14215 SW 125TH AVENUE-1 c I . a. ' 4 14125 SW 125TH AVENUE .•y tl`t!] ,y'rly `�tiMY•� �P • 1 � y {A 1 1 1 r+ PIPES PROOF VIEW MR('11-11ANICAL PERMIT C11YOFTIGARD A�� EPMI.*Y' NO. : 'IE893.923 CMOFTMOM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 13125 S.W.Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 2339 1,Tigard,Oregon 97223.(.503)639-417` u//13/99 P11:4114 VAU, Nil 4:191 Q-1 %.JOB ADDRESS : 1.,(42J.!5 SW 125TI-4 AVE'- TAX MkP/I...OT ':)L)H: LT : 8K : LAND USE: SIZE' : TTEM: NO: N I W014K CLASS: ALTER!'-TION FUPNAC�: <1.00K AIR HANDLP <1.0 USE TYPE : SINGLE FAMIL. Y 100K+ I AV-4 HANDLP 10K CONST . TYPE.: F*I UOP FURNAC.E EVAP.COOLER O(.1C1U1"-'.WWI. 11.4-KATEP VENT FAN Vl:::Nl* V L N'Y .5 Y 511'K M HLP/COMP <311-11P HOOD N .). GTORIES: F31.341COMP 3-).5HP INCINERATOR(DOM DWELL.UNITS : 1311-141/12OMP 1.5-30HP INCINEWAT0114111COM FURL TYVIE BLA/COMP 30-50HP WEPA:I:P UNITS MAX . INPUT el R/CLIMP 30+11P OTHER F*IRE' DMPR57 GAS PIPING; I-ow RIE'MARKS 0 ll�'-PHIT 11110 . 00 W wiikl k 4,%1 P , N lilii.# 125ti-I 11, Pei E PLAN PI::'VIL-..W' R ti.gar(A ar 97r.?2'4 F'IXTURE'S 1p7 .80 PHONE' (503) 639-42".0 S'I*Al'r.-*: TAX $ OTHER C 0 WTLLERl1-,ANL) A I CI--lAf4D N T ANDREWS (*N) R HOW) OF DIVISION A C Purt.Iit.111 d Or 97202 T , i PHONE (50,A) P31-3700 Ri PEGISIWATION NO. e40*106 TOTAL : This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained in Titl,,14 11iii.I CEIPT W.). of the TMC. State of Oregon Specialty Codes. zoning trgula!ions and all other applicable codes and ordinances, and It Is hereby REQUIRE:[) INSPEUTIONS agreed that the work will be done in accordance with the plans an I GAS I-INK' specifications and In compliance with all applicable codes anti HFAM ordinances rhe issuance of this permit(lops not waive restrictive POIA101-4—11.111 covenantr, Contractor and subcontractors shall have current city bU9IrIV1113 tax 1,4rmits This permit will expire and become null and F :1.NAL void it work Is, of started within 180 days,or it work 19-Ruspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days any time After work has commenced It shall be the responsi.ility of the pet millee to Assure all required inspections are requested and approved I Perms tee Signature Issued Sir: 'r,,sT i rnn T111.17117.177T SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE City oS -Tigard 13125SW Hall Blvd. MECHANICAL PERMIT Recetpt�P.O. BOX 23397 Permit M _ . Cf Tigard, OR 972.23 Deawlitlon -- 639-4175 39-+�}!175 ka lable 3A Mechanl Code GIN_ PRICE AMIVJ;j 1) Permit Fee -o- 1,)-00 (--`- Name el X1°`4 -- --- t 2) Sup -)lemenlal Permit 00 Job Address - — 1 Fumace to 100.000 BTU _ --- Address )` F�,�` - l �'� incl.duds A vents 6(Y-1 Tax {,ypHp, Furnace 10(0,0)00 BTU+ 2) ind.ducts&vents I 7.50 Lot Block SubdMi0on -- _ t4ae�ts(or name businesa) 3) i poor Furnace -- incl.vers' --- -_ 6.00 IAalra+pMidrae / 4) Suspend- .4aater.wallheater er - — Oemor 11"mpunted heater 6.00 t�gN61aM ZIP 5) Vent not incl.in —----- I _ tante apP permit 3.00 -- ---- 6) Repair of heating,refrig, cooling.absorption unit 6.00 gess r Boiler or comp to3HP 6 _ absorp.unit to 100,000 BTU Cccupon, CityfState zip 6) Werorcomp to3'4P-15 HP 11.00 absorp.unit to 500,000 BTU Name 9) Boiler orowV15-30 HP 'I ' ?r- , absorp.unit 1h-1mi''lion 15.00 ��' l Il(. L ) Boiler or comp to 30.50 HP Contractor ( ) ( t 0 absotp.unit 1-1.75 million _ 22.50 ca ISNIe ZIP 11) G,i,!forcotnpto50HP 31.50 r-J F a, jtp.unit 1,750,000 BTU sxn.Ileglst.atton No. cuy tt iax hln Air handling unit to _ 12) 10,000 CFM 4.50 -- 1 hereby adur w4*ipe that 1 have text Drs ar. .