13684 SW MICHELLE COURT MS b£39Ei U W m J 9L 1 I i I I W � H N m M � I I 13684 SW MICHELLE GT Page No. 1 CASH HISTORY FOR CASH ND.r M0T96-0393 HD1t.tRD L WHITLOW 13.64 SW MICHELIN CT 02/10/96 Action Description Req/ SOW Hid/ Action Nates Map By Update Upd code Sent Done Done Date BY ------- ------------------------------ -------- -------- --•------ ---------------------------- - �--- ---- --- -----'-- MSTA005 Application received / / / / 0','/26/96 RRCD JD 06/07/96 BON MSTA000 Permit Created / / / / 06/07/96 FRND B 09/07/9F BON META^12 Plans routed to Plane Rxaminar / / / / 06/07/96 PRM B 00/07/96 BON MSTA026 Plans approved by Plana Ram- / / / / 00/09/96 PASS RT 06/09/96 BT2 MA-w030 Reviewed plans routed to DSTS / / / / / / 00/07/96 BON K.iTA055 Hold Release / / / / 10/21/97 s nohow this came Is on hold for a stop PAas JH 10/21/57 J•H work withcwit ■ stop work action -777 M9TA060 (F) Ready to issue / / / / 00/13/96 PASS CJS 06/13/96 CJD MSTA092 (F) Issue combination permit / / / / 09/14/96 FABS JRD 00/14/96 JD MSTA097 Issue plumbing signature form / / / / 06/14/96 PASS JSD 06/14/96 JD MSTA099 Issue eletrtric signature forty / / / / 00/14/96 PASS JSD 00/14/96 JD M9TA705 Footing Insp / / / / 10/29/96 N-1- maintain three inches clsaran^e A/N RS 10/31/96 KBa under reinforcing steel N-2- isolated piers not included this inspection M-3- t remove any soft material prior to placement of concrete MSTA706 Foundation Inep / / / / 11/04/96 usa 10-20 PASS RE 11/04;96 PS MSTA710 Poat/Beam Structural / / / / 12/09/96 each/ i plumbing not installed yet- ok FAIL RD 12/09/96 RE for decking only at F' of headroom height; add nails irr. hangers w/in garage; poet bracket not secured yet w/ bolts; straps req'd at se.-oral locations at plate line off-sets; etude missed at rear roome against foundation wall; remove wood debris; drain water from crawl space; gussat posting udder-floor; bearinq studs missed at rear wall supporting triple 2x, glu-iaa, etc. H N MSTA710 Post/Beam Structural / / / / 12/11/96 pandins- straps at platen-haame; PASS RB 12/11/96 RB positive connect beam at poet in garrge; _ Do NOT DRCR BRFORR PI,t1MBTM t1NDf;R-r./D0R IM INSPRMONI u OT'HRR ISSURS OF 12.9 INBPP ,:ON STILL _j HIT DONE- W+:_ �nOCCR AT FRAMING MSTA711 Poet/Beam Mechanical / / / / 02/26/97 PASS " 02/26/97 1CAS MSTA713 Crawl nrain / / / % / / 06/07/96 IYMN MSTA717 PIM/underfloor / / / / 12/16/96 PASS MS '2/17/96 MRS Page No. 2 CASE HISTORY FOR CASE NO.: M8T96-0393 EDWARD L WHITLOW 13664 SN MICHELLE CT 02/10/96 Action Pencripticn Req/ Srhd/ End/ Action Notes Dimp By Update UE,d colo Bent Dme Done Date By MOTA730 Mechmni C:Al Tnsp / / / / 02/26/97 seal joint of heat duct in garage; FAIL Pa 02/26/97 KAS cosplete gas piping at fireplace i add shut-off valver exhaust venting disconnected; insulate heat duct at register in master bedromi at location of upstairs hall closet- nail plate protect duct. MBTA720 Mechs�'_4a1 Insp / / / / 