05/01/1985 - Minutes TIGARD BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 1, 1985 MEETING ,,- DURHAM TREATMENT PLANT 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman, Wally Hoffman. Present: Wally Hoffman, Ima Scott, Howard Duffy, Dale Evans, Judy Christensen, Tom Brian, Jerry Edwards, Phil Edin (7:07) and Nick Frezza (7:07). Staff: Bob Jean, Jerri Widner, Bill Monahan, Jerry McNurlin, Irene Ertell, Barbara White, Bob Adams, Alice Carrick, Bob Wheeler, Lonnie Branstetter, Randy Clarno, Karrin Hawes. Guests: Walt Munhall and others. Jason Gardner, Oregonian. Kelley Jennings. 2. FOLLOW-UP: Bob Jean updated the committee on WCCLS, the sales tax, travel and training, county gas tax, federal revenue sharing and the civic center. 3. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Phil Edin listed several items for the committees consideration: contingency too low, labor attorney needed, questions re: repair and maintenance of facility, micro computer for engineering. Bob Jean also included a discussion of the latest energy cost estimates for the civic center--up about $7,000. Howard Duffy hoped that City Council would make sure the computer and phone proposals would be cost justified before purchase. Tom Brian said he would like to see a higher contingency, but would have to weigh priorities. Ima Scott said she would like to see at least $100,000. Jerry Edwards would like to see it, but where would we find the dollars? Wally Hoffman stated that in future we should try to develop budgets with $100,000 contingency. Howard Duffy asked there is money in the budget to explore the Washington Square/Metzger annexation projects. Tom Brian suggested that $5,000 for interns or newsletter extension would be good. Ima Scott had questions on several pages of the budget--90A, 98A and 102. Each item was discussed. A discussion followed on the staffing and especially the data technician position in the Finance and Support Services department. Consensus was 8 members supporting the position and one not. A major topic of discussion was the travel and training dollars throughout the budget. Judy Christensen moved to recommend any request for training or training related travel expenditures in excess of $100.00 be pre-approved by the City Council. Phil Edin seconded. Vote 8/0/1. Dale Evans abstained. Tom Brian moved to provide $5,000 to pursue the Washington Square/Metzger annexation study out of contingency. Jerry Edwards seconded. Vote 8/1. Ima Scott voting no. Dale Evans moved to reduce 630 Rents and Leases in the Parks by $1,000.00 and add the $1,000.00 to contingency. Phil Edin seconded. Vote 9/0. 4. Dale Evans moved to recommend to the City Council a total budget of $11,952,283 with a total tax levy of $1,215,725. Jerry Edwards seconded. Vote 9/0. 5. May 22, 1985 meeting discussion followed. Howard Duffy suggested simplifying the budget process, there are too many meetings, nitpicking liiw and there is a need for Council to set policy that budget committee can follow. Wally Hoffman said he agreed. 6. Nick Frezza moved to adjourn and meet again on May 22, 1985. Dale Evans seconded. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. after Wally Hoffman thanked the budget committee for their participation in the process. Chairm JLW:jw (0905F) k%w