14567 SW DAUER COURT Lo 0 C to z n O Q y i 1 i 14569 SW DAURR COURT CITE( OF TIGARD DEVELOPMENTSERVICES 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503)639-4171 i C;ERIIFICATE OF' OCCUPANCY PE_kMI T #. . . . . . . : 05090•-084 DATE_ I SSUED C 02,/Oa/96 PARCEL. : j",S105AD-01700 SITE: ADDREGS— i 14n69 SW DAUE•=R CT SLIBD.I V I I ON. . . . : hl I L.1.SH I RE CREEK ESTATE :ON I NG a R .1 BLOCK. . . . . . . . . . : l_01.. . . . . . . . . . . . . :034 JURISDICTION:URS CL.A G 5 OF WORK. i NEW TYPE OF USE. . . :SF TYPE OF CONSTR i 51\1 OC�11PANCY EIRP. :R3 M,c UPANCY LOAD:e Rem at"tl s 3 WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION 14076 914 BE:NC:HVIEW TERR T tOAf?D OR 9'72,?4 E,tiane 0: 590-4700 Contractor: _..._ .._ ._._ ..._. ._... . ...__. .._.... . __.._ W I NDWOOU C ONST R!ICTI ON INC: 6933 SW TIE7RRA DEL MAR BEYAVERTON OR 97007 Phone #: 780.4375 M Req #. . 1 000501 This Certificate rralnts oc.cuppnt_y of the above refevenre-1 bui .lr1ing of portion thereof alnd confirms that thra building has been inspectod For compliance with the StzRte C Ore6,�n Specialty Cordes for- the group, oc^c� ipsncy, atncl 1.1ap under, which the referl-encad permit wa% issi.ted. BUILDING INSPECTOR BL ING OiICI 1.. POST IN CONSPICUOUS PLArr, CITY OF TIGARD BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION 24-Hour Inspection Line: 639417 Bu.-iness Phone: 639-4171 Dute Requested: �`� A.M. b P.M. MST: n,i w 0 Lcxation:.--- `.' & �3C�(/ _ BUP: Tenant:--- � Suite: Bldg: _ — MEC: Contractor Phone: '66 rLM: Omicr ----Phone: ------- Ir?.C: EER: -- SIT: _ BUILDING t) PLUMBING VE0MTVCAL ELECTRICAL SITE Site ost/Reant Post/Beamni(i Cover/Service Sewer/Stonn Footing Root' UndFI/Slab Rough-hi Ceiling Water Line Slab Framing Top Out Cas Line R.ough-In UG Sprinkler Foundation Insulation Sewer Ilood/D uct Reconnect Vault Bsmt Damp Drywall Stone Furnace Temp Service MISC. Masonry Ceiling Rain Drain A/C Ute Slab ;hear/Sheath Fire�Im Crawl/Found Dr � Heat Pump_ Low Volt _ A i roe Approved Approved Approved Appr/Sdwlk wed Not Approved Not A Deed Not Approve-i Not Approved I1N�A,rL k FINAL NAL FINAL FINAL O Call for reinspection _ O Reinspection fee of S_ —required before next inspection O Unable to inspect Inspector: _ _ Date: ��� Page _of RESIDENTIAL PEKMIT APPLICA'T'ION PROJECT NO,-4p-- WASHINGTON COUNTY BUILDING SERVICES �� �`� ,r� f�(/ DEPT. OF LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION PERMIT NO.SZ-'x/24 44✓' 155 N. IST, #350-12, HILLSBORO, OR 97124 �' (5113)6411.3470 FAX (503) 093-4412 Land Development Conditions: Case File Number: Please print the information clearly for fast and accurate computer entry. IDEVELOPMENT: , 6r,4F � S 1,(YI'N >` ADDRESS FEE: (YES) N() ADDRESS: Skl 4Z CI IN: _ TAXMAPANDTAXI,O'r# 12(J0 DIRECTIONS TO SITE:-._- — - TIIOMAS MAI'PACE NO. SECTION: RESIDENTIAL. PROJECT'IIESCRIPTION: (Please circle appropriate categoryhes) 1 PLAN TO: build)(add to)(remodel demolish anew (existing) oceevsur furan building at the above site. ES'T'IMATED VALUATION: AREA OF SQUARE FOOTAGE IN: IST FLOOR: r'C�� 2nd FLOOR: ?iia 3rd FLOOR: CARPORT: GARAGE.: BASEMENT: Bonus Room: NO.OF ( NO. OF / MANUFACTURED HOME: (check whether) BEDROOMS: BATIIROOMa SINGLE I)OUBLE 'TRIPLE QUAD. N(1.OF MEUIIANILAL WORK (NO) FURNACES: / AIR L'ONDI11ONER 11,:S) 601 PLUMBING WORKM ' NO ELEC'IAIC;AL WORK -) (NO) PROPERTY OWNER: .fit` A PI10NE: ADDRESS: C cJ _�, { j�;,! - ZIT'C11DE: ENGINEER/AR('Ill'TECT/DESIGNER: lei A 1/)611 r PHONE: ADDRESS: O sc S, /A :7 J �-- . ZIP CODE: DESIGN NO: _ I RE-ISSUE: /fid _ BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: ZIP UODL:— BIJ1� BOARD NO: EXPIRA'1'I(t'� DATE: 3 ---..