02/27/97 Add soffit members at soffit for gyp FAIL EB 02/27/97 RP nailing; meal heat duct at scall garage orening; exhaust venting disconnected- upstairs bathrooms; nail plate protect duct upstairs closet; seal joint of fireplace venting stacks. MSTA720 Mr:hma.ical Insp / / / / 03/03/97 seal firepl;:ce venting at joints p1m RB 07/03/97 RB MBTA720 Mechanical Inap / / / / 03/OS/97 seal fireplace venting at joi,ntm PENn RE 01/05/97 FA reinspect fee to be charged if not cospleted next inspection. MSTA720 Mechanical Insp / / / / 03/07/37 PASS RB 03/07/97 RB MSTA722 Plumb Top Out / / / / 02/24/97 no toot FATT, MS 02/2%/97 MPS M13TA722 Plumb Top Out / / / / 02/2S/97 PASS MS 02/26/97 MRS MSTA723 Blectrical. Service / / / / 02/26/97 EXTEND BE CONDUIT TO MIN 16"BRLON PIN DIS CS 02/26/97 CRS ORD: USR ANTISIBL COMP ON AIAJ CONDUCTORS IN PANEL; NM 0R IS GM-RAN ORM SCREW IN PANEL; MOULT': SMR DET IN MSTRHD ON UPPR GRIL; INSTALL SMK DRT SOME PLACE ON MAIN IJWHI, Ot1TSTDR OF STAIR ENCLOSURE; PUTO NEEDED ON WALL ERHIAD SINK BY PTRBPL Q a NSTA723 Electrical Service / / / / 02/26/97 as conduit still needs to be 161 min APP AS 02/26/97 CRS N below grade MSTA724 Electrical Rough In / / % / 02/26/97 SHE RLRC SERVICE DIS W 02/76/97 ORS m M4TA724 Electrical Rough In / / / / X1/26/97 APP Go 02/1q/97 RES W Page Na 7 CASE HISTORY FOR 1A96 NO. M0T96-019! RDIIARI) L NHITL 13664 SM MICHILLR r" 02/10/94 Asti<m Des-riptlon Reg/ Schd/ Rnd/ Action Notes Di.ap By Update LW Cade sent Dan, Done Date By M.9TA725 Framing Insp ( / / 03/03/9"' me--h issue; shear +_ssue; re-support PHIL RB 01/03/97 RB notched floor joist at alcovr, of garage; support stair stringers; replace urtched floor joist at laundry rune; violated floor joist in kitchen- square holes w/in bottom 2" of edge- re-aapport joist; strap plates wnere marked; 2Fe floor /ceiling joists (for attic) over-spanned= allowable 1011" double joists; ventilate vaulted rafters at main 4 upstairs; nail plate wiring den location w/floor joists- holes bored w/in 2" of bottom edge. MSTA725 Framing Insp / / / / 03105/4'1 mach issue; notched floor joist at RAIL PP 03/0G/07 PS laundry greater than d/6. replace or obtain engineering; strap plates; nail plate protection; dr wall shear a" need blocking if gyp to be applied horizontal. MSTA725 Framing Inap / / / ( 03/07/97 PASS RB 03/07/97 RB MSTA726 Shear Nall Insp / / / ( 02/27/97 HD-10A missing at entry; FAIL RB 02/27197 R9 HTT-22 HD1s missing at L.R. Drywall Ahem- marked HTT-2' a Hr's missed .t basement NSTA726 Shear Mall Inap / / / / 02/2e/9' drywall shear; HD's not installed at PAIr, RB n2/2e/97 RB time of inr;pection. MSTA726 Shear Nall Insp / / / / 03/03/97 pending- dr/wail shear at all marked PARR RB 03/03/97 RB locations 0. ti TA727 Low voltage / / / / / / 09/07/96 BON LGy� MSTA735 'Ian Line Insp / / / / 02/26/97 0 pressure FAIL RB 02/26/97 KAB MSTA735 Gan Line Insp / / / / 02/27/97 PASS RP 0?