11/6 & 11/13/2002 - Packet Monthly Report November, 2002 For Skate Park Task Force 1. Meetings were held on (list dates during month) -Finance meetings were held on 11/6, & 11/13. -Rich, Bill and Dan met to discuss the Fowler School site Community Meeting on 11/26. 2. Current activities (summarize): Finance meetings and site selection process. 3. Status of long-term projects: The major long-term projects continue to be the selection of a site location for the skate park facility and the subsequent fundraising campaign. a) SITE SELECTION A meeting held on November 20 at Fowler Middle School. (copy of meeting notes attached) b) FUNDRAISING There will be a fund raising event on 12/18. A preview showing of a Skate/Bike Video will be shown in the Water Building Auditorium with the attendance revenues going to the Tigard Skate Park fund raising effort. If there is a large attendance, up to $1,000 could be raised. c) DESIGN The Skate Park design was approved by City Council on 11/26. 4. Number of volunteer hours contributed this month(noted number of volunteers and total hours). N/A 5. Attachments (include notifications, sign-in sheets,minutes, reports,press releases, proposals, etc.) - E-mail (several emails were sent pertaining to meetings & results of meetings) - Metro southwest article on 11/20 and Tigard Times articles on 11/7 & 11/28 - TV coverage on channel 8 re: design approval and community meeting. 6. Any items to be scheduled for on the Council tentative agenda(list item and date): a 7. Status of members—are there any members scheduled to have their terms expire in the next four months? Are any members indicating that they plan to retire,move or resign soon? Please give details. N/A I:\ADM\CATHY\BOARDCOM\MONTHLY REPORT DRAFT FORKDOC Calendar and infori Y .:q .. Fax....................... E-mail.................... Newspaper deliver) Classified ads....... est On the web. Meeti*ng pskate parkInspotlh* ght there, said Susan Stark Haydon, a • iz;trictspokeswoman. �FtA�E P���ni���il�V A corner of the Fowler -= NO - Now city and school officials Middle Schoolproperty — = ._•. : iswant to hear what neighbors think. Skate Park Task Force, � �:�,-,:: •,$.F, Tigard-Tualatin School District ._-_ •_ ;` „ proposed for skateboards, The meeting will be at 7 p.m. at and Tigard city officials "`" '* inline skates and BMX bikes Fowler Middle School, 10865 S.W. What:Public meeting to discuss .a Walnut St. proposed skate park on Fowler The skate ark task force consid- Middle Schoolpropertyis ` By EMILY TSAO P THE OREGONIAN ered several sites, including the When:7 p.m.today } F. water fountains off Southwest Dur- Where:Fowler Middle School, Y Y TIGARD—Skate park advocates ham Road near Tigard High School 10865 S.W.Walnut St. �'"' '~ M. r a. P^Rr SE'T'^' have much aiding on a Wednesday and apart of Summerlake Park- community ark community meeting that will ask residents whether they want a fa The land on Durham Road was ! ; not available, and some residents >; t EVENT PLAZA cility that wail attract BMX bikers, 15,000 square feet to 25,000 square skateboarders and Rollerbladers to nea+ Summerlake opposed a skate feet. ' -� _k at that location. their neighborhood. paAn additional$250,000 probably •� The skate park task force chair- X01 he T ,,rued to nay !for ze)ated St!CCe�'S is imper- , SKATEPARK MAST tant because it is the only remain man,Rich Carlson,said the Fowler items such as landscaping, bath SOAEEc, =,0'•0' TIGARD,GAR oR KKAN EPAF site was the last piece opublic rooms and a parking lot, Plaza - _ ing option city officials are consid f property that could accommodate said. ering for a skate park site. the task force's vision of a skate It has been more than a year "It is the best site we have look- ark Y Park officials in some of those High School sophomore and P since Mayor Jim Griffith an- cities said siting skate parks is chal- biker,said he didn't think the ed at yet,"said Dan Plaza,Tigard's if this location doesn't work out, nounced the formation of a skate lenging because residents have park would be a problem if i park manager, as he compared it the task force might have to con- park task force. misconceptions of what type of built at the Fowler site. with the dozen other locations sic.,,u r private property,he said. Currently, Tigard teenagers take teenagers such facilities attract "(People) might think kids considered. "We don't know what But Carlson said searching for a the bus to Beaverton or catch a But time and time again, the g g s g g out doing drugs there, that will happen