12/12/1984 - Minutes' . + � MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 12, 1084 - 7,30 P.M. 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wally Hoffman at 7:40 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present- Chairman W. Hoffman; Members: D. Evans, G. Edwards, T. Brian' P. Edin' I. Scott (Left 9:50)' and K. Schenkla (Arrived 7:52) . City Staff- B. Jean, City Administrator' J. Widner' Finance Director. Guests: D. Springer, J. Martin, D. Purkey' B. Adams, K. Jennings, R. Clarno' 8, Monahan, K. Hawes, R. Jelderko^ L. Newton, I. Ertell, B. Knutson, G. Ball (Arrived 8:40)^ and Tigard Times M. Johnson. 2. Tan Bane Election Results---13. Jean briefly discussed the election results of the tax base election. 3 . 1984-06 Miscellaneous,..-.-Discussion of the Civic Center budget followed' with a consensus that the Civic Center committee should meet with Council. It was clarified that the proceeds from the sale of the Old City Hmll building and the Pinebrook lots to be used for fixtures and furnishings and not for the land or building itself. (K. Soheckla arrived) . B. Jean discussed the status of contingency and also the general government program with the committee. 4. Service Level Priorities. B. Jean reminded the committee that the ` definitions of the various levels of service were as follows : Level I is core level Level II is limited service Level. III is basic service Level IV is average service as defined by the Urban Services Study. S. Computer Master Plan Report Don Springer reported to the committee on the progress of his study of our computer needs. He reported that the current system has limited storage, does not allow multiple usage, is inflexible' can't keep up with changes in the industry, has slow turnaround time and there is no support for the software. He is in the middle of his study, but has been able to get ballpark estimates of cost for hardware and software. The cheapest way to go would be stay with the same vendor. The prices currently quoted for hardware totals $69,000 with a $750 mo. maintenance fee--.-.software would be approximately $40'000. The upper range of prices would be for Digital Equipment Company hardware. A VAX 11-730 would be $127'000 and Adminu software at $30'000. Maintenance would be between $300-$1'000 per, month. A VAX 11-750 would be $175'000 and Admino software at $60'000. Maintenance would be between $400-$1'300 per month. Dr. Springer plans to complete the Computer Master Plan early 1985 and will include various options for the committee and cwuncil to choose from. B. Jean asked if the committee would be interested in forming a subcommittee to work with Dr. Springer. W. Hoffman, P. Edin / and H. Duffy will act as a subcommittee. The committee recessed from 8:55 to 9:05. BUDGET CUMMI1-7EE MINUTES - DECEMBER 12, 1984 - PAGE 1 ' . O. & 7. Control Budget & Reorganization and 1985-06 Existing Resources Budget. B. Jean discussed with the committee the reorganization 1499W chart, the FTE chart, the Revenue and Expenditure histories. He also indicated that the capital projects and general government programs would require a supplemental budget for this fiscal. year. I. Scott left. D. Evans moved to recommend to City Council the adoption of the control budget and reorganization plan. T. Brian seconded. Vote 6/U. 0. Public Comment. Denny Purkey and Bill Knutson from TCYS spoke to the committee about the progress the Tigard Youth group has made, the contributions to the community and also to give their support to the City. They would like funding from the City as well. 9. Q. Jean stated that he has given the committee enough information to determine the level of service they want and the dollars that service would coot. He also discussed the possibility of a oerial levy in the spring. The committee were of the opinion that the citizens would not be amenable to a oerial levy any more than they were to the tax base. 10. P. Edin moved to call m January 9, 1084 meeting at which time the Supplemental Budget would be presented. K. Scheokla seconded . Vote 6/0. T. Brian moved to adjourn at 10:40 p.m. . D. Evans seconded. Vote 6/0. (07O8F) NAWW BUDGET' COMMITTEE MINUTES - DECEMBER 12' 1.984 - PAGE 2