12121 SW LANSDOWNE LANE �.,...,.w...u�++..,.w...e+.r�wwMuuui;.r+�+Nrrwr.MlwwreliwiWc�wii.�..www:�wuKr�hdS.iew.►w�i4�c.�bM�WMwwWuwMa4wWiiwwwYhuW4pyi1fYk4ri+a�+wwl�iK.�AltYli 1p�YMeA d�dMtilYiIh1AWJYMIWIW�iYtYwY+''. C 12.121 SW Lansdcwne L"e �esa� INS I')N NOTICE City of Tigaid Building Jepa ent P.O. Box 2,3397 Tigard, Oregon 972; Phone: 639-4!75 Type of Inspection 5- Time Datp Requested C1 G Permit Address Lot #_—�-- Owner _ -- Builde, - 1-he followingIding Code dafieiencies are required to be corrected: ;/Approved - Presented to ......... � T)isapproved Inspector G Date CALL L--�-- — ------— -- CALL FOR REINSPECTION N ES i7 NC sr:.:WER CONNECTION P ER 1111 sWRI)0-0321 GITYOFTIOARD ( ../c�r�rycf TwAim . . . . . . . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT one" SWR90-032). a(,- Tj- If-91.JED: O�/" 31, 90 ,M97.Tigwi,orsgon 97 tM#0),6.fgi4176 13125 SW Hyl 6W. P-1 SITE ADDRESS. . . 1.21pi SW I-AH)N&SDOWNE LAA V)ARCF.J.: IS,103BC-01.3140 33 ZONINGv SUYDIVISION. . . . B I OCK. . . . . . .. . . . TENANT NAME. . . . . : FIXTURE UNITS. . . I LISA NO. . . . . . . . . . :42 3 7#7, DWELLING UNITS— '. I CLASS OF WORK. . . cNEW NO. OF BUILDINGS'.*1 TYPL OF USE. . . . . vSF -1 IMSTALL TYr,E. . . . i BUSWR 1111"ERV SURFACE'. - f Gonrlect c:?xjsjt)ig SFD to tank nlU-St be pLtinped and filled 4-1,avel- FEES y P e! amoLtvit by date P MILTON FYRE:*. P R 11T 15(ffl-00 1.2.021 SW LONDS)DOWNE LN III S I., $ 35- 0 0 T'IGARI. OR '.'3-7223 (.1 Y M 1i ].:'`.i 1:11 h 0 1*1 e 0: Contractor OWNER/CONTRACTOR lr�535. 90 TOTAL 111 h a n 0% # Reg to. . : OWNER REOUIRE.1) INSPECTIONS This Applicant agrees to comply with ail the rLICS and requlationS viewer lits qiectiren of the Unified Sewage Agency. The permit expires 120 days from )CIF 'Tank. Fill the date issued. The total Amount paid will be forfeited if the permit expires. The Agency does not guarantee the accljr8-y Of the .......... side sewer laterals. it the sewer Is not located at the measurement ections f"N ,,v,,n,, the installer shall p7ospect 3 feet in all dil the distance given. If not so Wed,--thk-installer shall purchase ........... ....... a "Tap and Side Sewer" Per and the Agency Ili ins a I I ills 79 ....... A e ii ............. Ik.1 e ti I.,y C .................. ................... Call fo-r iiisPeCti011 6,19-4175 CITY OF TIGARD rjC-.Uv-.jp'r OF PAYMIF.:NT r�ECEIPT No. 90--204299 r 35.4)() ,HED.-I n- MOUNT t 5' G,)SH AM0UN,r a 0. PAYMENT DATE AODRFSS I V 1.G I ON F,URr,',(]F:)r-' OF: PAYMENT A)IIOIIMT FA 10 t,,,jjr4',OG(-- OF' AMOUNT PAID "')5.00 SEWER INSPECT r � 121121 sw LANSDOWNE _ _ 153x...,5 I TUIAL AMOUNT PAID i,, OF 71FA. 13+25.Bo "ill lova. PLAN CHECK APPLICATION ON 2.1391 PT AN 11Ir7.SC IC17Y _ RD Turd Oreton 97223 PEId'= # __ (503)639.4171 — - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE ISSUED JOB ADDTZ? S: /";C x5 w �ivI I 5 r TM MMP/ m _ :EJB: _ IDT: LAM USE: VAUIMON: _ _--- OWNEk: SPD( I11L NOTES NAME: �d ��. -�..,'� REISSUE: OF: ADDRESS: LAST REISSITE: -- - — ITOM PLAIN/ _— — --- SENSITIVE LAND: PRONE: !.~.. - I --- APPROVAT� REIQUIItE7� LMt?McrC1_1 PLANNING: — NAME: — — _ ENGINEERING: _--- ADU'FSS: FJRE DE.1TP ----- 011fER: ITEMS RExTII2ED BUILDERS BOARD #: — -- EXP DATE: _—_— LSST/S[ I= TAX: ffl2Mff kGII�t CATICtK ATIONS: —� NAME: — THU3S DETAILS: _ ADDRESS, —_— _—. OnMR: PHONE: PLT IMT3: - —- - -- MW I: P3!LTT if ACCT # DES'Z rIGX AMO(W AMOUNT PD. BAL. GUE 10-432 00 Bu.ildirrg Permit Fcx,-- 10-431. 00 Plumbi-g Permit Fees --.-- 10-431 Ol Me(,banical Permit. Fees — 10-230 01 State Building Tax (5%) __—_-- Building _ Plumbitr__{ _ Moc31 _ 10-433 00 Plans Check Fee _ Building Plumbing Wch _ 30-202 00 Sewhr Cbr►Tx3c.-tion 30-444 00 Sewer Inspect-ion __3�. 51-448 00 Stt�et System Dev Charge (SDC) - 52-449 00 Parks System Dev Charge (PDC) 31•-450 00 Storm DrainvNe- Syst Dev Chrg (SSUC) - 10-230 OG Fire RDC APPLICANT SIGNATURE -- RIN7eived By: -------.-------- Date Received: of/3587P.WPF