09/19/1989 - Minutes September 19, 1989 Present: McReynolds, Barrett, Wogan, Irwin Ex. Officio: Leichner, Schmidt, Miller Guest: Rick Kronwitter 1. Called to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Minutes accepted 3. Rate comparison - schedule assembled by Wayne. Tigard compared well within 1% - 3% of other areas. Beaverton's rates are much lower because garbage goes to another landfill - Beaverton's rates will eventually rise. Wayne proposed we keep an eye on rates and do comparisons from time to time. He will send rates cmiparison to Janet Holmes & keep on file. 4. Recycling - pressed cardboard cores from carpet rolls can't be recycled - Warehauser will charge $15/ton to take - were recyclable and now they are not - what happens when haulers are charged for disposal - should costs be spread over all customers or charged to one person who generated the waste. Recycling market as a whole is down - Is expected to return in two years. Mike Stand lives at 11785 S.W. 95th - garbage - feels City of Tigard has created monopoly - have no choice - hard to move can to curb - difficult for elderly people to move the 32 gal. can to street - doesn't feel it's right - feels that Pride should consider all of the above. McReynolds - 1) cite rate comparison - cca parative rate - 2) reviewed dump fee increases - 3) can't throw anything and everything into the dLmips any more - Tigard has no control over. Trying to provide best service at least amount. Brought up a good point about elderly & disabled - haulers are fair people - could make some kind of compromise. Stand - concerned about people who can't move carts - good equipment. McReynolds - yes, lot of equipment - due to Workmen's Comp. , DEQ, etc.- asked hauler for possible solution. Leichner - talked to Mr. Stand - some customers do pay extra for getting can - in Sherwood - have 20 gal. can rate - reduced rate for getting can for disabled. Schmidt - goes and gets can for elderly - part of service. Leichner - Problem: if you do for him, why not for me? Driver's responsibility to choose Miller's - 100 ft. to fetch can - # in ordinance run into trouble with liability problems, i.e. , running over rose bushes - some things they do - locate can in some area & put the bags into can. Stand - feels Council should require curb service. a Miller - anything from curb - 100 ft. included in rate - can't go through enclosures, etc. - ask that can be visible from street if possible. Stand - agrees - 100 ft. - O.K. - wants to know what he has to do. McReynolds - feels that it is a matter of education - suggested Mike meet with people and report next month. 5. Yard Debris - City of Tigard has adopted yard debris plan from Washington County - Wayne - City Council has adopted Washington County's plan. 6. Styrofoam Containers - is a problem - has cane to our attention due to Portland ordinance - not cost effective to recycle plastics. Some companies are taking styrofoam. McReynolds - won't resolve issue today - questions have been raised - need to begin building database to make a decision - asked Wogan for info on disposal & CFC problems. 7. Other business - a. City passed resolution for roll out containers b. Coy's memo - big business making contracts with Far West to haul cardboard - i.e. , Fred's & Payless - Coy has asked haulers to make contact - will do - will report progress newt time. Next Meeting on October 24, 1989 Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.