LERON HEIGHTS INTERCEPTOR SANITARY SEWER O O 10 I X I 0 MANHOLES 6, 8, I I, 13, a 14 W, HIL D A B A STI N INE MUST BE EOUIPED WITH GEORGE C. � CHRISTINA- WILLIAM � LULU I_ AWRENC PAGE 3 �i0 �- HARRY D. 81 NANCY J. CARN WATER TIGHT COVERS • WETLE LARSON Bp.p►C 453, PAGE 121 BOOK 3 23 , CLARENCE B. !� CA R OLYN � BANEY - PAGE 51 BOOK 487 PAGE 545 BOOK 316 - 220 BOOK 308, a BOOK 381, PAGE 234 M.H. 14 - - - 12„ MAIN H. J " nlq[IV S. W. KaTHRINE ST. I 1� 11 , S EST = I ��\"' 18 " MAI$ M.H. 13A M.H. D.L.C. S THEODORE M. 81 ROSAL 0, SWAN M.H. 1Z E 2 517 W. M. o ��\w `I DIVISION LINE OF JOHN L. HICKLiN PAGf.IS" R m ALFRED NAFKEN BOOK 263, J I l-I M. 7 BOOK 221 , PAGE S8 W" M. vI J 2 S MAIN `ap � 15 sir, w .-- ---""" "' •'" •,---- , --�./ - y I y LIFT STATION--me, fill-kill M. H. 11 34 TJ 5 , R.I W., W.M.... --�"�"'"�\'I- M.H. 10 M.H. SA . I�. 9 `i W 3 8'X 6" PRESSURE LINE � i MERLE W. I RENE OUTON (LEONARD L. 81 PATRICIA WALTER W. SALIN DOROTHY CHROEDER CLYDE A. 1k ETTA M. R PAYNE i BOOK 154, PAGE 129 GE 58 - BOOK 406 OS CAR C. 131 EI E V. \ cd _ W W BOOK 439 , PAGE 594 PAYNE _ _ = BOOK 435, P GE 543 z > C; = < w c W ; > 1~_ Z O J J H in 0. 1 I Z O I m J W - a Z PL N SCALE: I„= 100' ' e Q / a I Ile 16 9co Is mks CCL 1 — - — — -- - - - --— -- ai - — )- - - - two .+3'ie” - - - — — k cm - — _-- — W O w Z r • r- +51 — 2L ffl r, m m _ - _.�__ ._ _ . 1 1 _ — ___. _ _ .._ _ �. — 0 -- - - -- 1 +47 0 85.4 l z z CP -- - -- Y - • _ -� _ OL .9S I _ — _ To 7 16- Ub ANN — LI... - .r_ PLATE 1 PLAN-PROFILE u. P. R. d R. E. STANDARD 100 1. 11A0 Affil P11DDI V1ELLUM.—MADI AND PRINTED IN U f. A. .I I__ERON HP`I GH"TC I NTERCE1='•rUF __ ._ -- ------_-- _--_. — —• 1 OF 20 ` EUOENE 71ET213EN CO. F ,, . _ ..,_I- ... .. -...._. 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SZ bZ EZ Z7 IZ OZ 61 91 LI 911 91 bl ` -ESI Z!I 11 01 6 9 1 9 S' til IE Z 1'"-'••'" r+ ,�tII1111III11�1111111111111111NI�It111111{�1111u111�11rt11111�r111�1111�1111�111►�NIIIIIIrllllllllll�lu�1111�1111111�1�1{II�IIII�INI�NItFlllllt 1�rlII�UfIII IIIfiTrr1111i111i11t111�i11i �IIIIIIIII�IIIII11111111111JUI�N111lIIII�IIU�I�III11111111NLW11111 - . _ • JULY 1 9. 2- R 1. 1 I NOTE, MANHOLES 13 THRU 21 MUST RE EQUIPED WITH WATER TIGHT �, - COVERS, HILDA g�STIN - 1 I, CAROLYN i - L ^�W RF NCE W B I B 00 K 323 CLARE NCE 8ANEY y PAGE 234 J -TREE - .. 1 BOOK X63 pAGE 257 BOOK 361 , ER1NE1,- PAG pAGE ►21 -- S. W• KATH � . .-'—"- _._----- �,�.M. �4 NOT_ I �. Ig MAIN / �� . .... ' 1 / 3 35 ZSI WM LERQN SANITARY DISTRICT DATUM IS •1 �� 2 T I ASSUMED, ADD 67. 43 TO THIS DATUM w H 1 FOR TRUE DATUM. low M � /MIH' 13A t• 3 LEN A LOWERY -, % GEORGE M 8` H I 2 6 48t ,g 1 ' I PAGE �i c 0 K S W A B I _ i Y a � . .--i m I RJS \? 1 - THEODORE M 2,63, pAG -257 57 1 BOOK H ,.., a Qjt ,1 M 24„ W W .� A44�H w s 4 1511 STUB SWAN 7 ' M•H• 19 - Y W I_ z 6. OK 404' PAGE 55 01 4 t 0~c ` BO - DAVI D L 81 ' � � _ 3ORRAINE eek Z m I \ GUNBE G / W � AGE 4 a ' = Z _ --- BOOK 4.7' - �. ,Z0 �• 24" MAI N of B ROO ARK CUTTr:M.K. 33+ 93,.50 INTER PTOR uA " PLAN M c0 SCALE I " = 100' °D OHNSON T � 1 _ G _I {E} -- — --- —-- — — — — — -- — --_- O t V -- V be Los a C3 ' IL 0 m U, —__ LaJIFNI Aft 4q _ - - -- _ -- -- - -- - - - - - _- __ ---- -- 05 Qw --- — —-- — — — —' — — — --- -- M. -- — _ — -- —'--- �' -- i--- _ . . — __ __--- --- -- — --- - az z -- - --- -- - - --- - - - --...- -- - -' -- -- -- - - — — l LSC _ 11 11 .EIS= p� T be- 4- 2 -• - _ 9 �. $TIM- - -.. --- ---- --- —- --- _ _ ---- - — rw om ALS --- --- _ — _ _— — - - - ---- -- — ET-- ca FSE " PLATE 1 PLAN-PROFILE 0. P. R, a R. E. STANDARD . 100% RAD AOt►ROOI VULI.UN--MAOR' AND •R,N'CD IN U. 11. A. 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TIGARD GRADE SCHOOL t AD'';rl',TI<ATION OFFICE / A11c11',T 5, 1974, 7:30 P.M. 1. i,niL CALI.t Present: Mayor Floyd H. Bergmann= Councilman JohE. Cook, Ruhert C. Moore, J. Allan Paterson= Bruce P. C1rA, , City Administrator; Fred A. Anderson, Legal Couns•1$ ick Hiebert, Director of Public Services and Facilities= A sel Austin, Building Officals Winslow Brooks, City Plan cs Donald Rea, Police Lieutenant; Doris Hartig, City Reeo er. 7, =wilding Official Russel Austin requested authorize on to refund a $134.00 !uildinp pormit fee to Hollcraft Homes, Incias th customer had decided, not to !,mild. Ditcctor of Public Services and Faclitie also recommended a refund of the .,tier pc,mit fee as the request was made wit in 90 days from time of i,,suance of permit. Council concurred withre eat and item will be on next regular council meeting agenda. 3. A. STREET VACATION REQUEST Snrronerfield fl4 - Director of/fure. Sery es and Facilities discussed Tualatin Il,vclopnrnt Corp. request foet station of a 20 foot wide strip of 1„nd Letw,en Lots 7 and 8 Marguerite 0 s Tracts within plat of Summerfield t14. Dirrctnr of Public Services i ties recommended vacation as the land has no public use value now or iure. Council requested item be placed on next Council agenda. R, S.W. 107th - Mr. F.. M. Td Bud Snyder of S.W. Fairhaven Street di�,russrd with Council and sproblem of maintaining the unimproved portion of S.W. 107th. Counested staff to secure further it,..,rmstion as to hw lnnd was platted, s of utilities, etc. Council concurred with Poing the easiest routd to vacate the street and bring to Council for further consideration. 4. hl.riOD PLAIN OkDINAKE .uri( II, staff and Jim Harris, representative of Harris 6 McMonagle consulting fiTM, discussed flood plain ordinance a1 proposed by the Planning Commission. It was the cuncensus of Council after the public hearing August 12th to study the r"tter further. 5, 11ANN1NG COMMISSION VACANCY IIty Administrator reported he interviewed Herman Porter who was interested In serNing on the commission. Previously the committee had interviewed Ray Emma ;iud Allan Popp. The Committee will meet this week to make recommendation for appointment. f . i,tr, '.w 1.'rKR L(N,ATION to ty Planner recoo.nended moving the bus stop on S.W. Pacific Highway in front Of Girods to the new post office site. Staff to investigate further and report back to Council. 7. 1 !RUN II h.IGHTS SEWER COt+TRACT - Addendum 4 '� ;A i,rtor of Public Services and Facilities stated there was an overlap of ; res fur sewei surcharge purposes in the Leron Heights Interceptor-Derry Dell <.,ntracts. The area under consideration is in the Clydesdale and Cottonwood utdivisfons. Council would like to considet the matter further,, A. .W. IIUNIIKER STREET PLANS Iim Harris of McMonagle and Associates explained proposed plans and alternates for Improvement of street. Director of Public services and Facilities recommended an Informal meeting of the property owners-It's, study session before formation of the I..I.D. and that the City would set 1freet standards, and assessment policies to PkC�Pd SECOND ADDENDUM wHSRRAS, under date of September 14th. 1964, tht.. CITY 11F TIGARD. ORFC;ON, according to the terms of a certain contrnci. wi`h J. A. PATERSON (said contract having being Amm-nded on the 22nd day of April, 19681 , undertook to furnish sewage disposal services to certain areas lying northwesterly of the City, including Leron Heights No. 3, and other lands, all as set forth in said contract and in an Addendum thereto, copies of which are attached hereto -nd by reference herein m-de a part hereof; and W"FRF.AS, J.A. PATERSON, As Contractorhas heretofore transferred, assigned and set over unto LERON Mr1r,1 TS INTF.RCF.P'COR, INC. . an Oregon corpor-tion, all right, title and interest of J.A. PATERSON in and to said contract and interceptor line; and WHEREAS, by the terms of said agreement, it is specified that to amortize the Contractors investment in said interceptor line, Contractor shall be entitled to assess and collect a certain maximum sum !$150.00) for each service connection; and WHEREAS, by the teres of said agreement, it is further specified I that in the event tnat any additional lands, of the Contractor or of any other person, shall be served through the media of the Contractor's interceptor sewer main, all sewer mains, laterals and connections and sewer services with respect to said additional lands shall be subject to the same rer•uirem,,nt9 therein said agreement, with respect to later,ais, mains, connection and service charges! and WHFRFAS, A certain local improvement district, known as "Derry Dell" SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT No. 32.4, was established, a trunk sewer line, known as Derry Dell Trunk Sewer, was constructed (said trunk sewer having originated from the aforesaid PATERSON interceptor sewer line) , laterAls and service conn ctions are now being extended therefrom, and asses.gront, oversizing and connection fees Are being collected therefers And WHEREAS, A certain inequity appears to exist in the application of the Aforementioned amoritizement fee (Agreem�-�nt - September 14, 1964), As related to benefit derived therefrom. upon direct or indirect ronnection to the Derry Dell Trunk Sewer And, further, undue confusion exists in administering such fee. with regard to equitable commensurate Application thereof, since A disparity exists between the described boundaries of said Agreement and the Actual topographical drAinage pattern which affects physical connection to one or the other sewer lines And NHF,RF.AS, the parties desire to further amend the s.lid contract, to relieve such inequity and confcasion by th,� particulars hereinafter set forths NOW, THEREFOR':, in consideration nf the foregoing, the parties hereunder, LERON HEIGHTS IN'PF.RCFPTOR, INC. , hereinafter termed the "COMPANY" And the CITY OF TIGARD, ORF.rON, hereinafter termed the "CITY", each Acting by and through its duly authorized and under- signed officers, pursuant to the resolut,ons of the governing bodies, do hereby further Agree in follows: (1) That the said agreement of September 14, 1964, be And the same is hereby amended and supplemented in that those lands which connect either directly or indirectly to the sewer trunk line known as Derry Dell Trunk Sewer (Local Improvement District No. 32.4) shall be exempt from that particular amortization Assessment specified in Paragraph (1) d. of said agreement. -- ..