve space problems, preserve headroom, and avoid architectural openings, structural members and work of other trades. I 5. Verify exact location and elevation of existing piping, ductwork, conduits and structure and coordinate to accommodate installation of new work as indicated on the drawings. 6. If any part of Specifications or Drawings appears unclear or contradictory, apply to the I Owner's Representative for interpretation and decision as early as possible, including during bidding period. I IPrint Date 3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 3 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac 1 .6 DEFINITIONS A. "Above Grade": Not buried in the ground and not embedded in concrete slab on ground. B. "Actuating" or "Control" Devices: Automatic sensing and switching devices such as thermostats, pressure, float, electro-pneumatic switches and electrodes controlling operation of equipment. C. "Below Grade": Buried in the ground or embedded in concrete slab on ground. 1 D. "Concealed": Embedded in masonry or other construction, installed in furred spaces, within double partitions or hung ceilings, in trenches, in crawl spaces, or in enclosures. In general, any item not visible or directly accessible. E. "Connect": Complete hook-up of item with required service. F. "Exposed": Not installed underground or "concealed." G. "Furnish": To supply equipment and products as specified. H. "Indicated," "Shown" or " "Noted": As indicated, shown or noted on Drawings or Specifications. j I. "Install": To erect, mount and connect complete with related accessories. J. "Lead Free": Materials containing not more than 0.2 percent lead when used with respect to solder and flux and not more than a weighted average of 0.25 percent when used with respect to the wetted surfaces of pipes and pipe fittings, plumbing fittings, and fixtures, providing a specified definition and formula for determining "weighted average". K. "Motor Controllers": Manual or magnetic starters (with or without switches), individual push buttons or hand-off-automatic (HOA) switches controlling the operation of motors. L. "Must": A desire to complete the specified task. Allows some flexibility in application as opposed to "Shall." I M. "NRTL": Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory, including UL and/or ETL. N. "Piping": Pipe, tube, fittings, flanges, valves, controls, strainers, hangers, supports, unions, 111 traps, drains, insulation, and related items. O. "Provide": To supply, install and connect as specified for a complete, safe and operationally I ready system. P. "Reviewed," "Satisfactory" or"Directed": As reviewed, satisfactory, or directed by or to Architect/Engineer/Owner's Representative. Q. "Rough-In": Provide all indicated services in the necessary arrangement suitable for making final connections to fixture or equipment. R. "Shall": An exhortation or command to complete the specified task. Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 4 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS IGlumac S. "Similar" or "Equal": Of base bid manufacture, equal in materials, weight, size, design, and Iefficiency of specified products. T. "Supply": To purchase, procure, acquire and deliver complete with related accessories. iU. "Typical" or "Typ": Exhibiting the qualities, traits, or characteristics that identify a kind, class, number, group or category. Of or relating to a representative specimen. Application shall apply to all other similarly identified on plan or detail. V. "Will": A desire to complete the specified task. Allows some flexibility in application as opposed to "Shall." IW. "Wiring": Raceway, fittings, wire, boxes and related items. X. "Work": Labor, materials, equipment, apparatus, controls, accessories, and other items required for proper and complete installation. 1 .7 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. All Division 22 Plumbing sections included herein. I B. Division 01 : General Requirements 1 . Including commissioning requirements. I C. Division 02: Existing Conditions 1 . Coordination of excavation of trenches and the installation of mechanical systems and piping on site. 11 D. Division 03: Concrete. 1 . All concrete work required for plumbing work shall be coordinated by Division 22 with I Division 03 including: a. Concrete curbs and housekeeping pads for the mechanical equipment. b. Thrust blocks, pads, and boxes for mechanical equipment. 1 c. Coordination of floor drain and floor sink installations in sloped floors. E. Division 07: Thermal and Moisture Protection. I 1 . Flashing and sheet metal 2. Sealants and caulking 3. Firestopping F. Division 09: Finishes: 1 . Division 22 installers shall perform all painting, except where specifically stated otherwise in Division 09. I 2. Painting of all exposed steel, piping, insulation, equipment, and materials. 3. All exposed gas piping located exterior to the building and as required by Authority Having Jurisdiction. IG. Division 26: Electrical is related to work of: 1 . Power connections to all plumbing equipment I2. Life safety provisions IPrint Date'3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 5 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac 1 .8 CODES AND STANDARDS A. The Contractor is cautioned that code requirements not explicitly detailed in these specifications or drawings, but which may be reasonably inferred or implied from the nature of the project, must be provided as part of the contract. B. Perform all tests required by governing authorities and required under all Division 22 Sections. Provide written reports on all tests. C. Electrical devices and wiring shall conform to the latest standards of NEC; all devices shall be UL listed and labeled. D. All excavation work must comply with all provisions of state laws including notification to all owners of underground utilities at least 48 business day hours, but not more than 10 business days, before commencing an excavation. E. Provide in accordance with rules and regulations of the following 9 1 . Building Codes enforced by the Authority Having Jurisdiction in Oregon: a. 2014 Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC) based on 2012 International Building Code (IBC) b. 2014 Oregon Energy Efficiency Code (OEESC) based on the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) c. 2014 Oregon Mechanical Specialty Code (OMSC) based on 2012 International Mechanical Code (IMC) and 2012 International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC) with State Amendments d. 2014 Oregon Plumbing Code (OPC) based on 2009 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) with State Amendments e. 2014 Oregon Fire Code (Based on the 2012 International Fire Code) f. 2014 Oregon Electric Specialty Code (Based on the 2014 National Electric Code (NEC) with State Amendments 2. Building Codes enforced by the Authority Having Jurisdiction for International Code Council (ICC) Code a. 2012 International Building Code (IBC) with State Amendments b. 2012 International Mechanical Code (IMC) with State Amendments c. 2012 International Plumbing Code (IPC) with State Amendments d. 2012 International Fire Code (IFC) with State Amendments e. 2011 National Electric Code (NEC)with State Amendments f. 2012 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) with State Amendment 3. Local, city, county and state codes and amendments 4. Local and State Fire Prevention Districts 5. Local Health Department111 6. State Administrative Codes F. All accessible plumbing work shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)and local amendments. Compliance requirements applicable to plumbing work ■ includes, but is not limited to, the following ADA requirements: 1 . Section 609: No plumbing fixtures or valves may impede on grab bar clearances. Grab bars are installed in a horizontal position between 33" and 36" above the finish floor 111 to the top of the grab bar. The clear space between the wall and the grab bar shall be 1-1 /2" minimum with no obstructions created by valves, fittings or controls. The Print Date 3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 6 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac space between the grab bar and projecting objects above shall be 12" minimum. The space between the grab bar and projecting objects below shall be 1-1 /2" minimum. 2. Section 604.4: The seat height of a water closet above the finish floor shall be 17" minimum and 19" maximum measured to the top of the seat. Seats shall not be sprung to return to a lifted position. A water closet in a toilet room for a single occupant accessed only through a private office and not for common use or public use shall not be required to comply. In residential dwelling units the height of water closets shall be permitted to be 1 5" minimum and 19" maximum above the finish floor measured to the top of the seat. 3. Section 605.2: Urinal shall be a stall-type or wall-hung type with the rim 17" maximum above the finish floor or ground. Urinals shall be 13-1 /2" deep minimum. 4. Section 608.6: A shower spray unit with a hose 59" minimum that can be used both as a fixed-position shower head and as hand-held shower. The shower spray unit shall have an on/off control with a non-positive shut-off. The shower unit shall not obstruct grad bar clearances. Shower spray units shall deliver water that does not exceed 120°F maximum. 5. Section 608.7: Thresholds in roll-in type shower compartments shall be 1 /2" high maximum. 6. Section 604.9: Water closets in buildings serving children ages 3 through 12 shall comply with reduced dimensions. 7. Section 606.3: Lavatories and sinks shall be installed with the front of the higher of the rim or counter surface 34" maximum above the finish floor. 8. Section 606.4: Hand-operated metering faucets shall remain open for 10 seconds minimum. 9. Section 606.5: Water supply and drain pipes under lavatories and sinks shall be insulated or otherwise configures to protect against contact. There shall be no sharp or abrasive surfaces under lavatories and sinks. 10. Section 602: Drinking fountain spout height shall be 36" maximum above the finish floor. The spout shall provide a flow of water 4" high minimum and shall be located 5" maximum from the front of the unit. 11 . Section 309: Operable parts shall be operable with one hand and shall not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist. The force required to activate operable parts shall be 5 pounds maximum. G. Provide in accordance with appropriate referenced standards of the following: 1 . NFPA - National Fire Protection Association 2. CSA - Canadian Standards Association 3. ADC - Air Diffuser Council 4. ANSI - American National Standards Institute 5. ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Engineers 6. ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers 7. ASTM - American Society for Testing Materials 8. AWS - American Welding Society 9. AWWA - American Water Works Association 10. FM - Factory Mutual 11 . MSS - Manufacturer's Standardization Society Il 2. NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturer's Association 1 3. SMACNA - Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association 14. UL - Underwriter's Laboratories 1 5. ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act Print Date 3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 7 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 I March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac I 16. ETL - Electrical Testing Laboratories 17. ASSE - American Society of Sanitary Engineers 18. PDI - Plumbing and Drainage Institute 19. IAPMO - International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials 20. CISPI - Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute I 1 .9 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer's Nameplates: Nameplates on manufactured items shall be affixed to each I piece of equipment and resistant to ambient conditions. B. Current Models. All work shall be as follows: 1 . Manufactured items furnished shall be the current, cataloged product of the manufacturer. 2. Replacement parts shall be readily available and stocked in the USA. I 1 .10 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Examine all existing conditions at building site. I B. Review contract documents and technical specifications for extent of new work to be provided. I C. Provide and pay for all permits, licenses, fees and inspections. 0 D. Install equipment and materials to provide required access for servicing and maintenance. Coordinate the final location of concealed equipment and devices requiring access with final location of required access panels and doors. Allow ample space for removal of all parts that require replacement or servicing. This work shall include furnishing and installing all access doors required for mechanical access. E. Verify final locations for rough-ins with field measurements and with the requirements of 111 the actual equipment to be connected. Refer to Equipment Specifications in Divisions 02 through 48 for rough-in requirements. 1 F. Coordinate plumbing equipment and materials installation with other building components. G. Verify all dimensions by field measurements. H. Arrange for chases, slots, and openings in other building components to allow for plumbing installations. I. Coordinate the installation of required supporting devices and sleeves to be set in poured- I in-place concrete and other structural components, as they are constructed. J. Coordinate the cutting and patching of building components to accommodate the installation of mechanical equipment and materials. Contractor to provide for all cuttingIII and patching required for installation of his work unless otherwise noted. I Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 8 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 g March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS IIIGlumac K. Where mounting heights are not detailed or dimensioned, install plumbing services and overhead equipment to provide the maximum headroom possible. L. Install plumbing equipment to facilitate maintenance and repair or replacement of equipment components. Connect equipment for ease of disconnecting, without Iinterference with other installations. M. Coordinate the installation of plumbing materials and equipment above ceilings with I ductwork, piping, conduits, suspension system, light fixtures, cable trays, sprinkler piping and heads, and other installations. I N. Coordinate connection of plumbing systems with exterior underground and overhead utilities and services. Comply with requirements of governing regulations, franchised service companies, and controlling agencies. Provide required connection for each service. IO. Coordinate with Owner's Representative in advance to schedule shutdown of existing systems to make new connections. Provide valves in new piping to allow existing system to be put back in service with minimum down time. 1 P. All materials (such as insulation, piping, wiring, controls, etc.) located within air plenum spaces, air shafts, and occupied spaces shall have a flame-spread index of 25 or less, and I smoke-developed index of 50 or less, as tested by ASTM E84 (NFPA 255) Method. In addition, the products, when tested, shall not drip flame particles, and flame shall not be progressive. Provide Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., label or listing, or satisfactory I certified test report from an approved testing laboratory to prove the fire hazard ratings for materials proposed for use do not exceed those specified. Q. Coordinate installation of floor drains and floor sinks with work of other trades. Finished I floors shall slopes to floor drains as shown on architectural drawings. Floor sinks will typically be installed flush with surrounding floor. Review plans and design intent for floor sinks that may require elevated rims. IR. Products made of or containing lead, asbestos, mercury or other known toxic or hazardous materials are not acceptable for installation under this Division. Any such products installed as part of the work of the Division shall be removed and replaced and I all costs for removal and replacement shall be borne solely by the installing Contractor. S. Pipes, pipe fittings, plumbing fittings and fixtures that encounter the wetted surface of a public water system or any plumbing in a facility providing water for human consumption shall be "Lead Free". 1 .11 MINOR DEVIATIONS A. The Drawings are diagrammatic and show the general arrangements of all plumbing work Iand requirements to be performed. It is not intended to show or indicate all offsets, fittings, and accessories which will be required as a part of the work of this Section. I B. The Contractor shall review the structural and architectural conditions affecting the work. The contractor's scope of work shall include j 1 . Proper code complying support systems for all equipment whether scheduled or 111 detailed on drawings or in these specifications Print Date'3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 9 of 37 I Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac 2. Minor deviations from the plumbing plans required by architectural and structural coordination. C. The Contractor shall study the operational requirements of each system, and shall arrange the work accordingly, and shall furnish such fittings, offsets, supports, accessories, as are required for the proper and efficient installation of all systems within the physical space available for use by this section. This requirement extends to the Contractor's coordination of this section's work with the "Electrical Work." Should conflicts occur due to lack of coordination, the time delay, cost of rectification, demolition, labor and materials, shall be borne by the Contractor and shall not be at a cost to the Owner. D. Minor deviations to avoid conflict shall be permitted where the design intent is not altered. E. Advise the Owner's Representative, in writing, in the event a conflict occurs in the location or connection of equipment. Bear all costs for relocation of equipment, resulting from failure to properly coordinate the installation or failure to advise the Owner's , Representative of conflict. 1 .12 PRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONS A. The Contractor shall certify the following items are correct when using substituted products other than those scheduled or shown on the drawings as a basis of design: 1 . The proposed substitution does not affect dimensions shown on drawings. 2. The Contractor shall pay for changes to building design, including engineering design, detailing, structural supports, and construction costs caused by proposed substitution. 111 3. The proposed substitution has no adverse effect on other trades, construction schedule, or specified warranty requirements. 4. Maintenance and service parts are available locally and readily obtainable for the proposed substitute. B. The Contractor further certifies function, appearance, and quality of proposed substitution are equivalent or superior to specified item. C. The Contractor agrees that the terms and conditions for the substituted product that are found in the contract documents apply to the proposed substitution. 1 .13 SHOP DRAWINGS AND EQUIPMENT SUBMITTALS I A. Provide submittals for all materials and equipment in accordance with Division 01 requirements. B. After approval of preliminary list of materials, the Contractor shall submit Shop Drawings and manufacturer's Certified Drawings to the Owner's Representative for review and approval. I C. The Contractor shall submit approved Shop Drawings and manufacturer's equipment cuts, of all equipment requiring connection by Division 26, to the Electrical Contractor for final coordination of electrical requirements. Contractor shall bear all additional costs for failure to coordinate with Division 26. I Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 10 of 37 ITigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS IGlumac D. Submittals and Shop Drawings: 1 . Submit electronic copies of manufacturer's submittal sheets in one (1) coordinated package per Division. Multiple submissions will not be accepted without prior approval of the Owner's Representative. Organize submittal sheets in sequential order aligned with matching specification section numbers. 2. Provide electronic copies of shop drawings prepared to show details of the proposed installation. Copies of contract design drawings submitted to demonstrate shop drawing compliance will not be accepted. i 3. Paper submittals will only be acceptable if specifically required by Division 01 . 4. The approved submittals shall be converted into Operations & Maintenance Manuals at the completion of the project. Refer to Division 01 for additional requirements. 1.14 COORDINATION DOCUMENTS/SHOP DRAWINGS A. The Contractor shall prepare coordinated Shop Drawings using the same electronic format as the contract documents. 1 . The shop drawings shall serve to record the coordination of the installation and R location of all piping, fixtures, HVAC equipment, ductwork, grilles, diffusers, fire sprinklers, lights, audio/video systems, electrical services and all system appurtenances. 2. The Drawings shall include all mechanical rooms and floor plans. I3. The Drawings shall be keyed to the structural column identification system, and shall be progressively numbered. Prior to completion of the Drawings, the Contractor shall coordinate the proposed installation with the Owner's Representative and the I structural requirements, and all other trades (including HVAC, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Electrical, Ceiling Suspension, and Tile Systems), and provide maintenance access clearance as required by manufacturer installation instructions and as required I to meet minimum code clearances. When conflicts are identified, modify system layout as necessary to resolve. Do not fabricate, order or install any equipment or materials until coordination documents are approved by the General Contractor and Owner's Representative. I 4. Within thirty(30) days after award of Contract, submit proposed coordination document Shop Drawing schedule, allowing adequate time for review and approval by parties mentioned above. Drawings or electronic coordination should be prepared and Isubmitted for approval on a floor-by-floor basis to phase with building construction. B. The coordination work shall be prepared as follows: 1 . Two dimensional AutoCAD / Revit based documents: a. Contractor shall prepare AutoCAD/Revit coordination drawings to an accurate scale of 1 /4" = 1'-0" or larger. Drawings are to be same size as Contract Drawings and shall indicate locations, sizes and elevations above finished floor, of all systems. Lettering shall be minimum 1 /8" high. b. Contractor shall obtain AutoCAD/Revit drawings from all other trades as required to fully coordinate the installation with architectural, structural, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, fire alarm devices, low voltage devices, and other systems that interface with and/or impact the fire protection work. c. Plumbing drawings shall indicate locations of all fixtures and piping, including I valves and fittings, dimensions from column lines, and bottom of pipe elevations above finished floor. d. Provide maintenance access clearance as required by manufacturer installation Iinstructions and as required to meet minimum code clearances. 111 Print Date'3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 11 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac I e. Drawings shall incorporate all addenda items and change orders. f. Distribute drawings to all other trades and provide additional coordination as needed to assure adequate space for piping, equipment and routing to avoid conflicts. When conflicts are identified, modify system layout as necessary to resolve. 2. Three dimensional Revit / BIM based documents (if required for project): 111 a. Provide three dimensional Revit model and BIM input information locating all equipment and piping, including valves and fittings, dimensions from column lines, and bottom of pipe elevations above finished floor. b. Contractor shall obtain Revit model and BIM input from all other trades as required to fully coordinate the installation with architectural, structural, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, fire alarm devices, low voltage devices, and other systems that interface with and/or impact the fire protection work. c. Model shall indicate locations of all equipment and piping, including valves and fittings, dimensions from column lines, and bottom of pipe elevations above finished floor. d. Provide maintenance access clearance as required by manufacturer installation instructions and as required to meet minimum code clearances. e. Model shall incorporate all addenda items and change orders. f. Distribute Revit model and BIM input information to all other trades and provide additional coordination as needed to assure adequate space for equipment and piping and routing to avoid conflicts. When conflicts are identified, modify system layout as necessary to resolve. C. Advise the Owner's Representative in the event a conflict occurs in the location or connection of equipment. Bear all costs for relocation of equipment, resulting from failure to properly coordinate the installation or failure to advise the Owner's Representative of conflict. D. Verify in field exact size, location, invert, and clearances regarding all existing material, equipment and apparatus, and advise the Owner's Representative of any discrepancies between those indicated on the Drawings and those existing in the field prior to any installation related thereto. E. Final Coordination Drawings with all appropriate information added are to be submitted as Record Drawings at completion of project. 1 .15 REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION (RFIS) A. Refer to Division 01. 1 .16 RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Maintain set of Coordination Documents (drawings and specifications) marked "Record Set" at the job site at all times, and use it for no other purpose but to record on it all the changes and revisions during construction. B. Record Drawings shall indicate revisions to piping, size and location both exterior and interior; including locations control devices, and equipment requiring periodic maintenance or repair; actual equipment locations, dimensioned from column lines; actual inverts and locations of underground piping; concealed equipment, dimensioned to Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 12 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS IGlumac column lines; mains and branches of piping systems, with valves and control devices I located and numbered, concealed unions located, and with items requiring maintenance (i.e. - valves, traps, strainers, expansion compensators, tanks, etc.). C. Record Specifications shall indicate approved substitutions; Change Orders; and actual equipment and materials provided. D. At the completion of the construction transfer all "Record Set" notations to a clean set of I drawings and specifications in a neat and orderly fashion that incorporates all site markups to clearly show all changes and revisions to the Contract Documents. Submit copies of Record Documents and CD/DVD disks labeled with all drawings and Ispecifications and other supporting documentation. E. Refer also to Division 01 for full scope of requirements. 1 .17 INSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, AND O&M MANUALS A. O&M Manuals: Contractor shall submit to the Owner's Representative complete set of I operating instructions, maintenance instructions, part lists, and all other bulletins and brochures pertinent to the operation and maintenance for equipment furnished and installed as specified in this section. 1 B. The Contractor shall be responsible for proper instruction of Owner's personnel for operation and maintenance of equipment, and apparatus installed as specified in Division I22, to be no less than two (2) hours for each type of equipment. C. Refer to Division 01 for additional requirements. I1 .18 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver products to project properly identified with manufacturer's names, model I numbers, types, grades, compliance labels, and similar information needed for distinct identifications; adequately packaged and protected to prevent damage during shipment, storage, and handling. IB. Store equipment and materials in an environmentally controlled area at the site, unless off-site storage is authorized in writing. Protect stored equipment and materials from I damage. Piping and equipment that is damaged or showing signs of rust shall be removed from site and replaced with new. 1 .19 START-UP SERVICE I A. Prior to start-up, assure that systems are readyfor start-upand commissioning, including Y 9, checking the following: proper equipment rotation, proper wiring, auxiliary connections, Ilubrication, venting, controls, and installed and properly set relief and safety valves. B. Provide services of factory-trained technicians for start-up of controls, pumps, water I heaters, and other major pieces of equipment. Certify in writing, compliance with this paragraph, stating names of personnel involved and the date work was performed. IC. Refer to other Division 01 and Division 22 sections for additional requirements. Print Date 3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 13 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac I 1 .20 TEMPORARY FACILITIES A. Refer to Division 01 for the requirements of temporary water and sewer for construction and safety. Provide temporary water, and sewer, etc. services as necessary during the construction period and as required to maintain operation of existing systems. 1 .21 UNIT PRICING SUBMITTALS A. Prior to construction submit for review all materials and equipment and pricing in accordance with Division 01 requirements. B. Preliminary List of Materials and Unit Price Items: Within thirty (30) days after awarding of the Contract, submit to Owner's Representative for preliminary approval a complete list of manufacturer's names and model numbers of proposed materials and equipment.Also, include proposed list of unit price items for review. 1 . Indicate substituted items. 11 2. Identify test and balancing agency. 3. Identify independent testing laboratory for water analysis. C. The Contractor shall submit with preliminary list of materials a unit price list for each item furnished on this project. Included with price shall be labor cost index. D. Submittals and Shop Drawings shall be submitted as a complete package bound in a 3- ring binder with tabs for each specification section. Submit six (6) typed copies of submittals. Refer to Division 01 for additional requirements. 1 .22 POSTED OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS A. Print or engrave operating instructions and frame under glass or UV resistant plastic. Post I instructions as directed by Owner's Representative. Attach or post operating instructions adjacent to each principal system and equipment including start-up, operating, shutdown, safety precautions and procedure in the event of equipment failure. Provide weather- resistant materials or weatherproof enclosures for operating instructions exposed to the weather. Operating instructions shall not fade when exposed to sunlight and shall be secured to prevent easy removal. I 1 .23 SAFETY AND INDEMNITY A. The Contractor shall be solely and completely responsible for conditions of the job site 1 including safety of all persons and property during performance of the work for the duration of the project. B. No act, service, Drawing, review, or Construction Review by the Owner, Architect, the Engineers or their consultants, is intended to include the review of the adequacy of the Contractor's safety measures, in, on, or near the construction site. C. The Contractor performing work under this Division of the Specifications shall hold harmless, indemnify and defend the Owner, the Architect, the Engineers and their consultants, and each of their officers, employees and agents from any and all liability claim, losses or damage arising, or alleged to arise from bodily injury, sickness, or death of a person or persons, and for all damages arising out of injury to or destruction of Print Date 3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 14 of 37 ITigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS 1 Glumac property arising directly or indirectly out of, or in connection with, the performance of the work under the Division of the Specifications, and from the Contractor's negligence in the I performance of the work described in the Construction Contract Documents; but not including the sole negligence of the Owner, the Architect, the Engineers, and their consultants or their officers, employees and agents. I1 .24 CLEANING AND CLOSING I A. All work shall be inspected, tested, and approved before being concealed or placed in operation. B. Upon completion of the work, all equipment installed as specified in this section,and all i- areas where work was performed, shall be cleaned to provide operating conditions satisfactory to the Owner's Representative. I1 .25 WARRANTIES A. Refer to general terms and conditions, as well as warranties and obligations defined in I Division 1 of the specifications that provide basic warranty requirements for the entire project. I B. The warranties and corrective obligations provided under this section (i) are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other warranty, representation, covenant, duty or other obligation (including any corrective obligation) of the Contractor or Manufacturer, (ii) have no relationship to the time when any warranty, representation, duty, covenant or other i obligation of Contractor or Manufacturer may be enforced or any dispute resolution proceeding commenced and (iii) are made by the Manufacturer to both the Contractor and the Owner and by the Contractor to Owner. II C. All equipment and systems shall be provided with a minimum one-year warranty, defined as starting from the date of Certificate of Occupancy, and shall include all parts, material, Ilabor and travel. D. Refer to individual Specification sections for additional extended warranty requirements. 1 E. Provide complete warranty information for each item, to include product or equipment, date of beginning of warranty or bond; duration of warranty or bond; and names, I addresses, telephone numbers and procedures for filing a claim and obtaining warranty services. F. Nothing in any separate warranty or other document provided by Contractor or I Manufacturer, or both, will apply to limit their liability or responsibility for damages arising out of or related to a breach of any warranty or corrective obligation. I G. Service during warranty period: Contractor shall provide maintenance as specified elsewhere during the 12-month warranty period I I Print Date'3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 15 of 37 I Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac I 1 .26 GUARANTEE A. The Contractor shall guarantee and service all workmanship and materials to be as I represented by him and shall repair or replace, at no additional cost to the Owner, any part thereof which may become defective within the period of one (1) year, minimum, after the Certificate of Occupancy, ordinary wear and tear excepted. B. Contractor shall be responsible for and pay for any damages caused by or resulting from defects in this work. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL I A. Furnish and install all new material, equipment, and apparatus hereinafter specified unless specifically noted otherwise. All material, equipment, and apparatus shall be identified by the manufacturer's name, nameplate, and pertinent data. B. All materials, equipment, and apparatus are mentioned as standards unless noted otherwise. The words "or approved equal" shall be after all manufacturers' names used herein, unless specifically noted that substitutes are not allowed. 2.2 GENERAL 1 A. All materials and equipment under this Division of the Specifications shall be new, of best 111 grade and as listed in printed catalogs of the manufacturer. B. All manufactured materials shall be delivered and stored in their original containers. Equipment shall be clearly marked or stamped with the manufacturer's name and rating. C. For secure facilities, schools and public safety buildings exposed equipment and access shall be Vandal Proofed. One type of vandal proof screw is to be used throughout this facility. Coordinate with General Contractor for type. D. The following products to be included as part of this work but specified under Section 220500 Basic Plumbing Materials and Methods and Section 221 123 Plumbing Piping, Valves and Specialties: 1 . Piping. 2. Valves. 3. Hangers and supports. 4. Escutcheon plates, flashings, and sleeves. 5. Identification markers and signs. 6. Anchors and alignment guides to comply with seismic requirements as indicated on structural plans. 7. Excavation and backfill. 8. Pressure and temperature gauges. 9. Access Panels. E. Plumbing Fixtures: Refer to Section 224000. I Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 16 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS IGlumac F. Plumbing Equipment: Refer to Section 223000. IG. Products made of, or containing, lead, asbestos, mercury, or other known toxic or hazardous materials are not acceptable for installation under this Section. Any such products installed as part of the work of this Section shall be removed and replaced and all I costs for removal and replacement shall be borne solely by the Contractor(s). 2.3 SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS IA. General: Comply with applicable codes pertaining to product materials and installation of supports and anchors, including, but not limited to, the following: R1 . UL: Provide products which are UL listed. 2. FM: Provide products which are FM approved. 3. ASCE 7-05: "American Society of Civil Engineers." I 4. MSS Standard Compliance: Manufacturer's Standardization Society (MSS). 5. SMACNA: "Seismic Restraint Manual: Guidelines for Mechanical Systems." 6. NFPA: Pamphlet number 13 and 14 for fire protection systems. 1 7. Provide copper plated or plastic coated supports and attachment for copper piping systems. Field applied coatings or tape is unacceptable. 8. Manufacturer: Hilti Inc, B-Line/Tolco, Anvil International, Erico, Kin-Line, Simpson, or ISuperstrut. B. Horizontal Piping Hangers and Supports: Except as otherwise indicated, provide factory-fabricated hangers and supports of one of the following MSS types listed. 1 . Adjustable Steel Clevis Hangers: MSS Type 1. 2. Adjustable Steel Swivel Band Hangers: MSS Type 10. 3. U-Bolts: MSS Type 24. I4. Pipe Slides and Slide Plates: MSS Type 35, including one of the following plate types: a. Plate: Unguided type. b. Plate: Guided type. I c. Plate: Hold-down clamp type. 5. Pipe Saddle Supports: MSS Type 36, including steel pipe base support and cast iron floor flange. 6. Pipe Saddle Supports with U-Bolt: MSS Type 37, including steel pipe base support and cast iron floor flange. 7. Adjustable Pipe Saddle Supports: MSS Type 38, including steel pipe base support and I cast iron floor flange. 8. Single Pipe Roller with Malleable Sockets: MSS Type 41 . 11 9. Adjustable Roller Hangers: MSS Type 43. 10. Pipe Roll Stands: MSS Type 44. 11 . Pipe Guides: Provide factory-fabricated guides of cast semi-steel or heavy fabricated steel, consisting of a bolted two-section outer cylinder and base with a two-section I guiding spider bolted tight to pipe. Size guide and spiders to clear pipe and insulation (if any), and cylinder. Provide guides of length recommended by manufacturer to allow indicated travel. 1 C. Horizontal Cushioned Pipe Clamp: Where pipe hangers are called out to absorb vibration or shock install a piping clamp with thermoplastic elastomer insert. Cush-A-Clamp or equal. 1 IPrint Date 3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 17 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 111 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac I D. Vertical Piping Clamps: Provide factory-fabricated two-bolt vertical piping riser clamps, MSS Type 8. 111 E. Hanger-Rod Attachments: Except as otherwise indicated, provide factory-fabricated hanger-rod attachments of one of the following MSS types listed. 1 . Steel Turnbuckles: MSS Type 13. 2. Steel Clevises: MSS Type 14. 3. Swivel Turnbuckles: MSS Type 15. 4. Malleable Iron Eye Sockets: MSS Type 16. 5. Steel Weldless Eye Nuts: MSS Type 17. F. Building Attachments: Except as otherwise indicated, provide factory-fabricated building attachments of one of the following types listed. 1 . Concrete Inserts: HCI-MD (for metal deck) or HCI-WF (for wood forms) cast-in anchors by Hilti Inc. or MSS Type 18 or Blue Banger Hanger by Simpson 2. Steel Brackets: One of the following for indicated loading: a. Light Duty: MSS Type 31 . b. Medium Duty: MSS Type 32. c. Heavy Duty: MSS Type 33. 3. Horizontal Travelers: MSS Type 58. 4. Concrete Screw Anchors: KWIK HUS EZ-I by Hilti Inc., Titen HD by Simpson or approved equal. 5. Torque-Controlled Expansion Anchor: KWIK BOLT-TZ by Hilti Inc., Strong-Bolt 2 by Simpson Strong-Tie Co. Inc or approved equal. G. Saddles and Shields: Except as otherwise indicated, provide saddles or shields under piping hangers and supports, factory-fabricated, for all insulated piping. Size saddles and shields for exact fit to mate with pipe insulation. 1 . Pipe Covering Protection Saddles: MSS Type 39; fill interior voids with segments of insulation matching adjoining insulation. 2. Insulation Protection Shields: MSS Type 40, 18" minimum, or of the length recommended by manufacturer to prevent crushing of insulation. High-density insulation insert lengths shall match or exceed shield length. 3. Thermal Hanger Shields: Constructed of 360° insert of waterproofed calcium silicate (60 psi flexural strength minimum) encased in 360° sheet metal shield. Provide �. assembly of same thickness as adjoining insulation. Shield length shall match or exceed length of calcium silicate insert. Alternately Polyisocyanurate Urethane with a minimum flexural strength of 60psi, fully encased in 360 PVC (1 .524 mm thick) SNAPPITZ. Provide assembly of same thickness as adjoining insulation. 4. Thermal Hanger Couplings: Constructed of high strength plastic coupling to retain tubing and join insulation at clevis hangers and strut-mounted clamps. Klo-Shure Insulation Coupling or equal. H. Miscellaneous Materials: 1 . Metal Framing: Provide products complying with NEMA STD ML1 . 2. Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: Provide products complying with ASTM A36. 3. Cement Grout: Portland Cement (ASTM Cl 50, Type I or Type III) and clean uniformly graded, natural sand (ASTM C404, Size No. 2). Mix at a ratio of 1 .0 part cement to 3.0 parts sand by volume, with minimum amount of water required for placement and hydration. Print Date 3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 18 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS IGlumac 4. Heavy-Duty Steel Trapezes: Fabricate from steel shapes selected for loads required. I Weld steel in accordance with AWS standards. 5. Pipe Brackets: "HoldRite" copper plated brackets. Insulate brackets attached to metal studs with felt. 2.4 SEISMIC RESTRAINT/VIBRATION ISOLATION REQUIREMENTS A. Equipment, piping, and all system appurtenances (including weight of normal operating I contents) shall be adequately restrained to resist seismic forces. Restraint devices shall be designed and selected to meet seismic requirements as defined in the latest code editions with State Amendments, applicable local codes, and applicable Importance Factors and Soil I Factors. Refer to Section 220548 Vibration Isolation for Plumbing Equipment or Section 220549 Seismic Restraint for Plumbing Piping and Equipment, as applicable. I2.5 THROUGH-PENETRATION FIRESTOP ASSEMBLIES A. Through-penetration firestop assemblies and caulking systems as required to maintain the fire/smoke integrity of the penetrated surface and install per manufacturer's Iinstallation instructions. Refer to drawings for additional requirements. B. Manufacturers: Holdrite, 3M, Hilti, ProSet or equal. 1 2.6 PIPE PORTALS I A. Where pipe portals are not provided by other sections of Specification, provide prefabricated insulated pipe portals as required for piping penetrating through the roof where shown on plans. Field built pipe portals are acceptable alternatives - provide detail Iof construction for review. B. Standard pipe portals, unless otherwise noted, shall be constructed as follows: 1. Curb shall be constructed of heavy gauge galvanized steel with continuous welds on shell seams. 2. Insulation to be 1-1 /2"thick, 3 lb density rigid fiberglass. 3. Curb to have a raised 3" (minimum), 45° cant. 1 4. Curb to have 1-1 /2" x 1-1 /2"wood nailer(minimum). 5. Curb height to be 8" (minimum) above roof deck. 6. Cant shall be raised to match roof insulation thickness. I 7. Cover or flashing to be constructed of galvanized steel or other suitable material to provide sturdy weather tight closure. Provide collars and rubber nipples with draw bands of sizes required by piping. Size curb, cover and nipples per manufacturer's I recommendations. 8. Manufacturer: Roof Products Systems or Pate. I2.7 PIPE STANDS A. General Requirements for Pipe Stands: Shop- or field-fabricated assemblies made of Imanufactured corrosion-resistant components to support roof-mounted piping. B. Compact Pipe Stand: One-piece plastic unit with integral-rod roller, pipe clamps, or V- shaped cradle to support pipe, for roof installation without membrane penetration. 1 IPrint Date:3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 19 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac I C. Low-Type, Single-Pipe Stand: One-piece plastic or stainless steel base unit with plastic roller, for roof installation without membrane penetration. D. High-Type, Single-Pipe Stand: 1. Description: Assembly of base, vertical and horizontal members, and pipe support, for roof installation without membrane penetration. 2. Base: Plastic or stainless steel. 3. Vertical Members: Two or more cadmium-plated-steel or stainless-steel, continuous- thread rods. 4. Horizontal Member: Cadmium-plated-steel or stainless-steel rod with plastic or stainless-steel, roller-type pipe support. E. High-Type, Multiple-Pipe Stand: 1 1 . Description: Assembly of bases, vertical and horizontal members, and pipe supports, for roof installation without membrane penetration. 2. Bases: One or more; plastic. 3. Vertical Members: Two or more protective-coated-steel channels. 4. Horizontal Member: Protective-coated-steel channel. 5. Pipe Supports: Galvanized-steel, clevis-type pipe hangers. F. Curb-Mounted-Type Pipe Stands: Shop- or field-fabricated pipe supports made from structural-steel shapes, continuous-thread rods, and rollers, for mounting on permanent stationary roof curb. G. Manufacturer: Pate, Roof Products Systems, Portable Pipe Hangers, Roof Top Blox, or Erico Caddy Pyramid. 2.8 EQUIPMENT/PIPING RAILS I A. Where equipment/pipe rails are not provided by other sections of Specification, provide prefabricated reinforced equipment rails as required for support of equipment and piping. 111 Field built curbs are acceptable alternatives - provide detail of construction for review. B. Standard equipment rail, unless otherwise noted, shall be constructed as follows: 1 . Construct of heavy gauge galvanized steel with continuous welds on shell seams. 111 2. Provide internal reinforcing supports welded as required to meet application requirements. 3. Equipment rails to have raised 3" (minimum), 45° cant. 4. Equipment rails to have 1 1 /2" x 1 1 /2" wood nailer (minimum) and counterflashing. 5. Equipment rail height to be 6" (minimum) above roof deck. 6. Cant shall be raised to match roof insulation thickness. C. Equipment rails to be constructed to meet equipment size and weight requirements. Provide tapered rails to match roof pitch where required. I D. Manufacturer: Pate, Vent Products, Thy Curb or Roof Products Systems. 1 Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 20 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac 2.9 ACCESS PANELS AND ACCESS DOORS 111 A. Provide all access doors and panels to serve equipment under this work, including those which must be installed, in finished architectural surfaces. Frame of 16-gauge steel, door of 20-gauge steel. 1" flange width, continuous piano hinge, key operated, prime coated. Refer to Architectural Specifications for the required product Specification for each surface. Contractor is to submit schedule of access panels for approval. Exact size, number and location of access panels is not shown on Plans. Access doors shall be of a size to permit removal of equipment for servicing. Access door shall have same rating as the wall or ceiling in which it is mounted. Provide access panel for each trap primer or concealed valve. Use no panel smaller than 12" x 16" for simple manual access, or smaller than 24" x 24"where personnel must pass through. Provide cylinder lock for access door serving mixing or critical valves in public areas. B. Included under this work is the responsibility for verifying the exact location and type of each access panel or door required to serve equipment under this work and in the proper sequence to keep in tune with construction and with prior approval of the Owner's Representative. Access doors in fire rated partitions and ceilings shall carry all label ratings as required to maintain the rating of the rated assembly. C. Acceptable Manufacturers: Milcor, Karp, Nystrom, or Elmdor/Stoneman. D. Submit markup of architectural plans showing size and location of access panels required for equipment access for approval by Owner's Representative. 2.10 PIPING A. Refer to Section 221000 Plumbing Piping, Valves and Specialties 2.11 VALVES 111 A. Refer to Section 221000 Plumbing Piping, Valves and Specialties. 2.12 PLUMBING EQUIPMENT A. Refer to Section 223000 Plumbing Equipment. 2.13 PLUMBING FIXTURES A. Refer to Section 224000 Plumbing Fixtures. 2.14 CLEANOUTS A. Acceptable Manufacturers:J. R. Smith, Zurn, Wade, Sioux Chief and Josam. B. Cleanout Plugs: Bronze, taper thread countersunk head. C. Floor Cleanouts: Service weight cast-iron body and frame, flange with flashing clamp, adjustable cast-iron collar, caulk inside, Ty-seal or No-hub joints, neoprene plug gasket seal. 1 . Carpeted Areas: Zurn ZN-1400-KC-VP-BP-CM or J. R. Smith 4028 C - F- C - Y- U Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 21 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac I 2. Tiled Areas: Zurn ZN-1400-X-KC-VP-BP orJ.R. Smith 4148 - F - C - U 3. Unfinished Areas: Zurn ZN-1400-HD-KC-VP-BP or J.R. Smith 4108 C - F - C - U 4. Yard Areas: Zurn Z 1474-IN-VP orJ.R. Smith 4258 - C - U D. Cleanout Tee: Cast iron cleanout tee with countersunk brass plug, neoprene plug gasket seal and smooth stainless steel cover. 1 . Manufacturer: Zurn Z-1446-BP or J. R. Smith 4532 S (Y) 2.15 ROOF FLASHING 1 A. Flashing: Unless indicated otherwise on the drawings flashings for pipes through the roof shall be galvanized sheet metal, 24-gauge minimum with seams and joints lapped and soldered watertight. Coordinate with Architectural Sections for flashings and roofing. B. Vent Pipes: Provide caulk type, vandalproof hood with Allen head vandal proof screws for all vent pipes through roof or preformed vinyl/galvanized steel assembly. 2.16 WATER HAMMER ARRESTORS A. Piston Type: Hard drawn copper construction, mirror finished internal surfaces; machine finished brass piston, air charged, 250 psi rated, tested and certified per PDI WH-201 and ASSE 1015. Provide access panel. B. Manufacturers: Watts Series 1 5, Precision Plumbing Sseries SC, or Sioux Chief. 2.17 ANTI-CONTAMINATION WALL HYDRANTS AND HOSE BIBBS A. Provide fixtures of type and size as indicated in plumbing schedule on drawings, including features, as specified herein. B. Anti-contamination Hose Bibbs: Toilet Rooms, HB-1 : Stainless steel recessed hose box with door and lock, cast bronze valves with integral stops, 3/4"H & CW outlet with vacuum breakers. 1 . Manufacturer: Acorn 8000 or Willoughby HB-81 56. C. Anti-Contamination Wall Hydrant, WH-1 : Exterior, box-type, freezeproof, cast-bronze construction, chrome plated finish, loose key, bronze casing, length to suit wall thickness, vacuum breaker/backflow preventor, 3/4" inlet, 3/4" threaded hose end, solder joint. 1 . Manufacturer: Woodford series B 67C, or Zurn Z-1320-C. 2.18 DRAINS I A. Provide drains of type and size as indicated in plumbing schedule on drawings, including features, as specified herein. 1 . Manufacturers:J.R. Smith, Zurn, Wade, Sioux Chief,Josam and Watts. B. Floor Drain, FD-1 - Finished Areas: Enamel coated cast iron body with flange, integral reversible clamping collar, seepage openings, adjustable round satin nickel bronze strainer, sediment bucket, bottom outlet, caulk inside or Ty-Seal or no-hub joint. Provide trap primer. Print Date*3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 22 of 37 ITigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS IGlumac 1 . Manufacturer: Zurn ZN-415-5B-Y-P or J.R. Smith 2010- A - C(Y). C. Floor Drain, FD-2 - Mechanical Rooms: Enamel coated cast iron body with flange, clamping collar, seepage openings, 8-1 /2" diameter adjustable cast iron bar strainer, I sediment bucket, bottom outlet, caulk inside or Ty-Seal or no-hub joint. Provide trap primer. 1 . Manufacturer: Zurn Z-520-Y-P or J.R. Smith 2350 C(Y). I D. Floor Sink, FS-1 : Enamel coated cast iron body with seepage flange, acid resistant interior surfaces, aluminum dome strainer, 12" x 12" x 6", half grate, bottom outlet, caulk inside, Ty-Seal or no-hub joint. Provide trap primer. I1 . Manufacturer: Commercial Enameling series 906-1 or Zurn-ZFD-2375-K-H-Y. E. Trench Drain, TD-1 : 8" wide fiberglass channel construction with 1% slope, 10"wide dura I coated steel frame and slotted grate, end outlet. Provide with matching 12"x24" catch basin. 1 . Manufacturer: ACO FG200 or Zurn. F. Hub Drain, HD-1 : 3" outlet (4" diameter top size) 1 . Manufacture:JR Smith 9654 IIIG. Downspout connector, DSC-1: Cast iron construction, plain end outlet. 