01/12/1989 - Packet AGENDA CITY CENTER PLAN TASK FORCE TRWMAY, JWUARY 12, 1989, 7:00 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. TIGARD CIVIC CHER - TOWN HAIL 13125 SW HALL BLVD., TIGARD, OR 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL: COHEN ASH BENIIdL JUAREZ MARR MORLEY 3. APPROVE MINUTES 4. Cacrplete Review of Design Plan 5. Finalize Projects List 6. Discuss City Center Development Plan Policies 7. Review Work Program 8. Other business 9. Adjournment 4%,01 DRAFT ~40� CITY CENTER PLAN TASK FORCE MEETING Tuesday, January 5, 1980 7:08 p.m. — Town Hall MINUTES Present:Members Stuart Cohen, Mike Marr' Pam Juarez, Joy Henkle, William Monahan, Richard Morley Present: Valerie Johnson, Jerry Edwards Present:Consultants Bart Gutherie, Bob Moore : Duane Roberts, Liz Newton, Ed Murphy, Pat Reilly, Peggy Weston Byrd, Bob Bledsoe, and several unidentified general public The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as written. Letter from William Monahan: resignation due to potential conflict related to new employment. Review of Urban Desiqn Plan Copies of the plan were made available to members of the public . Suggested Chanqes Page 0 Temporal time frame changed from 10-20 years to 10—j0 years . Page 10 "Select light industrial" : it was noted that further clarification is needed on this term. No need for a blanket exclusion of industrial uses in the City Center area. Plan suggests that if there are aruao excluded from City Center area and they are conducive to the needs of the area, they should be located near at hand e.g. , the Park 217 area. The Committee will clarify what industrial uses are allowed in the downtown and which supportive industrial should be outside. Page 11 Mike raised the issue that the plan needs to acknowledge that relocation assistance will be available. Relocation assistance in part of the plan of implementation. There will be a development strategy dealing with relocation, but the Committee felt that this should be mentioned early in the plan. Bart noted a separate statement that existing vital business retention should be added. Page 13 Change column heading from "Urban Renewal Plan" to City Center Development Plan. ��� Page 14 #7 rep,'���`'to the implementation element5whob Bledsoe suggested, including the idem of "interim steps" as part of the plan conoept. Page 16 Pam noted that she has received calls concerning the off ramp and Burnham Road. One suggestion was that a ramp onto Commercial may be more desirable than one from Greenburg to Commercial . This could affect fewer 6uoineoueu . A second suggestion was to allow existing zoning to stay, with a requirement for screening along the park. Bart noted that the Transportation Committee evaluated the Greenburg to Commercial option and determined that the loop was a better transportation solution. Ash Street connection: Valerie pointed out that a direct straight shot was not proposed but would "T" into another neighborhood street. Some coordination with KittIeoon on items 6 and 11 is needed. Page 18 Richard suggested that the word "Tuwer" may be over used. He rioted that two towers — at the Civic Center and the square - originally were talked of, but page 21 illustrates as many as 7 towers . Bart agreed that the term was over used and will clarify it. The intent was to illustrate the larger height buildings, i .e. , landmark buildings . Liz pointed out that Item 1 refers to office commercial for the Seafirot property and the Albertson' s area rather than retail an the Tank Force initially agreed to. Mike suggested that "commercial office" be broadened to avoid being too exolunive. Bart noted that the language could be broadened . Page 20 Item 4 to be revised from "City Center" to "Civic Center." Bart suggested items 1 and 3 will be broadened plus the word "forms" be eliminated. Item 2 will be revised. "Special locations designated for 4-6 story tower elements" will be changed to "special locations to allow for 4-6 story landmark buildings . Page 22 Richard questioned the wording of item 5; he felt it gave the misimpression that the plan excluded the option of retail along the edge of the park. Bart suggested that this point he made in the section dealing with the Fanno Crook edge. Jerry Edwards suggested that the term "retail" as noted on Item 1 needs clarification at some point as there are some uses that may not be desirable, The term has not been modified beyond sales and services as opposed to industrial and wholeoale. The objective at this point is not to develop the list of allowable uses , " ' ^ Riohard^*ap6uotioned the references to Sol Oit industrial uses on Hall . Bart noted that the plan and concept should be expanded to have a cohesive look at both sides of Hall . Liz suggested that rather than make recommendations for the east side of Hall, the Task Force could suggest that a separate study be done to see if further changes in zoning may be needed. Bart suggested studying the language relating to conditional use. Mike suggested that item 5 be modified to support "upscale" multi—family housing as the intent is to bring in units that will insure high maintenance. Stuart suggested that this could be too restrictive. Concern was expressed that the oommittee could gut into marketing positioning issues that are not workable at this time. Issue of multi—family housing along railroad tracks was questioned. Bart noted that the idea was that this area would he the laot multi—family area to develop. Richard suggested that this area may be the appropriate location for light industrial instead. Bart noted that the street grid may be conducive. Bart clarified that the diagram on page 23 shows a pattern along Hall Blvd. that is intended to reflect number 7 — auto oriented uses . Task Force members raised concerns about pedestrian traffic conflicts that this could create. Page 20 Mike expressed concern that we solidify the foundation upon which the plan is built. Page 16 noted the need to have the public and private sectors work together to be part of the foundation does not change before the plan in accepted. Stuart expressed that the plan has several design districts so that the development scheme can go for*ard even if an isolated development uoouru that is contrary to the plan goes forward . Valerie stressed that the plan has no life until the Committee completes its process and the Council provides the implementation. There are many stages to come. Mike expressed concern about how the plan can function if key properties are developed contrary to the plan concepts prior to plan implementation. "Parallel and Angle" parking to be revised to "ourb" parking until the issue is dealt with at a later date. Bob Bledsoe suggested that outside storage and site obscuring fencing should be addressed as design concepts . Liz noted that this issue will be dealt with later with standards . Page 36 The element relating to lighting and rezoning will be clarified to refer to "pedestrian and vehicle movement. " Page 38 Bart 0=�` stressed there was the oppo~'t*(ity for flexibility in the design of Durham Street uses on Burnham. Carl Johnson suggested that performance standards are needed to allow uses like Stash Tea to be located in the City Center. He explained that the use of general terms like industrial create problems. The direction is that the use restrictions be loosened. The reference to "high density" will be changed to "medium density" with "incentives for restaurant and commercial retail" in place of mandatory restaurant space. '' Clarification will be made concerning the accommodation of public parking by the park . Page 40 Duane reported input from a representative of the Senior Center regarding the need for parking opportunities near the Tri Met Center. Bart will look at industrial uses as an option as opposed to high density housing along the west side of Rockwood Park. Bart will bring revisions back to the meeting next week . A new draft of pages 46-52 was distributed . : Liz went over the upcoming schedule of meetings . On January 18, 7:30 p.m. , several *NP0o will meet and allow the Task Force to make a presentation. January 20 — meeting with Bob Moore to discuss the plan. H followup meeting will be held on February 1 for adoption of the plan. breakfast meeting is tentatively scheduled for February 3 at 7:00 a.m. (A) February 7, the Planning Commission will hold a workshop to discuss the plan. Public comments on the plan will be discussed at a meeting on February 0 with consideration of the draft plan by the City Council on February 13, 27 and March 6. Minutes at the next meeting will be taken by Richard Morley. The meeting ended at 9:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted by R. Jillian Monahan, Secretary ku/8605D