� .11 In all other respects than as hereinabove set forth, the said Contract of September 14, 1964 and the addendum of April 22, 1968, be and the same is hereby ratified, confirmed and perpetuated, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereuneo set their hands, this day of , 1974. LERON HEIGHTS INTERCEPTOR, INC. By: (Pres.) Bit: (Sec.) CITY OF TIGARD, a municipali cy of the State of Oregon. By: Mayor. By: Recorder I 4 1 July 29, 1974 MF.MORAN DUM Tot Mr. Allan Paterson Fr.;mt Nick Hiebert, Director of Public Works Subjects Sewer Surcharga Change Request We have found a conflict between the rules and regulations of UI41FIED SEWERAGE AGENCY and SURCIMRGP, AGREEMENTS within the City. Item 1 as stated in Unifiod Sewerage Agoncy's Resolution and order Number 70-12, says, any parson applying for a permit to connect a property directly to any agency sewer which was installed without direct or indirect cost to the owner o! connection property as a collector sewer, shall pay a collector s,*wer charge e,7ual to the connection charge whom in effect, in addition to the connection charg(a. An Agreement b-itwef!n the Leron Heights Interceptor Corporation and the City of Tigard, stat,is in part that all persons connections m,,de within specified boundaries shall pay a surchirge of $150.00. The above combination would cause a double SURCHARGE to those persons within theme p,!rmitc�rs. This identical circumstance happen-gid on the Terry Dell Line h.:.re in Tigard. rhe decision wade by the Advisory Hoard was that the Untried Sewerage Agency would assume th,3 surcharge required by the City, and it was assuwnd that a priority was established whereby the agency will ba assuming that charge on all future connections made to the Derry Dell Line. I would like to ask you to present• the problem of the Leron Height@ Interceptor to the Board and ask that the Agency assuma the surcharge for this line wh.-n a double conn'ction fee in roquir.ed. Nick Hiebmrt Director of Public Works �y I A—PATERSON 2c44 ee. - 12-Ma S W rACIFIC HWY,'rIGARD, OREGON 97223 P"MI pointe Appraisals @ Insurance • Telophono MErcury 9.2125 NaW CCZ/�.Eo Leron Heights Interceptor Inc FES Comments & Depreciation 1973 CITY OF )rrARn This corporation is in effect a NON PROFIT business organized to construct an interceptor sewer trunk line to serve a large area adjacent to the City of Tigard. The Total cost of the line was $ 84,431.32 and was financed by issuing 7% cumulative prefered by issuing 150 shares in the amount of 500.00 per share or $75,000 in all. The excess was privetly financed. There are a also 75 shares of common on which no dividends may be paid, if ever, till all the preferred has been retired with interest. The City of Tigard process the sewage and all monthly sewer rentals from the properties served go to the City J of Tigard.--- The City of Tigard has the option to ,buy the interceptor at cost ( 84,431.32 ) less 4% per annum depreciation ( $ 3377.74 ) would indicate a purchase price it x.;7,413.14 as of l/1/74. It is not _..peated however that the option will be exer- cised as in 25 years ( 1990 ) the line will revert to the City of Tigard at no cost. As of Jan 1/74 there are 34 shared outstanding in the amount of $2*;Q2Q $17,000.00 plus accrued interest in amount of i 9,999.40. Revenue received from connection fees are used to retire• the shares. No compensat on is paid to anyone,all funds go to retire shares interest and naintainance of the sewer line. ADDENDUM WHEREAS, under date of September 14th, 1964, the CITY OF TIGARD, according the terms of a certain contract with J. A. PATERSON, undertook to furnish sewage disposal services to cer- tain areas lying northwesterly of the city, including LERON HEIGHTS NO. 3, and other lands, all as set forth in said agree- ment, a copy thereof hereto attached and by reference thereto, made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, by the terms of said agreement, it is required that the final cost of the sewer interceptor line by the terms thereof to be constructed by J. A. PATERSON when determined, was required to be set forth in an addendum as a permanent record; and WHEREAS, J. A. PATERSON, as Contractor, has heretofore transferred, assigned and set over unto LERON HEIGHTS INTER- CEPTOR, INC. , an Oregon corporation, all right, title and inter- est of J. A. PATERSON in and to said contract, in and to the interceptor line and the easements whereon said line is con- structed; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further amend the said contract in the particulars hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing prem- ises and the mutual benefits to be derived by the parties hereunder, LERON HEIGHTS INTERCEPTOR, INC. , hereinafter termed the "COMPANY" and the CITY OF TIGARD, hereinafter termed the "CITY", each act- ing by and through its duly authorized and undersigned officers, pursuant to the resolutions of the governing bodies, do hereby further agree as follows.: (1) That the said agreement of September 14, 1964, be and the same is hereby amended and supplemented in that Paragraph (1) b. of said contract be and the same is heriby amended to read as follows: That there shall. be paid to the City by each appli- cant for each residential property sewer service connection connected to the interceptor sewer line or to any other feeder or subsidiary line a sum equal to the applicable rate established by the City's ordinances for single family or duplex residential properties or similar sewer connection within the City, but in any event, each such residential connection shall require a con- nection fee of not less than $250.00, said sum to be paid over directly to the City by the applicant at the time of making appli- cation for sewer service. As to each such connection proposed to be made, the applicant shall be required to sign an applica•- tion in such form as the City may require, and no premises shall be connected to the interceptor sewer lines, feeder or any other lines which discharge in the City's system,directly or indirectly, unless the laterals, service lines, trunk lines and connections shall meet the standards and requirements as may be then in force within the City, as determined by an inspection to be made under direction of the City. (2) That the said agreement of September 14, 1964, be and, the same is hereby amended and supplemented in compliance with Paragraph numbered (2) thereof to record the total cost of con- struction, including the engineering costs, supervision of con- struction and actual costs of labor and materials expended is the sum of $84,431.32, which sum is hereby agreed b the par- ties as the basis for depreciation or purchase by the City in said Paragraph (2) set forth. (3) That Paragraph (7) of said agreement of September 14, 1964, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows The sewer connection charge to be paid to the City and the additional charge hereinabove authorized to be collected by the contractor to amortize the cost of the construction shall be applicable only to single family or duplex residential connec- tions and that with respect to all other sewer service connections, including apartments, multiple apartmentsp Commercial. and indus- trial sewer connections which the City may hereafter authorize, the contractor shall be entitled to be paid for each such con- nection a sum equal to sixty (608) per cent of the connection fee as may be prescribed by ordinance or otherwise determined by the city. In any event no surface water, downspouts, storm sewers, street drains, area drains or other foreign material shall be released in the sewer. All other requirements of the contract of September 14, 1964, shall apply with equal force with respect to all connec- tions described hereunder. In all other respects than as hereinabove set forth, the said contract of September 14, 1964, be and the same is hereby rati- fied, confirmed and perpetuated, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands, thin 22nd day of April, 1968. IXRON HEIGIITS INTERCEPTOR, INC. By CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of the State of Oregon By /eu co Recorder L/ 2 - f a THIS AGREEMENT, Made this lif f� day of September, 1964, by and between J. A. PATERSON, hereinafter termed Contractor, and the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of the State of Oregon, herein- after termed the City, W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Contractor, being engaged in the subdivision and development of certain lands outside the boundaries of the City, said lands being described on the attached sheet headed "DESCRIPTION" and by reference made a part hereof, has applied to the City for sanitary sewer disposal service by the City to residential areas now under development and additional areas which may in the future become available for development either by the Contractor or other parties, and, WHEREAS, the City has facilities wherewith to furnish service to additional areas not now included within the City's bound- aries, later to be annexed to and become part of the City: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the promises and agreements herein contained; the parties hereto agree as follows: (1) At such time as the Contractor shall have completed the construction of ar. interceptor sewer line extending from a point within the City's corporate limits near the Northwest currier of Lot Ten (10), TIGALDVILLE AMENDED PLAT, in a generally Westerly direction, to the intersection of Katherine Street and S.W. 121st Avenue on West boundary of LERON HEIGHTS NO. 3, the City will at the Contractor's expense, connect said interceptor sewer line to the city 's sewer mains and will accept for disposal purposes sewage from the Contractor's interceptor sewer subJect to the following terms and conditions: i lural bait. Ln rreeptur sewer li.;je auu all mains, laterals au,: service lines connected thereto shall be constructed in strict conformity with plana, specifi- cations, n;;d requirements approved by the City of Tigard ar.ri ,:y tire State Sauit:ary Authority, with the intent and purlr.,se that the said i.iterceptor sewer line and other liner, r-hall in all respects conform to the standards required of the CLt-,, 's sewer mains and linea. The Contrac- Lor shall t-„a all costs and expenses of obutiiittg the ri�,•hts Of wa% cr eask:roents, and the cons true tion of said interceptor line, t �9�'"c^g Tiiat t;ie Contractor shall pay to the City for ea h r� si 9e I 1 property car user connected to the C.