1. Manufacturer: Neenah Series R-4926 or Zurn Z-1042. I2.19 TRAP PRIMER A. Electronic Trap Primer, TP-1 ,2,3: PPP Prime Time or Sioux Chief electronic trap primer 1 Series PT, or equal. Coordinate 120 volt electrical service with Division 26. B. Flow Activated Trap Primer, TP-4: PPP PRO1-500 Prime-Pro, PPP Oregon #1, Sioux Chief I PrimePerfect, or equal. Cast bronze construction, vacuum breaker ports, NPT inlet and outlet connections, for use up to four (4) drains. Install in accessible location or provide access panel. I2.20 IDENTIFICATION MARKERS A. Mechanical Identification Materials: Provide products of categories and types required for I each application as referenced in other Division 22 Sections. Where more than single type is specified for application, selection is installer's option, but provide single selection for each product category. Stencils, hand printed, painted, and felt pen markers are not Iacceptable. B. Plastic Pipe Markers: I 1 . Pretensioned Pipe Labels: Precoiled, semirigid plastic formed to partially or fully cover the circumference of pipe, or insulated pipe, and to attach to pipe without fasteners or adhesive complying with ANSI A13.1. 2. Pressure Sensitive Type: Provide pre-printed, permanent adhesive, color coded, I pressure sensitive vinyl pipe markers, complying with ANSI A13.1 . Secure both ends of markers with color coded adhesive vinyl tape. I IPrint Date:3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 23 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac I 3. Insulation: Furnish 1" thick molded fiberglass insulation with jacket for each plastic pipe marker to be installed on uninsulated pipes subjected to fluid temperatures of 125°F (52°C) or greater. Cut length to extend 2" beyond each end of plastic pipe marker. 4. Arrows: Print each pipe marker with arrows indicating direction of flow, either integrally with piping system service lettering (to accommodate both directions), or as separate unit of plastic. 5. Pipe Label Color Schedule: a. Domestic Water Piping: I 1) Background Color: Green. 2) Letter Color: White. b. Sanitary Sewer, Storm Drainage and Vent Piping: 1) Background Color: Green. 2) Letter Color: White. C. Underground-Type Plastic Line Markers: Provide 6"wide x 4 mils thick multi-ply tape, 111 consisting of solid metallic foil core between 2 layers of plastic tape. Markers to be permanent, bright colored, continuous printed, intended for direct burial service. D. Valve Tags: 1. Brass Valve Tags: Provide 1-1 /2" diameter 19-gauge polished brass valve tags with stamp-engraved piping system abbreviation in 1 /4" high letters and sequenced valve numbers 1 /2" high, and with 5/32" hole for fastener. Fill tag engraving with black enamel. 2. Plastic Laminate Valve Tags (indoors only): Provide 3/32" thick engraved plastic laminate valve tags, with piping system abbreviations in 1 /4" high letters and sequenced valve number 1 /2" high, and with 5/32" hole for fasteners. 3. Valve Tag Fasteners: Provide solid brass chain (wire link or beaded type), or solid brass S-hooks of the sizes required for proper attachment of tags to valves, and manufactured specifically for that purpose. 4. Access Panel Markers: Provide 1 /16" thick engraved plastic laminate access panel markers, with abbreviations and numbers corresponding to concealed valve. Include 1 /8" center hole to allow attachment. 5. Non-potable Water Tags: 1 /16" thick, engraved, plastic tags as indicated on Drawings. I, E. Plastic Equipment Signs: 1 . Provide 4-1 /2" x 6" plastic laminate sign, ANSI A.13 color coded with engraved white core lettering. 2. Fasteners: Self-tapping stainless steel screws, except contact-type permanent adhesive where screws cannot or should not penetrate the substrate. 3. Nomenclature: Include the following, matching terminology on schedules as closely as possible: a. Name and plan number. b. Equipment service. c. Design capacity. d. Other design parameters, such as pressure drop, entering and leaving conditions, rpm, etc. F. Acceptable Manufacturers: Craftmark, Seton, Brady, Marking Services, Inc., or Brimar. Print Date 3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 24 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac 2.21 ELECTRICAL A. General: 1 . All electrical material, equipment, and apparatus specified herein shall conform to the requirements of Division 26. 2. Provide all motors for equipment specified herein. Provide motor starters, controllers, and other electrical apparatus and wiring which are required for the operation of the equipment specified herein. 3. Set and align all motors and drives in equipment specified herein. 4. Provide expanded metal or solid sheet metal guards on all V-belt drives to totally enclose the drive on all sides. Provide holes for tachometer readings. Support guards separately from rotating equipment. 5. Provide for all rotating shafts, couplings, etc., a solid sheet metal, inverted "U" cover over the entire length of the exposed shaft and support separately from rotating equipment. Cover shall extend to below the bottom of the shaft and coupling, and shall meet the requirements of the State Industrial Safety Regulations. 6. Specific electrical requirements (i.e., horsepower and electrical characteristics)for plumbing equipment are scheduled on the Drawings. B. Quality Assurance: 1 . Electrical components and materials shall be UL or ETL listed/labeled as suitable for location and use - no exceptions. C. Motors: 1 . The following are basic requirements for simple or common motors. For special motors, more detailed and specific requirements are specified in the individual equipment Specifications. 1 2. Torque characteristics shall be sufficient to satisfactorily accelerate the driven loads. 3. Motor sizes shall be large enough so that the driven load will not require the motor to operate in the service factor range. Unless otherwise noted on plans, all motors %2 HP or larger shall be rated for 208 or 460 volt, 3-phase, operation. Unless otherwise noted on plans, all motors less than 1 /2 HP shall be rated for 120 volt, single phase operation. 4. Temperature Rating: Motor meets class B rise with class F insulation. 5. Service Factor: 1 .15 for poly-phase motors and 1 .35 for single phase motors. 6. Motor Construction: NEMA Standard MG 1, general purpose, continuous duty, Design "B", except "C" where required for high starting torque. a. Frames: NEMA Standard No. 48 or 56; use driven equipment manufacturer's standards to suit specific application. b. VFD driven motors. To be provided rated for inverter duty (NEMA Standard MG-1 , Part 31) and equipped with a shaft grounding device or as an insulated bearing motor. c. Bearings: 1) Ball or roller bearings with inner and outer shaft seals. 2) Re-greasable, except permanently sealed where motor is normally inaccessible for regular maintenance. 3) Designed to resist thrust loading where belt drives or other drives product lateral or axial thrust in motor. 4) For fractional horsepower, light duty motors, sleeve type bearings are permitted. Print Date 3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 25 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 9 9 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac I 5) Enclosure Type: a) Open drip-proof(ODP) motors for indoor use in clean air environments. b) Totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC) motors for outdoor use and indoor application in dirty environments. c) Guarded drip-proof motors where exposed to contact by employees or building occupants. d) Weather protected Type I for outdoor use, Type II where not housed. d. Overload Protection: Built-in thermal overload protection where external overload protection is not provided and, where indicated, internal sensing device suitable for signaling and stopping motor at starter. e. Noise Rating: "Quiet." f. Efficiency: 1) Motors shall have a minimum efficiency per governing State or Federal codes, whichever is higher. 2) And, motors shall meet the NEMA premium efficiency standard. g. Nameplate: Indicate the full identification of manufacturer, ratings, characteristics, construction, special features and similar information. D. Starters and Electrical Devices: I 1 . Motor Starter Characteristics: a. Enclosures: NEMA 1 , general purpose enclosures with padlock ears, except in wet locations shall be NEMA 3R with conduit hubs. b. Type and size of starter shall be as recommended by motor manufacturer and the driven equipment manufacturer for applicable protection and start-up condition. 2. Manual switches shall have pilot lights and all required switch positions for multi-speed motors. Overload Protection: Melting alloy or bi-metallic type thermal overload relays, sized per actual operating current (field measured). 3. Magnetic Starters: I a. Heavy duty, oil resistant, hand-off-auto(HOA), or as indicated, and pilot lights, properly arranged for single speed or multi-speed operation as indicated. b. Trip-free thermal overload relays, each phase, sized per actual operating current (field measured). c. Interlocks, pneumatic switches and similar devices as required for coordination with control requirements of Division 23 Controls sections. d. Built-in primary and secondary fused control circuit transformer, supplied from load side of equipment disconnect. e. Externally operated manual reset. f. Under-voltage release or protection for all motors over 20 hp. 4. Motor Connections: Liquid tight, flexible conduit, except where plug-in electrical cords are specifically indicated. E. Low Voltage Control Wiring: 1 . General: 14 gauge, Type THHN, color coded, installed in conduit. 2. Manufacturer: General Cable Corp., Alcan Cable,American Insulated Wire Corp., Senator Wire and Cable Co., or Southwire Co. F. Disconnect Switches: 1 . Fusible Switches: For equipment 1 /2 HP or larger, provide fused, each phase; heavy duty; horsepower rated; spring loaded quick-make, quick-break mechanism; dead front line side shield; solderless lugs suitable for copper or aluminum conductors; Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 26 of 37 ITigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS IGlumac spring reinforced fuse clips; electro silver plated current carrying parts; hinged doors; I operating lever arranged for locking in the "OPEN" position; arc quenchers; capacity and characteristics as indicated. 2. Non-Fusible Switches: For equipment less than 1 /2 horsepower, switch shall be horsepower rated; toggle switch type with thermal overload quantity of poles and II voltage rating as required. PART 3 EXECUTION 1 3.1 GENERAL I A. Workmanship shall be performed by licensed journeymen or master mechanics and shall result in an installation consistent with the best practices of trades. 1 B. Install work uniform, level and plumb, in relationship to lines of building. Do not install any diagonal or otherwise irregular work, unless so indicated on Drawings or approved by Owner's Representative. IC. Install all items specified in this section of the Specification under the full purview of local and state governing agencies. I3.2 PERFORMANCE OF WORK A. Examine areas, physical conditions and phasing requirements under which materials are to I be installed. Layout the system to suit the different types of construction and equipment as indicated on the drawings. I B. Work shall start immediately after authorization has been given to proceed so that the overall progress of the construction is not delayed. No foundry items to be installed until submittals have been approved. C. Coordinate with other trades as necessary to properly interface components of the plumbing system. D. Follow manufacturer's directions and recommendations in all cases where the manufacturers of articles used on this Contract furnish directions covering points not shown on the drawings or covered in these Specifications. IE. The omission from the drawings or Specifications of any details of construction, installation, materials, or essential specialties shall not relieve the Contractor from furnishing the same in place for a complete system. I 3.3 MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS I A. Follow manufacturers' directions and recommendations in all cases where the manufacturers of articles provided on this Contract furnish directions covering points not shown on the Drawings or covered in these Specifications. I I IPrint Date:3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 27 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac I 3.4 INSTALLATION A. Coordinate the work between the various Plumbing Sections and with the work specified I under other Divisions. If any cooperative work must be altered due to lack of proper supervision, coordination or failure to make proper and timely provisions, the alterations shall be made to the satisfaction of the Owner's Representative and at the Contractor's cost. B. Inspect all material, equipment, and apparatus upon delivery and do not install any damaged or defective materials. 3.5 SUPPORTS AND HANGERS A. Prior to installation of hangers, supports, anchors, and associated work, installer shall meet at project site with all trades and testing agency representatives to coordinate work associated with placement of such work. 111 B. Installation of Building Attachments: Install building attachments at required locations within concrete or on structural steel for proper piping support. Install additional building attachments where support is required for additional concentrated loads, including valves, flanges, guides, strainers, expansion joints, and at changes in direction of piping. Install concrete inserts before concrete is placed. Fasten insert securely to forms. Where gyperete is indicated, install reinforcing bars through opening at top of inserts. C. Proceed with installation of hangers, supports, and anchors only after required building structural work has been completed in areas where the work is to be installed. Correct inadequacies including, but not limited to, proper placement of inserts, anchors, and other building structural attachments. D. Install hangers, supports, clamps, and attachments to support piping properly from building structure. Arrange for grouping of parallel runs of horizontal piping to be supported together on trapeze type hangers where possible.Where piping of various sizes is to be supported together by trapeze hangers, space hangers for smallest pipe size or install intermediate supports for smaller diameter pipe. Do not use wire or perforated metal to support piping, and do not support piping from other piping. E. Install hangers within 12 inches of every change in piping direction, end of pipe run or concentrated load, and within 36 inches of every major piece of equipment. Hangers shall be installed on both sides of flexible connections. Where flexible connection connects directly to a piece of equipment only one hanger is required. F. Install hangers and supports complete with necessary inserts, bolts, rods, nuts, washers, and other accessories. Except as otherwise indicated for exposed continuous pipe runs, install hangers and supports of same type and style as installed for adjacent similar piping. I G. Support fuel gas piping independently of other piping exterior to the building. All fuel gas piping shall be installed in compliance with Chapter 12 of the Plumbing Code and NFPA- 54. Fuel gas piping inside the building shall not be installed in or through elevator shafts, air ducts, laundry chutes, chimneys, vents or combustion air pathways. Where piping is I Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 28 of 37 ITigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS 1 Glumac anchored to prevent undue strains on connected appliances and equipment this piping Ishall not be supported by other piping. H. Prevent electrolysis in support of copper tubing by use of hangers and supports which are copper plated, or by other recognized industry methods. I I. Horizontal Hanger Spacing in accordance with following minimum schedules (other spacings and rod sizes may be used in accordance with the SMACNA Seismic Restraint I Manual using a safety factor of five): 1 . Cast Iron: Pipe Size Max. Hanger Spacing Rod Size I Up to 4" Each joint, 10 feet max 3/8" 6" and larger Each joint, 10 feet max 1 /2" 2. Steel Pipe (Gas/Air Filled): Pipe Size Max. Hanger Spacing Rod Size 1 /2" to 1" 6 feet 3/8" 1-1 /4" and 10 feet 1 /2" larger 1 3. Copper Pipe: Pipe Size Max. Hanger Spacing Rod Size 1 /2" to 1-1 /2" 6 feet 3/8" I 2" and larger 8 feet 1 /2" 4. Plastic/Fiberglass Pipe: Pipe Size Max. Hanger Spacing Rod Size I 1 /2" to 1" 3 feet 3/8" 1-1 /4" and 4 feet 3/8" larger J. Vertical Support Spacing in accordance with following minimum schedules: 1 . Cast Iron: Pipe Size Max. Vertical Support Spacing I All sizes Base and each floor, not to exceed 15 feet 2. Steel Pipe (Gas Filled): Pipe Size Max. Vertical Support Spacing 1 /2" 6 feet I 3/4" to 1" 8 feet 1-1 /4" and larger Every floor level I 3. Copper Pipe: Pipe Size Max. Vertical Support Spacing All sizes Base and each floor, not to exceed 10 feet 4. Plastic/Fiberglass Pipe: IPipe Size Max. Vertical Support Spacing All sizes Base and each floor, not to exceed 10 feet I K. Sloping, Air Venting, and Draining: 1 . Slope all piping as specified and as indicated, true to line and grade, and free of traps and air pockets. Unless indicated otherwise, slope piping in the direction of flow as Ifollows: Service Inclination Slope Domestic Water Down 1" per 100' I Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 29 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac 1 Soil and Waste Down 1 /8" per foot Storm Water Down 1 /8" per foot 2. Provide drain valves and hose adapters at all low points in piping. L. Provisions for Movement: 1. Install hangers and supports to allow controlled movement of piping systems and to permit freedom of movement between pipe anchors, and to facilitate action of expansion joints, expansion loops, expansion bends, and similar units. 2. Load Distribution: Install hangers and supports so that piping live and dead loading and stresses from movement will not be transmitted to connecting equipment. 3. Insulated Piping: Comply with the following installation requirements: a. Clamps: Attach clamps, including spacers, (if any), to piping with clamps projecting through insulation. b. Shields: Where low compressive strength insulation or vapor barriers are indicated on cold water piping, install shields or inserts. c. Saddles: Where insulation without vapor barrier is indicated install protection saddles. M. Installation of Anchors: 1 . Install anchors at proper locations to prevent excessive stresses and to prevent transfer of loading and stresses to connected equipment. 2. Fabricate and install anchor by welding steel shapes, plates and bars to piping and to structure. 3. Where expansion compensators are indicated, install anchors in accordance with expansion unit manufacturer's written instructions, to limit movement of piping and forces to maximums recommended by manufacturer for each unit. 4. Anchor Spacings: Where not otherwise indicated, install anchors at ends of principal pipe runs, at intermediate points in pipe runs between expansion loops and bends. N. Equipment Supports: 1 . Provide all concrete bases, unless otherwise furnished as work of Division 03. Furnish to Division 03 Contractor scaled layouts of all required bases, with dimensions of bases, and location to column centerlines. Furnish templates, anchor bolts, and accessories necessary for base construction. 2. Provide structural steel stands to support equipment not floor mounted or hung from structure. Construct of structural steel members or steel pipe and fittings. Provide factory-fabricated tank saddles for tanks. I O. Adjusting: 1 . Hanger Adjustment: Adjust hangers to distribute loads equally on attachments. 2. Support Adjustment: Provide grout under supports to bring piping and equipment to proper level and elevations. 3. Clean factory-finished surfaces. Repair any marred or scratched surfaces with manufacturer's touch-up paint. 3.6 WALL, FLOOR, AND ROOF PENETRATION SIZING A. All pipe penetrations through rated and non-rated assemblies shall be sized to allow for compliance with structural integrity and fire ratings, as applicable. Where sleeves are Print Date.3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 30 of 37 iTigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS 1 Glumac required, the sleeve size shall be installed with the inside clear diameter providing I clearances as required below. 1 . Uninsulated pipe penetrations through non-rated walls and floors: pipe penetration sizes shall be a 1" (minimum) to 2" (maximum) larger than the outside diameter of each uninsulated pipe. I2. Insulated pipes penetrations through non-rated walls and floors: pipe penetration sizes shall be a 1" (minimum) to 2" (maximum) larger than the outside diameter of each insulated pipe. I 3. Uninsulated pipe penetrations through fire rated walls and floors, and through roof: penetration sizes shall be a 1 /2" (minimum) to 1-1 /2" (maximum) larger than the outside diameter of each uninsulated pipe to provide minimum 1 /4" annular space I between the outside of the pipe surface and assembly. Coordinate with specific manufacturer requirements and UL listing. 4. Insulated pipe penetrations through fire rated walls and floors, and through roof: pipe I penetration sizes shall be a 1 /2" (minimum) to 1-1 /2" (maximum) larger than the outside diameter of each insulated pipe to provide minimum 1 /4" annular space between the outside of the insulation surface and assembly. Coordinate with specific manufacturer requirements and UL listing. I 5. Uninsulated pipe penetrations through foundation and basement walls: penetration sizes shall be larger than the outside diameter of each uninsulated pipe to allow adequate space for installation of mechanical link seals. Coordinate with specific Imanufacturer requirements. 3.7 WATER HAMMER ARRESTERS 1 A. Install as per PDI Standard WH-20 and equipment manufacturer's recommendation and as shown on working drawings. Provide before each quick closing valve (flush valve, solenoid valve, etc.) or bank of fixtures. I B. Install at each plumbing fixture, bank of fixtures, equipment and as indicated. I3.8 ROOF CURBS, EQUIPMENT RAILS, PIPE PORTALS A. Install per manufacturer's instructions. IB. Coordinate with other trades so units are installed when roofing is being installed. IC. Verify roof insulation thickness and adjust cant to match. 3.9 PIPING INSTALLATION IA. The word "piping" shall mean all pipes, fittings, nipples, valves and all accessories connected thereto. ii B. Run piping generally parallel to the axis of the building, arranged to conform to the building requirements and to suit the necessities of clearance for other mechanical ducts flues, conduits and work of other trades and close to ceiling or other construction as Ipractical, free of unnecessary traps or bends. C. Run horizontal sanitary drainage at uniform pitch of not less than 1 /8" per foot, unless otherwise indicated. Pitch horizontal vent piping downward from stack to fixtures. IPrint Date'3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 31 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac I D. Ream or file each pipe to remove burrs. Inspect each length of pipe and each fitting for workmanship and clear passageway. E. All piping shall be inspected for defects and flaws prior to installation. Remove any damaged piping from job site. Piping shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, debris or rust. F. Cleanouts to be provided at each change in direction greater than 135° or 100' maximum intervals on underground piping. G. Cleanout elevations shall be mounted flush with finished floor elevation. H. Cleanouts to be same size as pipe except cleanout plugs larger than 4" shall not be required. I. Cleanouts on concealed piping to be extended through and terminate flush with the finished wall or floor. Cover plates to be provided on all cleanout plugs in finished areas. J. The bodies of cleanout ferrules to conform in thickness to that required for pipe and fittings of the same metal. K. Mount piping on roof to manufactured polypropylene pipe supports: Caddy Pyramid, Roof Top Blox or equal. I 3.10 VIBRATION CONTROL ISOLATORS A. Comply with manufacturer's recommendations for selection and application of vibration I isolation materials and units except as otherwise indicated. Comply with minimum static deflections recommended by ASHRAE, of vibration isolation materials and units where not otherwise indicated. B. Comply with manufacturer's instructions for installation and load application to vibration control materials and units except as otherwise indicated. Adjust to ensure that units have equal deflection, do not bottom out under loading, and are not short-circuited by other contacts or bearing points. Remove space blocks and similar devices intended for temporary support during installation. I C. Install units between substrate and equipment as required for secure operation and to prevent displacement by normal forces, and as indicated. D. Adjust leveling devices as required to distribute loading uniformly onto isolators. Shim units as required where substrate is not level. E. Flexible Pipe Connectors: Install on equipment side of shutoff valves. F. Upon completion of vibration control work, prepare report showing measured equipment deflections for each major item of equipment as indicated. Clean each vibration control unit, and verify that each is working freely, and that there is no dirt or debris in immediate vicinity of unit that could possibly short-circuit unit isolation. I 1 Print Date 3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 32 of 37 ITigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 I March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS IGlumac 3.1 1 ELECTRICAL COORDINATION IA. Division 22 installers shall coordinate with Division 26 work to provide complete systems as required to operate all mechanical devices installed under this Division of work. IB. Installation of Electrical Connections: Furnish, install, and wire (except as may be otherwise indicated) all heating, ventilating, air conditioning, etc., motors and controls in accordance with the drawings and in accordance with equipment manufacturer's written I instructions and with recognized industry practices, and complying with applicable requirements of UL, NEC, and NECA's "Standard of Installation"to ensure that products fulfill requirements. IC. Division 22 has responsibilities for electrically powered plumbing equipment which is specified in Division 22 Specifications or scheduled on Division 22 Drawings as follows: 1 1 . Motors: Furnish and install all motors necessary for mechanical equipment. 2. Magnetic Starters: Furnish all magnetic starters whether manually or automatically controlled which are necessary for mechanical equipment. Furnish these starters with all control relays or transformers necessary to interface with mechanical controls. If Ithe starter is factory installed on a piece of Division 22 equipment, also furnish and install the power wiring between starter and motor. 3. Variable Frequency Drives: Provide all VFD's associated with fire protection I equipment. If the drive is installed on a piece of factory assembled equipment the wiring between motor and drive is to be provided as part of the factory equipment. 4. Disconnects: Provide the disconnects which are part of factory wired Division 22 1 equipment. Factory wiring to include wiring between motor and disconnect or combination starter/disconnect. 5. Controls: Division 22 Contractor (including the Building Automation System (BAS) I Controls subcontractor) is responsible for furnishing the following equipment in its entirety. This equipment includes but is not limited to the following: a. Control relays necessary for controlling Division 22 equipment. I b. Control transformers necessary for providing power to controls for Division 22 equipment. c. Low or non-load voltage control components. d. Non-life safety related valve or damper actuators. Ie. Float switches. f. Solenoid valves, EP and PE switches. g. Communications wiring and conduit between control devices and plumbing I equipment. h. Raceway to support control cabling. D. Division 26 Electrical Responsibilities: 1 . Motors: Provide the power wiring for the motors from servicing panel to motor controller. I 2. Magnetic Starters: Except where magnetic starters are factory installed on Division 22 factory assembled equipment, Division 26 is to install magnetic starters furnished by Division 22 and install the necessary power wiring to the starter and from the starter I to the motor. In the case of factory installed starters, Division 26 is to install the necessary power wiring from source panel/disconnect to the starter. I IPrint Date 3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 33 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac I 3. Variable Frequency Drives: Provide the necessary power wiring to the VFD and from the VFD to the motor except in the case of factory installed VFD's where wiring between the motor and VFD is to be by Division 22. 4. Disconnects: Provide all disconnects necessary for Division 22 equipment which are not provided as part of factory wired Division 22 equipment. Provide power wiring to all disconnects. In addition, provide power wiring between motor and disconnect when the disconnect is not factory installed. 5. Controls: Division 26 is responsible for providing power to control panels and provide final power connection to Division 22 provided control transformers. 6. Fire Sprinkler System: Division 26 is responsible for providing power wiring to fire protection controls including flow switches and alarm bells. 7. Specialized fire suppression systems: Division 26 is responsible for providing power wiring to suppression system and its controls. E. Motors and Motor Control Equipment: Conform to the standards of the NEMA. Equip motors with magnetic or manual line starters with overload protection. Motor starters and line voltage controls shall be installed under Electrical Section but located and coordinated as required under this Section of the work. Starters shall be combination type with non-fusible disconnect switches. All single phase fractional horsepower motors shall have built-in overload protection. 3.12 PAINTING I A. All painting shall be provided under this Division work, unless otherwise specified under Division 9: Painting. Painting schemes shall comply with ANSI A13.1 . Paint all exposed materials such as piping, equipment, insulation, steel, etc. Exposed gas piping outside the building shall be painted. Exposed copper indirect waste piping serving food service equipment shall be painted metallic chrome. B. All exposed work under Division 22 shall receive either a factory finish or a field prime coat finish, except: 1 . Exposed copper piping. , 2. Aluminum jacketed outdoor insulated piping. 3.13 IDENTIFICATION MARKERS A. General: Where identification is to be applied to surfaces which require insulation, painting, or other covering or finish, including valve tags in finished mechanical spaces, install identification after completion of covering and painting. Install identification prior to installation of acoustical ceilings and similar removable concealment. B. Piping System Identification: I 1 . Install pipe markers on each system indicated to receive identification, and include arrows to show normal direction of flow. 2. Locate pipe markers as follows: a. Near each valve and control device. b. Near each branch, excluding short takeoffs for fixtures and terminal units. Where flow pattern is not obvious, mark each pipe at branch. c. Near locations where pipes pass through walls, floors, ceilings, or inaccessible enclosures. I Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 34 of 37 111 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac d. At access doors, manholes, and similar access points which permit view of concealed piping. e. Near major equipment items and other points of origination and termination. f. Spaced horizontally at maximum spacing of 50' along each piping run, with minimum of one in each room. Vertically spaced at each story traversed. C. Underground Piping Identification: During backfilling/topsoiling of each exterior underground piping system, install continuous underground-type plastic line marker, located directly over buried line at 6" to 8" below finished grade. Where multiple small lines are buried in common trench and do not exceed overall width of 16", install single line marker. ' D. Plumbing Equipment Identification: Locate engraved plastic laminate signs on or near each major item of plumbing equipment and each operational device. Provide signs for the following: 1 . Main control and operating valves, including safety devices. 2. Meters, gauges, thermometers, and similar units. 3. Pumps, compressors and similar motor-driven units. 4. Hot water system mixing valves and similar equipment. 5. Water heaters, heat exchangers and similar equipment. 6. Tanks and pressure vessels. 7. Strainers, filters, treatment systems and similar equipment. E. Text of Signs: In addition to name of identified unit, provide lettering to distinguish between multiple units. Equipment signs shall include an identification of the area or other equipment served by the equipment being labeled. F. Gas pressure regulators shall have metal tags attached stating, "Warning: 2 lbs. upstream natural gas pressure. Do not remove." 3.14 CLEANING EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS A. In addition to the requirements of Section 220500, provide for the safety and good condition of all materials and equipment until final acceptance by the Owner's Representative. Protect all materials and equipment from damage. Provide adequate and proper storage facilities during the progress of the work. Special care to be taken to provide protection for bearings, open connections, pipe coils, pumps, compressors, and similar equipment. B. All piping, finished surfaces, and equipment to have all grease, adhesive labels, and foreign materials removed. C. All piping to be drained and flushed to remove grease and foreign matter. Pressure regulating assemblies, traps, flush valves, and similar items shall be thoroughly cleaned. Remove and thoroughly clean and reinstall all liquid strainer screens after the system has been in operation for ten days. I I Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 35 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac I 3.15 TESTING A. Provide all tests specified herein, in other Division 22 Sections, and as otherwise required. I Provide all test equipment, including test pumps, gauges, instruments, and other equipment required. Test all rotational equipment for proper direction of rotation. Upon completion of testing, certify to the Owner's Representative, in writing, that the specified tests have been performed and that the installation complies with the specified requirements and provide a report of the test observations signed by qualified inspector. B. Owner's Representative to witness all field tests and conduct all field inspections. The Contractor to give the Owner's Representative ample notice of the dates and times scheduled for tests. Any deficiencies to be completely retested at no additional cost. C. Inspection to continue during installation and testing. Perform a final inspection of the equipment prior to installation to determine conformity to the type, class, grade, size, capacity, and other characteristics specified herein or indicated. Correct or replace all rejected equipment prior to installation. 3.16 DISINFECTING - PLUMBING SYSTEMS I A. Disinfection of potable water distribution system shall be as prescribed by the local health authority or the following minimum requirement. After pressure tests have been made thoroughly flush the entire domestic water distribution system with water until all 111 entrained dirt and mud have been removed, and sterilize by chlorinating material. The chlorinating material shall be liquid chlorine. The chlorinating material shall provide a dosage of not less than 50 parts per million and shall be introduced into the system or part thereof in an approved manner. Retain the treated water in the pipe for 24 hours, or, fill the system or part thereof with a water-chlorine solution containing at least 200 parts per million of chlorine and allow to stand for three (3) hours. Open and close all valves in the system being disinfected three times during the contact period. Then flush the system with clean potable water until the residual chlorine is reduced to less than 1 .0 ppm. During the flushing period open and close all valves and faucets three times. From at least three divergent points in the system, take samples of water in properly sterilized containers for bacterial examination. Repeat the disinfecting until tests indicate that satisfactory bacteriological results have been obtained. B. Taking of samples shall be witnessed by Owner's Representative. Samples are to be taken and tested by an independent analytical testing laboratory. Written reports shall be supplied to Owner's Representative for approval. 3.17 OPERATING TESTING AND CERTIFICATION - PLUMBING SYSTEMS A. Upon completion and disinfection, and prior to acceptance of the installation, the Contractor to subject the plumbing system to operating tests to demonstrate satisfactory, functional, and operating efficiency. Such operating tests to include the following information in a report with conclusions as to the adequacy of the system. 1 . Time, date, and duration of tests. 2. Water pressures at most remote location. 3. Operation of all valves and hydrants. 4. Operation of all floor drains by flooding with water. 5. Quality of domestic water. Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 36 of 37 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 00 March 28, 2018 BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS Glumac 6. Read all indicating instruments at half-hour intervals unless otherwise directed. Supply four copies of the test report to the Owner's Representative. END OF SECTION I 1 i 1 I 1 1 I i I I I i Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 00 - 37 of 37 ITigard High School Modernization 22 05 33 March 28, 2018 HEAT TRACE FREEZE PROTECTION FOR I Glumac PLUMBING PIPING SECTION 22 05 33 - HEAT TRACING FREEZE PROTECTION FOR PLUMBING PIPING IPART 1 GENERAL 1 .1 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS A. All work to be furnished and installed under this section shall comply with all the requirements of General Conditions, Supplemental Conditions, Division 01 - General IRequirements, and Section 220500 - Basic Plumbing Materials and Methods, and other Sections in Division 22 specified herein. 1 1 .2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK I A. Furnish and install a complete UL listed system of cables, controllers, and other components to prevent pipe lines from freezing including: 1 . Exposed piping lines that may be subject to freezing, including but not limited to: I a. Exterior domestic cold water b. Exterior domestic hot water c. Exterior domestic hot water return Id. Exterior heating supply and return water 2. All instrumentation piping, miscellaneous drain and air bleed lines, blow-down 111 piping, expansion tanks, etc. that are associated with the above piping systems. B. The system shall consist of all equipment and materials for a complete pipe heat tracing Isystem with controller. C. The area covered and heat density (measured by Watts or BTU equivalent) per linear foot I of heating element for each product are determined by the heat output of the heating cable and the spacing between adjacent runs of heating element. Refer to manufacturer's installation instructions for more detailed information. I1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE IA. Section 220500: Basic Materials and Methods B. Section 220700: Plumbing Insulation C. Division 26: Electrical 1 1 .4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The manufacturer shall have over three years of experience with self-regulating heating I cables and be regularly engaged in the production of such equipment and be capable of providing complete catalog information on such products. I Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 33 - 1 of 7 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 33 9 9 March 28, 2018 HEAT TRACE FREEZE PROTECTION FOR Glumac PLUMBING PIPING B. The heating cable and components must have a UL System Listing. The UL Listing must have been in effect for three years at the time of quote submission. C. The heating cable and components must comply with ANSI/IEEE Standard 515.1 "Standard for the Testing, Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Electrical Resistance Trace Heating for Commercial Applications". 1 D. Installer Qualifications: Licensed Electrical Contractor with a minimum of two years successful certified experience installing projects utilizing electric heating cable systems equal to systems specified in this section. 1 .5 SUBMITTALS I A. Prior to construction submit for approval all materials and equipment. Submit manufacturer's data, installation instructions, and maintenance and operating instructions for all components of this section including, but not limited to, the following: 1 . Catalog cut of all proposed components, including but not limited to I a. Heat trace controller. b. Heat trace cable. c. Power connections. d. Splice connections. e. Tee connections. f. End seals. g. Spare parts list. 2. Installation manual for each component. I 3. Shop drawing of proposed installation showing number of heat trace circuits, watts/foot cable type for each circuit and components used. 4. Forms for factory recommended Electrical Testing and Commissioning Documentation for the system. 5. Spare Parts List. 1 .6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver products to site. Deliver products to the site in containers with manufacturer's stamp or label affixed. B. Store/protect products safely. Protect products against dirt, water, chemical, and mechanical damage. Do not install damaged products - remove from project site. 1 .7 DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITY A. Division 22: The Plumbing Contractor shall purchase all heat trace components as noted I herein to provide a complete system. Heat trace cabling, associated fittings and accessories and heat trace signage shall be installed as part of the Plumbing Contractor's scope of work including engaging an Electrical Contractor for installation as necessary. Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 33 - 2 of 7 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 33 March 28, 2018 HEAT TRACE FREEZE PROTECTION FOR ' Glumac PLUMBING PIPING The Plumbing Contractor shall be responsible to perform all coordination with the Electrical Contractor in terms of scheduling, installation of equipment, etc. ' B. Division 26: Above ground and underground branch circuit wiring to the heat trace power connection J-boxes from the heat trace controller/contactor panel(s) and incoming power to the controllers/contactors shall be installed and connected by Division 26. All testing and commissioning shall be done by Division 26. 1.8 WARRANTY ' A. Provide minimum one-year warranty from date of Substantial Completion, including all parts, material, labor and travel. ' B. Refer to Section 220500 for additional warranty and Substantial Completion requirements. PART 2 PRODUCTS 1 2.1 ELECTRIC HEAT TRACE SYSTEM A. Cable: 1. Self-regulating heating cable shall vary its power output relative to the temperature of the surface of the pipe or the vessel. The cable shall be designed such that it can 1 be crossed over itself and cut to length in the field. 2. Self-regulating heating cable shall be designed for a useful life of 20 years or more with "power on" continuously. 3. All cables shall be capable of passing a 1.6 kV dielectric test for one minute after undergoing a 10 ft-lb. impact per ANSI/IEEE 515.1. 4. Systems to be selected and installed in non-hazardous locations only. 5. The self-regulating heater shall consist of two (2) 16 AWG nickel coated, copper bus wires embedded in parallel in a self-regulating polymer core that varies its power output to respond to temperature all along its length, allowing the heater to be crossed over itself without over-heating and to be cut to length in the field. To provide a good ground path where none exists and to enhance the heater's ruggedness, the heater shall have an outer braid of tinned copper or stainless steel and an outer jacket of modified polyolefin. 6. Single or dual circuit heat-trace controllers, quantity as required for the length of heat trace cable required: 7. The maximum heater cable lengths per circuit breaker shall be limited per the manufacturer's requirements. Use multiple circuits as required. Coordinate with electrical design for number of circuits and connection points. 8. Manufacturers: Commercial heating cable and fittings by Pentair Raychem #XL-Trace, Thermon #RGS, or equal by Chromalox, Emmerson (Nelson). B. Wattage/Voltage: Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 33 - 3 of 7 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 33 March 28, 2018 HEAT TRACE FREEZE PROTECTION FOR Glumac PLUMBING PIPING 1 . The heater cable shall operate on line voltage of 120, 208, 220, 240, or 277 volts without the use of transformers. Refer to schedules and coordinate with Division 26 work. 2. The minimum heater cable shall be installed according to the table below. The required heater output rating is in watts per foot at 50°F. Heater selection based on 1 .5" fiberglass insulation on metal piping. Increase to next size wattage rating if less insulation is shown to be required or 208V is used due to its required derating from its base rating of 240V. PIPE SIZE AVERAGE WATTAGE AT MINIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE TO -20°F 3" or less 5 watts per foot 1 4" 8 watts per foot 6" 8 watts per foot 8" to 14" 2 strips - 8 watts per foot C. Tape: 1 . Provide tape as required by manufacturer's installation instructions. 2. Fiberglass installation tape for installations above 40°F. 3. Aluminum tape for use on plastic piping. , D. Heat Trace Controllers: 1 . Adjustable Temperature Controller with Local Monitoring: a. Controls a single heat trace circuit. b. Thermostat has a setpoint range from 30°F to 110°F. Set initial setpoint to 40°F for freeze protection application. Thermistor, 10K ohm, 3-wire twisted shielded, 304 stainless steel sheath, 20 AWG 25-foot length leads. Extend as required. c. Accuracy: +/- 3°F. , d. Controls a single heat-tracing circuit or as a pilot control contactor switching multiple heat-tracing circuits. e. Type 4X, UV-resistance enclosure for wall mounting adjacent to pipe. Relative humidity 0%to 90%, noncondensing. Ambient operating condition -40°F to 140°F. f. SPST switch, normally open, rated at 30 A at 100 Vac to 277 Vac. g. Local monitoring for shorted or open sensor. No remote monitoring. Green LEED for power available. Green LED for heating cable on. Red LED for sensor failure. I h. Manufacturer: Pentair Raychem #EC-TS or equal. I I Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 33 - 4 of 7 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 33 March 28, 2018 HEAT TRACE FREEZE PROTECTION FOR I Glumac PLUMBING PIPING 2.2 GROUND FAULT EQUIPMENT PROTECTION (GFEP) A. Where individual heat trace circuits are shown not connected to a control panel that includes 30mA ground fault circuit breakers AND if not shown in the Division 26 panel schedules or if other sizes are required, then provide as part of this Division 22 scope of I work. I 2.3 IDENTIFICATION MARKERS A. Furnish pipe markers with the words "ELECTRIC TRACED" printed with UV-stable black ink on a durable yellow background and attached to the outside of the insulated piping. Meet the requirements of the ASME (ANSI) A13.1 , Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems. Provide materials and styles that meet the Project requirements and that are I suitable for indoor and outdoor environments. Use 1" high letters, or larger, on pipes larger than 3" outside diameter, including insulation. Use 3/4" high letters on pipes 3" and smaller outside diameter. I B. Manufacturers: Labelmaster, Nelson Heat Tracing Systems, Compliance q , or Signs, equal. 9 IPART 3 EXECUTION I 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine surfaces and substrates to receive electric heating cables for compliance with Irequirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance. B. Ensure surfaces and pipes in contact with electric heating cables are free of burrs and Isharp protrusions. C. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 1 3.2 INSTALLATION ' A. Install electric heating cable across expansion joints according to manufacturer's written instructions; use slack cable to allow movement without damage to cable. I B. Install electric heating cables after piping has been tested and before insulation is installed. IC. Install electric heating cables according to ANSI/IEEE 515.1. D. Cable Installation: 1 1 . Apply the heater linearly on the pipe after piping has been successfully pressure tested. Do not spiral wrap except at valves and heat sinks. Installation shall be as I detailed in the manufacturer's installation instructions. I Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 33 - 5 of 7 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 33 March 28, 2018 HEAT TRACE FREEZE PROTECTION FOR Glumac PLUMBING PIPING 2. Secure the heater to piping with fiberglass tape at one foot intervals per the manufacturer's instructions. Do NOT use metal attachments, tie wire, or hose clamps to secure cable to the pipe. Verify correct fiberglass tape selection based on ambient temperatures. 3. Lighted End Seal: Mount J-box at the free end of every heating cable. 4. Cable Slack: When determining length of heating cable make allowances for extra cable around heat sinks such as supports and valves and for service loops at connections. Leave 18 inches of heating cable at the power connection, at all sides of I splices and tees, and at the end seal to provide for service loops; except on pipes smaller than 1 inch, where 9 inches shall be provided. 5. Sealing: Seal all joints with sealing compound. All places where valve stems, conduits, ' connection enclosures, and other components that penetrate through the insulation jacketing must be sealed with a suitable sealing compound to keep water out. Ensure that the edges of these clearance holes and cable transitions do not rub on the cable and cause mechanical damage. E. Install insulation over piping after installation of electric heat cabling. F. Install warning tape on piping insulation where piping is equipped with electric heating cables. Install signage every 20 feet (6 m), maximum spacing, and each change of direction, and visible from standing position. G. Electrical Connections: 1. The Plumbing Contractor shall provide the required amount of heat trace cabling. 2. Connect wiring and conduit according to Section 260519 "Low-Voltage Electrical 1 Power Conductors and Cables". 3. Ground equipment according to Section 260526 "Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems." 4. Provide shielded cabling and conduit to extend sensor wiring and heat trace cabling as necessary. , 5. Mount controller temperature sensor outside on wall in the shade of the overhang or on the north wall. H. Set field-adjustable switches and circuit-breaker trip ranges. 3.3 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING ' A. All cabling shall be tested three times. First test - before cable installation (on roll). Second test after cable installation. Third test - after the installation of the thermal insulation. Subject heat trace cable to testing using three voltages - 500, 1000 and 2500 VDC megger as discussed in ANSI/IEEE Standard 141 . A clean dry, properly installed circuit should measure thousands of megohms, regardless of the heating cable length or measuring voltage (0-2500VDC). The following criteria are provided to assist in determining the acceptability of an installation where optimum conditions may apply: ' Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 33 - 6 of 7 Tigard High School Modernization 22 05 33 March 28, 2018 HEAT TRACE FREEZE PROTECTION FOR ' Glumac PLUMBING PIPING 1 . All insulation resistance values should be greater than 1000 megohms. 2. Insulation resistance values should not vary more than 25 percent between tests. ' B. Division 26 shall test for both heating cable bus wires to verify the connection of any splices of tees. ' C. Document all tests. Completed forms shall be submitted to Owner's Representative after initial installation test is complete and after final testing. All forms shall be included in the Operation & Maintenance (O&M) manuals. 3.4 INSPECTIONS A. The Plumbing and Electrical Contractor are responsible to notify the Owner's Representative one week prior to installation of insulation in order to inspect the system. At the time of the inspection the electrical contractor shall have written documentation of the megger tests on the test forms. Ladders, man lifts or scaffolding shall be provided by ' the Plumbing Contractor to allow for inspection of all heat tracing components. B. The Plumbing Contractor is responsible to notify the Owner's Representative as soon as ' possible after installation of insulation and sealing of all joints is 100% complete to inspect the system. Ladders, man lifts or scaffolding shall be provided by the Plumbing Contractor to allow for inspection of all heat tracing components. 3.5 COORDINATION A. Plumbing Contractor is responsible to coordinate installation of heat tracing with Electrical Contractor and all subcontractors. END OF SECTION 1 Print Date:3/13/2018 22 05 33 - 7 of 7 Tigard High School Modernization 22 07 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING INSULATION Glumac 22 07 00 - PLUMBING INSULATION PART 1 GENERAL ' 1 .1 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS A. All work to be furnished and installed under this section shall comply with all the requirements of General Conditions, Supplemental Conditions, Division 01 - General ' Requirements, and Section 220500 - Basic Plumbing Materials and Methods, and other Sections in Division 22 specified herein. 1.2 SCOPE A. All work to be furnished and installed under this Section shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, providing insulation for the following: 1 . Piping Services: a. Domestic hot water supply and return. b. Domestic cold water, unless otherwise noted on drawings. ' c. Lab hot water and return. d. Lab cold water, unless otherwise noted on drawings. e. Irrigation water, unless otherwise noted on drawings. f. Underground hot water piping. g. Sanitary vent piping in unheated spaces. h. Drains from electric water coolers to first connection. i. Cooling coil condensate drainage. ' j. All heat traced piping. k. All valves, separators, strainers and fittings for systems listed above. 