13430 SW 107TH AVENUE i ff 13430 SW 107TH AVENUE I ai c cy1 W w w w w w w w OFw w. CITY OF TIGARD - BUILDING DEPT ATTV: NANcy WHITE MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON TO: All Agencies For Address Updates FROM: Laura Freeman, Engineer'_no 'Technician L DATE: May 1, 1989 SUBJECT: Address Updates - April 1, 1.989 to April 30, 1989 New Single-Family Addresses * Portion of WCTM 2S1 1113A, TL 500 (Minor Land Partition 88-20) 9777 SW Elroee -:t Tigard, OR 97224 * Portion of WCTM 2S1 11AB, TL 200 (Minor Land Partition 88-02) 9033 SW Mountain View Ln Tigard, OR 97224 * Portion of WCTM 2S1 3DA, TL 5601 & 5602 Lot "1" (Minor Land Partition 88-02) Evisting Residence 13430 SW 107th Ave Tigard, OR 97223 • Portion of WCTM 2S1 3DA, TL 5601 & 5602 Lot "2" (Minor Land Partition 88-02) 10676 S4 Cock Ln Tigard, OR 97223 * Portion of WCTM 2S1 3DA, TL 5601 & 5602 Lot "3" (Minor Land Partition 88-02) 13434 SW 107th Ave Tigard, OR 972.23 New Multi-Family Addrenses * Portion of WCTM 2S1 2DB, TL 201 Lot "A" (Mi.nor Land Partition 88-19) Duplex 9283 SW Hill St N Tigarl, OR 97223^ * Portion of WCTM 2S1 2DB, TI. 201 Lot "B" (Minor Land Partition 88-19) Duplex 9295 SW Hill St N Tigard, OR 97221 !�EWEA PEP111T J."1EAM11' NO . CITY OF T'G'ARDTCrffrY10tF'T1GA1Xd) 0111110,004 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DAM 3:455LIED : '(1/1.0/89 13125 S.W.Hall Blvd..P.O t3ox 23391.Tigard,Oregon 97223,(503)6394175 l*-1I:I'TM . VIMT ,NQ (381275 ADDPEEdila : 1-3/430 5W 1.07TH AVI-".* USA NUMBEIR: 359WIS (Ax MAP/LUT PS13DA.5600 t-AIB: I-T . I. AND USE: 1 0,11 !A:Zr;.-: : I*I(IN: 3 "IMP . 45 DNG . cit WOPK CLAWS : 1p.5j.": F'rVill.-Y (:)'P tl -i ll rt .'F:i. C With U11 ir,u'l.e.sv 4:JrIC.1 I Ir-rd tead The tutiii-l. xpirmiw U.20 dra.ylll fl'um 1,110 6114e i k- 131-kid Will be if I'l-14P expil,(v."Ii . the Agerlay due!a licit guni.— Al')Lcm. hhel tht-A 3.0clat.1orl of tl-,Ie 141.dv� U14DW(M-I.- 1.1' thel s,krwsrr i.ss 114:11. 11.1u .ted iftt' thi V.4 Ole JJI%tP0-1'ur' %1*1411,3-1- 3 ")et in in1l d i fl-41 III d*.I.%t'larlce given T-1111 Ilut liul , A.h e 11'1%t.mJ J.tqll- %h It;1.J. III-cAlia.lim? ie —I'akp larld Pel-lni t' ullcl l.he Wit 1 illtiil'uil' 14. fYF'IK. : Unr. UNITTri 'TENAN'T J.MPRUVEMI: (.JN:[ T*5 : 1. NO OF 111-IJIG'S . l--'LWMJ- I to 3 15 . 0 Fv�)v '111,500 . 00 N I I") law 11.0,10-1 is v 6..' GONNfiJ, I A.ON ('A-IhRGK E t)r 97"; 1. 1NU* 'TAP 1N!;I'TALA— IDNI:� 1 1080 IEP C N A LL— ('C)Y A 1 $3 3 1., u 0 NO , This permit is issued subject to the regi!iat-ons contained in Title 14 . .......... of the TMC. State of Oregon Spectaiiy Codes. zoning regulationsr.11 I 1121 I, t4q, 1 1.ON and all other applicable codes and ordinances. and it is hereby N agreed that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and specifications and in compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances The issuance of this permit does not waive restrictive covenants Contractor and subcontractors shall have current city business tax permits This permit will expi,.4 and become null and void If work Is not started within 180 days.or if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days any time after work has commenced It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to Assure all required inspections are requested and approved Perms tee Si, tyle Issued 13Y T SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WOnK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE_ i! CITY OF TTGARD NOTICE OF DECISION VARIANCE V 88-18 DAVID AND REBECCA NICOLAI APPLICATION: A request. by David and Rebecca Nicolai for approval of a variance to the Community Development Code requirement that a private road serving more than 3 dwelling units be no less than 24 feet wide. The applicants request- that the pri•.ate road extending approximately 195 feet southward from the intersection of Cook Lane and SW 107th Avenue be allowed to be paved to a width of 21 feet. The request emanates fhom a condition of the approval of a previous land use application for partitioning the applicants' property into 3 parcels (MLP 87-11, V 87-2.3). Location: 13430 SW 107th Avenue (WGIM 2S1 3DA, Tax Lot 5600) . DECISION: Notice is hereby given that the designee of the Planning Director for the City of Tigard has APPROVED the above described application subject to certain conditions. The findings and conclusions on which this decision are based are as noted below. A. FINDING OF I-'ACT 1 . Background The Planning Division has reviewed two previous applications regarding Tax Lot 5600. 