�ntrac 'a interr.epti r wer line, or any other feeder or s idtary lime, a sus. equ to Oe applicable rate es r .lished by the City's ordi.nan . s for residential s er connections witnitt the tate, bu'. r e:tY evert, sum not less than $25O per coijnecti.on, sai sum tie collected by Lhe Con- tractor end paid ever tc t City at the time of each con- nection. As tr each ecra cti proposed to he made, the Contractor shall requi a the app] ant to siEn a sewer con- nection applicatioi n such form as L e Clt% may require, and n� pruperty , all be co.ioected to th said sewer lines unless toe ' erals, service lines and conne tions shall meet tnc• me standards and requirements as mai e then in force ►th respect to sewer crnmections within the ity, ant ea connection eras btLn inspected by the City. C. "i;at ir. addition to the sewer coinecrioa char.; e .irre'.rar eve stated to be paid f:ir each connection, each i propt� rt , ccupar.L or owner shall execute an application f-11- sewer s.•rvice in forir. approved uv City ant, shall le ,c-: ru} pour-ii to pay a ;;outnty sewer service , -iar•, i; - M.. - .. ..w.1... ,�•1r•..N+h.M.•A n...a�.,,..�r,s.....w.....wW...ti.r.w.u...r.a._..,�« _ }I • • t a sum equal to that prescribed by the City's ordinances for similar use of the City':, sewer system by pat-ons within the City. • I : d. To amortize Contractor's investment in said interceptor sewer line, Contractor shall be entitled to assess and collect not to exceed $150.00 for each service connection authorized hereunder during Contractor's ownership of the interceptor sewer line. L`4%d* (2) That with respect to construction of the said inter- ceptor sewer line, the Contractor shall maintain detailed records of the cost o construction, including engineering costs, supervision of constructio , and actual cost of labor and materials expended. Upon completion of the said interceptor sewer ine, such total cost shall be reported to the City and addend/um/ issued to this contract to record the said cost. The City shhall/have the right and option to purchase the said interceptor sevier line and all easements and rights of way utilized therewith/at any time, at the City's election, i at the total cost so reported, less depreciation at the rate of one i third of one per cent ( .0033 1/3S) per calendar month, or part there- of, from the date of beginning of sewer disposal service hereunder, or the date of beginning of sewer disposal service to any extension, tc the date of the exercising br said option. So long as the City does not exercise the said option, the said sewer line shall con- tinue in private ownership, but in any event, said interceptor sewer line, together with all easements and rights of way, shall become - the property of the City at the expiration of t.renty-five (25) years from the date hereof, without charge to the City. The Contractor may at his discretion convey the interceptor sewer line and all rights therein over to the City of T15ard at any time on or before twenty-five vears. � 1 e d;-t o �., prP.� 11 f 1 -3- ,/r i (j) In the event that any additional lands oC the Con- tractor, or of any other person, shall tie served through the media of t'w Contr.actoc's interceptor sewer main as hereinAbOVe mentioned, all sewer mains, laterals and coonections and sewer services with respect to said additiorial lands shall be subject to the same re- quirements as herein contained with respect to laterals, mains, co+anection and service cnarges, provided; however, that prior to serving any additional lands than those described on attached sheet headed "DESCRIPTIO:;," application shall be filed with the City for sewer disposal services, ani, i)o con,tection shall be made, or services ret,dered, until the Ctty ham .approved the sewer mains, laterals and line installations And has granted permissica in writing for such connections. Ani additicaal interceptor sewer mains, laterals or trunks to serve additional area may not be connected either directly or indirectly to the City's sewer until the owner of such mains or lines has entered into an agreement. with the City granting to the City the right to purchase the said line or to become the owner thereof on the same terms And conditions as herein set forth, or 3 other terms acceptable to the City Council. (4) It is an express condition of this contract that at the City's option, all lands for which sewer disposal services are to be made available hereunder, or under any supplemental a;;reements, may be annexed to the City provided that such lands are sit any. time or become conti;;uous to the C ity's boundaries as now established ' or hereafter extended by annexation. The City reserves t, e right to discontinue furnishing sewer service to any lands the owners of which shall fail to consent to annexation when contiguous and other- wise eligible fol, anAvxation. (5) During the period prior to the City becoming the owner of the main interceptor line, or any further sewer trunk lines that may rctnect t,) tee Contractor's line, the Contractoro or l ,A ther tyanrr A such lands, shall bear the entire expense of maintenance thereof acid shall kerp laid lines in good condition of repair and upkeep at all times, as det�rmined by the City's eni,ineers, provided that at such time as the City may become the k owner of the line, the City shall thereafter be responsible for the maintenance thereof. (6) In addition to any other remedy, and not in lieu thereof, with respect to all lairds for which sewage disposal services become available under tale terms of this a;;reement, unpaid sewer F connection charge and monthly sewer service charges as hereinabove l� i set forth, shall be a lien against each lot or parcel to the extent that the law authorizes, and an executed copy of this contract con- taining a description of the lands to be serviced thereby shall be recorded in the Mortgage Records of Washington County, Oregon, with the intent and purpose that notice shall thereby be given to all purchasers of portions of said lands of the City's lien rights for sewer connection and service charges. ? �b d• (7) ly a;reed that only reside�tiel'sewer rvices shall b�furmnl rider the te�-tsr this agreement and no commercial, industrial or of bar. residential connections or services are authoriz ereby and no a ace water, downspouts, storm sewers reet drains, area drains or owe, oretgn matter shgJ.� a released into the sewer. `� (8) The City shall not he responsible or liable for dis- ruption or temporary discontinuance of sewer disposal services here- under due to flood, earthquake or other act of God or ether causes beyond the governmental control of the City. (9) This contract shall he effective on the date herein- at,uve first app,,ari.ng and shall continue in force and effect durin,; I the private i,wnership of the said sewer interceptor line and shall be hindin., on the Cuntractot, his heirs, executers, administrators i and assit,ns. The City shall be promptly furnished authenticated {�� ,i i ownership of said interceptor sewer line or rights or any interest therein by assignment or operation of law or by inheritance. (10) No State or Federal, public corporation or govern- mental unit or municipality, other than the City of Tigard or its successors, shall be granted any rights or interest hereunder or succeed to any privileges of the Contractor hereunder without the prior written consent of the City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands, the day and year first hereinabove written. • Pa son CITY OF TIOARD, municipality of the 3aLe of Oregon ayor BY; -40&A Recor er STATE uF UREGUN, ) )sa. County of Wash Un this _!_ day of (ictoher, 1964, personally appeared the nbove named J. A. Peterson, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntery act and deed. Before me: 1%04r), Pub? 