02/09/2004 - Packet Parks & Recreation Advisory Board AGENDA Mondex, February 9, 2004 7:30 p.m. I. Introductions, Roll Call II. Approval of Minutes — January 12, 2004 III. Fowler School Property IV. Survey I forwarded the following questions to management for consideration for inclusion in the upcoming visioning survey to go out soon. 1) Would you support the City of Tigard forming a municipal recreation department? 2) Would you be willing to pay for a City of Tigard municipal recreation department? 3) Would you like to see more recreation and fitness classes offered in Tigard? 4) Would you support the creation of a special purpose park and recreation district to provide services to Tigard residents? 5) How often do you use private gyms or other recreation facilities? V. Review Op Ed Letter- Barry Albertson VI. Finalize Mission Statement VII. On-line Reservation System VIII. Discuss March 9 Joint Meeting with Council - Community assessment survey - Board and Council Vision for the community - Interest in creating a park and recreation district - Discuss Skate Park Task Force IX. Discuss Bull Mountain Parks Committee X. Set Next Meeting and Agenda Topics — Monday, March 8, 2004 - Discuss 3/9 Joint Meeting with City Council XI. Adjournment cCLI�Kq5 ((DP y �LA l,l rr1r aY,r,t,y6 MEMORANDUM Administration CITY OF TIGARD ShapingA Better Community TO: Members of the City Council FROM: Bill Monahan, City Manager DATE: December 16, 2003 SUBJECT: Bull Mountain Annexation -White Paper Task Forces The City Council is considering delaying action on the decision to adopt the annexation plan for Bull Mountain. Under consideration is the potential to delay a decision until July, 2004 allowing sufficient time for City, County, CPO, and citizen representatives to meet and discuss several key issues. Discussion of the key issues (streets, parks and open space, sheriff services, comprehensive planning, etc.) would take place from January through June 2004. An . expected outcome of the discussions would be creation of a White Paper addressing the issues and opportunities related to each topic and the funding availability and shortfalls which are anticipated. To assist the City Council in defining the tasks and likely participants in the White Paper Task Force, I have outlined a few of the tasks. I would appreciate your review and comment so staff can develop these task forces over the next few weeks. Attached are brief outlines of the streets, parks and open space, and transition of service from sheriff to police. 1.'wdmV1ArnemosX20031cound1121503 wMtepeperteskforoes.doc Memo To: Bill Monahan, Jim Hendryx From: Barbara Shields RE: Bull Mountain Annexation Plan Program/Comprehensive Plan Update Task Force Date: December 31, 2003 This memo outlines the main points related to the creation and mandate for the Bull Mountain Subcommittee/Task Force. As you are aware,the Planning Commission has already started the Comprehensive Plan update discussion. The following is a summary of the Planning Commission approach: 1. Objective. To develop a good understanding of the Comprehensive Plan update program(education)to be able to determine the time/line and resources for the PIan update. The"program"is simply a combination of tasks/timelines and resources. 2. Scope. The scope of this learning effort will include three basic phases that must be addressed in the Comprehensive Plan update program: (1) preliminary issue identification/data collection; (2) updating the plan through public involvement; (3) adopting the plan. 3. Product. A white paper/report for Council review. The report would include: 1. work program general matrix(phases, tasks, resources), 2. discussion of resources and timelines to update the Comprehensive Plan, 3. role of the Planning Commission in implementation of the Comprehensive Plan update program; 4. level and role of public involvement in the Comprehensive Plan update phases. 4. Timeline January/February: Issue identification techniques/data collection March: Major components of effective public.involvement April: Discussion of adoption process. May: Final review of a white paper on Tigard Comprehensive Plan update 5. Public Participation and County Involvement. The primary objective of this project is to develop a general understanding of the Comprehensive Plan update concepts. Given the educational emphasis of the project,public involvement will include CAWINDOWS\TEMP\Comp Plan Update Task Force.doc 1 attendance of Planning Commission worksessions which are open to any interested citizens and subject to public meeting law.The worksession format would allow for a broad level of citizen participation and does not favor and exclude anybody, by providing equal opportunities for participation. The open meeting format also allows for a county representative to effectively participate in the process. Planning Commission Role As we discussed,the Planning Commission should assume the leading role in the Comprehensive Plan Update-Task Force in developing the Comprehensive Plan Update Program for the following reasons: 1. it is the Planning Commission's legal role to advise Council on land use policy issues; 2. assures fairness and structures broad public involvement through public meeting law; 3. provides solid foundations for the Comprehensive Plan update process, which is long overdue, regardless the Buil Mountain annexation. Recommendations for the Subcommittee/Task Force Makeup and Tasks A. Subcommittee Makeup 1. Planning Commission members; 2. Two or three interested citizens and a county representative consistently attending Planning Commission meetings to review Planning Commission work, learn and ask questions about the program; B. Subcommittee Modus Operandi 1. Subject to open public meeting law 2. Planning Commission develops recommendations for Council review; C. Subcommittee Products 1. Work Program(Concept) for the Tigard Comprehensive Plan Update 2. White paper, including a discussion of resources and timelines and the type of public participation and Planning Commission involvement in the Comprehensive Plan Update. CAWINDOWS\TEMP\Comp Pian Update Task Force.doc 2 Parks and Open Space Planning Task Force Tasks to be worked on: ■ Review of existing publicly owned parks and open space in the unincorporated Bull Mountain area. ■ Review of City producea documents which detail the remaining development potential in the area. ■ Review the City report on the park deficiencies in the area. Review the Parks System Development Charge (SDC) methodology and fee structure to determine if adjustments are needed. Project the remaining opportunities for Parks SDC revenue potential for the area, based upon remaining developable lots. 41 Review County action to create a Parks SDC including the status of the effort, potential revenue generation, and specific details of the policy implementation. ■ Calculate the total funds likely to be generated in SDCs from the area, determine what the funds can be used for to apply to the need. ■ Based on projected SDCs to be generated, develop a draft CIP for parks and greenway which, among other things: o Calculates acreage to be purchased, o Identifies a list of potential site to purchase, o Defines the facilities which could be built/installed, o Would be applied to develop for public use the Cache Creek property. ■ Define the difference between the facilities which could be developed and the total need of the area using the SDC methodology as a basis. ■ Explore whether land acquisition and development for parks can and should occur outside the area, in the UGB expansion areas or beyond. Review other recreational needs and opportunities for the area other than parks and open spaces (i.e. trails, paths, etc.). Task Force Participants: ■ Representatives of: o Washington County o City of Tigard ■ Public Works— Parks Division ■ Community Development o Tigard Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee o CPO 4b o Citizens of the unincorporated area and City of Tigard (number to be determined).