City Council Minutes - 04/18/2017 ■ City ofTigard ■ Tigard Workshop Meeting Minutes TIGARD April 18, 2017 1. WORKSHOP MEETING -6:30 PM A. Mayor Cook called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. B. Deputy City Recorder Burgoyne called the roll. Name Present Absent Councilor Anderson ✓ Mayor Cook ✓ Councilor Goodhouse ✓ Council President Snider ✓ Councilor Woodard ✓ C. Mayor Cook asked those attending to stand with him for the Pledge of Allegiance. D. Call to Council and Staff for Non Agenda Items—There was none. 2. JOINT MEETING WITH THE LIBRARY BOARD Library Director Barnes presented this item. Members of the Library Board in attendance were Joseph Callahan,Scott Hancock,Becky Gauthier,Katie Harris and Roarke Van Brunt. Library Board Member Gauthier talked about the importance of the library to the community. Library Board Member Callahan discussed the library statistics and showed two short videos on children programs offered at the library. Vice-Chair Harris talked about the vitality of the library to ensure access for everyone in the community. She talked about the feasibility study that was done in 2011 and highlighted the maps in council's packets that included checkout statistics. She asked council to consider library services when planning. Council President Snider talked about the current budget cycle and asked if there is anything specific the library board would like council to act on this year. Ms. Harris said she would like to return the library hours to full service on Thursdays. Council President Snider asked staff if this would be coming to the Budget Committee as a white paper. City Manager Wine said that it would not at this time,but that council could consider this. Council President Snider said he would like staff to be prepared to discuss this at the upcoming Budget Committee meeting. City Manager Wine explained staff had done a report on this last year for council and considered this the equivalent of a white paper. She said staff would be prepared to respond to questions after the Budget meeting on areas that council would like to consider. Council President Snider said he would not be attending the first Budget Committee meeting and asked council to discuss this. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES -April 18, 2017 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.dgard-or.gov I Page 1 of 6 Councilor Woodard asked if there was a feasibility study prior to and after 2011. Ms. Barnes replied no,but there has been population growth. Councilor Woodard asked if a new feasibility study was to be done now,would it show similar things that are in the 2011 study. Ms. Barnes said she believes a new study would reaffirm what the city learned from the 2011 study. City Manager Wine said there are some things since 2011 that have changed and the city knows more about new transit routes and the expansion to the west,but does not know if a feasibility study for a branch library site would tell the city anything different.The original purpose of the feasibility study was to see when and if the city should invest in a library branch site. Councilor Goodhouse asked about the new homes in River Terrace and if this added increased revenue to the library. Ms.Barnes said yes,the library is a General Fund item and she understands these homes to be in the city limits. She explained that partial funding comes from Washington County due to the agreement the city has with the County. Council President Snider asked what the formulation is based on. Ms. Barnes said 2013 became the base year for the formula distribution from the County,and that that particular year was not beneficial to the city. Mayor Cook talked about the Tigard Library Bond. He said the new residents that come into River Terrace actually help pay for the bond,it does not give the library anymore revenue,it helps all the other citizens in the city in paying the bond off more quickly,because there is not more money coming in for that. Mayor Cook thanked the library board for coming and for volunteering their time on the board. 3. LEADERSHIP TIGARD UPDATE ON HOMELESS SERVICE PROJECT Communications Manager Gavin,Police Department Business Manager Shaw,Senior Human Resources Analyst Leos,Acquisitions Supervisor Gibson,Leadership Team participant Stacey McCormack,Project Homeless Connect Kim Marshal and Tigard Farmers Market Manager Jessica Love presented this item. Ms. Gavin introduced members of the program who were present and talked about the Leadership Tigard Program and what they have been doing to build leaders and grow the community. She said the program started in September 2016 and that 45%of the program participants are Tigard employees. She explained the group has studied and visited social service groups and business, toured several locations and learned about the Tigard Tualatin School District,and discussed the group's homeless service project. She explained they are working with Homeless Connect to bring a one-day event to Tigard that will provide several types of services for the homeless community. Kim Marshal with Homeless Connect explained the need to bring resources to the homeless population in Tigard and that they