'c for Ot egon My Commission expires: r f "DESCRIPTION" Beginning at the intersection of the center- line of S.W. Walnut Street with tttc West line of the East 1/2 of Section 4, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Maridian, Washington County, Oregon; thence North along said West line to the North line of said Section 4; thence Edst along th! North lin-- of said Section 4 to the Northeast corner of said Section 4; thence North along the line common to Sections 33 and 34, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, W.M. , 2600 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of the McNutt prof>erty; thence East along the North line of the McNutt property, and the same extended, 4700 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of the (.underson Tract; thence Scrith along, the West line of said runderson Tract, and the same extenuad, to the North line of S.W. North Dakota Street; thence East on said North line of S.W. North Dakota Street to the centerline of T1.edcsman Road; thence South along the centerline of Tiedeman Road to the center- line of Tigard Avenue; thence Southeasterly on the center- i line of Tigard Aveitue to the centerline of County Road No. 893; thence South along the center of County Road No. 893 to the centerline of Fanno Creek; thence Westerly ns'•t� alongg the centerl�ne of. Fanno Creek to the South line of Lot 17, !4@�tT}i `PTf;fcfiDlfl -+� ; the;we Westerly. along the So h line of said Lot 17 to the Southwest corner of said L t 17; thence South along the seCCiOn tine cosmos o P (t J-f. Seco s 2 and 3t Township 2 South, Mange 1 West, W.M. , to - ,<e, the N rth line of S.W-. Walnut Street; thence Westerly along,""` i�c•'0 the N rth Line of S.W. Walnut Street to the point of begin ing, excepting that portion thereof lying within the d' hound ries of the Metzger Sanitary District. (PLA 4 r)pot s r� .s : A "Gk�Alt�4 iIE�G�•s gDbirlv�l �w..• '..t�..'-aC1.1"Y'ft^-�.J.�w"�W�INWWJY.JsI`.S-_+_ ....a.rJ4Wl�4.� .....�4.. ERON HEIGHT SEV"Fi INT, DIST. 10-1A I---- v ���DERFtY DELL SEWER TRUf1K T. M/ � XDel ti r Ob10 / b OL v - v � S � • -4) tib^P 'y L 14 � V v , Jj ). A y A �S* EMIM sawan Aglow� S.W. 125TH �Il�......MWAM.....r...., ..�.... I .. yC nT rl r. of T f ♦� O 1 rl XV Lft I to � � �,�� � � , �•: �� (� m to z fr. I r IL 10 � � d 'S.W. I / /� � S w. o71H"Avt m I� S wr � ` > �,.. .1 y .,1�• TIM AVE '.( -J .>✓� �,'r A�E\\ Q • ��� g vv _�26tN �vLL h amw low F a ti m �•• ZO z A ^ 1� f _AVE. 14 I Iz ` t 'N Kw �rw•, .'JEI� � 1 �.)t 1 turn fI w ' 9 W 112tH AVE Ir P!IT \ \ AIL. A tA d I � A � 1 YE,/ yy? :'s.w aetr, �Fsw, tN'Jt If t o r /s It__OttN AVE i s c I t ?�!W Ottio AVEJI �Y+ /,. fir i LINCnt'd Ir ' alir AV9,I�` r O p O ;. O .. N 1+) r 0) EXISTING GROUND PROFILE ''`^ �■ 8 9 .`` MAJNTAIN 2 COVER FILL TOP �L 8 a--e - .._ 85 ---, 8 2 .- li. .:.. 32' 1040. C.C.P 10" 01AM �1i M 15 F/ r18 " C 9.P77 W, �I�". .. a 8. P. - 13 0 78- 72 r 1 ..,' EXCAVL`TE CHANNEL- -' 1 1 1 SECTION C-C CROSSING 39+ 15 M � ,� � o o -"" o o O a, 0 7s a1 + + ♦ + m + - + a M M M M 1f) 1'h a � OV u 1 "7- I +1 - - - ♦I M 0 TOP EDGE OF �ANK CUT p oY M 1 P,la, DOWNSTREAM \ O O s O H z '1T� ,4b �i Q z Q Q tfa '�.',r WQ 11A Z K Z y'a�'' a x n TYPICAL PIER a ,��11✓'.;�I,Q, W (See Detail) w Cr W I. E. 84:25 ' ----- — - -- - - 0. TYPICAL PIER (See Detail ) SECTION EXCAVATE - �0 � 74. 0 -- --- ------ -- -------- - - - i' XCAVATE.. ..T�._ EL I -76.9 SCALE I 2_0" -_------Qc=-= - - - - - --- -- I - --- -- _ =.cess-.a-a�------ �-_-��'----=- - ------' - - - -- .��._..- -==�a-sz.r _•s PLAN STREAM CR S - N G 46 .� 23,_0.. r r.'•8' C.S.P. 18" DIA. — z i•- D T ---- -_ — T -- - _ r J z PLAN STREAM CROS 1?� "� 8 MAINTAIN 2 ' COVER FILL � - 1 `� - � '` t TOP ELLV. 80,8 9 'E'KTISTING GROUND • o 1 =--- - PROFILE so 90 24"C.sP. - ( �? 32' 108a C.C.P. 2 " DIAM. 8. 0.001 24" C.9.p _ j7" � I ( `\ 2a'-0" CONC-RETE ENCA�[� PLAN STREAM CROSSIN - - - - __ I E. 7 7. 3�`-- I G 38 +I ---- -�� Q.. TT-37-- S11 yp. -EXCAVATE' CHANNELS 1 - --'-- --- _ - -- 9" 75 8.0.003 00 •- --- y i I. E. 85 - SECTION 8-8 C OSSING 46+�80 ._._. ECTION D- D C OSSING 13485 I. E. 84 g I 0 70 ELA14 sI - --- rn — O 0 to 0 0 r- aD OD 0 0 O + + m o e0 ►� O O I I en M r� M et } + - - - - -- CID (D tD t + + I I U \\� ( 4- S w O O 0 d z N z I I!_*1L a---�'-I'"� Q 0 1 ti W 0 z W ' a �i a � a TYPICAL ~iER (See Detciil) �.,* -_-- I4'-o"_.. EL.EV- 74:-0.- i 1 --�--- TYPICAL CONCRETE PIER (13 Req'd 1 -- - SCALE 2 " „ ___ _ ---- Measured High Water March 1963 ELEV. 9 3. 01, a� 2-sI. s ----- CONCRETE- 2500 psi 26 DAYS 0" _v - i I Add 67. 43 to Project Datum for True ELEV, Datum. I I LAN STREAM CROSSIN 1 of 1 54 + 0 I OOP pK) 1a r C) : MAINTAIN 2' COVER FILL' EXTISTrN - 1 u U _-. - __ • 0 14' °-" � on PROFILE ~M I i - TOP 9LEV.:0.�1 U_a I , LERON INTERCEPTOR SEWER -'---- -- - r''° __ -� r ; I .F _- ._.. 'o I STREAM CROSSING 24" C. -r -- a e .z-.-IQA9._ .�ir.f -Bs"_D i n M ..�'_Q9 Ql-__ _ I -L-- 24" a.e.P "_... ...-_• , U ---- j I FROM L E RO N 0. 3 TO �7 HEIGHTS N _ _ �! _-_-- ..____________._____. ---•--.-- ---._�_-- t4. _ _ I.E. 78. 56I I BROOKSIGE PARK I.E. 78.6 3 i ITA, - TI E. 76. 61 -- -o H.A. MOHR a ASSOCIATES 1 EXCAVATE CHA NEL --`~-___.- , I Y�1 I nP A. 1 h .. _.-,, ._ _ �m 7 R CIVIL ENGINEERS ' a4 S CTION A--A CR SSING 6 + 6 ` _ ELEVATION I PETERSON BUILDING HILLSBORO, OREGON SCALE ' I "= 5' JOB NO. 0211163 M o 0 O O o p ?'C SEPTEMBER, 1964 SHEET 4 at 4 a4. ++ a II_ � �' REDRAWN BY R.L. THOMPSON JANUARY, `1972 �: LEPr_N HEIGHTS INTERCEPTOR . „''"--«...ry •wT' •... w,L.. + -W' L..-.•�I+M•.r:. +. W.. r•w -w.M •.,..1 .Ww. •W Vr_` rVrw' / • • • _. .Y a.1►`. . 4 c {• R' �.. , ! .M,.•.c. Y •`t 1 ` _ � , oWngMKlMW-r �' o .Y •a�Iu y _ Zi I l ♦ I' 1 t I I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 F II`i 11'll 'lll I I lil l I 1 �I 1 I � I � I`i 1 1 I I 1 ►II I r Ill ! I III ! 1 I�I 1111 11 II1Fir- 111111II 1 1 1 1111�Iillll 11111 1111111111101 - .• It� 11 ( III � IrI LII II' 1 IIS I � -, CI jll III III III III III III I'll III 111111 1 1 • 1 + t NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED �"""'■' 12 `� 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ih0 I I 12 _ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIC61-1T IS DUE TO - rTHE QUALITY OF 'rHE ORIGINAL r~- DRAWING. — - ------ ---------.- - - - ---- --"' OE 62 82 L2 9z 92 11Iz Ez >�= 18 oz 61 81 LI 91 91 b 1 El 21 11 01 6 • [ 9 S r E t I�•�' - rM1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111I111111111IIIIIIt1 114NIIIINIIIIUNIIINII�IINI1 1NIIN1111111IIIu11111II111111�II111111111IH111111II111111111�1NIIIl1111111Ittitlll,ll�ftlThlt111u�1IlI11111V11IIIIII1111It11111111II11��1 ': JUL `�''� 1+� .wlu��uuluulwlluul,Iubwln -• - 1992 kms=, � . �a. �� ,.. -•. --,- • ...-•* # -77177 - C� rte. � f��.�} p .. �'.� � , r• � � � ' „•• , , � � "-, - . �. .. . .. �.ar c1+ •"."r""7.. ter' '.•DRi;- -re+.�_ �7._ ?fir '"� �9." 'yl,, i4'^�_ f,.- 7.....�:.�.^w,. '. • d, _ .•- -r- - . , , „ M• _. .. 1 ... .CSI r `, . {y� .," ,�,' 9 •�.w r , +/ .. • ,.. i. ' �� t -w�' ,1• ' ' J��ir+' y qy�,p�..•....r �_� •n �. •.1u ..5, _ 1" j+" +W �: - t � �P'. . ,f . + r ' + t , w ty` ♦� 7 1f4'{ 'r'r ��. . y, y• + , �h It 1, t, .y �*'# ' •L^ �' •� �` - ,. * e' �, � � " ,.� � i'• ,+,•,r 1vj wµL � �- l,. � 'f .. . i�d 4 'V. . • ,. r r0�. ,�, '. .4• -:i +�-,•, _ .. ', ? '�. Irl � 'a• •�''�, � •� �OMPACrfO I BACK FILL ~ TO TOP OF EXISTING ; BANK i �° I _ ter• , • Z • 1 I4op tA Ir fit+ —*,S BARS 12 0.C. EA. WA. in L o �4�•fjQ ;;�1 4 2" fRON FACE OF CONC. M Q-', AL PIE h. J � � 1' ���•�t�''`��\ "' kses t• 30 �' ''. � R1N. G�• � F. I 54 1 ' + - It',~'�'�. r,,, i iy„,' •••,.'r�•r P•••• .� 1,'. :j, f ,p'• ' t `` �r'.�' �,` 8 1 1 , , ,r.r ���L..•, 2��' .T� ;i^� •' ,L r'�: , a'�G/.t'•�feU'.;.'� 5•r.,'� ., 1 , -To EL.- 'r OM EL. 73. 0 i CHANNEL. H 25, EACH �� . \ ,� 'ofn E Y \ r1 E X C AVS? ANNEI-�ID G . ` .c rn 4-- 0 tmdz� FOR 2 CHOE CR SSIN 1 ` 1` ------ - N (mint i 1 r SIDE TYPICAL RETAINING WF/\ N N ALL -� , SECTION 1 - 1 SCALE I "_ 1' 0„ - u u e ooE c, N , d ` ^ti. ^b O F MVA T E R i � c P �, o ;1 o ; - 6 OCT 1964 = \ `s \.4 0 ` V, 41 6 g0 b• a � c� . �0 � 43 5 4-I 6 e' 0 r N � � ' .�'�'�—�„•, � - _ ^ � I s -o � �•- _tom ,;, B:.f� 1 „y MOD. PIER , _ ` e 1 P p 1 '�•.. --COAIPACT'[D '�FILL BETWN y \ ai \ ! ��r ♦ d1 1 1 0-, RET�IIII146 WALL O TANK it a ..--- TOP Of CR �_ } „�'- 1 �JIrI 5°b Ilk I lb Ir on I E06E BA.QEIIETAININ® WALL b I 1r` •tb' Lt` ok I �14t�y g !p a \1 �` 90 •a 2Q'•-O RETAINING WAV— CHAS.__ M. 8 MARY E. GREENWELL 1 cr DEED 8K. 407, PB. 459 j �% 54 , 86,3 • 33+ CiTYAO F T OARO 0NT , AS BUILT tt .dr " - ♦ �RCEPTER SEWER " Fx•r�°a„ NOTE.' This drgWilo S9PfFCedes ds/ail { 0" sh 3 Stream Croxri7LERON INTERCEPTOR SEWER Ng p S 4 f d 0 PLA( - _ G EENWELL CREEK CROSSING 24" SAN. SEWER FROM LERON HEIGHTS NO. 3 TO R SCALE 1 = 5 —0 BR OOKSI DE PARK �I TIGARD , OREGON N. X M OHR 8r ASSO C I ATES CIVIL ENGINEERS PETERSON BLDG. HILLSBORO, OREGON SCALE . I 5' BY H. A . M . ��•' ' �` ,' i SHEET4Aot A JOB N0. 0211163 OCT., 1964 I REDRAWN BY R. L. THOMPSON JANUARY, 1972 LERON HEIGHTS INTERCE-T'l-OR 4 13 r' '12,. ,7,.7 ' ' . , ` e - y,'yt7F�•. _y r 7 /= y- i I _ _ �,, r, - r .-.�. — .•.. i.. t �I,I'Fu ll'IIft�1111111111111�11,�IIIy11It1'I11tIIlllll�{Ill�r�1'��I111 {I�IIIII�IItII`1{III�II IIIIIII{II 111 rIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiI�IIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIII�IlIl111lIII'{111111111IIIIII{1111 {IIII111II ' �„ 'r *. �'. J NOTE; IF THIS MICROFILMED - " - 10 I1 12 - 3 4 5 6 7 B 9„ - - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE; 77 15 DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING;. 0c 62 92 LZ 92 SZ OZ EZ 22 IZ 02 61 @1 LI 91 51 bl EI al II 01 6 9 L 9 S.•,� b E Z 1min" ' f►!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI111111111111111111111�1111{IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuulnullufl1111111111111111111I111111111{IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII{►f11111111111111111{111111111{fllllllllllllllllll{IIIllllll{I1I111111{IIIIIIuI�IWI1I11Ill11111111111111111{IIIIIIIl1111111n111ullluu�llln11,11111IIIIlIJIIIuI► JULY 1 19 c.,-,) 2 .1.•r.-• �.,-- .._.-......... •- ..�.-.,.,.- -._-.-_ .... �..�-.....__...-. .. _ �._ -.- -. . - .-. .. .. - . .. .� ..r [F y._ '., �. .,.. -.••�++•,..q ' . 7.�T� ._...-.-w.,,.. ..�-•.__. .••+.._ w. .. —....•-y.,.. , . .... ..«._.. ,.. .... _- ' � _ .-.... ,-.._ .. K -s-- ..-�.....�, ,..-.- T - T•.