04/29/1981 - Minutes ww' wrw City of Tigard Budget Committee Meeting April 29 , 1981 , 7 : 30 P.M. Fowler Junior High School IAW Lecture Room Present : Wilbur Bishop (arrived 7 :45 P.M) , Tom Brian (arrived 7 :45 P.M ) , Gerry Edwards , Dale Evans , Wally Hoffman Kenneth Scheckla , James Smith, Nancie Stimler; City Staff : Raeldon R. Barker, City Administrator; Frank Currie, Director Public Works ; Robert B . Adams , Chief of Police , Doris Hartig, Finance Director/City Recorder ; Linda Sargent, Research and Development Aide . Absent : John Cook and Phil Edin Chairman Gerry Edwards appointed Dale Evans as pro-tem secretary. Presentation of Budget Proposals Home and Community Quality 2 . 1 . Public Works Director Frank Currie reviewed the Administration and Clerical (2 . 1 . 9) and the Insect/Weed Control (2 . 1 . 11) budgets . The figures (472 and 650) for publicity and community relations were to be moved to travel and subsistence . The Committee discussed the present level of service provided by the vender for insect and weed control . Raeldon Barker, City Administrator, reviewed the capital improve- ments program. Tom Brian suggested that $3 ,000 for consultant ' s fees for Downtown Revitalization be taken out of the general contingency fund instead of the civic center fund. Recess 9 :00 P.M. - Reconvene 9 : 15 P.M. The Committee discussed ways in which to review all budget requests and decided to proceed with the Police Budget . The committee examined out of state travel , overtime, the cost of the paper shredder, and the ICAP program. Chief Adams noted the priorities of the department as 1) ICAP ; 2) Clerical support and 3) the promotion of an officer to Corporal . The Chief proposed extracting funds from travel (training in Alaska) to use towards purchase of a paper shredder. The Committee reiterated that they were only debating the cost of the paper shredder and that Chief Adams did not need to give up his travel to pay for it . Police Officer Joe Grisham and Sgt Lonnie Branstetter spoke to the need for an ICAP System in the Police Department and their expectation of such a program. The meeting recessed at 10 :30 P.M. The committee will reconvene May 8 , 1981 , at 7 : 30 P.M. in Fowler Junior High School , Lecture Room. ally Ho an, Sec_ taary