'The Director approved a minor partition of Tax Lot 5600 on November, 6, 1980. That derision approved dividing the parcel into 2 lots subject- to several conditions including construction of half—street improvements on Cook Lane. The applicant appealed the imposition of that condition to the Planning Commission. The appeal was withdrawn after Commission and City Council review, but prior to a final decision being rendered. On December- 2.2, 1907, the Director approved a minor, land partition dividing Tax Lot 5600 into two parcels of 11,800 feet each and one par•ccl of 20,000 square feet (Mi..P 87•-11, V 87. 23) . The approval included a condition requiring the applicants to widen the gravel extension of SW 107th Avenue to a minimum of 24 feet, provide. a turnaround area, and pave the private road, Tt is that condition of approval that is presently in question. 2 . Vicinity InforwAtion Properties surrounding the private roan arca zrned R-3 .5 (Residential , 3 .5 units/acr•N) and are developed with single family residences, Cook Lane is approximately 22 feat wide., paved, and does not have curbs ar sidewalks. SW 107th Avenue is approximately 20 feet wide and gr•eavel surfaced. the private road is appr-oximateky 20 feet wide and paved for- appruximately 1.20 feet south •.af Cook Lane., Beyond that, the road is 15 feat wide and gravel surfaced foranother• 75 feat. Nine parcels would be served by the private road, including thea 3 parcels created from "lax Lot 5600. NOTICE OF DECISION — V 88-18 DAVID AND REBECCA NICOLAI — PAGE 1 e �ree �eaera e f 3 . Site Information and Proposal Descrip+.ion Community Development Code Secti,:,n 10, 108.070(x) requires that private roads serving 3 or more dwelling units have 30 feet of access width, be paved to a minimum of 24 feet in width, and have curbs and a walkway . Condition of approval H5 of th- Director's Decision for MLP 87-11, V 87--23 which approved partitioning of the applicants' property varied this standard as applied to the private road. As a condition of the partitioning, the applicants were required o widen the private road to 24 feet, but the roan was not required to include curbs or a walkway. The applicants now request that the. pavement: width standard be varied to allow a 21 foot paved roadway. The applicants state that this width is necessary to avoid having to remove ", trees adjacent to the road. 4. Agency and NPO Comments The Engineering Division reviewed the proposal and offered no objection to the requested variance. The Division dial comment, however, that easements need to be recorded for all parcels on which portions of the private road are locatod . Washington County Fire District H1 did not object to the requested variance but commented that: the plans submitted do not show whether a fire hydrant was provided within 500 feet of potential building sites on the lots to be created from Tar. Lot 5600. The Fire District had commented on the provision of hydrants requirement in their review of the prior partition application. The Planning Division has determined through a visit to the site that existing hydrants are located within 500 feet of the pot.intial building sites. No other comments were received. B. ANALYSIS AND CONCI..USION Code Section 18. 134.050 provides for• granting variances to Code requirements upon a determination that the requested variance will not conflict with the purposes of the Plan and Code, will, not be eptrimental to adjacent properties or existing physical or natural systems, that the need for the requested variance arises from spacial cir•cumst..ances *that are beyond the control of the applicant, and that the extent- of the variance from the standard is limited so that City standards are maintained to the greatest extent reasonably possible, In the present situation, the rived for the requested decrease .in pavemant wi.dth arises from the applicants' sand neighbors' desire to avoid romovinq existing tree: . -1 his constitutes a special. circumstance beyond the applicants' control since these trues were not planted by the applicants. UP. width requested (2.1 feet) exceeds the Uniform Fire Code' s requirement NOTICE OF DECISION — V 88-1; DAVID AND REBECCA NICOLAI — PAGE 2 that developed parcels be served by a road of at least 20 feet in width so as to provide sufficient access for emergency vehicles. The conditions of approval for the prior partition request specify that the road be posted with "No Parking" signs. Thus, the purposes behind