2. Types of plumbing piping insulation specified in this Section include the following: a. Pipe insulation: Fiberglass. b. Pipe insulation: Flexible elastomeric closed cell foam. 3. Insulation jackets: ' a. Interior application b. Exterior application c. Removable covers 4. Types of plumbing equipment insulation specified in this Section include the following: a. Equipment insulation: Fiberglass blanket b. Equipment insulation: Fiberglass board c. Equipment insulation: Cellular glass. d. Equipment insulation: Flexible elastomeric closed cell foam. 5. Insulation accessories. ' 1 .3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 220500: Basic Plumbing Materials and Methods. 1.4 DEFINITIONS ' A. Ambient: The air temperature to be maintained in a conditioned room, typically between 70°F and 78°F. Print Date:3/20/2018 22 07 00 - 1 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 22 07 00 9 9 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING INSULATION Glumac ' B. Insert: Spacer placed between the pipe support system and the piping to allow for the space required for insulation. C. Insulation Group (IG): Definition of Insulation Materials and Operating Temperatures. D. Insulation Shield: Buffer material placed between the pipe support system and the insulation to prevent the insulation material from crushing. E. Jacket: Protective covering over the pipe insulation; may be factory applied such as "all I service jacket" or field applied to provide additional protection; of such materials as canvas, PVC, aluminum or stainless steel. F. Piping Insulation: Thermal insulation applied to prevent heat transmission to or from a piping system. G. Vapor Barrier Jacket: Insulation jacket material that impedes the transmission of water vapor. H. Freezing Climate: Where outdoor design temperature is less than 33o F, as stated in ' ASHRAE fundamentals under 99% column for winter design conditions. 1 .5 QUALITY ASSURANCE ' A. Codes and Standards: Provide products conforming to the requirements of the following: 1. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): Manufacture and test insulation in accordance with the ASTM Standards, including: a. B209 - Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plat. b. C165 - Recommended Practice for Measuring Compressive Properties of Thermal Insulation. c. Cl 67 - Test Methods for Thickness and Density of Blanket or Batt Thermal Insulations. d. Cl 77 - Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux Measurements and Thermal Transmission. e. Properties by Means of the Guarded-Hot-Plate Apparatus. f. C195 - Specification for Mineral Fiber Thermal Insulating Cement. g. C196 - Specification for Expanded or Exfoliated Vermiculite Thermal Insulating Cement. h. C302 - Test Method for Density of Preformed Pipe-Covering-Type Thermal Insulation. i. C303 - Test Method for Density of Preformed Block-Type Thermal Insulation. j. C305 - Test for Thermal Conductivity of Pipe Insulation. k. C356 - Test for Linear Shrinkage of Preformed High-Temperature Thermal Insulation. I. C41 1 - Test for Hot-Surface Performance of High Temperature Thermal Insulation. m. C423 - Standard Test Method for Sound Absorption and Sound Absorption Coefficients by the Reverberation Room Method. n. C449 - Specification of Mineral Fiber Hydraulic-Setting Thermal Insulating and Finishing Cement. o. C518 - Standard Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus. Print Date:3/20/2018 22 07 00 - 2 of 8 ITigard High School Modernization 22 07 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING INSULATION I Glumac p. C533 - Specification for Calcium Silicate Block and Pipe Thermal Insulation. I q. C534 - Specification for Preformed Flexible Elastomeric Cellular Thermal Insulation in Sheet and Tubular Form. r. C547 - Specification for Mineral Fiber Preformed Pipe Insulation. s. C552 - Specification for Cellular Glass Block and Pipe Thermal Insulation. I t. C553 - Specification for Mineral Fiber Blanket-Type Pipe Insulation (Industrial Type). u. C592 - Mineral Fiber Blanket Insulation and Blanket-Type Pipe Insulation (Metal- , Mesh Covered). v. C612 - Specification for Mineral Fiber Block and Board Thermal Insulation. w. C916 - Standard Specification for Adhesives for Duct Thermal Insulation. I x. C921 - Practice for Determining Properties of Jacketing Materials for Thermal Insulation. y. C1104 - Standard Test Method for Determining the Water Vapor Sorption of Unfaced Mineral Fiber Insulation. I z. C1071 - Standard Specification for Thermal and Acoustical Insulation. aa. Cl 338 - Standard Test Method for Determining Fungi Resistance of Insulation Materials and Facings. I bb. E84 - Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. cc. El 19 - Test for Fire Resistance. dd. G21 - Standard Practice for Determining Resistance of Synthetic Polymeric IMaterials to Fungi. ee. G22 - Standard Practice for Determining Resistance of Synthetic Polymeric Materials to Bacteria. 2. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE): I Provide and install pipe and duct insulation in accordance with the following ASHRAE Standard: a. 90 Energy Conservation in New Building Design. I 3. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): Manufacture insulation in accordance with the following NFPA standards: a. 255 Test Methods, Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. 1 B. Do not provide materials with flame proofing treatments subject to deterioration due to the effects of moisture or high humidity. I C. Products Containing Prohibited Chemicals: 1 . Products containing the following prohibited chemicals for use as flame retardants or for other purposes will not be acceptable: a. Pentabrominated diphenyl ether (CAS#32534-81-9) b. Octabrominated diphenyl ether (CAS#32536-52-0) c. Decabrominated diphenyl ether (CAS#1 163-19-50 ID. Flame/Smoke Rating: Provide composite mechanical insulation (insulation,jackets, coverings, sealers, mastics and adhesives) with flame-spread index of 25 or less, and smoke-developed index of 50 or less, as tested by ASTM E84 (NFPA 255) Method. In 1 addition, the products, when tested, shall not drip flame particles, and flame shall not be progressive. Provide Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., label or listing; or satisfactory certified test report from an approved testing laboratory to prove the fire hazard ratings I for materials proposed for use do not exceed those specified. I I Print Date:3/20/2018 22 07 00 - 3 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 22 07 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING INSULATION Glumac ' E. Corrosiveness: Provide insulation such that when tested in accordance with the following test, the steel plate in contact with the insulation shows no greater corrosion than sterile cotton in contact with a steel plate for comparison. 1 . Test Specimen: Two specimens shall be used, each measuring 1" by 4" by approximately /2" thick. I 2. Apparatus: Provide a humidity test chamber in which two polished-steel test plates, 1" wide, 4" long and 0.020" thick, shall be placed. Plates shall be clear finish, cold-rolled strip steel, American quality, quarter hard, temper No. 3, weighing 0.85 lb/sq. ft. 3. Procedure: The steel test plates shall be rinsed with cp benzol until their surfaces are free from oil and grease and allowed to dry. One piece of cold-rolled steel shall be placed between the two insulation specimens and secured with tape or twine. The test specimen and uncovered plate shall be suspended vertically in an atmosphere having a relative humidity of 95% (plus or minus 3%), and a temperature of 120°F (plus or minus 3°F), for 96 hours, and then be examined for corrosion. F. Insulation thickness shall be the greater standard of that specified here or the State energy conservation requirements. 1 .6 SUBMITTALS ' A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data and installation instructions for each type of mechanical insulation. Submit schedule showing manufacturer's product number, K-value, thickness, and furnished accessories for each mechanical system requiring insulation. Also furnish necessary test data certified by an independent testing laboratory. Submit samples. B. Provide a statement with the submittal indicating that no product submitted contains an amount equal to or greater than 0.10% by mass of the following chemicals: 1. Pentabrominated diphenyl ether (CAS#32534-81-9) 2. Octabrominated diphenyl ether (CAS#32536-52-0) 3. Decabrominated diphenyl ether (CAS#1 163-19-50 C. Maintenance Data: Submit maintenance data and replacement material lists for each type of mechanical insulation. Include this data and product in maintenance manual. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver insulation, coverings, cements, adhesives, and coating to the site in containers with manufacturer's stamp or label affixed showing fire hazard indexes of products. B. Store and protect insulation against dirt, water, chemical, and mechanical damage. Do not install damaged or wet insulation; remove from project site. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS I A. Johns Manville, Owens-Corning, Knauf, Armstrong, Pittsburgh-Corning, Trymer, IIG, Certainteed, Halstead, Rubatex, 3M FireMaster, Pabco, Reflectix, or approved equal. Manufacturer and insulation types listed below indicate a minimum acceptable level of quality required for each classification. Print Date:3/20/2018 22 07 00 - 4 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 22 07 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING INSULATION Glumac 2.2 PIPE INSULATIONS A. Type PI-A: Glass Fiber: Molded fibrous glass pipe insulation shall comply with the requirements of ASTM C 547 and meet ASTM C 585 for sizes required in the particular system. For all fluid distribution temperatures below 45°F the system shall be of a wicking type. 1. Fiberglass, Non-Wicking: a. Manufacturers: 1) Johns Manville Micro-Lok HP meeting ASTM C547; or FSK faced Micro-Flex (pipe sizes larger than 18") I 2) Knauf 3) einsulation b. Applications: Insulation of piping up to 18" in diameter and 3" thick insulation. c. 'K' Value: 0.23 at 75°F. d. Maximum Service Temperature: 850°F. e. Vapor Retarder Jacket: AP-T PLUS white kraft paper reinforced with glass fiber yarn and bonded to aluminum foil, secure with self sealing longitudinal laps and butt strips or AP jacket with outward clinch expanding staples or vapor barrier mastic as needed. B. Type PI-B: Flexible Elastomeric Closed Cell Thermal Insulation: Armacel AP Armaflex, Rubatex K-Flex ECO, Aeroflex Aerocel, closed-cell, halogen free, elastomeric insulation. Comply with ASTM-C177, ASTM E 84 and UL 181. 1 . 'K' Value: 0.27 at 75°F. 2. Density: 3.0 to 6.0 lbs./cu.ft. 3. Maximum Service Temperature: 260°F. 4. Seal all seams and joints with contact adhesive. C. Type PI-C: Cellular Glass- Pittsburgh-Corning Foamglas Meeting ASTM C522: Cellular Glass Thermal Insulation: Ii. 'K' Value: 0.35 at 75°F. 2. Density: 8.0 lbs./cu. ft. 3. Maximum Service Temperature: 900°F. 4. Provide with Pittsburg Corning Pittwrap jacketing. D. Field Applied Jackets (For Interior Applications): 1 . All longitudinal seams shall be located on bottom of pipes. 2. PVC Plastic:Johns Manville Zeston 2000. One piece molded type fitting covers and jacketing material, gloss white. Connect with tacks and pressure sensitive color matching vinyl tape. 3. Canvas Jacket: UL listed fabric, 6 oz/sq. yd. plain weave cotton, treated with dilute fire retardant lagging adhesive. 4. Aluminum Jacket: 0.016" thick sheet, [smooth/embossed] finish, with longitudinal slip joints and 2" laps, die shaped fitting covers with factory attached protective liner. 5. Secure aluminum jackets with 3/8" or 12" stainless steel bands on 12" centers. E. Field Applied Jackets (For Exterior Applications): 1. All longitudinal seams, on horizontal pipe runs, shall be installed on the bottom of pipes. I Print Date:3/20/2018 22 07 00 - 5 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 22 07 00 i March 28, 2018 PLUMBING INSULATION Glumac I 2. Aluminum Jacket: 0.016" (minimum) thick sheet, [smooth/embossed] finish, with longitudinal slip joints and 2" laps, die shaped fitting covers with factory attached protective liner. 3. Stainless Steel Jacket: Type 304 stainless steel, 0.010" minimum (smooth/corrugated) finish. 4. Secure stainless steel or aluminum jackets with 3A" or %2" stainless steel bands on 12" centers. 5. Manufacturers: Pabco, Childers, RPR, or approved equal. F. Removable Covers: I 1. Provide removable covers on pumps, backflow devices, valves greater than 2", flanges, strainers, etc., where periodic maintenance or removal of insulation is required. 2. Use of pre-molded fittings with PVC covers is acceptable, unless noted otherwise. a. Cold systems: Provide PVC covers on elbows. b. Cold systems: Provide Armaflex elastomeric foam for flanges, valves, pumps and strainers. c. Hot systems: provide PVC covers on elbows and flanges. d. Hot Systems: provide removable blanket covers on valves, pumps, and strainers. 3. Removable- type silicon cloth fiberglass filled insulating blankets: a. Mfg: Fit Tight Covers, GLT products, or equal custom fabrication by Insulation Contractor, 0-350°F service operating temperature: i 1) Jacket: silicon impregnated fiberglass cloth 2) Liner: silicon impregnated fiberglass cloth 3) Liner reinforcement: stainless steel mesh cloth 4) Insulation: 1" type E glass matt 5) Fastening: 1" straps and stainless steel D-rings 6) Fastening: 12 gage stainless steel hooks and stainless steel wire PART 3 EXECUTION I 3.1 EXAMINATION AND PREPARATION A. Verify that piping has been tested for leakage in accordance with specifications before applying insulation materials. All piping shall be inspected by Owner's Representative prior to installation of insulation. Any insulation applied prior to inspection shall be removed and new insulation applied at no additional cost to Owner. Notify Owner's Representative five (5) working days prior to insulation installation. B. Verify that all surfaces are clean, dry and free of foreign material. I 3.2 INSTALLATION A. General: 1' 1 . Install materials in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, building codes and industry standards. 2. Remove and replace any insulation that has become wet or damaged during the construction process. 3. Continue insulation and vapor barrier at penetrations and supports, except where prohibited by code. I Print Date:3/20/2018 22 07 00 - 6 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 22 07 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING INSULATION IGlumac I B. Piping Insulation: 1 . Locate insulation and cover seams in least visible locations unless otherwise specified. 2. Neatly finish insulation at supports, protrusions, and interruptions. 3. Provide insulated dual temperature pipes and cold pipes conveying fluids below I ambient temperature with vapor retardant jackets with self sealing laps. Insulate complete system. No staples shall be used on pipes conveying fluids below ambient temperatures (cold systems). I1 4. For insulated pipes conveying fluids above ambient temperature, secure jackets with self sealing lap or outward clinched, expanded staples. Seal ends of insulation at equipment, flanges, and unions. I 5. Provide insert between support shield and piping on piping 1-1 /2" diameter or larger. Fabricate of Johns Manville Thermo-12, or other heavy density insulating material suitable for temperature. Insulation inserts shall not be less than the following lengths: I a. 1-1 /2" to 6" pipe size 12" long 6. Use of metal saddles is acceptable as specified in Section 220500. Fill interior voids with segments of insulation matching adjoining pipe insulation. I 7. Use of pipe hangers designed as an insulation coupling is acceptable in lieu of saddles and other devices. Klo-Shure coupling or equal. 8. For pipe exposed in mechanical equipment rooms or in finished spaces below 7 feet I above finished floor, finish with Johns Manville Zeston 2000 PVC jacket and fitting covers. a. Where pumps, valves, strainers, etc., with insulation require periodic opening for maintenance, repair, or cleaning, install insulation in such a manner that it can I be easily removed and replaced without damage. b. Cold systems: Provide Armaflex elastomeric foam for pumps and strainers. 9. For exterior applications: a. Provide weather protection jacket. Insulated pipe lengths, pumps, fittings,joints, and valves shall be covered with aluminum jacket or stainless steel jacket.Jacket seams shall be located on bottom side of horizontal piping. All lateral joints shall I be caulked with a minimum 20-year silicone sealant (clear). All longitudinal joints, except those at the bottom of a horizontal pipe run, shall be caulked with a minimum 20-year silicone sealant (clear). b. Apply weather-resistant protective finish such as WB Armaflex to flexible I elastomeric insulation. Insulation seams shall be located on the bottom side of horizontal piping. All lateral and longitudinal joints to be sealed with low V.O.C., UV inhibitive adhesive, such as Armaflex 520 BLV adhesive. I 10. For underground installations, install per manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations. 11. When maintenance or service access for equipment will result in foot traffic over floor I mounted insulated piping the contractor is to fabricate a permanent removable walkway to prevent damage to the piping and insulation. 3.3 PIPING INSULATION SCHEDULE IA. All insulation shall meet or exceed State Energy Code requirements as noted below. Increase thickness 1 /2" if exposed to exterior ambient air. Minimum thermal I resistance:4.2 to 4.6 per inch of thickness. Insulation thicknesses are based on fiberglass insulation and may be adjusted for equivalent insulation values for materials with superior "K" factors. I IPrint Date:3/20/2018 22 07 00 - 7 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 22 07 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING INSULATION Glumac I B. Insulation SERVICE PIPE SIZE THICKNESS REMARKS/MATERIAL OPTIONS (inches) (inches) Domestic, Industrial, and Lab Up to 2 1 Type PI-A, B hot water 2-1 /2 and 1-1 /2 over Domestic hot water return All Sizes 1 Type PI-A, B Safety shower tempered All Sizes N/A Not required for indoor piping water - Indoors Domestic cold water 0-1 .5" 0.5 Type PI-B II >1.5" 1 Heat-Traced liquid All Sizes 1-1 /2 Type PI-A, B. Provide aluminum containing piping exposed to jacket and label "heat traced" freezing along with service designator label Plumbing vents within 10 All Sizes 1 Type PI-A, B feet of the exterior in freezing climates Misc. drains from electric All Sizes 1 Type PI-A, B water coolers, ice machines, etc. I Cooling coil condensate All Sizes 1 /2 Type BI-B drains Underground hot water Up to 2 2 Type PI-C piping 2-1 /2 and 2 over 111 TABLE 2: CODE MINIMUM PIPING INSULATION THICKNESS BASED ON FLUID TEMPERATURE AND ii PIPING SIZE. Insulation Based on Oregon OEESC Energy Code for Minimum Pipe Insulation Thicknesses or Greater 1 FLUID INSULATION NOMINAL PIPE DIAMETER(in inches) TEMPERATURE CONDUCTIVITY MEAN RATING Runouts 1 and 1-1/4 RANGE RANGE TEMPERATURE up to 2 less - 1-1/2 2-4 5-6 CF) (Btu•in/hr/ft2•°F) CF) INSULATION THICKNESS REQUIRED (in inches) Service water-heating systems (recirculating sections, all piping in electric trace tape systems, and the first 8 feet of piping from the storage tank for non-recirculating systems) Above 105 0.24-0.28 100 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 END OF SECTION 1 I I I Print Date:3/20/2018 22 07 00 - 8 of 8 ITigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES IGlumac 22 10 00 - PLUMBING PIPING, VALVES AND SPECIALTIES IPART 1 GENERAL 1 .1 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS A. All work to be furnished and installed under this section shall comply with all the requirements of General Conditions, Supplemental Conditions, Division 01 - General I Requirements, Section 220500 - Basic Plumbing Materials and Methods, and other Sections in Division 22 specified herein. 11 1 .2 SCOPE A. All work to be furnished and installed under this Section shall comply with all the Irequirements of Division 01 , and shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: 1 . Pipe and Fittings Sanitary waste and vent La. : b. Storm drain and overflow c. Potable/Lab Cold water d. Potable/Lab Hot water e. Pumped discharge 2. Valves a. Water valves I b. Balancing valves c. Backflow prevention valves t d. Pressure reducing valves e. Thermostatic mixing valves f. Solenoid valves 3. Water meters I 4. Thermometers and gauges 5. Piping specialties 6. Pipe escutcheons It 7. Strainers 8. Drip pans 9. Air vent I 10. Dielectric unions 11. Unions 12. Flanges I 13. Pipe sleeves 14. Sleeve seals 1 5. Valve boxes i16. Pipe coating 1 .3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE IA. Section 220500: Basic Plumbing Materials and Methods B. Section 224000: Plumbing Fixtures 111 Print Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 1 of 24 Tigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES Glumac I C. Division 26: Electrical D. Division 09: Finishes/Painting I 1 .4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturers Qualifications: 1 . Manufactured items furnished shall be the current, cataloged product of the manufacturer. I 2. Replacement parts shall be readily available and stocked in the USA. B. Codes and Standards: 1 . All work shall be in full accordance with all applicable codes, ordinances and code rulings. 2. The Contractor shall furnish without any extra charge the labor and material required i for compliance of codes. 3. Perform all tests required by governing authorities and as required under all Division 22 Sections. Provide written reports on all tests. 4. Electrical devices and wiring shall confirm to the latest standards of NEC; all devices shall be UL listed and so identified. 5. All plumbing work shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 6. All excavation work must comply with all provisions of state laws including notification to all owners of underground utilities at least 48 business day hours, but not more than 10 business days, before commencing an excavation. 7. Provide thermostatic mixing valves and fixtures conforming to ASSE 1070 to limit the maximum water temperature to 110°F for all public lavatories. Handle position stops and temperature mixing valves shall be used as required to limit maximum temperature to prevent scalding. Water heater thermostats shall not be considered a 1 suitable control. 1 .5 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data for all piping, valves and specialties indicating dimensions, valve CV, tolerances etc. 11 B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings indicating underground piping installation showing all fittings with inverts. Indicate all footings and grade beams. C. Maintenance Data: Submit maintenance instructions on accordance with requirements of 111 Division 01. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Furnish and install all new material, equipment, and apparatus hereinafter specified unless specifically noted otherwise. All material, equipment, and apparatus shall be identified by the manufacturer's name, nameplate, and pertinent data. 1 . Upon request, the Owner's Representative shall be furnished certification by the manufacturer, stating samples representing each lot have been tested and inspected I Print Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 2 of 24 I ITigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES 1 Glumac as indicated in governing ASTM specifications have been met. Certification shall be I accompanied by test reports as prepared in accordance with relevant ASTM sections governing Test Methods and Inspection. Tension Tests reports shall include breaking load, machined diameter of the test bars, and calculated tensile strength. Certification shall include the legal name and address of the manufacturer. 11 B. Type M copper piping is not acceptable for any pressure water piping unless specifically noted otherwise. iC. For all Grade B piping specified below grade provide a mill report with production identification numbers for piping submitted to permit tracking of pipe by mill and Iproduction lot. D. All materials, equipment, and apparatus are mentioned as standards unless noted I otherwise. The words "or approved equal" shall be considered to be subsequent to all manufacturer's names used herein, unless specifically noted that substitutes are not allowed. 2.2 STANDARD PIPE AND FITTING 1 A. Water Service to Building: I 1 . Pipe: Class 52 ductile iron, ANSI A21.51 ,AWWA C1510-70, 150 psi cement lined factory encased with 8 mil polyethylene tube or sheet. 2. Fittings: ANSI A21.10 mechanical joint, AWWA Cl 10-1971 , 250 psi. Fittings to be 11 double field wrapped with 2", 20 mil vinyl tape, 50% overlap. 3. All fittings shall be restrained with 2000 psi thrust blocks in accordance with NFPA 4. Fire Protection: Refer to Specification Section 211000. IB. Domestic Water Pipe & Fittings (Below Grade): 1 . Pipe: ASTM B88, Type K hard drawn copper water tube. I 2. Fittings: Domestic Only, Elkhart, ASME B16.22, wrought copper, 95%-5%tin- antimony solder joints. Wrap underground piping with Scotch Wrap or Pasco Wrap. tC. Domestic Hot and Cold Water Pipe & Fittings (Above Grade): 1 . Pipe: ASTM B88, Type L, hard drawn copper water tube. 2. Fittings: ASME B16.22, wrought copper, 95%-5%tin-antimony solder joints. I D. Alternate Domestic Hot and Cold Water Pipe & Fittings up to 1" - PEX: 1 . Piping a. All pipe shall be high-density crosslinked polyethylene manufactured using the I high-pressure peroxide method of crosslinking (PEXa). Pipe shall conform to ASTM F876, ASTM F877 CSA B137.5, NSF/ANSI 14 and NSF/ANSI 61 . b. Supplier shall provide pipe in sizes 3/8", 1 /2", 3/4" and 1" in diameter. I 2. Fitting (Uponor) a. Fittings shall be manufactured of Engineered Polymer (EP) and shall be supplied by the PEX tubing manufacturer. Lead free brass materials are allowed only for III transition fittings. Fitting connections shall be made to the requirements of ASTM F1960. PEX-a cold expansion type fittings shall be an assembly consisting of insert and PEX-a cold expansion ring. Brass Fitting Type: Uponor lead free ProPEX brass fittings. I iPrint Date'3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 3 of 24 Tigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES Glumac 3. Fittings (Raheu) a. All Fittings used with crosslinked polyethylene (PEX)water distribution pipe intended for plumbing applications shall be certified to the respective fitting standards. Rehau Everloc brass or stainless steel compression-sleeve fittings. 4. Fittings (Viega) a. PEX Press fittings shall be manufactured from UNS, C87700, C87710 Bronze, meeting the requirements of ASTM F877 tested as a system with Viega PEX tubing. The PEX Press sleeve shall be manufactured out of a 304 grade or better stainless steel and have three view holes (attached sleeve) to ensure proper PEX tubing insertion. The attached sleeve fitting will incorporate a tool locator ring that shall be in place while making a proper press connection. The PEX Press connection shall be made with a Viega supplied ratcheting PEX Press hand tool or PEX Press power tool. 5. Manufacturer: Uponor, Viega, Rehau, or approved equal E. Condensate and Indirect drains: 1 . Pipe: ASTM B88, Type M, hard drawn copper water tube. 2. Fittings: ASME B16.22, wrought copper. 3. Joints: Lead-free solder joints. Solder shall be lead-free nickel/silver bearing solder meeting ASTM B-32, ASTM B-828. Flux shall be water soluble and shall meet CDA standard test method 1 .0 and ASTM B813-91 . 4. Insulate condensate drain pipes with minimum 1 /2" insulation to prevent moisture dripping from pipe. F. Trap Primer Piping: 1 . Pipe: ASTM B88, Type K, soft drawn copper water tube. PEX tubing may be used below grade. 2. Fittings: No joints below ground. For pipes below grade double wrap with Scotch Wrap #51 or PASCO Wrap, with 50% overlap. G. Sanitary Sewer, Vent, Rainwater Pipe & Fittings: 1 . Pipe: ASTM A74, ASTM A888 cast iron, bituminous coated, "No-Hub". Pipe and fittings shall be marked with the collective trademark of the Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute and manufactured by AB&I, Charlotte, Tyler or approved equal. Pipe showing rust or cracks in coating shall be removed and replaced. 2. Fittings: No-hub, ASTM A888. 3. Couplings Below Grade: Heavy Duty Type 304 stainless steel couplings conforming to FM 1680 and ASTM C-1540 with heavy-duty shield and neoprene sealing sleeve conforming to ASTM C-564 and CISPI 301. Husky SD-4000, Clamp-All Hi-Torq 120 or Ideal Tridon HD. 4. Couplings Above Grade: Type 301 or 304 stainless steel couplings conforming to FM- 1680 and ASTM C1540 with heavy-duty shield and neoprene sealing sleeve conforming to ASTM C-564 and CISPI 301. Husky HD-2000, Clamp-All Hi-Torq 80, Mission HeavyWeight or Ideal Tridon MD. H. Alternate Underground Sanitary Sewer Pipe & Fittings - PVC: 1 . Pipe and Fittings a. PVC pipe shall be ASTM D-1785, ASTM D-1784, NSF Standard 14, PVC Schedule , 40 (polyvinyl chloride) compound with Cell Class 12454. I Print Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 4 of 24 ITigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES IGlumac b. PVC DWV fittings shall be ASTM D-2665, ASTM D-2564 by a single manufacturer and to be installed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. I c. Use in non-pressure applications where operating temperature will not exceed 140°F. I d. Manufacturer: Spears, Charlotte Pipe and Foundry, Harvel Plastics, or equal. 2. joints a. Adhesive primer shall comply with ASTM F656. Primer shall have a VOC content of 550 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR59, Subpart D (EPA I Method 24). b. Solvent cement shall comply with ASTM D2564. Solvent cement shall have a VOC content of 510 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). I c. Manufacturer: RectorSeal, Weld-On, Oatey, E-Z Weld, IPS Corporation, or equal. I I. Alternate Aboveground Sanitary Vent Pipe & Fittings - ABS: 1 . Pipe: ASTM F-628, ASTM D-3965, NSF Standard 14, ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene- styrene) compound with Cell Class 42222. Use in non-pressure applications where operating temperature will not exceed 140°F. 2. Fittings: ASTM D-2661 , ASTM D-2235,ABS DWV Fittings shall be by a single manufacturer and to be installed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Solvent cement joints. 111 3. Manufacturer: Charlotte Pipe and Foundry, or equal. Spears, Charlotte Pipe and Foundry, Harvel Plastics, Cresline Plastic Pipe Co., Bow Plastics, or equal. 1 0j. Underground sanitary-sewage forced mains (pumped discharge) up to 4": 1 . Hard copper tube: a. Seamless copper tube, pipe sizes up to 8": 0 1) ASTM B88 or B75, Type K, hard temper. 2) ASTM B819, Type K, hard temper. b. Fittings-Brazed: I 1) ASME B16.50 wrought or copper alloy c. joints: 1) Brazed joints: ANSI/AWS A5.8 filler metals. 2) Manufacturer: Canfield, Sil-Fos, or equal. 2. For all metallic piping installed underground wrap pipe with two layers of 20 mil PVC tape, minimum 2" wide, with 50%overlap and no exposed pipe surface. I Manufacturer: 3M Scotchrap #51 , Pasco Specialty#9000 Series, or equal. 3. PVC: a. PVC Pipe: ASTM D1785 pressure piping, Schedule 40 or Schedule 80. II Manufacturer: Spears, Charlotte Pipe and Foundry, Harvel Plastics, or equal. b. PVC Socket Fittings: ASTM D2466 for Schedule 40 or ASTM D2467 for Schedule 80. Manufacturer: Spears, Charlotte Pipe and Foundry, Harvel Plastics, or equal. I c. joints 1) Adhesive primer shall comply with ASTM F656. Primer shall have a VOC content of 550 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). 1 2) Solvent cement shall comply with ASTM D2564. Solvent cement shall have a VOC content of 510 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). I IPrint Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 5 of 24 Tigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES Glumac I 3) Manufacturer: RectorSeal, Weld-On, Oatey, E-Z Weld, IPS Corporation, or equal. K. Natural Gas Pipe & Fitting (Above Grade): 1 . Pipe: ASTM A53, Schedule 40 black steel. 2. Fittings: 150 lb. rating, ASME B16.3, malleable iron threaded; ASME B16.5, flanged; ASME B16.9, steel. 3. Joints 2" and smaller: Threaded in accessible areas. Welded in concealed areas such as shafts and plenums. I 4. Optional: Steel compression fittings shall conform to the material and sizing requirements of ASME B16.3 or ASTM A420. Fittings shall have an HNBR 0-ring seal, 420 stainless steel grip ring, and 304 stainless steel separator ring. Viega #MegaPress G, or approved equal. 5. Joints 2-1 /2" and larger: ASME B16.25 bevelweld, ASME B16.5 flanges, or ASME B16.11 socket weld. Welded in concealed areas such as shafts and plenums. 6. Welded Fittings: Comply with ASTM A234/A234M,ASME B16.9, ASME B16.25, and ASME B16.1 1 . 7. Welding Filler Metals: Comply with AWS D10.12M/D10.12 for welding materials appropriate for wall thickness and chemical analysis of steel pipe being welded. 8. Shop fabricated Bonney Forge "Weldolet" or "Thredolet" type fittings may be used in lieu of tee fittings, but field (site)welding will not be permitted. L. Compressed Air Piping (Aboveground): 1 . Copper: a. Seamless copper tube: b. Fittings-Soldered: c. Fittings-Brazed: d. Joints: M. Natural Gas Piping (Below Grade): 1 . Polyethylene, plain ends, heat fused joints. Compliant with ASTM D-2513,ASME D- B31 .8, NFPA-54 and NFPA-58. Manufacturer: Gastite or equal. 2. Building gas service riser, annodeless polyethylene to steel riser, epoxy coated steel. Manufacturer: Lyall Lyco or equal. 2.3 VALVES: GENERAL A. General: Valve ratings shall exceed respective system operating pressures by 50% I (minimum). All valves shall be line size unless otherwise noted. B. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data, including installation instructions for each type of valve. Include pressure drop curve or chart for each type and size of valve. Submit valve schedule showing manufacturer's figure number, size, location, and valve features for each required valve. C. Shop Drawings: Submit manufacturer's assembly-type (exploded view) shop drawings for each type of valve, indicating dimensions, weights, materials, and methods of assembly of 111 components. I Print Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 6 of 24 ITigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES Glumac D. Acceptable manufacturers (manufacturer and model number listed for individual valves I indicates minimum acceptable by all manufacturers): 1 . Gate, Ball, Check or Butterfly: Apollo, Hammond, Nibco (commercial grade, US manufacturer only), Milwaukee, Victaulic or Watts. I 2. Lubricated Plug Valves: Homestead, Resun, or Rockwell. 3. Backflow Preventors: Apollo, Ames, Febco, Cla-Val, Watts or Wilkins. 4. Pressure Reducing Valves: Apollo, Cash-Acme, Cla-Val, Watts, or Wilkins. 5. Solenoid Valves: ASCO, Automatic or Magnatrol. 6. Circuit Setters: Griswold (Venturi with characterized ball valve only), Wheatley (Y- globe type only), Armstrong, CircuitSolver, or Tour &Anderson. I E. Valve Identification: Provide valves with manufacturer's name (or trademark) and pressure rating clearly marked on the valve body. F. Operators: Provide handwheels, fastened to valve stem, for valves other than quarter- turn. Provide lever handle for quarter-turn valves, other than plug valves. Provide one wrench for every 10 plug valves, and one in each size. Provide extended levers/stems for I valves on insulated lines. For manual valves 2 1/2" and larger located 8 feet above the floor in mechanical rooms provide chain operator to permit operating the valve from 4'-0" above floor. I G. Valve Features: 1 . General: Provide valves with features indicated and, where not otherwise indicated, provide proper valve features. Comply with ASME B31 .9 for building services piping, I and ASME B31 .1 for power piping. 2. Drain: Comply with MSS SP-45, and provide threaded pipe plugs. 3. Flanged: Valve flanges complying with ASME B16.1 (cast iron),ASME B16.5 (steel), or ASME B16.24 (bronze). 4. Threaded: Valve ends complying with ANSI B2.1. 5. Solder-Joint: Valve ends complying with ASME B16.18. I 6. Flangeless: Valve bodies manufactured to fit between flanges complying with ASME B16.1 (cast iron), ASME B16.5 (steel), or ASME B16.24 (bronze). I2.4 DOMESTIC PLUMBING SERVICE VALVES A. Ball Valves: i 1 . 2" and Smaller: 600 psi, 2 piece, bronze body, soldered ends for copper pipe and threaded ends for iron pipe, chrome plated brass ball,Teflon seat, brass stem, steel handle, full port, low lead compliant. Apollo Lead Free #77CLF Series or equal. B. Butterfly Valves: 1 . 2-1 /2" and Larger: MSS SP-67, lug wafer, ductile iron body, stainless steel disc, stainless steel stem, EPDM seat, low lead compliant, memory stop control, lever handle thru 5" size and worm gear operator for 6" and larger. Mount stem in I horizontal position. Apollo #LD141 /WD141 Series or equal. C. Check Valves: 1 . 2" and Smaller: Class 125, MSS SP-80, ASTM B62 and ASTM B16, cast bronze body, soldered ends for copper pipe, screwed cap, swing type, Teflon bronze disc, low lead compliant. Apollo Lead Free #163LF Series or equal. I 11 Print Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 7 of 24 Tigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES Glumac 1 2. 2-1 /2" and Larger: Class 125, MSS SP-71, ASTM A126 class B cast iron body, bolted bonnet flanged ends, bolted cap, swing type, cast iron disc with bronze face rings, low lead compliant. Apollo Lead Free #910F Series or equal. 3. Vertical or High Flow: Class 125, cast bronze, high-flow body, TFE seat, brass check, low lea compliant, stainless steel guide and spring. Apollo Lead Free #61 LF Series or equal 2.5 HOT WATER BALANCING VALVES: A. 1 /2" and Larger: Parrafin type self-adjusting balancing valve. ThermOmegaTech Circuit I Solver, or equal. 2.6 BACKFLOW PREVENTION VALVES I A. General: All backflow prevention valves shall be State approved and listed. B. Reduced Pressure Principal Backflow Prevention Assembly for High Hazard Applications: 1 . 2" and Smaller: Assembly shall consist of shutoff ball valves in inlet and outlet, and strainer on inlet. Assemblies shall include test cocks and pressure-differential relief valve located between two positive seating check valves and shall comply with requirements of ASSE Standard 1013 and AWWA C506. Bronze construction, threaded ends, stainless steel internal parts, and air gap fitting. Route pipe from air gap fitting to approved waste receptor. Apollo Lead Free #RP4ALF Series valve with #AGD4A air gap fitting. C. Double Check Valve for Low Hazard Applications: I 1 . 2" and Smaller: Assembly shall consist of shutoff ball valves in inlet and outlet, and strainer on inlet. Assemblies shall include test cocks and two positive seating check valves and shall comply with requirements of ASSE Standard 1015 and AWWA C510. Bronze construction, threaded ends, and stainless steel internal parts. Apollo Lead Free #DC4ALF Series or equal. D. Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker: Assembly shall consist of a bronze vacuum breaker body with silicone disc, and full size orifice. Device shall be IAPMO listed, meet ASSE 1001 and ANSI Al 13.1.1. Chrome plated in finish areas. Apollo Lead Free 38LF Series. I E. Pressure Vacuum Breaker: Assembly shall consist of a one piece bronze or stainless steel body, with stainless steel spring loaded check, rubber diaphragm, and atmospheric vent, (j breakaway set screw. Provide chrome plated in finish areas. Apollo#4A-PVB Series or !� equal. 2.7 PRESSURE REDUCING VALVES 11 A. Single seated, direct operated type; high capacity, having bronze body with strainer, by- pass feature, pressure gauge tappings and complying with requirements of ASSE Standard 1003. Select proper size for maximum flow rate and fail-off at inlet and outlet pressure indicated. Apollo Lead Free #36HLF Series or equal by Watts or Cash Acme. B. Single seated, pilot operated globe valve type having ductile iron body with FDA approved epoxy coating inside and out, with Y strainer, stainless steel seat, FDA approved diaphragm, copper control tubing, pressure gauge tappings and complying with Print Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 8 of 24 I i Tigard9 High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES IGlumac requirements of ANSI Standard Al 12.26.2. Select proper size for maximum flow rate and I fall-off at inlet and outlet pressure indicated. Apollo #A108 series or equal by Watts or Cash Acme. 2.8 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES IA. Pressure Relief Valve: Lead free bronze body construction, thermostat and test lever, and initial pressure relief set at 125 psi (adjust for system requirements). Certified to meet IASME low pressure heating boiler code. B. Manufacturers: Watts #LF3L, Cash Acme#LFF-95 Series or equal. i2.9 TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES 1 A. Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve: Lead free bronze body construction, thermostat and test lever, temperature relief set at 210°F, and pressure relief set at 125 psi. Certified I to meet ASME low pressure heating boiler code and ANSI Z21 .22. iB. Manufacturers: Watts #LF Series (100XL, 40, 140, N240, 340), Cash Acme #FVX Series or equal. 2.10 VACUUM RELIEF VALVES A. Vacuum Relief Valve: Lead free brass body construction, protective cap, 1 /2" male NPT, maximum operating temperature 250°F. Tested and rated to ANSI Z21 .22. I B. Manufacturers: Watts #LFN36 Series, Cash Acme #VR-801, or equal. 111 2.1 1 THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVE ASSEMBLY - MASTER MIXING VALVE IA. See section 223400 Domestic Hot Water Heating Equipment 2.12 THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVE ASSEMBLY - POINT OF USE IA. Mixing valve assembly shall be ASSE 1070 (Performance Requirements for Water Temperature Limiting Devices) compliant with adjustable and lockable means to limit the hot water temperature setting. IB. Manufacturers: Leonard #LF Series or equal. i2.13 WATER METERS A. Water meter shall have a mechanical drive with hermetically sealed registers; meter shall be equal to or exceed AWWA Standards and shall have an all bronze case. Meter shall also Print Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 9 of 24 Tigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES Glumac include "dual-output" capability using a programmable frequency pulse output compatible with BAS (Building Automation System) integration. Coordinate BAS integration requirements with BAS Controls Installer for monitoring and trend logging of water use (gallons). Provide water meter with shutoff valves on each side of meter. Provide flanges on valves and support stands or wall brackets for meter support. Meter shall be approved for use by local water district. I B. Manufacturers: Hersey Products, Niagara, Rockwell, Neptune or equal. 2.14 SOLENOID VALVES I A. UL listed, globe pattern bronze valve with threaded ends, stainless steel pilot, bronze piston, malleable iron solenoid assembly with 1 /2" tapped conduit connections and Class "A" coil, 120 Volt, 60 Hertz. Solenoid valve shall be wired to the Fire Alarm System. The valve shall close instantly on application of current and open when de-energized. 2.1 5 THERMOMETERS AND GAUGES A. General: 1 . Certification: Provide meters and gauges whose accuracies, under specified operating conditions, are certified by manufacturer. 2. No mercury shall be used in thermometers due to hazardous material classification. 3. Acceptable Manufacturers: Weksler, Winters, Trerice, Marshalltown or US Gauge. B. Thermometers: 1. Bi-Metal Type: Provide bi-metal glass thermometers of materials, capacities, and ranges indicated, designed and constructed in service indicated. Accuracy shall be 1% +/- full scale with adjustable recalibration. 111 a. Case: Type 300 series stainless steel, hermetically sealed, glass window, 3" diameter dial, with adjustable angle. b. Adjustable Joint: Die cast aluminum, finished to match case, 180° adjustment in vertical plane, 360°adjustment in horizontal plane, with locking device. 11/ c. Scale: Satin faced, non-reflective aluminum, permanently etched markings. d. Stem: Stainless steel, adjustable angle socket, length to suit installation. 2. Glass Thermometer: Provide adjustable angle 9" thermometer of materials, capacities and ranges as appropriate to medium being measured and designed and constructed for service indicated. Accuracy to be 1% +/- of full scale. a. Case: Aluminum or Valox111 b. Temperature Sensitive Gage Liquid: Organic non-toxic. No mercury permitted. c. Scale: Aluminum painted white with black markings. d. Connection: 1 /2" NPT with thermowell or 1-1 /4" UNF swivel nut without thermowell. 3. Conform to the following temperature ranges: a. Hot Water: 20°F - 240°F with 2°F scale divisions. b. Cold Water: -40°F - 160°F with 2°F scale divisions. C. Thermometer Test Wells: 1 . Provide thermometer test wells as indicated, constructed of brass or stainless steel, 111 pressure rated to match piping system design pressure. Provide 2" extension for Print Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 10 of 24 ITigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES IGlumac insulated piping. Provide cap nut with chain fastened permanently to thermometer I well. D. Temperature Gauge Connector Plugs: 1 . Provide temperature gauge connector plugs pressure rated for 500 psi and 200°F I (93°C). Construct of brass and finish in nickel-plate, equip with 1 /2" NPS fitting, with self-sealing valve core type neoprene gasketed orifice suitable for inserting 1 /8" OD probe assembly from dial type insertion thermometer. Equip orifice with gasketed I screw cap and chain. Provide extension, length equal to insulation thickness, for insulated piping. E. Pressure Gauges: I 1 . General: Provide pressure gauges of materials, capacities, and ranges indicated, designed and constructed for use in service indicated. 2. Type: General use, 1%accuracy ANSI B40.1 grade A, phosphor bronze bourbon type, I bottom connection. 3. Case: Drawn steel or brass, glass lens, 4-1 /2"diameter. 4. Connector: Brass with 11/a" male NPT. 5. Scale: White coated aluminum, with permanently etched markings. I 6. Pressure differential range shall be 100 psig minimum for the appropriate application with maximum 1 psig divisions. F. Pressure Gauge Cocks: 1 . General: Provide pressure gauge cocks between pressure gauges and gauge tees on piping systems. Gauge cock constructed of brass with 1 /4" female NPT on each end, and "T" handle brass plug. 2. Syphon: 1 /4" straight coil constructed of brass tubing with 1 /4" male NPT on each I end. 3. Snubber: 1 /4" brass bushing with corrosion resistant porous metal disc, through which pressure fluid is filtered. Select disc material for fluid served and pressure Irating. G. Pressure Gauge Connector Test Plugs: 1 . Provide pressure gauge connector plugs pressure rated for 500 psi and 200°F (93°C). Constructed of brass and finish in nickel-plate, equip with 1 /2" NPS fitting, with self-sealing valve core type neoprene gasketed orifice suitable for inserting 1 /8" O.D. probe assembly from dial type insertion pressure gauge. Equip orifice with gasketed screw cap and chain. Provide extension, length equal to insulation thickness, for I insulated piping. I2.16 PIPING SPECIALTIES A. General: I 1 . Provide factory-fabricated piping specialties recommended by manufacturer for use in service indicated. Provide piping specialties of types and pressure ratings indicated for each service, or provide proper selection to comply with installation requirements. Provide sizes as indicated, and connections, which properly mate with pipe, tube, and I equipment connections. Where more than one type is indicated, selection is installer's option. I IPrint Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 11 of 24 Tigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES Glumac B. Pipe Escutcheons: 1 . Provide pipe escutcheons as specified herein with inside diameter closely fitting pipe outside diameter, or outside of pipe insulation where pipe is insulated. Select outside diameter of escutcheon to completely cover pipe penetration hole in floors, walls, or ceilings; and pipe sleeve extension, if any. Furnish pipe escutcheons with nickel or chrome finish for occupied areas, prime zinc base paint finish for unoccupied areas. 2. Pipe Escutcheons for Moist Areas: For waterproof floors, and areas where water and condensation can be expected to accumulate, provide stainless steel, cast brass or sheet brass escutcheons, solid or split hinged. 3. Pipe Escutcheons for Dry Areas: Provide stainless steel escutcheons, solid or split hinged. C. Low Pressure Y-Type Pipeline Strainers: 1 . Provide strainers full line size of connecting piping, with ends matching piping system materials. Select strainers for 125%of the working pressure of piping system, with Type 304 stainless steel screens, with 3/64"perforations at 233 0.045" perforations per square inch. 2. Threaded ends, 2" and smaller: Cast-iron body, screwed screen retainer with centered blowdown fitted with hose bibb. Sarco, Wheatley or Mueller. 111 3. Flanged ends, 2-1 /2" and larger: Cast-iron body, bolted screen retainer with off-center blowdown fitted with hose bibb. Sarco, Wheatley or Mueller. 4. Grooved ends 2 % and larger: Ductile iron body, bolted screen retainer with off center blowdown fitted with hose bibb. Victaulic or Gustin-Bacon. D. Drip Pans: 1 . Provide drip pans fabricated from 16-gauge galvanized sheet metal with watertight joints, and with edges turned up 2-1 /2". Reinforce top by structural angles. Provide hole, gasket, and flange at low point for watertight joint and 1" copper drain line connection. Extend 1" drain to nearest approved receptor. E. Air Vent with Valves: 1 . Cold water and hot water vent valve with 1 /4 turn ball shut-off valve. Tapped at top for 1 /8" or 1 /4" NPT drain connection. Removable top and built-in check valve. Maximum operating pressure 75 psi. Maximum operating temperature 250°F. Hoffman #79, Dole #75 or equal. I F. Dielectric Unions: 1 . Provide standard products recommended by manufacturer for use in service indicated, which effectively isolate ferrous from non-ferrous piping (electrical conductance), prevent galvanic action, and stop corrosion. G. Dielectric Flanges: Provide dielectric flanges for flanged transitions between dissimilar 1 metal piping. Watts Series 3100 or approved equal. H. Unions: 1 . Unions shall be of type specified in following schedule: a. Black Steel, 2" and smaller: 250 lb. screwed malleable iron,ground joint, brass to iron seat. b. Black Steel, 2-1 /2" and larger: 1 50 lb. cast iron screwed flanged, flat faced, full faced gasket. Print Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 12 of 24 1. Tigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES Glumac c. Soldered Copper or Brass Pipe, 2" and smaller: 1 50 lb. cast bronze or copper, ground joint, non-ferrous seat with soldered ends. d. Screwed Copper or Brass Pipe, 2" and smaller: 1 50 lb. cast brass, ground joint, brass to brass seat, with threaded ends. e. Flanged Copper or Brass Pipe, 2-1 /2" and larger: two (2) 1 50 lb. cast bronze flanges. f. Manufacturer: EPCO, Mueller, Stanley G. Flagg or Watts. I. Flanges: 1 . Provide flanges at flanged connections to equipment, tanks and valves. Faces of flanges being connected shall be alike in all cases. Connection of raised-face flange to flat-faced flange not permitted. 2. Use ASTM A307, Grade B, bolts and nuts for cast iron flanges and ASTM A193 for steel flanges. Regular square head unfinished bolts with heavy semi-finished hex nuts ASTM Al 94. Cadmium plated where exposed to weather. Rating: 1 50 lb. or 300 lb. in high pressure portions. 3. Type of pipe and corresponding flanges as follows: a. Screwed Black Steel Pipelines: 125 lb. black cast iron screwed flange, flat faces. b. Welded Steel Pipe, 150 lb. black forges steel welding flanges, 1 /16" raised fact ASTM Al 81 Grade I. Use flat face when connected to flat faced companion I flange. J. Pipe Sleeves: 1 . Provide fire proof sleeve assemblies utilizing UL rated sealant systems at all fire rated penetrations. For non-rated sleeve penetrations pack the annular space between the pipe and sleeve with fiberglass and/or mastic. 2. Sleeves shall provide a minimum 1 /2" annular clearance around pipe. 3. Sheet metal: Fabricate from galvanized sheet metal; round tube closed with snaplock joint, welded spiral seams, or welded longitudinal joint. Fabricate from the following gauges: 3" and smaller, 20 gauge; 4" to 6", 16 gauge; over 6", 14 gauge. 4. Steel pipe: Fabricate from Schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe; remove burrs. 5. Iron pipe: Fabricate from cast iron or ductile-iron pipe; remove burrs. 6. Plastic and copper pipe: Fabricate from Schedule 80 PVC plastic pipe; remove burrs. 7. Sleeves through interior concrete walls and floors: Telescopic, submerged, adjustable sleeves by Adjust-to-Crete, AMI or Shamrock. Floor sleeves to extend a minimum of 1" above finished floor. 8. Through exterior walls and floor on grade: 1 50-pound class cast-iron pipe sleeve. 11 Where waterproof membranes are used, provide membrane clamps. For insulated piping, sleeve diameter shall not be less than diameter of insulated pipe. 9. Cast-in-place watertight device for protecting penetrating objects from expansion and contraction of concrete. Factory-assembled for use in cast-in-place concrete floors and walls and consisting of two outer sleeves and a one-piece radial extended- flange waterstop gasket, with mid-body seal for embedment and sealing to concrete slab and continuous water seal extending to the penetrating pipe. a. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Hubbard Enterprises/HOLDRITE, Hydro Preseal, or equal. b. Outer Sleeves: EPDM attached to the mid-body seal forming an area with which to attach the device to the structural reinforcing rod determining the position of sleeve in the wall. I Print Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 13 of 24 Tigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES Glumac c. Water Stop Mid-body Seal: Flexible polymer seal with radial extended flange consisting of one to three concentric raised rings which lock into concrete, maintaining seal over time as concrete contracts from sleeve. K. Sleeve Seals: 1 . All sleeves shall be sealed to prevent intrusion of moisture, dust or insects. 2. Underground: For sleeves passing through exterior or foundation walls, provide mechanical link seal assembly. 3. Aboveground: For sleeves passing through walls or floors provide a non-toxic I 3-hour rated fire resistant silicone foam sealant with a Flame Spread Rating of 20. Sealant to be tested and approved under UL 263, ASTM El 19, and NFPA 251 Standards. All fire rated penetrations shall be sealed with approved UL System. 