05/02/1974 - Minutes • 77 40a THARD ATT UVELUNENT PLA7 ArD EESIGN PL;N KUL) "ay 2 , 197, T=107 K . Algh Schoc! - lortuie rooii JAS50 S,U, 971,h, A90, 1 icard , Aregur, 1 . 2ALL T2 ]RDEt-' Oil MAWC Wre prwno&� J. 20"DIAL U7 Ml-UTES RcDular neNtnvc of 7pril 0 , 1570 Mok nivA W, apwoug the mHutan as suhw! �Ocd 7icknlo3r sesondco. The vote was unanimnus For opproval of Wr mirites PS SHWQW. A 3. SITE D751GV RF9!E' ' 3. 1 Site Design 7avlow 25-73 (Vulhurts COUUTY irn)'' A request by the applinant to rcconsidgy a ALD plan previously approued by the riarnir; Gcmxi3sinn. SULjWt Site is WCOWC! bAWSEn OU Ronuertan-7i =(-! 4&W, Empressua; and 5. �. RaQ LaP2 , 0MONOVA; PaSt Y' ar oxfsting sarvice stokirn. The sAn c3mrriso�-� 1. 47 acres aod is located in a C-7, Cencral Annwr0a.1. Zonc. (Tax Map 151 30 , Tax Lot 20 A. The stafF read apprcpniatE Findings 2a cDatairod 1 --, the stafF raport. The staFF was prixa7ily 7orci:nU ahpot tPS Followinq : 1. Th2 size and nancuverinS arwD rDr parLicular parking spaons upon Ve site. 2 . Wlon C!EaranCO at t4u cirnpin of Am cv-c! 0 shructnrn. 3. Tice and shruh planti-nU uithip parVr, croas approximately 70 "eat an CDAU7. A , The mirimun "row ymrd sytheA at 1D F@Etl icndscaped 2Ad ria &!aiqA. E. mapEuverirq for or-sive parkfnL occunin'', within a slyDet. crivision that bumper rails and curA to p2cvidq ..! at parkirD to p,or inVors. 7. Concern thah no curb cuts Nall be milnued wiLhin E FeEL Of ar adjCent propnZtj IfnP. P. The applicnA, Mr, Hulburt , on& his arninn 201ph Rcladurer , than addrnssnd thr PRonAg jamniss ' at askiro cla7ificatior cn Ac sRverElski FArts Acs,I [tat:,' "; thq Staff as staff 'i"dings. it was pointed ouh U� Q , Ponadurer t4at ar adjArinc B ,ssmant existad LOWSOR We subjcO E�d adjacEn `, WK! station adjar2lt Shady Lany . 7. Nooks WNW Out that if parking wave A arcy-, Elong the wcstcrn most access drive , i � did not mcc �- the miriTun access raquirnments D' 24 feet pidt-� or two-Way travel . Di ,ca ssicn on this point amsued LatweEn vnsigi-i REHOU Foard menbeis , staff , aid the spolinart, it was determined the applicant needed only 2 _,,.id'tion feet on the easterly access drivo with thu existin- parking to meet the coda raquirEmnnt o" a 74 ov, wide two-uay driwe. E . Mrs. Hulburt , the applicant , felt that nare would he no problem in adjusting the locatioi cF the buildino to meet the code rEquiremcnt and pioviN two-way access on the easterly access drlqc . F. The discussion than moved ta tho parking place immediately wost aT the easterly sxit point . Said 4WW parking Ppace causinr Astruction within the d2ivewa�, if a car should overhang. V. Discussion continued concErning this particular arc,,--, and whether it sAuld he desigiatnd a compact car Space. H. 7he staff related their opinion that the applicant could have space& labeled compact car spaces as lc% as they met the minimum code requiremenlo for spa2as that uers of dimensions mestiRg t.,p sDde requirements. i. Rraoks asked what method of irri]atian wDuld be used to maintain the plai materials during poriods o ­ drcught. J. Mr. Hulburt respOndEd that it was his i1erLion tr, provide Ones OF plant materials UK would requira rn irrigation. K . Fu7thar discussion ensued concerninD the parking srace­ an tho northerly side of the Propoced building. This rElated to the front yard set back and the hackim-_�. area For those parking spaces in the pa.. king lot W. E. north of the subject building on +::hs pbrimater of A:-, aitp. P@gD 2 - SDI - Tinutp!