/27/97 RB al NSTA740 Insulation Insp / / / / 03/12/97 pending- insulate bottom pan of RA in PARS RB 03/12/97 RB (7 soffit w/in garaq . tirestop thru penetrations thru out (marked) chink windows/doors (marked) provide vapor barrier at main entry MSTA745 Gyp Board Insp / / / / / / main floor- marked SHRR 02/37/97 RB garage rear wall ' • Page No. 4 CASK HIBTORY FOR (ASR NO.: MST96-0393 EDWARD 1, WHITLOW 13664 3N MTCH1:;d.R CC 02/10/96 Action Description Req/ schd/ Rrtd/ Action Notes Diep By ];Iodate tlpd code sent Done Done Lite 91• ------- ------------------------------ - ------ -------- ----------------------- ---- --- - --- _-.. OWA749, O1yp Board Inap / / / / 0:4/19/97 not readyl FAIL RB 03/19/97 RD MSTA745 Gyp Board Insp / / / J 03/21/97 pendinq- resupport b-vent; b-vent PASS RB 03`21/97 RD clearance regld; nail eeilinv w/in alcove of garage; add wheat, :.ailing behind each equipment in garage. MSTA755 Rain drai.r Insp / / / / 11/13/96 around house ok PASS MS 11/14/96 MRS MSTA760 Water Line Insp / / / / 02/10/97 PA-99 K9 02/11/97 MRS MSTA765 Appr/edwlk Insp J / / / 05/06/97 NOT READY DIA PT 05/07/97 RA MSTA765 Appr/Sdwlk Insp 06/25/97 / / 06/19/97 1. Bring up black ABS pipe into curb. FAIL MH 06/29/97 S-W 2. Maintain 3/4" - 1" lip at driveway entrance. MSTAIA5 Appr/Bdwlk Insp 09/05/97 / / 09/02/97 FABS MH 09/05/97 S•W MSTA765 Appr/Sdwlk Insp / / / / 10/21/97 Final looks okay. FASB MIs 10/23/97 S*W MSTA770 Misc. Inspection / / / / 01/10/97 encroachment of upper level structure at RNCR RA 01/10/97 R9 waster bath into setback K9TA790 Rl p trical Final / / / / 06/29/97 Approved pending correction: PASS BRP 09102/97 J•H 1. Flex conduit under cook-top must be re-routed to prevent physical damage. MOTR: Most device plates have been caulked to wall. I can't remove them without damage to finish. MSTA795 Mechanical Final / / / / 09/04/97 1. Discharge on vent moat have same site PAIL RC 09/b9/97 J*H at duct size. 2. AC must have 3-in. clearance from earth. a3. Vert must be secured against displacement. P1.9TA795 Mechanical Final 10/21/97 / / 10/17/97 PATI, RA t0/21/91 J•11 m MSTA795 Mechanical Final / / / / 10/23/97 PASS RA 10/23/97 RD MSTA797 Plumb Final / / / / 06/13/97 sewer c,o7 FAIL K9 06/13/97 MRD main stmt off valve? MSTA797 Plumb Final / / / / 06/.tJ/9'7 Wote: Sanitary Sower Cleanout 4 Mair. PASS RAA 06/29/97 J*H Water Shutoff Just Inside crawl Access. Page No. S CARR HISTORY FOR CAJR NO.: HMPS-0393 RDNARD L NHITW" 13694 AM MICHRLLR CI 02/10/9• Action Description Req/ A,.hd/ Rnd/ Action Notes Disp By Update Upd Code Bent: Doue Dane Date By ------- -------------------------- --- -------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------- ---- --- -------- --_ NOTA799 building Final / / / / 09!04197 1. All wood in contact with earth or FAIL RC 09/09/97 ,1-" concrete oust be pressure treated. 2. Ground stet slope away from building for 6-ft. a: 1/4-in. per foot. 3. All siding must have 6-in. clearance from earth. 