-atwxn dto e*irlkxrwtion gi`re^k 13) Air handling unit 7.50 wn+ck 0ta11 am Um tanner or auexxized ok"Ie owmw.eutl 10,000 CFM 4- agrxq rilarU sutxttitled are h 0*nViiismr*with State Laws.01811 am wtth 11".Ute rkaldrxs'rk3ard.etiat thn Non portable rKattter Ogren is taxied.(it exenxx tmxn Stain"witslrstm r4nasn give esvm t)ehwl 14) evaporateeoaler 4.50 Vent fan connected _ �5) to a single dud 3 —7— 16) Ventilation system not - _ included in appliance permit 4.50 .-- -_— hood served by 17) mechanical exhaust 450 Slpnaliae(otanet«49") - t f K lire - Domestic type Describe work19) incinerator 7.50 ❑ addition ❑ alteration Q repair C] to be done residential run-residential ❑ rr Conercial or industrial Existing use of � 19) type incinerator 30.00 building or property_1 I (( C n S,-( �O) Other i.e.,woodstove,water Proposed use of healer,solar,clothes dryers,etc. 4.50 building or property 21) Gas piping one to four outlets 2.00 Type of fuel- oil 1, natural gas ❑ LPG p electric Q - 22) More than 4-per outlet NOTICE - - — -- THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CON- SUB-TOTAL STRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WI7141N t0O _ 57. SURCHARGE DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR PLAN REVIEW 25%OF SUB-TOTAL ABANDONED FOR A PER1017 nF, t R0 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER — WORK IS COMMENCED. TOTAL ILI Special Conditions t CITY OF -FIGARL) NOTICE OF U(J SION MLP 87-04, V 87-09, M 87-•06 Richard & Shirley Walker APPLICATION: Request to adjust two parcels of 8.5 and 0.75 acres into two parcels of 8.3 and 0.95 acres followed by a division of the 8.3 acre parcel into three parcels of 0.86, 0.86, and 6.6 acres. Variances are also requested to allow a private driveway serving 9 parcels on a 20 foot wide easement, 13 foot gravel width, and length of approximately 1600 ft. where a maximum of 3 parcels, easement width of 30 ft, and pavement width of 24 ft. , and maximum length of 100 ft. is required. The 'property is zoned R-4.5 (single family residential, 4.5 units per acre). Location: ?215 S.W. 125th Ave. (WC'TM 2S1 9A Lots 100 and 101) . DECISION: riotice is hereby given th;At the Planning Director for the City of Tigard has APPROVED the above described applications subject to certain conditions. The fi--Aings and conclusions on which the Director based his decision are as noted below. A. FINDING OF' FACT 1 . Background Both of these parcels were recently annexed to the City from unincorporated Was',ington County. This is the first land use application to be reviewed by the Planning Division for these propertie-, , 2. Vicinity Information Land uses surrounding these parcels are zoned residential for large and medium sized lots. Zoning districts include R-4.5 tc the north, R-2 (Single Family Residential, 2 units per acre) to the east, R--1 (Single Family Residential, 1 unit per acre) to the south and southeast: and unincorporated Washington County's R--6 (Residential, 6 units per acre) to the west. 3 . Site Information and Proposed Description 'The smaller of these two parols (tax lot 101) is currently developed with a single family residence. The larger lnt contains an accessory structure or small barn but is otherwise undeveloped. Both parcels slope steadily downward from east to west toward a heavily wooded ravine. The applicants are proposing to increase the size of the smaller- parcel by adding .2 acre, from the larger parcel and then partitioning two .86 acre lots from the remaining 8, 3 acre parcel . Variances are also requesto-d to allow a private driveway to serve 9 parcels, a 20 foot wide easement to serve those parcels and an easement length of approximately 1600 feet. In the Community Development Code (%,oC) the maximum number of parcels to be served NOTICE OF DECISION - MLP 87--04/V 87-09/M 87-06 - WALKER - PAGE 1 by a private driveway is 6 parcels; minimum access width for such a driveway is 30 feet, 24 feet of which must be raved; and the maximum length of such a driveway is 100 feet. IThe applicants desire to extend the present easement (driveway) to serve the two proposed parcels. The said e•asemert is to be 15 feet wide and overlaid with heavy rock. A "T" will be located at the easement to allow turnaround space for fire and emergency vehicles. 