are working with local businesses to provide services for this event. She said they are excited about the project. Ms. Gavin explained they have separated into three separate groups and explained what each group would be doing. She said they are looking to raise between$3,000 and$5,000 to be able to host an event like this in the city. Ms. Shaw asked if council had any questions. Mayor Cook explained the idea behind Leadership Tigard and that choosing a project within the community is an important piece to what they do. He explained why Leadership Tigard chose this TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES —April 18, 2017 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.dgard-or.gov I Page 2 of 6 project and that since Hillsboro is the county seat,most services are located there,and not available in Tigard,so this is one way to have resources available. He said the Leadership Tigard Program is a nine-month commitment and thanked each of the members. Council President Snider said Tualatin is in the same graphic situation the city is and asked what location they planned to hold the event. Ms.Marshal said they would be holding this at St. Anthony's Church and explained why. Council President Snider suggested using this event as an opportunity to outreach to Tualatin and see if they would like to participate. Ms. Marshal agreed and said a key piece to events like this is always budget. Councilor Goodhouse asked if this is separate from the task force. Ms. Gavin replied yes,and said they are talking with Senior Management Analyst Kent Wyatt so they may be able to coordinate with them on this. City Manager Wine explained that the task force bylaws would be coming forward in a week to council. Councilor Woodard asked how long it has been since the Tigard Leadership Program has been reinstated by the Chamber. Ms.Marshal explained the program originally started sometime in 2007, and that due to management changes at the Chamber it was discontinued sometime after 2008 and just recently reinstated. Councilor Woodard asked who had taken lead on reinstituting the program. Ms. Marshal said Debbie Mollahan initiated reinstituting the program. Councilor Woodard commended the group for their work. Council President Snider suggested council consider a one-time matching of funds up to $2,500. Ms.Wine confirmed council supports one-time matching of funds of up to$2,500. Council agreed and directed staff to look into what line item this would come from. Ms.Marshal explained the goal of the Homelessness Project is to bring awareness to the community, engaging businesses with in kind donations and engaging the community to volunteer. She thanked council for their consideration. Ms. Shaw said the team would report to council in a memo. 3. TIGARD TRIANGLE LEAN CODE UPDATE Senior Planner Shanks,Community Development Director Asher and Assistant Community Development Director McGuire presented this item. Ms. Shanks explained what they have discussed at the last couple council meetings and discussed the other components of the code that make-up the entire code. She focused on five other elements: • General Provisions: Ms. Shanks explained that when a development proposal comes in for land use review it has to address criteria and meet standards in multiple sections of the code, creating multiple cross references. What staff is trying to achieve is to minimize the cross referencing in this chapter where possible. • Review Process: Ms. Shanks explained they are trying to make the review process not only quicker,but also easier for applicants and staff. She said if someone can meet all of the TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES —April 18, 2017 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 3 of 6 standards,they will not need to go through a land use review process and can go straight to the development review process. • Pre-Existing Development: Ms. Shanks explained the city wants to be friendly to existing development and is proposing that in this instance,not making pre-existing development non-conforming and instead recognize they are pre-existing and with this new adoption in the code,they would be legal without having the stigma of being non-conforming. Essentially,they are pre-existing and legal,not non-conforming,however,they cannot build the same structure. They want to honor what is there,but allow incremental development to happen on those sites that have existing development and push them forward to conforming standards. Mayor Cook asked if this would allow the current owners to sell their business to someone else and use it as the same thing. Ms. Shanks said they are treating existing uses the same way as the code's current non-conforming use states,meaning,they would be allowed to continue,but they could not expand beyond their existing boundaries;they cannot make it more. Yes,they could sell it to someone else;but changing ownership does not change anything. The city does not monitor change of ownership. Councilor Woodard asked about carports. Ms. Shanks explained carports are often attached partially to the side of the house and are considered part of the primary structure. She said if the carport is