-------- NOTES: To ulatain your permit you kill need the follo"iug: 1) Approial for your septic si%tem from the Health Dep:ulanent or approval to install your sewer from IInitied Sewerage Agency (USA), 2) (") Electrical permit application filled out by your electrical contractor, 3► (") Plumbing permit filled out by). ,;r plumbing contructor. (• Unless State low alltjws you to take out these permits.) This application, together with the plans, speiificatioms, mid exhibits, comprise the application. False or misleading information may he grounds for fovalidudng u permit. The applicant is responsible Fur compliaaKe to all applicable codes. Laud Development Services, checking the plans for complimtce to building codes and coordinating frith other departments. does not relieve the applicant of this responsibili►y. NAME uF APPLICANT: KEPRESENTING:--_(t1( t /----/ I have read and agree with these conditions: SIGNATURE: /�Y i/ [)ITE: WASHINGTON COUNTY EFFECTIVE DATE September M, 1992 FROM: Joe Grillo, Land 11rvelopmenl Services Mannger Sul►jmt: BOULEVARD TREE REQUIREMENT- FINANCIAL CUARANTE'L ALTERNATIVL Af the Board of County Commissimen's meAing of August 4, 1992,the Huard glove direction lip the Deparlment of Land Use Hurl Trimsportmti�,on to create a financial guaranter alleruative for tilv C11C requiremeoll of placating boulevard treels) (UDC407-9). 'I hi% alternative is designed tip be in Lieu of phanting the la►ulevard tree(s)prior to foul in.specli n rerlutsf. it should he noted the boihder will%-I ill lie reslaonsihle for the phwdinx. At such,Oak akernative is broken into two sul►jects to reller•1 builders and developers. A. For a developer request: I. lit liorl of planting lite boulevard Iree(s►fur act approved development,the 1,l-veloper tnuy either, (it) prat liar finnn(,iul%mority with flit County fur lite mppropriale ar) b)owunt per free ns determined lilt-Cooty,or (h) ats%ign th ( e manly appropriate finanationaloe ill national set aside through private agreements (such n%ese•row%et asides as part of hmor/lot rlo%ings) B. For a builder request: I. In lieu of planting file INmlevurd IreeW for lilt upproved pilot plan mud building permit, Ihe• louildrr may Irost the financial security Willi Ilse C41unly fur tilt appropriate 141114111111 n% delermined by like Clounly. C. Method(of Financial `rvority l nk•ullatiun I. For a developer,the total number of to oulevard!reels) per approved development tinges 121111 per tree equal the anmunl lu be posted Willi lite building services - band Development Services Division. 2. Fox to builder,the total nuntrer of lamb,ard tree(s) per approval plot plain limes 121111 per tree equal liar nmloeml fu be posted with lite building%ervk•es - Land Ilrvelolnntnl Servir% Division. 