03/18/1987 - Minutes Utility and Franchise Committee Minutes of March 18, 1987 7: 88 P.M. — Tigard Civic Center Members Present: Gerry McReynolds, Barbara Osborne, Don Jacobs Ex Officio Members Present: Tom Miller, Mike Leichner, Larry Schmidt Staff Present: John Acker, Bill Monahan The meeting began at 7:30 P.M. Minutes of the February 25 meeting were considered and approved an written. Bill introduced a request by Tom Miller that the Committee and Council consider passing a resolution to increase rates to reflect the April 1 METRO dumping fees increase. Discussion followed. Gerry stated that the Committee cannot react quickly to a general rate increase request, but to be fair' a pass through of the disposal rate charges should be presented for Council consideration. Gerry suggested that the Committee should eventually restructure the rates. Tom agreed that a total review should be dune. Gerry asked that a reevaluation of the nate structure be set as an issue for Committee consideration in the future. Motion by Barbara, seconded by Don to set the item for future consideration. The proposal passed unanimously . The Committee then took action on the rate increase request. Don made the following motion: A resolution should be presented to the City Council calling for an emergency measure to pass at temporary rate increase to cover disposal site fee increases imposed by METRO pending annual rate review completion. Barbara seconded the motion, unanimous vote of approval by those members present. The rate increases to be requested are: $ . 15 per can per month (from $8 . 10 to $8 .25) . $ .23 per cubic yard of material (loose) . $ .52 per cubic yard of material (compacted) . The rates reflect the $2.32 per ton increase which METRO will put into effect on April 1 . 'Tom noted that the proposed rate increase for Tigard does not include extra onnt to the haulers in the form of the franchise fee. The haulers will pay the City a fee based upon the increased gross revenue. Gerry asked Tum to prepare a now rate table with the methods of calculation of the new rates . The Committee discussed the status of the solid waste rate setting procedure. Gerry reported that he has discussed the Annual Reports with Wayne Lowry . He Page 1 noted that he needs to see the reports to properly review them to determine how the rate setting mechanism works . We asked if the haulers had a problem with the Committee members being issued copies of the report: for review. The franchisees agreed that copies should be distributed to members only . Any further request for viewing, at this point, should be referred to the City Attorney . The item was tabled until copies are distributed and the Committee can get with Wayne Lowry . A special. meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, April 1 at 7:00 P.M. to discuss the reports . John reported on the status of the May 2 clean up day . Ne has disseminated information through the All About Town and Chamber newsletter. Discussion centered on where pick up w:i.11 be made, and when. Input has been requested from NPO' s and others . Larry suggested that each NPO target two or three areas for, a concentrated clean up. Among the areas to be considered are -- major streets, areas around schools, vacant lots and dead ends that have become neighborhood dumping grounds, and common areas . John will keep the Committee posted on progress . Bill explained that the staff liaison responsibility has been shifted to Wayne Lowry . The shift was made because the upcoming issues are mostly related to finance. Community Development will still. be involved in the clean up day, recycling, handling consumer complaints, and interpreting the solid waste franchise agreement. The meeting concluded at: 8:35. A special meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 1, at 7:00 P.M. At that time a regular meeting time will be established, including the April regular meeting date. /br3084P Page 2