not attached,it is considered an accessory structure and size limitations would kick in. • Site Design Standards: Ms. Shanks explained the trees within the Tigard Triangle are not protected,and that what staff heard from people during the visioning process,is that people want to try to keep the existing character of the Triangle and the large existing trees do that. She explained the city took a look at the trees in the area and with the help from an arborist, determined there are a lot of white oak trees throughout the whole area,and since these are slow growing trees, staff is proposing making these the district tree to preserve them. Instead of going the incentive base for keeping trees,since this does not seem to work,staff is proposing doing a disincentive approach. So,that if a property owner chooses to take down one of these trees,they have to go through an adjustment process and may have to pay a fee in order to do so. Council President Snider asked if staff considered changing the code to state that an owner cannot remove the tree. Ms. Shanks said they did consider that. Assistant Community Director McGuire explained another reason for taking the disincentive approach is that if the owner wants to build another building like a courtyard,and chooses to keep the tree,which would now be the district tree,the city would count the courtyard towards their 70% building frontage. Community Development Director Asher said they are trying to make it easier for smaller buildings to be built. Councilor Woodard likes the idea of incentives rather than disincentives,unless there are specific exceptions. Ms. Shanks said this would just affect district trees,because the tree canopy approach is more of an urban approach and it assumes there will be a lot of landscaped areas,and the Lean TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES —April 18, 2017 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 4 of 6 Code is not proposing the same. She explained that this was a kind of compromise to trying to get at the value of preserving trees and reducing the complexity and cost. • Transportation Facility Standards: Ms. Shanks said they are trying to lean up when transportation improvements are triggered to encourage small-scale development. She explained that if someone were trying to put in a small building,transportation improvements would be required. Staff is proposing that if a small existing area were being improved,then maybe they would get a pass. Even though they would have transportation impacts,they would be small impacts. On the other hand,if large improvements are being made,a fee in lieu of transportation improvements could be paid. She said developers find this much easier. Councilor Goodhouse asked where the money goes if a developer writes a check up front for something like sidewalks and the sidewalks are not constructed right away. Does that money get ear marked? Ms. Shanks said yes,and it can only be used for that purpose,and spent in a way that would benefit the development and surrounding properties. Councilor Goodhouse asked when the funds for sidewalk improvements are collected. Ms. Shanks replied in the beginning,prior to development. Ms. Shanks said staff is looking at things that make a place more walkable and pedestrian friendly when it comes to designing a street. Council President Snider asked if staff is looking to incentive this type of behavior to developers. Ms. Shanks said staff thinks that if they just allow it, then it will naturally happen,but is open to suggestions. She said in Portland they charge developers to use the sidewalks in front of the buildings and in the right-of-way. Tigard is not proposing doing this,so staff considers this an incentive. Ms. Shanks discussed the next steps. She said by mid-May staff should have a draft of the Lean Code completed,then out to public agencies and the public,then to the planning commission in late June for the first hearing,and finally to city council sometime in August for council consideration. Ms. Shanks explained that the transportation analysis staff has to do that affects the zone change in the area is taking a little longer, so in this case,staff is proposing adopting the code changes first,but they will not be in effect until the zone change has been finalized. Mayor Cook asked how long between the two approval processes. Ms. Shanks replied that it could be a couple of months. Mayor Cook discussed what he has heard from developers on this. 5. NON AGENDA ITEMS—There was none. 6. EXECUTIVE SESSION—There was none. 7. ADJOURNMENT At 8:12 p.m.,Councilor Goodhouse motioned to adjourn the meeting and Councilor Woodard seconded the motion. Motion was approved by unanimous vote of council. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES —April 18, 2017 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 5 of 6 Name Yes No Councilor Anderson ✓ Mayor Cook ✓ Councilor Goodhouse ✓ Council President Snider ✓ Councilor Woodard ✓ cko -P QA I Kelly Burgoy ,Deputy Ci Rec rder Attest:VJ John L. ook,Mayor Date: 61131961 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES -April 18, 2017 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov j Page 6 of 6