11/10/1982 - Minutes i.r.'LL'i{. ul'UDY, l.ui+aril'1"1'LL ,rillvU'1'r,;� iV(i V L'nat L,i{ 10 , 1982 mernhers were present .-no minutes were ,.pproveci . Li<: r•K ve;,orteu th,, t he ,; eare-d before the 'Tigard City Uounc.Ll veuue:;tinp; an c.xt(-_,n:,iuri. In the interim the Tigaru ;;r, ter• 1)i.:. i.r.icL sent r:, IcLL.er Lo the City C0UnciI r.skinEr them not .to f;rent an exLensioi. because it might hinder relations ceL, een TiE-)&ra anu the city of Portlans. A decision will be r„ice at Lne City Council ' s next meeting. � . Dave baker from the TigarcL 'limes was expecteu to sit in on Lhe raeetirig but never &=iveu . 4 . Cn. ,,; Hill Stuuy is not ready yet and it was moves by Ray Pirkle tozfr:ivke no recommencatiuns or ueterminations until the com- mittee members have a chancre to go over the study . Jim Hen- derson was askeu to touch base w-tth the company preparing the stuay anu ask them if they could speea things up a bit . � . Gorden Borgesen gave a report on his visits to both tpe 'I'Vater District and city of 'Tigard offices. On October �2�7th Gordon ana a very knowledgeable frienu stusiea tn� office pr.•oceaures anc equipment at both locations . Everyone ..,;s very cooperative . The '1vater District h,---,.s one office manager unC one ,.00kkeeper/compuLer billing clerk. both FentlemenX felt opera tion. herew, was very efficreent . The xommiktem computer Lne C�;.W:city fo.r aouble what it has know . Viboever the I. .Di, ICL purchases the computer from furnishes them with :.apes anu ,:rogr•ams that are very accesible . both gentlemen telt tn,it was a great pius . They feel the comi)uter will last lv - 15 Mr. bOr ,eSCII ' s only sugo,•esLion for the 'vvater District was that they should cancel their maintenance con rrr;ct . He suggested LooKing ir:Lo "self-insurance" . The city of Tigard rias a '•;:arg computer. They have f person full time aoing sewer biilirigs. Ivir. Borgesen felt that the ,iater• District could handle the sewer biilin€rs but wouis have to E)uu personnel . He also felt that Tigard shoulu also look into raor•e easily attainec programs - right now they teal with G anr.ca w.hic:h raegns its more c©stly .. mr. Borgesen mase these recorr:menuaLions to the committee : 1 . tit this time it i.., not feasible for the �'Yauer District anu the city of Tigara to merge . c. The city shoulu consiser sewer billings cri tax statemenus �,t the enu of the ;/ear. � . i'rie v4ater District anti the city of `1'igorc; coula snake jcint purchases or supplles ana equipment, to reuuce (Xsts . � . ciir;, Ienuerson reportea that Lhe Viater District , at their last moves to tilt; a lay.suiL , 1 . ) to clarify terminal nate c: . ) musL l,ortl.ana nep,oLi�-: Le in goos faith anu hr:ve they not Ki Od lalth Loviard the TiF ars va-,Uer I i:31:r1t L . w flak city o.t t'lclalS riot, to uiscu:JJ t.fll:i sil.uatloll in %Niuh L(le Press. JV1oLion passeU . t i;:oLion LG ask, Tigaru GiL•y Councii to a.ilow hancie zitimler ,,o rem: ,j.r: on, unis commiLLee even it her term on Lhc Cit,y Council ' er,u:3 til ;L . ii;U tiorl P�a:,e;e(; . y . i5i•uce Clark szaiu he woulu call the committee memt;ers to give them the time anu 1a Le of the next meeting. .Y•L'1.1111U t►LJvlJ1\1VLiL. t