City Council Minutes - 03/06/2018 ® City ofTigard !i Tigard City Council Meeting Minutes March 6, 2018 122 1. BUSINESS MEETING A. At 6:33 p.m. Mayor Cook called the meeting to order. B. Deputy City Recorder Burgoyne called the roll. Name Present Absent Councilor Goodhouse Council President Snider Councilor Woodard Councilor Anderson Mayor Cook C. Mayor Cook asked everyone to stand and join him in the Pledge of Allegiance. D. Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items—None. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION (Two Minutes or Less,Please) A. Follow-up to Previous Citizen Communication—None. B. Citizen Communication—None. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: (Tigard City Council) A. APPROVE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • December 5,2017 • December 19,2017 Councilor Goodhouse moved to approve the consent agenda as presented and Council President Snider seconded the motion. Motion passed by a unanimous vote. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES— March 6, 2018 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.dgard-or.gov I Page 1 of 7 Name Yes No Councilor Goodhouse Council President Snider Councilor Woodard Councilor Anderson Mayor Cook 4. APPOINTMENT OF TOWN CENTER ADVISORY COMMISSION MEMBER Redevelopment Project Manager Farrelly presented this item,provided background and introduced Kelsey Parpart. Council President Snider moved to approve Resolution No. 18-16 and Councilor Goodhouse seconded the motion. Motion passed by a unanimous vote. Resolution No. 18-16—A RESOLUTION APPOINTING KELSEY PARPART AS A VOTING MEMBER OF THE TOWN CENTER ADVISORY COMMISSION Name Yes No Councilor Goodhouse Council President Snider Councilor Woodard Councilor Anderson Mayor Cook Mayor Cook presented Kelsey Parpart with a city pin. 5. JOINT MEETING WITH THE TOWN CENTER ADVISORY COMMISSION Redevelopment Project Manager Farrelly presented this item. Members of the Town Center Advisory Commission in attendance: Kelsey Parpart,Tom Murphy,Ryan Ruggiero,Tim Myshak, Faez Soud,Carine Andres and Kate Rogers. Mr. Farrelly gave a snapshot of the Downtown's City Center Plan indebtedness,what has been used so far of the maximum indebtedness,expenditures and sources of funding,district performances vs the rest of the city,and talked about putting together an annual report and future projects. TCAC Chair Rogers talked about the work accomplished in 2017,goals for 2018 and encompassing the Tigard Triangle District. She explained the goals for 2017 covered the City Center Urban Renewal District and their 2018 goals will encompass both the City Center Urban Renewal District and the Tigard Triangle District. Goal 1: The committee interviewed and oversaw the demo and cleanup of the property located on Main Street. Goal 2: Focused on their mid and long-term projects which included projects like the SW Corridor,equitable housing,Main Street/Green Street Phase Il,Civic Center planning and TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES —March 6, 2018 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 2 of 7 sidewalk infill. Goal 3: Focused on increasing communication and engagement. She said many committee members volunteered to be liaisons to other committees and brought information back to the group for discussion. She said they had the Downtown Alliance brief them on their activities and invited them to participate in their activities. Goal 4: Concentrated on walking and parking issues. She said they were briefed on parking theory and they held discussions on mobility and walkability in the Town Center,and this helped inform their 2017 recommendations. TCAC Member Andres talked about the 2017 recommendations for Town Center Development Agency,which included accessibility to Fanno Creek, safe access to trails leading to downtown, parking management,affordable housing and continued investments in the City Center Urban Renewal and Tigard Triangle District facade improvement grants. TCAC Member Myshank discussed the 2018 Town Center Development Agency's draft goals to develop a strong knowledge base in the Tigard Triangle,long-term project to participate in educational and other opportunities related to the SW Corridor project and to make sure the Town Center Advisory Committee (TCAC) has a voice. TCAC Member Ruggerio talked about looking at urban renewal areas and prioritizing opportunities to improve walkability between the Tigard Triangle and Downtown,and to explore policy changes that support goals around affordable housing. TCAC Member Rogers asked council for feedback and input as they move forward. Councilor Woodard agreed with their statements on walkability and said they can be instrumental in communicating this. Council President Snider agreed they have been thorough and that their goals were well done and prepared. He said he is excited for the coming year. Mayor Cook asked staff to explain the comparison between the different levels of Main Street as it related to commercial equity and rent increase. Mr. Farrelly replied Main Street is very eclectic,and is one of the things people like about Main Street,and explained things like facade and tenant improvement grants and working with developers will probably be the best way to handle this. TCAC Member Faez said he works for the City of Portland and there are programs available that are like seed money for low-income tenants. He explained if a person or commercial business qualifies under one of these programs,it can lower rents and encourages support for small businesses in the area. Mayor Cook thanked the committee members for their presentation. 6. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE CODE AMENDMENTS TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES— March 6, 2018 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 3 of 7 A. Mayor Cook opened the public hearing. B. Hearing Procedures—Mayor Cook announced that anyone may offer testimony and asked those interested in testifying to sign up to speak. C. Senior Planner Shanks presented this item and said City Attorney Rihala was instrumental as well as several city departments in their review. Ms. Shanks said this was a repeal of the original ordinance and described what the amendments will do,and stated that staff made sure the terminology is consistent throughout. She explained they clarified procedural gaps in the code,provided a procedural SDC list,clarified the relationship between the City and Washington County's SDC taxes and how things are applied and calculated,incorporates councils credits for bike/park/pedestrian projects. She explained staff had shared the draft revisions with the Home Builders Association (HBA) and had worked closely with Polygon. She told council this represents a milestone for the city,and will require ongoing work. D. Public Testimony-Mayor Cook called upon those who signed up to speak in favor. Paul Grove with the Portland Metro Home Builders Association (HBA), 15555 Bangy Road,Lake Oswego,OR 97035,said he appreciates staff reaching out to them, sharing their revisions and the willingness of Tigard to review this. He is curious to see how this will work out,and that the waiver of SDC fees for non-profit organizations will provide a degree of certainty when looking into financing options. This is a good model