13725 SW FERN STREET-2 13725 SW FERN STREET N Q1 W 3 En �n <V n M wrt�talo CITY UP TIGAHII MECHANICAL VEHM11 .tly k)l Tigard I,J 115 SN hall Blvd . o..argtlwtM � QTY PRIOR AMT P.O. lk?x 23397 Tigard OR 97223 .0. �} 10.00, 639-4175 1) Permit I�ee - 2) Supplemental Permit 3.1 1) Furnace to 100.000 BTU Incl, ducts&vents 6.0 2) Furnace 100,000 BTU + Incl.ducts&vents 7.5 F .of o.v.topm.nt .3) Floor Furnace 1 incl.vent _ 6.00 Job 3 7 2 S 4) Suspended heater, wall heater -� Addrsaa Texa It'p ° or floor mounted heater _ 6.00 Work Subdivision 5) Vent.not incl. In — Nem, nam of business applibnce permit 3,00 J o' 6) Repair of heating, refrig., Owner M.ning��re1 3-� �� cooling. absorption unit fa.'JD �.. �.. --- --- --- ckyfstete np 7) Boller or comp to 3HP _ jibsorp. unit to 100,000 BTU 6.OJ _ Name. 8) Boller or comp to 3HP-15HP .N absorp. unit to 500.000 BTU 11.00 _ Malllno Address Pf+orw 9) Boller or comp 15 3 HP absorp._unit W-1 million _ 15.00 _ Contractor 10) Boner or come 30-5 HO P 50 a ,fin it 1-1.75 milllon 22 state Reglelrstlon No. city 8w. Tr■ No. 11) Boller Or comp 50 HP abso . unit .750.000 3TU 31,50 1 horeep nekrwwlsdps that 1 have "tread this appltastlon t #" Inloenatlon 12) Air handling unit to hron bor oroot, that f am the www or authorized agenl of the owner. Imt 10.060 CFM k50 �Wta sub tied are In oompllsnos with Stale favus, vwt 1 ftrlt"Oftaroe w1th Me state Putlders' hoard, that the number given Is Correct. (If oesmrt 13) Air handling unit from State repleuatlon D1ee30 give r•aaan below#• 10 000 CFM d 7.50 — — -- 14) Non portable 4,40 __evaporate cooler 15) Vent fan connected ._. to a $ingle duct 100 16) Ventilation system riot Included in appliance rmlt kso --' 5lpnat "re (owner or agfJr t) Date 17) Hood served by Describe wort( p addltlo'tp alleratlon© I's psIr C] „iechankal exhaust —_ 430 to be done residential ( rton-residential l7 18) Urr)estic typ. _ Incifterator _ 730 Existing _-_- use of '�` "�'��t�- building or property__.,.aSG.x-_tbt L -- 19) Commekcial or industrial Proposed use of incinerator _ WOO _ building or property / - 20) 0ther1.e..WCX%gove.wales Type of fuel — oil(] natural gaeR LPOO eleotrlof] hetet.DOW, N -- 4,50 _ 21) Gas piping one to four outlets ? ' NOTICETHIS PERMIT BE09MES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR 22) More than 4.par Outlet OONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 100 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED d1R e4111011111Me _ _.9� OR A9ANOONEU FCR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANS' pLAMAtIVIRwlflf,0ll -Tt1TAl J� TIME AFTER Wony IS COMMFNCF--n 1'OrAI - 1 Special Oondlllons _ -- ()nln 14sund .. by ,..Abe_..-_.._..