01/14/1988 - Packet CITY OF TIGARD TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY C0MMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Tigard City Hall Members : SCHWEITZ_____ WALKER_____ SCHWARTZ_____ 0WENS_____ DUSEV0IRPETERG0N ETZEL NEWC0MB ���� ����� ���� .`�`��� 1 . Approval of minutes from November, 1087 meeting. 2. Election of chairperson and secretary for 1988. 3 . Report on Transportation Facilities Plan, 4. Proposed CIP revisions , 5. Reports on other meetings attended by Committee members , 6. Other business . 7. Adjournment. br/2004D *=ool TICARD TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES — November 12, 1087 MEMBERS PRESENT: Joe Sohweitz, Jim Duoevnir, John Etzel, Nancy Newoum, Erick Peterson OTHERS PRESENT: Randy Wooley, City Engineer 1 . Meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM. Minutes of September 10, 1087 approved as read, with correction. 2. OTHER BUSINESS/ Joe Schwuitz informed us that next Tuesday, 9:00 AM, Tri Met Transit Station downtown will be dedicated . Everyone is invited to come. 3 . TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES PLAN PROPOSAL: Randy spoke about the Tigard Transportation Plan update 1. Find current needs 2. Outline steps 3 . Prioritize projects 4. Update projects Long Range Plans include: 1 . Tigard Triangle 2. 217 & I-5 Interchange 3 . Murray Blvd. through Tigard 4. Downtown area aoouuo 5. Bridge to Tualatin Purpose: 1 . Prioritize projects for funding 2. Update Master Plan 3 . LCDC rules require update every 4 years , Randy called to get feedback from Advisory Committee as well an NPO groups on the Transportation Facilities Plan Draft. Feedback from Transportation Advisory Committee included : 1 . Draft was good as a whole . 2. John suggested to include maps for NPO boundaries and City streets . 3 . Erick suggested to include overlays or colors in the handout 4. Erick suggested a van trip some Saturday for Randy and the Committee to visit projects . Joe also suggested slides, pictures, or videos of the projects as an alternative. 4. CIP monthly summary handed out to Committee. Randy highlighted report. No other input from Committee, 5. TIGARD—TUALATIN BRIDGE. Alternatives were presented to Committee by Randy, discussed by Committee. 6. No other business . 7. Meeting was moved and seconded for adjournment at 8:23 PM. Next meeting to be held January 14, 1088. 6r/1832D MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON TO: Loreen Wilson, City Recorder /Z A/ov 8r1 �_ (date submitted) FROM: Z7C��i,t_I E7 :?-CL (secretary's name) SUBJECT: Minutes of (committee name) Meeting Date: � , -�-- aHHEiHf-x�t�Ex�E)HHt�E�E STARTING TIME: e O`�l PLACE: I / ', f:.L l T'`' 11A C MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF, PRESS, PUBLIC & OTHERS PRESENT: MINUTES: Attached is the summary of minutes from said weeting and as copy of the meeting agenda. (check applicable box) A quorum was present and due notice had been given for the meeting. Lack of quorum was noted, so the decision was made to proceed and review the action items and to formulate a recommendation by consensus of the members. Final action will be taken at the next scheduled meeting. Due notice had been given for the meeting. Lack of quorum was noted and the meeting was cancelled. Next Meeting Scheduled For: 3 (date and time) ADJOURNMENT: Po\ TOTAL VOLUNTEER HOURS: ISS (time) (compute by number of members present times hours spent in meeting plus time spent preparing minutes) 17� _. . Recordin67Secretary'"s Signature lw/2518A Nww *NOW001 MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD' OREGON TO: Tigard Transportation Advisory Committee January 7, 1088 FROM: Randall R. Wooley, City Engineer SUBJECT: Elections of Officers «' Resolution No. 07-35 requires that, "at the first meeting of each calendar year, the Committee shall elect a chairperson and a secretary. " All Committee members are eligible to serve in either position, br/2604D MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD' OREGON TO: Tigard Transportation Advisory Committee January 7, 1088 FROM: Randall R. Wooley, City Engineer SUBJECT: Transportation Tranoportatiun Facilitiun Plan In November the Committee approved a schedule for the update of our Transportation Plan and a preliminary list Of project needs . Copies of the document were sent to all NP0` o, to other City committees, and to adjoining jurisdictions . To date, I have received only a few comments. However, several of the NP0` o have meetings scheduled during the next week and I expect to receive additional comments . At your January 14th meeting I expect to share all the comments received to date and to discuss the next step in the Plan update process . In November you discussed possibly touring the various sites as a committee. Such a tour can be arranged. We need to discuss potential dates . It looks like March would be an