and one that other jurisdictions should follow. Rachel Duke with Community Partners for Affordable Housing(CPAH),PO Box 23206, Portland,OR 97281,thanked council for looking at this and staff for moving this forward. Carine Andres,9524 SW North Dakota Street,Tigard,OR 97223,said staff deserves credit for bringing this item forward to council and asked that the goals and tools for implementation be consistent. She said she supports this because the community feels strongly about parks and walkability and this supports those. In addition,incentives like this will help people in the community who struggle with affordable housing. E. Public Testimony: Mayor Cook called upon those who signed up to speak in opposition. There was none. F. Response to testimony by staff Staff thanked everyone for their support. Councilor Anderson said this will be a reduced revenue for the city and asked what that amount would be. Ms. Shanks explained they do not know this information currently, because staff does not know what affordable housing projects would be using this credit. Councilor Woodard asked staff to explain and elaborate on the methodology in section 3.24.50 for each SDC imposed that council would need to adopt by resolution. Ms. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES — March 6, 2018 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 4 of 7 Shanks said there are SDC's specific to each of the five systems (water, sewer, transportation, stormwater and parks),and city council needs to adopt a resolution for the methodology for each of these in order to impose the fee and is required by statute. She explained the fees would be adopted later as part of the Master Fees Schedule that is reviewed by council annually. Councilor Woodard said he is ok with what he sees,but is concerned with what the actual cost of credits could be and is not sure who would be picking up that cost. He would like to see the discounts again to make sure the city is not undercharging. He explained he is not opposed to the credits,but he would like to see how these credits are absorbed and by whom. Mayor Cook said this is hard to know,because there is no way to know who will utilize the credits and exemptions. He said this could be affected Councilor Woodard said it is difficult to achieve this balance,and growth in the city does not seem to be slowing down. Mayor Cook asked staff to talk about the deferral for occupancy. Ms. Shanks said the Washington County Transportation Development Tax program allows for deferral of the TDT for occupancy of more than just a single family home. Which means that they would have the option of deferring the TDT payment until they get further to completion of the project,because in many cases this is a lot of money and helps the development happen. She explained the payment regardless of when it is paid,is based on when they would have paid it prior to the deferral,and so the City's System Development Charges (SDC) follow the same philosophy as the TDT which council adopted back in 2016. She explained this is specifically for transportation and parks and is not for water,sewer or stormwater . G. Mayor Cook closed the public hearing. H. Council Discussion and Consideration—Ordinance No. 18-06 Councilor Anderson said he is supportive and the affordable housing piece is great,the development community will appreciate the deferral of payment,language in the code is cleaner,but that the city will have to keep an eye on it. Councilor Woodard said he has no issue with the first three items and that he is in favor of affordable housing. He asked staff for further clarification regarding exemptions and credits. City Manager Wine clarified the question is being asked because of the section in the staff report that states that affordable housing is made affordable through public subsidies or statutory regulations. Councilor Woodard agreed and said he just needs to understand what this means. City Attorney Rihala explained that this is how Washington County defines affordable housing for purposes of their code,and said there is a difference between whether the project is receiving a subsidy or Tigard is subsidizing the project. She clarified they are TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES — March 6, 2018 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 5 of 7 talking about regulated projects;one component is that they receive a subsidy through another entity,but it is not Tigard that is subsidizing. The code is only a waiver of a fee that they would otherwise be obligated to pay. Councilor Woodard asked what it means to allow exemption of SDC payments. Mr.Asher said the word subsidy is the way that housing is made affordable either with a government tax credit,which is the used method,or through a public bond,which puts public money into a project in exchange for a commitment of affordability. This is typically how affordably housing works,and the City of Tigard does not do that. These subsidies are not the city's subsidies. Councilor Woodard asked specifically,regarding the exemption of payment on SDC fees. So,when a project is built and these fees are exempt,where does the money come from? Mr.Asher replied the city is under collecting fees,and there are system needs the city does not collect.,and in principal this is correct,the city would not be collecting revenue that it would otherwise receive if there was not this rule on the books. He said SDC fees are not sized based on revenues or projected revenues. They are sized based on system needs,and staff does not know how many projects would be coming forward that would make use of this,and outside of a few projects like the Knoll,there have been no regulated affordable housing development in Tigard. Councilor Woodard does not disagree with what has been said,but he would like to see incentives for affordable housing work. He said there has to be a combination of give and take in order to get to the exemption of SDC fees for him to be able to support this. Council President Snider said with the lack of affordable housing being built in Tigard this is a small amount and supports this as written. Councilor Goodhouse agreed. Council President Sider moved to approve Ordinance No. 18-06 and Councilor Goodhouse seconded the motion. Motion passed by a majority vote. Ordinance No. 18-06—AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REPLACING TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 3.24 REGARDING SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES TO CLARIFY PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION Name Yes No Councilor Goodhouse Council President Snider Councilor Woodard Councilor Anderson Mayor Cook 7. EXECUTIVE SESSION -None. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES— March 6, 2018 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 6 of 7 8. ADJOURN At 7:45 p.m. Council President Snider moved to adjourn the meeting and Councilor Woodard seconded the motion. Motion passed by a unanimous vote. Name Yes No Councilor Goodhouse Council President Snider Councilor Woodard Councilor Anderson Mayor Cook Ke y Burgoyr c Deputy CityClecoider Attest: John L. Cook,Mayor Date: TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—March 6, 2018 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.dgard-or.gov I Page 7 of 7