the Code requirement for a 24 foot pavement width, adequate width for two-way traffic and for emergency vehicle access, would not be adversely impacted. Reviewing agencies have not raised concerns that existing physical or natural systems would be affected if the requested variance is granted. The Planning Division also does not foresee any adverse affects on existing systems . The width requested is only slightly less than the width (2.2 feet) of adjacent paved streets (Cook Lane) . Thus, the requested variance is limited to a width close to what- the City has previously -accepted for a road carrying a greater amount of traffic. The Planning Division therefore finds that the criteria for a variance are satisfied for the request to allow the private extension of 107th Avenue to be paved to a width of 21 feet rather than the 24 foot standard width. C. DECISIDN The planning Director's designee approves Variance V 88-18 subject to the following conditions. I . The private street shall- be a minimum of 21 feet wide from Cook Lane to the turnaround. The turnaround shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide and consist of two 40 foot extensions from the main road. All other roadway improvement standards specified by the conditions of approval of Director's decision MLP 87--11/V 87-•23 remain in effect. STAFF CONTACT: GARY Al_FSON, ENGINEERING DIVISION (639-4171) . 2. Ac,:ess easements must be recorded for all properties on which the private road is located. STAFF CONTACT: JERRY OFFER, PLANNING DIVISION (639-.4171) . 3 . This approval is valid until December, 22, 1988, the date on which the �Appr•oval for MI-P 87 1.1, V 87-23 expires. D. PROCEDURE 1. Notice: Notice was published in the ,;ewspaper, posted at City Hall anti mailed to: XX The applicant & owners XX Owners of record within the required distance XX The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization _._XX Affected governmental agencies 2.. Final Decision: TNI DLCI!310N SHALL. BE FINAL ON July 19, 1988 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS F11 FD. ----- NOTICE OF DECISION V 88 18 DAVID AND REBECCA NICOL_AI - PAGE 3 3 . App2aI Any party to l.he docision may appeal this deci.sion i.n accordance with Section 1p.32.290(A) and Section 18 .32 , 370 of the Community Development Code which provides that a written appeal must be filed with the CITY RECORDER within 10 days after, notice is given and sent. Appeal fee schedule and forms are available at T gar•d City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Blvd . , Tigard, Oregon. The deadline for filing of an appeal is 3:30 P.M. Jud 19, 1988 4. Questions: If you have any ques'_ions, please call the City of ligar'd Planning Depar•tmont, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Nall Blvd. , PO Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223, 639-4171 . PREPARE/ ,'BY: Err r, Assistant Planner DTE' Keith Liden, Senior >Ianner ATE APPROVES) (ke/5796D) j s cootaw i• � `�•.yI \ \ SW COOK LAME j I ra.- �r:200'� Ort ---lid Rd I u m 8 ►10TICE OF DECISI �/ NOTICE OF DECISION V 88-18 DAVID & REBECCA NICOLAI - PAGE 4 'UUUU ULJL-� U " 4' J4- #.'C CORE F TIFARD GONN February 2 1988 \ � Mr. David Nicoll 13430 SW 107th Tigard, OR 97223 Dear Mr. Nicoll: On February 1, 1988, you inquired as to the cost for permits to connect a single famfly dwelling to the public sanitary sewer system. In answer to your question, the following fees are applicable: 1. Permit Fee o New construction $1,135.00 o Existing (if constructed before 1970 and has not had sewer available for more than three (3) years) $335.00 2. In lieu of assessment charge o New and existing (in addition to permit fee) 0,000.00 (This is charged if a property has never participated in the construction or extension of a mai- line sanitary sewer). If you have any questions, please call me at 639-4171 Sincerely, Brad Roast Building Official hr/2998D 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.0 Box 23397,Tlpord,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 --- -------- ff CITY OF TIGARD NOTICE OF DECISION MLP 87-11 V 87-23 DAVID AND REBECCA NICOLI APPLICATION: A request by David and Rebecca Nicoli for approval of a minor 1&,id partition to divide a 43,600 square foot parcel into 2 parcels of 11,800, square feet each, and one parcel of 20,000 square feet. The property is zoned R--3 .5 (Residential, 3 .5 unit,:/acre) . Also requested are variances to allow a lot width for two of the parcels of 63 feet when the Community