02/29/1984 - Minutes CITY OF TIGARD BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 29, 1984 Fowler Junior High School The Budget Committee meeting was called to order by Chairman Wally Hoffman at 7:40 p.m. Roll Call: W. Hoffman, D. Evans, G. Edwards, J. Smith, H. Duffy (8:30), W. Bishop (9:10) , T. Brian, J. Cook. K. Scheckla was unable to attend due to illness. Staff: R. Jean, J. Widner, J. Martin, T. Ramis(left at 8:50). Guests: L. Allen, D. Allen, F. Tepedino (9:20) . Item 3. G. Edwards moved to approve the minutes of February 22, 1984. J. Smith seconded. Vote: 6/0 passed. Item 4. Information regarding the sewer cleaner was handed out. Information asked for regarding how often other cities clean the sewer lines was unavailable as other cities do not keep any record as to how often all of the city sewer lines are cleaned. Item 5. Policy & Administration. R. Jean stated the significant differences between requested and proposed in Council would be the payment of medical/dental benefits, in Administration it would be the Administrative Assistant and intern positions. In City Attorney would be just their attendance at meetings. R. Jean asked that the City Attorney be allowed to present the attorney's budget at this time. T. Ramis of O'Donnell, Sullivan and Ramis handed out information regarding the attorney budget and how other cities compared. J. Smith asked about hours needed for the attorney's time. T. Ramis discussed the changes in the immunities of cities liabilities. D. Evans wanted to know if the dollars represented for Beaverton included other than attorney's salaries. It does. Further discussion followed and general consensus being the proposed budget would be too low, but the fees could be reduced by about $5,000 if Council limited the number of contacts they make with the attorney's office outside meetings. It was suggested that Council direct their questions to City staff before seeking attorney's opinions. G. Edwards moved to increase the proposed budget for the City Attorney to $60,000. D. Evans seconded. Vote: 7/0 passed. W. Hoffman said that he distinctly remembered the meetings from last year when the subject of council's indiscriminate use of City attorney time was discussed and everyone agreed that it would be decreased or discontinued, now a year later we're hearing it again. I would like to get this message across to all of the council members that we don't want that to happen again. R. Jean with T. Ramis concurring stated that this is about $5,000 a year that has been billed, but that there is a lot of time that has not been billed. Continuing with Policy & Administration-Mayor & City Council--discussion of medical/dental benefits. The committee felt that a policy decision needed to be made on whether or not the City should provide health insurance and whether or not the City should pay for full-family coverage if does provide it? T. Brian said he had mixed feelings about this benefit, because of his personal time contribution for council and he knows that Tigard is one of the few that provide the benefit. W. Hoffman said he could recommend employee only. T. Brian stated that the Budget Committee should feel free to recommend anything from a policy standpoint without worrying about hurting the council's feelings. J. Edwards didn't feel that it was money well-spent, how do we change the policy? Discussion followed. D. Evans moved that fringe benefit for City Council be such that general fund pick-up tab for the Council member only and share in a 50/50 split for any dependent coverage. J. Edwards seconded. Vote: 8/0 passed. The council materials and services requested budget includes $3500 for trainers to assist council in working together. The proposed budget has $0. T. Brian suggested that with the May/November elections, that the Council would probably need some money in proposed, but not has much. H. Duffy thought that the message was very clear at the strategic planning meeting that the Council needs to find a method or methods to cause cohesiveness and to promote the City. The rest of the committee concurred. J. Edwards moved to put $800 in proposed budget for facilitator/trainer. J. Smith seconded. Vote: 8/0 passed. City Administration. R. Jean went over the responsibilities and goals for his department as department head. Major difference between requested and proposed is in the assistant and intern. Discussion followed. On the materials and services, J. Edwards wanted to know if all of the trips were necessary. R. Jean stated that as an example, the regional manager's meeting there will be sessions on the impact of the new 1 1/2q limitation. The meeting recessed from 9:10-9:20 p.m. Item 6. General Government. The footnotes on the bottom of the page were confusing, so R. Jean will be redoing them for next week. J. Martin prepared an analysis of the current computer systems MVP/OIS with the proposed VS. Currently the City's costs are about $24,500 per a=. The VS system with added features that will allow user flexibility, shared data base with DP/WP, and better reports will cost approximately $42,000 per ami. The analysis indicates that the City has recouped its initial outlay for the present system and also shows that over a five year period, there would be savings by going to the VS. The current equipment/software with patchwork upgrades and fixes over the five year period will save less. W. Hoffman reminded the Committee that next week the entire budget will be reviewed. If there any questions, the members should bring them up now. J. Edwards had a question about the police department's histories. T. Brian said his add/drop list was is short. The general consensus is that there is nothing major. R. Jean will provide the committee with a report showing the changes they have requested thus far. He will show a basic summary by department. W. Hoffman asked the committee to be prepared to talk about the changes. He then asked for discussion about contingency. General consensus was that the City should have a $50,000 to $100,000 contingency. The meeting recessed until March 7, 1984 at 10:30 p.m. Wally Hoffma , Chair a