4. Local Approvals: All seals to be provided shall be in accordance with the regulations of all governing agencies of the city, county, and State Fire Marshal's Office. L. Watertight Sleeve-Seal Systems 1 . Wood Decking Description: Cast-in-place, factory-assembled, one-piece watertight firestop device for use in concrete floors formed with wood decking to protect penetrating objects from expansion and contraction of concrete, thermal and seismic movement, and the passage of air, smoke, fire, and hot gasses. a. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Hubbard Enterprises/HOLDRITE, Hydroflame Sleeve, or equal. I b. Consists of an outer sleeve lined with an intumescent strip, and a radial extended flange attached to one end of the sleeve for fastening to concrete formwork. c. Include a waterstop gasket and mid-body seal consisting of one to three concentric raised rings for embedment and sealing to the concrete slab. d. Provide one-hour, two-hour and/or three-hour fire-resistance rated assemblies as required and tested according to ASTM E 814 or ANSI/UL 1479 2. Steel Decking Description: Cast-in-place, factory-assembled, one-piece watertight firestop device for use in floors formed with steel decking to protect penetrating objects from expansion and contraction of concrete, thermal and seismic movement, and the passage of air, smoke, hot gasses and fire. a. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Hubbard Enterprises/HOLDRITE; Hydroflame CMD Metal Deck Device, or equal. b. Consists of an outer sleeve lined with an intumescent strip, and wide outside wings attached to one end of the sleeve for fastening to metal deck concrete formwork and span deck corrugations. c. Includes a cone attached to the base for extending the device through the metal deck and a waterstop gasket and mid-body seal consisting of one to three concentric raised rings for embedment and sealing to the concrete slab. d. Provide one-hour, two-hour and/or three-hour fire-resistance rated assemblies as required and tested according to ASTM E 814 or ANSI/UL 1479. 3. Concrete Description: Cast-in-place, watertight tub box drain block out firestop device for use in floors formed with wood decking to protect penetrating objects from expansion and contraction of concrete, thermal and seismic movement, and the passage of air, smoke and fire, and hot gasses. a. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Hubbard Enterprises/HOLDRITE, Hydroflame Tub Box, or equal. I Print Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 14 of 24 ITigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES 1 Glumac b. Consists of a reinforced polymer box containing a 2-1 /2-inches (63.5 mm) thick I polystyrene foam insert with an upper water seal consisting of absorbent material and a pitched water trough. c. Include a sleeve lined with an intumescent strip, a radial extended flange I attached to one end of the sleeve for fastening to concrete formwork. d. Include two support legs each with a radial extended flange for balance and for fastening to concrete formwork, and a lower water-seal and radial extended flange attached to the lower end of the sleeve for fastening to concrete formwork I and a waterstop gasket with three concentric raised rings for embedment and sealing to the concrete slab. e. Provide one-hour, two-hour and/or three-hour fire-resistance rated assemblies Ias required and tested according to ASTM E 814 or ANSI/UL 1479 M. Valve Boxes: Concrete body, cast iron cover with vandal resistant screws, extensions as I required to extend full depth to valve. Valve box cover lettering shall correspond to the valve service, "Water", "Gas", "Fire", "Sewer", etc. Christy #G8 or equal. I 2.17 PIPE COATING A. Pipe coatings and or wrapping may be required for certain pipe materials where pipes are located in corrosive soils or corrosive air environments. Verify local soil and air conditions I with building department and soils report, when available. Protect all underground buried steel and copper pipe and fittings. Protect all aboveground exposed steel and copper pipe and fittings located in corrosive air environments. Buried cast iron does not require I protection unless specifically required by the AHJ or project Soils Report.Provide pipe protection using one of the following methods: 1 . Twice Wrap 20 Mil. Scotch Wrap PVC No. 51 , 50% overlap. I 2. Prefabricated extruded plastic cover with joints sealed with two coats of 20 Mil. Scotch Wrap No. 51 or Pasco Wrap 20 mil weight. 2.18 EXPANSION COMPENSATORS A. General: Pipe expansion, in general, is to be absorbed in bends, swing joints, expansion loops, and offsets. All piping mains, branches and runouts shall be installed to allow for I free expansion and contraction without developing leaks or undue stressing of pipe. Stresses shall be within allowable limits of ASME B31.1 for pressure piping. Vertical piping for domestic hot water, chilled water, heating water, steam and steam condensate shall be 1 provided with expansion joints at each floor. Expansion products to conform to the standards of the Expansion Joint Manufacturer's Association. Expansion joints shall not required packing. Installer shall select materials and pressure/temperature ratings to suit I intended service. Select packless expansion joints to provide 1 50%absorption capacity of calculated maximum piping expansion between anchors. All connections shall have ends to match piping system application. 0 B. Expansion Compensators (Pipe Compression and Extension): Multiple stainless steel bellows and stainless steel liner with shroud and end fittings. Keflex #31 1 series or approved equal. IC. Flexible Expansion Joint/Seismic Connector for Steel Pipe: Stainless steel hose and braid, 180° return, CSA approved, and end fittings. Metraflex #Metraloop or approved equal. a IPrint Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 15 of 24 Tigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES Glumac I D. Flexible Connection for Steel Pipe (Piping and Equipment Located Outside the Building): Stainless steel hose and braid, with threaded or flanged ends. Metraflex #SST or approved equal. E. Flexible Connection for Copper Pipe: Bronze hose and braid, copper tube ends. Metraflex #BBS or approved equal. I F. Flexible Connection for Cast Iron Pipe: Stainless steel T with brass cleanout plugs and stainless steel flex hose. Metraflex MLFILP16####series or approved equal. 1 . For non-critical pump connections. Furnish with fluorelastomer tube and cover to ASTM D2000 Grade 1 HK710. The body shall be reinforced with rectangular body rings and six bias plies of fiberglass/kevlar fabric rated 190#/26" vacuum at 250°F. Provide galvanized flat (not L shaped) back up rings and control rods to limit maximum axial extension. Garlock #206 EZ-FLO or approved equal. 2. Flexible Ball Pipe Joints: Provide flexible ball pipe joints where indicated for piping systems, with materials and pressure/temperature ratings selected by installer to suit intended service. Design joints for 360° rotation, and with minimum of 50°angular flexing movement for sizes 1 /4"to 4". Provide two composition gaskets for each joint. Barco or approved equal. G. Pipe Alignment Guides: Provide pipe alignment guides on both sides of expansion joints, and elsewhere as indicated on drawings. Guide shall be of carbon steel construction with split guiding cylinder and integral anchor base and internal four finger two-piece spider. Cylinder wall thickness shall be equal to schedule 40 wall thickness of pipe being guided. Spider shall be capable of clamping directly to pipe and moving only in an axial direction while inside cylinder. Anchoring directly to building substrate. Metraflex #Style IV or equal. H. Expansion Loops: Provide field fabricated pipe expansion loops as detailed on the I drawings or in place of mechanical expansion joints. 2.19 FIRE PROTECTION VALVES: A. Refer to Section 211000. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL I A. Workmanship shall be performed by licensed journeymen or master mechanics and shall result in an installation consistent with the best practices of trades. B. Install work uniform, level and plumb, in relationship to lines of building. Do not install any diagonal, or otherwise irregular work unless so indicated on Drawings or approved by Architect. I 3.2 MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS A. Follow manufacturers' directions and recommendations in all cases where the manufacturers of articles used on this Contract furnish directions covering points not shown on the Drawings or covered in these Specifications. Print Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 16 of 24 Tigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES Glumac 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Coordinate the work between the various Plumbing Sections and with the work specified under other Divisions of the work or contracts toward rapid completion of the entire project. If any cooperative work must be altered due to lack of proper supervision or failure to make proper provisions in time, then the work hereunder shall include all expenses of such changes as are necessary in the work under other contracts, and such changes shall be directly supervised by and made to the satisfaction of the Owner's Representative. B. The cooperative work not included in the Plumbing Division related to the general construction work is as follows: 1 . All formed concrete work. 2. Framed openings in masonry and other Architectural and Structural elements. 3. Wood grounds and nailing strips in masonry and concrete. 4. Sloping of floors to drains and floor sinks. 5. Sloping of roof-to-roof drains and overflow drains. C. Inspect all material, equipment, and apparatus upon delivery and do not install any that may be subject to rejection as a result of damage or other defects. Provide tarps and vequipment d dte D. Installationisqueen ofcover backflowtoprotect prevention devicesanmountedpiping moreelivered than to and 5 sfeet above oredatthe thesitfloor shall be provided with a permanent platform capable of supporting a tester or maintenance person. 3.4 WORKING PRESSURES A. All fittings, valves, pipe, specialties equipment shall be rated for the working pressure subjected in the installed locations. B. Drawings indicate working pressure in each system. The rating of the equipment and material shall not be less than that of the system pressures. 3.5 PIPES SIZES TO EQUIPMENT A. General: Pipe sizes indicated shall be carried full size to equipment served. Any change of size to match equipment connection shall be made within one foot of equipment. B. At temperature control valves with sizes smaller than connected lines, reduction shall be made immediately adjacent to valve. 3.6 PIPING INSTALLATION A. General: Install pipes and pipe fittings in accordance with recognized industry practices which will achieve permanently leakproof piping systems, capable of performing each indicated service without piping failure. Install each run with minimum joints or couplings, but with adequate and accessible unions for disassembly and maintenance or replacement of valves and equipment. Reduce sizes (where indicated) by use of reducing fittings. Align piping accurately at connections, within 1 /16" misalignment tolerance. Comply with ASME B31 Code for Pressure Piping. Print Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 17 of 24 Tigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES Glumac I B. Locate piping runs, except as otherwise indicated, vertically and horizontally (pitched to drain) and avoid diagonal runs wherever possible. Orient horizontal runs parallel with walls and column lines. Locate runs as shown or described by diagrams, details, and notations or, if not otherwise indicated, run piping in shortest route which does not obstruct space or block access for servicing building and its equipment. Hold piping close to walls, overhead construction, and other structural and permanent-enclosure elements of building. Limit clearance to 1 /2" where furring is shown for enclosure or concealment of piping, but allow for insulation thickness, if any. Where possible, locate insulated piping for 1" clearance outside insulation. Whenever possible in finished and occupied spaces, conceal piping from view, by locating in column enclosures, in hollow wall construction, or above suspended ceilings. Do not encase horizontal runs in solid partitions, except as indicated. C. Where buried piping, such as domestic cold water, transitions into a building-on-grade the piping shall not penetrate the slab or perimeter structure and must extend vertically a minimum of 12"above finished floor level before penetrating the exterior perimeter wall. D. Elevator Machine Rooms, Switchgear, Generator,Telecommunications, Telephone Rooms, and Electrical Equipment Spaces: Do not run piping through transformer vaults and other 111 electrical or electronic equipment spaces and enclosures unless unavoidable. Install drip pan under piping that must be run through electrical spaces. Route drip pan drain piping to floor drain, floor sink or other approved receptor. E. Install air vents, with shutoff valves, in all closed water systems at high points of systems and at any other point necessary to free system of air. A shut-off valve shall be provided in riser to each vent valve to facilitate servicing. A 1 /4" or 3/8" type "L" copper tubing drain line shall be run to drain receptor to carry away water that valve discharges. 3.7 SLEEVE INSTALLATION I A. Install sleeves for piping passing through penetrations in floors, partitions, roofs, and walls. I B. For sleeves that will have sleeve-seal system installed, select sleeves of size large enough to provide 1-inch (25-mm) minimum annular clear space between piping and concrete slabs and walls. 1 . When cast-in-place watertight sleeve seals are required, select sleeve size to match the size and type of pipe to be installed. 2. Sleeves are not required for core-drilled holes. C. Install sleeves in concrete floors, concrete roof slabs, and concrete walls as new slabs and walls are constructed. 1 1 . Cut sleeves to length for mounting flush with both surfaces. a. Exception: Extend sleeves installed in floors of mechanical equipment areas or other wet areas 2 inches (50 mm) minimum above finished floor level. 2. Using grout, seal the space outside of sleeves in slabs and walls without sleeve-seal system. D. Install sleeves for pipes passing through interior partitions. I Print Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 18 of 24 iTigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES IGlumac 1 . Cut sleeves to length for mounting flush with both surfaces. II 2. Install sleeves that are large enough to provide 1 /4-inch (6.4-mm) annular clear space between sleeve and pipe or pipe insulation. 3. Seal annular space between sleeve and piping or piping insulation; use joint sealants I appropriate for size, depth, and location of joint. Comply with requirements for sealants specified in Division 07 Section "Joint Sealants." 4. Fire-Barrier Penetrations: Maintain indicated fire rating of walls, partitions, ceilings, and floors at pipe penetrations. Seal pipe penetrations with firestop materials. I Comply with requirements for firestopping specified in Division 07 Section "Penetration Firestopping". Exception: When fire-resistance-rated cast-in-place watertight sleeve seals are required for floor penetrations, additional firestopping is Inot necessary. 3.8 SLEEVE-SEAL-SYSTEM INSTALLATION IA. Install sleeve-seal systems in sleeves in exterior concrete walls and slabs-on-grade at service piping entries into building. I B. Select type, size, and number of sealing elements required for piping material and size and for sleeve ID or hole size. Position piping in center of sleeve. Center piping in penetration, assemble sleeve-seal system components, and install in annular space I between piping and sleeve. Tighten bolts against pressure plates that cause sealing elements to expand and make a watertight seal. I C. Aboveground, Cast-in-Place Watertight Sleeves. Select sleeve size based on pipe size and material to be inserted, and thickness of wall. 1. Install cast-in-place watertight sleeves for pipes NPS 6 (DN 1 50) and smaller in Idiameter. 2. Position cast-in-place water tight sleeve in wall space securing sleeve to reinforcing steel using tie wire. D. Underground, Exterior-Wall, Cast-in-Place Watertight Penetrations. Select sleeve size based on pipe size and material to be inserted, and thickness of wall. 1 . Install cast-in-place watertight sleeves for pipes NPS 6 (DN 150) and smaller in Idiameter. 2. Secure sleeve to the reinforcing steel using tie wire. I E. Fire-Resistance Rated, Cast-in-Place Sleeve Installation: Select sleeve size based on size and type of pipe and thickness of the floor. Position and secure sleeve to concrete form using nails or staples. Place concrete, and finish even with top of sleeve. I3.9 WELDING I A. Qualifications of Welders: Welders performing work under this Contract shall be certified and qualified in accordance with tests prescribed by the National Certified Welding Bureau (NCWB) or by other approved test procedures using methodology and procedures covered in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, "Qualification Standard for I Welding and Brazing Procedures, Welders, Brazers, and Welding and Brazing Operators". Installation shall conform to ANSI 31 .1 "Power Piping". 1. Submit for approval the names, identification, and welder's assigned number, letter or Isymbol of welders assigned to this project. IPrint Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 19 of 24 Tigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES Glumac I 2. The assigned identification symbol shall be used to identify the work of each welder and shall be indelibly stamped immediately upon completion of each weld. 3. Welders shall be tested and certified for all positions. 4. Submit identifying stenciled test coupons made by each operator. 5. Any or all welders may be required to retake welding certification tests without additional expense. 111 6. When so requested, a welder shall not be permitted to work as a welder on this project until he has been recertified in accordance with NCWB. 7. Recertification of the welder shall be made after the welder has taken and passed the required tests. 8. Where piping 1-1 /2 inches and smaller is butt or socket welded, submit 3 samples of test welds for approval. I 3.10 PIPING SYSTEM JOINTS A. All piping shall be cut squarely, free of rough edges and reamed to full bore. Piping shall I be mechanically cleaned prior to make-up of joints and fully inserted into fittings. B. Provide joints of type indicated in each piping system. I C. Thread pipe in accordance with ANSI B2.1. Cut threads full and clean using sharp dies. Ream threaded ends to remove burrs and restore full inside diameter. Remove excess cutting oil from piping prior to assembly. Apply pipe joint compound, or pipe joint tape (Teflon) where recommended by pipe/fitting manufacturer, on male threads at each joint and tighten joint to leave not more than 3 threads exposed. I D. Solder copper tube and fitting joints with lead free nickel/silver bearing solder meeting ASTM. B-32, in accordance with IAPMO IS 3-93, ASTM B-828 and Copper Development Association recommended procedures. Joints shall be cleaned by other than chemical means prior to assembly. "Shock" cooling is prohibited. Fluxes shall be applied liberally to the outside of the pipe and the solder cup of the fitting. Fluxes shall be water soluble for copper and brass potable water applications, and shall meet CDA standard test method 1.0 and ASTM B813-91 . Solder shall be applied until a full fillet is present around the joint. Solder and flux shall not be applied in such excessive quantities as to run down interior of pipe. Lead solder or corrosive flux shall not be present at the jobsite. 1 . Manufacturers: a. Solder:JW Harris "Bridgit" or Englehard "Silvabrite 100". b. Flux: Laco "Flux-Rite 90", MW Dunton "Nokorode CDA Flux", Hercules "Fluid Action Solder Flux". E. Piping shall be capped during construction to prevent entry of foreign material. F. Weld pipe joints in accordance with recognized industry practice and as follows: 1 . Weld pipe joints only when ambient temperature is above 0°F. 2. Bevel pipe ends at a 37.5° angle where possible, smooth rough cuts, and clean to remove slag, metal particles, and dirt. 3. Use pipe clamps or tack-weld joints with 1" long welds, 4 welds for pipe sizes to 10", 8 welds for pipe sizes 12" to 20". 4. Build up welds with stringer-bead pass, followed by hot pass, followed by cover or filler pass. Eliminate valleys at center and at edges of each weld. Weld by procedures Print Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 20 of 24 iTigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES IGlumac which will ensure elimination of unsound or unfused metal, cracks, oxidation, I blow-holes, and non-metallic inclusions. 5. Do not weld out piping system imperfections bytack-weldingprocedures. Refabricate to comply with requirements. I 6. At Installer's option, install forged branch-connection fittings whenever branch pipe is indicated, or install regular T-fitting. G. Flanged Joints: Match flanges within piping system, and at connections with valves and I equipment. Clean flange faces and install gaskets. Tighten bolts to provide uniform compression of gaskets. I H. Cast-Iron Joints: Comply with coupling manufacturer's Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute Standards and installation instructions. I3.11 VALVES A. General: Except as otherwise indicated, comply with the following requirements: I 1 . Install valves where required for proper operation of piping and equipment, including valves in branch lines where necessary to isolate sections of piping. Locate valves so as to be accessible and so that separate support can be provided as necessary. 2. Install valves on all services connected to kitchen equipment. 111 3. Install valves, except butterfly valves, with stems pointed up, in vertical position where possible, but in no case with stems pointed downward from horizontal plane without prior written approval. Install valve drains with hose-end adapter for each I valve that must be installed with stem below horizontal plane. 4. Install butterfly valves with stems mounted horizontally. 5. All valves mounted higher than 7' above floor in mechanical rooms and where I indicated shall be installed with stem horizontal and equipped with chain wheels and chains extending to 6' above floor. II B. Insulation: Where insulation is indicated, install extended-stem valves, arranged in proper manner to receive insulation. C. Selection of Valve Ends (Pipe Connections): Except as otherwise indicated, select and I install valves with the following ends of types of pipe/tube connections: 1 . Copper Pipe, 2-1 /2" and Smaller: Soldered-joint valves. 2. Steel Pipe, 2" and Smaller: Threaded joint valves. I 3. Larger Pipe Sizes: One of the following, at installer's option: a. Flanged valves. b. Lug valves. ID. Non-Metallic Disc: Limit selection and installation of valves with non-metallic discs to locations indicated and where foreign material in piping system can be expected to Iprevent tight shutoff of metal seated valves. E. Renewable Seats: Select and install valves with renewable seats, except where otherwise Iindicated. F. Fluid Control: Except as otherwise indicated, install gate, ball, plug, circuit setter, globe, and butterfly valves to comply with ASME B31.9. I IPrint Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 21 of 24 Tigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES Glumac 1 G. Swing Check Valves: Install in horizontal position with hinge pin horizontally perpendicular to center line of pipe. Install for proper direction of flow. H. Wafer Check: Install between 2 flanges in horizontal or vertical position. I. Valve Adjustment: After piping systems have been tested and put into service, but before I final testing, adjusting, and balancing, inspect each valve for possible leaks. Adjust or replace packing to stop leaks, replace valve if leak persists. J. Valve Identification: Tag each valve in accordance with "Mechanical Identification" section. K. Cleaning: Clean factory-finished surfaces. Repair marred or scratched surfaces with manufacturer's touch-up paint. 3.12 TEMPERATURE GAUGES A. General: Install temperature gauges in vertical upright position, and tilted so as to be easily read by observer standing on floor without supplemental illumination. All gages to be installed with snubbers to absorb system shock. B. Install in the following locations, and elsewhere as indicated: 1 . At outlet of hot water heaters. I 3.13 MECHANICAL SLEEVE SEALS A. Loosely assemble rubber links around pipe with bolts and pressure plates located under each bolt head and nut. Push into sleeve and center. Tighten bolts until links have expanded to form a watertight seal. B. Fire Barrier Penetration Seals: Fill entire opening with sealing compound in compliance approved and listed UL system number. Adhere to manufacturer's installation instructions. 3.14 SUPPORTS AND HANGERS (See 220500-BASIC PLUMBING MATERIALS AND METHODS) 3.1 5 EQUIPMENT RAILS AND PIPE PORTALS A. Install per manufacturer's instructions. I B. Coordinate with other trades so units are installed when roofing is being installed. C. Verify roof insulation thickness and adjust raise of cant to match. I 3.16 EXPANSION LOOPS A. Expansion Loops: Fabricate expansion loops as indicated, in locations indicated, and elsewhere as determined by installer for adequate expansion of installed piping system. Subject loop to cold spring which will absorb 50%of total expansion between hot and cold conditions. Provide pipe anchors and pipe alignment guides as indicated, and elsewhere as determined by installer to properly anchor piping in relationship to expansion loops. I Print Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 22 of 24 ITigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES IGlumac B. Expansion Compensation for Risers and Terminals: Install connection between piping mains and risers with at least five pipe fittings including tee in main. Install connections I between piping risers and terminal units with at least four pipe fittings including tee in riser. I3.17 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL A. Underground piping shall be installed in stable, open trench work. Trench excavations I shall be a minimum of 16"wide, true to line and grade. Contractor shall exercise all due shoring and safety procedures. No stones larger than 1" may be present in the trench to a minimum depth of 4" below the trench bottom. The trench shall be free of job site debris, I and free of corrosive media. Pipe crown shall be not less than 24" below the finished ground surface for metallic pipe, and 30" for non-metallic pipe, unless otherwise indicated on the drawings or directed by the Architect. Trenches shall be kept free of excess moisture, and shall be kept open for only a short a time as necessary for installation, I testing and inspection. Dispose of surplus excavation and seepage water. B. Piping shall be properly bedded and backfilled over stable trench bottom to a level of at I least 12" above the pipe crown with thin layers of unwashed sand, dampened but not puddle, and free of organic or corrosive materials and excessive moisture. Backfill shall be placed in thin layers not to exceed 6" and tamped by mechanical tampers to a minimum I 90% Modified Proctor Density, in accordance with ASTM D-1 557-58T. trenches shall be backfilled to a minimum depth of 36" prior to being wheel loaded. Replace to their original condition all turf, plants, concrete, asphalt, or other improvements which I constitute landscaping, traffic areas or other improved areas which become disturbed by excavation. In graded and undeveloped areas, in addition to procedures specified above, backfill trenches with crown 8" above the surrounding surface. I3.18 PIPE INSPECTIONS A. Inspection - Below Grade: All piping installed below grade shall be inspected prior to I burial by the Owner's Representative. Contractor must notify Owner's Representative no less than 24 working hours prior to inspection time. Should the piping be buried prior to inspection the contractor may be requested to uncover the piping at no delay to the Iproject and at no additional cost to the Owner. B. Inspection - Above Grade: All piping installed above grade shall be made available for I inspection upon completion and prior to finish of walls and ceilings. Contractor must notify Owner's Representative no less than 24 working hours prior to the desired inspection time. Should the piping be hidden within the structure prior to inspection the contractor may be requested to uncover the piping at no delay to the project and at no Iadditional cost to the Owner. 3.19 CLEANING, FLUSHING, DISINFECTING IA. General: Clean exterior surfaces of installed piping systems of superfluous materials, and prepare for application of specified coatings (if any). IB. Flush out piping systems with clean water before proceeding with required tests. Inspect each run of each system for completion of joints, supports, and accessory items. I IPrint Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 23 of 24 Tigard High School Modernization 22 10 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING PIPING, VAVLES AND SPECIALTIES Glumac I C. Inspect pressure piping in accordance with procedures of ASME B31. D. Disinfect water mains and water service piping in accordance with Section 220500. 1 3.20 TESTING A. Provide all tests specified hereinafter. All tests shall meet or exceed the minimum requirements of applicable codes and local ordinances. Provide all test equipment, including test pumps, gauges, instruments, and other equipment required. Test all rotational equipment for proper direction of rotation. Upon completion of testing, certify to the Architect, in writing, that the specified tests have been performed and that the installation complies with the specified requirements and provide a report of the test observations signed by qualified inspector. B. Piping: Remove from the system, during testing, all equipment which would be damaged by test pressure. Replace removed equipment when testing has been accomplished. The system may be tested in sections as the work progresses; however, any previously tested portion shall become a part of any latter test of a composite system. Correct leaks by remaking joints with new material. C. Test time will be accrued only while full test pressure is on the system, unless indicated otherwise. "Tolerance" shall be no pressure drop, except that due to temperature change in a 24-hour period. Inspect and test all work prior to burying or concealing. Test pressure shall be one and one-half times the system operating pressure or the listed test pressure below, whichever is greater: System Test Medium Test Pressure Tolerance-Test Period Domestic Water Water 1 50 psig None - 8 hours111 Sanitary Sewer (non- Water 10 ft head (or 5 psi air) No leaks - 8 hours plastic) Vent (non-plastic) Air 5 psi No leaks - 8 hours �- Sanitary Sewer (plastic) Water 10 ft head No leaks - 8 hours Vent (plastic) Water 10 ft head No leaks - 8 hours Storm Water 10 ft head (or 5 psi air) No leaks - 8 hours Automatic Fire Water 200 psig None - 8 hours D. Valves: Test all valve bonnets for tightness. Test operate all valves at least once from closed-to-open-to-closed position while valve is under test pressure. Test all automatic valves, including solenoid valves, and temperature and pressure relief valves, safety valves, and temperature and pressure relief valves not less than three (3) times. E. Piping Specialties: Test all thermometers, pressure gauges, and water meters for accurate indication; automatic water feeders, air vents, trap primers, and vacuum breakers for proper performance. Test all air vent points to ensure that all air has been vented. I F. Backflow Preventers: Each testable backflow prevention device shall be tested and approved by certified testers after installation. Submit test results. I END OF SECTION 1 Print Date:3/20/2018 22 10 00 - 24 of 24 Tigard High School Modernization 22 40 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING FIXTURES IGlumac 22 40 00 - PLUMBING FIXTURES PART 1 GENERAL 1 .1 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS A. All work to be furnished and installed under this section shall comply with all the requirements of General Conditions, Supplemental Conditions, Division 01 - General I Requirements, and Section 220500 - Basic Plumbing Materials and Methods, and other Sections in Division 22 specified herein. I1 .2 SCOPE A. All work to be furnished and installed under this section shall include, but not necessarily Ibe limited to, the installation of plumbing fixtures and trim. 1 .3 RELATED WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS IA. Section 220500: Basic Plumbing Materials and Methods B. Section 223000: Plumbing Equipment I1 .4 SUBMITTALS I A. Prior to construction submit for approval all materials and equipment in accordance with Division 01 . Submit manufacturer's data, colors, installation instructions, and maintenance and operating instructions for all components of this section including, but not limited to, I the following: 1. Plumbing fixtures. 2. Piping specialties. I 3. Toilets. 4. Urinals. 5. Lavatories. 1 6. Sinks. 7. Drinking fountains. B. Shop Drawings: Submit rough-in drawings. Detail dimensions, rough-in requirements, I required clearances, and methods of assembly of components and anchorages. Coordinate requirements with Architectural Woodwork shop drawings specified in Division 06 for fixtures installed in countertops and cabinets. Furnish templates for use in woodwork I shop. C. Samples: Submit samples of any piece of equipment requested by Architect for review and Iapproval. D. Wiring Diagrams: Submit manufacturer's electrical requirements and wiring diagrams for I power supply to units. Clearly differentiate between portions of wiring that are factory installed and field installed portions. I IPrint Date:3/13/2018 22 40 00 - 1 of 7 Tigard High School Modernization 22 40 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING FIXTURES Glumac I 1 .5 CODES AND STANDARDS A. Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) with State Amendments. I' B. State of Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code - OPSC C. All fixtures and faucets must meet all requirements of the State of Oregon Structural Specialty Code - OSSC. D. All fixtures and accessories must be approved for use by the State of Oregon. 1 E. All fixtures and faucets must meet all requirements of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 111 F. Oregon Energy Code G. ARI Standard 1010: "Drinking Fountains and Self-Contained Mechanically Refrigerated Drinking Water Coolers." , 1 .6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver units to the site in containers with manufacturer's stamp or label affixed. I B. Store and protect products against dirt,water, chemical, and mechanical damage. Do not install damaged products. Remove damaged products from project site. I 1 .7 MAINTENANCE A. Extra Stock: 1 . Furnish special wrenches and other devices necessary for servicing plumbing fixtures, flush valves, and trim to Owner's Representative with receipt in a quantity of one device for each 10 fixtures. 2. Furnish faucet repair kits complete with all necessary washers, springs, pins, retainers, packings, o-rings, sleeves, and seats in a quantity of 1 kit for each 10 faucets. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL I' A. Provide fixtures as specified. Fixtures in any secure or public areas shall be vandal proofed. B. Architect/Engineer shall review and approve any substitution requested by Contractor prior to bid submittal. C. Provide fixture as specified, acceptable manufacturers: 1 . Vitreous China or Cast Iron Fixtures: American Standard, Toto, Zurn or Kohler. 2. Stainless Steel Sinks: Elkay or Just a. All stainless steel is 18 gauge, type 304 unless otherwise specified. Print Date:3/13/2018 22 40 00 - 2 of 7 ITigard High School Modernization 22 40 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING FIXTURES IGlumac 3. Drinking Fountains: Elkay or Haws. I 4. Terrazzo Service Sinks: Florestone or Stern Williams. 5. Showers enclosures: Lasco, Fiber Fab, Aquaglass and Aqua Bath. 6. Emergency Eyewash and Showers: Encon, Haws, Speakman and Guardian. ID. Provide faucet as specified. Acceptable manufacturers: Chicago Faucets, Zurn, Symmons, or as indicated. I E. Provide thermostatic mixing valves and fixtures conforming to ASSE 1070, ASSE 1069 and ASSE 1016. Limit the maximum water temperature to 110°F for all public lavatories and 120°F for all other public fixtures served with hot water. Handle position stops and I temperature mixing valves shall be used as required to limit maximum temperature to prevent scalding. Water heater thermostats shall not be considered a suitable control. IF. Provide flush valve as specified. Manufacturers: Sloan Royal or Zurn AquaVantage. G. Provide commercial grade toilet seat as specified. Manufacturers: Beneke, Bemis, Church Ior Olsonite. H. Provide heavy-duty cast iron commercial grade carrier as specified. Provide compact carriers where space is limited. Manufacturers:Jay R. Smith, Wade or Zurn. No plastic parts on foundry items. 1 . Wall hung urinal:J.R. Smith Fig #0634-M12 or Zurn #Z-1221-58. 2. Wall hung lavatory with concealed arm carrier:J.R. Smith Fig #0700-M31 . II. Provide heavy duty commercial grade 17-gauge P-Trap and supplies with stops as specified. Provide heavy duty commercial grade lavatory supplies. Provide supplies I meeting AB1953 no lead requirements. Supplies shall be 1 /2"x 3/8" x 12" ground joint flexible riser with loose key angle stop with chrome plates IPS brass nipple. Sink supplies shall be 1/2" x 12" ground joint flexible riser with loose-key angle stop with chrome plated I IPS brass nipple. Provide bell type escutcheons for both P-trap and supplies. Manufacturers: Zurn, Brasscraft, Chicago, McGuire or equal. 1 . P-trap - Lay: McGuire C8902-DF or Zurn Z-8701 . I 2. P-trap - Sink: McGuire C8912-DF or ZurnZ-8702. 3. Supply for Lavatory: McGuire LFH2165LK or Zurn ZH88-XL-LK. 4. Offset supply for barrier free lavatory: McGuire 158 WC. 5. Supply for Sink: McGuire LFH2167LK or Zurn ZH8803-XL-LR. i6. Supply for Water Closet: McGuire H2169LK or Zurn ZH-8807-CR. 7. Escutcheons: McGuire WEOOD Series, wrought brass, bell type. 8. Lavatory grid strainer: McGuire 1 55A or Zurn Z-8743. I 9. Barrier-free lavatory offset grid strainer: McGuire 1 55WC or Zurn 8746. 10. Sink Strainer: Elkay LK-18B. I J. Provide standard grade P-Traps and supplies with stops as specified in residences. Provide supplies meeting AB1953 no lead requirements. Lavatory supplies shall be 1 /2" x 3/8" x 12" ground joint flexible riser with round wheel handles and chrome plated IPS brass I nipple. Sink supplies shall be 1 /2" x 12" ground joint flexible riser with round wheel handle angle stop with chrome plated IPS brass nipple. Provide bell type chrome plated escutcheon for traps and supplies. Manufacturers: McGuire, Zurn, Chicago, Brasscraft or Iequal. iPrint Date:3/13/2018 22 40 00 - 3 of 7 Tigard High School Modernization 22 40 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING FIXTURES Glumac I 1 . P-Trap Lavatory: McGuire 8901-C or Zurn 8706. 2. P-Trap Sink: McGuire 8892-C or Zurn 8708. 3. Supply Lavatory: McGuire LF2165 or Zurn ZH8801-XL-LR. 4. Supply Sink: McGuire LF2167 or Zurn ZH8803-XL-LR. 5. Supply Water Closet: McGuire 2169 or Zurn Z8807CR. 6. Offset Supply for ADA Lavatory: McGuire 158W or Zurn Z-8855-WL. 7. Offset Trap Arm for ADA Lavatory: McGuire 1 55WC or Zurn Z-8746. 8. Offset Trap Arm for ADA Sink: McGuire 11 51 AWC or Zurn Z-8749. 9. Escutcheons: McGuire chrome plated WE1 25TR, WE1 50, WE1 25D and WE1 50D orZurn. 111 K. Insulation: provide white molded closed cell vinyl pre-fab insulation on P-Trap and on both hot and cold water supply for barrier free lavatories and sinks. Bag type insulators are not acceptable. Manufacturers: Plumberex, True Bro, Zurn or equal. 2.2 LISTING 1 A. Refer to plumbing fixture schedule on drawings for manufacturers, model numbers and selection criteria. B. WC-1 Water Closet: 1 . Fixture: Floor mounted, vitreous china, siphon jet, 1-1 /2" top spud, 12" rough in, 2- 1 /4" passageway, and bolt caps. 2. Seat: Solid white plastic, elongated open front, self-sustaining stainless steel check hinges. 3. Flush Valve: Dual flush, 1.1 /1 .6-gpf 4. Mounting Height: 15" floor to bowl rim. C. WC-2 Water Closet- Barrier Free: 1 . Fixture: Floor mounted, vitreous china, siphon jet, 1-1 /2" top spud, 1 2" rough in, 2- 1 /4" passageway, and bolt caps. 2. Seat: Solid white plastic, elongated open front, self-sustaining stainless steel check hinges. 3. Flush Valve: Dual flush, 1.1 /1 .6-gpf 4. Mounting Height: 18" floor to bowl rim. I D. UR-1 Urinal - Low flow - Barrier Free: 1. Fixture: Wall hung vitreous china, 3/4" top spud, 2" outlet, 0.125-gallon flush. 2. Flush Valve: Manual, 3/a" top spud, 0.125-gallon flush. 3. Mounting Height: 17" floor to lip. E. L-1 Lavatory - Barrier Free: I 1 . Fixture: ADA compliant, wall hung, vitreous china, heavy duty concealed arm carrier. 2. Faucet: ADA compliant, 0.5-gpm, metered. 3. Mounting Height: 34" floor to bowl ledge, maximum. F. S-1 Sink - Kitchen Area Double: 1. Fixture: ADA compliant, 18-gauge, double bowl, top mount, stainless steel. 2. Faucet: Gooseneck, spread fitting with blade handles. 3. Mounting Height: Refer to architectural elevation details. Print Date:3/13/2018 22 40 00 - 4 of 7 ITigard High School Modernization 22 40 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING FIXTURES IGlumac G. S-2 Sink - Makers Lab Single: I 1 . Fixture: ADA compliant, single bowl, wall mounted, stainless steel sink with integral back splash. 2. Faucet: Wall mounted, 1.5-gpm, spread fitting with blade handles. I 3. Sediment Trap: removeable sediment bucket, acid resistant 4. Mounting Height: Refer to architectural elevation details. H. S-3 Sink - Makers Lab Double: 1 . Fixture: 18-gauge stainless steel, double compartment, floor mounted sink with back splash. 2. Faucet: mounted, 1.5-gpm, spread fitting with blade handles. I3. Sediment Trap: removeable sediment bucket, acid resistant 4. Mounting Height: Refer to architectural elevation details. I I. MS-1 Mop Sink: 1 . Fixture: Floor set receptor; cast brass drain with stainless steel strainer and tailpiece, 20-gauge stainless steel rim guard, splash guard. I 2. Faucet: Wall mounted combination fitting with vacuum breaker, wall brace, threaded hose outlet and integral stops, rough chrome finish. 3. Sealant: Caulk edges of basin with silicone sealant. IJ. DF-1 Drinking Fountain: 1 . Fixture: Stainless steel, barrier free with bottle filler, non-refrigerated. I 2. Electrical: 120-volt. Coordinate hardware electrical connection with Division 26. 3. Finish: Stainless steel. 4. Mounting Height: 36"floor to top of bubbler, maximum. 1 K. EW-1 Emergency Eye Wash: 1 . Fixture: Deck mounted at ADA sink. 2. Mixing valve: ASSE 1071 Certified, set to 85F I L. SH-1 Shower: 1 . Fixture: Tiled as detailed by architect 1 2. Waterproof membrane: Noble Chloraloy 240, non-plasticized 40 mil chlorinated polyethylene synthetic elastomer sheet membrane, ASTM D4068, IAPMO No. 3046 and IPC. I 3. Faucet: ADA compliant, pressure balancing, integral stops with checks, 60" flexible hose, 1.5 gpm shower head and diverter valve. 4. Drain: J.R. Smith 2005-SS or Zurn. IM. SH-2 Shower: 1 . Fixture: Tiled as detailed by architect I 2. Waterproof membrane: Noble Chloraloy 240, non-plasticized 40 mil chlorinated polyethylene synthetic elastomer sheet membrane, ASTM D4068, IAPMO No. 3046 and IPC. Provide ADA compliant fold down seat, grab bars, anti-slip floor, and low profile bottom. I3. Faucet: pressure balancing, integral stops with checks, and 1 .5 gpm shower head. 4. Drain: J.R. Smith 2005-SS or Zurn. I IPrint Date:3/13/2018 22 40 00 - 5 of 7 Tigard High School Modernization 22 40 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING FIXTURES Glumac I PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL I A. Verify all dimensions by field measurements. Verify that all plumbing fixtures may be installed in accordance with pertinent codes and regulations, the original design, and the referenced standards. B. Examine rough-in for potable water and waste piping systems to verify actual locations of piping connections prior to installing fixtures. ■ C. Examine walls, floors and cabinets for suitable conditions where fixtures are to be installed. D. Install plumbing fixtures level and plumb, in accordance with fixture manufacturer's written instructions, rough-in drawings, and pertinent codes and regulations, the original design, and the referenced standards. E. Comply with the installation requirements of ADA with respect to plumbing fixtures for the physically handicapped. F. Fasten plumbing fixtures securely to supports or building structure. Secure supplies behind or within wall construction to provide rigid installation. G. Install a stop valve in an accessible location in the water connection to each fixture. H. Install escutcheons at each wall, floor, and ceiling penetration in exposed finished locations and within cabinets and millwork. I. Seal fixtures to walls and floors using sealants as specified in Division 07. Match sealant color to fixture color. J. Install P-Trap tight to outlets from lavatories and shower drains to minimize the vertical water drop and related drainage noise. Outlet drops longer than 7" to P-trap water level are not acceptable. I K. Test fixtures to demonstrate proper operation upon completion of installation and after units are water pressurized. Replace malfunctioning units, then retest. L. Inspect each installed unit for damage. Replace damaged fixtures. M. Adjust water pressure at drinking fountains, faucets, shower valves, and flush valves to I provide proper flow stream. N. Replace washers or cartridges of leaking or dripping faucets and stops. I O. Clean fixtures, trim, and strainers using manufacturer's recommended cleaning methods and materials. I P. During construction cover all installed fixtures, sinks, and water coolers with cardboard boxes and wrap with Visqueen. Print Date:3/13/2018 22 40 00 - 6 of 7 Tigard High School Modernization 22 40 00 March 28, 2018 PLUMBING FIXTURES Glumac Q. Provide flush valve and faucet support behind wall. END OF SECTION I I I i 1 I I 1 I I I I I Print Date:3/13/2018 22 40 00 - 7 of 7 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 26 March 28, 2018 GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL Glumac SYSTEMS SECTION 26 05 26 - GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART 1 GENERAL 1 .1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1 .2 SUMMARY A. Section includes grounding and bonding systems and equipment. 1 .3 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. 1 .4 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Coordination Drawings: Plans showing dimensioned locations of grounding features specified in "Field Quality Control" Article, including the following: Ii . Test wells. 2. Ground rods. 3. Grounding arrangements and connections for separately derived systems. B. Qualification Data: For testing agency and testing agency's field supervisor. C. Field quality-control reports. 1 .5 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Operation and Maintenance Data: For grounding to include in emergency, operation, and maintenance manuals. 1 . In addition to items specified in Section 017823 "Operation and Maintenance Data," include the following: a. Plans showing as-built, dimensioned locations of grounding features specified in "Field Quality Control" Article, including the following: 1) Test wells. 2) Ground rods. 3) Grounding arrangements and connections for separately derived systems. I I Print Date:3/13/2018 26 05 26 - 1 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 26 March 28, 2018 GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL Glumac SYSTEMS 111 b. ADD ALTERNATE (to be discussed with owner) Instructions for periodic testing and inspection of grounding features at test wells, and grounding connections I for separately derived systems based on NETA MTS. 1) Tests shall determine if ground-resistance or impedance values remain within specified maximums, and instructions shall recommend corrective action if values do not. 2) Include recommended testing intervals. 1 .6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing Agency Qualifications: Certified by NETA. 111 PART 2 PRODUCTS I 2.1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, by a qualified testing agency, and marked for intended location and application. B. Comply with UL 467 for grounding and bonding materials and equipment. 2.2 MANUFACTURERS I A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: I 1 . Burndy; Part of Hubbell Electrical Systems. 2. ERICO International Corporation. 3. Thomas & Betts Corporation; A Member of the ABB Group. 2.3 CONDUCTORS A. Insulated Conductors: Copper wire or cable insulated for 600 V unless otherwise required by applicable Code or authorities having jurisdiction. I B. Bare Copper Conductors: 1 . Solid Conductors: ASTM B 3. 1 2. Stranded Conductors: ASTM B 8. 3. Tinned Conductors: ASTM B 33. 4. Bonding Cable: 28 kcmil, 14 strands of No. 17 AWG conductor, 1 /4 inch (6 mm) in diameter. 5. Bonding Conductor: No. 4 or No. 6 AWG, stranded conductor. 6. Bonding jumper: Copper tape, braided conductors terminated with copper ferrules; 1-5/8 inches (41 mm) wide and 1 /16 inch (1 .6 mm) thick. Print Date:3/13/2018 26 05 26 - 2 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 26 March 28, 2018 GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL Glumac SYSTEMS 7. Tinned Bonding Jumper: Tinned-copper tape, braided conductors terminated with copper ferrules; 1-5/8 inches (41 mm) wide and 1 /16 inch (1 .6 mm) thick. C. Grounding Bus: Predrilled rectangular bars of annealed copper, 1 /4 by 4 inches (6.3 by 100 mm) in cross section, with holes spaced at standard connection distance apart unless otherwise indicated. Stand-off insulators for mounting shall comply with UL 891 for use in switchboards, 600 V and shall be Lexan or PVC, impulse tested at 5000 V. 2.4 CONNECTORS A. Listed and labeled by an NRTL acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction for applications in which used and for specific types, sizes, and combinations of conductors and other items connected. B. Welded Connectors: Exothermic-welding kits of types recommended by kit manufacturer for materials being joined and installation conditions. C. Bus-Bar Connectors: Compression type, copper or copper alloy, with two wire terminals. D. Beam Clamps: Mechanical type, terminal, ground wire access from four directions, with dual, tin-plated or silicon bronze bolts. E. Cable-to-Cable Connectors: Compression type, copper or copper alloy. F. Cable Tray Ground Clamp: Mechanical type, zinc-plated malleable iron. G. Conduit Hubs: Mechanical type, terminal with threaded hub. H. Ground Rod Clamps: Mechanical type, copper or copper alloy, terminal with hex head bolt. I. Ground Rod Clamps: Mechanical type, copper or copper alloy, terminal with hex head bolt. J. Lay-in Lug Connector: Mechanical type, copper rated for direct burial terminal with set screw. K. Signal Reference Grid Clamp: Mechanical type, stamped-steel terminal with hex head screw. L. Straps: Solid copper, copper lugs. Rated for 600 A. M. U-Bolt Clamps: Mechanical type, copper or copper alloy, terminal listed for direct burial. N. Water Pipe Clamps: 1 . Mechanical type, two pieces with zinc-plated bolts. a. Material: Die-cast zinc alloy. Print Date:3/13/2018 26 05 26 - 3 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 26 March 28, 2018 GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL Glumac SYSTEMS b. Listed for direct burial. 2. U-bolt type with malleable-iron clamp and copper ground connector 1 2.5 GROUNDING ELECTRODES A. Ground Rods: Copper-clad steel 3/4 inch by 10 feet (19 mm by 3 m). PART 3 EXECUTION I 3.1 APPLICATIONS A. Conductors: Install solid conductor for No. 14 AWG and smaller, and stranded conductors for No. 12 AWG and larger unless otherwise indicated. B. Underground Grounding Conductors: Install bare copper conductor, No. 2/0 AWG minimum. 1 . Bury at least 24 inches (600 mm) below grade. C. Isolated Grounding Conductors: Green-colored insulation with continuous yellow stripe. On feeders with isolated ground, identify grounding conductor where visible to normal inspection, with alternating bands of green and yellow tape, with at least three bands of green and two bands of yellow. I D. Grounding Bus: Install in electrical equipment rooms, in rooms housing service equipment, and elsewhere as indicated. I 1 . Install bus horizontally, on insulated spacers 2 inches (50 mm) minimum from wall, 6 inches (1 50 mm) above finished floor unless otherwise indicated. 2. Where indicated on both sides of doorways, route bus up to top of door frame, across top of doorway, and down; connect to horizontal bus. E. Conductor Terminations and Connections: 1 . Pipe and Equipment Grounding Conductor Terminations: Bolted connectors. 2. Underground Connections: Welded connectors except at test wells and as otherwise 1 indicated. 3. Connections to Ground Rods at Test Wells: Bolted connectors. 4. Connections to Structural Steel: Welded connectors. 3.2 GROUNDING AT THE SERVICE A. Equipment grounding conductors and grounding electrode conductors shall be connected to the ground bus. Install a main bonding jumper between the neutral and ground buses. I Print Date:3/13/2018 26 05 26 - 4 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 26 March 28, 2018 GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL 1 Glumac SYSTEMS 3.3 GROUNDING UNDERGROUND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM COMPONENTS IA. Refer to utility company grounding standards for all utility underground distribution system grounding components. I3.4 EQUIPMENT GROUNDING A. Install insulated equipment grounding conductors with all feeders and branch circuits. B. Air-Duct Equipment Circuits: Install insulated equipment grounding conductor to duct- , mounted electrical devices operating at 120 V and more, including air cleaners, heaters, dampers, humidifiers, and other duct electrical equipment. Bond conductor to each unit Iand to air duct and connected metallic piping. C. Water Heater: Install a separate insulated equipment grounding conductor to each electric I water heater and heat-tracing cable. Bond conductor to heater units, piping, connected equipment, and components. D. Isolated Grounding Receptacle Circuits: Install an insulated equipment grounding conductor connected to the receptacle grounding terminal. Isolate conductor from raceway and from panelboard grounding terminals. Terminate at equipment grounding 1 conductor terminal of the applicable derived system or service unless otherwise indicated. I E. Isolated Equipment Enclosure Circuits: For designated equipment supplied by a branch circuit or feeder, isolate equipment enclosure from supply circuit raceway with a nonmetallic raceway fitting listed for the purpose. Install fitting where raceway enters I enclosure, and install a separate insulated equipment grounding conductor. Isolate conductor from raceway and from panelboard grounding terminals. Terminate at equipment grounding conductor terminal of the applicable derived system or service Iunless otherwise indicated. F. Poles Supporting Outdoor Lighting Fixtures: Install grounding electrode and a separate insulated equipment grounding conductor in addition to grounding conductor installed with branch-circuit conductors. 