if this site falls new private site probably would ride to Portland if they want to bike skate park has become a real asset through. set the skate ark process back be- BMX-style at a park. for the community and its youth, kids are hanging out there, ark advocates are looking p said. It's not like that there. Skate P g cause there simply wasn't much Some make their way to Tuala- they said. people there are there to do at land in the northwest corner of private vacant land available, and tin to skateboard. "A lot of the older folks come out they came to do—to ride a bi the Fowler Middle School site near pivate land would create another Many other nearby cities, in- and are in awe of the park," said to Rollerblade. ... That's Southwest Tigard Street. The expense. chiding Newberg, Lake Oswego, Steven Stachurski, a resident park happens." Tigard-Tualatin School District Construction of the skate park is `,h'ilsonville, Beaverton and Forest manager for the Chehalem Parks houghs the land for expansion. expected to cost from $392,000 to Grove, have skate parks. Hillsboro and Recreation District, which The school district has tacitly $627,000, depending on the size of and West Linn are completing serves the Newberg-Dundee area. Einily Tsao:503-294-5768; locaci ng a akate park the park, which could be from skate park projects. Tyler VanDomelen, 16, a Tigard emilytsao@neius.oregonian.con: Skatepark organizers face crucial time in process The public is invited to join the fund-rais- fund-raising efforts Nov. 13 and ing, but we need to expand discuss the site Nov. 20the task force ARK SE"NG group and start - By BARBARA SHERMAN 7toplan how to Of the Times raise half a mil- lion dollars. TIGARD -- After an uphill effort to create �­11.-! 1 1 " k. n!v­ The task force a skatepark in Tigard,the project may be shift- is looking for ina to the downhill side: The design has been PARK SMIN completed, a potential site has been found,and volunteers, parents, busi- organizers are now switching to t`te final phase ness people fund-raising. EVENT PLAZA At a meeting in September,consultants from and anyone 4111 Purkiss-Rose Architects presented the finalelse interested design to a group of enthusiastic k*ds and adults in this to come who had participated in the desir-n process. to the meeting "It's a great design," said Dan Plaza, parks to,approve the skatepark design. to start strate- manager. "The project is really coming along.,, "We'll have cost estimates at that time,,, gizing on how to raise money." On another front, the long search for a site Plaza said. According to Carlson, skatepark fiind-rais- may be over. Costs will be calculated for skateparks of ing efforts in Tualatin a few years ago took only "The (Tigard-Tualatin) school district is 15,000,20,000 and 25,000 square feet and will 90 days,"but they laid the groundwork first,"he considering letting us use part of the,Fowler probably be in the range of $400,000 to said. (Middle School)propeiiy,"Plaza said. "I'm as $600,000. "That's our purpose for the November meet- hopeful as I've ever been.They are looking at 2 "That doesn't include landscaping orameni- ing—to start planiiing.As soon as we have a to 4 acres.We can do it with 2,but more would ties around the skatepark," Plaza said. site for sure, I want to be ready to start fund- be nicer to be able to do some landscaping." "Skateparks are spendy. It would be less if it raising. We need volunteers to roll up their A community meeting for neighbors in the was above ground, but ours will be in the sleeves—kids,adults,business people. vicinity of the school to discuss concerns and ground." "In Tualatin,what the kids did was to make issues relating to putting a skatepark in the area Carlson added, "Once we have a site for the adults take notice. We've got kids who are along Tigard Street is set for Wednesday, Nov. sure,we want to get going on the fund-raising. prettyenthusiastic, but they need structure for 20,at 7 p.m.,at Fowler, 10865 S.W.Walnut St., The timing is good, because people can make organizing and planning. We need enough peo- in the commons area. end-of-the-year,tax-deductible contributions." ple on committees to plan the kids' activities. "Then we will probably have one more dis- A meeting to kick off fund-raising ideas is It's one thing if we have a small number of peo- cussion between the city and the school dis- set for Wednesday, Nov. 13, at 7 p.m. at the ple and another if we have 100 people." trict,"said Rich Carlson,chairman of the Tigard Tigard Water District Building, 8777 