+«r-•.•d-...-.�.•.-�«�.-....y...r_r...... ,• •:,' .�`*:�,• a .':1�'�. � s.$,j .,,,r...,,,,. .,-."'i'-"�.. .. • , • 41 LIFTING HOOK ABOVE EACH PUM C"- SEE SECTION ,• AIR INTAKE --�---= - -AUTO BLOWER 9 LIGHT SWITCH 48" DIA. PRE- CAST M. H. 1 FLUSH MOUNTE� ;ty" ` j . r r�> , '�'i,-r __ . - -� ISG141ARGE LINE YALE LOCK .1 ? �. ,y :•� �, Is:� ati�'� A � } A' . -1 1 1/2 VENT PIPE N � r �, . �, ;>t�`•%L, ,, '��p�:v'fti �y ,�1;,. ,.}, 8 FOR SEALTROQE - ----� I !- -i • 8- 0 _ 11 •. 411 h # 4-21-0" HORiZ. O. C. ! 1/ �0 4 1 1/2 SUMP PUMP -#4 VERT @ 6 0. C. ` DISCHARE LINE I C-17 I-V2 hp. , `, .r• 870 r.p.m motor 230 V. 3 •, �--- - I.E. 1 83.66 151IC.S.P. _F 60 Cycle UNI LET r•' sp H. W. L EL. 83.05 8 -B 3/4 ; 'per 12'-0" �4-611 o.c. •':. ! 11 = � , EL. 811.86 ��• - 600 GAL. v n 8'-11 5/8 c. I a L.W. L EL. 80. 85 870 R PM _.- 36 -- - - - - i V PM. OM I �+- �,�}�, 300 G. P M I le 4'-0, PUMP 1 Ir 3'- 8 3/8'1 --- ----- f --------- I 6 " C. 1. PUMP SUCTION #4 wets 1811 EL. 79,61! ----- -- . j. �•,Otis I ;. 1'-5 V2" y----- .. —J to`�. j14 •''' _ 6 �4J ' r ,t •\ � t - .�•.�Q; '!�� 61/2 � -- - --� r 'i v a• .r `o y 'L..J. r L. 78.16 y err• \ H� •C �r i• '1 s �T'• 'n• f r I. I '1 a. 1 •.~ t 'w t •� -Ly.'�• tt � n. ;x Y•t •5' I 1 •t ;'�; i• - r •r ,i, y� 'P T �M, •r 1 4 •1- 1• [ 'Q fi i i iii•=e=-+—=. �• � 5 1 s• ♦`r :t r T' ti+ , -•X] Iii 'S� ->'� ,' •'1::-� 'y. J. +• , - 35/8', � 811 2 -�-1� 1_ /1 SECTION A�-A 2 0 0 - ----- ----' -- ---------------- _ — ---- — - - - 7' 611 11 , \yam \ 3'- 1 11 -- - _ _ _ --'- --------- --- 3- 6- -- --—_ - --- _ - —__ - --- --- ��� --- -- SECTION It 6 -- - EALTRODE 4" C. I. PIPE (MECH. JT.) I=9 318 ~�-- 67 — 11 f4 - 0 LADDER--- _ _ ___ 1 611 C. 1: PIPE (MECH. JT. ) NO. 2 PUMP T � I 1 11 6" CONC. CRADf3,H.�PORT PIES 1 -0 �* - - -- -- - F ,Jt• ''y � -- 1 ,., •;�;; SUMP PUMP.. -Al INTAKE ]- AS BUILT S" ►.. 6 C.1. PIPE (MECH. JT,) �— - -- NO. I PUMP ___ 1 CONTROL PANEL ;- LERON INTERCEPTOR SEWERIN I 4 - o SEWER LIFT STATION I © / =----- 1 — --- - H. AI.M O H R 8r ASSOCIATES 51.- 011 ____.._ AIR EXHAUST I CIVIL ENGINEERS o n' _ to CE) J PETERSON BUILDING FILLSBORO, OREGON Q )• ..•,• -j , . . `' (d, N .��,:,..•, ; _____ _ SCALE: 1 "= 11-0 J 0 B N0. 0211163 _- - -- .. --- - -- ---- - -- - '--- ._. _ ------ - - --- SHEET 4B o t 4 JUNE 1965 TDRAWN BY L.K. N. 6 REDRAWN BY RL THOMPSON FEBRUARY 1972 ; F- 1 Cr 3 yg i - f,t TYPE UT NON - CLOG LIFT STATION ' * 6 1�•:.>W y�'�- rr .:Z� -+•fir' _, ,9014 - I - 6 �+ 1 1,1TE P('_;EF TOP " • rt � .do. .Y1.._..�._,. .!„ _�..�, e. �.. -._ a..M.e. ... s ,. .. 1 . '� .. _.�._.. i ...-.....,... —e I -..1( , • t- 1 f. •_�. ,•I r.d... 1,.na.1 '. , .�. ..* .,r .. I _-...Ws•...r._. ....'i..!^ -... ....�- `-•-_ "Z,..''.. ... ..�__.. _ _ ••._-•,......- -«+w.a.venin •e•w, --- � • .. »_,..,.nl�pc:•.-.,:,.........*.....__ .. .,A., � .. ._•.. -.a.A— ._.. _ .,.�..., ..+w-....,.c.�--.-.-- .. _._v,• �._".fir'",�„�,".w, -,,,_ „„ ._ ...,���'". .'�'1�r"�".'�";'_ -. _ ,r'vll"c'"^ - _ � „+w,M'�1,..+ _ -.. _, - '� � .:. _ � •�Ii•1111 111111 1111111 1111111 r;11i11 IIII111. 1111111 111111/1/1 I II111 111IIIII111111 111111 111111 III 111 III 111 III III III III III III 111 111 111 t11 III III 111 ►11 111 III 1 � � f , NOTC : 11 THIS MICROFILMED ► + 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I J I I -- 2. DRAWING IS LE"S CLEAR THAN MIS NOTIU. 11 IS DUE To THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL : DRAWING. _ OE 62 82 L2 92 S2 b2 E? 22 12 02 61 81 L I 91 51 b I E I 21 11 01 6 8 L 9 S b E 2 I 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n((1u111111111111111111111111n111111111(11111111n11111111}Illllllilflll{+IIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllll�iltl111nIn1111n11u1111u111t�u11111111111111nIIn11111uInl.I�llllliullluluu�llllnlllllllnlllwl111, JULY 1 19 92 Iw - M 1 1 t l 10 C3JAN —� Pao A�' C3 �+ I D � 13 > 6AD Ap p 1 \ bb 4 i ! z A4 ZOO .42 \ At Galc Q \ 3 I g PAS S ` AD) \ lost IG4 > ► ��� .�' ►° O (3a Z I $-a .9oAc. t,t34, 2 .73Ae. 13 2d� 0) /� • =31 t`l88 1 (ZBC) tL2C) <:8c� •92 Ac G7Ac 1b {{ Y21S (� L2Ar .2I to-' Q I` r�=�+ oz. ICU4s sQ� t� c j CzBc•a `zdc C2ctc $11 � a - os tle•, �-? — 0 all _. �4& (zip-� ►°f (si --- I d ----___ cp f i t; ,M �� c I a� 104 �.� �j,6¢� I � --g 1 a I AVE ?qSA` 3�• I, 400 4ICP �zo0 t7of I � (26c� z�� � �E I �� .�.. 4&At 7)Ac ,�4lJAc! 1 tic -t _ I s>p '=5-4� 2�Art 114 its NZ NDo c c1 (Ag 5 - C,tas Q80 -4 -us — Zmp Ilea)t BB ,fz �� sd� (n A3/k Lge-7 t:1C) DRAINAGE - 1 8 -)UNrDARY -DEkRr' L7E�C. r � � O rye 11 SGrJf., , - AS ESMBn;T - GtrJ:RT haLL. 7"PLIf,'k SEk/, f I �3 J?emcf.lsTPA NICE � TRin L 6E WER LINK n ���� �ArJcl�'OFT M 1 7 - 7/ (2 KCS -TA)t LOT u III d w,AP N , I ScA�E ; i ''� zoo' 9,99 A. - J1' �'L `' PER Lor I_E.Rf_lN HEIGHTS I N•TE:RC;EPI Ol' _•-`--_. _. ,,,rr _ ,,. .......s... -. ... ... .. '. - . •..+w�Marwa 4' p+. n- 'iFiAE,rr• _ :: ,ai` 1.i _n'' .a` ,'R,- �: 'u• , , - ..,;..fir.� " R r lY]" 4 t ., f 1 1 .., T_r .� '.: ...-: .. ' � 4�•`'.. .. ., M 1 �II� ,'III�I IIIII'Ill�llll.l,lt�Fltlt)li;l+ ;tlllllll1,Illllli��•`I IIIIIIIItIIIlli 11 11111 1lljtll�Iltlrlllllllllllllll�llII111'111iIIIII1111111111llI1'11111fIII111III11111111111111101 1 1�1 1 1 �' I 2 3 4 � ___ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 NOTE: If THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING 15 LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT 1Cfe;-'"IT 15 DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE OR16INAL DRAWING. OC 62 92 L2 92 S2 b2 E2 22 12 0?, 61 61 L I 91 SI t,l E I 21 11 01 -6 9 L 9 S to C Z �llllllll�lllllllll�llllllnl�unlnUllll�llll�lllt�llltltllllnulltulnu�uirfulllllllll111lIIII�CII�IIII�IIII�II�IIIIII�IIIiIn11�11HI1111jIIII�iIII�I111�III1�Hli�llll�llll�lllllllll�IIIIIIIII�HII�IIII1111lIIIII111111111�IIII�IW�ll�IlU�llllllllllllll�llll�Illl�ll�l�lli+ 7: JUICY 1 19 92 ab 46 *.-soft* ft'ft-.w.-w-wft am&0 0-"& 4L �op -4 tk V A 7", .4 S 17 0 ...................... Aff,4 .... .. 'F'or 0 ewV,4 It w, vj\ At Z V ON AIN "Olt f Nt 0.01 N OCT /_9 60 Qbj"4"-b 0, 60 dw.no ft It ko� 4V4 10� Wall e, 7"1 1.0 TIN deo 40. Alf 4;-,eaL&;ec-A1,,PVe4e4 Na U\ 1110 4 It 54 IWAl;f A vorl': ev�ewpv 0, A7, e" 'q _r"& 1OZ14N AP41 J;OA" -5- c -4 'e LERON INTERCEPTOR SEWER FROM LERON HEIGHTS No. 3 FO BROOKSIDE PARK TIGARD, OREGON kg�t� mohr �71 AssociAns *W) C I V I L C, T N E E 'R S ��& '/� -PETERSON BLDG HILLSBORO, OREGON K'EPTOP LEPON HEIGHTS INTER By. H A I'A 4A Sc0e , I z 7 0 F ""I f - —.— . 5—.-- ___ . ­­ Pob No 0 21116 3 0 C T. 19(64 4 APO 5 rill I Ill Ill 111111111011111101 I 7rii 1",17,17,1 1 3 4 5 10 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED -------- nRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIC61-1T IS DUE TO THE V)ALITY OF THE ORIGINAL -'bRAwiw,. Oc 62 Be a q? se *2 C2 zz 1z 0z 61 of 't I %I fp I c 1 21 11 of 6 9 1 9 s c 2 JULY 1992 il. A t 3� S•W - -- I county 4r' I 1 /6 OAKOT ISTPEET I ' _ ;,_ , , i 1 •� , ,PJB � 17 160 L P/ 30 _ IQ o ! � 4rjr 1 \ \ - tr) u lcy I / /7b Z I �• _ J 1 Y ` 17d - V� ! I 1 I 1 i _j nt t1Quu fitn_I 7� _ , ------_ __ __ _..__.___ _ ____ _ _ I y r-- —,--4 5,W�--Q-- T G A R STREET _ - -— S. W:-- T I G A R D ST. _ --- - .. - - - ' '�.�.. / 16 b 7 B _ t I W 1 1 01 CTI l�oiq{I I I / (1.1 I I / I I I J c n IS ' 17 16 15 14 1 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 1 2 ; 1 P f- \ 0G - I ..� �.� __. -- - a •�' H E H�Y HILL '} . � G I? E TR QIG T;S � .• `� b I I I I I I 40 \ r\ 19 22 9 C' �L ti 72 73 75 76 r H 79 HU 81 E2 CJ . L I: O N HE- 1 G IH T - — -$1 - K,4+fittRtNf --- - - M.H. 5 3 ! y 20 21 /2 4 1 71 t�3 62 61 ` 52 \ 51 5C 49 48 MrN. cx1 .1 M H I ; .? l'i iy4 ti� �C�T .� e, '• _ _ o:• 6U IQ _35 47 _-.-- M.H 6 ----M:N D�, din L✓" a is .L: hili; fZ I W _ _ .-- - _--- -- - - ..�•• i 0 53 -LIFT STATION yi - Al c 6 M.H. `�;•.• ` .., 1 1 65 t / 41 40 E/L3r_e,> T s 5251 P Se/%wood z.anlc 1- 69 _- I 9 ` a M.H.9 IQ M.H. I I 6 v 3.j M.H. 8A • T 2 S R I W ' 42 ! K A 5 I 4 5 R �i C� 68 LE INTERCE TOR SE w 3 67 - - Ali 17 G 14 15 44 4 38 f 30 I j , m i 1 3 22 O) 32 �. --- _ M.H. 17 M.H. 18 t �a C �)I �3 I � 34 35 37 --� i - _..� .., Ne. g/ S LO_ N I = H E I G -T---S — M.H. 16 /8 . `� I I L AT ' 36 2 9 28 P N o. , 1 y.✓: .^. ^.• M H 19 1 \� 7 2 Z �', ' c 7 26 ?S _ 23 � :i' •' 2 2 2 1 z 4 TN Ro ' : 10 11 �, h ' y O �,,� H.20 12 13 I� 15 m lt! 0 6 1 CITY G r __ _. .__—_—_ w L C 1� 17 18 _ - - -`� G R G N C.R. 23 I �J' I9 __ -- __--- _ :• - .� ate( S F \ C�EEk 5 g___�_ _ - '7 I <t 1 G z O .� / 4 7HEI ..................... -— /_ 4 5 6 7 �i8 I y f_._�-- 1 I 3 ! - - --U�1 19 18 17 '': a '' j z Q 1 5, % Y -----. _ c. R. 494 _ — -- — -- --- • _ ^-9:WMJ0RNSON—S� F - _..- - ------_— _ ..__! — -------- � -•--r----_. _ O�, �,, �; do ,� � •.. --- ' L __- -—- - - ------ - -_ -i- r �' 7 / 12 e9 . 61� '— o °' 2 e�,,i fi I G A R� D -- -� t 1 13 15 6 % 4 p 2� or 9 Q I i ' 4 6 A .t " CLl s S 3, / r 18 I W I / 2 Nq' Q 3 2 �• /� Lai _ - _ E C H0 HEIGHT G NT �j t-- y4 9 A �c,• AN 6 -- i �--- �, 4 -- ERON INTERCEPTOR SEWER --- - ----�—' --- T R --- - i � �' �`'• • �� '` i2 FROM LERON HEIGHTS �-- 2a ; J� �\ 14 BROOKSIDE PARK O �. TIGARD OREGON ------- - T LL T i. .As13oc ices 10 i II I2 I I� 14 15 ' _- ' r I 1 �_VI-L _ N01NEE $ s ,�. l�21Eq o� _ to 14 ( 1a \ r o� f� 1�. ('� ' /� ri1 M i N I %/ CY 44 •• .;��;` 7 '� PETERSON BUILDING HILLS190R0, OREGON Ir ! -- - - I *,!`� v' �� �� Scale 1 ; 200Jab No. 0211163 ~,- - - ��• 2 7 Sheet I of 4 SEPTEMBER, 196 x• ' I....F'PON y 4 on! J6LV f 1�,I t��l i l(I l l l l l l l l ll l l l l l l!11)(I I I I I t I I 1 11 1 1 1 1 I I I l I l r 11 1 1 1 1 1 tl l l j l l l l l�l l l l l l l l l l l l l) I I I)I I I I I I I I I 1(I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I(I I I I I I I I I I I I I(I I I I I I I I I I I 1 111 I I I(�I I I l I l l l l l l l l l l l(I l I l l l l l l � -r�.-...._.._..�...