Report r STREET TREE TIGARD, CER TIFIc'A TION I, 'erg OJ.sor1 , owner/a ent .for 1)?(.55 t (PLEASIE PRINT) (PERMIT HOLDER) do hereby cert that the following location meets City of Tigard land use and development standards for street tree installation and is consistent with the approved site plan. PERMIT NO.: 5 -- ao/7 — 003 a'. Sf1EADDRESS. / (/a7 S - 5 Z, anne p/ptc_e__ SUBDIVISION.• ;5 i i) ✓ I e./4-aoc45 LOT#: SIGNATURE: DATE: CII gq ig (OWNER/AGENT) RECEIVED & VERIFIED BY• DATE: 0/1/g (4.`" (CITYTIGARD) Tree location verified per approved site plan. I:\Building\Forms\StreetTreeCertificate 05/30/2012 Oregon Residential Specialty Code R318.2 MOISTURE CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM I, , am the general contractor or the owner-builder P1'$5t`on 11001 C5 4fc at the following address: Site Address: 111'2,7 S v Z A-n r t.. City: f(15.1 d Permit#: iMS� g©( 7 - oo 8 9, Subdivision/Lot#: � Yr►z ®ws C f and/or �f Map and Tax Lot#: To conform with the 2008 Oregon Residential Specialty Code (ORSC), Section R318.2 and OAR 918-480-0140, I am notifying the building official that I am aware of the moisture content Requirement of ORSC Section R318.2 and have taken steps to meet this code requirement. [Section R318.2 is provided for reference]. R318.2 Moisture Content: Prior to the installation of interior finishes, the building official shall be notified in writing by the general contractor that all moisture-sensitive wood framing members used in construction have a moisture content of not more than 19 percent by dry weight of dry framing members. Signature: Date: eral Contra or or Owner-Builder I:\BuildingWorm\RES-MoistureSensitiveWood.doc 09/25/08 Oregon Residential Specialty Code N1107.2 HIGH-EFFICIENCY INTERIOR LIGHTING SYSTEMS Permit No.: ii L 9017 , Q® 3,3 Jurisdiction: Site Address: cc INV J� So 1 n4 c_ f�/9-c� Subdivision/Lot#: I'113S(d�1 oici9-c c' and/or Map and Tax Lot#: 01— 7/ By my signature below, I certify that a minimum of fifty(50)percent of the permanently installed lighting fixtures in the above mentioned building have been installed with compact or linear fluorescent, or a lighting source that has a minimum efficacy of 40 lumens per input watt. (Oregon Residential Specialty Code N1107.2)1 Signature: Date: VAtilf Owner/0 eneral C•'tractor/Authorized Agent Print Name: ej O h ORSC Section NI 107.2.High-efficiency interior lighting systems. A minimum of fifty(50)percent o the permanently installed lighting fixtures shall be installed with compact or linear fluorescent,or a lighting source that has a minimum efficacy of 40 lumens per input watt. Screw-in compact fluorescent lamps comply with this requirement. The building official shall be notified in writing at the fmal inspection that a minimum of fifty percent of the permanently installed lighting fixtures are compact or linear fluorescent,or a minimum efficacy of 40 lumens per input watt. I:\Building\Forms\RES-HighEfficiencyLighting.doc 07/01/08 • Oregon Residential Specialty Code 8408.1 MOISTURE BARRIER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM 1, 011'5 ;d n hushes /A/t,-J , am the general contractor or the owner-builder at the following address: Site Address: 1/ a .Sv nnPr'`�-� City: I ,,,3t= rof Permit#: '1St 9.817 003 a Subdivision/Lot#: 1 SS 70 n vv _ �t _+005 / Lo.1 LJ e�t / and/or ((( Map and Tax Lot#: To conform with the 2014 Oregon Residential Specialty Code(ORSC), Section 8408.1 Ventilation. I am notifying the building official that I have installed the Moisture Barrier as per Requirement in ORSC Section 408.1 and have taken the following steps to meet this code requirement: The ground surface of the under-floor space is covered with 6-mil black polyethylene sheeting with Joints lapped 12" at seams and xtending up the foundation walls 12". Signature: Date: (:7l/ / 1 g General Co tractor o Own-'-Builder I:\Building\Form\RES-MoistureBanier.doc 09/13/2016