Development Code requires 65 feet; to allow a depth to width ratio of 2.97 when the Code requires a 2.5 ratio; and to allow a private street to serve 9 residences when the Code allows a maximum of 6 residences to be served. Location: 13430 SW 107th Avenue (WCTM 2S1 3DA, Tax Lot 5600) . DECISION: Notice is hereby given that the Plaw" ir•ector for the City of Tigard has approved the above described ap. ion subject to cer•t:ain conditions. The findings and conclusions on which the Pirectur based his decision are as noted below. A. FINDING (F FACT 1 . Background The Planning Division previcusly approved a minor• land partition for Tax Lot 5600 on November 6, 1980. That decision approved dividing the tax lot into two parcels subject to several conditions, including constr•uct•ion of standard half street improvements on Cook Lane. The applicant appealed the imposition of that condition to the Planning Commission. The appeal was withdrawn after Commission and City Council review but prior• to a final decision being rendered. No other applications have been reviewed by the Planning Division regarding the property . 2. Vicinity Information i The subject parcel �lnd surrounding properties are zoned R--3.5 (Residential, 3 .5 units/acre) and are developed w.th single family residences. Cook Lane is 22 feet wide, paved, and does not have curbs or sidewalks. 107th Avenue north of Cook Lane is approximately 15 feet wide and graveled. A private dead end street in alignment with 107t-h Avenue exists south of Cook Lane. The private street is 20 feet wide and paved for• approximately 120 feet south of Cook Lane. Beyond that is 15 feet wide and gravelled for another 75 feet-. 3 . Site Information and Proposal Dc,scr•iption A single family residence and a detached garage are located in the northwest corner of .:ax lot 5600. Access to the garage is provided by the private street. A four foot- tall chain link fence separates a portion of the parcel surrounding the existing residence from the remainder of the parcel. 'this fence does riot correspond with the proposed property lines of this parcel . The remainder• of the parcel is flat and contains a number of fruit- trees. NOTICE OF DECISION — MLP 87-11 V 87-23 NICOLI — PAGE 1 �' � i S► � ! f• ttt � The applicants propose to partition this 43,600 square foot parcel into one parcel of 20,000 square feet which would include- the existing house and garage, and two vacant parcels of 11,800 square feet each. The smaller parcels are each 63 feet wide by 187 feet long with a depth to width ratio of 2.97. A variance is requested to the R-3.5 zone minimum lot width requirement of 65 foot (Code 18.48.050[2]) and the maximum depth to width ratio of 2.5 (Code 18.164.060[a][2]) . The applicants state that it is necessary to limit the width on these lots to leave 20,C00 square feet for the other lot-, thereby allowing for future r•edivision into 10,000 square foot lots. Additionally, the applicants stat-n that this variance would not significantly affect the building envelope and, if the area to be added to the private road is subtracted from the gross area, the depth to width ratio nearly complies with the Code standard. A variance to the Community Development Code's standard for the maximum number of single family residences allowed to be. served by a pr•itrate road is also necessary. -The Code allows a maximum of six. The applicants propose that nine residences would be served. Residences to be provided access include those on tax lots 54000 5401, 5491, 5492, 5500, 5501, and the three parcels proposed to be created from tax lot 5600. Extension of the asphaltic concrete pavement approximately 70 feet south of the present pavement end is proposed. The pavement.: would be eighteen feet wide and end in a 25 foot wide half-hammerhead turnaround. Access easements would be granted to adjacent property owners. The existing gravel driveway on tax lot 5500 would abut the new pavement on the west side resulting in an approximately 30 foot net width. 'The unimproved right-of-way for 107th Avenue north from Fairhaven Street and south of the private road is cleared and flat and could be developed as a through street with connection to the private road. However, the applicants state that the adjacent property owners prefer that the road remain private and a dead end. 4. Agency and NPO Comments The Engineering Division has reviewed the proposal and offers the following comments: a. The corner lot: proposed to be partitioned has frontage an Cook Lane and on an existing 25 foot wide access easement or private street which is in alignment with 107th Avenue. b. Cook Lane is a local street- and is paved approximately 22 feet: wide. The easement area i- mostly paved and approximately 20 feet wide. Neither the street nor the easement has curbs, sidewalks, or other improvements . c. Community Development Code Chapter 18. 