4. Miniaunm width of stnirway is 36-in. 6. Handrail suet be continual from bottom to top of stairs. 7. Fill all holes in garage wall/ceiling with approved material. S. Minimum access size to underfloor is IR-x24" 9. Provide permanent ladder for underfloor area. 10. Must have each. approval before building final - DO NOT OCCUPYI NSTA'-,9'a Building Final 10/21/97 / / 10/17/97 i. USA erostun final required- mm RH 10/21/97 J*M 2. B-vsnt clearance required at garag:• ceiling. See 3/21/97 notes under gypsum inspection. 3. Approach i Sidewalk approval required !. Pinish grade/elope. S. Ccnfi.m B-vent size through roof. MSTA799 Buildinq Final / / / / 10/23/97 PASS RB 10/23/97 RD MSTA799 Building Final / / / / 10/22/97 items 2, 3 6 S approved from inspection FAIL RC 10/30/97 J•H on 10-20-97 and iters 1 i 4 not approved. KITA960 (F') Issue Cert. of Occupancy / / / / 10/23/97 mailed 2-10-93 jr 02/10/90 S-N M,TA970 Case Fir.aled / / / / 10/23/97 PKSS RB 10/23/97 RH M3TB709 Rroeijn Control / / / / 10/22/97 PARS USA 10/23/97 RB CITY OF TIGARD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard,OR 97223 (503)5394171 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY PERMIT M. . . . . . . a MST96-039.:, DATE ISFUEDt 10/23/97 PARCEL.a 2na 104CA-0`POO SITE ADDRESS. . . : 13634 SW MICHELLE CT SUBDIVISION. . . . a HILLSHIRE ZONINOaR--7 PD BLOCK. . . . . . . . . . a LOT. . . . . . . . . . . . . oO52 JURISDICTION:TIG CLASS OF WORK. a NEW TYPE_ OF USE. . . a SF TYPE OF CONSTR:'SN OCCUPANCY GRP. :R3 OCCUPANCY LOADe2 1?emarks a Path I Owners _._._.._.._._._-..__.__-_..___._.______�___......,._..� EDWARD L WHITLOW 16646 SW AMY LN BEAVERTON Oft 9: 007 Phone Me 591-5380 Contractor: --- _ _ _..._.. ..._..__.._.____ _.._ ._ .__....._._._ HEYDON HOMES EDWARD L WHITLOW 16646 SW AMY LN BEAVERTON OR 97007 Phone M: 591-5380 Reg 11. . : 000865 This Certificate grants occupancy of the above referenced building or, portion i thereof and r_onfirm% that the building has been inspected for compliance with +;he State of Oregon Specialty Codes for thei-".' N' occAmancy, and LISP tAnder �"-hic:h the �^1ferenc^ed permit was isaueo. r� NU I LD I N13 INSPECTOR B-L IFF I C I Al. F^ J_ m POST IN CONSPICUOUS PLACE �a �a CITY OF TIGARD BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION 24-Hour Inspection Linc: 639.4175 Business Phone: 639.4171 Date Requested (2- 319 _ A.M. _ P.M. MET: �3 � c - (oxs3 lion: BUP:._._ i errant: _ — Suite: / Bldg- _ (h m!r-. Phone WC: Phone: 5 ( s`�� PLM: Contractor.