12330 SW SUMMER CREST DRIVE yr 12;, .r) •SW SUMMEP CREST DRIU CITY OF TIGARD NOTICE OF DECISION LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT M2-85 APPLICATION: Request by US Naticnal Bank of Oregon and David and Shirley Osborne to adjust two parcels nf 4.01 acres and 16,7.87 square feet into two parcels of 4.03 acres and 15,370 square feet on property zoned R-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 units/acre) and located at 12.330 SW Summercrest Drive (WCTM 1!j1 34%"B, T. L. 3100, 3800, and 3801). DECISION: Notice is nereb,, given that the Planning Director for the City of T'gard las APPROVED the -+bove described application subject to certain co id'. lois. The findings anu conclusions on which top Director bzsed his decision are as noted below. A. FINDING OF FACT 1. Background The twu properties involved in this application were created as part of Summer Hills Park subdivision which was approved by Washington County in 1962. 2. vicinity .Ini-,rmation The parcels to t',e north and east are also within Summer Hills Park subdivision. Summer Lake Park lies to the west and 9evera.l partially develor.rr5 parcels are situated to the north and south of the Fubdivision. A;1 of the surrounding area is zoned R-4.5 (^.esidential, 4.5 un.itsiocre). 3. Site Information and Proposal Description The small— parcel (Loc 29) contains a residence and the larger tract (logy 36) is undeveloped. Excrpt the southwest corner, all of Lot 3( is within the 100 year flood plain of Summer Creek. A 25 foot wide strip was platted between the main portion of Lot 36 and Summercrest Drive. T;he applicants propose to widen the 25 foot strip by 5 feet and reduce the width of Lot 2.9 by a corresponding amount. The house presently has a side yard setback of 15 to 20 feet along the property line which Is to b^ moved. Although not relevant to this application, the house appeers to be located within 5 feet of the boundary between Lot 29 and ;,ot 30 to the north. 4. Agency and NPU Comments The Engineering Divi�lon and Building Inspection Office have on objection to the request. NOTICE OF DECISION - LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT M 2-85 - PAGE l B. ANALYSIS AND CO:iCLUSION The lot line adjustment is consi,_tent with City requirementb for minimum lot size (7,500 square feet), side yard setback (5 feet), and lot width (50 feet) . The owner of Lot 29 sh-)ula be awa-e that if the northern side yard setback is less than 5 feet, the building does not conform with City standards. This will not affect the existing situation, blAt any additionQ or reconstruction will be required to meet thi" sitback standard. C. DECISION The Planning Director approves M 2-85 subject to the following conditions: 1. The revised legal degc.riptions foz the two pa-cels shall be recorded with Washington County. 2. Tax Lot 3800 and 3801 as showr or, Washington County Tax Map ISI 34CB shall be combined into one tax lot. 3. This approval is valid if exercised within one year of the final decision date noted below. D. PROCEDURE I. Notice: Notice was published in the newspaper, posted at City Ha .l and mailed to: XX The applicant & cwners XX Owners of record within the required distance XX The affected Neighborl►nod Planning Organization XX Affected governmental. agencies 2. Final Decision: THE DECISION SHALL. BE FINAL ON June 3, 1985 UNLhSS AN APPEAL IS FILED. 3. Appeal: Any party to the decialon may appeal. this decision in accordance with Section 18.32.290(A) and Section 18.32.370 of the Community Development Code which provides that a written appeal must be filed with the CITY RECORDER within 10 days af -er notice is given and sent. The deadline for filing of an appeal is 5:00 P.M. June 3, 1985 NOTICE OF DECISION - LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT M 2-85 - PAGE 2 4. Questions: If you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 12755 SW AFh, PO Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223, 639-4171. William A. Monahan, Direc.:or of Pl.ann;.ng 6 Development DATE APPROVED (KSI.:bs(1391P) .V•NSI 1, U II r � lei �'I,Jff ]�ljM r .T NOTICE OF DECISION - LOT '.INE: ADJUSTMENT M 2-85 - PACE 3 r SEWER PERMI Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County CITY OF Le DATE _f 2��7 d ` OWNER: _,. 0-01 A 05; r t� _� _ PHONE : OWNER 'S ADDRESS: 12. 5 o �•:-�r- TYPE OF INSTALLATIONt SIDE SEWER ❑ LINE TAP AND SIDE SEWER ❑ LINE TAP TYPE OF OCCUPANCY: ❑ NEW ❑ EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY ❑ COMMERCIAL AN EXIST. (PRIOR TO 7-1-70 ) ❑ MULT. RES. ❑ INDUSTRIAL FIXTURE UNITS =_ DWELLING UNITS ADDRESS OF STRUCTURE : Permit Conditions: The applicant agrees to comply with all rules and regulations of the Unified Sewerage Agency. Men calling for Inspection, please refor to the Permit Number. The Application expires In one hundred twenty (120) days. The amount paid wilt be ,forfeited should expiration occur. The Agency does not guarantee the accuracy of the location of side sewer laterals. If the sewer is not located at the measurement given, the Installer shall prospect three feet In all directions from the distance and depth given. If not so located, the Installer shall purchase a 'Tap r.nd Side Sewer' Permit at the current charge and the Agency will Install a lateral at the location specified by the installer. Fc ES: �- T FEE — NNECTIUN CHARGE ,30000 > LINE TAP INSTALLATION __ OTHER ISSUED by _ TOTAL APPLICANT DATE SEWER PERMIT ADDRESS OF STRUCTURE 2'- 330 30 S1. _ TAX MAP 1�3_ G TAX LOT ? t00 SYSTEM r4 h4h0 LOT — _PLOCK -- OF 2a -19 _ _ 12 -11- _8_2., _ APPROVED BY DATE �j ISSUED BY ^I I DATE D. U. 'S Vole- _ REMARKS 4n� .I'f �l°�) Q_Kf�. 3 F�a_'t�Q►t�t �tr 4