08/15/1991 - Minutes SOLID WASTE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES August 15, 1991 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Gerry McReynolds, Chairman Don Jacobs Mike Meinecke Mark Irwin CeCe Dispenza Mike Leichner, Pride Disposal Company Tom Miller, Miller Sanitary Service Larry Schmidt, Schmidt's Sanitary Service Loreen Edin, Staff Liaison Jim Coleman, City's Legal Counsel (left 7:55 PM) Lee Kell, Haulers' Legal Counsel 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 7/15/91 Motion by Committee Member Meinecke, seconded by Committee Member Jacobs to approve. Approved by unanimous vote of Committee present. 4. SOLID WASTE ORDINANCE DISCUSSION - Following is a synopsis of the changes: A. GENERATOR HAULING OWN WASTE: Committee discussion centered around how waste would be measured in light of SB66 passage through the legislature which requires 45% of the Washington County wastestream to be recycled by 1995. Large amounts of waste leaving the stream would be difficult to measure without haulers involved. Also discussed was increased difficulty to enforce the solid waste ordinance with many unfranchised people hauling. After lengthy discussion, a motion by Committee Member Meinecke, and seconded by Committee Member Irwin was to authorize City's Legal Counsel to change language in Section 11.04.040 D. 1. to allow persons to transport any waste produced by that person from the site at which it is produced in a vehicle with a gross vehicle axle weight rating of no more than 10,000 pounds. Approved by unanimous vote of Committee present. B. FRANCHISE AMENDMENT PROCESS: Discussion followed regarding when the franchisee "may" vs "shall" sign an acceptance of an amendment. Motion by Committee Member Meinecke, seconded by Committee Member Irwin to authorize City's Legal Counsel (with review of Haulers' Legal Counsel) to create language in Section 11.04.080 C. which would show the following sections "shall" be signed upon an amendment decision by the City Council: 11.04.020 A. 1, 2, & 9./11.04.020 B. 2./ 11.04.040 D. 5./11.04.040 I. and 11.04.080 A. & B. Approved by unanimous vote of Committee present. PAGE 2 OF 2 SWAC MINUTES AUGUST 15, 1991 C. ADMINISTRATIVE RULE APPROVAL: Committee discussed the changes that City's Legal Counsel proposed noting the administrative rules would be enacted by the City Administrator unless the franchisee requested the City Council hold a public hearing on the proposed rule. Motion by Committee Member Irwin, seconded by Committee Member Meinecke to approve as written. Approved by unanimous vote of Committee present. D. Loreen Edin advised the Committee that the owner of the Joy Theater had called and noted that he would be requesting a grandfather clause be added for his business if the trucks were limited in size for one hauling their own waste. He had purchased a garbage truck recently to service his theaters. Jim Coleman Left - 7:55 PM 5. RECYCLING PROMOTIONS A. Gerry McReynolds requested that the Committee and Haulers begin focusing more on education of recycling preparation requirements. Loreen Edin noted that Statewide Recycling Awareness Week was 10/5/91 - 10/12/91. She stated that Washington County will be providing some educational material and displays for Saturday, October 12th at the Tigard City Hall. After further discussion, Committee members Meinecke, Dispenza, & Irwin volunteered to work on the Recycling Awareness Day at Tigard City Hall. Loreen Edin volunteered to assist. A full report of the planned activities will be presented at the September meeting. 6. OTHER BUSINESS: A. RECYCLING BINS: Loreen Edin reported that Washington County will not have bins available for distribution until February, 1992. B. REVIEW OF HAULER PROCEDURES - Loreen Edin reported that she was contacted by a citizen requesting a review of procedures for consistency regarding vacation or "no pickup" calls. Gerry McReynolds expressed concern about billing consistency for cans. After some discussion, consensus was to place on the next agenda. C. NEXT MEETING - Due to scheduling conflicts the next SWAC meeting will be held on Monday, September 23 , 1991 at 7:00 PM. 7. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Committee Member Dispenza, seconded by Committee Member Jacobs to adjourn at 8:25 PM. Approved by unanimous vote of Committee present. H:\login\alice\loreen\swacmin