11665 SW PACIFIC HIGHWAY RIS �.w 1j.665 SW PACIFIC HIGHWAY d t �h -.9 �► �s a� '� ■r gar ne +�' 77 ?� `\`� � 0 w O r 71 l� - 7 – '72 00 9- t 1- 4 (. 2- A- 2- S V v Pp O �i 7 ll�r-Gvr�t-r- J 40Y�' ({ �\ IS;U 0 /mac , _��f/ ! (p -ate 7�- 7 �/ X -P - �� cI !o) F SU Da- (9a a X S- 47G 3 e,(Zl 7 , qu we -------------------- '71 �J '_ _Xy y-2 1 7 W Nil WE ffTWff W IIIA ~` International Conference of Quildin a, Officials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 e (211- OFFICERS 211-OFFICERS OFFICES OF THE PRESIDENT NoNlember 2 , 1-977 EXECUTIVEINRECTOR T.14.CARTER,P.E. VICTOR L.TAUGNER,P.E. BUILDING OFFICIAL LIAIJAOIDIRECTOi. F-B1 COUNTY OF ALAMEDA TAME! "1119,P.P. HAYWARD,CALIFORNIA TrCHNICAL DIRECTOn D.R.WATSON,o E FIRST VICE•PRESIDENI JOHN J.MCKINNON BUILDING AND SAFETY DIRECTOR TORRANCE,CALIFORNIA SECOND VICE PRESIDENT T. Waden HERBERT W.MEYER CODE CONSULTANT Building Official BLOOMINGTON,MINNFS07 A City of Tigard TREASURER P, 0, BOX 23397 WILLIAM F.FUREY.P.E. 12420 S.W. Main SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING RIVERSIDE,CALIFORNIA Tigard, Oregon 97223 JUNIOR PAST PRESIDENI GAYLORDC.DOWD,P.E• Dear Mr, Waden: ASSISI ANT DIRECTOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENTThis letter is In answer. to your October 21, 1977, KALAMA,LOO,MICMIOA request for an interpretation of the 1973 Uniform Building Code. DIRECTORS JOHN a.DOM In response to your question concerning the applica- , UIRrCTOR tion of the exception to Section 2203, it may be help- CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AND INSPECTION DIVISION ful to recognize that fire-resistive exterior walls ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GEMENT of Type V buildings could be required for either of COUNTY OF LANE the following reasons: EUGENE,OREGON H.T."TED"WIIIDENMAN,P.E. DIRECTOR 1. A type of construction requirement in conformity DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING DES MOINES,IOWA With Table No. 17-A. EDWARD F.WINTER,P.E. BUILDING OFFICIAL 2, Based on proximity to property lines in confo-omi.ty CEDAR RAPIDS,IOWA with Section 504. JOHNC.CANESTRO CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL HAYWARD,CALIFORNIA Note that Section 2203 deals with fire protection of ROBERT B.FELDNE%P.E.,R.A. exterior walls based on location on proprerty. Since SUPERINTENDETOF CENTnAL INSPECTION it makes reference to Section 504 and Table No. 5-A, WICHITA,KANSAS the exception allows unprotected construction of HERBERT W.STREET CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR exterior walls for buildings located in Tire Zone LIVERMORE.CALIFORNIA No. 2 when 40 feet of yard or open space is provided WILLIAM F.FUREY.P.E. but only if they need not be protected for some SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING RIVERSIDE,CALIFORNIA other reason. Thus , if the exterior walls are re- LESTERE.PAIGE.JR. quired to be of fire-resistive construction based on BUILDING Ls the type of construction requirements such as would DAVE SCOTT,P.E. be the case of a Type V, One-hour building, they must DIRECTOR be so protected regardless of distances from property DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING TAFETY lines . TEMPE,ARIZONA Regional Offices: 6738 N.W.Tower Drive • Kansas City,Missouri 64151 P (816)741.2241 3040 Riverside Drive • landings II Office Fark • Columbus,Ohio 43221 • (614)4880781 -2- In addition , we would refer you to a code change published in the May-June, 1977, Part III of Building Standards , an(! subsequently approved by the membership which will clarify the intended application of the exception to Section 2203 of the Uniform Building Code. A copy of this change has been enclosed for your file . i If we may be of furthar assistance, please do not hesitat(� to contact us. Sincerely, tit Traw,, P.E. �Civil Engineer , Codes JST:ev Enclosures i tit n cost of a few pennies per square foot should not he a factor when the 9g 41 life safity of these people is consitdcred. Lowering the higher(three-and foe a"ur)reuinl:s play be justified, bill a nlininrtir! separation require. 