1 3.5 INSTALLATION I A. Grounding Conductors: Route along shortest and straightest paths possible unless otherwise indicated or required by Code. Avoid obstructing access or placing conductors where they may be subjected to strain, impact, or damage. B. Ground Bonding Common with Lightning Protection System: Comply with NFPA 780 and UL 96 when interconnecting with lightning protection system. Bond electrical power Isystem ground directly to lightning protection system grounding conductor at closest 111 Print Date:3/13/2018 26 05 26 - 5 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 26 March 28, 2018 GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL Glumac SYSTEMS ' point to electrical service grounding electrode. Use bonding conductor sized same as system grounding electrode conductor, and install in conduit. I C. Ground Rods: Drive rods until tops are 2 inches (50 mm) below finished floor or final grade unless otherwise indicated. I 1 . Interconnect ground rods with grounding electrode conductor below grade and as otherwise indicated. Make connections without exposing steel or damaging coating if any. I 2. Use exothermic welds for all below-grade connections. 3. For grounding electrode system, install at least three rods spaced at least one-rod length from each other and located at least the same distance from other grounding electrodes, and connect to the service grounding electrode conductor. D. Test Wells: Ground rod driven through drilled hole in bottom of handhole. Handholes are specified in Section 260543 "Underground Ducts and Raceways for Electrical Systems," and shall be at least 12 inches (300 mm) deep, with cover. 1 . Install at least one test well for each service unless otherwise indicated. Install at the ground rod electrically closest to service entrance. Set top of test well flush with 111 finished grade or floor. E. Bonding Straps and Jumpers: Install in locations accessible for inspection and maintenance except where routed through short lengths of conduit. 1. Bonding to Structure: Bond straps directly to basic structure, taking care not to penetrate any adjacent parts. 2. Bonding to Equipment Mounted on Vibration Isolation Hangers and Supports: Install bonding so vibration is not transmitted to rigidly mounted equipment. 3. Use exothermic-welded connectors for outdoor locations; if a disconnect-type connection is required, use a bolted clamp. F. Grounding and Bonding for Piping: 1 . Metal Water Service Pipe: Install insulated copper grounding conductors, in conduit, from building's main service equipment, or grounding bus, to main metal water I service entrances to building. Connect grounding conductors to main metal water service pipes; use a bolted clamp connector or bolt a lug-type connector to a pipe flange by using one of the lug bolts of the flange. Where a dielectric main water fitting is installed, connect grounding conductor on street side of fitting. Bond metal grounding conductor conduit or sleeve to conductor at each end. 2. Water Meter Piping: Use braided-type bonding jumpers to electrically bypass water meters. Connect to pipe with a bolted connector. 3. Bond each aboveground portion of gas piping system downstream from equipment shutoff valve. Print Date:3/13/2018 26 05 26 - 6 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 26 March 28, 2018 GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL Glumac SYSTEMS G. Concrete-Encased Grounding Electrode (Ufer Ground): Fabricate according to NFPA 70; ' using electrically conductive coated steel reinforcing bars or rods, at least 20 feet (6.0 m) long. If reinforcing is in multiple pieces, connect together by the usual steel tie wires or ' exothermic welding to create the required length. H. Connections: Make connections so possibility of galvanic action or electrolysis is ' minimized. Select connectors, connection hardware, conductors, and connection methods so metals in direct contact are galvanically compatible. 1 . Use electroplated or hot-tin-coated materials to ensure high conductivity and to make contact points closer in order of galvanic series. 2. Make connections with clean, bare metal at points of contact. 3. Make aluminum-to-steel connections with stainless-steel separators and mechanical 1 clamps. 4. Make aluminum-to-galvanized-steel connections with tin-plated copper jumpers and ' mechanical clamps. 5. Coat and seal connections having dissimilar metals with inert material to prevent future penetration of moisture to contact surfaces. 3.6 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing Agency: Engage a qualified testing agency to perform tests and inspections. B. Tests and Inspections: 1 1 . After installing grounding system but before permanent electrical circuits have been energized, test for compliance with requirements. ' 2. Inspect physical and mechanical condition. Verify tightness of accessible, bolted, electrical connections with a calibrated torque wrench according to manufacturer's written instructions. I 3. Test completed grounding system at each location where a maximum ground- resistance level is specified, at service disconnect enclosure grounding terminal, at ground test wells. Make tests at ground rods before any conductors are connected. a. Measure ground resistance no fewer than two full days after last trace of precipitation and without soil being moistened by any means other than natural ' drainage or seepage and without chemical treatment or other artificial means of reducing natural ground resistance. b. Perform tests by fall-of-potential method according to IEEE 81 . ' 4. Prepare dimensioned Drawings locating each test well, ground rod and ground-rod assembly, and other grounding electrodes. Identify each by letter in alphabetical order, and key to the record of tests and observations. Include the number of rods driven and their depth at each location, and include observations of weather and other phenomena that may affect test results. Describe measures taken to improve ' test results. Print Date:3/13/2018 26 05 26 - 7 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 26 March 28, 2018 GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL Glumac SYSTEMS C. Grounding system will be considered defective if it does not pass tests and inspections. D. Prepare test and inspection reports. E. Report measured ground resistances that exceed the following values: 1 . Grounding system resistance not to exceed 5 ohms F. Excessive Ground Resistance: If resistance to ground exceeds specified values, notify , Architect promptly and include recommendations to reduce ground resistance. END OF SECTION I I I I I 1 I I Print Date:3/13/2018 26 05 26 - 8 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND DUCTS AND RACEWAYS FOR Glumac ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS ' SECTION 26 05 43 - UNDERGROUND DUCTS AND RACEWAYS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART 1 - GENERAL ' 1 .1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1 . Conduit, ducts, and duct accessories for direct-buried and concrete-encased duct banks, and in single duct runs. ' 2. Handholes and boxes. 1.3 DEFINITION A. RNC: Rigid nonmetallic conduit. I 1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS ' A. Product Data: For the following: ' 1. Duct-bank materials, including separators and miscellaneous components. 2. Ducts and conduits and their accessories, including elbows, end bells, bends, fittings, and solvent cement. 3. Accessories for manholes, handholes, boxes, and other utility structures. 4. Warning tape. 5. Warning planks. B. Shop Drawings for Precast or Factory-Fabricated Underground Utility Structures: ' Include plans, elevations, sections, details, attachments to other work, and accessories, including the following: ' 1. Duct entry provisions, including locations and duct sizes. 2. Reinforcement details. 3. Frame and cover design and manhole frame support rings. 4. Ladder details. Print Date:3/20/2018 26 05 43 - 1 of 15 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 43 I March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND DUCTS AND RACEWAYS FOR Glumac ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS I 5. Grounding details. 6. Dimensioned locations of cable rack inserts, pulling-in and lifting irons, and I sumps. 7. Joint details. C. Shop Drawings for Factory-Fabricated Handholes and Boxes Other Than Precast Concrete: Include dimensioned plans, sections, and elevations, and fabrication and I installation details, including the following: 1 . Duct entry provisions, including locations and duct sizes. 2. Cover design. 3. Grounding details. 4. Dimensioned locations of cable rack inserts, and pulling-in and lifting irons. I 1 .5 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Duct-Bank Coordination Drawings: Show duct profiles and coordination with other utilities and underground structures. I 1 . Include plans and sections, drawn to scale, and show bends and locations of expansion fittings. I 2. Drawings shall be signed and sealed by a qualified professional engineer. B. Product Certificates: For concrete and steel used in precast concrete manholes and 1 handholes, as required by ASTM C 858. D. Source quality-control test reports. I E. Field quality-control test reports. I 1 .6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with ANSI C2. B. Comply with NFPA 70. I 1 .7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING I A. Deliver ducts to Project site with ends capped. Store nonmetallic ducts with supports I to prevent bending, warping, and deforming. I Print Date:3/20/2018 26 05 43 - 2 of 15 1 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND DUCTS AND RACEWAYS FOR I Glumac ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS B. Store precast concrete and other factory-fabricated underground utility structures at IProject site as recommended by manufacturer to prevent physical damage. Arrange so identification markings are visible. IC. Lift and support precast concrete units only at designated lifting or supporting points. 1 1.8 COORDINATION A. Coordinate layout and installation of ducts, manholes, handholes, and boxes with final Iarrangement of other utilities, site grading, and surface features as determined in the field. IB. Coordinate elevations of ducts and duct-bank entrances into manholes, handholes, and boxes with final locations and profiles of ducts and duct banks as determined by I coordination with other utilities, underground obstructions, and surface features. Revise locations and elevations from those indicated as required to suit field conditions and to ensure that duct runs drain to manholes and handholes, and as Iapproved by Architect. I 1 .9 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish extra materials described below that match products installed and that are Ipackaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. IB. Furnish cable-support stanchions, arms, insulators, and associated fasteners in quantities equal to 5 percent of quantity of each item installed. I PART 2 - PRODUCTS I 2.1 CONDUIT IA. Rigid Steel Conduit: Galvanized. Comply with ANSI C80.1 . I B. RNC: NEMA TC 2, Type EPC-40-PVC, UL 651 , with matching fittings by same manufacturer as the conduit, complying with NEMA TC 3 and UL 514B. I I IPrint Date:3/20/2018 26 05 43 - 3 of 15 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND DUCTS AND RACEWAYS FOR Glumac ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 2.2 NONMETALLIC DUCTS AND DUCT ACCESSORIES A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: , 1 . ARNCO Corp. 2. Beck Manufacturing. , 3. Cantex, Inc. 4. CertainTeed Corp.; Pipe & Plastics Group. 5. Condux International, Inc. 6. ElecSys, Inc. 7. Electri-Flex Company. I 8. IPEX Inc. 9. Lamson & Sessions; Carlon Electrical Products. 10. Manhattan/CDT; a division of Cable Design Technologies. 11 . Spiraduct/AFC Cable Systems, Inc. B. Underground Plastic Utilities Duct: NEMA TC 6 & 8, Type EB-20-PVC, ASTM F 512, , UL 651A, with matching fittings by the same manufacturer as the duct, complying with NEMA TC 9. ' C. Duct Accessories: 1 . Duct Separators: Factory-fabricated rigid PVC interlocking spacers, sized for type and sizes of ducts with which used, and selected to provide minimum duct spacings indicated while supporting ducts during concreting or backfilling. ' 2. Warning Tape: Underground-line warning tape specified in Division 26 Section "Identification for Electrical Systems." 2.3 PRECAST CONCRETE HANDHOLES AND BOXES A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1 . Carder Concrete Products. 2. Christy Concrete Products. 3. Elmhurst-Chicago Stone Co. 4. Oldcastle Precast Group. ' 5. Riverton Concrete Products; a division of Cretex Companies, Inc. 6. Utility Concrete Products, LLC. Print Date:3/20/2018 26 05 43 - 4 of 15 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND DUCTS AND RACEWAYS FOR Glumac ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 7. Utility Vault Co. 8. Wausau Tile, Inc. B. Comply with ASTM C 858 for design and manufacturing processes. ' C. Description: Factory-fabricated, reinforced-concrete, monolithically poured walls and ' bottom unless open-bottom enclosures are indicated. Frame and cover shall form top of enclosure and shall have load rating consistent with that of handhole or box. 1 . Frame and Cover: Weatherproof cast-iron frame, with cast-iron cover with recessed cover hook eyes and tamper-resistant, captive, cover-securing bolts. ' 2. Cover Finish: Nonskid finish shall have a minimum coefficient of friction of 0.50. 3. Cover Legend: Molded lettering, As indicated for each service. 4. Configuration: Units shall be designed for flush burial and have open bottom, ' unless otherwise indicated. 5. Extensions and Slabs: Designed to mate with bottom of enclosure. Same ' material as enclosure. a. Extension shall provide increased depth of 12 inches (300 mm). b. Slab: Same dimensions as bottom of enclosure, and arranged to provide closure. ' 6. Windows: Precast openings in walls, arranged to match dimensions and elevations of approaching ducts and duct banks plus an additional 12 inches (300 mm) vertically and horizontally to accommodate alignment variations. ' a. Windows shall be located no less than 6 inches (150 mm) from interior surfaces of walls, floors, or frames and covers of handholes, but close ' enough to corners to facilitate racking of cables on walls. b. Window opening shall have cast-in-place, welded wire fabric reinforcement ' for field cutting and bending to tie in to concrete envelopes of duct banks. c. Window openings shall be framed with at least two additional No. 4 steel reinforcing bars in concrete around each opening. 7. Duct Entrances in Handhole Walls: Cast end-bell or duct-terminating fitting in wall for each entering duct. I a. Type and size shall match fittings to duct or conduit to be terminated. b. Fittings shall align with elevations of approaching ducts and be located ' near interior corners of handholes to facilitate racking of cable. Print Date:3/20/2018 26 05 43 - 5 of 15 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND DUCTS AND RACEWAYS FOR Glumac ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 8. Handholes 12 inches wide by 24 inches long (300 mm wide by 600 mm long) and larger shall have inserts for cable racks and pulling-in irons installed before 1 concrete is poured. 2.4 HANDHOLES AND BOXES OTHER THAN PRECAST CONCRETE B. Polymer Concrete Handholes and Boxes with Polymer Concrete Cover: Molded of sand 1 and aggregate, bound together with a polymer resin, and reinforced with steel or fiberglass or a combination of the two. 1 . Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Armorcast Products Company. b. Carson Industries LLC. c. CDR Systems Corporation. d. NewBasis. 2.5 UTILITY STRUCTURE ACCESSORIES I A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited , to, the following: 1. Bilco Company (The). 2. Campbell Foundry Company. 3. Carder Concrete Products. 4. Christy Concrete Products. 5. McKinley Iron Works, Inc. 6. NewBasis. ' 7. Oldcastle Precast Group. 8. Pennsylvania Insert Corporation. 9. Riverton Concrete Products; a division of Cretex Companies, Inc.. 10. Strongwell Corporation; Lenoir City Division. 11. Underground Devices, Inc. 12. Utility Concrete Products, LLC. 13. Utility Vault Co. Print Date:3/20/2018 26 05 43 - 6 of 15 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND DUCTS AND RACEWAYS FOR Glumac ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS C. Pulling Eyes in Concrete Walls: Eyebolt with reinforcing-bar fastening insert, 2-inch- (50-mm-) diameter eye, and 1-by-4-inch (25-by-100-mm) bolt. 1 . Working Load Embedded in 6-Inch (150-mm), 4000-psi (27.6-MPa) Concrete: ' 13,000--Ibf (58-kN) minimum tension. D. Pulling Eyes in Nonconcrete Walls: Eyebolt with reinforced fastening, 1-1 /4-inch- (32-mm--) diameter eye, rated 2500-Ibf (11-kN) minimum tension. ' E. Pulling-In and Lifting Irons in Concrete Floors: 7/8-inch- (22-mm-) diameter, hot-dip galvanized, bent steel rod; stress relieved after forming; and fastened to reinforcing rod. Exposed triangular opening. 1 . Ultimate Yield Strength: 40,000-lbf (180-kN) shear and 60,000-lbf (270-kN) tension. F. Bolting Inserts for Concrete Utility Structure Cable Racks and Other Attachments: Flared, threaded inserts of noncorrosive, chemical-resistant, nonconductive ' thermoplastic material; 1 /2-inch (13-mm) ID by 2-3/4 inches (69 mm) deep, flared to 1-1 /4 inches (32 mm) minimum at base. 1 . Tested Ultimate Pullout Strength: 12,000 lbf (53 kN) minimum. ' G. Expansion Anchors for Installation after Concrete Is Cast: Zinc-plated, carbon-steel- wedge type with stainless-steel expander clip with 1 /2-inch (13-mm) bolt, 5300-lbf (24-kN) rated pullout strength, and minimum 6800-lbf (30-kN) rated shear strength. H. Cable Rack Assembly: Steel, hot-rolled galvanized, except insulators. ' 1 . Stanchions: T-section or channel; 2-1 /4-inch (57-mm) nominal size; punched with 14 holes on 1-1 /2-inch (38-mm) centers for cable-arm attachment. 2. Arms: 1-1 /2 inches (38 mm) wide, lengths ranging from 3 inches (75 mm) with ' 450--lb (204-kg) minimum capacity to 18 inches (460 mm) with 250--lb (114-kg) minimum capacity. Arms shall have slots along full length for cable ties and be ' arranged for secure mounting in horizontal position at any vertical location on stanchions. 3. Insulators: High-glaze, wet-process porcelain arranged for mounting on cable ' arms. J. Duct-Sealing Compound: Nonhardening, safe for contact with human skin, not ' deleterious to cable insulation, and workable at temperatures as low as 35 deg F (2 deg C). Capable of withstanding temperature of 300 deg F (150 deg C) without slump and adhering to clean surfaces of plastic ducts, metallic conduits, conduit coatings, Print Date:3/20/2018 26 05 43 - 7 of 15 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND DUCTS AND RACEWAYS FOR Glumac ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS concrete, masonry, lead, cable sheaths, cable jackets, insulation materials, and common metals. I K. Cover Hooks: Heavy duty, designed for lifts 60 Ibf (270 N) and greater. Two required. 2.6 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Test and inspect precast concrete utility structures according to ASTM C 1037. B. Nonconcrete Handhole and Pull-Box Prototype Test: Test prototypes of manholes and boxes for compliance with SCTE 77. Strength tests shall be for specified tier ratings of products supplied. 2. Strength tests of complete boxes and covers shall be by either an independent testing agency or the manufacturer. A qualified registered professional engineer shall certify tests by manufacturer. 3. Testing machine pressure gages shall have current calibration certification complying with ISO 9000 and ISO 10012, and traceable to NIST standards. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 UNDERGROUND DUCT APPLICATION A. Ducts for Electrical Cables Over 600 V: RNC, NEMA Type EPC-40 -PVC, in concrete- encased duct bank, unless otherwise indicated. C. Ducts for Electrical Feeders 600 V and Less: RNC, NEMA Type EPC-40-PVC, in direct- buried duct bank, unless otherwise indicated. D. Ducts for Electrical Branch Circuits: RNC, NEMA Type EPC-40-PVC, in direct-buried duct bank, unless otherwise indicated. G. Underground Ducts for Telephone, Communications, or Data Circuits: RNC, NEMA Type EPC-40 or DB-120-PVC, in direct-buried duct bank, unless otherwise indicated. I. Underground Ducts Crossing Paved Paths Walks and Driveways Roadways and Railroads: RNC, NEMA Type EPC-40-PVC, encased in reinforced concrete. Print Date:3/20/2018 26 05 43 - 8 of 15 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND DUCTS AND RACEWAYS FOR Glumac ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 3.2 UNDERGROUND ENCLOSURE APPLICATION ' A. Handholes and Boxes for 600 V and Less, Including Telephone, Communications, and Data Wiring: 1. Units in Roadways and Other Deliberate Traffic Paths: Precast concrete. AASHTO HB 17, H-20 structural load rating. ' 2. Units in Driveway, Parking Lot, and Off-Roadway Locations, Subject to Occasional, Nondeliberate Loading by Heavy Vehicles: Precast concrete, ' AASHTO HB 17, H-20 structural load rating. 3. Units in Sidewalk and Similar Applications with a Safety Factor for Nondeliberate Loading by Vehicles: Precast concrete, AASHTO HB 17, H-10 structural load rating. 4. Units Subject to Light-Duty Pedestrian Traffic Only: Fiberglass-reinforced ' polyester resin , structurally tested according to SCTE 77 with 3000-ibf (13 345- N) vertical loading. ' B. Manholes: Precast concrete. 1. Units Located in Roadways and Other Deliberate Traffic Paths by Heavy or ' Medium Vehicles: H-20 structural load rating according to AASHTO HB 17. 2. Units Not Located in Deliberate Traffic Paths by Heavy or Medium Vehicles: H-10 load rating according to AASHTO HB 1 7. 1 3.3 EARTHWORK A. Excavation and Backfill: Comply with Division 31 Section "Earth Moving," but do not use heavy-duty, hydraulic-operated, compaction equipment. ' B. Restore surface features at areas disturbed by excavation and reestablish original grades, unless otherwise indicated. Replace removed sod immediately after backfilling is completed. ' C. Restore areas disturbed by trenching, storing of dirt, cable laying, and other work. Restore vegetation and include necessary topsoiling, fertilizing, liming, seeding, sodding, sprigging, and mulching. Comply with Division 32 Sections "Turf and Grasses" and "Plants." D. Cut and patch existing pavement in the path of underground ducts and utility structures according to Division 01 Section "Cutting and Patching." Print Date:3/20/2018 26 05 43 - 9 of 15 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND DUCTS AND RACEWAYS FOR Glumac ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 3.4 DUCT INSTALLATION A. Slope: Pitch ducts a minimum slope of 1 :300 down toward manholes and handholes and away from buildings and equipment. Slope ducts from a high point in runs between two manholes to drain in both directions. ' B. Curves and Bends: Use 5-degree angle couplings for small changes in direction. Use manufactured long sweep bends with a minimum radius of 48 inches (1220 mm) , both horizontally and vertically, at other locations, unless otherwise indicated. C. Joints: Use solvent-cemented joints in ducts and fittings and make watertight ' according to manufacturer's written instructions. Stagger couplings so those of adjacent ducts do not lie in same plane. ' D. Duct Entrances to Manholes and Concrete and Polymer Concrete Handholes: Use end bells, spaced approximately 10 inches (250 mm) o.c. for 5-inch (125-mm) ducts, and vary proportionately for other duct sizes. 1 . Begin change from regular spacing to end-bell spacing 10 feet (3 m) from the end bell without reducing duct line slope and without forming a trap in the line. 2. Direct-Buried Duct Banks: Install an expansion and deflection fitting in each conduit in the area of disturbed earth adjacent to manhole or handhole. 3. Grout end bells into structure walls from both sides to provide watertight entrances. E. Building Wall Penetrations: Make a transition from underground duct to rigid steel conduit at least 10 feet (3 m) outside the building wall without reducing duct line slope away from the building, and without forming a trap in the line. Use fittings manufactured for duct-to-conduit transition. Install conduit penetrations of building walls as specified in Division 26 Section "Sleeves and Sleeve Seals for Electrical Raceways and Cabling." F. Sealing: Provide temporary closure at terminations of ducts that have cables pulled. ' Seal spare ducts at terminations. Use sealing compound and plugs to withstand at least 15-psig (1.03-MPa) hydrostatic pressure. 1 G. Pulling Cord: Install 100-1bf- (445-N-) test nylon cord in ducts, including spares. H. Concrete-Encased Ducts: Support ducts on duct separators. 1 . Separator Installation: Space separators close enough to prevent sagging and deforming of ducts, with not less than 5 spacers per 20 feet (6 m) of duct. Secure separators to earth and to ducts to prevent floating during concreting. Stagger separators approximately 6 inches (150 mm) between tiers. Tie entire Print Date:3/20/2018 26 05 43 - 10 of 15 11/ Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND DUCTS AND RACEWAYS FOR Glumac ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS assembly together using fabric straps; do not use tie wires or reinforcing steel that may form conductive or magnetic loops around ducts or duct groups. 2. Concreting Sequence: Pour each run of envelope between manholes or other terminations in one continuous operation. aa. Start at one end and finish at the other,ter, allowing for expansion and contraction of ducts as their temperature changes during and after the 111 pour. Use expansion fittings installed according to manufacturer's written recommendations, or use other specific measures to prevent expansion- contraction damage. b. If more than one pour is necessary, terminate each pour in a vertical plane and install 34••-inch (19-mm) reinforcing rod dowels extending 18 inches I (450 mm) into concrete on both sides of joint near corners of envelope. 3. Pouring Concrete: Spade concrete carefully during pours to prevent voids under 1 and between conduits and at exterior surface of envelope. Do not allow a heavy mass of concrete to fall directly onto ducts. Use a plank to direct concrete down I sides of bank assembly to trench bottom. Allow concrete to flow to center of bank and rise up in middle, uniformly filling all open spaces. Do not use power- driven agitating equipment unless specifically designed for duct-bank I application. 4. Reinforcement: Reinforce concrete-encased duct banks where they cross disturbed earth and where indicated. Arrange reinforcing rods and ties without ;1 forming conductive or magnetic loops around ducts or duct groups. 5. Forms: Use walls of trench to form side walls of duct bank where soil is self- I supporting and concrete envelope can be poured without soil inclusions; otherwise, use forms. 7. Depth: Install top of duct bank at least 24 inches (600 mm) below finished grade Iin areas not subject to deliberate traffic, and at least 30 inches (750 mm) below finished grade in deliberate traffic paths for vehicles, unless otherwise indicated I on drawings. 9. Stub-Ups: Use manufactured PVC coated rigid steel conduit elbows for stub-ups at poles and equipment and at building entrances through the floor. i a. Couple steel conduits to ducts with adapters designed for this purpose, and encase coupling with 3 inches (75 mm) of concrete. Ib. Stub-Ups to Equipment: For equipment mounted on outdoor concrete bases, extend steel conduit horizontally a minimum of 60 inches (1500 mm) from edge of base. Install insulated grounding bushings on terminations at equipment. Print Date:3/20/2018 26 05 43 - 11 of 15 I Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND DUCTS AND RACEWAYS FOR Glumac ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 10. Warning Tape: Bury warning tape approximately 12 inches (300 mm) above all concrete-encased ducts and duct banks. Align tape parallel to and within 3 inches (75 mm) of the centerline of duct bank. Provide an additional warning tape for each 12-inch (300-mm) increment of duct-bank width over a nominal 18 inches (450 mm). Space additional tapes 12 inches (300 mm) apart, I horizontally. I. Direct-Buried Duct Banks: 1 1. Support ducts on duct separators coordinated with duct size, duct spacing, and outdoor temperature. 2. Space separators close enough to prevent sagging and deforming of ducts, with not less than 5 spacers per 20 feet (6 m) of duct. Secure separators to earth and to ducts to prevent displacement during backfill and yet permit linear duct movement due to expansion and contraction as temperature changes. Stagger spacers approximately 6 inches (1 50 mm) between tiers. I 3. Excavate trench bottom to provide firm and uniform support for duct bank. Prepare trench bottoms as specified in Division 31 Section "Earth Moving" for pipes less than 6 inches (150 mm) in nominal diameter. • 4. Install backfill as specified in Division 31 Section "Earth Moving." 5. After installing first tier of ducts, backfill and compact. Start at tie-in point and work toward end of duct run, leaving ducts at end of run free to move with expansion and contraction as temperature changes during this process. Repeat procedure after placing each tier. After placing last tier, hand-place backfill to 4 inches (100 mm) over ducts and hand tamp. Firmly tamp backfill around ducts to provide maximum supporting strength. Use hand tamper only. After placing controlled backfill over final tier, make final duct connections at end of run and complete backfilling with normal compaction as specified in Division 31 Section "Earth Moving." 6. Install ducts with a minimum of 3 inches (75 mm) between ducts for like services and 6 inches (1 50 mm) between power and signal ducts unless otherwise shown on drawings. 111 7. Depth: Install top of duct bank at least 36 inches (900 mm) below finished grade, unless otherwise indicated. 8. Set elevation of bottom of duct bank below the frost line. 10. Install manufactured PVC coated rigid steel conduit elbows for stub-ups at poles and equipment and at building entrances through the floor. I a. Couple steel conduits to ducts with adapters designed for this purpose, and encase coupling with 3 inches (75 mm) of concrete. b. For equipment mounted on outdoor concrete bases, extend steel conduit horizontally a minimum of 60 inches (1 500 mm) from edge of equipment Print Date:3/20/2018 26 05 43 - 12 of 15 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND DUCTS AND RACEWAYS FOR IGlumac ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS pad or foundation. Install insulated grounding bushings on terminations at equipment. 1 11 . Warning Planks: Bury warning planks approximately 12 inches (300 mm) above I direct-buried ducts and duct banks, placing them 24 inches (600 mm) o.c. Align planks along the width and along the centerline of duct bank. Provide an I additional plank for each 12-inch (300-mm) increment of duct-bank width over a nominal 18 inches (450 mm). Space additional planks 12 inches (300 mm) apart, horizontally. 11 3.5 INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE MANHOLES, HANDHOLES, AND BOXES B. Precast Concrete Handhole Installation: I 1 . Comply with ASTM C 891 , unless otherwise indicated. 2. Install units level and plumb and with orientation and depth coordinated with connecting ducts to minimize bends and deflections required for proper If entrances. 3. Unless otherwise indicated, support units on a level bed of crushed stone or gravel, graded from 1 --inch (25-mm) sieve to No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve and Icompacted to same density as adjacent undisturbed earth. I C. Elevations: 1 . Install handholes with bottom below the frost line, 18 inches below grade. 2. Handhole Covers: In paved areas and trafficways, set surface flush with finished I grade. Set covers of other handholes 1 inch (25 mm) above finished grade. 3. Where indicated, cast handhole cover frame integrally with handhole structure. A D. Drainage: Install drains in bottom of manholes where indicated. Coordinate with drainage provisions indicated. IF. Hardware: Install removable hardware, including pulling eyes, cable stanchions, and cable arms, and insulators, as required for installation and support of cables and Iconductors and as indicated. G. Field-Installed Bolting Anchors in Concrete Handholes: Do not drill deeper than 3-7/8 I inches (98 mm) for manholes and 2 inches (50 mm) for handholes, for anchor bolts installed in the field. Use a minimum of two anchors for each cable stanchion. I I Print Date:3/20/2018 26 05 43 - 13 of 15 a 111 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND DUCTS AND RACEWAYS FOR Glumac ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 3.6 INSTALLATION OF HANDHOLES AND BOXES OTHER THAN PRECAST CONCRETE A. Install handholes and boxes level and plumb and with orientation and depth coordinated with connecting ducts to minimize bends and deflections required for proper entrances. Use box extension if required to match depths of ducts, and seal joint between box and extension as recommended by the manufacturer. B. Unless otherwise indicated, support units on a level bed of crushed stone or gravel, I graded from 1 /2-inch (12.7-mm) sieve to No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve and compacted to same density as adjacent undisturbed earth. C. Elevation: In paved areas and trafficways, set so cover surface will be flush with finished grade. Set covers of other handholes 1 inch (25 mm) above finished grade. D. Install handholes and boxes with bottom below the frost line, 18 inches below grade. E. Install removable hardware, including pulling eyes, cable stanchions, cable arms, and insulators, as required for installation and support of cables and conductors and as indicated. Select arm lengths to be long enough to provide spare space for future cables, but short enough to preserve adequate working clearances in the enclosure. F. Field-cut openings for ducts and conduits according to enclosure manufacturer's written instructions. Cut wall of enclosure with a tool designed for material to be cut. Size holes for terminating fittings to be used, and seal around penetrations after fittings are installed. I G. For enclosures installed in asphalt paving and subject to occasional, nondeliberate, heavy-vehicle loading, form and pour a concrete ring encircling, and in contact with, enclosure and with top surface screeded to top of box cover frame. Bottom of ring shall rest on compacted earth. I 1 . Concrete: 2500 psi (16 kPa), 28-day strength, complying with Division 03 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete," with a troweled finish. I 2. Dimensions: 10 inches wide by 12 inches deep (250 mm wide by 300 mm deep) Insert dimensions. 3.7 GROUNDING A. Ground underground ducts and utility structures according to Division 26 Section "Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems." I Print Date:3/20/2018 26 05 43 - 14 of 15 Tigard High School Modernization 26 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND DUCTS AND RACEWAYS FOR Glumac ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 3.8 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Perform the following tests and inspections and prepare test reports: 1 . Demonstrate capability and compliance with requirements on completion of installation of underground ducts and utility structures. 2. Pull aluminum or wood test mandrel through duct to prove joint integrity and test for out-of-round duct. Provide mandrel equal to 80 percent fill of duct. If obstructions are indicated, remove obstructions and retest. 3. Test manhole and handhole grounding to ensure electrical continuity of grounding and bonding connections. Measure and report ground resistance as specified in Division 26 Section "Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems." B. Correct deficiencies and retest as specified above to demonstrate compliance. 3.9 CLEANING A. Pull leather-washer-type duct cleaner, with graduated washer sizes, through full length of ducts. Follow with rubber duct swab for final cleaning and to assist in spreading lubricant throughout ducts. END OF SECTION I I I I I I I Print Date:3/20/2018 26 05 43 - 15 of 15 ITigard High School Modernization 27 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND PATHWAYS AND STRUCTURES Glumac FOR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS SECTION 27 05 43 - UNDERGROUND PATHWAYS AND STRUCTURES FOR COMMUNICATION 1 SYSTEMS 1 PART 1 - GENERAL I1 .1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I, 1 .2 SUMMARY I A. Section Includes: 1 . Rigid nonmetallic duct. 2. Duct accessories, including rigid innerduct and fabric innerduct. I3. Precast concrete handholes. 4. Polymer concrete handholes and boxes with polymer concrete cover. 5. High density plastic boxes. 6. Precast manholes. 7. Utility structure accessories. I 1 .3 DEFINITIONS iA. Direct-Buried: Duct or a duct bank that is buried in the ground, without any additional casing materials, such as concrete. B. Duct: A single duct or multiple ducts. Duct may be either installed singly or as component of a duct bank. I C. Duct Bank: I 1 . Two or more ducts installed in parallel, with or without additional casing materials. I2. Multiple duct banks. D. GRC: Galvanized rigid conduit. 0 E. IMC: Intermediate metal conduit. F. RNC: Rigid nonmetallic conduit. IPrint Date:3/20/2018 27 05 43 - 1 of 12 Tigard High School Modernization 27 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND PATHWAYS AND STRUCTURES Glumac FOR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS G. Trafficways: Locations where vehicular or pedestrian traffic is a normal course of events. I 1 .4 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product. 1 . Include duct-bank materials, including spacers and miscellaneous components. 2. Include duct and conduits and their accessories, including elbows, end bells, bends, fittings, duct spacers and solvent cement. 3. Include accessories for handholes, and boxes. 4. Include underground-line warning tape. B. Shop Drawings: 1 . Precast or Factory-Fabricated Underground Utility Structures: I a. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, attachments to other work, and accessories. b. Include duct entry provisions, including location and duct size. c. Include frame and cover design. d. Include grounding details. 1 .5 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Interruption of Existing Communications Service: Do not interrupt communications service to facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions, and then only after arranging to provide temporary communications service according to requirements indicated: I 1 . Notify Architect, and Construction Manager no fewer than ten days in advance of proposed interruption of communications service. 2. Do not proceed with interruption of communications service without Architect, Construction Manager, or Owner's written permission. B. Ground Water: Assume ground-water level is at grade level unless a lower water table is noted on Drawings. I I I Print Date:3/20/2018 27 05 43 - 2 of 12 I ITigard High School Modernization 27 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND PATHWAYS AND STRUCTURES IGlumac FOR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS PART 2 - PRODUCTS 1 2.1 RIGID NONMETALLIC DUCTS 1 A. Underground Plastic Utilities Duct: Type EPC-40-PVC RNC, complying with NEMA TC 2 and UL 651, with matching fittings complying with NEMA TC 3 by same manufacturer Ias duct. B. General Requirements for Nonmetallic Ducts and Fittings: I1. Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, by a nationally recognized testing laboratory, and marked for intended location and application. 1 2. Comply with TIA-569-C and TIA-758-C. C. Solvents and Adhesives: As recommended by duct manufacturer. I 2.2 DUCT ACCESSORIES I A. Rigid Innderduct: Smooth HDPE duct, orange in color, designed for installation within a I duct or pathway. 1. Duraline 2. Carlon N3. Or equivalent. B. Fabric Innerduct: Not an acceptable product. IC. Duct Spacers: Factory-fabricated rigid PVC interlocking spacers, sized for type and size of duct with which used, and selected to provide minimum duct spacing indicated while supporting duct during concreting or backfilling. D. Underground-Line Warning Tape: I 1 . Duringbackfillingof trenches, install continuous underground-line warningtape 9 p directly above cable or raceway at 6 to 8 inches below finished grade. Use Imultiple tapes where width of multiple lines installed in a common trench or concrete envelope exceeds 16 inches overall. I I I Print Date:3/20/2018 27 05 43 - 3 of 12 I Tigard High School Modernization 27 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND PATHWAYS AND STRUCTURES Glumac FOR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS 2.3 PRECAST CONCRETE HANDHOLES AND BOXES A. Description: Monolithically poured, factory-fabricated, reinforced-concrete walls and I bottom unless open-bottom enclosures are indicated. Frame and cover shall form top of enclosure and shall have load rating consistent with that of handhole or box. 1 . Oldcastle Precast or equal. B. Comply with ASTM C 858 for design and manufacturing processes. I C. Frame and Cover: Weatherproof steel frame, with hinged steel access door assembly with tamper-resistant, captive, cover-securing bolts. I 1 . Cover Hinges: Concealed, with hold-open ratchet assembly. 2. Cover Handle: Recessed. D. Cover Finish: Nonskid finish shall have a minimum coefficient of friction of 0.50. E. Cover Legend: Molded lettering, "COMMUNICATIONS." F. Configuration: Units shall be designed for flush burial and have closed bottom unless i otherwise indicated. G. Joint Sealant: Asphaltic-butyl material with adhesion, cohesion, flexibility, and durability properties necessary to withstand maximum hydrostatic pressures at the installation location with the ground-water level at grade. H. Knockout Panels: Precast openings in walls, arranged to match dimensions and elevations of approaching duct and duct banks, plus an additional [6 inches (1 50 mm)] [12 inches (300 mm)] vertically and horizontally to accommodate alignment variations. 1 . Knockout panels shall be located no less than 6 inches (1 50 mm) from interior surfaces of walls, floors, or frames and covers of handholes, but close enough to corners to facilitate racking of cables on walls. 2. Knockout panel opening shall have cast-in-place, welded-wire fabric reinforcement for field cutting and bending to tie in to concrete envelopes of duct banks. I 3. Knockout panel openings shall be framed with at least two additional No. 3 steel reinforcing bars in concrete around each opening. 4. Knockout panels shall be 1-1 /2 to 2 inches (38 to 50 mm) thick. I. Duct Entrances in Handhole Walls: Cast end-bell or duct-terminating fitting in wall for each entering duct. 1 . Type and size shall match fittings to duct or conduit to be terminated. Print Date:3/20/2018 27 05 43 - 4 of 12 Tigard High School Modernization 27 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND PATHWAYS AND STRUCTURES 1 Glumac FOR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS 2. Fittings shall align with elevations of approaching duct and be located near Iinterior corners of handholes to facilitate racking of cable. J. Handholes [12 inches wide by 24 inches long (300 mm wide by 600 mm long)] <Insert I dimensions> and larger shall have inserts for cable racks and pulling-in irons installed before concrete is poured. I2.4 POLYMER CONCRETE HANDHOLES AND BOXES WITH POLYMER CONCRETE COVER IA. Description: Molded of sand and aggregate, bound together with a polymer resin, and reinforced with steel or fiberglass or a combination of the two. IB. <Double click here to find, evaluate, and insert list of manufacturers and products.> C. Standard: Comply with SCTE 77. Comply with tier requirements in "Underground Enclosure Application" Article. D. Color: [Gray] [Green]. E. Configuration: Units shall be designed for flush burial and have [open] [closed] I [integral closed] bottom unless otherwise indicated. F. Cover: Weatherproof, secured by tamper-resistant locking devices and having structural load rating consistent with enclosure. I G. Cover Finish: Nonskid finish shall have a minimum coefficient of friction of 0.50. IH. Cover Legend: Molded lettering, "[COMMUNICATIONS] ["COMM] <Insert legend>." II. Direct-Buried Wiring Entrance Provisions: Knockouts equipped with insulated bushings or end-bell fittings, selected to suit box material, sized for wiring indicated, and arranged for secure, fixed installation in enclosure wall. J. Duct Entrance Provisions: Duct-terminating fittings shall mate with entering duct for secure, fixed installation in enclosure wall. I K. Handholes [12 inches wide by 24 inches long (300 mm wide by 600 mm long)] <Insert dimensions> and larger shall have factory-installed inserts for cable racks and r, pulling-in irons. I I Print Date:3/20/2018 27 05 43 - 5 of 12 I Tigard High School Modernization 27 05 43 1 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND PATHWAYS AND STRUCTURES Glumac FOR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS 2.5 UTILITY STRUCTURE ACCESSORIES A. Accessories for Utility Structures: Utility equipment and accessory items used for utility I structure access and utility support, listed and labeled for intended use and application. I B. <Double click here to find, evaluate, and insert list of manufacturers and products.> C. Manhole Frames, Covers, and Chimney Components: Comply with structural design I' loading specified for manhole. 1 . Frame and Cover: Weatherproof, [gray cast iron complying with p ASTM A 48/A 48M, Class 30B] [cast aluminum], with milled cover-to-frame bearing surfaces; [26-inch (660-mm)] [29-inch (725-mm)] diameter. a. Cover Finish: Nonskid finish shall have a minimum coefficient of friction of 0.50. b. Special Covers: Recess in face of cover designed to accept finish material in paved areas. 1 2. Cover Legend: Cast in. Selected to suit system. 3. Manhole Chimney Components: Precast concrete rings, with dimensions matched I to those of roof opening. a. Mortar for Chimney Ring and Frame and Cover points: Comply with ASTM C 270, Type M, except for quantities of less than 2.0 cu. ft. (60 L), where packaged mix complying with ASTM C 387, Type M, may be used. b. Seal joints watertight using preformed plastic or rubber conforming to ASTM C 990. Install sealing material according to the sealant manufacturers' printed instructions. 1 D. Manhole Sump Frame and Grate: ASTM A 48/A 48M, Class 30B, gray cast iron. E. Pulling Eyes in Concrete Walls: Eyebolt with reinforcing-bar fastening insert, 2-inch- I (50-mm-) diameter eye, and 1-by-4-inch (25-by-100-mm) bolt. 1 . WorkingLoad Embedded in 6-Inch (150-mm), 4000-psi (27.6-MPa) Concrete: p 13,000-Ibf (58-kN) minimum tension. F. Pulling Eyes in Nonconcrete Walls: Eyebolt with reinforced fastening, 1-1 /4-inch- (31- mm-) diameter eye, rated [2500-lbf(1 1-kN)] <Insert value> minimum tension. I Print Date:3/20/2018 27 05 43 - 6 of 12 I Tigard High School Modernization 27 05 43 9 9 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND PATHWAYS AND STRUCTURES Glumac FOR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS G. Pulling-In and Lifting Irons in Concrete Floors: 7/8-inch- (22-mm-) diameter, hot-dip I galvanized, bent steel rod; stress relieved after forming; and fastened to reinforcing rod. Exposed triangular opening. I1 . Ultimate Yield Strength: 40,000-lbf (180-kN) shear and 60,000-lbf (270-kN) tension. In Other H. Bolting Inserts for Concrete Utility Structure Cable Racks and Ot e Attachments: Flared, threaded inserts of noncorrosive, chemical-resistant, nonconductive I thermoplastic material; 1 /2-inch (13-mm) ID by 2-3/4 inches (69 mm) deep, flared to a minimum of 1-1 /4 inches (31 mm) at base. 1. Tested Ultimate Pullout Strength: 12,000 lbf(53 kN) minimum. I I. Ground Rod Sleeve: 3-inch (75-mm), PVC duct sleeve in manhole floors 2 inches (50 mm) from the wall adjacent to, but not underneath, the duct entering the structure. J. Expansion Anchors for Installation after Concrete Is Cast: Zinc-plated, carbon-steel- wedge type with stainless-steel expander clip, with 1 /2-inch (13-mm) bolt, 5300-Ibf I (24-kN) rated pullout strength, and minimum 6800-lbf(30-kN) rated shear strength. IK. Cable Rack Assembly: Nonmetallic. Components fabricated from nonconductive, fiberglass-reinforced polymer. 1 1 . Stanchions: Nominal 36 inches (900 mm) high by 4 inches (100 mm) wide, with minimum of nine holes for arm attachment. 2. Arms: Arranged for secure, drop-in attachment in horizontal position at any I location on cable stanchions, and capable of being locked in position. Arms shall be available in lengths ranging from 3 inches (75 mm) with 450-lb (204-kg) I minimum capacity to 20 inches (500 mm) with 250-lb (114-kg) minimum capacity. Top of arm shall be nominally 4 inches (100 mm) wide, and arm shall have slots along full length for cable ties. I L. Duct-SealingCompound: Nonhardening, safe for contact with human skin, not p I deleterious to cable insulation, and workable at temperatures as low as 35 deg F (2 deg C). C-tpable of withstanding temperature of 300 deg F (1 50 deg C) without slump and adhering to clean surfaces of plastic duct, metallic duct, duct coatings, concrete, Imasonry, lead, cable sheaths, cable jackets, insulation materials, and common metals. I2.6 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Test and inspect precast concrete utility structures according to ASTM C 1037. I Print Date:3/20/2018 27 05 43 - 7 of 12 i Tigard High School Modernization 27 05 43 1 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND PATHWAYS AND STRUCTURES Glumac FOR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS PART 3 - EXECUTION I 3.1 PREPARATION A. Coordinate layout and installation of duct, duct bank, manholes, handholes, and boxes I with final arrangement of other utilities, site grading, and surface features as determined in the field. Notify Architect if there is a conflict between areas of excavation and existing structures or archaeological sites to remain. B. Coordinate elevations of duct and duct-bank entrances into manholes, handholes, and boxes with final locations and profiles of duct and duct banks, as determined by coordination with other utilities, underground obstructions, and surface features. Revise locations and elevations as required to suit field conditions and to ensure that duct runs drain to manholes and handholes, and as approved by Architect. C. Clear and grub vegetation to be removed, and protect vegetation to remain according I to Section 311000 "Site Clearing." Remove and stockpile topsoil for reapplication according to Section 311000 "Site Clearing." I 3.2 UNDERGROUND DUCT APPLICATION A. Duct for Communications: Type EPC-40-PVC RNC, in direct-buried duct bank unless otherwise indicated. B. Stub-Ups for Communications: Concrete-encased RNC. I 3.3 UNDERGROUND ENCLOSURE APPLICATION A. Handholes and Boxes for Communications: 1 . Units in Roadways and Other Deliberate Traffic Paths: Precast concrete. AASHTO HB 17. 2. Units in Driveway, Parking Lot, and Off-Roadway Locations, Subject to Occasional, Nondeliberate Loading by Heavy Vehicles: Precast concrete, AASHTO HB 1 7, H-20 structural load rating. 3. Units in Sidewalk and Similar Applications with a Safety Factor for Nondeliberate Loading by Vehicles: Precast concrete, AASHTO HB 17, H-5 structural load rating. 4. Units Subject to Light-Duty Pedestrian Traffic Only: 5. Cover design load shall not exceed the design load of the handhole or box. I, I Print Date 3/20/2018 27 05 43 - 8 of 12 I ITigard High School Modernization 27 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND PATHWAYS AND STRUCTURES IGlumac FOR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS 3.4 EARTHWORK 11 A. Excavation and Backfill: Comply with Section 312000 "Earth Moving," but do not use heavy-duty, hydraulic-operated, compaction equipment. I 3.5 DUCT AND DUCT-BANK INSTALLATION # A. Install duct and duct bank according to NEMA TCB 2 and TIA-758-C. I B. Slope: Pitch duct and duct bank a minimum slope of 1 :100 down toward manholes and handholes and away from buildings and equipment. Slope duct and duct bank from a Ihigh point in runs between two manholes, to drain in both directions. C. Curves and Bends: Use couplings an le 5-de reefor small changes in direction. Use 9 9 manufactured long sweep bends with a minimum radius of 48 inches (1200 mm), both Ihorizontally and vertically, at other locations unless otherwise indicated. 1 . Duct and duct banks shall have maximum of two 90-degree bends, or the total of all bends shall be no more 180 degrees between pull points. I D. Joints: Use solvent-cemented joints in duct and fittings, and make watertight according to manufacturer's written instructions. Stagger couplings, so those of adjacent ducts do not lie in same plane. IE. End-Bell Entrances to Manholes and Concrete and Polymer Concrete Handholes: Use end bells, spaced approximately 6 inches (150 mm) o.c. for 4-inch (100-mm) duct, Iand vary proportionately for other duct sizes. 1 . Begin change from regular spacing to end-bell spacing 10 feet (3 m) from the P Iend bell without reducing duct slope and without forming a trap in the line. 2. Expansion and Deflection Fittings: Install an expansion and deflection fitting in I each duct in the area of disturbed earth adjacent to manhole or handhole. Install an expansion fitting near the center of all straight-line direct-buried duct and duct banks, with calculated expansion of more than 3/4 inch (19 mm). 