— — _ --_-- ELR: SIT: BUILDING BLDG(con't) PLT'MBING MECHANICAL L--- ELECTRICAL SITE _ Site Post/Beam Pr.st/Beam Post/Beam Covr.T/Servlce Sewer/Storm Footing Roof IJndFI/Slab Rough-In Ceiling Water Line Slab Framing Top(Nd Oas Line Rough-in UG Sprinkler roundation Insulation Sewer Hood/Duct Recomwct Vault Bsmt Damp Drywall Storm Furnace Temp Service Misc. Masonry Ceiling Ra [rain A/C IJO Slab Shear/Sheath Fire Spklr/Alm Crswl/Found Dr Heat Pump Low Volt v Approved pprov Approved Apprrved Appr/Sdwlk mwoved Not Approved ved Not Approved Not Approved FINAL FINAL FINAL �Sati�s \M S4 U O Call for reinspection O Reinspection fee of S_ required before next in.4pection O Unable to inspect -7 ,y /�� Inspector: -- Date: l Gr' 1 Page of— CITY OF TIGARD PERMIT *HERMIT. . : MST96­0393 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE ISSUED: 08/14/96 •13126 SW Hall Blvd.Tigard,Oregon 9722:06199 (5011639-4171 PARCELi rS104CA-05200 SITE ADDRESS. . . : 13684 SW MICHELLE CT SUBDIVISION. . . . : HILLSHIRE 7.ONINGt R-7 FAD BL.UC'�. . . . . . . . . . . LOT. . . . . . . . . . . . . :050' Remarks: Path I ------------------------------------------------------------- BUILDING -------------_�—_------------- REISSUE: STORIES........ 2 FLOOR AREAS-------- BASEIENT...: 0 sf RUOUIRED SETBACKS---- REQUIRED------ CLASS OF WORK.INEW HEIGHT........: 31 FIRST..... 151E of GARAGE.....: 927 sf L.EFT..........s 5 SMOKE DETECIRS: Y TYPE OF USE...:SF FLOOR LOAD..... a1 SECOND...: 954 0 FRONT.........t 21 PARKING SPACES: l TYPE OF CONST.:5N LINELLING UNITS. 1 FINBSMENT: 8 it RIGHT.......... 9 OCCUPANCY GRP.:R3 BOM: 3 BATH: 3 TOTAL-----.-: 2456 sf VALUE..1: 17451 REAR..........: 40 -------_ -------------------- --------- __ ------------ 11-UMB'N6 -----__—_------- ---------_ __ --------________SINKS......... 2 WATER CLOSETS.: 3 WASHING MACH..- I LAUNDRY TRAYS,t 1 RAIN DRAIN ft: 0 TRAPS.........: 8 LAVATORIES..... 4 DIS M011ER5...: I FLOOR DRAINS..: / SEWER LINE ft: 1 SF RAIN DRAINS: 1 CATCH BASIL..: 1 TUB/SHOWERS.... 3 GARBAGE D1SP..: 1 WATER HEATERS.: 1 WATER LINE ft: 111 BCKFLW PREVNTR: I GREASE TRAPS..: 1 OTHER FIXTURESt 0 -------------------------- MECHAN;CAL ----------��_._�FUEL TYPES TYPES--------- FURN ( 118K ..: 0 BOIL/CMP ( 3HPs / VENT FANS...... 4 CLOTHES DRYERSt 1 /GAS; / / FURN )=IOW ..: 1 LIMIT HEATERS..: o HOODS.......... 1 OTHER UNITS...: 1 MAX IIP.: 1 BTU FLOOR FURNACES: 0 VENTS.........: B WOODSTOVES....: 1 GAS OUTLETS...I 1 --------------—----------------------•------------------------ ELECTRICAL ------------__--_-- -- --------__----------------- ---RESIDENTIAL UNIT--- --SERVICE/FEEDER---- --TEMP SRVC/FEEDERS-- ---BRANCH CIRCUITS-- ----MiSCELLANEOUG---- --AUD'L INSPECTIONS-- 1008 SF OR LESS: 1 0 • 200 amp..: 8 0 - M. amp..: 0 W/SVC OR FOR..: 1 PUT-/IRRIGATION: 1 PER INSPECTION: 0 EA ADD'L 5815F.: 5 211 - 400 amp..: 0 e01 - 400 amp..: 0 lit W/0 SVC/FOR: 0 SIGN/OUT LIN LT: 1 PER HOUR..... ,: 0 LIMITED ENERGY.: 0 401 600 amp..: 0 401 - 600 amp..: a EA ADDL BR CIR: 0 SIGNAL/PANEL...: 1 IN PLANT......: 0 MANF HM/SVC/FDA: 0 501 1110 amp.: 0 611+a2ps-1111 vs / MINIR LABEL -11: 0 1080+ amp/volt.: 0 —_--_ - ------------------------- PLAN REVIEW SECTION --------------------------------- Reconnect only.: 0 )z1 RES QUITS..: SVC/FDR)-225 A.t 1 MO V NOMINALt CLS AREA/SPC OCC: -------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICAL - RESTRICTED