2203.77.1--C.P. Approval ment of otic hour fire•rc;istive construct i. should be retained as a part Sec.2203,page 125.Change the Exception to read as follu„s: of the uven,ll balanced protection life safety plan for this occupancy. If Section IF07 (tit), Item 2 in code charge I807-74-1 is adopted,it would EXCEPTION:In Fire Zone No.2,exterior walls of a'fyptt,\', fake precedence over this item. nonrated building fronting..... 92 pinlanee of EAception In remain unchanged.) 1807(m)-76.2—G.A. i, t, ,Vr•"••? Approval Reason:To clarify that Type V,One-hour construction oust have fres rated exterior walls and that the Exception applies only to nmuatcd con• Sec. IF07(ml, Item 2(1).Miele the second and third sentences struction. As presently worded,the Exception implies that Type V.(tile which react: All office t uilr:I _, partitions required to be of one- hbuildings may becomtructed with nonrated ester jot Willis, hour fire-resistive construction by Table No. 17-A and Sevion o!r97 3304(g) may be of noncombustible construction without a fire- resistive time period. Openings in corridor walls shall be pro- 2305.77.1—C.S.B. Further Study(G.D.Sub.p tcctcd by digit-fitting, self-closing doors that need not have a Sec.2305,page 125.Add a new Section to read as foll►ws: fire-resistive tint.pttiod. (g) Light Gauge Metal Awnings. Nonretractahle, light v.ulgc Reusr,n: 1 c oa•:-hour ratings should be retained as one part of the metal awnings projecting over public properly may be dc, lased overall oalan;cel luotection life safety plan. This protection is especially with a 20-pound-per-square-foot live load when approved I, the imp-riant rut oilrte buildings haying muhiple tenants on the same floor building official. All other limitations and design requin•r,,cats and to,lcquired exit coWdor<, shall be in conformance with Chapter 45 of the Code. It is important that ars fire not promptly extinguished be contained in its initial su:ccs to:r small area to ndiiimim the hazards of fire spreading •Reason: It is the intent of the proponent to identify a rinser,- m•t ra !,ryes dr:.t.. Otic hour fire-resi.tice protection should be retained as presently addressed by the Code, which are the nonretrw-tabic, rwrn,a n:i6r.witr pr..:.action for this purpose and particularly as rninimunl p.0 nent metal awnings put over windows on store fronts and prtij,:ting, ,scr tea0r, for required corri<:ors for safe eiress. If Section IF07(til),Item 2 the public sidewalk. i.r,v,,.k d.ange 1907.74.1 is adopted, it would take precedence over this U.H.C.Chaptar 45 defines a projection as either an awning tir as a war. i!cn,. gtrce;as no avclring,the projection must be cuilapsible,ant as a tnatquce, 93 it must be designed for a live load of 60 psf,per Table No.21•:\, 2003-77-1—C.P. Diva royal The problems are theexisting,older and usually sural!,.r falsities+•tore" pP located as part of commercial strips along boulevard: As thc%ch,nge Sec.2003,page 119.Revise Exception 1 to read: tenants, It seems that often it is desirable to add a projectinE norxelfac. I.Nonbearing walls of a Type 11-N building fronting.... table metal awning as an inexpensive way to gain a neve im,,gc. 1 be (Balance of Exc•^ption to remain unchanged.) possibility of lowering the 60 psf live load requirement for a marque.