Plans (93) ill 5 T 2.0/7 - 000 7 i3 6-572. 5 41/ g„,.., e ., , , , I , "RIVER TERRACE NORTHWEST' N. LOT 206, 207, 208, 209 AND 210 HUB AND TACK CERTIFICATION NE & SE 1/4 SEC. 6, T 2 S, R 1 W, WM. CITY OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON SURVEYED MARCH 14, 2017 PREPARED FOR: ‘ N. \ to ‘ POLYGON NORTHWEST COMPANY \ TRACT 109 E. 13TH ST. L 7S0' PUBUC UTIUTY VANCOUVER, WA. 98660 . \ EASEMENT . tik \\ LR=••=2-1 60.7402.89 6' PUBLIC UTILITY .e\r\-7"--EASEMENT '51.j4 ,#••"'';" \\ \ \ , R=1072.89' \ ' L=15.33' LOT . 208 4,,,* \ ig \ os \ ' ,0.1 2 „ •'1,- ‘ R=1072.89' \ 011' 14\4* s L=15.33' ''s '-*, LOT \ ''' 7 -57 ( t , \ 13 • 0 0 Is ' \ . 207 Nb, ,.. ..tz.k1 _(.4 R=1072.89" \ Sy- - L=15.33` \ ,q, \R=1001.50' LOT N1 tst , \ 4 208 ,(0.IP' \\ \L=15..34' \ qilti.44,4 M \ us \ = ' v" rif \ , , LOT ' \' - ,. .#8 209 „.,% R=1072.89" --A i4 =1001.50' 1-e'. *0'5 L=23.31' \ '14 \ ..N1 14-06- L=15.33' \ " 45 15 ' 1-• R=1001.50# \ LOT '.. , 1=1534' \ 0.-5, .7. 210 e..... , \ = \ \ REGISTERED \ ovtl, PROFESSIONAL $ 04 /a slq lkID SURVEYOR t-~ 7, \ r/P• T LC \ \ 'vet)... 211 cr) \ 1 ' OREGON I \ .. , JULY9.2002 2002 \ i TRAVIS C.JANSEN 57751 LOT \ 212 N RENEWS:6/30/2017 6' vc 1, TRAVIS C. JANSEN, A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SCALE SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF OREGON, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 20 0 10 20 I HAVE ACCURATELY SURVEYED AND STAKED THE OFFSETS 51-) TO THE FOUNDATION ENVELOPE FOR LOT 206, 207, 208, 209 1 INCH = 20 FEET -'. , AND 210 OF THE PLAT OF "RIVER TERRACE NORTHWEST". 7 Y_ PACIFIC COMMUNITY DESIGN " .9 BY; T2 DATE: 3/20/17 . 2 , REVIEWED BY: TCJ DATE: 3/20/17 .- z PLANNING - ENGINEERING - SURVEYING PROJECT NO:: 39-5---°3-7 (503)941-9484 ...) L DESIGN= FIELD REPORT Pace 1 of 1 on� GDI Project: Polygon-1,30-05 Prepared By: Jim Guenther Project Name: River Terrace Northwest Date: 3/31/17 Location: Scholls Ferry Road and Roy Rogers Report#: 165 Arrival: 1000 Departure: 1030 Weather: Cloudy, 50's Permit#: TBA Site Visit Requested By: Sam (Polygon) Met With (on site): Sam Purpose: Evaluate Subgrade Outstanding Issues: FR 51 (01/14/16) Lot 122 to 123 retaining wall FR-136(9/14) Low densi - pavement Bdi !inq l2 subgr. .e Upon arrival, I spoke on the phone with Sam and was directed to the area indicated on attached site plan for the foundation subgrade for building 12, lot 206-210. When I arrived the crew had finished excavating the building to subgrade and had placed between 1""-6"of crushed rock over the subgrade (generally thicker on the west half of the building and thinner on the east half).The subgrade appeared to step down approximately 1'-2' between lots 207 and 208,and again between lots 209 and 210.The rock was generally loose except for the thicker area on the west half. Ponding and saturated rock was observed on the surface of lot 210. We recommended that the water be drained or pumped out, and the material be allowed to dry prior to compaction of the rock in this area. Based on the excavation walls, I observed the subgrade to primarily consist of brown silt with sand and trace organics (native). I used a%2"diameter steel foundation probe to evaluate the relative consistency of the foundation subgrade. Based on the probing,the subgrade appeared to be generally very stiff to medium stiff.There was an approximately 4'x4' area that appeared to be soft based on probing in lot 209 (see attached site plan).We recommended that the soft area be over excavated approximately 1' and the material be replaced with crushed rock and compacted. Based on our observation and probing, the building foundation subgrade where observed today and indicated on the attached site plan, has been prepared in general accordance with our geotechnical recommendations. 2 ( ° Distribution: Attachments:Site Plan (1); Reviewed by: This report presents opinions formed as a result of our observation of activities relating to geotechnical engineering or environmental services.We rely on the„,, .•• to comply with the plans and specifications throughout the duration of the project irrespective of the presence of our representative_Our work does not include .• or direction of+ ntractor,the contractor's employees or agents,Our firm Is not responsible for site safety.This field report is a DRAFT representation of our field obsetv>> • .7'1 won ...Mr, s.The report can only be considered final upon review of the Ceooesign project manager,as indicated by initials in the'Reviewed By' .r ew p Signature: 15575 SW Sequoia Parkway,Suite 100 I Portland,OR 97224 I Off 503.968.8787 I Fax 503.968.3068 ) `®�4 %,,,,, 204 \ \\ \ / X= .►1 \ 205 ,' 16 \ 4 \ ` �'�, TRACT L ; ‘ 6.00' . -S.- \ 15 PUE, TYP .'' , v 4x4 area o -1 4° v soft subgrade 13 _ - \ 6.00' _�/\ .� \ , �, \ PUE, TYP \ ',���� A \ \y . ' 111`�_ \ \ \ \iki \ + ' \ 11 \ • ' ` 0 211 \ \ \\ ,, CP' "°#8' \ 212 3.00 '4, 0 213 } PUE ,TYP ,` \ \ ',,i,,,st `' \ % \ \\,\\s, 9 �, '3,..,,,,,,,,71,,,,,,,..0 215 \ ‘:- ,s� '°'° . 1 t °'1.4'';'''' \ i \ dtDs , m- . �-w �` :.0. �• R� a, BUFFER 1 \ ,° r �:� \ N 7......,.........tft,e,' . . 1., . M A . proximate location of evaluated subgrade \-1..\\rN-..--v..-, ,.... 3 ... , ., , , . :,. „, .... ... 4