111 3. Grout end bells into structure walls from both sides to provide watertight entrances. I I I Print Date:3/20/2018 27 05 43 - 9 of 12 I Tigard High School Modernization 27 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND PATHWAYS AND STRUCTURES Glumac FOR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS F. Terminator Entrances to Manholes and Concrete and Polymer Concrete Handholes: Use manufactured, cast-in-place duct terminators, with entrances into structure spaced 111 approximately 6 inches (150 mm) o.c. for 4-inch (100-mm) duct, and vary proportionately for other duct sizes. 1 . Begin change from regular spacing to terminator spacing 10 feet (3 m) from the terminator without reducing duct slope and without forming a trap in the line. 2. Expansion and Deflection Fittings: Install an expansion and deflection fitting in each duct in the area of disturbed earth adjacent to manhole or handhole. Install an expansion fitting near the center of all straight-line duct or duct bank, with calculated expansion of more than 3/4 inch (19 mm). G. Building Wall Penetrations: Make a transition from underground duct to GRC at least 10 feet (3 m) outside the building wall, without reducing duct slope away from the building or forming a trap in the duct. Use fittings manufactured for RNC duct-to-GRC conduit transition. Sealing: Provide temporary closure at terminations of duct that has cables pulled. Seal spare ducts at terminations. Use sealing compound and plugs to withstand at least 1 5-psig (1 .03-MPa) hydrostatic pressure. H. Pulling Cord: Install 200-lbf- (1000-N-m) test nylon cord in empty duct and innerduct. I. Direct-Buried Duct and Duct Banks: I 1 . Excavate trench bottom to provide firm and uniform support for duct and duct bank. Comply with requirements in Section 312000 "Earth Moving" for preparation of trench bottoms for duct less than 6 inches (1 50 mm) in nominal diameter. 1 2. Install duct with a minimum of 3 inches (75 mm) between duct for like services and 6 inches (1 50 mm) between power and signal duct. 3. Width: Excavate trench 12 inches (300 mm) wider than duct or duct bank on each side. 4. Depth: Install top of duct or duct bank at least 36 inches (900 mm) below finished grade unless otherwise indicated. 5. Set elevation of bottom of duct or duct bank below frost line. 6. Support duct on duct spacers coordinated with duct size, duct spacing, and outdoor temperature. 7. Elbows: Install manufactured duct elbows for stub-ups, at building entrances through floor, and at changes of direction in duct unless otherwise indicated. Encase elbows for stub-ups throughout length of elbow. [Extend encasement minimum of 36 inches (900 mm) beyond elbow joints]. I Print Date:3/20/2018 27 05 43 - 10 of 12 I Tigard High School Modernization 27 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND PATHWAYS AND STRUCTURES Glumac FOR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS 8. Install manufactured RNC elbows for stub-ups, at building entrances, and at changes of direction in duct. a. Place minimum of 3 inches (75 mm) of sand as a bed for duct and duct bank. Place sand to a minimum of 6 inches (150 mm) above top level of duct and duct bank. Underground-Line WarningTape: Buryconductingunderground-line warningtape no J. g 9 less than 12 inches (300 mm) above all concrete-encased duct and duct bank and approximately 12 inches (300 mm) below grade. Align tape parallel to and within 3 inches (75 mm) of centerline of duct bank. Provide an additional warning tape for each 12-inch (300-mm) increment of duct-bank width over a nominal 18 inches (450 mm). Space additional tapes 12 inches (300 mm) apart, horizontally. 3.6 INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE MANHOLES, HANDHOLES, AND BOXES A. Precast Concrete Handhole and Manhole Installation: 1 . Comply with ASTM C 891 unless otherwise indicated. 2. Install units level and plumb and with orientation and depth coordinated with connecting duct, to minimize bends and deflections required for proper entrances. 3. Unless otherwise indicated, support units on a level bed of crushed stone or gravel, graded from 1-inch (25-mm) sieve to No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve and compacted to same density as adjacent undisturbed earth. B. Waterproofing: Apply waterproofing to exterior surfaces of handholes after concrete has cured at least three days. After duct has been connected and grouted, and before backfilling, waterproof joints and connections, and touch up abrasions and scars. Waterproof exterior of manhole chimneys after mortar has cured at least three days. 3.7 GROUNDING A. Ground underground duct, duct bank, and utility structures according to Section 270526 "Grounding and Bonding for Communications Systems." I I I Print Date:3/20/2018 27 05 43 - 11 of 12 Tigard High School Modernization 27 05 43 March 28, 2018 UNDERGROUND PATHWAYS AND STRUCTURES Glumac FOR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS 3.8 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Perform the following tests and inspections and prepare test reports: .1 1. Demonstrate capability and compliance with requirements on completion of installation of underground duct, duct bank, and utility structures. 2. Pull solid aluminum or wood test mandrel through duct to prove joint integrity and adequate bend radii, and test for out-of-round duct. Provide a minimum I 12-inch- (300-mm-) long mandrel equal to duct size minus 1 /4 inch (6 mm). If obstructions are indicated, remove obstructions and retest. 3. Test handhole grounding to ensure electrical continuity of grounding and bonding connections. Measure and report ground resistance as specified in Section 270526 "Grounding and Bonding for Communications Systems." I B. Correct deficiencies and retest as specified above to demonstrate compliance. I 3.9 CLEANING A. Pull leather-washer-type duct cleaner, with graduated washer sizes, through full length of duct until duct cleaner indicates that duct is clear of dirt and debris. B. Clean internal surfaces of manholes, including sump. 1 . Sweep floor, removing dirt and debris. I 2. Remove foreign material. END OF SECTION J I I I I I Print Date'3/20/2018 27 05 43 - 12 of 12 I IlTigard High School Modernization 31 20 00 March 28, 2018 EARTH MOVING ICardno ISECTION 31 20 00 - EARTH MOVING PART 1 GENERAL 1 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section Includes the following: 1. Preparing subgrades for slabs-on-grade walks pavements lawns and grasses and exterior plants. 2. Excavating and backfilling for buildings and structures. 3. Drainage course for slabs-on-grade. I 4. Base course for concrete walks pavements. 5. Subbase and Base course for asphalt paving. 6. Subsurface drainage backfill for walls. I 7. Excavating and backfilling for utility trenches. 8. Excavating and backfilling trenches for buried mechanical and electrical utilities and pits for buried utility structures. I1.3 UNIT PRICES A. Unit prices for earthwork are included in Division 01. IB. Quantity allowances for earthwork are included in Division 01. C. Rock Measurement: Volume of rock actually removed, measured in original position, but not to exceed the following. Unit prices for rock excavation include replacement with approved materials. 1. 24 inches outside of concrete forms other than at footings. 2. 12 inches outside of concrete forms at footings. 3. 6 inches outside of minimum required dimensions of concrete cast against grade. 4. Outside dimensions of concrete walls indicated to be cast against rock without forms I or exterior waterproofing treatments. 5. 6 inches beneath bottom of concrete slabs-on-grade. 6. 6 inches beneath pipe in trenches, and the greater of 24 inches wider than pipe or 42 ' Il inches wide. 1.4 DEFINITIONS IA. Backfill: Soil material or controlled low-strength material used to fill an excavation. 1. Initial Backfill: Backfill placed beside and over pipe in a trench, including haunches to support sides of pipe. 1 2. Final Backfill: Backfill placed over initial backfill to fill a trench. B. Base Course: Course placed below the hot-mix asphalt paving. I IPrint Date:3/20/2018 31 20 00 - 1 of 15 Tigard High School Modernization 31 20 00 March 28, 2018 EARTH MOVING Cardno I C. Bedding Course: Course placed over the excavated subgrade in a trench before laying pipe. D. Borrow Soil: Satisfactory soil imported from off-site for use as fill or backfill. E. Drainage Course: Course supporting the slab-on-grade that also minimizes upward capillary flow of pore water. F. Excavation: Removal of material encountered above subgrade elevations and to lines and dimensions indicated. 1. Authorized Additional Excavation: Excavation below subgrade elevations or beyond indicated lines and dimensions as directed by Engineer. Authorized additional excavation and replacement material will be paid for according to Contract provisions for changes in the Work. 2. Bulk Excavation: Excavation more than 10 feet in width and more than 30 feet in length. 3. Unauthorized Excavation: Excavation below subgrade elevations or beyond indicated lines and dimensions without direction by Engineer. Unauthorized excavation, as well as remedial work directed by Engineer, shall be without additional compensation. G. Fill: Soil materials used to raise existing grades. I H. Rock: Rock material in beds, ledges, unstratified masses, conglomerate deposits, and boulders of rock material 3/4 cu. yd. or more in volume that exceed a standard penetration resistance of 100 blows/2 inches when tested by an independent geotechnical testing agency, according to ASTM D 1586. I. Structures: Buildings, footings, foundations, retaining walls, slabs, tanks, curbs, mechanical I and electrical appurtenances, or other man-made stationary features constructed above or below the ground surface. J. Subbase Course: Course placed between the subgrade and base course for hot-mix asphalt pavement, or course placed between the subgrade and a cement concrete pavement or a cement concrete or hot-mix asphalt walk. 1 K. Subgrade: Surface or elevation remaining after completing excavation, or top surface of a fill or backfill immediately below base, drainage fill, or topsoil materials. L. Utilities: On-site underground pipes, conduits, ducts, and cables, as well as underground services within buildings. 111 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For the following: 1. Soil Materials B. Material Test Reports: From a qualified testing agency indicating and interpreting test results for compliance of the following with requirements indicated: 1. Classification according to ASTM D2487 of each on-site and borrow soil material proposed for fill and backfill. 2. Laboratory compaction curve according to ASTM D1557 for each on-site and borrow soil material proposed for fill and backfill. I Print Date:3/20/2018 31 20 00 - 2 of 15 ITigard High School Modernization 31 20 00 March 28, 2018 EARTH MOVING Cardno I C. Pre-excavation Photographs or Videotape: Show existing conditions of adjoining construction and site improvements, including finish surfaces,that might be misconstrued as damage caused by earthwork operations. Submit before earthwork begins. I1.6 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Existing Utilities: Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others I unless permitted in writing by Engineer and then only after arranging to provide temporary utility services according to requirements indicated. 1. Notify Architect or Engineer not less than two days in advance of proposed utility I interruptions. 2. Do not proceed with utility interruptions without Architect's or Engineer's written permission. 3. Contact utility-locator service for area where Project is located before excavating. IB. Demolish and completely remove from site existing underground utilities indicated to be removed. Coordinate with utility companies to shut off services if lines are active. IPART 2 PRODUCTS I2.1 SOIL MATERIALS A. General: Provide borrow soil materials when sufficient satisfactory soil materials are not Iavailable from excavations. B. Satisfactory Soils: ASTM D 2487 Soil Classification Groups GW, GP, GM, SW, SP, and SM, as I outlined in the Geotechnical Report, or a combination of these groups; free of rock or gravel larger than 3 inches in any dimension, debris, waste, frozen materials, vegetation, and other deleterious matter. I C. Unsatisfactory Soils: Soil Classification Groups GC, SC, CL, ML, OL, CH, MH, OH, and PT according to ASTM D2487, as outlined in the Geotechnical Report , or a combination of these groups. 1. Unsatisfactory soils also include satisfactory soils not maintained within 2 percent of optimum moisture content at time of compaction. D. Base Course: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D2940;with at least 95 percent passing a 1 -1 /2- inch sieve and not more than 5 percent passing a No. 200 sieve, as outlined in the Geotechnical Report IE. Engineered Fill: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D2940;with at least 90 percent passing a 1 -1 /2- I inch sieve and not more than 12 percent passing a No. 200 sieve, as outlined in the Geotechnical Report F. Bedding Course: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed I stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D2940; except with 100 percent passing a 3/4- inch sieve and at least 50% retained on the No. 16sieve, such as pit run gravel or sand, or non-plastic soil excavated from the trench.. I IPrint Date:3/20/2018 31 20 00 - 3 of 15 Tigard High School Modernization 31 20 00 March 28, 2018 EARTH MOVING Cardno I G. Drainage Course: Narrowly graded mixture of washed crushed stone, or crushed gravel; ASTM D448; coarse-aggregate grading Size 57; with 100 percent passing a 1 -1 /2-inch sieve and 0 to 5 percent passing a No. 8 sieve. H. Trench backfill: 1. Class B backfill shall be used in all other locations where Class A backfill is not designated. Material used for Class B backfill shall be earth, sand, gravel, rock or combination thereof, free of humus, organic matter, vegetable matter, frozen material, 111 clods, sticks,and debris and containing no stones having a dimension greater than three inches. The materials shall predominate in the finer sizes and, in place, shall present no voids and no isolated points or areas of larger stones which would cause fracture or denting of the utility or structure or subject it to undue stress. All Class B backfill shall be placed in 8" lifts and compacted per the recommendations of the geotechnical report. 2. Class A backfill shall be used in building areas, under paved areas, in trenches parallel to street, other areas subject to wheel traffic, under sidewalk or as designated on the plans. The backfill shall be 3/4 inch and less than 8 percent passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve. The material shall be free of organic matter and other deleterious materials. Top of rock elevation shall be held down at the specified depth in areas designated to receive asphalt paving. All Class A backfill will be placed in eight inch lifts and compacted to1111 92% of the laboratory maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Test Method Dl 557. Trench backfill located within 1 foot of finished subgrade elevation should be placed and compacted per the recommendations of the geotechnical report. 1 i 3. Maintenance and Backfill: Notwithstanding the type of backfill placement,the backfilled trench or excavation surface shall be maintained until all construction has been completed and accepted by the Owner and Engineer. This maintenance shall include but not be limited to the addition of backfill in settled areas and surface rock or pavement in roadways to keep the trench reasonably smooth and free from excessive ruts and potholes. I. Filter Material: Narrowlygraded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, or crushed stone and natural sand; ASTM D448; coarse-aggregate grading Size 67;with 100 percent passing a 1- inch sieve and 0 to 5 percent passing a No. 4 sieve. 1 J. Sand: ASTM C33; fine aggregate, natural, or manufactured sand. K. Impervious Fill: Clayey gravel and sand mixture capable of compacting to a dense state. 2.2 ACCESSORIES A. Warning Tape: Acid- and alkali-resistant polyethylene film warning tape manufactured for marking and identifying underground utilities, 6 inches wide and 4 mils thick, continuously inscribed with a description of the utility; colored as follows: B. Detectable Warning Tape: Acid- and alkali-resistant polyethylene film warning tape manufactured for marking and identifying underground utilities, a minimum of 6 inches wide and 4 mils thick, continuously inscribed with a description of the utility, with metallic core encased in a protective jacket for corrosion protection, detectable by metal detector when tape is buried up to 30 inches deep; colored as follows: 1. Red: Electric. 2. Yellow: Gas, oil, steam, and dangerous materials. 3. Orange: Telephone and other communications. 4. Blue: Water systems. Print Date:3/20/2018 31 20 00 - 4 of 15 111 Tigard High School Modernization 31 20 00 March 28, 2018 EARTH MOVING ICardno 1 5. Green: Sewer systems. PART 3 EXECUTION I3.1 PREPARATION I A. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations. I B. Preparation of subgrade for earthwork operations including removal of vegetation, topsoil, debris, obstructions, and deleterious materials from ground surface is specified in Division 31 Section "Site Clearing." IC. Protect and maintain erosion and sedimentation controls, which are specified in Division 31 Section "Site Clearing," during earthwork operations. I D. General 1. The rough excavation shall be carried to the necessary depth to obtain the specified depth of subgrade densification shown on the plans. Likewise, on embankments, the I depth of subgrade densification shall be as shown on the plans or specified. Should the Contractor, through negligence or other fault, excavate below the designated lines, he shall replace the excavation with approved materials, in an approved manner and I condition, at his own expense. All excavating, moving, placing and depositing of all materials are subject to approval by the Engineer and the Engineer shall determine the suitability of material to be placed in embankments. All materials determined unsuitable shall be disposed of in waste areas or as directed. Topsoil and strippings Ishall not be used in fills or in subgrades but shall be handled and placed as specified. 2. The Contractor shall inform and satisfy himself as to the character, quantity, and distribution of all material to be excavated. No payment will be made for any excavated I material which is used for purposes other than those designated. All spoil areas shall be leveled to a uniform line and section and shall present a neat appearance before project acceptance. I 3. If existing pavement areas that will be left in place are damaged due to hauling or to any other activity of the Contractor, they shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense as directed by the Engineer. Those areas outside of the pavement area which are disturbed due to the Contractor's operations shall be restored to their original condition Iprior to final acceptance of the project. 4. Spillage of excavation materials on paved areas shall be immediately cleaned up by the Contractor. Cleanup shall include brooming and flushing with water, by mechanical I means. 5. If it is necessary to interrupt existing surface drainage, sewers or underdrainage, conduits, utilities, or similar underground structures, or parts thereof, the Contractor shall be responsible for and shall take all necessary precautions to protect and preserve I or provide temporary services. When such facilities are encountered, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer, who shall arrange for their removal, if necessary. The Contractor shall, at his own expense, satisfactorily repair all damage to such facilities I or structures which may result from any of his operations during the period of the contract. 6. Where remaining ends of abandoned pipes or portions of other items partially removed 1 under this specification would be left exposed, removal shall be carried into the slope IPrint Date:3/20/2018 31 20 00 - 5 of 15 Tigard High School Modernization 31 20 00 111 March 28, 2018 EARTH MOVING Cardno or below grade to furnish no evidence of their existence in the finish surface. Remaining ends of sewer pipes and conduits shall be capped or plugged in a watertight manner. E. Contractor's responsibility for utility properties and services 1. At points where the Contractor's operation could cause damage or interference to railway, telegraph, telephone, television, power, oil, gas, water, irrigation, or other private, public, or municipal utilities, the Contractor shall suspend work until all arrangements necessary for the protection thereof have been made by the Contractor. 2. The Contractor shall notify all utility offices which are affected by the construction operation at least 48 hours in advance of excavation. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor expose or interrupt any utility without first requesting permission and being granted to do so from the affected agency. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility, once permission from the utility has been granted, to locate, if necessary, and expose all of the existing underground utilities in advance of the trenching operation. 3. The Contractor shall be solely and directly responsible to the Owner and utility companies for any damage, expense, or claims of any kind brought because of injuries, damages or delay which may result from the carrying out of the work to be done under the Contract. 4. In the event of interruption to domestic water or to other utility services as a result of accidental breakage, or as a result of being exposed, unsupported, or a lack of coordination, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Engineer and the agency involved. The Contractor shall cooperate with the said authority in restoration of services as promptly as possible and shall bear any and all costs of repairs. In no case shall interruption of any water or utility service be allowed to exist outside working hours unless prior to approval of the Engineer or agency involved is granted. 5. Neither the Owner nor its officers or agents shall be responsible to the Contractor for damages as a result of the location of the underground utilities being other than that shown on the plans or for the existence of underground utilities not shown on the plans. 3.2 DEWATERING A. Prevent surface water and ground water from entering excavations, from ponding on prepared subgrades, and from flooding Project site and surrounding area. B. Protect subgrades from softening, undermining, washout, and damage by rain or water accumulation. 1. Reroute surface water runoff away from excavated areas. Do not allow water to accumulate in excavations. Do not use excavated trenches as temporary drainage ditches. 2. Install a dewatering system, specified in Division 31 Section "Dewatering," to keep subgrades dry and convey ground water away from excavations. Maintain until dewatering is no longer required. 3.3 EXPLOSIVES A. Explosives: Do not use explosives. 3.4 EXCAVATION, GENERAL 1 A. Unclassified Excavation: Excavate to subgrade elevations regardless of the character of surface and subsurface conditions encountered. Unclassified excavated materials may Print Date:3/20/2018 31 20 00 - 6 of 15 Tigard High School Modernization 31 20 00 March 28, 2018 EARTH MOVING ICardno include rock, soil materials, and obstructions. No changes in the Contract Sum or the I Contract Time will be authorized for rock excavation or removal of obstructions. 1. If excavated materials intended for fill and backfill include unsatisfactory soil materials and rock, replace with satisfactory soil materials. I 2. Remove rock to lines and grades indicated to permit installation of permanent construction without exceeding the following dimensions: a. 24 inches outside of concrete forms other than at footings. I b. 12 inches outside of concrete forms at footings. c. 6 inches outside of minimum required dimensions of concrete cast against grade. d. Outside dimensions of concrete walls indicated to be cast against rock without I forms or exterior waterproofing treatments. e. 6 inches beneath bottom of concrete slabs on grade. f. 6 inches beneath pipe in trenches, and the greater of 24 inches wider than pipe or 42 inches wide. I3.5 EXCAVATION FOR STRUCTURES A. Excavate to indicated elevations and dimensions within a tolerance of plus or minus 1 inch. If applicable, extend excavations a sufficient distance from structures for placing and removing concrete formwork, for installing services and other construction, and for I inspections. 1. Excavations for Footings and Foundations: Do not disturb bottom of excavation. Excavate by hand to final grade just before placing concrete reinforcement. Trim bottoms to required lines and grades to leave solid base to receive other work. Refer I to geotechnical report for direction on excavation at any wall locations to the foundation or footings. 2. Excavation for Underground Tanks, Basins, and Mechanical or Electrical Utility I Structures: Excavate to elevations and dimensions indicated within a tolerance of plus or minus 1 inch. Do not disturb bottom of excavations intended as bearing surfaces. I3.6 EXCAVATION FOR WALKS AND PAVEMENTS A. Excavate surfaces under walks and pavements to indicated lines, cross sections, elevations, and subgrades. I 3.7 EXCAVATION FOR UTILITY TRENCHES IA. Excavate trenches to indicated gradients, lines, depths, and elevations. 1. Beyond building perimeter, excavate trenches to allow installation of top of pipe below frost line. IB. Excavate trenches to uniform widths, minimum 18 inches,to provide the following clearance on each side of pipe or conduit. Excavate trench walls vertically from trench bottom to 12 I inches higher than top of pipe or conduit, unless otherwise indicated. 1. Clearance: 6 inches each side of pipe or conduit as indicated. C. Trench Bottoms: Excavate trenches 6 inches deeper than bottom of pipe elevation to allow I for bedding course. Hand excavate for bell of pipe. 1. Excavate trenches 6 inches deeper than elevation required in rock or other unyielding bearing material to allow for bedding course. I IPrint Date:3/20/2018 31 20 00 - 7 of 15 Tigard High School Modernization 31 20 00 March 28, 2018 EARTH MOVING Cardno I D. Field Relocation: During construction, minor relocations of the line may be necessary. Such relocations shall be made only with approval from the Engineer. Unforeseen obstructions encountered as a result of such relocations will not become subject to claims for additional compensation by the Contractor to any greater extent that the original lump sum of the contract or unit price of the utility being installed. I E. Opening Trenches: The Contractor shall not begin the trench excavation until the necessary material is on hand to complete the work involved. The trenches shall be opened in accordance with the lines and grades given for the work, at such times and as far in advance of the work as may be required by the Engineer. Not more than a total of 300 feet of trench shall be opened in advance of the competed utility unless authorized by the Engineer. Related structures must be competed and backfilled at the time of line installation. F. Barricades, Guards, and Safety Provisions: To protect persons from injury and to avoid property damage, adequate barricades, construction signs, warning lights, and guards as required shall be placed and maintained during the progress of the work and until it is safe for public use. Watchman or flag personnel shall be provided as necessary. Rules and regulations of all local and Federal authorities regarding safety provisions shall be observed. The Contractor will be solely responsible for accidents caused by inadequate or insufficient safety provisions. G. Interfering Structures or Roadways: 1. The Contractor shall remove, replace and/or repair any damage done by the Contractor during construction to fences, buildings, cultivated fields, drainage crossings, and any other properties at his own expense without additional compensation from the Owner. The Contractor shall replace or repair these structures to a condition as good or better than their original condition prior to commencing work in the area. 2. Where paved roadways are cut, backfill will be Class A as defined hereinbefore. New pavement shall be equal or better than the existing paved surface and shall not deviate by more than one-quarter inch from the existing elevations. 3. If the Contractor encounters existing structures which will prevent construction and are not adequately shown on the plans, he shall notify the Engineer before continuing with the work in order that the Engineer may make such field revisions as necessary to avoid conflict with the existing conditions. The cost of waiting or "downtime" during such field revisions shall be borne by the Contractor without additional cost to the Owner or liability to the Engineer. If the Contractor fails to so notify a conflict of this nature is 111 encountered, but proceed with construction despite this interference, he shall do so at his own risk with no additional payment. H. Shoring and Sheathing: The Contractor shall use whatever means necessary to maintain safe working conditions and protect adjacent property and structures from damage due to excavation. The Contractor shall conform to all federal, state, and local regulations governing shoring, sheathing, and excavation. When shoring or sheathing is installed, the trench width shall be increased accordingly. The shoring or sheathing shall remain in place until the utility or structure is backfilled to a point where caving could not damage the installation. No payment will be made for shoring or sheathing. All costs involved in placement and removal of shoring and sheathing shall be considered incidental to the work. 3.8 SUBGRADE INSPECTION 1 A. Notify Architect or Engineer when excavations have reached required subgrade. Print Date:3/20/2018 31 20 00 - 8 of 15 i Tigard High School Modernization 31 20 00 March 28, 2018 EARTH MOVING Cardno B. If Engineer determines that unsatisfactory soil is present, continue excavation and replace with compacted backfill or fill material as directed. C. Proof-roll subgrade below the building slabs and pavements with heavy pneumatic-tired equipment to identify soft pockets and areas of excess yielding. Do not proof-roll wet or saturated subgrades. 1. Completely proof-roll subgrade in one direction repeating proof-rolling in direction perpendicular to first direction. Limit vehicle speed to 3 mph. 2. Proof-roll with a loaded 10-wheel, tandem-axle dump truck weighing not less than 15 tons. 3. Excavate soft spots, unsatisfactory soils, and areas of excessive pumping or rutting, as determined by Engineer, and replace with compacted backfill or fill as directed. D. Authorized additional excavation and replacement material will be paid for according to Contract provisions for unit prices changes in the Work. E. Reconstruct subgrades damaged by freezing temperatures, frost, rain, accumulated water, or construction activities, as directed by Engineer, without additional compensation. 3.9 UNAUTHORIZED EXCAVATION A. Fill unauthorized excavation under foundations or wall footings by extending bottom elevation of concrete foundation or footing to excavation bottom, without altering top elevation. Lean concrete fill, with 28-day compressive strength of 2500 psi, may be used when approved by Engineer. 1. Fill unauthorized excavations under other construction or utility pipe as directed by Engineer. 3.10 STORAGE OF SOIL MATERIALS A. Stockpile borrow soil materials and excavated satisfactory soil materials without intermixing. Place, grade, and shape stockpiles to drain surface water. Cover to prevent windblown dust. 1. Stockpile soil materials away from edge of excavations. Do not store within drip line of remaining trees. B. Location of Excavated Materials: During excavation the Contractor shall locate excavated material so as not to block any public right-of-way, traveled roadways, public or private; and unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, roadway shall be kept open to at least on lane of traffic. The Contractor shall store or waste excavated materials only in designated areas unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Utmost care shall be taken to prevent spillage or damage to property adjacent to the project. 3.11 BACKFILL 111 A. Place and compact backfill in excavations promptly, but not before completing the following: 1. Construction below finish grade including, where applicable, subdrainage, dampproofing, waterproofing, and perimeter insulation. 2. Surveying locations of underground utilities for Record Documents. 3. Testing and inspecting underground utilities. 4. Removing concrete formwork. 5. Removing trash and debris. Print Date:3/20/2018 31 20 00 - 9 of 15 Tigard High School Modernization 31 20 00 1 March 28, 2018 EARTH MOVING Cardno I 6. Removing temporary shoring and bracing, and sheeting. 7. Installing permanent or temporary horizontal bracing on horizontally supported walls. B. Place backfill on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. 3.12 UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL A. Place backfill on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. I B. Place and compact bedding course on trench bottoms and where indicated. Shape bedding course to provide continuous support for bells, joints, and barrels of pipes and for joints, fittings, and bodies of conduits. 111 C. Backfill trenches excavated under footings and within 18 inches of bottom of footings with satisfactory soil; fill with concrete to elevation of bottom of footings. Concrete is specified in Division 03 Section "Miscellaneous Cast-in-Place Concrete." D. Provide 4-inch-thick, concrete-base slab support for piping or conduit less than 30 inches below surface of roadways. After installing and testing, completely encase piping or conduit in a minimum of 4 inches of concrete before backfilling or placing roadway base. E. Place and compact initial backfill of base material satisfactory soil, free of particles larger than 1 inch in any dimension, to a height of 12 inches over the utility pipe or conduit. 1. Carefully compact initial backfill under pipe haunches and compact evenly up on both sides and along the full length of utility piping or conduit to avoid damage or displacement of piping or conduit. Coordinate backfilling with utilities testing. F. Backfill voids with satisfactory soil while installing and removing shoring and bracing. G. Place and compact final backfill of satisfactory soil to final subgrade elevation. H. Install warning tape directly above utilities, 12 inches below finished grade, except 6 inches I below subgrade under pavements and slabs. 3.13 SOIL FILL I A. Plow, scarify, bench, or break up sloped surfaces steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal so fill material will bond with existing material. I B. Place and compact fill material in layers to required elevations as follows: 1. Under grass and planted areas, use satisfactory soil material. 2. Under walks and pavements, use satisfactory soil material. 3. Under steps and ramps, use engineered fill. 4. Under building slabs, use engineered fill. 5. Under footings and foundations, use engineered fill. C. Place soil fill on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. D. Immediately prior to the placing of the fill materials, the entire area upon which the embankment is to be placed, except where limited by rock, shall be scarified and broken by means of a disc harrow or plow, or other approved equipment, to a depth of six inches. Scarifying shall be done approximately parallel to the axis of the fill. All roots, debris, large Print Date:3/20/2018 31 20 00 - 10 of 15 111 ITigard High School Modernization 31 20 00 March 28, 2018 EARTH MOVING ICardno I stone, or objectionable material that would cause interference with the compaction of the foundation or fill shall be removed from the area and disposed of as specified. E. The grading operations shall be conducted, and the various soil strata placed, to produce a I soil structure as shown on the typical cross section or as specified. All materials entering the embankment shall be reasonably free of organic matter such as leaves, grass, roots and other objectionable material. Soil, granular material, and any other material permitted for Iuse in embankment shall be spread in successive layers as specified. F. Operations on earth work shall be suspended at any time when satisfactory results cannot I be obtained because of rain,freezing weather, or other unsatisfactory conditions of the field. The Contractor shall drag, blade, or slope the embankment to provide proper surface drainage. I G. The material in the layers shall be of the proper moisture content before rolling to obtain the prescribed compaction. Wetting or drying of the material and manipulation when necessary to secure a uniform moisture content throughout the layer shall be required. I Should the material be too wet to permit proper compaction or rolling, all work on all portions of the embankment thus affected shall be delayed until the material has dried to the required moisture content. Sprinkling shall be done and approved equipment that will sufficiently distribute the water. Sufficient equipment to furnish the required water shall be I available at all times. Samples of all embankment materials for testing, both before and after placement and compaction, will be taken at frequent intervals. From these test, corrections, adjustments and modifications of methods, materials, and moisture content shall be made Ito construct the embankment. H. Subgrade and Building Pad Compaction shall be compacted as specified within the I Geotechnical Report prepared by Geo-Design, included herein and shall be built to the minimum section indicated on the construction plans. I. During construction of the embankment, the contractor shall route his equipment at all I times, both when loaded and when empty, over the layers s they are placed and shall distribute the travel evenly over the entire width of the embankment. The equipment shall be operated in such a manner that cemented gravel or other chunky soil material will be Ibroken up into small particles and become incorporated with the other material in the layer. J. In the construction of embankments, starting layers shall be placed in the deepest portion I of the fill; as placement progresses, layers shall be constructed approximately parallel to the finished pavement grade line. K. When rock and other embankment materials are excavated at approximately the same time, I the rock shall be incorporated into the outer portion of the embankment and the other material shall be incorporated under the future paved areas. Stones or fragmentary rock larger than eight (8) inches in their greatest dimension will not be allowed in the top one (1) I foot of the subgrade. Rock fill shall be brought up on layers as specified or as directed and every effort shall be exerted to fill the voids with the finer material to form a dense, compact mass. Rocks or boulders shall not be disposed of outside the excavation or embankment I areas, except at places and in the manner designed by the Engineer. L. Where embankments are constructed predominately of rock fragments, the thickness of layers shall be as the Engineer may direct, but not greater than 18 inches. All voids between I Print Date:3/20/2018 31 20 00 - 11 of 15 Tigard High School Modernization 31 20 00 111 March 28, 2018 EARTH MOVING Cardno I rocks, boulders, etc. shall be filled with earth material brought to optimum moisture content and compacted as specified. M. If in the opinion of the Engineer, the material is unstable, rolling shall continue until the embankment is stable. I N. The Contractor shall be responsible for the stability of all embankments made under the contract and shall replace any portion, which, in the opinion of the Engineer, has become displaced due to carelessness or negligence on the part of the Contractor. IF 3.14 SOIL MOISTURE CONTROL A. Uniformly moisten or aerate subgrade and each subsequent fill or backfill soil layer before compaction to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content. 1. Do not place backfill or fill soil material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost or ice. 2. Remove and replace, or scarify and air dry otherwise satisfactory soil material that exceeds optimum moisture content by 2 percent and is too wet to compact to specified dry unit weight. 3.15 COMPACTION OF SOIL BACKFILLS AND FILLS I A. Place backfill and fill soil materials in layers not more than 8 inches in loose depth for material compacted by heavy compaction equipment, and not more than 4 inches in loose depth for material compacted by hand-operated tampers. B. Place backfill and fill soil materials evenly on all sides of structures to required elevations, and uniformly along the full length of each structure. I C. Compact soil materials to not less than the following percentages of maximum dry unit weight according to ASTM D1557: 1. Under structures, building slabs, steps, and pavements, scarify and recompact top 12 inches of existing subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill soil material as outlined in the Geotechnical Report. 2. Under walkways, scarify and recompact top 8 inches below subgrade and compact each layer of backfill or fill soil material as outlined in the Geotechnical Report. 3. Under lawn or unpaved areas, scarify and recompact top 6 inches below subgrade and compact each layer of backfill or fill soil material as outlined in the Geotechnical Report. 4. For utility trenches, compact each layer of initial and final backfill soil material as outlined in the Geotechnical Report. 3.16 GRADING I A. General: Uniformly grade areas to a smooth surface, free of irregular surface changes. Comply with compaction requirements and grade to cross sections, lines, and elevations indicated. 1. Provide a smooth transition between adjacent existing grades and new grades. 2. Cut out soft spots, fill low spots, and trim high spots to comply with required surface111 tolerances. I Print Date:3/20/2018 31 20 00 - 12 of 15 ITigard High School Modernization 31 20 00 March 28, 2018 EARTH MOVING ICardno I B. Site Grading: Slope grades to direct water away from buildings and to prevent ponding. Finish subgrades to required elevations within the following tolerances: 1. Unstructured lawn or Unpaved Areas: Plus or minus 1 inch. 2. Walks: Plus or minus 1/2 inch. I 3. Pavements: Plus or minus 1 /4 inch. 4. Playfield surfaces: Plus or minus 1 /4 inch. 11 C. Grading inside Building Lines: Finish subgrade to a tolerance of 1 /4 inch when tested with a 10-foot straightedge. 3.17 SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE I A. Subdrainage Pipe: Specified in Division 33 Section "Subdrainage." IB. Drainage Backfill: Place and compact filter material over subsurface drain, in width indicated, to within 12 inches of final subgrade, in compacted layers 6 inches thick. Overlay drainage backfill with 1 layer of subsurface drainage geotextile, overlapping sides and ends at least 6 I inches. 1. Retain one of two options in subparagraph below if compaction of filter material is required. In first option, revise percentage if required. I 2. Compact each filter material layer to 85 percent of maximum dry unit weight according to ASTM D698. I3.18 BASE COURSES A. Place subbase and base course on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. I B. On prepared subgrade, place base course under pavements and walks as follows: 1. Shape base course to required crown elevations and cross-slope grades. 2. Place base course 6 inches or less in compacted thickness in a single layer. I 3. Place base course that exceeds 6 inches in compacted thickness in layers of equal thickness,with no compacted layer more than 6 inches thick or less than 3 inches thick. 4. Compact base course at optimum moisture content to required grades, lines, cross 1 sections, and thickness to not less than 95 percent of maximum dry unit weight according to ASTM D1557, as outlined in the Geotechnical Report. 3.19 DRAINAGE COURSE I A. Place drainage course on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. I B. On prepared subgrade, place and compact drainage course under cast-in-place concrete slabs-on-grade as follows: 1. Place drainage course 6 inches or less in compacted thickness in a single layer. I 2. Place drainage course that exceeds 6 inches in compacted thickness in layers of equal thickness,with no compacted layer more than 6 inches thick or less than 3 inches thick. 3. Compact each layer of drainage course to required cross sections and thicknesses as outlined in the Geotechnical Report. I I Print Date:3/20/2018 31 20 00 - 13 of 15 Tigard High School Modernization 31 20 00 March 28, 2018 EARTH MOVING Cardno I 3.20 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL I A. Testing Agency: Owner will engage a qualified independent geotechnical engineering testing agency to perform field quality-control testing. B. Footing Subgrade: At footing subgrades, at least one test of each soil stratum will be performed to verify design bearing capacities. Subsequent verification and approval of other footing subgrades may be based on a visual comparison of subgrade with tested subgrade when approved by Engineer. C. Testing agency will test compaction of soils in place according to ASTM D1556, ASTM D2167, ASTM D2922, and ASTM D2937, as applicable. Tests will be performed at the following locations and frequencies: 1. Paved and Building Slab Areas: At subgrade and at each compacted fill and backfill layer, at least 1 test for every 2000 sq. ft. or less of paved area or building slab, but in no case fewer than 3 tests. 2. Trench Backfill: At each compacted initial and final backfill layer, at least 1 test for each 1 50 feet or less of trench length, but no fewer than 2 tests. I D. When testing agency reports that subgrades, fills, or backfills have not achieved degree of compaction specified, scarify and moisten or aerate, or remove and replace soil to depth required; re-compact and retest until specified compaction is obtained. 3.21 PROTECTION A. Protecting Graded Areas: Protect newly graded areas from traffic, freezing, and erosion. Keep free of trash and debris. B. Repair and reestablish grades to specified tolerances where completed or partially completed surfaces become eroded, rutted, settled, or where they lose compaction due to subsequent construction operations or weather conditions. 1. Scarify or remove and replace soil material to depth as directed by Engineer; reshape and re-compact. C. Where settling occurs before Project correction period elapses, remove finished surfacing, I backfill with additional soil material, compact, and reconstruct surfacing. 1. Restore appearance, quality, and condition of finished surfacing to match adjacent work, and eliminate evidence of restoration to greatest extent possible. I 3.22 DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS AND WASTE MATERIALS A. Disposal: Remove surplus satisfactory soil and waste material, including unsatisfactory soil, 111 trash, and debris, and legally dispose of it off Owner's property. 3.23 EASEMENTS I A. Where portions of the work located on private property, easements and permits will be obtained by the Owner. Easements shall provide for the use of property for construction purposes to the extent indicated on the easements. Copies of these easements and permits will be available from the Owner for inspection by the Contractor. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to determine the adequacy of the easement obtained in every case. The Print Date:3/20/2018 31 20 00 - 14 of 15 ITigard High School Modernization 31 20 00 March 28, 2018 EARTH MOVING ICardno I Contractor shall confine his construction operations to within the easement limits or street right-of-way limits or make special arrangements with the property owners for the additional area required and notify the Engineer of any such conditions. I B. Any damage to private property, either inside or outside the limits of the easements provided by the Owner, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Before final payment will the authorized by the Engineer, the Contractor will be required to furnish the Owner with written I releases from property owners where special agreements or easements have been obtained by the Contractor or where the Contractor's operations for any reason, have not been kept within the construction right-of-way obtained by the Owner. Any such special agreements I must be in written form and shall not involve the Owner or Engineer as to liabilities in any way. 3,24 FINISHING: A. Work under this specification is to be done after the earthwork has been substantially completed and will involve any or all of the following items of work as may be applicable or Ipertinent. B. All side slopes in excavation and fills shall be trimmed and shaped as specified herein and I shall be made free of all exposed roots and debris and of all stones exceeding two (2) inches in size which are loose or liable to become loosened. Embankments need not be finished to a fine degree of perfection, but shall be made as smooth, safe and slightly as practicable with the compatibility of materials used in construction of the embankments. If directed by I the Engineer, embankment slopes flatter than four to one and constructed of rocky material shall be covered with a layer of earth, talus or other fine material I C. In the vicinity of bridge ends, culvert ends, inlets, walls, etc., all extraneous matter shall be removed and the areas shaped and trimmed as directed. All sewers, culverts, drains and their appurtenances constructed under the contract shall be cleaned out. ID. All materials removed in connection with the above operations shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. IEND OF SECTION I 1 I I I Print Date:3/20/2018 31 20 00 - 15 of 15 Tigard High School Modernization 23 73 14 March 28, 2018 DEDICATED OUTSIDE AIR HANDLING UNITS IGlumac SECTION 31 21 13 - RADON MITIGATION PART 1 GENERAL ' 1 .1 SUMMARY A. Provide all work necessary to reduce and maintain radon concentration levels within the building. Provide mitigation system shop drawings and installation, and perform post- mitigation testing and monitoring for radon. 1 .2 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. 1 . AIR MOVEMENT AND CONTROL ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL (AMCA) a. AMCA 210 (2016) Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Aerodynamic Performance Rating 2. ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) a. ASTM B209 (2014) Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate b. ASTM B209M (2014) Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy ' Sheet and Plate (Metric) c. ASTM C645 (2014; E 2015) Nonstructural Steel Framing Members d. ASTM C834 (2014) Latex Sealants e. ASTM C920 (2014a) Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants f. ASTM D2665 (2014) Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and Fittings 3. NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (NEMA) a. NEMA MG 1 (2016) Motors and Generators 4. NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) a. NFPA 70 (2017) National Electrical Code 5. SHEET METAL AND AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS' NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (SMACNA) a. SMACNA 1378 (1995) Thermoplastic Duct (PVC) Construction Manual, 2nd Edition 6. U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) a. EPA 402-R-92-004 (1992) Indoor Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurement Device Protocols b. EPA 402-R-92-014 (1993) Radon Measurement in Schools c. EPA 402-R-93-003 (1993) Protocols for Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurements in Homes d. EPA 402-R-93-078 (1993; R 1994) Radon Mitigation Standards I I Tualatin High School Modification 23 73 14 Permit Set - March 20, 2018 DEDICATED OUTSIDE AIR HANDLING UNITS Glumac 111 e. EPA 625-R-92-016 (1993; Am 1994) Radon Prevention in Design and Construction of Schools and Other Large Buildings f. EPA 625-R-93-011 (1993) Radon Reduction Technique for Existing Detached Houses: Technical Guidance for Active Soil Depressurization Systems 1 .3 DEFINITIONS , A. Short Term Radon Detectors 1 . Charcoal, electret ion chamber, or approved equivalent. Devices capable of sensing and recording the presences of radon during a time period of 48 hours to 90 days which when analyzed provide a numeric value, measured in Bq/cu m pCi/L, for radon I concentrations during the time exposed. B. Suction Hole I! 1 . Location at which vacuum is created for sub-slab communication testing. C. Suction Point S 1 . Vertical standpipe penetrating into the soil gas environment containing radon and serving as the conduit to exhaust radon gas to the atmosphere. 1 D. Test Hole 1 . Location at which pressure readings are taken during sub-slab communication I testing. Readings are used to evaluate potential effectiveness of a sub-slab depressurization system. 1 .4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND REQUIREMENTS A. Performance Requirements 1 1 . Radon mitigation systems shall reduce and maintain radon concentration levels below 148 Bq/cu m 4.0 pCi/L in various buildings specified herein. Test, design and construct radon mitigation systems in accordance with EPA 402-R-93-078, EPA 402- R-93-003, EPA 402-R-92-004 and as specified herein. Additional guidance for testing, designing and constructing radon mitigation systems is contained in EPA 625-R-92-016 and EPA 625-R-93-011 . B. Criteria for Pricing Diagnostic Testing and Suction Points I 1 . For purposes of uniformly pricing diagnostic testing and the number of suction points to be constructed, base prices on the minimum requirements specified in Attachment B, located at the end of this section. Test locations, suction point locations, pipe sizes, number of fans and discharge points to the building exterior, routing of the radon mitigation systems piping, provision of associated enclosures, I and all other work necessary to achieve the desired results specified are the Contractor's responsibility and shall be based on the requirements and restrictions, if 1 Tualatin High School Modification 23 73 14 Permit Set - March 20, 2018 DEDICATED OUTSIDE AIR HANDLING UNITS 1 Glumac any, specified herein. NOTE: The number of suction points for each building specified in Attachment B are the recommended number based on existing information and are provided for pricing purposes only. The actual number of suction points required may be more or less depending on the results of the site investigations, effectiveness of sub-slab communication, diagnostic testing, and post mitigation testing and monitoring. 