-was considered (after all,a roof live load is only 20 psi), bill such In alt.t. Revise Exceptions 2 and 3 as follows: Omit the reference to native was set aside in favor of a new definition with its criteria. "'1•)pe 11,One-hour." 98 Rcnsr,n:The proposal would negate the intent of the Code,which is to —N.U.f.1.A. Postbus Stud b f� permit unprotected noncombustible nonload-bearing construction where 2305(a)-77-1Study .Sub.) it adequate spat intseparations exist in Type 11,One-hour construction. Sec. 2305 (e), page 128. Add a new paragraph to rtad as 94 follows: 2005.77.1—C.C.C. Approval Greenhouse roofs need not be designed for a snow load greater Sec.2005,page 119.Revise to rend as follows: than 15 pounds per square foot when the heat transmission eucf- Sec. 2005. Stairs shall be of noncombustible construction and ficient of the roof-cladding material is greater than 0.7 atlul lilt' shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 33. greenhouse is kept heated to a minimum 50'F. "Reason: Greenhouses are unique structures and are unre.disuc:rlh Reason:The present Section 2005 conflicts with the fourth pnragraph penalized if required to be designed for the same snow Ionil n,• a, r,rorc of Section 2001 and Table No. P-A,which require that materials of con, comentional structures.The reason for this is that esperien,a h:r•shown struction in a hype 11-N building be noncombustible.The provisions also that there Is sufficient heat loss through the glass, plastic of rrberglavv conflict with Sectio.- 3303(n), which docs not permit combustible con- claddings of operating greenhouses that the snow docs not build up ton struction for exterior stairs of Type II buildines. In resit!Aing code significant depth and,inmost cases,melts as last as it hits ttic root. •. changes over the years, it is noted that at tine time Chapter 33 required Ivlembrrs of the National Gtcenhouse Mnntifacturers;\sstici.iiion havr flint materials of construction for stairs be the same as those required for been designing greenhouses in the United States and Canida for a floors. When this provision was deleted,there was no apparent intent to uniform snow loading of 13 psi since the early 1900's. allow combustible eui• .,w.don in this type or construction.The revision willclarify thrapparent intent. When purchasing greenhouses for their own use throughout the con. 95 lir.ental United States and Alaska, the United titan, Ik•Isanrtrcn! of Agriculture specifies a minimum snow load capacit>of 15 psi 21.75.1—A.I.S.I. Disapproval Examination of insurance claims for greenhouse damage over the last As Submitted: 20 years Indicates that in the Isolated cases when snow has damaged See Pudding Slatidards--Part 111,November-December, 1974. greenhouses they were normally out of operation at the time, with no heat,and the damage normally consisted of stow breaking through the As Revised: glass rather than the failing of any or the structural supporting members. Sec. 1201, page 85. Change the first paragraph to read as 99 fnlluwS: 2305(e)•77.2—N.G.M.A. further Study(G D.Sub.] Sec. 1201.Group B,Division 4 Occupancies shall be: Sec. 2305 (e), page 128. Add a ncvs paragraph to read as Ice pinnts, power plants, pumping plants, cold storage, follovvs:- creamerics and one-story buildings housing swimtning pools or rJrecnhousr roof bars,purlins and rafters shall he designed to tennis courts, used exclusively for these occupancies with spec- tato.-scaling not permitted. carry a 100 pound initifinum conecatrated load in addition to the(Balance of Section remains unchanged.) live load. 0 Reason:The props-A as tcv ked i,an improvement;howeacr,the cont- •Rcasun: Although spc;ial scaffolding is U)Cd to repair and maintain mitlec frets that vlo,sitOng a 1,mMmg as a Croup It.Di%Won 4 Occupan- greenhouse roofs,there°.s ahsay%the chance that a%koikman may on o;. ey which houses swimming pools or tennis courts is not consistent with alsion h %c to push against a frurling rrlenrher to keep his balance. I or cher occupancies in the Group 11.4 classification. file committee prefers this reas.m, members of thr NaUanal greenhouse Mamufaoutcrs the approach taken in code change 506(b)-76.2, which is revorllrllSnded Association have,rinse the carl> I'X10's,designed roof bars,purhn.and for further study, rafters for a concentrated load of IM pounds. � U U U u 41-1 Trus joist Colpora tion AlF WESTERN DIVISION -PORTLAND SALES OFFICE, 5319 S.W.WESTGATE DR. . PORTLAND,OREGON 97221 OFFICE: 503/292-0141 RES- 503/6.48-5945 DAVE PETERSON OIL 7,6/7 ■ BEEN ON w F. Mill will fpw No 01 m � ■ I I n n, Trus Joist Corporation AW WESTERN DIVISION - PORTLAND SALES OFFICE -too"-w 5319 S.W. WESTGATE DR. - PORTLAND,OREGON 97221 OFFICE: 503/292-0141 RES- 8-5945 DAVE PFTERqON 1 10 rd FG ■ Ell 1 OEM ME ■ r � J ■1 11 ■ ■ 'I 11 ■ ■ v r� Trus Joist Corporation Aw WESTERN DIVISION -PORTLAND SALES OFFICE 5319 S.W. WESTGATE DR, * PORTLAND,OREGON 97221 OFFICE: 503/292-0141 RES: 503/648-5945 DAVE PETERSON LP Sm ana � 117J ■ ■ 0 MEN He is HE 9 MEN ml isle No No ■■■ ■ si i 1 � 1 ■ w � ■1 AV Trus joist Corporation WESTERN DIVISION -- PORTLAND SALLS OFFICE AV M=?