05/04/1995 - Minutes City of Tigard, Oregon Budget Committee Minutes Meeting of May 4, 1995 Members Present : Jim Nicoli, Deb Hinton, Ken Scheckla, George Burgess, Suzanne Beardsley, Paul Hunt, Craig Dirksen, Joyce Patton, Wendy Hawley, Bob Rohlf. Staff present : Bill Monahan, City Administrator, Wayne Lowry, Finance Director. The meeting began at 6 : 30 pm. The minutes from the April 20, 1995 meeting were approved. Wayne explained that several pages history columns were in error. He handed out replacement pages . Wayne then handed out a packet of materials that Wayne and Bill thought were the major issues in the proposed budget with a listing summarizing the issues . For each issue, there was a page or two explanation in the packet . Before going through the list of issues, Wayne called the committees attention to the Comprehensive Long Term Financial Plan (CLTFP) , which was included in the packet . He pointed out that with the addition of state revenues to the plan for 1995/96 and 1996/97 and with the updating of the plan to reflect the proposed budget, the plan results in a general fund ending balance of just over $1, 200, 000 . Several of the new positions being proposed are already in the plan in future years and are being moved forward. Wayne and Bill then went through the list of issues and presented the information provided to help explain each issue . Several questions were raised about the computer plan. Paul deBruyn will be present at the May 11 meeting to explain further . Several projects on the General maintenance project list were questioned. Bill explained that the council bench refurbishing for $6, 165 was necessary because many other groups use the facility besides the council . Ken suggested that the name of the project be changed to Town Hall bench repair and refinish. The changes in the lighting in the civic center were discussed briefly . Deb mentioned that she was aware of the change in the production of such fixtures . There was a small discussion of the Library study room ventilation problem. Paul brought up the issue of the increase in professional and contract services . His concern was that the amount keeps going up and that the FTE cap in the past several years did not really result in savings because the City got the work done through contracts instead. Wayne responded that although some contracts were for work that employees could be hired for, most of the amount was for items that it would be difficult to hire for. Jim brought up the issue of space for City operations . He felt that at some point, the City is going to need more space for employees and that thought should be given to saving up for a portion of the cost of providing that space in the future . Bill and Wayne explained that there is a small space study being done now for $5, 000 and the Nondepartmental budget includes an estimate of $20, 000 in it for a longer range space review and plan. Ken brought up some concerns about the travel and training budget in several administrative budget units . Wayne said he would have a summary of all travel and training estimates as a percentage of wages and benefits for next time . Wayne explained that the committee has in the past looked at travel and training in total as a percentage of wages and benefits and that the percentage has been between 1 . 5% and 1 . 80 . Ken asked that an analysis be done to compare this request with prior years . Paul commented that he would be unable to attend the May 18 meeting. The committee discussed which department heads should be at the May 11 meeting. It was determined that Paul the Computer system manager, Ron Goodpaster the Police Chief, and Kathy from the Library be present . Ed Wegner the Maintenance Services Director would be present at the May 18 meeting if needed. Someone pointed out that page C-38 was not readable . Wayne said he would provide a replacement . The second paragraph of page C-6 should say four years instead of five . Wayne encouraged anyone on the committee with questions or issues needing more information to call him or Bill before the next meeting so that the information could be made available at the next meeting . The committee briefly discussed ways to save paper. The meeting concluded at 8 : 50 pm and will be continued May 11, 1995 at 6 : 30 .