108 allows for private streets which serve up to 6 lots. Standard improvements for private streets include 24 feet wide pavement with curbs and a 5-foot wide sidewalk on one side. d. A total of 9 residential lots would access the private street after partitioning. 'The proposed private street will be approxim.+tely 180 feet, long. NOTICE OF DECISION - MLP 87-11 V 87-23 NICOLI - PAGE 2 �Y e. A 20--foot wide unobscured access width is required for emergency access. A turnaroui;d must: be provided for access lengths greater than 150 feet. f, An adequate turnaround consists of a cul-de-sac with a 45--foot curb radius. A hammerhead configuration is also allowable if it is 24 feet wide with each leg a minimum of 40 feet long. The turnaround proposed is not adequate since only one forty fiva ,°oot long leg is proposed. g. Half street; improvements are typically required for dei,elopments which front an unimproved street such as Cook Lane and the private street. h. The imma_diate neighborbood on Cook Lane and 107th Avenue is fully developed. The Tualatin Rural Fire District reviewed the proposal and commented that fire hydrants must- be provided within 500 feet of any structure to be constructed on the new lots, The Fire District also commented that: access must comply with the Code's requirements and must have an adequate turnaround arta, The Build3 Division, Tigard Water District, and General Telephone reviewed the proposal and reported they had no objections to it. No other• comments were received. B. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION The Community Development Code allows for approval of a minor land partition if the proposal complies with the Comprehensive Plan, statute and ordinance requirements, dimensional requirements of the applicable zone, city and service providing agency public improvement standards, and if adequate public facilities are available to the site. In this case, these criteria are satislied with the exception of non-compliance with the Code's requirements fur lot width and maximum depth to width ratio for two of the lots and also with the Code's standard for number of residences served by a private road. The Code and agency standa-ds for private road design and improvement are also not completely satisfied, The applicants have requested variances to these requirements , Code Section 18. 134.050 provides for granting variances to requirements of the Code upon a determination that the variance will not be detrimental to adjacent properties and physical and natural systems, and that City standards will be maintained to the greatest extent reasonably possible by minimizing the extent of the variance. In the present case, the variances to the R--3.5 zone's minimur,i lot width and the depth to width ratio are minimal; would not have detrimental effects upon adjacent properties or physical or natural Q,; repartitioning (CDC 18.162.040(c)) . The intent of the depth to width ratio is to discourage the creatio•► of deep, narrow lots that are substantially larger than the minimum parcel size and that have the potential to be redivided into flag lots. Because the for which this variance is requested have no additional redivision potential, the intent of this regulation would not be nullified by the variance. The intent or the minimum lot width requirement is primarily to preserve neighborhood character through preventing unusually shaped and dimensioned lots. Because the lots created do not vary significantly from this standard, this intent is not violated. The criteria for variances to the R-3.5 zone's lot width and the maximum depth to width ratio are therefore satisfied. As for the requested variance to the number of residences permitted to be. served by a private road, the Planning Division believes the variance criteria are satisfied because: 1) four existing residences of the nine potential residences to be served by the private road access the road within 25 feet of the intersection with Cook Lane. Therefore, the primary intent of the standard, which is to prevent overloading and congestion of the private street itself, is not