> 5319 S.W. WESTGATE DR. - PORTLAND, OREGON 97221 dWAV" C OFFICE: 503/292-0141 RES: 503/648-5945 DAVE PETERSON NMI No No No M ml Ism mmmmml man zmmuw ___ a MEN �i ■ ■ ' mom■ MEMO NMI M mom I ld a MEN 111111111 m M 0 SENSE ■ = Elm RE mom ■ W Ul MON Mimi M NMI 0 111 Sol JOB NAME: JOB L OCAT ION: SHEET OF i I -01 sCl.A,le .U,oc C.. 7�trart , f /Z.<) - , (�Z,v)(/;.7s) _ /G 5 �a A11.� .- �► c Ru+� t /cam �/8' 1 - l f3� Gl �� 4,r�' 4 0(' A88 .SN>Ei�.a2 %CJ,oG C_ FTr 1 d� �bi2 g Roar- 4S)4o'.' Jr4 fag-, r� Z bw . o 1 � EG PRpc� Q 3541 P �ONEQON �� �1 k�� c.�• 3541 SR. OREGON �Y�IFS• ° A��/� j �c�jl CENTRAL PRE—MIX CONCRFTE CO. F SVOKANE KENT �1 CLACKAMAS P. O. BOX 3366, T.A. P. O. BOX 510 P. O. BOx 68 SPOKANE,WASHINGTON 99220 KENT,WASHINGTON 98031 CLACKAMAS, OREGON 97015 (509) 5352941 120(3) 8132-7874 (503) 6555111 SUB_iI CT - f'1rzST" _. sS,�z�//�- _------ - ---r----- DATEZ�/ ( Goo#­'Sc!?LVAli. j A DOUBLE TEE SINGLE 71 It I oy, TEE Z� ` - THERMOWALL - I COREWALL � �✓ t � 4, HOLLOW A / CORE SLAB WALL PANELS I '1 BEAMS BULB TEE r-eV.L ^1y c� A 1A C�/ r y RIB DECK I GIRDER BOXY 'DER DO COLUMNS &PILES 1 . ►I CITY OF TIGARD P.O. Box 23397 12420 S.W. Main T�gar 1, Oregon 97223 October 24, 1977 Mr. Richard W. Norman (Architect) 730 S.W. lst. Avenue Portland, Orr?gon 97204 Dear Mr. Norman: In response to your letter of October 1.9, 1977, regarding the expansion of the First State Bank of Oregon located on S .W. Sandbur. g Street, as to whether we can accept the building ris type V-lhr. . construction, provided 'J' tj � .s the unprotected exterior wall be maintained at leasL 40 feet from any property line or building. z _� z ,3 After my telephone conversation with Mr. Ray Johnson, 4 s s 4 in the plans review section, Department of Commerce, Salem Oregon, I find that they have been approving exterior walls of type U construction as equal to one hour based on the exception in Section 2203 of the State Building Codo. Therefore, to be in uniformity with the Department of Commerce, I will accept the building as type V-1hr, con- struction. Also that three sides are sixty feet or more from property line, to maintain allowablii floor area. This approval is ;subject to the plans review by the Department of Commerce. Upon a site inspection it was noted that the existing building did not comply with the StatE Building Code as far as door hardware is concerned. permits for nE:w construction will be subject to entire building meeting all Code re- quirements. �Si n gP re 1.y E .T.'Jalden Building Official FTP:t,g CNGINfFRING REGISTRAI ION. OREGON•Cwil 6 Shw w'd WASHINGTON--Carl d Srrualurnl CAIIfORNIA—Gull F2 F r E I v C rJ MILES R. ABEL 9670 S. W. L1P lane F Contulling Engineer U ; 2 1 I'I! / Beaverton, Oregon 9700 October 20, 1977 RICHARD W L'NORMAt4 ANltiitCf L/ L' L Richard W. Norman, A.I.A. 730 S. IN First. Avenue -- Portland, Oregon 97204 l h He: Fir-t Statp Bank Admin, Services Center t Dear Sir: Please revise footing sizes shown on Section 4-53 to 2'-2" x 0'-10" and Section 5-03 to 1'-10" x 0'-10" to conform With sizes shown on Foundation Plan Sheet al. j Yours very truly, Miles R. Abel Structural FYngineer cot Ralph Nelson ;givers :deleon, Inc. I :i,;:, W'` ` 1( '.I ! 11� 1 � '4 ' dot •II (I II . ' ' ' i t ' :r: ...x;' W1-: av d rj A z F �? x'00 7� �• -�` /'0 -be .�Z ��, ' off a+ 1 174 V J 7,s'1u c► '� � '�of,�-N � t 711 7L 1 SGS y j -7 fr 71 sr ICY rl 12 ���� �!� �:� ,� f�..- _.T �� �, y � ___--- = � i