03/23/1988 - Minutes Tigar' ransporation Advisory Committe6wnutes March 23, 1988 Meeting Meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. Members Present: Joe Schweitz, Jim Dusevoir, John Etzel, Nancy Newcomb, Ron Holland, Dan Rosborough, Jae Kasten, Dick Walker Others Present: Randy Wooley, City Engineer; Jolynne Ash, City Center Task Force; Cathy Chase, NPO #8 Minutes were approved from last meeting. Randy Wooley started off the meeting with an overall picture of the TTAC. Three major goals are: a) Capital Improvement projects b) Potential projects c) Long—range transportation plan Randy spoke on the short list of the CIP, NPOs #1—#8. $734,000 budgeted for transportation 256,000 already budgeted 15,000 72nd LID previous commitment 70,000 overlays and major maintenance 60,000 maintenance of existing bridges $340,000 left for new projects with 14 million short list Jolynne Ash spoke on the concerns of the City Center Task Force to the committee. Cathy Chase spoke also on concerns of NPO #8. After discussion and debate, the TAC recommended the following projects for 1988-89 funding: Pfaffle Street between 78th and Hall $180,000 McDonald bike lanes $6,200 Greenburg Bridge $150,000 Recommended we give City Engineer freedom to choose other projects if and when extra funds become available. Other Business: Joe Schweitz recommended that the TAC in the future become more involved in new stop signs, change of speed limits, etc. , in conjunction with safety factors concerning the people. Future Meeting Schedule: Need to meet for 5—Year Plan recommendations. Develop street improvement proposal for possible November ballot issue. Next meeting tentatively schedule for• April 14. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. ht/3980D