04/19/1988 - Packet AGENDA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1988, 7:30 A.M. DAVIDSON'S RESTAURANT - 12830 SW PACIFIC HWY 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL: SAVORY CORLISS DE BERNARDIS HART FURRER PIERCE CLARK CLEMENT MOORE 3. APPROVE MINUTES 4. CITY CENTER PLAN UPDATE • MARKETING PRESENTATION 5. DEVELOPMENT UPDATE 6. TIGARD TRIANGLE • SCOPE OF WORK 8. OFFICER SELECTION • DISCUSSION 9. OTHER BUSINESS 10. ADJOURNMENT . . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, March 15, 1988, 7:80 a.m. Davidson' s Restaurant MEMBERS PRESENT/ John Savory, Jim Corliss, Amu DeBurnandis, Kate Hart, Bob Pierce, Susan Clark, David Clement, Brian Moore OTHERS PRESENT: Liz Newton, Bill Monahan, Peggy Weston—Byrd Committee members approved the minutes of the February 16, 1988, meeting. Liz gave an update on the City Center Plan Task Force Activities and distributed copies of the February 23, 1988, Task Force meeting minutes . Liz gave an overview of the workshop that was held by the City Center Plan 'Task Force at the Beaverton Community Center on February 20, 1008. The major issue identified to her at that meeting was that some policies need to be developed an to how to handle uses in the downtown which may be nonconforming or, incompatible with the City Center Plan goals, but are anticipated to remain in the downtown for, the next ten to twenty years, primarily because of capital investments made to those properties , Susan Clark who also attended the workshop indicated that she felt it was useful as a brainstorming ououion. Peggy said that the group she participated in discussed the businesses on Main Street and Peggy found it interesting that there was such a lack of awareness of the types of businesses that are actually located on Main Street. She felt that some promotion of and assistance in improving the physical appearance of some of those businesses would give the businesses a boost. Bill Monahan said that his group focused on identifying the types of 6uninuuuen that may or may not be appropriate in the downtown. Liz indicated that the next stop for the consultants is to pull together their economic analysis of what may be appropriate uses for the downtown and compare that with some of the ideas that name up in the workshop. Bill Monahan explained the rule of the Public Relations Subcommittee of the City Center Plan 'Task Force. The subcommittee meet on March 8th with some downtown area business people and representatives of the school district to 6iuouny issues which may affect downtown development. Bill indicated that is important to note that there is an interest on the part of downtown business owners and property owners that something happen in the downtown. John Savory talked briefly about his meeting with Jerry Caoh and noted that it is important for the Economic Development Committee and City Center Plan Tank Force to realize that there are individuals who are not positive about changes in the downtown area. Discussion followed on negative and positive sentiments regarding improvements in the downtown area. Liz told committee members that the City Center Task Force plans to hold a breakfast on May 0th and invite downtown business and property owners to attend. The focus of that breakfast will be for the marketing consultant to discuss the information contained in their report which will be completed by that time. _ . ""1� Liz gave a development update highlighting the article contained in the packet regarding the Koll Business Center' s plans to develop near the Carmen Drive/I-5 Interchange, She also told the committee that L'Ecurie Restaurant on Main Street has submitted plans to expand their business . Their plans include the addition of a banquet facility. Liz highlighted the information contained in the handout regarding the responses to the Tigard Triangle Questionnaire. Discussion followed regarding the fact that transportation in the triangle seems to be the major- issue concerning the respondents. Jim Corliss suggested that a copy of the results of the questionnaire be mailed to all respondents . John Savory asked that staff put together an analysis of the issues identified by questionnaire respondents and the issues identified by NPO and staff to determine whether there are any conflicting issues. Consensus of the committee was to identify the transportation element of the Triangle Plan as the most vital element. It was decided that John Savory will write a letter to the Council requesting some action on the Triangle Plan. Liz told the Economic Development Committee that David Welk, the now Assistant Planner, hired by the City will be starting March 28th. It in anticipated that half of his time will be devoted the Tigard Triangle Study. Liz explained the Sign Code Enforcement Program. Questions were raised regarding how serious the City was about enforcing the program. Liz indicated that it was anticipated that by March 20th, all of the signs in noncompliance would have either complied, entered into a noncompliance agreement or have filed for a sign code exception. Staff is making every effort to ensure that each situation in reviewed on a omye by case basis . Discussion of Economic Development Committee officers was raised. John Acker chocked the minutes and found that last elections were held in May 1987. Elections will be held in May 1088. John Savory asked the members to think about what offices they might wish to hold. John Savory asked what the status was on the Ambassador Program. Liz indicated that she has contacted the Mayor, and asked the Mayor to call John Savory . Since John has not heard from the Mayor, he will attempt to reach the Mayor again and if he can not reach him, he will write the Mayor a letter. There was concern among the committee members that the Ambassador Program gut off the ground. Discussion followed as to how the Ambassador Program might assist in helping businesses make a decision about locating in Tigard. Liz explained how the "grey and maroon brochure" was being updated. New features will include a section on how Tigard fits in the region, new maps and updated information. Next meeting will be April 19, 1080, at 7: 30 a.m. . at Davidson' s . ht/3734D