--j - lay 2 , 19W_ L. The s0f" recommendEd a cnurse of actior Or approval. Thera was some disrussion amorD the Roard mEmhers. Cook then mavQ& to approup W- sitD Imo,, an as subnitt2d subject tn the FcIlOwjn;--. conditions : That ths approved landscaped plan mucV all pr-Duisions or the 711ard Municipal 7ade. That Suction IWE. 100 Tigard Muni7ipwl Code providing For bumprr rails for cuAs per imaters parking Ws je adhered to. That all inadequate SQ S Spa(02S not myetinS the Tigard Municipal Code requiromnats KE compact car spaces. That the applicant submit assuranca from professional landscape architect Sr horticulturist or extension agpnt that all plant materials will Purvivi; periods of drought. That the applicant submit a drainage plan For tha subject site , said plan shall be subject to the approval of the City Public Uorks DepartmonE. That thr.-;, parking space immediately west of the easterl,', egress point For the subject site be desigrs�--! Bio as to not allow an auto to occupy a space closer than (Qthree Peet to thm eastorly access drive. Tickelson seconded the motion, The matior passer,' bY unanimous vote of 211 meriners present . 1. 3 SDR 1-?4 (Mayernik) A request by Michael amd Lucy Mayorrik For Saarr' approval of the removal of a laurel hedge on prapert,,1 located on the northeast corner of & W, 69th QveI's uc. and Pacific Highway , Preuious zone change action requiro ' Doard approval prior to romoval of suLjpct hedge. (Tax Map 151 HAD, Tax Lot 4303) A. The staff read ths staff Findings concerning sutje--''-, Case. Members of the design ruview board then, discussad uhat niculd rrplare the hedge U trc hadge, were removed. B. The applicant , Lucy Mayernik , explained that thz,� nsu property owners wculd probably put up a nail fence and landscaping to replace the hedge. C. Nickelson asked the applica-it if a Ponce would A- placed on the site upon removal oF the hedge. Pago SDR Minutes - May 2, 1971- D. Luc; Majernik replied raj at t,jo tjm�- would a fence " Pla"d On thO MCPnrty AJLP_lar j . !he stated that therc was excavatic, :y uLpmcn-''] on the site and that AGr contract AW tno OxcacatDr included rcmoval cr the hnQe . MrUnagle asked Mrs. ravernik Hout Ow feclinq or t5e adjaCEQ procerty QnRr 2ona2r0rj Cho ramoval OF thn hedge . F. Mrs. Mayernik stated that the property ounar wouj[�� A rclinv& to have the 13 _d renoved. Wonagim statod t4at he was not oppocc& t�-, having thn hedgc removed, but felt the adjncsn�, pzopalty ouner 05 a reason to nxpart thal a TSAC7- will he Ailt Lherm within a 7vascmaL7y pariod 0�, Amy. H. Lucy Mnyepnlk stated that the applisart was no-,,: concornod over the timinq of the remDval or thi- hados as related to Tuturc d9vo1.opmert an siQ 1 . Cook stated that he folu the devElopment of thc property would Ls berore the design reviRw boarc' vorj shortly. A MiNelsor thon moved that thu applicant ' s rDquwst be granted. Eaton seconded and tha motion passat:! by unanimous vote a? those prter sQ. The Chairman thar moved Por a 5 minute recess. 3. 2 EDP 7-74 (Columbin Pool ard NO. Go. ) A request by Polumbia Pool and Racr2ati1n Lompary for MOM OF a latail swimming pool sales Pacility On a site located at 13015 Sn, PeciTic Kirhyny an-j comprising . 56 acres. TO site is located -in a 7.1 , Seneral Commercial zone . (Tax Map 211 252, Tax Lot 2000 -3rd 3000) . A. StaPF read findings as dascribDd in the steFi rcnjr �, of May 2, 1974. SON also described sxfsoin ] comditions ?t um _ thu site by ryferrirD V a map, attachyd to tha sAff report. Staff drsrri5ed a parking scheme suggest, to th appii :vnt A bring his VKH into conformmnwc uith Ve city ' s oFf-stract parkirg rsquirpmEAts. B. Sorts!! cxprossed his opinAp that to Dulk� profor landsrapirg against the Faroe surrounding t5c pool area , rathur thar reduced slKs , in order 1., achirve site AsHucUrn 'ram adjaco, K prDpnrLfr,- on the highua,! Pars 4 W Minutes r3 IA 2X in a 7� C" J. r g to s F3 F-1 Fj o ot� rj m r.1 L 7j E.1" m oc t i