03/01/1988 - Minutes CITY OF TIGARD BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING MARCH 1, 1088, 7:00 p.m. TOWN HALL CONFERENCE ROOM CITY HALL Members present: Judy Christensen, Floyd Bergmann, Joyce Patton, Deborah Hinton' George Burgess, Tum Brian, Carolyn Eadon, Valerie Johnson, Jerry Edwards, John Schwartz. Staff present: Bob Jean City Administrator, Wayne Lowry Finance Director, Jill Munley Community Services Director, Randy Wooley Acting Community Development Director, Bruce Olson Computer Systems Manager. The meeting began at 7: 15 p.m. The minutes of the January 12, 1980, budget committee meeting were discussed and approved by unanimous vote of those present. Bob Jean introduced Bruce Olson, the City' s newly hired Computer Systems Manager, to explain the computer equipment request for 1087-88. Bruce explained two memos that were included in the Budget Committee' s packet indicating that the City currently has four separate computer systems . He explained that his goal over the next several years was to combine those four systems into a homegeneouo system that will enhance the computer power at each employee' s desk . He indicated that his preference was towards micros, not just "dumb" terminals, and the sharing of data between employees in sections, following the industry standard in this direction. Bruce went through Bob's February 8, 1988, computer request memo and answered several of the councilors' questions regarding the number of terminals that we now ourrently have and the uses of those terminals . Several members of the committee asked what the FTE effect was in adding these terminals . Bob pointed out that there were no additional FTE requests in these areas . Bob also mentioned that the engineering software for $5,000 requested by the Engineering Division has an estimated pay-back period of four to five months. The total request $10,700 was summarized by Bob Jean. Several questions were asked by members of the committee about what budget figures were in the 1980-89 proposed budget related to computerization. Bob pointed out that in general government there was $10,000 in the proposed budget but that this $10,000 was totally for police needs . Barring changes in workload, Bob suggested that this request would fulfill the City' s needs within the 5-Year Plan and the next 10-month period. Bob Jean outlined at the board the planned city-wide computer systems budget through the 5-Year Plan: n Current system (Hardware, software, annual maintenance, and contract payments, and service bureau contracts) . . .nu change; o $19,700 in revised FY 1987-88 request; u $10,000 in proposed FY 1088-89 Budget for Police, indicating it was still unknown with estimates ranging from $5,080 to $25,000; o $58,800 in planned 1080-00. NOTE: WCCLS Computer Systems are separate and shown in Library. Deborah Hinton asked about other software packages including Lotus and WordPerfect and whether or, not the City was appropriating money for those. Bruce' s response was that those types of packages may be purchased in the future but to be purchased out of operating or existing appropriations . Valerie Johnson noted that the computerization effort of the City over the pant few yearn has not been satisfactory in her mind and that the implementation of the current system has been a bottleneck ever since it was purchased. Bob mentioned in response to Valerie' s question that the reason the system implementation has not gone an smoothly as anticipated or on schedule is that the City Council did not approve Bob' s Assistant position after Joy Martin left and that needed equipment requests consistent with the original computer plan had been out. Bob also indicated there was $50,000 in the 1909-00 6—Year Plan year for computer purohaueo . Several Budget Committee members supported this computer request as it was made. Debbie Hinton said "I absolutely support thio" and then talked about her experience and the fact that this was a reasonable requeot in her, mind . Joyce Patton added that micros are the way to go and she also felt that this was a reasonable request. After several comments by committee members Joyce Patton made a motion, seconded by Debbie Hinton that this recommendation become a recommendation of the Budget Committee to City Council for appropriation. A vote was taken which was unanimous of those present. The recommendation instructed the City Administrator to resubmit the request at the next available consent agenda for approval of appropriation authority by the City Council . The chairman of the committee instructed Bob Jean, City Administrator, to continue with item number 4 of the overview of the 1088-80 proposed budget. Bob began by going through the budget message. He explained adjustments to the 5—Year Plan resulting from increased revenues in the Development Services fees and the contract with U.S.A. for the maintenance of the Durham Plant in addition to several costs increase that were not anticipated in the 5—Year Plan that related to intergovernmental contracts . Bob also mentioned his desire to hold an alternative revenue source review with the Budget Committee prior to the 1980-90 budget process . Carolyn Eadon requested that the Budget Committee hold a philosophical discussion on how the City' s Budget Committee should or, should not support local social service agencies . The committee chairman suggested that it be discussed at a later time in this meeting. Bob concluded the budget message at about 8: 30 p.m. He then went on to explain revenues . Bob went through the revenue pages of the proposed budget including all of funds. He began with the general fund. He highlighted several revenue lines including the CDBG grant for the senior center, hotel/mote-1 tax, 011, Development Services fees, franchise fees including MACC, and went through all the other funds including sower, streets, storm drains, and pointed out revenue charges or things that should be brought to the committee' s attention. In discussing the county and state gas tax, Bob pointed out since 1081-82 that even under the new system because of the county gas tax loss of 3) per gallon, the per capita distribution has not changed. Expenditures and 5—Year Plan guidelines were covered in the budget message by Bob Jean. The committee chairman then opened a state revenue sharing public hearing which is a requirement that the Budget Committee hear public testimony from citizens on the use of state sharing revenue funds . That hearing was opened and continued until March H, 1088, at which time social service agencies and any other Tigard citizens interested in the use of the state sharing revenue funds will have an opportunity to be heard by the Budget Committee. Bob began to cover the general government detail budget, however, after several line items it was iqw determined by the chairman and several other members that they would like to have a chance to read through this and that they would discuss this at a later time in detail . Wayne Lowry then covered the debt service program and explained the telephone tax revenue in the debt service fund and the fact that that revenue was being budgeted in the debt service fund to offset the effect of the phased—in area of the south metzger annexation. By doing this Tigard residential citizens are not burdened with the effect of the phase..--in of Washington Square tax rates . The committee chairman then opened up the meeting to other business. Valerie Johnson discussed her function on the Community Block Grant Committee for the county and explained that there was $1 .7 million for each of the next three years allocated in Washington County to the Community Development Block Grant Program. Categories eligible for these grant monies included handicapped access, public service, community facilities, neighborhood revitalization. She went on to point out that WACCO, one of the social service agencies that traditionally request funding from the City of Tigard, is involved in several requests through the Community Block Grant Program for funding of various building construction and renovation and positions . The committee then entered into a discussion of social service agencies and whether the City of Tigard should be funding, only those in the City or those in Washington County or funding them at all . Each committee member, had a chance to state their views on this issue. It was pointed out that only TCYS and the senior center were in the 5—Year Plan for funding. However, it was also noted there may be more discretionary dollars that the Budget Committee might be able to allocate to agencies or those same agencies at their discretion. At the end of the discussion Wayne Lowry, Finance Director, pointed out that we have advertised a public hearing on the use of state revenue sharing funds and that we traditionally allowed social agencies to speak to the Budget Committee at that time. There was some discussion as to whether or not the Budget Committee should even hear requests from social agencies other than TCYS or the senior center. Wayne pointed out that they should all be heard because we traditionally allowed them to speak at that time and they have a right to approach the Budget Committee and be heard by them. The decision was made that at the March 8, 1088, Budget Committee meeting that public testimony including social agencies will be taken on the use of state revenue sharing and at that time social agencies will be heard. It was also mentioned that those requests will be limited to 5 minutes per organization and that time limit will be strictly enforced. Thu meeting recessed to March 8, 1888' 7:00 p.m. to be held at the City of Tigard 'Town Hall Conference Room. The recess of this meeting occurred at 18: 10 p.m. ke/350QD