ENERGY ------------------------A. SF RESIDENTIAL_._ B. CUIEACIAL------ --- --------------- ------- ------------------------- --- ----- AUDIO i STEREO.: VACUUM SYSTE" .: AUDIO I STEREn.: FIRE ALARM...... INTERCOM/PAGING: OU1:9OR LNDSC LT: BURGLAR ALARM..: OTH: :: X BOILER.........: HVAC...........: LANDSCAPE/I RRIG: PROTECTIVE SIGNI.s GARAGE OPENER..: CLOCK..........: INSTRUMENTATION- MEDICAL......... OTHR: HVAC...........: DATA/TELE COMM.: NURSE CALLS....: TOTAL t SYSTEMS: 0 Owner: -----------------------------------Contractor: -------------- --- ------ TOTAL FEES:$ 4688.21 EDWARD WHITLOW HEYDON HOMES 16646 SW ANY LN EDWARD L WHITLOW 16646 SW ANY LN BEAVERTON OR 97007 BEAVERTON OR 91007 Rhone N: 591-5380 Phone R: 591-5388 Reg L.: 886904 This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained in the Tigard Municipal Code, State of Ore. Specialty Codes and all other applicable laws. All work will he done in accordance with approved plans. This permit will expire if work is nrt started within lee days of issuance, or if work is suspended for more than 110 days. 3 -------------------------------------------------------- REOUiRED INSPECTIONS ------_--_-------------------------------------- — — Footing Insp PLM/Underfloor Framing Insp Gas Fireplace Water Service In Building incl Foundation Insp Mechanical Insp Shear Wall Insp Insulation Insp Appr/Sdwlk Insp Erosion Control Post/Beam Struct Plumb Top Out Low Voltage Gyp Board Insp Electrical Final _- Post/Beam Mechan Electrical Servi Fireplace Insp Rain drain Insp Mechanical Final Crawl Drain Electrical Rough Gas Line Insp Wats Line Insp Plumb Final 1,ei-mitt,ee 5i gnat1_tr•e : -_ Issued � c �� — _ - Call for inspection 639-4175 f _ I SEhiER CONNECTYON CITYTIGARD PERMIT C'ERMIT #. . . . , . . : SWR96-0393 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE ISSUED: 06/14/96 •"13125 SW Hall Blvd.Tigard,Oregon 97223.8109 (503)030.4171 PARCEL: 2S I04CA—05200 SITE ADDRESS. . . : 13684 SW MICHELLE CT SUBDIVISION. . . . : HILLSHIRE ZONING: R-7 PD BLOCK, . . . . . . . . . . I._01'. . . . . . . . . . . . . :052 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENANT NAME. . . . . : USA NO. . . . . . . . . . : FIXTURE UNITS. . . : 0 CLASS OF WORK. . . :NEW DWELLING UNITS. . : 1 TYPE OF USE. . . . . :SF NO. OF BUILDINGS: 1 INSTALL TYPE. . . . :BUSWR IMRERV SURFACE: 0 sf Remarks : Path I Owner: -------------------------------------------------- FEES ____ ------ ---- EDWARD WHITLOW type amount by date recpt 16646 SW AMY LN PRMT $ 2200. 00 JSD 08/14/06 96-282879 INSP $ 35. 0r ' JSD 08/14/96 96-282879 BEAVERTON OR 97007 Phone #: 591-5380 Contractor: --..___.__..._ CONTRACTOR NOT ON FILE ------------------ Phone #: $ 2235. 