02/25/1987 - Minutes Utility and Franchise Committee Minutes of February 25, 1987 7:30 PM - Tigard Civic Center Members Present: Mike Misovetz, Gerry McReynolds, Don Jacobs, Fred Benz Ex Officio Members Present: Larry Schmidt, Tom Miller, Mike Leichner Staff Present: Bill Monahan, John Acker T'he minutes of the January 27 meeting were reviewed and approved as written. The rate setting procedure was discussed. Concerns raised by the Finance Director and City Attorney will be addressed by a subcommittee of Gerry, Fred, and Mike. Larry pointed out an error in the Annual Report Form. On Page 2 under "Equipment Maintenance and Repair", the words "dumping fees" should be added. The Committee determined that the insert was intended in the original draft, as it is obviously a cost factor. A unanimous vote of the Committee endorsed the revision. A Spring Cleanup Day was discussed with John Acker of the Planning Division. John has investigated the program which Beaverton has . 'Tigard is proposing a one-.-day program focused on reducing litter along roadsides and common areas . 'The NPO' s have been asked to help identify areas needing cleanup attention. Larry pointed out that: the City needs to force developers to clean up after themselves. lie cited problems where construction materials end up in ditches or in vacant lots. The Committee chose May 2. as the cleanup day . An attempt will be made to identify several streets requiring cleanup and various other small areas. We will coordinate. with the State and City crews to make sure that efforts are not duplicated. Nall. Blvd. and Durham Road were identified as areas needing attention. The franchise haulers will provide satellite trucks to circulate throughout the City to pick up the bagged debris collected by volunteers . The program will be aimed at achieving high visibility. 'Tom reported on his efforts to obtain information on the costs of a hazardous waste recovery day. Metro reported that a recent two day collection effort which they sponsored cost $83,500. They collected 10,000 pounds of material. The major, cost was disposal . Metro strill has 11 barrels of toxic waste which they can't get rid of. Copies of the Metro report will be made for Committee members . The item was tabled due to the high cost involved. Correspondence was discussed. New rates established by Metro for dumping fees will. be effective April 1, ].987. Annual reports are due by March 1 . They will be submitted to the Finance Department for evaluation. Confidentiality was stressed. The meeting ended at: 8:45 P.M. The next meeting will. be held on Wednesday, March 18, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. /br•3057P