1 .5 SUBMITTALS ■ A. Submit the following in accordance with Division 01 . 1 1 . Radon mitigation systems 2. Radon mitigation systems enclosures 3. SD-03 Product Data 4. Radon mitigation systems components 5. Radon mitigation systems enclosure components 1 6. Radon diagnostic testing devices 7. SD-06 Test Reports 8. Post mitigation testing 9. SD-07 Certificates 10. Worker protection plan 11 . SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions 12. SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data 13. SD-11 Closeout Submittals 1 14. Radon Detector Location Log 1 5. Proof of current calibration for testing devices 1 .6 RADON DETECTOR LOCATION LOG A. Prepare and provide to the engineering project manager a Radon Detector Location Log for each building detailing the identity and location of each short term radon detector. Prepare the log using copies of the "Device Placement Log" contained in EPA 402-R-92- 014, and provide the appropriate information as line items. In addition to the log, on a copy of the building floor plans, locate and identify each short term and long term detector. 1 .7 WORKER HEALTH AND SAFETY A. Provide in accordance with EPA 402-R-93-078. Prepare a worker protection plan in accordance with EPA 402-R-93-078. I 1 1 Tualatin High School Modification 23 73 14 ' Permit Set - March 20, 2018 DEDICATED OUTSIDE AIR HANDLING UNITS Glumac I 1 .8 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Contractor Qualifications and Experience , 1. Within 15 days after award, submit written evidence or data demonstrating that the Contractor and/or one or more subcontractors employed by the Contractor possess the qualifications and experience specified below. a. Contractor Qualifications 1) The person responsible for diagnostic testing, design, construction and on- I site supervision, as required by the specifications, shall have successfully completed the requirements of and shall be maintaining a current listing in the USEPA RCP Program. Alternatively, in a State with legislation requiring mandatory credentialing for this work, compliance with the State legislation is acceptable. Evidence showing successful completion of the requirements of the USEPA National RCP Program shall include copy of current, valid USEPA RCP photo identification card or equivalent documentation issued by the State. I 2. Contractor Experience a. Submit written evidence demonstrating that the Contractor has successfully installed at least five radon mitigation systems of the same or similar to the type required herein. Experience proof shall include but not be limited to: 1) a. The contract name and number, completion dates of the project and the total cost of the project; 2) b. The names, telephone numbers and fax number of the facility or installation for whom the radon mitigation system design, construction , and/or testing were performed; 3) c. The name, telephone number and fax number of a supervisory level point of contact at each facility or installation who has knowledge of the Contractor's performance. B. Testing Laboratory 1 . Submit testing laboratory certification as proof that the testing laboratory performing radon detector analysis has successfully completed the requirements of the USEPA I Radon Measurement Proficiency (RMP) Program and is qualified and authorized to perform such analysis. Alternatively, in a State with legislation requiring mandatory credentialing for this work, compliance with the State legislation is acceptable. C. Diagnostic Testing Equipment 1 . Submit proof of current calibration for testing devices used in performing diagnostic testing. I I I 111 Tualatin High School Modification 23 73 14 Permit Set - March 20, 2018 DEDICATED OUTSIDE AIR HANDLING UNITS ' Glumac D. On-Site Supervision 1 . No work at the site will be permitted without the presence of a person possessing the qualifications specified elsewhere in this section, namely USEPA RCP listing or the State equivalent, where applicable. 1 .9 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Delivery of Products 1 . Deliver materials to the site in an undamaged condition. Deliver proprietary items in manufacture's original unopened and undamaged containers of packages with manufacture's name and brand and other pertinent data such as specification number, type, and class, date of manufacture. Schedule deliveries of materials to coincide with scheduled installation. B. Storage and Handling ' 1 . Carefully store materials off the ground to provide proper ventilation, drainage and protection against weather and dampness. Protect materials from marring, staining, rust, damage and overload and from contaminants such as grease, oil and dirt. Store ' materials at temperatures recommended by the manufacturer. Handle material to avoid damage such as chipping and breaking. Replace damaged material. PART 2 PRODUCTS ' 2.1 RADON MITIGATION SYSTEMS A. System Performance 1 . Radon mitigation systems shall reduce and maintain radon concentration levels below 148 Bq/cu m 4.0 pCi/L after activation for active mitigation systems and at all times for passive mitigation systems. 1 2. System Piping a. Route radon mitigation systems piping so as not to interfere with the daily operations and functions of the building occupants. Keep visibility of the systems to a minimum. Enclose each radon mitigation system in occupied spaces, however, all operating components shall be accessible for maintenance and repair. All spaces shall be considered to be occupied spaces except for mechanical and electrical rooms, warehouses, storerooms,janitor closets, crawl spaces, and attic spaces. Enclosures are not required for portions of systems installed above suspended acoustical ceilings. I I I Tualatin High School Modification 23 73 14 1 Permit Set - March 20, 2018 DEDICATED OUTSIDE AIR HANDLING UNITS Glumac 3. System Outlet Location a. Mitigation system discharge points shall be as specified in EPA 402-R-93-078. Prevent foreign objects from entering the outlet. Rain caps are not permitted. Maintain water tight seal through all penetrations to the building exterior. Discharge 10 feet minimum from operable doors, windows, roof access panels and mechanical air intakes into the building. Comply with local building codes. 4. System Failure Warning Monitor a. Provide a means to detect and announce each radon mitigation system failure. System failure is defined as: 1) System blockage: foreign debris, etc. High static pressure alarm. (active systems only) 2) Mechanical failure: fan or other mechanical failure. (active systems only) b. Provide an audio or visual annunciator device to indicate system failure and I locate the annunciator device in an occupied space. Conform to the requirements of EPA 402-R-93-078. 5. Air Cleaners a. Air cleaners shall NOT be used as a radon reduction method. 6. Back Drafting a. Radon mitigation system shall NOT cause back drafting of building chimneys. B. Radon Mitigation Systems Components 1 . Mechanical and electrical materials, fabrication, construction and installation shall conform to the following industry standards: 1 a. Poly vinyl chloride (PVC) Piping: ASTM D2665, Schedule 40. b. In-line Tubular Centrifugal Fans: AMCA 210 and UL listed. (for active systems only) c. Electrical Work: NFPA 70, NEMA MG 1 and EPA 402-R-93-078, No. 12 AWG minimum wire size, solid copper installed in EMT or surface metal raceway. (for active systems only) I d. Mechanical Work: ICC IMC, ICC UMC, SMACNA 1378 and EPA 402-R-93-078. e. Sealants: ASTM C920, polyurethane, Type S, Grade P for horizontal application, Grade NS for vertical application, Class 25, Use T. f. Crawl space soil-gas retarder membrane: see architectural specifications. g. Mock Downspouts and Fittings: Aluminum, ASTM B209M ASTM B209, minimum 0.81 mm 0.032 inch thick, color to match existing. Seal seams and joints. Use downspout only on the building exterior above the fan with appropriate round to downspout shape PVC adapter. ' I I I Tualatin High School Modification 23 73 14 Permit Set - March 20, 2018 DEDICATED OUTSIDE AIR HANDLING UNITS IGlumac 2.2 RADON MITIGATION SYSTEMS ENCLOSURES A. Radon mitigation systems enclosure components, materials, fabrication, construction and installation for concrete, wood studs and furring, metal studs and furring, gypsum ' wallboard, sealants and painting shall conform to the requirements specified in the respective specification sections addressing this work contained in the project specification. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 RADON TESTING A. Perform radon testing in accordance with EPA 402-R-93-003 and EPA 402-R-92-004. B. As a minimum, perform one diagnostic testperpassive or active system in 9 y the area served ' by each system. Each sub-slab communication test shall include a suction hole and at least four test holes. Use non-shrink grout to repair all holes resulting from diagnostic testing and restore floor and wall finishes to match existing adjacent surfaces. ' 3.2 RADON MITIGATION SYSTEMS INSTALLATION A. Installation 1 . Provide radon mitigation systems as indicated in the approved design drawings, as specified in EPA 402-R-93-078 and as required by the specifications and standards referenced herein for the respective materials using workmen skilled in the trades involved. Install piping plumb and parallel to existing walls, partitions and ceilings as appropriate, slope horizontal runs to drain, and secure in place in a rigid and substantial manner. 2. Seal new and existing floor slab penetrations in accordance with EPA 402-R-93-078 and as specified herein. Prevent entry of soil gas into the building and exhausting of conditioned air via the radon mitigation system. Seal cracks and openings around floor slab penetrations with polyurethane sealant. Provide backer rod or comparable ' filler material as required. Insure that all penetrations to the building exterior are weathertight. ' 3. Lay work out in advance. Exercise care where cutting, channeling, chasing or drilling floors, walls, partitions, ceilings or other surfaces as necessary for proper installation, support or anchorage. Patch and repair damage to buildings, piping and equipment using workmen skilled in the trades involved. 4. As part of the site investigation, the Contractor shall identify furniture, carpeting or other portable materials and equipment which must be relocated to provide for the installation of the radon mitigation systems, if any. B. Supervision 1 Tualatin High School Modification 23 73 14 Permit Set - March 20, 2018 DEDICATED OUTSIDE AIR HANDLING UNITS Glumac 1. Installation of the radon mitigation systems shall be supervised by the RCP listed individual responsible for the design of the systems. C. Electrical Work 1 . NFPA 70 and EPA 402-R-93-078, No. 12 AWG minimum wire size, solid copper installed in EMT or surface metal raceway. D. Mechanical Work 1 . ICC IMC, ICC UMC, SMACNA 1378 and EPA 402-R-93-078. E. System Identification , 1 . Label all components of the radon mitigation systems including, but not limited to, piping (every ten feet), enclosures, fans, electrical conduit (every 3 meters ten feet) and circuit breakers. Labels shall read: 2. "Radon Reduction System" 3.3 RADON MITIGATION SYSTEM ENCLOSURES INSTALLATION ' A. Provide enclosures as indicated in the approved design drawings and as required by the specifications and standards referenced herein for the respective materials using workmen skilled in the trades involved. Install enclosures plumb, level and parallel to existing walls, partitions and ceilings as appropriate, and secure in place in a rigid and substantial ' manner. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 1 A. Radon Mitigation System Inspection 1 . Each system shall be inspected and approved in writing by the RCP listed individual responsible for the design of the system. Verify the presence of fire stops. Deficiencies shall be corrected by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. 111 B. Post Mitigation Testing and Monitoring 1 . Perform post mitigation radon testing in the buildings as specified in EPA 402-R-93- 078 and herein. a. Short Term 1) Test each radon mitigation system for effectiveness no sooner than 24 hours nor later than 15 days after activation of the radon mitigation system. Provide short term radon detectors (charcoal, electret ion chamber or approved equivalent) at the rate of one detector per 186 square meters 2,000 square feet but not less than one detector per enclosed space, except for closets. On copies of the building floor plans, locate and identify each , short term detector and provide short term detector data on copies of the "Device Placement Log" contained in EPA 402-R-92-014. Tualatin High School Modification 23 73 14 Permit Set - March 20, 2018 DEDICATED OUTSIDE AIR HANDLING UNITS Glumac 2) At the end of the testing period, the Contractor shall collect the detectors ' and send the detectors to the testing laboratory for analysis. 3) Provide radon test results of the effectiveness of the mitigation systems not later than 30 days after collecting the detectors. ' END OF SECTION t I I Tigard High School Modernization 33 05 00 March 28, 2018 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR UTILITIES ' Cardno ' SECTION 33 05 00 - COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR UTILITIES PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Piping joining materials. 2. Transition fittings. 3. Sleeves. 4. Identification devices. ' S. Grout. 6. Flowable fill. 7. Piped utility demolition. 8. Piping system common requirements. ' 9. Equipment installation common requirements. 10. Concrete bases. 11. Metal supports and anchorages. 1.3 DEFINITIONS ' A. Exposed Installations: Exposed to view outdoors or subject to outdoor ambient temperatures and weather conditions. ' B. Concealed Installations: Concealed from view and protected from weather conditions and physical contact by building occupants but subject to outdoor ambient temperatures. Examples include installations within unheated shelters. C. ABS: Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene plastic. D. CPVC: Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride plastic. E. PE: Polyethylene plastic. F. PVC: Polyvinyl chloride plastic. 1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For the following: 1. Identification devices. ' 1.5 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Welding certificates. Print Date:3/20/2018 33 05 00 - 1 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 33 05 00 March 28, 2018 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR UTILITIES Cardno ' 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Steel Support Welding: Qualify procedures and personnel according to AWS Dl.1 /D1.1 M, "Structural Welding Code - Steel." B. Steel Piping Welding: Qualify processes and operators according to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: Section IX, "Welding and Brazing Qualifications." 1. Comply with provisions in ASME B31 Series, "Code for Pressure Piping." 2. Certify that each welder has passed AWS qualification tests for welding processes involved and that certification is current. C. Comply with ASME A13.1 for lettering size, length of color field, colors, and viewing angles ' of identification devices. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING , A. Deliver pipes and tubes with factory-applied end caps. Maintain end caps through shipping, storage, and handling to prevent pipe end damage and to prevent entrance of dirt, debris, and moisture. B. Store plastic pipes protected from direct sunlight. Support to prevent sagging and bending. 1.8 COORDINATION A. Coordinate installation of required supporting devices and set sleeves in poured-in-place ' concrete and other structural components as they are constructed. B. Coordinate installation of identifying devices after completing covering and painting if I devices are applied to surfaces. C. Coordinate size and location of concrete bases. Formwork, reinforcement, and concrete ' requirements are specified in Section 033000 "Cast-in-Place Concrete." PRODUCTS 1.9 PIPING JOINING MATERIALS ' A. Pipe-Flange Gasket Materials: Suitable for chemical and thermal conditions of piping system contents. 1. ASME B16.21, nonmetallic, flat, asbestos free, 1 /8-inch (3.2-mm) maximum thickness, unless otherwise indicated. a. Full-Face Type: For flat-face, Class 125, cast-iron and cast-bronze flanges. b. Narrow-Face Type: For raised-face, Class 250, cast-iron and steel flanges. 2. AWWA Cl 10, rubber, flat face, 1 /8 inch thick, unless otherwise indicated; and full-face or ring type, unless otherwise indicated. B. Flange Bolts and Nuts: ASME B18.2.1, carbon steel, unless otherwise indicated. ' C. Plastic, Pipe-Flange Gasket, Bolts, and Nuts: Type and material recommended by piping system manufacturer, unless otherwise indicated. D. Solder Filler Metals: ASTM B32, lead-free alloys. Include water-flushable flux according to ASTM B813. ' Print Date 3/20/2018 33 05 00 - 2 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 33 05 00 March 28, 2018 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR UTILITIES ' Cardno E. Brazing Filler Metals: AWS A5.8, BCuP Series, copper-phosphorus alloys for general-duty ' brazing, unless otherwise indicated; and AWS A5.8, BAg1, silver alloy for refrigerant piping, unless otherwise indicated. ' F. Welding Filler Metals: Comply with AWS D10.12/D10.12M for welding materials appropriate for wall thickness and chemical analysis of steel pipe being welded. ' G. Solvent Cements for Joining Plastic Piping: 1. ABS Piping: ASTM D2235. 2. CPVC Piping: ASTM F493. ' 3. PVC Piping: ASTM D2564. Include primer according to ASTM F656. 4. PVC to ABS Piping Transition: ASTM D3138. H. Fiberglass Pipe Adhesive: As furnished or recommended by pipe manufacturer. ' 1.10 TRANSITION FITTINGS A. Transition Fittings, General: Same size as, and with pressure rating at least equal to and with ends compatible with, piping to be joined. ' B. Transition Couplings NPS 1-1 /2 (DN 40) and Smaller: 1. Underground Piping: Manufactured piping coupling or specified piping system fitting. 2. Aboveground Piping: Specified piping system fitting. ' C. AWWA Transition Couplings NPS 2 (DN 50) and Larger: 1. Description: AWWA C219, metal sleeve-type coupling for underground pressure piping. ' D. Plastic-to-Metal Transition Fittings: 1. Description: [CPVC] [CPVC and PVC] [PVC] one-piece fitting with manufacturer's Schedule 80 equivalent dimensions; one end with threaded brass insert, and one solvent-cement-joint[ or threaded] end. E. Plastic-to-Metal Transition Unions: 1. Description: MSS SP-107, [CPVC] [CPVC and PVC] [PVC] four-part union. Include ' brass[ or stainless-steel] threaded end, solvent-cement-joint[ or threaded] plastic end, rubber 0-ring, and union nut. F. Flexible Transition Couplings for Underground Nonpressure Drainage Piping: 1. Description: ASTM C1173 with elastomeric sleeve, ends same size as piping to be joined, and corrosion-resistant metal band on each end. 1 1.11 SLEEVES ' A. Mechanical sleeve seals for pipe penetrations are specified in Section 22 05 17 "Sleeves and Sleeve Seals for Plumbing Piping." B. Galvanized-Steel Sheet Sleeves: 0.0239-inch (0.6-mm) minimum thickness; round tube closed with welded longitudinal joint. C. Steel Pipe Sleeves: ASTM A53/A53M, Type E, Grade B, Schedule 40, galvanized, plain ends. Print Date:3/20/2018 33 05 00 - 3 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 33 05 00 ' March 28, 2018 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR UTILITIES Cardno I D. Cast-Iron Sleeves: Cast or fabricated "wall pipe" equivalent to ductile-iron pressure pipe, with plain ends and integral waterstop, unless otherwise indicated. E. Molded PVC Sleeves: Permanent, with nailing flange for attaching to wooden forms. F. PVC Pipe Sleeves: ASTM D1785, Schedule 40. G. Molded PE Sleeves: Reusable, PE,tapered-cup shaped, and smooth outer surface with nailing flange for attaching to wooden forms. 1.12 GROUT A. Description: ASTM C1107, Grade B, nonshrink and nonmetallic, dry hydraulic-cement grout. 1. Characteristics: Post hardening, volume adjusting, nonstaining, noncorrosive, nongaseous, and recommended for interior and exterior applications. 2. Design Mix: 5000-psi (34.5-MPa), 28 day compressive strength. 3. Packaging: Premixed and factory packaged. 1.13 FLOWABLE FILL A. Description: Low-strength-concrete, flowable-slurry mix. 1. Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I, portland. 2. Density: [1 1 5- to 145-lb/cu. ft. (1840- to 2325-kg/cu. m).] 3. Aggregates: ASTM C33, natural sand, fine and crushed gravel or stone, coarse. 4. Aggregates: ASTM C33, natural sand, fine. 5. Admixture: ASTM C618, fly-ash mineral. 6. Water: Comply with ASTM C94/C94M. 7. Strength: [100 to 200 psig (690 to 1380 kPa)] at 28 days. PART 2 EXECUTION 2.1 PIPED UTILITY DEMOLITION ' A. Refer to Section 02 41 19 "Selective Demolition" for general demolition requirements and procedures. B. Disconnect, demolish, and remove piped utility systems, equipment, and components indicated to be removed. 1. Piping to Be Removed: Remove portion of piping indicated to be removed and cap or plug remaining piping with same or compatible piping material. 2. Piping to Be Abandoned in Place: Drain piping. Fill abandoned piping with flowable fill, and cap or plug piping with same or compatible piping material. 3. Equipment to Be Removed: Disconnect and cap services and remove equipment. 4. Equipment to Be Removed and Reinstalled: Disconnect and cap services and remove, clean, and store equipment; when appropriate, reinstall, reconnect, and make operational. 5. Equipment to Be Removed and Salvaged: Disconnect and cap services and remove equipment and deliver to Owner. Print Date 3/20/2018 33 05 00 - 4 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 33 05 00 March 28, 2018 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR UTILITIES Cardno C. If pipe, insulation, or equipment to remain is damaged in appearance or is unserviceable, remove damaged or unserviceable portions and replace with new products of equal capacity and quality. 2.2 PIPING INSTALLATION A. Install piping according to the following requirements and utilities Sections specifying piping systems. B. Drawing plans, schematics, and diagrams indicate general location and arrangement of piping systems. Indicated locations and arrangements were used to size pipe and calculate friction loss, expansion, pump sizing, and other design considerations. Install piping as indicated unless deviations to layout are approved on the Coordination Drawings. C. Install piping indicated to be exposed and piping in equipment rooms and service areas at right angles or parallel to building walls. Diagonal runs are prohibited unless specifically indicated otherwise. D. Install piping to permit valve servicing. E. Install piping at indicated slopes. F. Install piping free of sags and bends. G. Install fittings for changes in direction and branch connections. H. Select system components with pressure rating equal to or greater than system operating pressure. 111 I. Sleeves are not required for core-drilled holes. 1 J. Permanent sleeves are not required for holes formed by removable PE sleeves. K. Install sleeves for pipes passing through concrete and masonry walls and concrete floor and roof slabs. 1. Cut sleeves to length for mounting flush with both surfaces. a. Exception: Extend sleeves installed in floors of equipment areas or other wet areas [2 inches (50 mm)] above finished floor level. 2. Install sleeves in new walls and slabs as new walls and slabs are constructed. a. [PVC] [Steel] Pipe Sleeves: For pipes smaller than NPS 6 (DN 1 50). b. Steel Sheet Sleeves: For pipes NPS 6 (DN 150)and larger, penetrating gypsum-board partitions. L. Verify final equipment locations for roughing-in. M. Refer to equipment specifications in other Sections for roughing-in requirements. 2.3 PIPING JOINT CONSTRUCTION A. Join pipe and fittings according to the following requirements and utilities Sections specifying piping systems. Print Date 3/20/2018 33 05 00 - 5 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 33 05 00 March 28, 2018 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR UTILITIES Cardno I B. Ream ends of pipes and tubes and remove burrs. Bevel plain ends of steel pipe. C. Remove scale, slag, dirt, and debris from inside and outside of pipe and fittings before assembly. D. Threaded Joints: Thread pipe with tapered pipe threads according to ASME B1.20.1. Cut threads full and clean using sharp dies. Ream threaded pipe ends to remove burrs and restore full ID.Join pipe fittings and valves as follows: 1. Apply appropriate tape or thread compound to external pipe threads unless dry seal threading is specified. 2. Damaged Threads: Do not use pipe or pipe fittings with threads that are corroded or damaged. Do not use pipe sections that have cracked or open welds. E. Welded Joints: Construct joints according to AWS D10.12/D10.12M, using qualified processes and welding operators according to Part 1 "Quality Assurance" Article. F. Flanged Joints: Select appropriate gasket material, size, type, and thickness for service application. Install gasket concentrically positioned. Use suitable lubricants on bolt threads. G. Grooved Joints: Assemble joints with grooved-end pipe coupling with coupling housing, gasket, lubricant, and bolts according to coupling and fitting manufacturer's written instructions. I H. Soldered Joints: Apply ASTM B813 water-flushable flux, unless otherwise indicated, to tube end. Construct joints according to ASTM B828 or CDA's "Copper Tube Handbook," using lead-free solder alloy (0.20 percent maximum lead content) complying with ASTM B32. I. Brazed Joints: Construct joints according to AWS's "Brazing Handbook," "Pipe and Tube" Chapter, using copper-phosphorus brazing filler metal complying with AWS A5.8. J. Pressure-Sealed Joints: Assemble joints for plain-end copper tube and mechanical pressure seal fitting with proprietary crimping tool to according to fitting manufacturer's written instructions. K. Plastic Piping Solvent-Cemented Joints: Clean and dry joining surfaces.Join pipe and fittings according to the following: 1. Comply with ASTM F402 for safe-handling practice of cleaners, primers, and solvent cements. 2. ABS Piping:Join according to ASTM D2235 and ASTM D2661 appendixes. 3. CPVC Piping:Join according to ASTM D2846/D2846M Appendix. 4. PVC Pressure Piping: Join schedule number ASTM D1785, PVC pipe and PVC socket fittings according to ASTM D2672. Join other-than-schedule-number PVC pipe and socket fittings according to ASTM D2855. 5. PVC Nonpressure Piping:Join according to ASTM D2855. 6. PVC to ABS Nonpressure Transition Fittings:Join according to ASTM D3138 Appendix. L. Plastic Pressure Piping Gasketed Joints:Join according to ASTM D3139. M. Plastic Nonpressure Piping Gasketed Joints:Join according to ASTM D3212. I N. Plastic Piping Heat-Fusion Joints: Clean and dry joining surfaces by wiping with clean cloth or paper towels.Join according to ASTM D2657. 1 Print Date:3/20/2018 33 05 00 - 6 of 8 ITigard High School Modernization 33 05 00 March 28, 2018 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR UTILITIES ICardno 1. Plain-End PE Pipe and Fittings: Use butt fusion. 2. Plain-End PE Pipe and Socket Fittings: Use socket fusion. O. Bonded joints: Prepare pipe ends and fittings, apply adhesive, and join according to pipe Imanufacturer's written instructions. 2.4 PIPING CONNECTIONS IA. Make connections according to the following, unless otherwise indicated: 1. Install unions, in piping NPS 2 (DN 50) and smaller, adjacent to each valve and at final I connection to each piece of equipment. 2. Install flanges, in piping NPS 2-1/2 (DN 65) and larger, adjacent to flanged valves and at final connection to each piece of equipment. 3. Install dielectric fittings at connections of dissimilar metal pipes. I 2.5 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION IA. Install equipment level and plumb, unless otherwise indicated. B. Install equipment to facilitate service, maintenance, and repair or replacement of I components. Connect equipment for ease of disconnecting, with minimum interference with other installations. Extend grease fittings to an accessible location. C. Install equipment to allow right of way to piping systems installed at required slope. I 2.6 CONCRETE BASES IlA. Concrete Bases: Anchor equipment to concrete base according to equipment manufacturer's written instructions and according to seismic codes at Project. 1. Construct concrete bases of dimensions indicated, but not less than 4 inches (100 mm) I larger in both directions than supported unit. 2. Install dowel rods to connect concrete base to concrete floor. Unless otherwise indicated, install dowel rods on 18-inch (450-mm) centers around the full perimeter of base. 1 3. Install epoxy-coated anchor bolts for supported equipment that extend through concrete base, and anchor into structural concrete floor. I 4. Place and secure anchorage devices. Use supported equipment manufacturer's setting drawings, templates, diagrams, instructions, and directions furnished with items to be embedded. 5. Install anchor bolts to elevations required for proper attachment to supported I equipment. 6, Install anchor bolts according to anchor-bolt manufacturer's written instructions. 7. Use [3000-psi (20.7-MPa)] 28-day compressive-strength concrete and reinforcement I as specified in [Section 03 30 00 "Cast-in-Place Concrete."] [Section 03 30 53 "Miscellaneous Cast-in-Place Concrete."] I2.7 GROUTING A. Mix and install grout for equipment base bearing surfaces, pump and other equipment base plates, and anchors. 1 IPrint Date:3/20/2018 33 05 00 - 7 of 8 Tigard High School Modernization 33 05 00 I. March 28, 2018 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR UTILITIES Cardno B. Clean surfaces that will come into contact with grout. C. Provide forms as required for placement of grout. D. Avoid air entrapment during placement of grout. 1 E. Place grout, completely filling equipment bases. F. Place grout on concrete bases and provide smooth bearing surface for equipment. I G. Place grout around anchors. H. Cure placed grout. END OF SECTION 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I Print Date:3/20/2018 33 05 00 - 8 of 8 ITigard High School Modernization 33 14 16 March 28, 2018 WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPING ICardno iSECTION 33 14 16 - WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPING PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 1.1 SUMMARY Ii A. This section specifies requirements for water line distribution piping. 1. Pipe and fittings for potable water line and fire water line. I1.2 1.2 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I B. Related Sections 1. Section 31 23 17 Trenching IC. AWWA- American Water Works Association. 1.3 1.3 SUBMITTALS IA. Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures: Requirements for submittals. B. Product Data: Submit data on pipe materials, pipe fittings, valves, lids and accessories. IC. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify products meet or exceed specified requirements. I D. Project Record Documents: Record as-constructed locations of piping mains, valves, connections, thrust restraints, and invert elevations. E. Identify and describe unexpected variations to subsoil conditions or discovers of uncharted Iutilities. 1.4 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE IA. A. Perform Work in accordance with Uniform Pluming Code and local water authority. 111 1.5 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver and store valves in shipping containers with manufacturer's name and pressure Irating labeling in place. B. Store pipe and pipe materials in designated areas on-site. 111 C. Store polyethylene materials out of sunlight. I IPrint Date:3/20/2018 33 14 16 - 1 of 3 Tigard High School Modernization 33 14 16 March 28, 2018 WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPING Cardno I PART 2 PRODUCTS I 2.1 2.1 WATER PIPING A. Public Water mains 6" and larger. I 1. Push-on joint Ductile Iron Pipe, Class 52, cement-mortar lined conforming to ANSI/AWWA C151/A 21 .51 and ANSI A21 .11 . Rubber ring gaskets shall conform to ANSI A21 .11 , suitable for the specified pipe sizes and pressures. Fitting joints shall be mechanical joint ends. B. Private water lines 4" and larger 1. Push-on joint Ductile Iron Pipe, Class 52, cement-mortar lined conforming to ANSI/AWWA Cl 51 /A 21.51 and ANSI A21.11. Rubber ring gaskets shall conform to ANSI A21.11, suitable for the specified pipe sizes and pressures. Fitting joints shall be mechanical joint ends. 2. PVC AWWA C-900 and AWWA C905, designated for potable water use. Class DR 18, 150 psi, and DR 14, 200 psi. C. Private water lines 2" and smaller 1. PVC Schedule 40 designated for potable water use. 2. Copper pipe type K 2.2 FITTINGS A. Ductile Iron Fittings shall conform to ANSI / AWWA C110 / A21.10 and/or ANSI / AWWA I Cl 53/A 21.53. Fitting joints shall have mechanical joint (MJ) ends. B. Mechanical Joint Fittings and Restraints I 1. Mechanical joint fittings shall be ductile iron short pattern. 2. Fittings shall conform to ANSI / AWWA C110 / A21.10 and shall be of a class at least equal to that of the adjacent pipe. 3. Bolts shall be domestic Cor-Ten or ductile iron tee-head bolts. 4. Mechanical Joint Restraints. a. The restraint shall be MEGALUG Series 1100 restraint device as manufactured by EBAA Iron, Inc. C. Flanged Fittings 1. Flanged fittings shall conform to ANSI / AWWA C110/A21.10 and shall be faces and drilled Class 124 flanges that match ANSI B16.1 fittings. 2. Flanged fittings shall be ductile iron 3. Flange bolts and nuts shall be Grade 304 or 316 stainless steel with standard course threads. Threads on bolts and nuts shall be coated with a food grade anti-seize material to prevent thread galling. D. Gaskets I 1. Gasket material for flanged joints in ductile iron pipe shall consist of 1 /8-inch thick, full-face one-piece, cloth inserted, rubber gaskets conforming to section 4 of ANSI/ AWWA C207 and ANSI B16.21. 1 E. Restrained Joints I Print Date 3/20/2018 33 14 16 - 2 of 3 ITigard High School Modernization 33 14 16 March 28, 2018 WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPING ICardno I1. joints shall be restrained using either mechanical joint restraints or Field LokTM (Tyton), FastiteTM (American) gaskets. 2. Thrust block and straddle block materials shall be 3,500 psi minimum compressive strength concrete. I2.3 VALVES AND VALVE BOXES I A. For 1" Water Line Valve, use 1" brass ball valve with drain on building side of valve per local plumbing code. IB. Use Brooks 37MB 12" x 20" Concrete Box or equal for Water Gate Valve. 111 PART 3 EXECUTION i3,1 PREPARATION A. Verify existing utility water main size, location and inverts are as indicated on the Drawings. I3.2 EXCAVATION A. Excavate pipe trench in accordance with Section 31 23 17 Trenching. Hand trim excavation Ifor accurate placement of pipe to elevations indicated on Drawings. 3.3 INSTALLATION IA. Install ductile iron pipe and fittings in accordance with AWWA C600 and manufactures' instructions. iB. Install PVC pipe in accordance with AWWA C605 and manufactures' instructions. IC. Install access lid and value boxes as required to provide access to valves. 3,4 DISINFECTION AND TESTING IA. Disinfection and testing shall be in conformance with local water district standards. IEND OF SECTION i I I Print Date:3/20/2018 33 14 16 - 3 of 3 I Tigard High School Modernization 33 31 13 March 28, 2018 FACILITY SANITARY SEWERS Cardno SECTION 33 31 13 - SANITARY SEWER GRAVITY PIPING I PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes Gravity-flow, non-pressure sanitary sewerage outside the building, with the following components: 1. Backwater valves. 2. Cleanouts. 3, Precast concrete manholes. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. ABS: Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene plastic. B. EPDM: Ethylene-propylene-diene-monomer rubber. C. FRP: Fiberglass-reinforced plastic. D. LLDPE: Linear low-density, polyethylene plastic. E. PE: Polyethylene plastic. 111 F. PP: Polypropylene plastic. G. PVC: Polyvinyl chloride plastic. H. RTRF: Glass-fiber-reinforced, thermosetting-resin fitting. I. RTRP: Glass-fiber-reinforced, thermosetting-resin pipe. J. TPE: Thermoplastic elastomer. 1.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Gravity-Flow, Nonpressure, Drainage-Piping Pressure Rating: 10-foot head of water. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For the following: Ii. Special pipe fittings. 2. Backwater valves. 3. Pipe, cleanouts, manholes. B. Shop Drawings: For the following: Print Date:3/20/2018 33 31 13 - 1 of 10 Tigard High School Modernization 33 31 13 March 28, 2018 FACILITY SANITARY SEWERS Cardno I 1. Manholes: Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and frames and covers. C. Field quality-control test reports. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Do not store plastic, pipe, and fittings in direct sunlight. B. Protect pipe, pipe fittings, and seals from dirt and damage. • C. Handle manholes according to manufacturer's written rigging instructions. D. Pipe Handling: The Contractor shall unload pipe only by approved means. Pipe shall not be 111 unloaded by dropping the pipe to the ground and shall not be dropped or dumped into trenches. 1. The Contractor shall inspect all pipe and fittings prior to lowering into trench to insure no cracked, broken, or otherwise defective materials are used. 2. The Contractor shall clean ends of pipe thoroughly, remove foreign matter and dirt from inside of pipe, and keep it clean during laying and joining. 3. The Contractor shall lower pipe into the trench in such a manner as to avoid any physical 4. Damage to the pipe. 5. The Contractor shall remove all damaged pipe from the job site. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Interruption of Existing Sanitary Sewerage Service: Do not interrupt service to facilities I occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary service according to requirements indicated: B. Notify Architect, Construction Manager, and Owner no fewer than two days in advance of proposed interruption of service. C. Do not proceed with interruption of service without Owner's written permission. PART 2 PRODUCTS 1 2.1 PIPING MATERIALS A. Refer to Part 3 "Piping Applications" Article for applications of pipe, fitting, and joining materials. 2.2 ABS PIPE AND FITTINGS I A. ABS Sewer Pipe and Fittings: ASTM D 2751, with bell-and-spigot ends for gasketed joints. 1. NPS 3 to NPS 6: SDR 35. 2. NPS 8toNPS 12: SDR42. 3. Gaskets: ASTM F 477, elastomeric seals. I 1 Print Date:3/20/2018 33 31 13 - 2 of 10 ITigard High School Modernization 33 31 13 March 28, 2018 FACILITY SANITARY SEWERS ICardno 2.3 PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS A. PVC Pressure Pipe: AWWA C900, Class 150, for gasketed joints and using ASTM F 477, elastomeric seals. I 1. Fittings NPS 4 to NPS 8: PVC pressure fittings complying with AWWA C907, for gasketed joints and using ASTM F 477, elastomeric seals. 2. Fittings NPS 10 and Larger: Ductile-iron, compact fittings complying with AWWA Cl 53, for push-on joints and using AWWA C1 1 1 , rubber gaskets. IB. PVC Water-Service Pipe and Fittings: ASTM D 1785, Schedule 40 pipe, with plain ends for solvent-cemented joints with ASTM D 2466, Schedule 40, socket-type fittings. C. PVC Cellular-Core Pipe and Fittings: ASTM F 891, Sewer and Drain Series, PS 50 minimum stiffness pipe with ASTM D 3034, SDR 35, socket-type fittings for solvent-cemented joints. I D. PVC Sewer Pipe and Fittings, NPS 1 5 and Smaller: ASTM D 3034, SDR 35, with bell-and- spigot ends for gasketed joints with ASTM F 477, elastomeric seals. E. PVC Sewer Pipe and Fittings, NPS 1 8 and Larger: ASTM F 679, T-1 wall thickness, with bell- ' and-spigot ends for gasketed joints with ASTM F 477, elastomeric seals. F. PVC Profile Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings: ASTM F 794 pipe, with bell-and-spigot ends; ASTM D 3034 fittings, with bell ends; and ASTM F 477, elastomeric seals. I2.4 NONPRESSURE-TYPE PIPE COUPLINGS A. Comply with ASTM C 1173, elastomeric, sleeve-type, reducing or transition coupling, for joining underground nonpressure piping. Include ends of same sizes as piping to be joined Iand corrosion-resistant-metal tension band and tightening mechanism on each end. B. Sleeve Materials: 1. For Concrete Pipes: ASTM C 443, rubber. 2. For Cast-Iron Soil Pipes: ASTM C 564, rubber. 3. For Plastic Pipes: ASTM F 477, elastomeric seal or ASTM D 5926, PVC. 4. For Dissimilar Pipes: ASTM D 5926, PVC or other material compatible with pipe materials being joined. C. Unshielded, Flexible Couplings: Elastomeric sleeve with corrosion-resistant-metal tension Iband and tightening mechanism on each end. D. Shielded, Flexible Couplings: ASTM C 1460, elastomeric or rubber sleeve with full-length, 111 corrosion-resistant outer shield and corrosion-resistant-metal tension band and tightening mechanism on each end. E. Ring-Type, Flexible Couplings: Elastomeric compression seal with dimensions to fit inside bell of larger pipe and for spigot of smaller pipe to fit inside ring. F. Nonpressure-Type, Rigid Couplings: ASTM C 1461, sleeve-type reducing- or transition- type mechanical coupling molded from ASTM C 1440,TPE material with corrosion-resistant- metal tension band and tightening mechanism on each end. I Print Date:3/20/2018 33 31 13 - 3 of 10 Tigard High School Modernization 33 31 13 March 28, 2018 FACILITY SANITARY SEWERS Cardno 2.5 BACKWATER VALVES A. PVC Backwater Valves: Horizontal type; with PVC body, PVC removable cover, and PVC swing I check valve. 2.6 CLEANOUTS I A. PVC Cleanouts: PVC body with PVC threaded plug. Include PVC sewer pipe fitting and riser to cleanout of same material as sewer piping. 2.7 MANHOLES A. Standard Precast Concrete Manholes: ASTM C 478, precast, reinforced concrete, of depth indicated, with provision for sealant joints. 1. Diameter: 48 inches minimum, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Ballast: Increase thickness of precast concrete sections or add concrete to base section, as required to prevent flotation. 3. Base Section: 6-inch minimum thickness for floor slab and 4-inch minimum thickness for walls and base riser section, and having separate base slab or base section with integral floor. 4. Riser Sections: 4-inch minimum thickness, and of length to provide depth indicated. S. Top Section: Eccentric-cone type, unless concentric-cone or flat-slab-top type is indicated. Top of cone of size that matches grade rings. 6. joint Sealant: ASTM C 990, bitumen or butyl rubber. 7. Resilient Pipe Connectors: ASTM C 923, cast or fitted into manhole walls,for each pipe connection. 8. Steps: Individual FRP steps or FRP ladder, wide enough to allow worker to place both feet on 1 step and designed to prevent lateral slippage off of step. Cast or anchor steps into sidewalls at 12- to 16-inch intervals. Omit steps if total depth from floor of manhole to finished grade is less than 30 inches. 9. Grade Rings: Reinforced-concrete rings, 6- to 9-inch total thickness, to match diameter of manhole frame and cover. 10. Manhole Frames and Covers: Ferrous; 24-inch ID by 7- to 9-inch riser with 4-inch- minimum width flange and 26-inch- diameter cover. Include indented top design with lettering cast into cover, using wording equivalent to "SANITARY SEWER." B. Designed Precast Concrete Manholes: ASTM C 913; designed according to ASTM C 890 for A-16 (ASSHTO HS20-44), heavy-traffic, structural loading; of depth, shape, and dimensions indicated, with provision for sealant joints. 1. Ballast: Increase thickness of one or more precast concrete sections or add concrete to manhole as required to prevent flotation. 2. Joint Sealant: ASTM C 990, bitumen or butyl rubber. 3. Resilient Pipe Connectors: ASTM C 923, cast or fitted into manhole walls, for each pipe connection. 4. Steps: Individual FRP steps or FRP ladder, wide enough to allow worker to place both feet on 1 step and designed to prevent lateral slippage off of step. Cast or anchor steps into sidewalls at 1 2- to 16-inch intervals. Omit steps if total depth from floor of manhole to finished grade is less than 30 inches. S. Grade Rings: Reinforced-concrete rings, 6- to 9-inch total thickness, to match diameter of manhole frame and cover. I Print Date:3/20/2018 33 31 13 - 4 of 10 1 Tigard High School Modernization 33 31 13 March 28, 2018 FACILITY SANITARY SEWERS ICardno 6. Manhole Frames and Covers: Ferrous; 24-inch ID by 7- to 9-inch riser with 4-inch- minimum width flange and 26-inch- diameter cover. Include indented top design with Ilettering cast into cover, using wording equivalent to "SANITARY SEWER." I2.8 CONCRETE A. General: Cast-in-place concrete according to ACI 318/318R, ACI 350R, and the following: 1. Cement: ASTM C 1 50, Type II. I 2. Fine Aggregate: ASTM C 33, sand. 3. Coarse Aggregate: ASTM C 33, crushed gravel. 4. Water: Potable. IB. Portland Cement Design Mix: 4000 psi minimum, with 0.45 maximum water/cementitious materials ratio. 1. Reinforcement Fabric: ASTM A 185, steel, welded wire fabric, plain. 2. Reinforcement Bars: ASTM A 61 5/A 61 5M, Grade 60, deformed steel. C. Manhole Channels and Benches: Factory or field formed from concrete. Portland cement I design mix, 4000 psi minimum, with 0.45 maximum water/cementitious materials ratio. Include channels and benches in manholes. 1. Channels: Concrete invert, formed to same width as connected piping, with height of vertical sides to three-fourths of pipe diameter. Form curved channels with smooth, I uniform radius and slope. 2. Invert Slope: a. 2 percent through manhole. I 3. Benches: Concrete, sloped to drain into channel. a. Slope: 4 percent. I D. Ballast and Pipe Supports: Portland cement design mix, 3000 psi minimum, with 0.58 maximum water/cementitious materials ratio. 1. Reinforcement Fabric: ASTM A 185, steel, welded wire fabric, plain. I2. Reinforcement Bars: ASTM A 615/A 615M, Grade 60, deformed steel. 2.9 GROUT I A. Grout shall be of the nonshrinking type. Sika 212, Euco N-S, Five Star, or approved equal nonmetallic cementitious commercial grout exhibiting zero shrinkage per ASTM- C- 827and CRD-C-621. Grout shall be amended with cement or sand and shall not be Ireconditioned with water after initial mixing. PART 3 EXECUTION 1 3,1 EARTHWORK IA. Excavating, trenching, and backfilling are specified in Division 31 Section "Earth Moving." 3.2 PIPING APPLICATIONS IA. Pipe couplings and special pipe fittings with pressure ratings at least equal to piping rating may be used in applications below, unless otherwise indicated. I 1. Use nonpressure-type flexible couplings where required to join gravity-flow, nonpressure sewer piping, unless otherwise indicated. Print Date:3/20/2018 33 31 13 - 5 of 10 Tigard High School Modernization 33 31 13 March 28, 2018 FACILITY SANITARY SEWERS Cardno a. Ring-type flexible couplings for piping of different sizes where annular space between smaller piping's OD and larger piping's ID permits installation. 2. Use pressure-type pipe couplings for force-main joints. I B. Special Pipe Fittings: Use for pipe expansion and deflection. Pipe couplings and special pipe fittings with pressure ratings at least equal to piping rating may be used in applications below, unless otherwise indicated. C. Gravity-Flow, Nonpressure Sewer Piping: Use any of the following pipe materials for each size range: 1. NPS 3: NPS 6 ductile-iron, gravity sewer pipe or NPS 3 or NPS 4 ductile-iron pressure pipe; ductile-iron standard fittings; gaskets; and gasketed joints. 2. NPS 3: ABS, SDR 35, sewer pipe and fittings; gaskets; and gasketed joints. 3. NPS 3: PVC water-service pipe; PVC Schedule 40, water-service-pipe fittings; and solvent-cemented joints. 4. NPS 3: NPS 4 PVC sewer pipe and fittings, gaskets, and gasketed joints. 5. NPS 4: NPS 6 ductile-iron, gravity sewer pipe or NPS 4 ductile-iron pressure pipe; ductile-iron standard fittings; gaskets; and gasketed joints. 6. NPS 4: ABS, SDR 35, sewer pipe and fittings; gaskets; and gasketed joints. 7. NPS 4: PVC water-service pipe; PVC Schedule 40, water-service-pipe fittings; and solvent-cemented joints. 8. NPS 4: PVC sewer pipe and fittings, gaskets, and gasketed joints. 9. NPS 5 and NPS 6: NPS 6 ductile-iron, gravity sewer pipe; ductile-iron standard fittings; gaskets; and gasketed joints. 10. NPS 5 and NPS 6: NPS 6 ABS, SDR 35, sewer pipe and fittings; gaskets; and gasketed joints. 11. NPS 5 and NPS 6: NPS 6 cellular-core PVC pipe, PVC sewer pipe fittings, and solvent- cemented joints. 12. NPS 5 and NPS 6: NPS 6 PVC sewer pipe and fittings, gaskets, and gasketed joints. 13. NPS 8 and NPS 10: Ductile-iron, gravity sewer pipe; ductile-iron standard [or] fittings; gaskets; and gasketed joints. 14. NPS 8 and NPS 10: ABS, SDR 42, sewer pipe and fittings; gaskets; and gasketed joints. 15. NPS 8 and NPS 10: Cellular-core PVC pipe, PVC sewer pipe fittings, and solvent- cemented joints. 16. NPS 8 and NPS 10: PVC sewer pipe and fittings, gaskets, and gasketed joints. 17. NPS 8 and NPS 10: PVC profile gravity sewer pipe and fittings, gaskets, and gasketed joints. 18. NPS 12 to NPS 16: Ductile-iron, gravity sewer pipe; ductile-iron standard fittings; gaskets; and gasketed joints. 19. NPS 12: ABS, SDR 42, sewer pipe and fittings; gaskets; and gasketed joints. 20. NPS 12 and NPS 15: PVC sewer pipe and fittings, gaskets, and gasketed joints. 21. NPS 12 and NPS 1 5: PVC profile gravity sewer pipe and fittings, gaskets, and gasketed joints. 22. NPS 18 to NPS 24: Ductile-iron, gravity sewer pipe; ductile-iron standard fittings; gaskets; and gasketed joints. 23. NPS 18 to NPS 24: PVC sewer pipe and fittings, gaskets, and gasketed joints. 24. NPS 18 to NPS 24: PVC profile gravity sewer pipe and fittings, gaskets, and gasketed joints. 3.3 PIPING INSTALLATION ;I A. General Locations and Arrangements: Drawing plans and details indicate general location and arrangement of underground sanitary sewerage piping. Location and arrangement of Print Date 3/20/2018 33 31 13 - 6 of 10 Tigard High School Modernization 33 31 13 March 28, 2018 FACILITY SANITARY SEWERS Cardno piping layout take design considerations into account. Install piping as indicated, to extent practical. Where specific installation is not indicated, follow piping manufacturer's written instructions. B. Install piping beginning at low point, true to grades and alignment indicated with unbroken continuity of invert. Place bell ends of piping facing upstream. Install gaskets, seals, sleeves, and couplings according to manufacturer's written instructions for using lubricants, cements, and other installation requirements. C. Install manholes for changes in direction, unless fittings are indicated. Use fittings for branch connections, unless direct tap into existing sewer is indicated. D. Install proper size increasers, reducers, and couplings where different sizes or materials of pipes and fittings are connected. Reducing size of piping in direction of flow is prohibited. E. Tunneling: Install pipe under streets or other obstructions that cannot be disturbed by tunneling,jacking, or combination of both. F. Install gravity-flow, nonpressure, drainage piping according to the following: 1. Install piping pitched down in direction of flow, at minimum slope of 2 percent, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Install piping with 36-inch minimum cover. 3. Install ductile-iron, gravity sewer piping according to ASTM A 746. 4. Install ductile-iron and special fittings according to AWWA C600 or AWWA M41. 5. Install ABS sewer piping according to ASTM D 2321 and ASTM F 1668. 6. Install PVC cellular-core piping according to ASTM D 2321 and ASTM F 1668. 7. Install PVC sewer piping according to ASTM D 2321 and ASTM F 1668. 8. Install PVC profile gravity sewer piping according to ASTM D 2321 and ASTM F 1668. G. piping according to ASTM A 674 or AWWA C105: 1. Hub-and-spigot, cast-iron soil pipe. 2. Hubless cast-iron soil pipe and fittings. 3. Ductile-iron pipe and fittings. 4. Special pipe fittings. H. Clear interior of piping and manholes of dirt and superfluous material as work progresses. Maintain swab or drag in piping, and pull past each joint as it is completed. Place plug in end of incomplete piping at end of day and when work stops. NI 3.4 PIPE JOINT CONSTRUCTION A. Basic piping joint construction is specified in Division 22 Section "Common Work Results for Plumbing" Where specific joint construction is not indicated, follow piping manufacturer's written instructions. B. Join gravity-flow, nonpressure, drainage piping according to the following: 1. Join ductile-iron, gravity sewer piping according to AWWA C600 for push-on joints. 2. Join ductile-iron and special fittings according to AWWA C600 or AWWA M41. 3. Join ABS sewer piping according to ASTM D 2321 and ASTM D 2751 for elastomeric- seal joints. 4. Join PVC cellular-core piping according to ASTM D 2321 and ASTM F 891 for solvent- cemented joints. 111 Print Date:3/20/2018 33 31 13 - 7 of 10 Tigard High School Modernization 33 31 13 March 28, 2018 FACILITY SANITARY SEWERS Cardno I S. Join PVC sewer piping according to ASTM D 2321 and ASTM D 3034 for elastomeric- seal joints or ASTM D 3034 for elastomeric-gasket joints. 6. Join PVC profile gravity sewer piping according to ASTM D 2321 for elastomeric-seal joints or ASTM F 794 for gasketed joints. 3.5 MANHOLE INSTALLATION I' A. General: Install manholes complete with appurtenances and accessories indicated. B. Install precast concrete manhole sections with sealants according to ASTM C 891. 1 C. Form continuous concrete channels and benches between inlets and outlet. D. Set tops of frames and covers flush with finished surface of manholes that occur in pavements. Set tops 6 inches above finished surface elsewhere, unless otherwise indicated. E. Install manhole cover inserts in frame and immediately below cover. 3.6 CONCRETE PLACEMENT I A. Place cast-in-place concrete according to ACI 31 6/318R. 3.7 BACKWATER VALVE INSTALLATION A. Install horizontal-type backwater valves in piping where indicated. B. Install combination horizontal and manual gate valve type in piping and in manholes where indicated. C. Install terminal-type backwater valves on end of piping and in manholes where indicated. Secure units to sidewalls. 3.8 CLEANOUT INSTALLATION A. Install cleanouts and riser extensions from sewer pipes to cleanouts at grade. Use cast-iron soil pipe fittings in sewer pipes at branches for cleanouts and cast-iron soil pipe for riser extensions to cleanouts. Install piping so cleanouts open in direction of flow in sewer pipe. B. Set cleanout frames and covers in concrete pavement with tops flush with pavement surface. I 3.9 CONNECTIONS A. Connect nonpressure, gravity-flow drainage piping to building's sanitary building drains. B. Make connections to existing piping and underground manholes. 