4. Agency and NPO Comments The Rui.lding Division has reviewed this proposal and want to ensure that the location of the septic system can be verified prior to approval so there is assurance that it will not: be located on any -1ther lot than the one being served. 'The Engineering Division has reviewed this proposal and has provided recommendations for approval . The Tualatin Rural Fire Prevention District reviewed the proposal and state that the driveway must provide a turn--around of some typo, as required. Also, a fire hydrant must be located within 500 feet of any residence. The Washington County Department of Land Use and Transportaticn and the Ticlard Water District both review,ad the proposal and neither have objections to it. No r,ther comments were received regarding this proposal . B. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION The size and lot widths of the two proposed lots and the two adjusted parcels will ,all conform with the applicable requirements of Chapter 18.50 (R 4,5) and Chapter 18. 163 (Land Division) of the CDC. The manner of this land division is such that future division and development of the land or future street- extensions are not prevented. Given the existing terrain, street extensions to the property will come from the ea9t or north. Because of the limited capacity of the driveway and the remaining development potential of the property, the City will be planning to provide another street connection(i) in the future. In order not to interfere with the development of a public street, any new structures should be located a minumum of 50 feet from the eastern property ;ine. A site inspection war undertaken to determine the nature and impact of exceeding the six parcels served by a private driveway wit.h an access width of 20 feet and a length of, 1600 feet. It was discovered that thid entire easement is overlaid with asphalt.. Starting at Dull Mountain Road, the driveway Pxtends northward for about 300 feet with a width of 31 feet. Besides serving the residences alnng S•W. 175th, this easement is used by the Tigard Water District for access to property containing a large subterra►nnean water tank. Beyond the Water District's property, the driveway narrows to a width of roughly 13 feet and extends to a point just NIOTICE OF DECISION — MLP E7-04!V 87-09/M 87-06 — WALKER — PAGE 2 beyond the applicant' s residence. The condition of the asphalt driveway is good and no visual inhibitrrs occur along the way as the driveway is both straight and nearly flat From the applicant' s statement, the intention is to provide access to the two new parcels using a 15 foot wide driveway extending some 300-400 feet north of the existing driveway. This new extension is to be overlaid with "heavy rock all weather surface" material . Although the width and length of the extended driveway is considered to be adequate for the addition of two residential lots, a rock or gravel overlay is unacceptable. The extended portion of the driv.avlay will have to be paved with asphalt to be uniform with the rest. of the easement and to be consistent with Chapter 18. 