appropriate time, as that is when you will begin to select project priorities . br/2684D ^ *40~ ~�m� MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON T0: Tigard Transportation Advisory Committee January 7' 1088 IV FROM: Randall R. Wooley, City Engineer(���- \�'. SUBJECT: Proposed revisions to 1087-88 Streets CIP 1 . Three years ago the City Council approved a Capital Improvement Plan that included a project on Tie6uman Avenue between Fanno Creek and Fowler Junior- High uninrHigh School . The project was intended to reduce the existing problems of sharp curves and narrow roadway. Preliminary engineering was performed by a oonnultant. The preliminary engineering revealed some design difficulties . In order to realign Tiede.man Avenue we will need to also realign a portion of Summer Creek . In order to realign the creek, we need to revise an existing sanitary sewer irite roeptor line. Funds were budgeted this year, for the sewer revisions and design has been completed but we are having trouble acquiring the necessary easements . Additional right—of—way will also be needed in order to realign the street. The attached memo from Gary Alfoon, our new Transportation Engineer, suggests that it may be preferable to postpone this realignment project until we (.,an also replace the Fanno Creek bridge. By replacing the bridge at the same time, we could achieve a better alignment. The existing bridge is an old, narrow timber structure which needs to be replaced . Gary and I are concerned that if we widen the road south of the bridge without widening the bridge, we may be actually increasing the accident potential of the roa6way . Currently, the sharp curves serve to slow vehicles before they approach the narrow bridge. Therefore, I recommend that the Tie6uman project be postponed until we can resolve the sewer and creek relocation problems and until sufficient funding is available to replace the bridge as part of the project. In the 1987-88 CIP budget, $157,000 in included for the Tiedeman project. If the project in postponed, this funding will become available for other high—priority projects , 2. We would like to recommend to the City Council that thu Tiudeman project be deleted from the current CIP budget. We request Transportation Advisory Committee' s support for this recommendation. If the Tiedeman project is rescheduled, the $157,000 will potentially be available for other projects, The Committee may also want to recommend funding of two projects which were on the Committee' s top priority list for 1y87-88 but which had to be deleted when funds were nut available. . Theoe projects are North Dakota Street Shoulder ($58,000) and Ash Avenue at Creymer, Drive ($10,080) . br/26U4D / ^ ' mow, MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON TO: Randall R Wooley, City Engineer January 6' 1088 FROM: Gary Alfeon, Transportation Engine r SUBJECT: Tiedeman Avenue Realignment C14 Fanno Creek Bridge to 106th Avenue I have reviewed the proposed realignment of Tiedeman prepared by Mackenzie Engineering and have the following comments: 1 . The proposed horizontal curvature is inadequate for a 35 mph design speed designated for a major collector. The proposed 250 foot radius curve would require a uupurelexation in excess of 8%. The proposed curve, with its 2-1/21. ouperelevation, has a corresponding speed of approximately 25 mpW A 2-1/2% nupurulevatinn would re4uire a corresponding 455 foot radius . 2 . H reversing curve generally should be avoided whenever possible due to the tendency of vehicles to stray from their travel lanes from 'cheating` nr, from the transfer of centrifugal force from one side to the other. A tight reversing curve would increase this problem. 3 . The Fanno Creek Bridge at Tiedeman Avenue is an old, narrow timber bridge and is not adequate to handle a 100 year flood. The guardrail on the east side has recently been replaced as a result of an acoident. The guardrail on the west side is in need of repair due to deterioration and wood rot. The bridge has been designated to be replaced in the Master Drainage Plan with a 90 foot span structure and a road elevation of 157. 4. A horizontal alignment drawn to current standards, using a 2-1/2% uuperelevation and a 450 foot reversing curve, will ruquire either the relocation of the bridge or the acquisition of substantial property from tax lot 100 (Swan) . Based on the above findings, I recommend that the proposed realignment be delayed until the bridge can be reconstructed concurrent with the rualignment. The proposed realignment is constricted by the location of the existing bridge and Qn inadequate horizontal alignment has resulted. The accident nate at the existing sharp curves will be reduced but the accident rate at the bridge will be inoreayed. In the interim perhaps additional signing to delineate the sharp curves would reduce the accident rate. br/2585D