- i ,,�,,,� t, - . . ., • 1� NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED I I 12 1 2 3 -- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE, 17 IS DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. OE 62 92 LZ 92 5Z bZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 91 LI 91 SIII bl EI el 11 01 6 9 L 9 S b IE Z 11""'" ,,,.•-' ��11IIIIIIIIIIIuI111IIIInulnnln111111{IIIIIIIIII�i111�IlIlIII111ulI�Ilulnnitu1�1111�IIIII1111IIIIIIIIII�111111111IIIIIII111I'�IIIIIII�lllllllllllllllllll�llll�llil�lllilllll�llll�llll�llll�llll�II11�11I{II1>l!<IIII�IIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIII�IIII�IIllI111111111�IIII�IIIIl1UIlUll�1111�11111ILU�IIN JULY 1 1992 '1 • � N, surrr v . 0 1 aa01 X Of NOIZ3S SSONO '�L10A 1 NOI.L03S M3N 01 X 0SSOMO' '„l10A 103NY7�i�� 8w41 Xoo� avd wY 56001oi '00 L13SS3 8 �:3--ijfl9�1 ,wM Owawis ioYi , �7 !l3S S.3 w i3ddf1Hh a3 0 MYtM QjII oval •- w• - ~- -`--•--f-, •-�_ . -. _ _-._.____._J__ __..r._ _ _ . __.-'_._ -l-•____•' -___ -.- .-.-•_-_. _._. .-_..-._._._-`--•-_. _r ` , _.w.rte_- _.".. ._._-.•_-_ _-_-.;._..--__-.._. I .•.-._-.___ { LnLOrn to I r = N OO i I z �} N � T _O ` O I a ---- --- - -- lL tf�4 - -- ----- -- - _- - - -tcr N O (D N N - N tD � ti Cp I i lD I O Q VJ !` (V prj I (X) c1j 06 -- - --- _ (4) i m -JV of N N + rD I I w __ —. _ _ _ --- -- - =w + r 111 -- ,----- - - r______.— _�_ -- _.___t I 11]dp Z ~ M I M i �w , � 1 •r0 -- I 1 3 I m I i CO 2/ ` g►- I z 231.13 18 RJCSP 28 3T 18';F ( 3 rn 83. I � � S' 0.0 36 G� ., S: 0.0 024 I I ]52tj .� ASTM' C-14 _• �+..�:+! 3393 1.3� 1. to E-S I JB,RJCSC.f ,_ �, 90.4 . 89 9. QS M 0.0 5 0. z0 87.85 R.J :$p : 0 j r 6'z 38� PR{$ URE LINE C 148.73' I RJCSP 10 ; 8I I ASTM _ 8" RJ CSP S I '�A - I N. 'J E- 8 .75 C-J4 E-g 36.42 s _ . 8 29 114- E_S -14 .E S:. o _ _ co - 7 1 , 1180 - 86.99 6. 3 8-B 4 i ' AS M C-1q . J C __ -•_ -I _, i?6.l3 _...- i E_S r 30 37 I 84' IS"R CSP 5 w �. 19 1 -- - : . ASTM C 4:00 0 -141_ E-S ~'+i2- M. a35.3I I ASTM C_( E-� ___-------- -+-' 3 6 0.73 -74 I YSEE, SHEET 4 84 a 66 �, _ _48043 STR AM GRIDS ING OETA 82.51 I237$,95 Gr.=0.002 18R•J.0 .P.WEftl 8? 41 8 I - ---- 454WE 0.79 78.16 ASEL 1 T9._75PROFILE SCALE HOR1Z 7AL I 100 VERTICAL 1 - 5 N T Ew MANHOLES 6 I� II13 St 14 MUST BE EQUIPED WITH WATER TIGHT HILDA BASTIN� COVERS. ,LAWRENCE W.CHRISTINA WILLIAM t LULU Book 323 , Page 360U) Zi a[ - GEORGE C• Book 453, Page 121 W - WETLE CARSON � CAROLYNPage 545 CLARENCE Ba > Book 481, BANFYBook309, Page 51 Book381 , Page 234 1117), M H. 52 MAIN __ __M.H. 14 - __._KATH�TE RINE H 13 '----- -` TATHF 8, NANCY J. CARNINE _ I ---- 18 MAIN S.W.SW ET �s - HARRY D 18'� MAIN o N O N �L- Book 316- 220 cri ___. _ __._�_ STIR t "� M.H. 12 _ M.H. 13A I o MM. DIVISION LINE OF JOHN L. HICKLiN D L.C. 54 --- - 45R o SWAN , I �� THEODORE M . a ROSALIE 0. I v' (0 - __ ---- - M.H. 7 � ALFRED NAFKEN page _ 25 ---_ -�-d- S H 5 Book 26 , _. __ - a / T2S., RIW., W.M. W KATHRINE 's 221 Page - " � Book ,---- • 9i2 LIFT STATION --- ----- .____ M.H. 10 ---- -"--- ,-- ----- - -- _... M.H. II 1 — - _ M.H. It? MAIN ° TIS. R.I W. W. M � �-' / _ - M.H. 8 � "Vol, 3 - T,2 S.,R.I W., W.M. M.H. 8A )-ALING�58'x 6” Pressure LineMERLE81 IRENEpATRICIA WALTER WDOROTHY SCNROEDER I I LEONARD L B' Book 154/, Page 129 J8 CLYDE A. !� ETTA M ROUTON PAYNE 11 Book 4AC'+ Page Book 439, Page 594 ELSIE V. -- \ � B OSCAR C. � PA'{NE i' \ \ Bnok 435, Page 543 i I z LERON INTERCEPTOR SEWER FROM LERON HEIGHTS No. 3 TO Z� PLAN BROOKSIDE PARK \ SCALE I"=100' TIGARD OREGON aE� PROh. cL mob Gin J�� CIVIL zxcoil 9118 W 2273 nETERSON BUILDING HILLSBORO, OREGON J „� LEF(Jhl Scale_. AS SHOWN Job No. 02.111 C-3 I / Sheet 2 of 4 SEPTEMBER; I , 964 I-1�::7 c:ryR•�Tr, �:N TEF�CEF'l�r..1R ' I • , •'-. ^ Y ' w .. • ..,�., _ w ... • .-raw __,.- rru.._•.- .. _....,y,.•Wr„•w^^^. ' • 0,1 - ._ ”t.. �'^•�}!_- �'w+• .11.•� w'a ... , . ^-"tMw.'_.. ,. -. •„'7 _`R`i�s�_- , _. . ...r._�+M1.t •�Y`L:��r!`„r. ._, r ._....w•w1.,.n•rww.F•r•«vr ,,,q•,•.r.. 1 , 'I�II(II�Illrtll'IIIII�JIIIIj1il1�II�I�IrI111�IIlllll{11111i��1�11111 (III'Illl�lllllll�lllll) II IIIIIIIIIIf�llllllllli�lllllllllllll11111111111IIIII111111111iiIII�I111IIIIl11111111111111tH ' i 1_ . —_. `. .t a �' NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED — .. 1 2 3i 4 5 6 7 !9 9 IID 11 12 1� J DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN PHIS NOTICE; IT 15 DUE TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL i --_._ _ _ .___.............------- 6 bRAwltvc. oe sz ez iz 9z sz tiz ez zz Iz oz sr 91 tl 91 sl b1 e1 21 11 01 s • c 9 s b e z 1��.... ' I -'' srlrll11111111111111111111��1111t1111111111�1III�Itnllrnll111111111�t1I1 till 11,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n11laill hlulrl I I I I I I iruli11111u111n111u1]ur11nu1111�I11��1111r11111IIrInllrnlr1n11wW(Iltlullu�luUllr�111i11u111J11 1111) 1 - • n �; u]aelJ� %?JOA NI'!N 01 X 01 N01103S SS08'1 • • n el d](MIYJ '00 k135S3 I 1 .13 3D3N +13Jv+ twJ %0ol N2i0A 03N 01 X 01 %011035 SSOHJ ��•� OMVUNVIS R-i`;SA V 1333113A 1136vJ 0vLI %On; •« OHVONVIS P 0FI SCALE: HORI ( TAL I "=101)* _. W I tD J i W ,n M ,n W I (D H I M ,. co 0 00 to + Ob 0 — �f N I N O i ...__ I `� M V di 1 N — •t M r� ct X q tom OD �►' �G >. w to OD. W �S cv N M � V /FILL 2 MIN. COVE cX)�_. I I} r N Lu w = w N AJ 355.03 `,x. j-1� ~+�' _ �' FI -ir -4- Z -: 2� 'MIN. OV I - -, ---- tb Q 3 , 0 , ,8�6 ;x 8113— 2 _ CITY OF TIGARO 5 .._- _--_ 1 17 U.C.S.P33+93 8Q.0 STh11 £-14 a�Str th, 220.85 �.--'--- - I -- Extr 0 i M H JA 5 -' - 79.1'2 .� ,- t-•r ,- _,.. _ 2 8 -._- 63.5 I �{ 1073.15- G► 0.0©I STM t - 24�` MAIN A C-76 CLASS III _7 8.51 ,� X77. 7 5---- _ _--_� 7 6 7.6 6 I:E:7 - --- -.--1. 77.28 .91 76.7 ?8.� RE-Ak . CR ' QETA C16 T AS BUILT _ -our i EE SHEET 4 I SEE SHEET, 4 ; _,-. TREAM- C OSSIN(3 DE Alt' N0 h TAIL � TR C 0 , ..- S31 h '.1 I _rr - - - _ MANHOLES 13 THRU 21 MUST BE EQIJiPED WITH WATER TIGHT COVERS -� x N O , `. LERON SANITARY DISTRICT DATUM IS ASSUMED, ADD 67. 4 3 TO THIS DATUM BASTIN I 1 a HILDA e 3oU CAROLYN �J_`_- __ --`— FOR TRUE DATUM. NCE W --�" L AW RE 323 � P ag � � Book , B Y CLAkENCE BANE 12� �� J� _---------__ TREE ----_••--- Book 453, page 381, page 2. ���- SS+g•�.,3� ook — ——�� —��' ----- AT F•1 E R 1 N E R z' S3+-Z to MAIN / \ 1 It I`1 ,,.� Z q o MN. 15 T I S_, RR 1 W 1 Z 2 ✓ 1.1-• m. M.11. 13A Ek Ek ROSALIF c) ;WAIT rr--- - 3 2 1' HELEN A LOWERY r r�� THEUpURE 2511 ._. �' / GE URGE a 26 J C� > m�'11-, gook 263 , pagegook 4f�l ,�pag r 1-� f1• 1 MH. 18_---- 5 M.H. 17 -'-� 1141 AIN MAIM �- _- ---- TUB OUT pAVID L' 15 RINE �- 1 S E Book 404 P 55..1 GUNSERG 4 2 Mfg ,9 / 404,Pa9 . Book 417, Page r \ LERON INTERCEPTOR SEWER MH. 20 -*P FROM LE ��OrI HEIGHTS No. 3 TO PLANBROOKSIDE PARK SCALE' I = IOU' B R O � D /,� Z4 h1AIN _ I / e /� TIGARD OREGON 1 p CITY M H. 33+93 -50 _ - P A R K �' INTERCEPT R ,,A„LO co ' Q. 1 . SUN / IIFTERSON BUILDING HILLSBORO, OREGON ����" / ---� - �-----�^ Sole AS SHOWN _ Job No,__ 0?,11163 I._f:f;�Clhl I-IF'I�7HTcJ /� � 1 � 3 of 4 `�E PTEMBER 1964 rr I i" ► . t -"— • '�'- ., M . �, - .t. a _-�1�w^ y6w.-�+ .--..�a� .. •' d ...�.UYd�'� ' .. ""..r±..- - _ .-�, .�„w,�„ t... •'...... II ."� �- '� •�. ,� 'I�Iltillllll��illllllt�tltlfll�ltll�l�ll��l1)rIItIIIIrIlll�t-�r��lllr II I�III�IIIIII �III�I) ILIIIIII1111f�1 IIIIIIIIIIIIItl�lllllllllllllll 11111111tlllllt tIIIPI1111�IIlI 111�11►Itfllltl � t _ �.. .J w o' loll I P-- ,� 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TIO III 12 _ NOTE; I F THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN 114IS NOTICti; -IT IS DUE TO - THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL a DRAWING. - -------- _.. _.----- ----. 7 OE sz 8z Lz 92 Sz bz Ez zz 1 02 61 91 LI 91 of bl E1 21 II 01 -6 • L 9 S b E z II"■11" y ie1111111111111uIIIIIuIIlII11111111111141111u111I1111111tllWtltullttulu))`uIIIII111111111111I11III1111I1111111111111111111IHNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIftIIIIII III 1111111111111 1111I11111IIIlIiIIIIII11�111f� IlIIlI111111InuII11111111i1Wh11I1111l11116iilllI0Il111I11111 whin 1' JULY 1 1992 I _ �Ph'4T1A(6 GROUND F/LE TI?P E/ 8100 /8' C.SR•� , �+�: �� 32° lD9v C.CP l8�� Dioin.� �' � - � A MH /- -10 7868 F � NNEL EXCAVATE CHA ,•,9 ' , ' _ sEcrroly c-c Cl?OSS/NG 39,'15 O O O O O q Ll zall ! 1 QAN/f C✓T QOWNSTRE,-9M �� O b ' ---fig ~---- Qr �• �C k '\ E/. 84.25---+► •�? 1 Sec De/oi/1 /� \ S£CRON E-f 4WPjVATE- TO V. 74. 0 — _ i TYPICAL PI a of SCALE /"=?' 0 8 i --�- /- - — _ -- '�-- --?------- 8 — -- lFXCAVATE TO ELEV 1/ 76.85 C - • �� l 1 1 FLAN STREAM CROSSING .48 90 I r� I - D es / f Pi Ail STI�IYAM CROSSING 1Y.-8..►`� MAINT�i/N 2 COVER / `I FIL L +��EVST/NG GROUND 1 ! 4,1P E/ 80..69 P/F'OF/L E `V v o O 9O• — - -- t _- - - ------- 1 ,� - - a`C.CJ�' 24" D., rpm. Gr-0.00/ /� = f 24 CSP =r�` -' — --�- - - ;--- - —--- _ �.—"---;`t I-+-ti-i cr -747� -___24 c.S __ PL,�4N S Tl,?�A M CRaS S iNG 39*/5 2,9 O_ CO,4/Cfr'E TE ENCA,�Eii�E�y T ----- - yj e — i _ — 1-4 •.'P EXCAV 4TE SECTION D D �CR OS SING /3>g5 /s B4 9.9 SEC TION B-B CR055ING 46-,-3V1 I - -- _ _. 70 L .� /V o o 0 0 o EXCAV,4 TE_ ro - E1El! .�.p 7 Y.Pic",4L PIER (.roe vv,4a. ) PLAN STR�A�1�! :." DSS/NG' 6-4,0 60 �"�------ ---------- � � i off• � i 1 P \ , ! ly , I q /r✓>oasurea� h Xe7;ole.�- — _�_ ,... h B3 I b '� -- II_ � t� .•4 v'cJ/ 6 T. 4 Y �n ,W-44,�v7;I/N a ' coVa-iP – i true E-L EGA L7 0�'`t/iri. �*tel-. 90..// I _ .�4nCSP .;•�-- �O�`" CR �, LE N _ GL_PTOR EWER INTER yJ �. . , 7� y TG 7X6JJ'1�_..�'/r - - _ _ _ _�_. _ --__ i 11 �E IPS T _ --- --- ST REAM CROSSINGS 1 . FROM LERON HEIGHTS IVa. 3 TO ®ROOK 1 - ,v. SIDE PARK ' EX CA vA TE CN,+iNN E4 ___-._ S,E C T/O/V A -i4 I Ck10 /N S 60 - --- @E,p PASSOC 4*1 f, CIVI ><. ENaIN-EER5 h h h h h a PETERSON BUILDING HILLSBORO , OREGON 4 Scole I"= 5' Job No. 0211163 !_.k:l-UN HEIGHT; I..NTERCE:PTOP --- .�.