1. Use commercially manufactured wye fittings for piping branch connections. Remove section of existing pipe; install wye fitting into existing piping; and encase entire wye fitting, plus 6-inch overlap, with not less than 6 inches of concrete with 28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi. 2. Make branch connections from side into existing piping, NPS 4 to NPS 20. Remove section of existing pipe; install wye fitting into existing piping; and encase entire wye with not less than 6 inches of concrete with 28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi. Print Date:3/20/2018 33 31 13 - 8 of 10 Tigard High School Modernization 33 31 13 March 28, 2018 FACILITY SANITARY SEWERS ICardno 3. Make branch connections from side into existing piping, NPS 21 or larger, or to I underground manholes by cutting opening into existing unit large enough to allow 3 inches of concrete to be packed around entering connection. Cut end of connection pipe passing through pipe or structure wall to conform to shape of and be flush with inside wall, unless otherwise indicated. On outside of pipe or manhole wall, encase I entering connection in 6 inches of concrete for minimum length of 12 inches to provide additional support of collar from connection to undisturbed ground. 4. Use concrete that will attain minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi, I unless otherwise indicated. 5. Use epoxy-bonding compound as interface between new and existing concrete and piping materials. I 6. Protect existing piping and manholes to prevent concrete or debris from entering while making tap connections. Remove debris or other extraneous material that may accumulate. IC. Connect to grease interceptors. 3.10 CLOSING ABANDONED SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEMS A. Abandoned Piping: Close open ends of abandoned underground piping indicated to remain in place. Include closures strong enough to withstand hydrostatic and earth pressures that may result after ends of abandoned piping have been closed. Use either procedure below: 1. Close open ends of piping with threaded metal caps, plastic plugs, or other acceptable methods suitable for size and type of material being closed. Do not use wood plugs. I B. Abandoned Manholes: Excavate around manhole as required and use either procedure below: 1. Remove manhole and close open ends of remaining piping. I 2. Remove top of manhole down to at least 36 inches below final grade. Fill to within 12 inches of top with stone, rubble, gravel, or compacted dirt. IC. Backfill to grade according to Division 31 Section "Earth Moving." 3.1 1 IDENTIFICATION A. Materials and their installation are specified in Division 31 Section "Earth Moving." Arrange for installation of green warning tapes directly over piping and at outside edges of underground manholes. I 1. Use warning tape or detectable warning tape over ferrous piping. 2. Use detectable warning tape over nonferrous piping and over edges of underground manholes. I3.12 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect interior of piping to determine whether line displacement or other damage has occurred. Inspect after approximately 24 inches of backfill is in place, and again at completion of Project. 1. Submit separate report for each system inspection. I 2. Defects requiring correction include the following: 3. Alignment: Less than full diameter of inside of pipe is visible between structures. 4. Deflection: Flexible piping with deflection that prevents passage of ball or cylinder of Isize not less than 95 percent of piping diameter. Print Date:3/20/2018 33 31 13 - 9 of 10 I Tigard High School Modernization 33 31 13 March 28, 2018 FACILITY SANITARY SEWERS Cardno S. Crushed, broken, cracked, or otherwise damaged piping. 6. Infiltration: Water leakage into piping. 7. Exfiltration: Water leakage from or around piping. 8. Replace defective piping using new materials, and repeat inspections until defects are within allowances specified. 9. Re-inspect and repeat procedure until results are satisfactory. I B. Test new piping systems, and parts of existing systems that have been altered, extended, or repaired, for leaks and defects. 1. Do not enclose, cover, or put into service before inspection and approval. 2. Test completed piping systems according to requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 3. Schedule tests and inspections by authorities having jurisdiction with at least 24 hours' advance notice. 4. Submit separate report for each test. S. Test and Acceptance: All gravity sanitary shall be video inspected, pass the required compaction test (AASHTO T99), and a deflection test. All sanitary lines shall pass an air test prior to acceptance, pass the required manhole tests, and shall be free of visible leaks. On sanitary sewer pipe 42 inches in diameter and larger, individual joints may be tested by an approved joint testing device. Required test will be determined by type of system (sanitary and location (street or easement). All details of testing procedures shall be subject to approval of the Agency. 6. Test Equipment: The Contractor shall furnish all necessary testing equipment and perform the tests in a manner satisfactory to the Agency or City. Any arrangement of testing equipment which will provide observable and accurate measurements of either air or water leakage under the specified conditions, will be permitted. Gauges for air testing shall be calibrated with a standardized test gauge. 7. Hydrostatic Tests: Test sanitary sewerage according to requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 8. Air Tests: Test sanitary sewerage according to requirements of authorities having jurisdiction, UNI-B-6, and the following: 9. Option: Test plastic gravity sewer piping according to ASTM F 1417. 10. Option: Test concrete gravity sewer piping according to ASTM C 924. 11. Ductile-Iron Piping: Test according to AWWA C600, "Hydraulic Testing" Section. 12, PVC Piping: Test according to AWWA M23, "Testing and Maintenance" Chapter. 13. Manholes: Perform hydraulic test according to ASTM C 969. 14. Video Inspection of Gravity Systems: All sanitary system shall be video inspected and taped prior to the Owner acceptance of the systems. A copy of the video tape, and a written TV Inspection Report shall be submitted to the Architect, Engineer and Owner. The video tape shall be recorded in color. C. Leaks and loss in test pressure constitute defects that must be repaired. 1. Replace leaking piping using new materials, and repeat testing until leakage is within allowances specified. 3.13 CLEANING 1 A. Clean interior of piping of dirt and superfluous material. Flush with potable water. END OF SECTION 1 PrintDate:3/20/2018 33 31 13 - 10 of 10 1 Tigard High School Modernization 33 41 00 March 28, 2018 STORM UTILITY DRAINAGE AND PIPING ICardno ISECTION 33 41 00 - STORM UTILITY DRAINAGE PIPING PART 1 GENERAL 1 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary 111 Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY IA. Section Includes: 1. Pipe and fittings. I 2. Non-pressure transition couplings. 3. Expansion joints and deflection fittings. 4. Cleanouts. I 5. Drains. 6. Manholes. 7. Channel drainage systems. 8. Catch basins. I 9. Stormwater inlets. 10. Stormwater detention structures. 11. Pipe outlets. I 1.3 DEFINITIONS 1, A. FRP: Fiberglass-reinforced plastic. I1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. 1 B. Shop Drawings: 1. Manholes: Include plans, elevations, sections, details, frames, and covers. 2. Catch basins and stormwater inlets. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, frames, I covers, and grates. 3. Stormwater Detention Structures: Include plans, elevations, sections, details, frames, covers, design calculations, and concrete design-mix reports. 1.5 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Coordination Drawings: Show pipe sizes, locations, and elevations. Show other piping in same trench and clearances from storm drainage system piping. Indicate interface and spatial relationship between manholes, piping, and proximate structures. I1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Do not store plastic manholes, pipe, and fittings in direct sunlight. 1I Print Date:3/20/2018 33 41 00 - 1 of 16 Tigard High School Modernization 33 41 00 March 28, 2018 STORM UTILITY DRAINAGE AND PIPING Cardno ' B. Protect pipe, pipe fittings, and seals from dirt and damage. C. Handle manholes according to manufacturer's written rigging instructions. D. Handle catch basin and stormwater inlets according to manufacturer's written rigging instructions. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS I A. Interruption of Existing Storm Drainage Service: Do not interrupt service to facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary service according to requirements indicated: 1. Notify Architect, Engineer Construction and Owner no fewer than two days in advance of proposed interruption of service. 2. Do not proceed with interruption of service without Owner's written permission. I PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 A. Pipe and Fittings: ASTM A74, Service class I B. Gaskets: ASTM C564, rubber. C. Calking Materials: ASTM B29, pure lead and oakum or hemp fiber. 1 2.2 ABS PIPE AND FITTINGS A. ABS Sewer Pipe and Fittings: ASTM D 2751, with bell-and-spigot ends for gasketed joints. 1. NPS 3 to NPS 6 (DN 80 to DN 150): SDR 35. 2, NPS 8 to NPS 12 (DN 200 to DN 300): SDR 42. B. Gaskets: ASTM F477, elastomeric seals. 2.3 PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS A. PVC Cellular-Core Piping: 1. PVC Cellular-Core Pipe and Fittings: ASTM F 891, Sewer and Drain Series, PS 50 minimum stiffness, PVC cellular-core pipe with plain ends for solvent-cemented joints. 2. Fittings: ASTM D 3034, [SDR 35], PVC socket-type fittings. B. PVC Profile Sewer Piping: 1. Pipe:ASTM F794, PVC profile, gravity sewer pipe with bell-and-spigot ends for gasketed joints. 2. Fittings: ASTM D3034, PVC with bell ends. 3. Gaskets: ASTM F477, elastomeric seals. C. PVC Type PSM Sewer Piping: 1. Pipe: ASTM D 3034, [SDR 35], PVC Type PSM sewer pipe with bell-and-spigot ends for gasketed joints. 2. Fittings: ASTM D3034, PVC with bell ends. Print Date:3/20/2018 33 41 00 - 2 of 16 ITigard High School Modernization 33 41 00 March 28, 2018 STORM UTILITY DRAINAGE AND PIPING ICardno I3. Gaskets: ASTM F477, elastomeric seals. D. PVC Gravity Sewer Piping: 1. Pipe and Fittings: ASTM F679, [T-1] [T-2] wall thickness, PVC gravity sewer pipe with I bell-and-spigot ends and with integral ASTM F477, elastomeric seals for gasketed joints. 1 2.4 NONPRESSURE TRANSITION COUPLINGS A. Comply with ASTM C1173, elastomeric, sleeve-type, reducing or transition coupling, for I joining underground non-pressure piping. Include ends of same sizes as piping to be joined, and corrosion-resistant-metal tension band and tightening mechanism on each end. I B. Sleeve Materials: 1. For Plastic Pipes: ASTM F477, elastomeric seal or ASTM D5926, PVC. 2. For Dissimilar Pipes: ASTM D5926, PVC or other material compatible with pipe materials being joined. IC. Unshielded, Flexible Couplings: 1. Description: Elastomeric sleeve with stainless-steel shear ring and] corrosion-resistant- Imetal tension band and tightening mechanism on each end. D. Shielded, Flexible Couplings: 1. Description: ASTM C1460, elastomeric or rubber sleeve with full-length, corrosion- resistant outer shield and corrosion-resistant-metal tension band and tightening mechanism on each end. 1 E. Ring-Type, Flexible Couplings: 1. Description: Elastomeric compression seal with dimensions to fit inside bell of larger pipe and for spigot of smaller pipe to fit inside ring. I2.5 BACKWATER VALVES II A. Cast-Iron Backwater Valves: 1. Description: ASME Al 12.14.1 , gray-iron body and bolted cover, with bronze seat. 2. Horizontal type; with swing check valve and hub-and-spigot ends. 3. Combination horizontal and manual gate-valve type; with swing check valve, integral I gate valve, and hub-and-spigot ends. 4. Terminal type; with bronze seat, swing check valve, and hub inlet. I B. Plastic Backwater Valves: 1. Description: Horizontal type;with PVC body, PVC removable cover, and PVC swing check valve. I2.6 CLEANOUTS A. Plastic Cleanouts: I 1. Description: PVC body with PVC threaded plug. Include PVC sewer pipe fitting and riser to cleanout of same material as sewer piping. I Print Date:3/20/2018 33 41 00 - 3 of 16 Tigard High School Modernization 33 41 00 March 28, 2018 STORM UTILITY DRAINAGE AND PIPING Cardno I 2.7 DRAINS I A. Steel Trench Drains: 1. Description: Factory fabricated from ASTM A242/A242M, welded steel plate, to form rectangular body with uniform bottom downward slope of 2 percent toward outlet, anchor flange, and grate. Include units of total length indicated, bottom outlet of size indicated, outlet strainer, acid-resistant enamel coating on inside and outside surfaces, and grate with openings of total free area at least two times cross-sectional area of outlet. 2. Plate Thicknesses: [1 /8 inch (3.2 mm)] [1 /8 inch (3.2 mm) and 1 /4 inch (6.4 mm)] [1/4 inch (6.4 mm)]. 3, Overall Widths: 7-1 /2 inches and 12-1 /3 inches. a. Grate Openings: 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) circular. 2.8 MANHOLES I A. Standard Precast Concrete Manholes: 1. Description: ASTM C478 (ASTM C478M), precast, reinforced concrete, of depth I indicated, with provision for sealant joints. 2. Diameter: 48 inches minimum unless otherwise indicated. 3. Ballast: Increase thickness of precast concrete sections or add concrete to base section as required to prevent flotation. 4. Base Section: 6-inch minimum thickness for floor slab and 4-inch minimum thickness for walls and base riser section, and separate base slab or base section with integral floor. 111 5. Riser Sections: 4-inch minimum thickness, and lengths to provide depth indicated. 6. Top Section: Eccentric-cone type unless concentric-cone or flat-slab-top type is indicated, and top of cone of size that matches grade rings. 7. Joint Sealant: ASTM C990 (ASTM C990M), bitumen or butyl rubber. 8. Resilient Pipe Connectors: ASTM C923 (ASTM C923M), cast or fitted into manhole walls, for each pipe connection. 9. Steps: [Individual FRP steps or FRP ladder] [Individual FRP steps; FRP ladder; or ASTM A615/A615M, deformed, 1/2-inch (13-mm) steel reinforcing rods encased in ASTM D4101, PP] [ASTM A615/A615M, deformed, 1 /2-inch (13-mm) steel reinforcing rods encased in ASTM D4101, PP], wide enough to allow worker to place both feet on one step and designed to prevent lateral slippage off step. Cast or anchor steps into sidewalls at 12- to 16-inch intervals. Omit steps if total depth from floor of manhole to finished grade is less than 60 inches Retain one of two subparagraphs below if required to raise top of manhole to grade. 10. Adjusting Rings: Interlocking HDPE rings with level or sloped edge in thickness and diameter matching manhole frame and cover, and of height required to adjust manhole frame and cover to indicated elevation and slope. Include sealant recommended by ring manufacturer. 11. Grade Rings: Reinforced-concrete rings, 6-to 9-inch total thickness, to match diameter of manhole frame and cover, and height as required to adjust manhole frame and cover to indicated elevation and slope. B. Designed Precast Concrete Manholes: 1. Description: ASTM C913; designed according to ASTM C890 for A-16 (AASHTO HS20- 44), heavy-traffic, structural loading; of depth, shape, and dimensions indicated, with provision for sealant joints. Print Date 3/20/2018 33 41 00 - 4 of 16 Tigard High School Modernization 33 41 00 March 28, 2018 STORM UTILITY DRAINAGE AND PIPING ICardno I 2. Ballast: Increase thickness of one or more precast concrete sections or add concrete to manhole as required to prevent flotation. 3. Joint Sealant: ASTM C990 (ASTM C990M), bitumen or butyl rubber. 4. Resilient Pipe Connectors: ASTM C923 (ASTM C923M), cast or fitted into manhole walls, I for each pipe connection. 5. Steps: Individual FRP steps; FRP ladder; or ASTM A 61 5/A 615M, deformed, 1/2-inch steel reinforcing rods encased in ASTM D 4101, PP, wide enough to allow worker to I place both feet on one step and designed to prevent lateral slippage off step. Cast or anchor steps into sidewalls at 12- to 16-inch intervals. Omit steps if total depth from floor of manhole to finished grade is less than 60 inches I 6. Adjusting Rings: Interlocking HDPE rings with level or sloped edge in thickness and diameter matching manhole frame and cover, and of height required to adjust manhole frame and cover to indicated elevation and slope. Include sealant recommended by ring manufacturer. I 7. Grade Rings: Reinforced-concrete rings, 6-to 9-inch (150-to 225-mm)total thickness, to match diameter of manhole frame and cover, and of height required to adjust manhole frame and cover to indicated elevation and slope. C. Manhole Frames and Covers: 1. Description: Ferrous; 24-inch (610-mm) ID by7- to 9-inch 175- to 225-mm) riser p with 4-inch- (102-mm-) minimum width flange and 26-inch- (660-mm-) diameter I cover. Include indented top design with lettering cast into cover, using wording equivalent to "STORM SEWER." 2. Material: ASTM A536, Grade 60-40-18 ductile 1 2.9 CONCRETE I A. General: Cast-in-place concrete according to ACI 318, ACI 350/350R (ACI 350M/350RM), and the following: 1. Cement: ASTM C150, Type II. 2. Fine Aggregate: ASTM C33, sand. 1 3. Coarse Aggregate: ASTM C33, crushed gravel. 4. Water: Potable. I B. Portland Cement Design Mix: 4000 psi (27.6 MPa) minimum, with 0.45 maximum water/cementitious materials ratio. 1. Reinforcing Fabric: ASTM Al85/A185M, steel, welded wire fabric, plain. I2. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A615/A61 5M, Grade 60 (420 MPa) deformed steel. C. Manhole Channels and Benches: Factory or field formed from concrete. Portland cement I design mix, 4000 psi (27.6 MPa) minimum, with 0.45 maximum water/cementitious materials ratio. Include channels and benches in manholes. 1. Channels: Concrete invert, formed to same width as connected piping, with height of vertical sides to three-fourths of pipe diameter. Form curved channels with smooth, I uniform radius and slope. a. Invert Slope: 2 percent through manhole. 2. Benches: Concrete, sloped to drain into channel. Ia. Slope: 4 percent. D. Ballast and Pipe Supports: Portland cement design mix, 3000 psi (20.7 MPa) minimum, with 0.58 maximum water/cementitious materials ratio. I 1. Reinforcing Fabric: ASTM Al85/A185M, steel, welded wire fabric, plain. 1 Print Date 3/20/2018 33 41 00 - 5 of 16 Tigard High School Modernization 33 41 00 March 28, 2018 STORM UTILITY DRAINAGE AND PIPING Cardno I 2. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A615/A61 5M, Grade 60 (420 MPa) deformed steel. 2.10 POLYMER-CONCRETE, CHANNEL DRAINAGE SYSTEMS A. General Requirements for Polymer-Concrete, Channel Drainage Systems: Modular system of precast, polymer-concrete channel sections, grates, and appurtenances; designed so grates fit into channel recesses without rocking or rattling. Include quantity of units required to form total lengths indicated. I B. Sloped-Invert, Polymer-Concrete Systems: 1. Channel Sections: a. Interlocking-joint, precast, modular units with end caps. b. 4-inch (102-mm) inside width and deep, rounded bottom,with built-in invert slope of 0.6 percent and with outlets in quantities, sizes, and locations indicated. c. Extension sections necessary for required depth. d. Frame: Include gray-iron or steel frame for grate. 2. Grates: a. Manufacturer's designation Medium Duty," with slots or perforations that fit recesses in channels. b. Material: Galvanized steel 3. Covers: Solid gray iron if indicated. 4. Locking Mechanism: Manufacturer's standard device for securing grates to channel sections. C. Narrow-Width, Level-Invert, Polymer-Concrete Systems: 1. Channel Sections: a. Interlocking-joint, precast, modular units with end caps. b. 5-inch (127-mm) inside width and 9-3/4-inch- (248-mm-)deep, rounded bottom, with level invert and with NPS 4 (DN 100) outlets in quantities, sizes, and locations indicated. 2. Grates: a. Slots or perforations that fit recesses in channels. b. Material: Galvanized steel. 3. Covers: Solid gray iron if indicated. 4. Locking Mechanism: Manufacturer's standard device for securing grates to channel sections. D. Wide-Width, Level-Invert, Polymer-Concrete Systems: 1. Channel Sections: a. Interlocking-joint, precast, modular units with end caps. b. 8-inch (203-mm) inside width and 13-3/4-inch- (350-mm-) deep, rounded bottom, with level invert and with outlets in quantities, sizes, and locations indicated. 2. Grates: a. Slots or other openings that fit recesses in channels. b. Material: [Fiberglass] [Gray iron]. 3. Covers: Solid gray iron if indicated. 4. Locking Mechanism: Manufacturer's standard device for securing grates to channel sections. E. Drainage Specialties: Precast, polymer-concrete units. 1. Large Catch Basins: I Print Date:3/20/2018 33 41 00 - 6 of 16 1 Tigard High School Modernization 33 41 00 I March 28, 2018 STORM UTILITY DRAINAGE AND PIPING ICardno I a. 24-by-12-inch (610-by-305-mm) polymer-concrete body, with outlets in quantities and sizes indicated. b. Gray-iron slotted grate. c. Frame: Include gray-iron or steel frame for grate. I 2. Small Catch Basins: a. 19- to 24-inch by approximately 6-inch (483- to 610-mm by approximately 1 50- mm) polymer-concrete body, with outlets in quantities and sizes indicated. I b. Gray-iron slotted grate. c. Frame: Include gray-iron or steel frame for grate. 3. Sediment Interceptors: I a. 27-inch- (686-mm-) square, polymer-concrete body,with outlets in quantities and sizes indicated. b. 24-inch- (610-mm-) square, gray-iron frame and slotted grate. IF. Supports,Anchors, and Setting Devices: Manufacturer's standard unless otherwise indicated. G. Channel-Section Joining and Fastening Materials: As recommended by system manufacturer. H. PE Systems: 1. Channel Sections: Interlocking-joint, PE modular units, 4 inches (102 mm) wide, with end caps. Include rounded bottom,with level invert and with outlets in quantities, sizes, and locations indicated. 2. Grates: PE, ladder shaped; with stainless-steel screws. 3. Color: Gray unless otherwise indicated. I 4. Drainage Specialties: Include the following PE components: a. Drains: 4-inch- (102-mm-) diameter, round, slotted top; with NPS 4 (DN 100) bottom outlet. I b. Drains: 8-inch- (203-mm-) diameter, round, slotted top; with NPS 6 (DN 150) bottom outlet. c. Drains: 4-inch- (102-mm-) square, slotted top; with NPS 3 (DN 80) bottom outlet. d. Drains: 8-inch- (203-mm-) square, slotted top; with NPS 6 (DN 150) bottom outlet. I e. Catch Basins: 12-inch- (305-mm-) square plastic body, with outlets in quantities and sizes indicated. Include PE slotted grate 11-3/4 inches (298 mm) square by 1- 1 /8 inches (28.6 mm) thick. II. Supports,Anchors, and Setting Devices: Manufacturer's standard unless otherwise indicated. IJ. Channel-Section Joining and Fastening Materials:As recommended by system manufacturer. 2.11 CATCH BASINS IA. Standard Precast Concrete Catch Basins: 1. Description: ASTM C478 (ASTM C478M), precast, reinforced concrete, of depth indicated, with provision for sealant joints. l 2. Base Section: 6-inch (150-mm) minimum thickness for floor slab and 4-inch (102-mm) minimum thickness for walls and base riser section, and separate base slab or base section with integral floor. I 3. Riser Sections: 4-inch (102-mm) minimum thickness, 48-inch (1200-mm) diameter, and lengths to provide depth indicated. 4. Top Section: Eccentric-cone type unless concentric-cone or flat-slab-top type is indicated. Top of cone of size that matches grade rings. 1 5. Joint Sealant: ASTM C990 (ASTM C990M), bitumen or butyl rubber. Print Date:3/20/2018 33 41 00 - 7 of 16 Tigard High School Modernization 33 41 00 March 28, 2018 STORM UTILITY DRAINAGE AND PIPING Cardno I 6. Adjusting Rings: Interlocking rings with level or sloped edge in thickness and shape matching catch basin frame and grate. Include sealant recommended by ring manufacturer. 7. Grade Rings: Include two or three reinforced-concrete rings, of 6- to 9-inch (1 50- to 225-mm) total thickness, that match 24-inch- (610-mm-) diameter frame and grate. 111 8. Steps: Individual FRP steps or FRP ladder, wide enough to allow worker to place both feet on one step and designed to prevent lateral slippage off step. Cast or anchor steps into sidewalls at 12- to 16-inch intervals. Omit steps if total depth from floor of catch basin to finished grade is less than 60 inches 9. Pipe Connectors: ASTM C923 (ASTM C923M), resilient, of size required, for each pipe connecting to base section. B. Designed Precast Concrete Catch Basins: ASTM C 913, precast, reinforced concrete; designed according to ASTM C890 for A-16 (ASSHTO HS20-44), heavy-traffic, structural loading; of depth, shape, and dimensions indicated, with provision for joint sealants. 1. Joint Sealants: ASTM C990 (ASTM C990M), bitumen or butyl rubber. 2. Adjusting Rings: Interlocking rings with level or sloped edge in thickness and shape matching catch basin frame and grate. Include sealant recommended by ring manufacturer. 3. Grade Rings: Include two or three reinforced-concrete rings, of 6- to 9-inch (1 50- to 225-mm) total thickness, that match 24-inch- (610-mm-) diameter frame and grate. 4. Steps: [Individual FRP steps or FRP ladder] [Individual FRP steps; FRP ladder; or ASTM A615/A615M, deformed, 1 /2-inch (13 mm) steel reinforcing rods encased in ASTM D4101, PP] [ASTM A 61 5/A 615M, deformed, 1/2-inch (13-mm) steel reinforcing rods encased in ASTM D 4101, PP] <Insert material>, wide enough to allow worker to place both feet on one step and designed to prevent lateral slippage off step. Cast or anchor steps into sidewalls at 12- to 16-inch (300- to 400-mm) intervals. Omit steps if total depth from floor of catch basin to finished grade is less than [60 inches (1500 it mm)] <Insert dimension>. 5. Pipe Connectors: ASTM C923 (ASTM C923M), resilient, of size required, for each pipe connecting to base section. C. Frames and Grates: ASTM A536, Grade 60-40-18, ductile iron designed for A-16, structural loading. Include flat grate with small square or short-slotted drainage openings. 1. Size: 24 by 24 inches (610 by 610 mm) minimum unless otherwise indicated. 2. Grate Free Area: Approximately 50 percent unless otherwise indicated. D. Frames and Grates: ASTM A536, Grade 60-40-18, ductile iron designed for A-16, structural loading. Include 24-inch (610-mm) ID by 7- to 9-inch (175- to 225-mm) riser with 4-inch (102-mm) minimum width flange, and 26-inch- (660-mm-) diameter flat grate with small square or short-slotted drainage openings. 1. Grate Free Area: Approximately 50 percent unless otherwise indicated. I 2.12 STORMWATER INLETS A. Curb Inlets: Made with vertical curb opening[, of materials and dimensions according to I utility standards]. B. Gutter Inlets: Made with horizontal gutter opening[, of materials and dimensions according 1 to utility standards]. Include heavy-duty frames and grates. I Print Date:3/20/2018 33 41 00 - 8 of 16 1 Tigard High School Modernization 33 41 00 March 28, 2018 STORM UTILITY DRAINAGE AND PIPING ICardno C. Combination Inlets: Made with vertical curb and horizontal gutter openings, of materials and dimensions according to utility standards. Include heavy-duty frames and grates. D. Frames and Grates: Heavy duty according to utility standards. I2.13 STORMWATER DETENTION STRUCTURES I A. Cast-in-Place Concrete, Stormwater Detention Structures: Constructed of reinforced- concrete bottom, walls, and top; designed according to ASTM C890 for A-16 (AASHTO HS20-44), heavy-traffic, structural loading; of depth, shape, dimensions, and 1 appurtenances indicated. 1. Ballast: Increase thickness of concrete as required to prevent flotation. 2. Grade Rings: Include two or three reinforced-concrete rings, of 6- to 9-inch total thickness, that match 24-inch- diameter frame and cover. I 3. Steps: Individual FRP steps; FRP ladder; or ASTM A61 5/A 615M, deformed, 1/2-inch steel reinforcing rods encased in ASTM D4101 , PP, wide enough to allow worker to place both feet on one step and designed to prevent lateral slippage off step. Cast or anchor I steps into sidewalls at 12- to 16-inch intervals. Omit steps if total depth from floor of structure to finished grade is less than 60 inches I B. Manhole Frames and Covers: ASTM A536, Grade 60-40-18, ductile-iron castings designed for heavy-duty service. Include 24-inch ID by 7-to 9-inch riser with 4-inch minimum width flange, and 26-inch- diameter cover. Include indented top design with lettering cast into cover, using wording equivalent to "STORM SEWER." I 2.14 PIPE OUTLETS IA. Head Walls: Cast-in-place reinforced concrete, with apron and tapered sides. B. Riprap Basins: Broken, irregularly sized and shaped, graded stone according to NSSGA's I "Quarried Stone for Erosion and Sediment Control." 1. Average Size: NSSGA No. R-4, screen opening 3 inches (76 mm). I C. Filter Stone: According to NSSGA's "Quarried Stone for Erosion and Sediment Control," No. FS-2, No. 4 screen opening, average-size graded stone. D. Energy Dissipaters: According to NSSGA's "Quarried Stone for Erosion and Sediment Control," INo. A-1, 3-ton average weight armor stone, unless otherwise indicated. PART 3 EXECUTION 1 3.1 EARTHWORK IA. Excavation, trenching, and backfilling are specified in Section 312000 "Earth Moving." 3.2 PIPING INSTALLATION A. General Locations and Arrangements: Drawing plans and details indicate general location and arrangement of underground storm drainage piping. Location and arrangement of Ipiping layout take into account design considerations. Install piping as indicated, to extent Print Date:3/20/2018 33 41 00 - 9 of 16 Tigard High School Modernization 33 41 00 March 28, 2018 STORM UTILITY DRAINAGE AND PIPING Cardno I practical. Where specific installation is not indicated, follow piping manufacturer's written instructions. B. Install piping beginning at low point, true to grades and alignment indicated with unbroken continuity of invert. Place bell ends of piping facing upstream. Install gaskets, seals, sleeves, and couplings according to manufacturer's written instructions for use of lubricants, cements, and other installation requirements. C. Install manholes for changes in direction unless fittings are indicated. Use fittings for branch , connections unless direct tap into existing sewer is indicated. D. Install proper size increasers, reducers, and couplings where different sizes or materials of pipes and fittings are connected. Reducing size of piping in direction of flow is prohibited. E. When installing pipe under streets or other obstructions that cannot be disturbed, use pipe- jacking process of microtunneling. F. Install gravity-flow, nonpressure drainage piping according to the following: 1. Install piping pitched down in direction of flow. 2. Install piping NPS 6and larger with restrained joints at tee fittings and at changes in direction. Use corrosion-resistant rods, pipe or fitting manufacturer's proprietary restraint system, or cast-in-place concrete supports or anchors. 111 3. Install piping with 36-inch minimum cover. 4. Install hub-and-spigot, cast-iron soil piping according to CISPI's "Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings Handbook." 5. Install hubless cast-iron soil piping according to CISPI 310 and CISPI's "Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings Handbook." 6. Install corrugated steel piping according to ASTM A798/A798M. 7. Install ABS sewer piping according to ASTM D 2321 and ASTM F1668. 8. Install PE corrugated sewer piping according to ASTM D2321. 9. Install PVC cellular-core piping according to ASTM D2321 and ASTM F1668. 10. Install PVC sewer piping according to ASTM D2321 and ASTM F1668. 11. Install PVC profile gravity sewer piping according to ASTM D2321 and ASTM F1668. 12. Install PVC water-service piping according to ASTM D2321 and ASTM F1668. 13. Install nonreinforced-concrete sewer piping according to ASTM C1479 and ACPA's "Concrete Pipe Installation Manual." 14. Install reinforced-concrete sewer piping according to ASTM C1479 and ACPA's "Concrete Pipe Installation Manual." 3.3 PIPE JOINT CONSTRUCTION A. Join gravity-flow, nonpressure drainage piping according to the following: 1 1. Join hub-and-spigot, cast-iron soil piping with gasketed joints according to CISPI's "Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings Handbook" for compression joints. 2. Join hub-and-spigot, cast-iron soil piping with calked joints according to CISPI's "Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings Handbook" for lead and oakum calked joints. 3. Join hubless cast-iron soil piping according to CISPI 310 and CISPI's "Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings Handbook" for hubless-coupling joints. 4. Join ductile-iron culvert piping according to AWWA C600 for push-on joints. 5. Join ductile-iron piping and special fittings according to AWWA C600 or AWWA M41. 6. Join corrugated steel sewer piping according to ASTM A798/A798M. 7. Join corrugated aluminum sewer piping according to ASTM B788/B788M. Print Date'3/20/2018 33 41 00 - 10 of 16 tTigard High School Modernization 33 41 00 March 28, 2018 STORM UTILITY DRAINAGE AND PIPING ICardno I 8. Join ABS sewer piping according to ASTM D2321 and ASTM D2751 for elastomeric-seal joints. 9. Join corrugated PE piping according to ASTM D3212 for push-on joints. 10. Join PVC cellular-core piping according to ASTM D2321 and ASTM F891 for solvent- I cemented joints. 11. Join PVC corrugated sewer piping according to ASTM D2321 for elastomeric-seal joints. 12. Join PVC sewer piping according to ASTM D2321 and ASTM D 3034 for elastomeric-seal I joints or ASTM D3034 for elastomeric-gasketed joints. 13. Join PVC profile gravity sewer piping according to ASTM D2321 for elastomeric-seal joints or ASTM F794 for gasketed joints. I 14. Join fiberglass sewer piping according to ASTM D3839 for elastomeric-seal joints. 15. Join nonreinforced-concrete sewer piping according to ASTM C14 (ASTM Cl 4M) and ACPA's "Concrete Pipe Installation Manual" for rubber-gasketed joints. 16. Join reinforced-concrete sewer piping according to ACPA's "Concrete Pipe Installation I Manual" for rubber-gasketed joints. 17. Join dissimilar pipe materials with nonpressure-type flexible couplings. I B. Join force-main pressure piping according to the following: 1. Join ductile-iron pressure piping according to AWWA C600 or AWWA M41 for push-on joints. I 2. Join ductile-iron special fittings according to AWWA C600 or AWWA M41 for push-on joints. 3. Join PVC pressure piping according to AWWA M23 for gasketed joints. 4. Join PVC water-service piping according to ASTM D2855 for solvent-cemented joints. I5. Join dissimilar pipe materials with pressure-type couplings. 3.4 BACKWATER VALVE INSTALLATION IA. Install horizontal-type backwater valves in piping where indicated. I B. Install combination horizontal and manual gate-valve type in piping and in manholes where indicated. C. Install terminal-type backwater valves on end of piping and in manholes where indicated. I3.5 CLEANOUT INSTALLATION I A. Install cleanouts and riser extensions from sewer pipes to cleanouts at grade. Use cast-iron soil pipe fittings in sewer pipes at branches for cleanouts and cast-iron soil pipe for riser extensions to cleanouts. Install piping so cleanouts open in direction of flow in sewer pipe. I 1. Use Light-Duty, top-loading classification cleanouts in [earth or unpaved foot-traffic] areas. 2. Use Medium-Duty, top-loading classification cleanouts in [paved foot-traffic] areas. 3. Use Heavy-Duty, top-loading classification cleanouts in [vehicle-traffic service] areas. 4. Use Extra-Heavy-Duty, top-loading classification cleanouts in [roads.] B. Set cleanout frames and covers in earth in cast-in-place concrete block, [18 by 18 by 12 I inches (450 by 450 by 300 mm)] deep. Set with tops [1 inch (25 mm)] above surrounding earth grade. I C. Set cleanout frames and covers in concrete pavement and roads with tops flush with pavement surface. Print Date:3/20/2018 33 41 00 - 11 of 16 Tigard High School Modernization 33 41 00 March 28, 2018 STORM UTILITY DRAINAGE AND PIPING Cardno ' 3.6 DRAIN INSTALLATION 1 A. Install type of drains in locations indicated. 1. Use Light-Duty, top-loading classification drains in [earth or unpaved foot-traffic] areas. 111 2. Use Medium-Duty, top-loading classification drains in [paved foot-traffic] areas. 3. Use Heavy-Duty, top-loading classification drains in [vehicle-traffic service] areas. 4. Use Extra-Heavy-Duty, top-loading classification drains in [roads]. I B. Embed drains in 4-inch (102-mm) minimum concrete around bottom and sides. C. Fasten grates to drains if indicated. I D. Set drain frames and covers with tops flush with pavement surface. E. Assemble trench sections with flanged joints. F. Embed trench sections in [4-inch (102-mm)] minimum concrete around bottom and sides. I 3,7 MANHOLE INSTALLATION A. General: Install manholes, complete with appurtenances and accessories indicated. 1 B. Install precast concrete manhole sections with sealants according to ASTM C 891. C. Where specific manhole construction is not indicated,follow manhole manufacturer's written instructions. D. Set tops of frames and covers flush with finished surface of manholes that occur in pavements. Set tops [3 inches (76 mm)] above finished surface elsewhere unless otherwise indicated. I 3.8 CATCH BASIN INSTALLATION A. Construct catch basins to sizes and shapes indicated. I B. Set frames and grates to elevations indicated. 3.9 STORMWATER INLET[ AND OUTLET] INSTALLATION A. Construct inlet head walls, aprons, and sides of reinforced concrete, as indicated. 1 B. Construct riprap of broken stone, as indicated. C. Install outlets that spill onto grade, anchored with concrete, where indicated. Ii D. Install outlets that spill onto grade,with flared end sections that match pipe,where indicated. E. Construct energy dissipaters at outlets, as indicated. I Print Date:3/20/2018 33 41 00 - 12 of 16 Tigard High School Modernization 33 41 00 March 28, 2018 STORM UTILITY DRAINAGE AND PIPING ICardno I3.10 DRY WELL INSTALLATION A. Excavate hole to diameter of at least 6 inches (1 50 mm) greater than outside of dry well. Do Inot extend excavation into ground-water table. B. Install precast, concrete-ring dry wells according to the following: 1. Assemble rings to depth indicated. I 2. Extend rings to height where top of cover will be approximately 8 inches (203 mm) below finished grade. 3. Backfill bottom of inside of rings with filtering material to level at least 12 inches (300 I mm) above bottom. 4. Extend effluent inlet pipe 12 inches (300 mm) into rings and terminate into side of tee fitting. 5. Backfill around outside of rings with filtering material to top level of rings. 1 6. Install cover over top of rings. C. Install manufactured, PE dry wells according to manufacturer's written instructions and the I following: 1. Assemble and install panels and cover. 2. Backfill bottom of inside of unit with filtering material to level at least [12 inches (300 I mm)] <Insert dimension> above bottom. 3. Extend effluent inlet pipe [12 inches (300 mm)] into unit and terminate into side of tee fitting. 4. Install filter fabric around outside of unit. 1 5. Install filtering material around outside of unit. D. Install constructed-in-place dry wells according to the following: I 1. Install brick lining material dry and laid flat, with staggered joints for seepage. Build to diameter and depth indicated. 2. Install block lining material dry, with staggered joints and 20 percent minimum of I blocks on side for seepage. Install precast concrete rings with notches or weep holes for seepage. Build to diameter and depth indicated. 3. Extend lining material to height where top of manhole will be approximately [8 inches (203 mm)] below finished grade. I 4. Backfill bottom of inside of lining with filtering material to level at least [12 inches (300 mm)] above bottom. 5, Extend effluent inlet pipe [12 inches (300 mm)] into lining and terminate into side of I tee fitting. 6. Backfill around outside of lining with filtering material to top level of lining. 7. Install manhole over top of dry well. Support cover on undisturbed soil. Do not support I cover on lining. 3.11 CONCRETE PLACEMENT IA. Place cast-in-place concrete according to ACI 318. 3.12 CHANNEL DRAINAGE SYSTEM INSTALLATION IA. Install with top surfaces of components, except piping, flush with finished surface. I I Print Date;3/20/2018 33 41 00 - 13 of 16 Tigard High School Modernization 33 41 00 March 28, 2018 STORM UTILITY DRAINAGE AND PIPING Cardno I B. Assemble channel sections to form slope down toward drain outlets. Use sealants,adhesives, fasteners, and other materials recommended by system manufacturer. C. Embed channel sections and drainage specialties in [4-inch (102-mm)] minimum concrete around bottom and sides. 1 D. Fasten grates to channel sections if indicated. E. Assemble channel sections with flanged or interlocking joints. i F. Embed channel sections in [4-inch (102-mm)] minimum concrete around bottom and sides. 111 3.13 STORMWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSTALLATION A. Chamber Systems: Excavate trenches of width and depth, and install system and backfill I according to chamber manufacturer's written instructions. Include storage and leaching chambers, filtering material, and filter mat. B. Piping Systems: Excavate trenches of width and depth, and install piping system, filter fabric, and backfill, according to piping manufacturer's written instructions. 3.14 CONNECTIONS , A. Connect nonpressure, gravity-flow drainage piping in building's storm building drains specified in Section 22 14 13 "Facility Storm Drainage Piping." B. Connect force-main piping to building's storm drainage force mains specified in Section 22 14 13 "Facility Storm Drainage Piping."Terminate piping where indicated. I C. Make connections to existing piping and underground manholes. 1. Use commercially manufactured wye fittings for piping branch connections. Remove 1 section of existing pipe; install wye fitting into existing piping; and encase entire wye fitting, plus 6-inch (150-mm) overlap,with not less than 6 inches (1 50 mm) of concrete with 28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi (20.7 MPa). 2. Make branch connections from side into existing piping, NPS 4 to NPS 20 (DN 100 to DN 500). Remove section of existing pipe, install wye fitting into existing piping, and encase entire wye with not less than 6 inches (150 mm) of concrete with 28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi (20.7 MPa). 3. Make branch connections from side into existing piping, NPS 21 (DN 525) or larger, or to underground manholes and structures by cutting into existing unit and creating an opening large enough to allow 3 inches (76 mm) of concrete to be packed around entering connection. Cut end of connection pipe passing through pipe or structure wall to conform to shape of and be flush with inside wall unless otherwise indicated. On outside of pipe, manhole, or structure wall, encase entering connection in 6 inches (1 50 mm) of concrete for minimum length of 12 inches (300 mm) to provide additional support of collar from connection to undisturbed ground. a. Use concrete that will attain a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi (20.7 MPa) unless otherwise indicated. b. Use epoxy-bonding compound as interface between new and existing concrete and piping materials. I Print Date:3/20/2018 33 41 00 - 14 of 16 MTigard High School Modernization 33 41 00 March 28, 2018 STORM UTILITY DRAINAGE AND PIPING I Cardno 4. Protect existing piping, manholes, and structures to prevent concrete or debris from entering while making tap connections. Remove debris or other extraneous material that may accumulate. I D. Connect to sediment interceptors specified in Section 22 13 23 "Sanitary Waste Interceptors." E. Pipe couplings, expansion joints, and deflection fittings with pressure ratings at least equal I to piping rating may be used in applications below unless otherwise indicated. 1. Use nonpressure-type flexible couplings where required to join gravity-flow, nonpressure sewer piping unless otherwise indicated. a. [Unshielded] [Shielded] flexible couplings for same or minor difference OD pipes. I b. Unshielded, increaser/reducer-pattern, flexible couplings for pipes with different OD. c. Ring-type flexible couplings for piping of different sizes where annular space between smaller piping's OD and larger piping's ID permits installation. 2. Use pressure-type pipe couplings for force-main joints. 3.15 CLOSING ABANDONED STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS A. Abandoned Piping: Close open ends of abandoned underground piping indicated to remain I in place. Include closures strong enough to withstand hydrostatic and earth pressures that may result after ends of abandoned piping have been closed. Use either procedure below: 1. Close open ends of piping with at least [8-inch- (203-mm-)] <Insert dimension> thick, brick masonry bulkheads. 1 2. Close open ends of piping with threaded metal caps, plastic plugs, or other acceptable methods suitable for size and type of material being closed. Do not use wood plugs. I B. Abandoned Manholes and Structures: Excavate around manholes and structures as required and use one procedure below: 1. Remove manhole or structure and close open ends of remaining piping. 1 2. Remove top of manhole or structure down to at least [36 inches (915 mm)] <Insert dimension> below final grade. Fill to within [12 inches (300 mm)] <Insert dimension> of top with stone, rubble, gravel, or compacted dirt. Fill to top with concrete. 1 C. Backfill to grade according to Section 31 20 00 "Earth Moving." 3.16 IDENTIFICATION I A. Materials and their installation are specified in Section 31 20 00 "Earth Moving."Arrange for installation of green warning tape directly over piping and at outside edge of underground structures. 1. Use detectable warning tape over ferrous piping. 2. Use detectable warning tape over nonferrous piping and over edges of underground structures. 3.17 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL I A. Inspect interior of piping to determine whether line displacement or other damage has occurred. Inspect after approximately 24 inches (610 mm) of backfill is in place, and again at completion of Project. 1. Submit separate reports for each system inspection. Print Date'3/20/2018 33 41 00 - 15 of 16 Tigard High School Modernization 33 41 00 March 28, 2018 STORM UTILITY DRAINAGE AND PIPING Cardno 2. Defects requiring correction include the following: a. Alignment: Less than full diameter of inside of pipe is visible between structures. b. Deflection: Flexible piping with deflection that prevents passage of ball or cylinder of size not less than 92.5 percent of piping diameter. c. Damage: Crushed, broken, cracked, or otherwise damaged piping. d. Infiltration: Water leakage into piping. e. Exfiltration: Water leakage from or around piping. 3. Replace defective piping using new materials, and repeat inspections until defects are within allowances specified. 4. Reinspect and repeat procedure until results are satisfactory. B. Test new piping systems, and parts of existing systems that have been altered, extended, or repaired, for leaks and defects. 1. Do not enclose, cover, or put into service before inspection and approval. 2. Test completed piping systems according to requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 3. Schedule tests and inspections by authorities having jurisdiction with at least 24 hours' advance notice. 4. Submit separate report for each test. 5. Gravity-Flow Storm Drainage Piping: Test according to requirements of authorities having jurisdiction, UNI-B-6, and the following: a. Exception: Piping with soiltight joints unless required by authorities having jurisdiction. b. Option: Test plastic piping according to ASTM F1417. c. Option: Test concrete piping according to ASTM C924 (ASTM C924M). 6. Force-Main Storm Drainage Piping: Perform hydrostatic test after thrust blocks, supports, and anchors have hardened. Test at pressure not less than 1-1 /2 times the maximum system operating pressure, but not less than [150 psig (1035 kPa).] a. Ductile-Iron Piping: Test according to AWWA C600, "Hydraulic Testing" Section. b. PVC Piping: Test according to AWWA M23, "Testing and Maintenance" Chapter. C. Leaks and loss in test pressure constitute defects that must be repaired. D. Replace leaking piping using new materials, and repeat testing until leakage is within allowances specified. 3.18 CLEANING A. Clean interior of piping of dirt and superfluous materials. Flush with water. , END OF SECTION I Print Date 3/20/2018 33 41 00 - 16 of 16 1 Tigard High School Modernization 33 42 11 March 28, 2018 STORMWATER UTILITIES I Cardno SECTION 33 42 11 - STORMWATER UTILITIES 1 PART 1 GENERAL I1. SUMMARY A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I 2. RELATED DOCUMENTS I A. Section Includes: 1. Pipe and fittings. 2. Nonpressure transition couplings. I 3. Expansion joints and deflection fittings. 4. Cleanouts. 5. Drains. I 6. Manholes. 7. Channel drainage systems. 8. Catch basins. 9. Stormwater inlets. I 10. Stormwater detention structures. 11. Pipe outlets. I3. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. ' B. Shop Drawings: 1. Manholes: Include plans, elevations, sections, details, frames, and covers. 2. Catch basins and stormwater inlets. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, frames, I covers, and grates. 3. Stormwater Detention Structures: Include plans, elevations, sections, details, frames, covers, design calculations, and concrete design-mix reports. I 4. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Coordination Drawings: Show pipe sizes, locations, and elevations. Show other piping in same trench and clearances from storm drainage system piping. Indicate interface and spatial relationship between manholes, piping, and proximate structures. IS. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING IA. Do not store plastic manholes, pipe, and fittings in direct sunlight. B. Protect pipe, pipe fittings, and seals from dirt and damage. I C. Handle manholes according to manufacturer's written rigging instructions. D. Handle catch basin and stormwater inlets according to manufacturer's written rigging I instructions. Print Date 3/20/2018 33 42 11 - 1 of 4 Tigard High School Modernization 33 42 11 March 28, 2018 STORMWATER UTILITIES Cardno 6. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Interruption of Existing Storm Drainage Service: Do not interrupt service to facilities occupied ' by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary service according to requirements indicated: 1. Notify Architect, Engineer Construction and Owner no fewer than two days in advance of proposed interruption of service. 2. Do not proceed with interruption of service without Owner's written permission. PART 2 PRODUCTS 1. STORM DRAINAGE PIPING 4"AND LARGER WITH GREATER THAN 2 FEET OF COVER, BEYOND 5 FT OF THE BUILDING. A. PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS 1. Pipe: Shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D3034, SDR 35 2. Fittings: All fitting shall be of the same materials as the pipe unless otherwise approved. Conform to the requirements of ASTM D3034, PVC 3. Gaskets: Shall conform to the requirements of ASTM F 477, elastomeric seals and AST 3212 B. PE PIPE AND FITTINGS ' 1. Corrugated PE Pipe and Fittings Pipe: Shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D3350 C. HDPE PIPE AND FITTINGS ' 1. All HDPE Pipe and Fittings shall conform to the requirements of ASTM F714, DR 26 2. STORM DRAINAGE PIPING WITHIN 5 FT OF THE BUILDING 111 A. PVC Pipe and Fittings 1. PVC DWV, Solid-Wall PVC Pipe shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D 2665, and plumbing code requirements 3. PERFORATED PIPE - 4" AND LARGER A. Rigid round perforated PVC pipe shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D3034, SDR 35. 1 B. HDPE pipe and fittings 4. PERFORATED PIPE - 3" AND SMALLER A. HDPE Single wall perforated pipe and fittings 5. FLAT PANEL PIPE FOR ARTIFICIAL FIELDS A. ADS AdvanEDGE with Geotextile Wrap or equal. Pipe to conform to ASTM D7001 with minimum cell classification of 424420C as defined and described in ASTM D3350. I Print Date 3/20/2018 33 42 11 - 2 of 4 Tigard High School Modernization 33 42 11 March 28, 2018 STORMWATER UTILITIES Cardno 6. INLETS A. Use "Lynch Type" Catch Basins or Area Drains or equal. ' PART 3 EXECUTION 1. 3.1 EARTHWORK A. Excavation, trenching, and backfilling are specified in section 31 23 17 Trenching. 2. PIPING INSTALLATION A. General location and arrangements: Drawing plans and details indicate general location and arrangement of underground sanitary sewer piping. Location and arrangement of piping layout tack into account design considerations. Install pipe as indicated, to extent practical. Where specific installation is not indicated, follow piping manufacturer's written instructions. B. Install piping beginning at low point, true to grades and alignment indicated with unbroken ' continuity of invert. Place bell ends of piping facing upstream, Install gaskets, seals, sleeves and couplings according to manufacturer's written instruction for using lubricants, cements, and other installation requirements. C. Clear interior of piping and manholes of dirt and superfluous material as work progresses.aintain swab or drag in piping and pull past each joint as it is complete. Place ' plug in end of incomplete piping at end of day and when work stops. 3. BACKWATER VALVES: A. A. Install backwater valves where indicated on the plans and in an accessible location. 1 4. CLEANOUT A. Install cleanout where indicated on the plans. Set rim to finish grade. 5. PIPE JOINT CONSTRUCTION A. Join pipe per manufacturer's specifications 6. CONNECTIONS ' A. Pothole prior to construction to verify location, size and depth of existing piping. Notify Engineer if location, size or depth of existing pipe is different than shown on the plans. 7. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspection and testing shall be per Clackamas County standards. B. After installing drainage course to top of piping, test drain piping with water to ensure free flow before backfilling. Remove obstructions, replace damaged components, and repeat test until results are satisfactory. Print Date:3/20/2018 33 42 11 - 3 of 4 Tigard High School Modernization 33 42 11 1 March 28, 2018 STORMWATER UTILITIES Cardno 8. CLEANING A. Clean dirt and superfluous material from interior of piping prior to testing. ' END OF SECTION1 , I 1 1 Print Date:3/20/2018 33 42 11 - 4 of 4 111