00 TOTAL Reg #. . : —-- --- REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ——--_This Applicant agrees to comply with all the rules and regulations Sewer Inspection _ of the Unified Sewage Agency. The permit expires 188 days from the date issued. The total amount paid will be forfeiter+ if the permit expires. The Agency does not guarantee the accuracy of the side sewer laterals. If the sewer is not located at the measurement given, the installer shall prospect 3 feet in all directions from the distance given. If not so located, the installer shall purchase a "Tap and Side Sewer" Permit and the Agency will install a lateral. Permittee Signatl_rre : � Issued 1 y: -- .sic ci IC Call for inspection — 639-4175 3 "o ) U a L� Plan Check 0 v 1—'�cc) CITY OF TIGARD Residential Building Permit Application Recd By c 13125 SW HALL BLVD. New Cor -truction Additions or Alterations Date Recd t� TIGARD, OR 97223 Single Family Detached or Attached Date to P E. (503) 639-4171 Date to DST Print or Type Permit$„a �✓ Incomplete or illegible applications will not be accepted Called Name of Subdivision Lot# Narne ` Address Site Address Architect Mailing Address S��—�Y►\AAt� Zip Phone I NQS IU Name ky/State Z Owner Mailing Address Name City/State Zip one Engineer Mailing Addros .ue AQ �Izpo� 5°t!_S.T>9�J CI(y/S ata Zlp Phone Name F! (general Describe w ork new addition O alteration O repair O kOl to be done:Contractor Mailing Add ess Lr� Additional Description of Work: City/Sla a "lip Phone Oregon Const Cont.Board Lic.# Exp.Date __ 17 Attach copy of _ _ Project Q Current COT Business ax or Metro# Exp.Date Valuation �Vl+' Licenses u tel(. ' .�' 1 �' 3 i r�' — Name NEW CONSTRUCT! N GNLY: Mechanical rL Sal Sq.Ft. House: Sq.Ft.Garage: �14 �) 7 Sub- Meiling Address `~ ContractorComer Lot Yes No Flag Lot Yes Pio ity/State 7_ip P one I.(check one) __X (Che 'k one) 4 75 9 Restricted Audlo/Stereo Burglar Oregon Const.Cont. Board Lic.# E�p Dat Energy System ilamt Attach Copy of � O�( I 9� �-�•— � Installation Garage Door HVAC Current COT Business Tax or Metro# Exp.Dat Licenses J p�� � Opener Systems Name (check all that Other: Plumbing ar- � �U� �� apply) M X Sub- ►icing Address Wil:the electrical subcontractor wire for all Yes No restricted energy installations? _ Contractors p �,� �� Has the Subdivision Plat recorded? NA Yes No City/State Zip I Phone �/ (0114- (.►4 Y. d Oregon Const. i.ont.Board Lic.# Exp.Date Reissue of r Soler Compliance MST ` p� Attach Copy of j5-- 13 -97 (Calculation Attached Current Plumbing Lic.# Exp.Date I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,that the Licenses - ( '5- 131-91 information given is correct,that 1 am the owner or authorized agent of I COT Business Tax or Metro# Exp.Date the owner. and that plans submitted are in compliance with Oregon f J D State laws. m Na e jqo;nta-�t nt40 ,�) �►r ge Gats _ W Electrical n/ame Phone Sub- ail ng ddress � � � L. '}� 5 I'5U6 Contractor g 1 S FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: �5 _ City/State Zip Phoner Plat# Map/TL#: OF559 I r ct r- Oregon Const.Cont.Board Lic# f xp.0 r p 41 '�� ll/ 1 � Attach copy of 0427043 � _�I Setbadca ;:one: Solar: Current Electrical Lic.