--_- - _ _-- _ `3heet 4 o1 4 SEPTEMBER, 1963 f _ _ _ _..,...........�.»..�.w.... ..� ��'III'�I11lll�III1111111�IIII111t'III`>Il+lll'�'1111111111I111�1111�1111 iljlll= !•_�IIIII)�illl I! 111 IIIIII�I rllllll 1111111 111 111 1111111 1111111 II�I�II 11111111 1'111111 1111111 111'111 111 ' '' •� _ _..� �„ 'J f R. 1 I I I I I I I I I ( I I I NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (� 1I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICf<-, IT 15 DUE TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL _ '`DRAWING. OE 62 9Z L2 92 SZ tiZ EZ ZZ la OZ 6t BI LI SII s I t,I E I Z I I I 01 � 0 L 9 S r E Z 1 „r"rr illl�Inllun�uulnn�In111u1�In111111�IIIIIINt�i1111uu�unluulnl1111irIu111nu�n1111111�N1111UtIHItIIln�IUIIIlI1�N1111111Illlllllll�ti1111111�111111111�111lIIIlI�111LIIIII�III111111�1111ItI�IUIIIIII�II1111111�111111ll1111W1ill�lllllilllllllllllll�II1111111�IWI11H �" � JULY 1 19 92 I ;f x - 1 p t � ' �� r "%� •''fir'�, t 't ' .. _ Y,�•�¢�p. a > '. ^ ' F ( 'a 1 J I•4 4 r '�_ y` +i .•p'. Y`' I ;.. 'I ' •' Y. 4' , .1 ,Wi.' I: r• .: r' .F to r a �1 �s:0 M1. •I',. AF ^.• .• '� ' *" :J .• , 1 Q ! 1 �,1 N', A 04,4f 11vC� 0 1 � \ It �a � _ - �_�•=- � of � 1 M Z1 490._, /,r ,S i n + t�f�ai Jif• e ot­ c.%i.�.s�i✓�� Tv �"e'. ?'� J ��t`h ► ., L6V 7e,a v 1�4 IV C fi T , S16-CrI ON � 1 60 �t '' .1 � , A �. _ a• \ 1p ' dgf L 54 48 D , o� e"- 40 -.w.'.....,►'--+.r � - rr•..,a.r.r� .���'��� ..rR(. 41( dM f;�%/ '7 �,''i'/.'!'.•►/ Cri7.'.,1;t1� .s���y s' CAZf LERON INTERCEPTOR SEWER FROM LERON HEIGHTS No. 3 T 0 BROOKSIDE PARK .r TIGARD OREGON 0 PRO D PRO Cl ph i' ASSJC CIVIL ENGINEERS �_H ON HEIGHTS INTERCEPTOR TERSON BLDG. HILLSBORO OREGON i _. OF' 20 Scott I•!R�'�'D�/�D . �,r tic �h .�"' .r_ut� , �� By. H A.M 4 A,/ Job No. 0211163 OCT. 1964 ,'� 4 1 r, :.'.., R• Ap�rw-•+r���' I• -••y.wr•—......, ..w.w�,o12 2 II .,..-_. .��"'s..•` -- ybr_ '_`"".,,..:y 4 5 6 7 8 _�...._��.�,,,w�,�.aav—+�_.-_-. _ ._ �• ___.-._ w,. _, M.1a. , r. �•ew 1. �: '�_ t _ _ tFllil�lflilll�l���lll��lllil�ltil�III IIIIIII�II�IIII��I��IIII ll --Fri a 11►lll �lll�I) Il Il111I11111I�IIlIlllllllil111)IIIl111I111�111 III�IIII111�111 rll�rilllilll,l 111�1111111�101 _ I 3 9 I_0 I I NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED � � _ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE-,--IT IS DUE TO ]FIF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL n bRAWING, OE 62 92 a 92 SZ fp2 E2 22 1 02 61 91 11 91~ 11 b l C I 21 11 01 6 9 1 9 S b c ,�--'" ��111�In11u111n11nn111111n111m111uE�unllullu1111n11nu1�11111m1���►luulnn�unluuluu111ninuin�llunluul�lu111ulnuflulll,IllunllulH111I1r11llttllultlullluu111I1I111dNla�Wal�lln11w11111I1u111111II111IIW�1111I1111�111�1I11UIIIUIIIIIIWIIIIN �' � _ JULY 1 1992 � r In AV L/FT//VO HOOK A804E EACH PVAfP---- �„ . d �'..�.�„• �� �.r',i y- ..3.f:.•a! _ '' �. _ ___ _ _ - - ----� AUTO BLOInER of LloSHr S"ITCH LUSH Nal/Nxf iLTED b fc9R scwri'OLE •f VERT d� 8 7D MOTOR in I \� I Z.�O V.� 3�� 160 C NAVL _ 83• d,? • oo (�—�- � I J � • i I I I Ic y ' I `� ``�KPM -OM4,300 G PM � � 6° �,� ,�� ° i f � �;�.; 870 R,.'M, PUMP _ ..• _ - \ js _ � .•C.P PUrIo!�".f-r'J'C i;'13 �-- 1 I p / 0 .. _ , n , 42 • 00 �... . _...._. ,awl .... .�. �' •_ .w - ._ r. .,.. �.,. �..� ••.' � � i ' � � , q� •1 � i �/"� J •-) y, t/ * \ �M I 1 Ll,.. .._. .. .� ,_. .r, -- ."•,e �.... .. ,- .-• • «.. r=,'°� ..o d , qr 6 i / ts.t._r•v .v.K,. ."'_ ,L...:.. .....,......:.. ...,«.....•,.:._ - `.r"-- f I� ' ! ... _ + ..•. �"^_� ` .w_.-.— 4 .,�• �,9. ._..-._._,a_, i .�+*_'..� «J^.+•�.w•. -�••."^+„+'. ....+.........-. _-••-••.•w- ..�.�_,. _.... .w--.+.._.. ,.,H;_ _a_�•,.•^* ,�7'IF, .' . • Y� tib' „ „y , I M I S�"� 7",/ -fir .. ... ._w.._,. ..._.. - opIYECTla,14y' �L _. .• ur 16\ a --'s- _ - -_ - -r _ - _ --�rr j /f'�lam/ �^r.•,,�.+, ,r + ` c,: l7 -SEA 4TRODEEl .'4- �•2' j f Lij ---�- L ADDER- - - - -- --.- - I �' - -- -- -- ` 4i ' '� IF SUMP PVMf'- / AIR INTAKE + No. I PUMP CONTROL PANEL - -7- '14 7 40. , r A/R EXHAUST- L ERON INTERCEPTOR SEWER e SEWER LIFT STATION _ 1 :► D PRG hi a. m�ohr 9 ASSOCIATES �.l CIV _ ENGINEERS � U23 v� • a y rt _ T YPE YIP NON CLOG LIFT STATION PEtEl�SON BLDG. H/4L.SBORO, OYPEGO/Y I�T)1\1 HC_lCi1-iTFI: I NTERC:EF,7(1F' 4V V-4 r• �1 NSW - _ -:•:•�f•.I�...-•- =-+.....x.._= -...-. ,,r�`._.. .._-._..__........,�.... -._.,,.,•,r w.--...- .+..._ .•..:_wai.. ...,moi__.__ _ .�A�w.ww,I�F ^- •" y�, _. �-- _.. r, ,- .•r_. „�.r�..nw��'�t�wrgppr--^� _ tee,•— y.... .. .-, ...r .,_-....... _ ..._ .. __. _ _ .- ._.- „•r„„.,..,�• ----•--•------- i - I `�� � � � �' �jP�lli'11.11I1�'i'�111111.111��ilif►I�I�11•II)ri�llllll111I111���1��jljl II�IIIII�IIIIIIIII�II1) II-II111'111III�IIIIIIIII111IIII�111IIlll1III111I111'IIII111I111II11I�11I111IIIII111IIIIIIlll111 � � 1r - w . .J � ,�, I 2 3 4 5 F 7 A 9 I)O 11 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED �'-' - --- — - --� DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN I THIS NOT I CIi; 11 IS DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. 01- 62 82 L2 92 S2 b2 E2 22 12 02 61 BI 11 91 SI bl EII 71 II 01 6'''1 9 L 9 IS- �� b IE ? I"•"" - .rll�uIII11u�InIIIIII�uIIInu�111111111IuIIIIIIlI11111uu�Iluliul�litllnrrl+�11111uIIIII�uIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIII�IIUIIIIlI��1111111�1IIIIIIIlI1+11�11I1I1UI�IIIIftIIIIIItIIIIIlI1111IIIIlIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIut�Iltt�IIIIIlulI111111ulIIIIIIIWllllillilllllll�11U111ll�lllll)IIIIIIIIIIWIIIIt JULY 1 , 1992 /� kx� ;t�.++ar,• �k '. t' y/ j. .Y 1 + + li r����. �_ ;• \'tr Notch Lid for Lifting Hoop 7 L� 1 0 ' ' 1 j �— —I — \ _ �i _ _ _"S'__•__._ — .1 `\ l' 1211 ^•� //I/11{/ / `I" s� .r ' , N , '' � I O O O -Standard manhole step j i PLAN OF TOP o , • -;,� Cover and Frome to be machined to I I 1 - �.__, a true bearing all around. f . • PLAN OF TOP Mortar 1 Joints to be grouted inside and outside. P L A N Inside to be smooth. I 2 31D 2- 111 D GoI All pints of precast manholes I --- 2' - 0�';II D 1 ' I to be watertight �0'b I -1 . 1 — 1 N " � . 21 - 042" D ECTION - Cast .n place boat with formed chamets. T '- M A NHOLE FRAME a COVER PRECAST MANHOLE -�1/16" GASKET BRONZE BOLT I/8 herd 611; WASHER --- uLOCKING BAR 4� s COTTER PIN-- // WATERTIGHT MANHOLE FRAME F1 COVER a � 1 j 1/8 bend Backfill 95% _ l Backfill 956/ j See Specifications for Compaction 1 * / ° !� Tamp all bacldill b here; 1 maximum allowable SECTION A - A Conc,or o.c.tee .- `t Compaction-� 95 /° Compaction. --) trench width Class 4 Concrete or Class 4 Concrete or 6 % crushed rock support, & t crushed rock support 1 �' i DEEP TRENCH SHALLOW TRENCH 'r A / � ' -- I , A r Shope bottom of trench by lI l a y hand. Hand dig bell holes / H °� WYE or TEE CONNECTION DETAI LS 90 2 -0 SQ. Atlas Fdry monument case and cover. Pavement —'" — PatternVl°2890.0mit lettering on cover. STANDARD BEDDING TRENCH Rough Joint •.;.'�' •r `°� — ---- ! I � � 6t1Conc. or A.C. Pipe `• ' 1 7 � Undirstubed Ground LERON N INTERCEPTOR S _ EWER - -- Clean-out bid includes all material FROM LERON HEIGHTS No. 3 TO and lobar beyond and 1e � B R 00 K SIDE PARK ' Wye to have 6� brard l Manho.es and Miscellaneous Details i 4 " ID. , —� Plug-seal watertight 5' o' o.D. ,,� - - --11 - - _#i1— ti r-. _mohx iz ASSOCIATES �� Pk�FESs PLAN OF BOTTOM ;Y►::�:f:.w _} CIVIL___. Er: GINEERf6 z-0 x 2-s K 6 Conc.�T J 2 - 8 PETERSON BUILDING HII.LSBCIR( I OREG0 DPOP MANHOLE _ C _LEAN — 0 UT ' � I_.E euro NI: )1-I �� 1 rl-r�:RC.1-�:P TO I' ,KALE AS SHOWN I BY C D.H �'(, �•� � 14 OF. ,-,..� -- - ---- J O Ea_ No. 0211163 .1.a I�c'! I C.�6 4. /� 4 1 � ,• mpg _ • �j�Il�l'It^IIll�lll'II��tI�IIrIfIIIFIiI'111�IIi'jl�llrlllljlll�tlljl1ijlli II�I�Ij1�IIlItj �IIr!Ill III�IIIIIIIIrIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi�IIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIII►IIIrIIIIIIIIIIIIII�rt�Iltr'II�1 w VIP. 0V J ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 NOTE: IF THIS M ICROF I I_MF Ft DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE, IT IS DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. OE 62 e2 L2 92 S2 b2 E2 22 12 02 61 AI LI 91 Sl bl Cl 21 II OI 6 9 L 9 IS �r b EL. 2 I .r!iluulnnlunluulnulnnluulnnluu1u11lnnluuluul�IiIIImlllill�lulnulnllluulll1111,uIIIIIIII�IInnluulnnlllnlnnlllllllillllll�InllllUlllllllllUllUtluIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI11Ill1tlII1111Ii11nnl1nlllullullllWlluullllllllllllllll!!!IllllltllllllllllWIIIH JULY J 19 92 I ■ b. LI ""/ r CMalfi L, IQ'fI,'MIe1 e t -- L Sao/ •I 1 v d W/ 7 i b „n6err on« Ape I /•• ^T- 00 00_}`�E� '1 /0a D ;j, /Pt•. of 1a0,V/hy (glOn .` t\ �, Ca R/s/!. An.lerjon IJ i w I // �• I t 'J I Ir '' - _-. --_ - - .-- c , - tar /I `••• � ` -- Lyle RI►rren � rJb j ,y.,/ ✓f.! tar N t Breen a hra,ee 6 ,� Q •. r - s \� \ ,r« Ier, /, ItI se I - -inK 40 - + ! ` I -• T o M'i7Lfm IAnnf Hewv,df ab1 .W1rr f luern 1< ,,•tom.a eEr/oo Lica,eta>,A:onns.Afn 1,a �i •ti ,f ./e. • r t • 1 t! N t7 J. l .+ r♦ iCA:` , li NPW le �^ ` -'✓e a, `♦, I - tt' � t^ i ' 4 }} y'' a - J-S-er I -Ne a _r.a-erJ 11 t 14 I ---1- •'e Ser.,• J`F, il'!'•...5/�.r 1i c o 3 1� 'i : ' ,`fit, .''/laenft,e.k RN • M It s I I 6s ' . 6 �/ ,/ U --- ---- - . 117 DAVID C � ' �.• ,00:00. --_ •}/' s a % c y J----}N L ICKLIN C L G�9A r �� ! 4 ; t). • /bdre LI •,� ILL./ /.�A I I /e '~•• h t '•1I ° �! b•., I, .- s..M.mt are, /eel,'tt ,• ,i ----. -. CKLI DLC 6• ,~ •� 't \�� �N v /• ��'` \ , .' F �e 7V $ +► I •o.a/e r Ceo. rhe mow, 00400 + g • 4Nn ♦ '"yi�J>< —T,. or �•i ` 14 14 ,' ` ) I ♦ '�v .` .• y V p v 7.f 101 r / r ^: •' ♦ I 1 h.cl C/wr/«•6,010 fel 6 4.060 u /6 • IO �j ry F 08 14 Is a. !o - -- T c k�.w r.• - _._ I _ .i Q-�O t 13 O \ j \ y c ) • r f t• Y 1 a♦ !✓Ier d, 1 W WRe • Z a hsM t/seer, - , y> Nn Oen Aaa OO w6 Nebon e ARAM W week 4111 4 Z JRd,owde, "y,n.o V --- R r.°,.\`e" ~ Q 1� ' f a0i c r rr ._•w .A Y .:air 0 yn'fJ -. , Ye r. Jot Mot rhe /rb / . .