108 (Access, EgrFss and Circulation) of the CDC which requires pavement on all driveways. C. DECISION The Planning Director approves MI.P 81'-04 and V 67-01 subject to the following conditions: 1 . UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CONDITIONS SHALL BE. MET PRIOR TO RECORDING THE PARTITION WITH WASHINGTON COUNTY. 2. The legal descriptions for the new parcels shall ue reviewed and approved by the Planning Director prior to rea;ording with Washington County. 3. The applicant shall provide a 15 foot wine asp,tialtdriveway within a 25 foot wide easement from the southern property boundary to the access points of both newly created parcels. 4. A non-remonstrance aaraement for the future development of sanitary sewers, storm sewers and for public street improvements that would benefit the subject properties shall bo executed by the applicant, on City forms, and shall be reviewed ,and approved by the City prior to recurding. 5. Applicant shall obtain a letter of serviceabi!.ity from the Wasi�ington County Department of Land Use and Transportation stating the minor land partition' s increased impact and intensification of traffiz- volume on SW Bull Mountain Road. 6. The applicant shall provido evidence of a joint ase maintenance agreement, as approved by the Engineering Division, which states the responsibilities owners of the vaiement have, for the costs and obligations of maintaining the easement. i All structures on the three parcels shell ma'ntain a minimum setback of 50 Leet from the eastern property lin(, . NOTICE OF DECISION - MLP 87-04/V 87-09/M 87-06 - WALKER - PAGE 3 8 This approval is valid if exercised within one year- of the final decision date noted below. 0. PROCEDURE 1 . Notice: Notice was published in the rinwspaper, posted at City Hall and mailed to: XX _ The applicant & owners XX Owne^s of record I,jithin the required distance XX_ The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization )✓X -- Affected governmental agencies 2. Final Decision: THE DECISION SHALL ►. FINAL ON July _9, 1987 UNIT-SS AN APPEAL IS FILED. 3 . Appeal: Any party to the decision may appeal this de4i-,ion in accordance with SQction 1d.32.290(A) and Section 18.32.370 of the Community Development Code which provides that a written app.lal must be filed with the CITY RECORDER within 10 days after notice is givc-n and sent. The deadline for filing of an appeal is 3:30 P.M July 9, 1987. 4 . 92gtstions: If you have any questions, please cal?. the City of Tigard Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Blvd. , PO Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223, 639-4171. WToi� ' [-*17PRI:PAPED 6Y: Dixon, Asst. Planner DATE 12 William A. Monahan, Director of Community Development QATE APPROVED (ID:cn/1877W) S►fie / T fC{rT{r{urT f• LTM -� I v�1f� f r.r{taro, _ ct y► I K1C � {r HMT n • f r r. O r�. � r — � w NOTICE OF DECISION — MLP 87-04/V 87-09/M 87-06 — WALKER — PAGE 4 U i I DEED BK-71 PG.51 CS• a9"50*30"-W i N.E. SEC. COR. 660.0O'C.5. 3752) bb SECTION ri TH LINE 5 -89° 50120- ►V BRASS CAP FD. rroN 9 65980' `' 3 Ito 9.8 8' 00 L . P PARCEL I � ' 0 36, 934- S.F. I 5.8 9' 50' 20~ W I I 2 50.00 I 0 o M. L . P Z o PARCEL 2 I o I In ' tA 3 7�5,I1 :.5E N7• 250.00 I, 1001605 '^ l b. 78�/ AC.. 5. 895024=W I o. o• 251 �. I Al 25' INGRESS, EGRE.55 SAN . SWR., POTABLE KATER i 5. 89'50 20- W h1 AN'D UTILITY E5MT 186 .69 50. DEED 3 2, 6 70 S.F. p 0.75 AC. o up 4 2 3 � 1 W/W L. Me GAS' ------- SEE i. S 2 2, Z 7. � s -89' 50 '20"-W i6o.0o' 1 659. 90' I o I � C s <:23 1 ry I " I. R.F W/W. L .Mc CAP 160.00' i ,;, SEE C S 22, 273 20 . I EXISTING ! 20' FkOADWA f ES01 I pEEG RK : 04