# Exp Daae Licenses '" - n 1C C� l- ;G_� lam' COT Business Tax or Metro d Exp. Date Engineering AP ro%'ai. PI inning Approval: TIF: lsrtr- _¢".r i +1 1� t,:Wsts\mstapp.doc . Permit# jscGQunt D, ;siptiop Amount Amt, Pd. BAL MST. Per,nit (BUILD) Plumb. Permit (PLUMB) ' Mech. Permit (NIECH) j v a w_ -1-1 CV ELC/ELR Permit (ELPRMT) State Tax (TAX) �,s,_ Bldg: o 3 / Plumb: 2 / Mech: j ELC/ELR: A Plan Check MST: UPPLN) / . 33 G��aV /S 3�,,� Plumb: (PLMPLN) Mech: (MF_CPLN) _ , 2 a , ..DC Review ( NOUS) Pt<a�'41i D,yL: Sewer Connection (S SA) Sewer Inspection (SWIN Parks Dev Charge (PKSDC) Residential TIF (TIF R) j _ _ 5 Zo Mass Transit F (TIF-MT) L2y _ a _ – Water Qual' (WQUAL) ' N — -- Water Q ntity (WQUANT) _LG h Jo C) ao Erosiq Control Permit (ERPRMT) W Erosion Planck/USA (ERPLAN) a• — n Erosion Planck/COT (EROSN) 2v Fire Life Safety (FLS) TOTALS: � �_ Y' �r isldsts\mstapp.doc Rev.7x98 Ornsiruk tian gra►�1 enlranoe 12. W Michelle Ct, for erosion vontrol AcrT storr» lire si*yalk { line 493.0 492.0 �' ) DRIVEWAY x fGF 1 �., ��.�A44FL_ W!f<r Mt4ef Tom- ermion aQ X X�}i� �.Y{�}i •3 R' ad erasion oontrvl �V``II ovntml 413.. 4442, p I j rein d _ 1- rain rain 115 DWE &Mn q47.C> s'U I.� .L ___X iwrtor REALE � —'" " T V'= 20. 0.. MM Geroge Main *2 10 2 . 2 8 Floor FFF = 493 0 "1 FFF = 501 .0 set back line 51 53 52 1� 5040 503.0 s Tax Lot m 05200 *1 a Main Fl r. Elev. 501 .0 Tax Map - 25104 CA •2 s Garage Eley. - 493.0 7.nned - R7 ( Front 20',Side 5', Rear 20') *3 a 8" gravel - 4"concrete i Hillshire Lot 52 *4 * 4"of 3/4" minus rock 13684 S.W. Michelle Ct. 105 Erosion Control s Silt Fence Tigard, OR. 97225 *6 =Slape Direction st North Lit Sq. Footage - 7,493 Heydon Homes Construction Edward L. Whitlow Ph. (503) 591 --5380 CITY OF TIGARD 13125 S.W. HALL 61.4D. TIGARD, OR 97223 IMPORTANT PERMIT NOTICE PAC WEST PLUMBING 2110 NE CORNELL RD HILLSBORO OR 97124 Plumbing Signature Form Permit # • • • • : MST96-0393 Date Issued. : 08/14/96 Parcel . . . . . . : 2S104CA-05200 Site Address : 13684 SW MICHELLE CT Subdivisi.on. : HILLSHIRE Block. . . . . . . . Lot : 052 Zoning. . . . . . . R-7 PD Remarks: Path I Your company has been indicated as the plumbing contractor for the permit indicated above. In order for the plumbing permit to be valid, please have the appropriate individual from your company sign below and return this Plumbing Signature Form prior to the start of work. No plumbing inspections will be authorized until this completed form is received. AN INK SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED ON THIS FORM OWNER: PLUMBING CONTFACTOR: EDWARD WHITLOW PAC WEST PLUMBING 16646 SW AMY LN 2110 NE CORNELL RD BEAVERTON OR 97007 HILLSBORO OR 97124 Phone # : 591-5380 Phone # : Reg # . . : 8190 c� m Signature uthorized Plumber Please return this completed form to the address above. ATTN: Building Dept. If you have any questions, please call 639-4171, ext. #310 I I