09/23/1991 - Minutes SOLID WASTE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES September 23, 1991 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Gerry McReynolds, Chairman Don Jacobs Eldon Wogen Mark Irwin CeCe Dispenza, arrived 7:15 PM Tom Sullivan Mike Leichner, Pride Disposal Company Tom Miller, Miller Sanitary Service Larry Schmidt, Schmidt's Sanitary Service Loreen Edin, Staff Liaison Jim Coleman, City's Legal Counsel Lee Kell, Haulers' Legal Counsel 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 8/15/91 Motion by Committee Member Irwin, seconded by Committee Member Jacobs to approve. Approved by unanimous vote of Committee present. 4. REVIEW OF HAULERS PROCEDURES A. Loreen Edin synopsized the request by the Committee and local customers to review procedures and look for a consistent way for all haulers to handle "no can out" situations. Loreen distributed a letter from Mr. Russ Gorsline highlighting his concerns. CeCe Dispenza arrived: 7:15 PM B. Tom Miller distributed a draft "no can out" procedure for discussion. After discussion, Committee Member Irwin moved to have the draft submitted to the City Administrator for consideration as an Administrative Rule (once the ordinance revisions were adopted by Council) . Seconded by Committee Member Jacobs. Approved by unanimous vote of Committee present. 5. SOLID WASTE ORDINANCE DISCUSSION A. CONSTRUCTION SITE HAULING: Jerry McReynolds reported that he met with Charlie Hales of the Homebuilders Association; Mark McGregor and Howard Washburn, private clean up contractors; as well as City representatives, Jim Coleman and Loreen Edin. The purpose of the meeting was to share information regarding each side's position not to achieve consensus. Jim Coleman noted the major area of contention was whether the ordinance should recognize the activity of construction site cleanup. Lengthy discussion followed regarding the intent of the Committee, the intent of the ordinance to protect the right of the franchisees to mixed waste generated in the City, and the question of whether a general contractor is a "generator" of waste. PAGE 2 OF 3 SWAC MINUTES SEPTEMBER 23 , 1991 The Committee consensus was that the intent of the ordinance should be to allow only the generator of the waste at construction sites to haul their own mixed waste. There was consensus that this could best be accomplished by deleting subsection D 7 of 11.04.040 and having contractors fall under the requirements of subsection D 1. Motion by Committee Member Wogen, seconded by Committee Member Dispenza, to delete subsection D 7 of 11.04.040 in its entirety, place "land clearing" as an exempt service in subsection D 11, and remember subsection D of 11.04.040. Approved by unanimous vote of Committee present. B. GENERATOR HAULING OWN WASTE (GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES) : Discussion followed regarding the need to allow governmental entities to haul waste from their public works type of operations. After discussing the type of language to be inserted, Committee Member Irwin moved to insert the following language as Section 11.04.040 D 13. Motion seconded by Committee Member Sullivan. Approved by unanimous vote of Committee present. :i''vivv:hCvv ii v''ii:viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii`ii i`::iY:iii::::iiiii::i:::tii::i::i::ii:::::ii::i:'4::i:;:;:+• y}Yv v:4•:niv:':if•:::xr{:xh .' i::i::i n'. ...' ...: .:i .•�:i::�:x: Mist........ a. ::::: ::::::::::.:.:::::::...3 ,........... "Noma. ::::::::::.::.::.:::.:::::::::::.:.::' ............::::..: ......:................. :.>:::.>::::::::. ::::.::.::::::.......:....................:,.. -A `01iiiiiii C. GENERATOR HAULING OWN WASTE (VEHICLE SIZE EXEMPTION) : Gerry McReynolds suggested the Committee's intent to not limit the vehicle size used in Subsections 11.04.040 D 2 through D 13 by exempted uses be clarified. Jim Coleman suggested the following language be added to the end of Subsection 11.04.040 D 1. ::.'y•::." ''r::;:::;:i•::i::::::.':•:ii;:xS:iS;::;;:;: :::;:;;222:;`id :::::::::."•:::::::::::::::i::iiii:r:::::j':.5:;:;;:.'';«::"::;;:; ..:. : ::: . .. ::: :.:::::::::.�.:.:: .:: Motion by Committee Member Irwin, seconded by Committee Member Jacobs to approve. Approved by unanimous vote of Committee present. D. Loreen Edin noted that the Council public hearing was scheduled for October 8, 1991 at 7:30 PM. 6. RECYCLING PROMOTIONS A. Loreen Edin reported for Mike Meinecke who was absent. Saturday October 12 from 10 AM to 3 PM is the City's Recycling Awareness Day. Representative Tom Brian and Senator Paul Phillips have been PAGE 3 OF 3 SWAC MINUTES SEPTEMBER 23, 1991 invited to share information about new recycling legislation. Russ Joki, School District Superintendent will be available along with Washington County's Recycling Education Coordinator, the girl scouts, and the three franchised waste haulers in Tigard to work with citizens and answer questions about solid waste issues. Mike Meinecke will be contacting Committee Members to assist with the activities on the 12th. 7. OTHER BUSINESS: A. RECYCLING CONCERN: Mr. Harry Peterson, 9685 SW Sattler, raised a concern about the rate structure penalizing citizens for recycling. He noted that his family of 4 created 1 can of mixed waste per month. He recently moved out from Michigan where there was a cost of $.50 per bag for this service. Gerry McReynolds noted that the City is looking at the rate structure and the Committee hopes to include a rate for a smaller can in the future. He encouraged Mr. Peterson to attend future meetings. B. TRUCK LIMITS ON DURHAM ROAD: Larry Schmidt asked what the process was to get this issue to the Council for consideration. He noted that he had already talked with the Chief of Police. Larry's request was that the truck limit not apply to his business. Loreen suggested that he write a letter of request to the City Administrator outlining the issue and requesting a meeting with the Council. Gerry McReynolds noted that this was not an issue that SWAC would be able to take forward to the Council. C. TIPPING FEE INCREASE AT HILLSBORO LANDFILL: Mike Leichner noted that the Hillsboro Landfill will be changing tipping fees effective October 1st. The old fees were computed by the cubic yard while the new fees will be computed by the ton. Mike expressed concern that the fees charged will be much higher for some customers than before. He suggested that the three haulers meet and determine a consistent way to handle this issue - considering deposits and refund procedures. Loreen Edin suggested the haulers look to Section 11.04.090 in the franchise ordinance to determine how to implement this rate change. D. NEXT MEETING - The next SWAC meeting will be held on Monday, October 21, 1991 at 7:00 PM. 8. ADJOURNMENT: 8:55 PM H:\Lo9in\aHce\Loreen\swaanin