� /Of d Zr/n•,I Td /O/ / ` W O ndo'e t , 41►w,NN fN b I , r Y - C,fo •L.ora l �� r rrc ra h wi,✓ 4 v1. NN.// 0„R 1 OA IcOTA HEIGHTS _ rto r;, �; p W 'h^Pf,f t• 4 = SUMMEP. NII.I.S NARK _— fx r o f.�y . A caE eli I � ; � . �u.netlr = • Ni/iiam t CaAnerr .a/hn�c♦, N o cwe,,: ---- _ e ,y �_ EN AI �` I e f a ,lyi r 3 6 lots) i V ,.., ,k A•u.Yn a.'m Sp v / \ \ Mc r.r. f A.MI r ° 1 3 Future Development- 150 lots) _ .r e r • ; A+,e.,;,..\ G W L �..rJ �. 12 I S Z t ! `' .,e.ca 1 e d o.• (n '4,L� .t.� ,y 'is/ • S hae rJfrf f /r ,h �lg I-t V. 2 t t \ Le 1 rbc' AraY a L a e Q- f a rc IVA:-y ! /,I a y .s^ 4r f /d ♦ - GAR /MMar p,,yt t• 2 •` : `' W I i = w•r - r 'TI - ----- r -s 1Y -�BA�IU fDe r,se /re W ° = 6 ! I •♦ 1 -_ 'WW vIIN A., uaf R C•q,��onr .SAO -- tyle Ai„of Josso"�''Y'en' i JAsan:k 'Mfofnv O ..`.V Ox,L_L: G:^i- "� ~�Rg�. -.6ncY elArerow^ hp.p(r iron, I , - -`/!w N Cv D o r I r ; a N`c` Y_ 11 N..r L 1--yrL x ..+.,6 I/.•,tic g t)rfll/If S.rf4 O (Arra M ' r7' I•' Is M N It II KI ; • ; t . . i • 1 ! I Q / ,er.ry. ,,se n Aerr 100 -� �� / r 0.=—iw na.nl! 41 - - _--__-_ -_ I ✓�• Y tl I ' ' ACRE I � D I LPn•I^Ge er .�G J / ' r/, R9 s C.HE R T1R T ,.a /t..nf o.rte.,; a 6rsLae4N :J A — .e:wr t!LY'/A.' Yf JO.•nu A, trereNre o A•6err•t/ iTAs/orbn 7 r'r 10 �\ n'a• ci,*r A. ^hnslensfn eia/ V Y \ 1 1-pi •blerfr/6 • 1I ) •' r!/�q e 6 a 17-- _ _. OQ `\ w L rrru N.ne f •/G \ /J V ri // •' a :ernJfn 7p 0"001I \! - w AWN/6 Rgt•e t/f ue ^.VR rvi 4W ro en Jy/✓A6 MJm•o/r r ArM.e pnw«e !e '1 h re ) , . S •"� � t A'egna t!er r Ler. Cn�6,n � J tope c"O's 16 d6 Jr /`� on/M c not A :..� .. ;• - , - r �' L.0 AlbrlOn J InM/A C berm I ` no, I eW,Al s,v Y I '� 41 r r,.v,e ' 9 p• i�^ fiaFw1M-6•j c t I, 8 y to �. r I • � n /� ►6.rfM_ t!e Y)c �- \ ..3 4 1 t 0 1I W4\ 1 - -T' -r -.I. .._. -. TH .A� ..e era • _ w. Tr- Y o rw V x a rl `'r• t1 rl it , qt tt a Now ' �� 6�6� . \ v!1 now �� ,t. t r !,*,R _.4 G de f e Lh" A. 'e". q (� '• ... •1. rN/ .. 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Hi I lsbn �� Oregon F LAN 4 of 4 - Miscel laneous deta;l, A L C I " = 400 I •f 4 Eobru'11 1964 02 1163 4uh ;i 1 y� LEPON HEIGHTS MTER'C:E.F'TOP OF fir, �..: - + Irl 1111111111111 r<II( If l(lil (III 1 full llfll� 111 1 11 1111f1� 1111111 11!1111 1111111 1111111 1111111 1111111 1111x11 1111111 1111111 1111111 I I l l (111111 I 2 3 a 5 e e e iso III 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED `..rerri•r� ^ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIQ&r`IT IS DUE TO 114 QUALITY OF THF ORIGINAL -- DRAWING. --- -- - - ------ --- of 6z 92 Lt 9Z Sz tr2 CZ ZZ lz 0? 61 91 Ll 91 11 61 E I Z I 1 1 01 -d • L 9 S r E z 101612" . • ,,,,.•''�' �►llllll111111111111111lIU11111)1�1111u1�11111U1uNI111�11uIN11111NI11�rIY11111�11111111111111tIIlntlnn1n�1111n11111�n11�IHt11n11fIl1�fi11I1111111u�tf111ntlltltt�1nL111tt�ut1in11�1111u11111111tu11111111n1hll1W811lllltul�uuW!llllillllullul��llttf! --•••-.- 3 .1 JULY1 1992 e .,.,+nww•r,�. ... ... .. . - - _. . 0,000,,�..�, .,,.� /40 � - - ,, MAi --- -s kv _ f I �► A _ -- -_ M \ 1 I� .� - --i _ J _ - Z' -72 53.0 ._--- ,I � 'mow,.,,• � 15 �1.�3;r 3 s=.'��� ��,J. � _ r CV 4 -a I V I _ 4 �►� , i5 I � TE gi,43 � Itv TE $Z•�`` ►�+' 4 iE '77. 28 � ,��, IES I'' 6op I rE t� �, TE ga �+ Z X; ,rfs/q, JS-r Rii g�a(Oq7 rE r�,7Z .000 14f.3.6 4L I I - �- ! i ' I6.Ja I _ ! - _ I PROR OSED SANITARY SEWER INTERCEPTOR FOR L RON HEIGHTS AND ADJOINING AR E A� I , _ - ----- --.--- PRS !---- - -- H 4. 6tNE� h h ASSOCIATES 2223 1—__ Peterson Bldg, Hill b ro, Oregon 1_EPPKI HEIGHTS I NTEPCEPTOP - -- _--- _-.__ RR.M OAlA0NAT2 >,a.Rr .UD H3223 8 J3��U3?I *RAN aHn(lNn i_, ,:,�., 3 of 4 February I y 6 4 � (_1 A3°'A9 OQA X001 n q ',)A,, �;._ _ OJ H a .i J3*qiL .�I 01 X 01 NOITD32 B20RJ ,NAOY W30 01 k 01 Nc)IT� �,' ,., ,,.i `70'r WJN A.t .0 NI 0]TNIR9 _ =P-1 •• _ I'11p'�Irllltrt llilrt'��Ir1►1► t<t11y11111�'j1�1 i� 1 (111 I�t(111 111111 111111Itl(Itl 1111f1� 1111111 1111111 1111111 1111111 Illlltl X111111 1111f11 1111111 1111rtr Itllll! 1 2 fi i � 1 i � I 1 I I I .� I I i 3 I 3 4 5 F 7 8 8 to 11 12 NOTE: I F THIS MICROFILMED '- `- — 1- I f DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN —�' 1'H I S NOT I C61-IT IS DILE TO .26 QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL .rr,,, RAWING. _ _.- ._—. ---- - --- -- •�,,✓'"'"�� OE 62 82 LZ tit SZ to EZ ZZ I OZ 61 BI LI 91 SI bl EI ZI II 01 • • L 9 S 1 c I21612. Y <<ttl�nlln11111111111lnnlrnrinrrlln�ttu4tttlnttlnulur�luuluNlir��rulu�ilnnlnn�tlttltutltlttlltnitlulunlrlltht 1ltllt fill 1t'Iillllllttlllllllllllllltitlutt�Utthltl� 4 lll �uulimlttultullttttltill lll�Ulllull�l!llWI1I)ttlltttla�WlttH r JULY 1 .� 9 9 .Awa+.•... _ ', ,w., .. .. -.....---•....�� -....f-...�.- ... _. /vM A/►l1 , L, kk A� I w 7G>� 139 .q4 - �2' 46 A y 3 Ab QV Y N '7 6. /40 nzoofr a I - : b I �P�lu �a Oq �13A ;� �i,�*1"+-.,u� l _, - .,, � := •s;:.l. `� \\62°05' F� h 1 � �o�' '�-�\ Z-it�0.�3 3Zt di 99 'r4 j I.a , i \ j' 1�X\� q\ oz s I'9, \J��,�J q 31IF I5 AT E q D _ TIS A,w, wN? _ ` -" — -- 7`'9.82— -- -- — -- 1Q T - - 446 4 2 44 Li T2S �R�1� wM .�� 285. Fi -- - - r > _. L, 1, 1: ,j�;,2 „9 ��;;� l�; - — _ _ M.11'S 13� 49.31 *► I I ZL•�.ZZ•OD I I � - ' , +♦1'42 62 05 XE 83.66 ZO}SCD• T� 'q 90. TE - 6 {lowl r6 �.L 1 E O 1/ 0 ,nnamedl j P' L A N _ - I 1_ Pt _ F - - _ _- _ 1 170 `_� I r-, -i r i_f...: �.,� -44 - -j -I1 I _ - i _ _ I - - — _ -a-N- - -- i:'1. .� tt- TT -' - 8N tut-out I:.153,56 / _ 5 2ud;� n4i cont. casemeri 14� 2 , (,r u.�,�.I 6 s ub uut I E 152 0 C la s III - : _ ! _ 1- - _- _ - ! !=I-11=� _ - r � �- c ' I 1 ' .. - 1- C r }i�l ' - -114! 2 Ur • :.0015 446 42 - 18 IAS.T.M C 6 R.C.S.F'. - G.�G 12 317,79- 18 A.S.T. C-t4Exho S _ OC D'-18„AS,1.1 t ztru St/E r, 1; 4T.: ..I 51. .. I �- ,. k ---- -- — Q - Gr.= U.u03 J.t �r _ 0 ,' � 5 5 ,ST.�- C .F, ._ S 15' A.5'AI '•14 ErtraSRer�t -- — ass _ d ss ! � ._ � ,'i ��_ LE. I 0.►5 � � 4 �-(- -� �•- �- t-� YiJ E ., 1.E. 149.30 8 s b-out _ '4-11 t-� -1 I- -I--i -I I-,. -I I _- -- -I— . I 1 i -LL - ,� Vii►-___ �.-r.1.. -�_ I I . !_._... I_ ._111-! ref 1 (�(�'.�I_... +! -, •. _ l_. I f I l _L- _ • 1 I I j I: C JT I- - - -- :'_ =- - FRDf'(j SE ♦�A^t► `, Y SEWEI .N . E, .0 FT)R J. Al .. 1 F._�,. _E HEIGII . {�IJC T-I AD OINI";G f;EA VER rICAL I" : IT FI.f P�;OH '00 k ry _. 4 4 !`1 I i�- _�”-I•�-��"f .�.�.._,_ ,_� I" � �,_. .I. }"�.�.. `.:.� A S C �T ES � � /1 I F�etersor. Edo, I•lillsLorv , Oregon U I - r i -�I-II 2 of 4 t Iary 16 I_..EPON HEIGHTS I NTERCEPT06' NN.M OSIAOMA12 laAAT 1.7 OF 20 ��:r,, Wq Lc 001 .03 ,OO >'i3223 ,8 J3a9 U3N NIiRMq QA9 OAAA jt O(II'aANT 01 X 01 OUIT032 22093 A510Y W3M 01 X 01 MOIT332 220A3 A ! U HI a7TNIN9 A U .TNIN9 • , . ' _ - I � s .-»�• - ♦ I �' "'.'}•�' Y �1�* °' y ♦ .�-•..._-" w- -- -- �,Rn.Yil�..»... ..;'i.., �I� y�Wr'�� .. ... .. _ 7 . 41 .Ai �I������'I�I_ IT01AllIT-141'I Ilop](II111►1111111 ( 111111 11111�i11111 rI�It11 t� � 1 11111 illlrl� rltllls �I�I111 �I11{1{ �Il��li Iii � il��t�i �li,��� ���I��r' • � "� 1 � NOTE ; Ir THIS MICROFILMED �+ �-u - 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 10 11 12 _ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN --`` THIS NOTIC6-r-TT IS DUE TO l THF QUAOTY OF THE ORIGINAL I , ' .• DRAWING. - . . _ -_ ___..._.— -------__--__ -----. ---•--- -.------- --- --------.r � of 82 9z [z tit 92 or Et -E2 ' 12 OZ 61 BI LI 91 fit til EI ?1 11 of -6 0 L 9 S r E Z 1"""" ���IIu1:In111uulu��ll�nlul�l��l�llut�nll�111111a11u�I��u1�I��h���I��rrluui{InIlu11un1�11f1n111m►Iul,Iwlluul�1111�a�1nnlff�flnllIII 1n11knrinnl1fa11uftluullflflnnllnd ulnnllrul1u11uuluubw wduu�w�0uuluulfu ifftf JULY 1 1994 A '• P cna/f M!1•'Me►w III y r-1' 1, I~ - _..�..'-- _. _— «__� - -- -• _ I P P e V .•••,,/ .e�...•" r ✓ h7fa/J, f/ w/ wrrr. 4bbrnlh'ov, I • - ` - D i 116 w+-..•..•. . rte._. _ _ --�.-4•• f1.•A Fj,C ,', •,1"Nr O,Iw 1U, p� I f. �! 10a o gra /rt I Gwolny £,.ton I �r ,. t .,0 i i`•1 0• ! of, •'�ctfo10 e• ° 11 tnii 9.6..0000 ?a f 4It r I J Lhl r,I U♦ l YI � t •J. rea ! ' a I / I"tbae, i. r t .�•• I / L;�i � - --• 1 D oto ,. INP �p r. - * 1` L �• .lure. n hnr H Cwr,rS Me,' ! _ I - q'r/bIT IA.n^• ,Mrw.J�dtAWVJ* JM'e��/Nn - �.�.sncs rCd^w s r;�.• -�•_,♦,� (i0 G ,.J` •J,r .t r,, \ -• I .r O •� Crne r n at,' Oaonf ' ^, A 1 • �\ r • I rr I 14 Ear/ /7I F'Y �b � dw � ° �_:.+....,, .r• 0,000„ tJ tI \ I [ , r ..1; ` hN'ro �-1y, -do! .o • e _-i r, 'J • . 'N ♦ i ,S I - 1 N s.•in hn ,te - Q. • t '� ry.'•,rrr.f q.e t �� DAVID C GRAHAM DLC. b2 - a BEET- 2 -t - - C • c .JOVN L 04CKLIN DLC 54 . - ;.,.. N•..r 1M� �_. e r L V 0\ w 1 $b Y r, 1 ° I o'•01rr "T e' 1. :OHN L, HICKLry DLC 54 • Y u \ W '•i 1 r I 1 t a►1 8 r 9 w .,..,, e O. �0 �V 1�' ♦ ', 7 •N a r r, ..1 e: •' ° d rY.r. ,'o^•+o*., f '/!-- ki Ohe Own 30 13 lot _ e • ...• t .2•.010• �, 2 n ° w vl .....W Cn 1 L'Y r G • ! - I .° \` : p' - O .. .r I r \� V •, a y [,. �.ir n J e ,9 t i . e i L P .� 1 � 4 e _ - ... >> to •1 earl f J.rlr1♦gr./t, f ,.o, r.,..,.ne .re _ae Zr.•,.,w Dv/o• '� r p ,W/r 6eor a/ lp .J'a •yl K c • , t' ,.+., S•d -i � � .. / eHOe JI I.I er •ee b,o J, •o V" ` I -- - - --_ _ �.- Sl►MMEP 1,1► S �nRK or DAKOTA HEI GH Ty _ rto �" �� ter , G _ yy ,. I 0 y <IeO:d t 1 • ^ gEfNe �`Y v e_r.•e•N ---- ._ —____--__ u J • e .•',•.'rrmfCD!^e. .v,•^x'•� . .. r ; ° 1 r- � � .� :• URL ° f :._ • { " � }K,s G j �• Y /' '_•rn 0°' ; I ° 'll `` p.'erI Y h:.pr rfe - r• a ; •i• i.�i0.,. . �.!_ ' *, .0.06.E •e'en c Z �, B $ •' Q :. •a ( 36 Iotsi ;� (Future Development- 150I0ta) = 12 o t • J •�;�:•; ; ' °' '> .° Q 5 12 ( t z 1 4? , • ti I N/:.ry 't�,�." :J /ff/Gfi1 f Iry fA `•_--. J--� _. k . 1 _ � r. r • .. •t1 As I vr.• n2 ; ye, r /c° s - L•�ra .\ 9TR ( �5 - InrONO% _ - �)• `JQ,1 r r ,w . - NI-- ARD S# 3 sr./ \ W• ;a./r.i . I �n >' d ! •itU A. -..a -ti I I 401r's f.l. 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