01/23/1984 - Minutes DRAFT T I G A R D C I T Y C O U N C I L E+rrr' SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 23, 1984 - 6:05 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor Wilbur Bishop; Councilors : Tom Brian, John Cook, and Kenneth Scheckla; Others Present: Bob Jean, City Administrator; Jan Mitchell, Oregonian; Iry Larsen and Geraldine Ball, Public; Sheldon Edner, PSU, Facilitator. 2. INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW: Sheldon Edner introduced the suggested process and informal format for the evening. He suggested the evening's purpose as looking for 1 to 2 year goals and priorities and priorities will then guide resource allocations in coming years. Warm-Up Exercise followed: 5 squares Sheldon Edner then summarized the importance of communications and sharing as tonight's purpose. The final ratification of Council Goals and Priorities will come later at another meeting as a result of this evening's workshop and subsequent discussions. 3. Background: Last fall's three different Strategic Planning Workshops showed the diversity of community goals, yet Council' s job is to somehow wr pull them together in concrete ways. (See SP Brainstorming Ideas, Problems and Projects in headout packet. ) Discussion followed. John Cook noticed comments about the tax base as too low. Perhaps some citizens want additional services and are willing to pay, especially if linked to specific service. Ken Scheckla agreed with the problem of the "One Street Town" (99W) and that the "City" is more. Discussion of Strategic Plan Summary and Brainstorming List followed. Ken Scheckla mentioned that there was no mention of housing issues. We need to help encourage low-moderate income housing. Tom Brian commented about things not on the list. Nothing about crumbling and dirty streets as was heard a few years ago; nothing about unresponsive City Hall as we heard a few years ago, but conversely we do see comments about too many public meetings and too much citizen input. Streets are no longer as much an issue, but transportation is still a major concern. Ken Scheckla mentioned the comment about a teenage activity building, perhaps later as part of a broader range of community activities? PAGE 1 - COUNCIL MINUTES - JANUARY 23, 1984 4. Brainstorming - Discussion of categories : Sheldon Edner reviewed his proposal to categorize the goals into 3 basic categories. After some discussion the following were agreed upon: 1. Policy and Administration (Council, Administration, & Image) 2. Community Development (Public Works, Planning & Development) 3. Community Services (Police Department, Library, F & S) Community Services - A general discussion followed as to basic service delivery. A brainstorming list of topics resulted: - Acceptable staff:population ratios in Police Department . . . - Streets maintenance . . . - Street lighting . . . - Parks maintenance . . . - Proper equipment to control labor costs . . . - Adequate equipment for staff to do jobs . . . - Equipment revolving fund or contracting out . . . - Capital outlay ratios to 0 & M? . . . - Public Works crews cross-training . . . - Core year around staffing with part time for peaks . . . - P & D staffing to growth-related fees and charges . . . - Library staff: circulation ratios - Retired teachers - Library volunteers? . . . +ww+ - Promote volunteerism program . . . selective recruitment . . . training and recruitment costs . . . - Sewer line maintenance . . . - Core Library staff with volunteers for peaks . . . - Finance & Services ratios: population or workload or dollars - Financial reporting . . . - Citizen complaints management process . . . Follow-Up . . . - Police Department goal of % non-obligated time . . . - Crime Prevention/Block Watch . . . - Police Department staff, especially Investigations, Patrol and Crime Prevention/Block Watch . . . - Work measures for targeted programs in Police Department? . . . - Police emergency communications system . . . - Summer Parks & Recreation Program (youth and adults) on a fee supported basis . . . - Enhance Burglary Prevention Program . . . - Social Services tax-supported? Budget level? Policy as to of budget or after core services? . . . Community Development - The emphasis here, still service related, is also more action oriented as to making desired kinds of development happen rather than simply responding to it. The following list resulted: - Low-moderate income housing assistance . . . - Transportation planning . . . - Codes enforcement . . . tax supported? Planning Division? . . . - Inspector: plans ratio . . . fee supported . . . - Economic Plan and Implementation Strategy . . . Action plan . . . - CIP priorities and Financial Plan . . . PAGE 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - JANUARY 23, 1984 - Streets/Transpo 'ation CIP and Financial Plan anpriorities (intergovernmental relationships with County and State) . . . - Annexations (especially Walnut Wedge and Metzger/Washington Square) . . . CDBG Programs and Plan update . . . Intergovernmental Fanno Creek/Storm Drainage Plan . . . Target light industrial lands for development . . . Replacement and infill strategy? Available? Served? Development constraints? . . . Policy and Administration: - Complete LID Policy and Procedure Manual . . . handouts too . . . - Streets CIP and Transportation Plan Strategy . . . Council Workshop . . . - Annexation Policy (and Service Costs) . . . Economic Development Committee & Council . . . - Projection of 10-20 year service-tax costs for CP? Coordinate with ED Plan and Annexation Policy . . . ED Steering Committee . . . - Volunteerism - Community identity - Citizen complaints follow-up - Policy and criterion for Solid Waste Franchises and others . . . GTE, PGE, etc. . . . PH's? . . . Audits? . . . - Legal issues . . . - Tax Base (and 5-Year Financial Plan) - Intergovernmental relations . . . generally and specifically . . . Council involvement and awareness . . . - Council Policy Calendar . . . Focus on Council Key Issues 446w' - Community spirit/identity/pride: Assess and promote - Questionnaire/Survey - City identity apart from School District as such . . . - Council Workshop - Staff Relations and CouncilRelations (equal information opportunity) . . . - Council Workshop - Review Council Ground Rules - Council Rules . . . - 2 Regular Meetings per month for business and 1 Study Session per month focused on one key issue . . . - Zero Base Budget . . . core identified and services per dollar increments . . . - Update 5-Year Plan and Service Levels Report for Council Adoption . . . - Annual Council Goals Workshop in the fall (after November elections) . . . Annual Budget Calendar . . . - Ratios for Administration/F&S services . . . adequate computer . . . - Administration in proportion to other department service levels . . . Summary - Discussion followed as to subsequent review of listings, prioritization in another session, then finalize and adopt. Tom Brian suggested that Council set a date for Ground Rules Meeting. Especially before Mayor's resignation in early March? John Cook suggested 2/20/84 from 6:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. at City Hall for Study Session on Council Rules/Council-Staff Relations with facilitator hired for 9 hours at $50.00 per hour = $450.00. Council agreed to decide on 1/30/84. 5. Adjournment: 10:40 P.M. lw/0867A City Administrator PAGE 3 - COUNCIL MINUTES - JANUARY 23, 1984 ATTEST : Mayor