significantly impacted by adding two additional lots further along the road; 2) landowners along the road apparently prefer that the street remain private and, presumably, find no detriment resulting from potential additional residences on the street. No detrimental effects on other adjacent properties not receiving access from the private street are foreseen; 3) little additional traffic impact on Cook Lane and 107th Avenue is foreseen if the variance is granted. Neither of these streets is more than one block long. Therefore, existing traffic, is assumed to be minimal and the streets are further assumed to have the capacity to adegUately handle any additional traffic resulting from the partition. Whereas the Planning Division approves the variances and the minor land partition as requested, the Division agrees with the need for- the conditions of approval recommended by the Engineering Division and the Fire Dia'..,-ict. The private street- must provide Adequate access and manueverabilit:y for emergency vehicles. This can only be accomplished through redesign to City standards. Adequate, continued access is to be guaranteed to all adjacent landowners through the recordation of easements and joint use and maintenance agreements fur the entire private street. The waiver of remonstrance agreements for future improvements of 107th Avenue and Cook Lane are required by the City in accordance with Chapter 18. 164.030(a)(3) of the Code which states "where the City Engineer determines that a required street improvement- would not be timely, or where lack of support by the other property owners would prevent a complete street improvement, the City Enginrr^ may accept a future im;arovement guarantee in a form approved by Ow c�,jblic works director." Complete street improvements aro riot pro, coA ly necessary for this relatively small portion of street frontage in a substantially developed area where such improvements are generally absent-. The recommended waiver of remonstrance agreements will guarantee property ow,►er participation in improving the streets in the future if improvements are determined to be necessary. In the future, the City may determine that It is necessary to also improve the right--of—way of 107th Avenue from the present private road to Fairhaven Shote. Tn order Lhai adequate setbacks will exist along the NOTICE OF DECISION — MLP 87-11 V 87-23 NICOLI — PAGE 4 potential public stree L, it is necessary that additional set:backs be established at this time. A 45 foot setback will assure adequate space for 25 feet of right--of-way and 20 additional feet of setback. C. DECISION The Planning Director approves MLP 87-11/V 67-23 subject to the following conditions: 1. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CONDITIONS SHALL BE MET PRIOR TO RECORDING THE MINOR PARTITION WITH WASHINGTON COUNTY. 2. The partition survey and legal descriptions shall be submitted to the Planning Director for review and approval. TKE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE MET TO THE SATISFACTION OF' THE ENGINEERING DIVISION. 3. Half-street improvements will not be required on Cook Lane due to the developed condition of the immediate neighborhood. A waiver of remonstrance for the future development of Cook Lane shall be executed by the applicant on City forms and shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to recording. The existing right-of-way width of 50 feet is the current standard; therefore, no additional right-of--way is required. STAFF CONTACT: JON FEIGION. 4. A private street- access easement will be allowed to serve the 9 lots . Joint use and maintenance agreements will be required to accompany the easement for each lot which will access the private street. The agreements shall be referenced 'un and become part of all applicable parcel deeds . Agreement forms are available from the Engineering Division. STAFF CONTACT: JON FEIGION. 5. The private street- shall be 24 feet wide from Cook Lane to the turnaround and small be a minimum of 3 inches of asphaltic: concrete on 6 inches of aggregate baserock in all locations . The turnaround shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide and either be a 45 foot radius cul--de-sac or a hammerhead with two 40 foot- extensions from the main road. Curbs and sidewalks shall not be required. Parking will not be allowed on the pavement. Signs must be installed indicating this parking restriction. STAFF CONTACT: GARY AL.FSON. 6. All public sanitary sewer and water utility lines shall be accompanie,4 by a 15 foot wide public utility easement. STAFF CONTACT : GARY ALF:+ON 7. A 5-foot wide concrete apron shall be required across Lite paved private street at the entrance to the privatia street. A street opening permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Division prior to construction. NOTICE OF DECISION - MLP 07-11 V 87-23 NICOLI - PAGE 5 I 1 8. A waiver of remonstrance for the future development of 107th Avenge shall be required from each partitioned lot, ST AF'F CONTACT: 70N FE:I:GION. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHAL.I APPLY AT THE: TIME OF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. 9. The storm drain system must provide each partitioned lot with direct access for drainage including roof drainage. 10. Building setbacks for the newly created lots shall be 45 feet from the west property line. this will assure adequate setbacks from the potont-ial right-of-way of 107th Avenue if it is connected from Cook Lane to Fairhaven Street in the future 11. This approval is valid if exercised within one year of the final decision date rioted below. D. PROCEDURE 1 . Notice: Notice was published in the newspaper, posted at City Hall and mailed to: — XX The applicant & owners XX Owners of record within the required distance _ XX The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization XX Affected governmental agencies 2. Final Decision- THE: DECISION SHALL BE FINAL ON _ December 22, 1987 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED, 3. Appeal: Any party to the decision may appeal this decision in accordance with Section 18.32.290(A) and Section 18.32.370 of the Community Development Code which provides that a written appeal must be filed with the CITY RECORDER within 10 days after notice is given and sant, The deadline for filing of an appeal is 3 :30 P.M. December 22, 1987. 4. uet.tions: If you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Blvd. , PO Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223, 639-4171 . Q_ 4 ? 0 PREPA BY: rry Offer, ant Planr DAT William A. Monahan, Director of Community Development DATE PP OVED (cs/41069D) NOTICE OF DECISION - MLP 87-11 V 87-23 NICOLI - PAGE 6 ^_ ru_ AAINOR I-AND PARTIYION FOR. DAVID & REBECCA NICOI_I I • Parcel 1 1 Parol 2 Parcel 3 201000 of 1 1,800 of 11,800 of T .6800,T.28.,R.1W.See. 30A 1 Z I •; TA- of Tigard, Washington Co.,Or. t cti..w Fav r s�iur O Y v I C wax�o 6•CRu6NC0 ROCK 3 TYPICAL PAVING SECTION .r•t_�s7• N 0 r.r.s. ,i �� 1 I A�J6 NGNT I 1 1 � !•i7lifY 1 . — N�traO 8 1 1 ROro5C0 i a'w 11 . ,e Relree�aaeivG war iI &-. 1 .1 I Y liffr 9400• i+�x I.GT F44a2 ,, f' — rnr- t.OT I VICINITY MAP C' ------------ f T► an •-� S tt � � � , A9-/J•d7 LIMA Westlake Consult,:ints Inc. 7145 5.111. Vons Rd. .uP.rw .. Tloord, Oregon 97223 UL04VEY.w u1".LG t 1--!v' f1 (1 � •503•6E4-0652 sr c¢..I�cra.lo 317-02 wM0•M yy LN - f;�;, ��i • • '�*;I:�tl:s!�i►'}!t ft:t IINK�ItijlP.IgfIM,il:Af a i• � �•,r - �r ►�• " fir. ►•wl �� , I��� �► its 1e[ o It t � t t C17YOFTIGARD PLAN CHECK APPLICATION CITYOFTIGARD PLAN CHECK # COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OREGON PERMIT # 13125 SW Hall Blvd. P.o.Box 23397.TiP(d.Or*gm 97223(503)6394176 DATE ISSUED JOB ADDRESS: i 3 y3 v Q % 7- TAX MAP/1-OT _ $ !- Z1)A, Sv00 SUB: �—� LOT: LAND USE: VALUATION: _ OWNER SPECIAL NOTES NAME: REISSUE OF: ADDRESS: _— , _�/ 3 s �✓ 1 O "7 `' LAST REISSUE: FLOOD PLAIN/ --- SENSITIVE LAND: _ PHONE: _— — '�' " _ � APPROVALS REQUIRED CONTRACTOR PLANNING: NAME: _ ENGINEERING: _ ADDRESS: _ FIRE DEPT ------ OTHER: — _...— PHONE: _ — — ITEMS REQUIRED LIST/SUBCONTRACTORS: ARCH/ENGINEER BUS TAX: �— NAME: _ CALCULATIONS: ADDRESS: — TRUSS DETAILS: -- -- PARKING PLAN: —i PHLANDSCAPE PLAN: ONE: - -V�- -- ------- OTHER COMMENTS: PERMIT # ACCT # DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT PD. BAL. DUE 10---432 00 Building Permit Fees —_.— 10-431 00 Plumbing Permit Fees -Y----- —� 10-431 01 Mechanical Permit Fees —-�---- 0--230 01 State Building lax (57) Bu i ld i ny Plumbing _— Me r_h _ _ ------.�.- 10--433 00 Plans Check Fee Building PIumbirig Mech _ 30--202 00 Sewer connection 30--444 00 Sewer Inspection 51--448 00 Street System Dev Charge (SDC) 52--449 01 Parks I System Dev Charge (PDC) _ 52-449 02 Parks II System Dev Charge (PDC) V - 31-450 00 Storm Drainage Syst Dev Chivy 10-230 09 - 10-230 06 Washington County Fire #1 (95X) 10--220 00 Amart/Wedgewood "— TOTAL RFC # APPL.ICAN I SIGNATURE Received fly : Data Received: ht/3587P/18P _