S.W. According to Carlson, the group hopes to Skatepark Task Force. "The city would actual- Burnham St. apply for grants as well as to get some corpo- ly do the entire park, and the skateboard park "We're hoping that the Fowler site is realis- rate sponsorship or in-kind contributions. would be one part of it. There also would be tic;' Carlson said. "I think Fowler is the best "Dan will have a list of materials needed, play equipment and picnic table,- —it could be site, and it's probably the only site. If we tried and as we approach the business community for really nice. to use private land, the cost would W prohibi- help, they could maybe contribute materials "It could be a great facility,not only for kids tive. When the site is in place,then we want to instead of money,"Carlson said. but for the parents of little kids." get the cask force ready to start ffind-raising. For more information, call Plaza at 503- On Nov. 26, the City Council will be asked "We are quite a ways from actually starting 639-4171 or Carlson at 503-224-0871. 1 k: `Thr f_ vacant land available in Tigard' says Carlson ar eels not ,lot ® p ; 11tContinued-from A7 whether to put the skatepark at the quiet so}fuide %\c ha%e. We Fowler, and Monahan responded will lose it" = _ Tigard:Street would be the best that it could be a permitted use or However, Plaza said that from site and officials in the Ti ard- a conditional use allowed by the the city's perspective, the Fowler Tualatin School District are w ill- t city site has a lot of advantages it is7=7I " in to entertain the idea. �; ' "7 — :`' - ^Y: .'The development codes are centrally located. near public p .y All the forces came together : " . `. -`. :}. ' 'a written to strike a balance Im transportation,highly visible,eas- -`° ) °„ a between the property it owners and it accessible, the ri ht size and �lov. 13 at a community meeting 4f� - =: �;K; b• 1 P' Y y _ ` a _ the development,"Monahan said. relatively flat. V of more than 100 local residents t .� �` AJ plus many city and school district # "You've done a great job,and I He noted that skateparks tend I I - `officials at Fowler. Kids had the fully support a skatepark, but this to be self-policing "with very lit- chance to express their enthusi- has been designated as a sensitive tle vandalism and graffiti- ( asm for the park while residents area," said neighbor Sue Beilke. Police Chief Ron Goodpaster t J living near the proposed site had "It flooded in 1996. There are added,"We're extremely flexible. the opportunity to voice their con- p frogs and birds there.It is the only We would work with the neigh- ' icerns. t t place like that left in Tigard. I borhood on patrols.We can do all "There is not a lot of vacant ., would like to see it protected and kinds of things. If this becomes a land available in Tigard,' saidreality,,aide a:;a ,at;,c park. welt sit down v%an the -Rich Carlson, chairman of the a t, u► "[f you choose another site, I neighbors and work it out. I will het you raise money.This is skatepark Task Force. "The '+� �;• � J � P Y Y- pledge to you,we'll do everything i -fowler site has potential,and it is '` the largest area left like this in we can" probably the only one available" Tigard with wetlands and two Carlson concluded the two- Skate alk The kids who would use the _ - #"I' streams. I want to work to save hour meeting by saying, "We do park, including Tyler Van appreciate your comments. This Domelen,spoke first. ` Steve Andrews, another area could be a nice facility for your "Fowler is the best site for the resident, said, "Some issues are proponents, neighborhood.prThis has been a MARGARET BARNES/For the Times being sugar-coated. One of m seasons you will see tonight," he g g y learning process for the kids and laid."I think we did a pretty good _ - -.?°. "Mr' LEARNING EXPERIENCE key concerns is the wetlands.And job of designing the ark It was _ " everyone. 1' 3 " l'''- — More than 100 people I'm the u who will have to deal 0 onents J ( g park). - . e f. _« a + p P guy "Everyone tonight was very really cool the designers inco o- _ ' ' '' F t ° t, met last week to discuss with problems of underage drink- opponents � rP _ respectful. We're teaching these rated our ideas.I personally didn't l'' _`-"'-µ the idea of using the north ing and sex. Someone drove a kids as well" := stolen vehicle through the trees r, peak out think it would be as nice as it is. t. end of the Fowler Middle The City Council Tuesday It's an awesome skatepark." ' 'I j `` until it got stuck between two of t ='t ,;.r- School property for a evening unanimously approved Jakob Feiner called the design them. skatepark site. At left, Kiki, "I'm not anti-skate ark. The the skatepark design- which was Neighbors of the proposed unlike any other in the country." ; p developed b Purkiss-Rose. 9 P p Y Madi and Wes LaChance P Y Wesley LaChance, who made �• k4,. problem is putting it in a residen- Slte Fowler Middle $Ch001 "` At the council meeting, Plaza > a sign promoting the skatepark s 1.,J (from left to right) show tial area. 1 will assist you with the ", said that a 15,000-square-foot object to the location, not with his sisters Kiki and Madi, i' their support for a future funding if it is in another area. _ YOU BUILDskatepark would cost 5392,000 the concept explained, "We hope you help us M. _ #- skatepark in the city at the The Police Department has more p '°' without any ancillary costs; a « ;._ important things to do than build a park where we can roll' .. .�,4/� `,� meeting at Fowler Middle P : W �� �20L�r.. �r�: 20,000-square-foot skatepark By BARBARA SHERMAN Carlson added, "These kids ��, ' � School. enforce the noise ordinance" vcurd cost $519,000; and a Of the Times have put a ton of time into this— Randy Keeling, who lives we wanted you to see their inter- across the street from the poten-we skatepark TIGARD—While kids in the ast and enthusiasm. The discus- tial skatepark site, added, "I can would cost 5627,000. The community were busy designing cion all along is that this would be hear a kid ridinga skateboard all Skatepark Task Force has already .:, . started tannin its fund-raisin their dream skatepark this past a. community park, with the tin , :�,. ; the waydown the street.We enjoyP g g summer, adults working on the skatepark as part of it." project were trying to find a site, According to Dan Plaza, city preferably on public land. ftarks manager, the skatepark After considering many possi- would need a minimum of 2JF bilities, they reached the conclu- acres, but 3 or 4 would be better Services and Metro as well as pri- building on Pacific Highway. lighting, hours of operation of the Sion that an undeveloped area at for a skatepark of up to 25,000 vate property, which would have City Manager Bill Monahan, skatepark and who would enforce the north end of the Fowler square feet, which is a little over to be purchased. Sites included who led the meeting, said, it, and the possibility of building Middle School property along half an acre. As part of the total Cook Park, which already has a "Fowler is more centrally located an indoor park instead. Comforters Selected Pillows ■See SKATEPARK, A2 park, the city would add another master plan and is in a flood than Summerlake, and the school Other issues raised included Luxury Queens & Kings (compare at `12-'25) 20 parking spaces to the ones plain, Summerlake Park, which district would allow us to use 2,3 underage drinking, drug use, (compare at'120-'180) N, ..ra., already on the site. also has a master plan that does or 4 acres out of 44. We have not security, drainage, parking, 5*11 He added that the total park not include a skatepark, and the talked about the arrangement, but responsibility for injuries, utiliz- .. - _, `, �m< dould include landscaping, walk- CWS site at Durham Road and the school district would maintain ing an existing structure on the ways, space for skatepark specta- Hall Boulevard, which will even- ownership, there would be fund- site for police or a guard to watch tors, security fighting, a diinking tually be built up. raising to pa) for the Aatepark, the park, and the value of obsery- fountain and telephone. Other sites that didn't pan out and I'm assuming the city would ing skateparks in nearby cities. �,��® ►l "And we would need to for one reason or another includ- have the responsibility to main- "I'll] w not on-ied about the _'fj ICV'O � I address street development along ed a baseball field off Tiedeman, tam and police it.-- kid>there. m a man said. "I- �\or- ®aJ ' Tigard-,Street,'=-Plaza said.- --he new Tigard Public Library,the Many.issues..were brought up ricd ahout the 25-year-olds who �� Tue-Sat ioam-spm 503-684-1806 The group also looked at pub- Oregon National Guard facility. by neighbors. including traffic would conic to sell drugs. l+ Corner of 99 & Durham Rd tic property owned by the city,the Tigard Cinemas, and the school congestion, the use of traffic- .lint Kiehlbauch asked about school district, Clean Water district's former administration calming devices. loud noise. \010 would ullin alCk dCCidC