1). Administration of F iaan6al Security 1. For it developer, the finnnriul stcurily shoall he in fonu of cash,or ehee•k, lellcr of credil, or 1a Counly 14ppa t,1 financial surety. Any financial surely. Any fammcial surety most 1►e valid fur 1a mi41innnn of twelve (12) months fruou funoll Phe approval. The fivaururl surety 11110d hr laoslerl with lilt Coolly prior to final plat approval. 2. For a builder,the fmarw<•iel se1•arily shall Ire in loran of cash,or ehevit, later of(.redit,no. 1 t.count) approved financial surely. Any fiaatu•ial surety. The financial surety will he held for four(4)mouths lifter final inspection. The limutt•iul%army uwtl%t `r pustrd with the County root he pealed au larl of the huilding permit issuaucr. F. Boulevard 'I ree Planting Responsibilities; I. A builder w developer shall he responsible for planling flit- b41ule%lard trrels)per C41unly requirements evro Witte party Pis Facts" a fia9nriab srrurify with Ihe C41unly. 2. If a developer• pati p4med the sr(•urity, brishe is responsible fur planting ,it(It boulevard tree(%)within four gal monfhs after a(wilder Mas rea•eti%ed Ilnal impte(•ti n. Failure to plao,t %silhin this timeline will require Washington C41unty to utilize linluu•iel t,mutky to pi9nt h oull-vard tre*40. No re•lund%%11911(011-111-to the devrlloprr if the County draws upon the financial security. 1. If 9 builder bas pusUd the smuril$1, he/she• is rtspol,sihk• for planting %urh I►eouk-%ard trrelsl %sithin lour (4) months after as builder has ra-ri%ed fin9l insprrti n. Vahan lu plant within this timrlior will recluire Ww.hinglun ( aunty to uliliie financial securify lit plant boulevard treels). No refund%%hall occur to the developer if file County dr3aws upuu the limm1•iul security. 4. If a budder lir developer plants liar appropriate houlv%ard total%) within liar four uaunths period in lou arta where the l ounty has rtreived fuaaveial security, Ilne County %hall, alter site in%pertirn, release lite fhmorial %mority less $541.04) per tree 141 appropriate huilder/developer. 1111,$511.(4)retuiurd by Ihc County %fall rmer•the•(,lost 41(site inspection nod administrati�r overhemd. F. In tilt- event it builder/developer (nil%to p4a11f tilt,9ppropriall-boulc%ard!reels)and tilt•suI►%equent hand owner relu.ses la permit tilt- boulevard Iree(s)to he phoned on their property within 5 IM (of flit, 1)ruWrly line, the lina11(•prl security shall be placer! into%eparate Vevenlnr accouul in I.UT- Land Detelopulrnl Servi•r%,tlo he used for pluuliug Irit"Ahrul►bery in allrruulivt•public%pit(,". omit-al fry Washington County. The Land Development Services I119uagt•r %11,111 rtvow11u•nd (1,41111 lime lit final-to flit, Director•of DLUT Iwtenlial 19ndrr•alw pnojevis to utilize sut•h funds. Thr direr-tor%hall appruse saclat projer•1s and infill-141 lire Board of bounty amt inksimers of such pr(Uiwlc. WASHINGTON COUNTY Department of Land Use&Transportation ransportation RESIDENTIA . 04�%' Mechanical Inspection Section 155 North First Avenue,1350-12 MECHANICAL PERMIT Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 Information: (503) 640-3470 Fax: (503)681-3993 Project' l Inspection Requests: (503)681-3699 or 681-3698 Permit Number PLEASE PRINT and complete Nam of D el mee/ _ PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE t (�:� PERMIT ISSUANCE FEE r 1000 Ad ressiiDESCRIPTION OTY. COST(Ea.) AMOUNT /1- i 5.0 ei FURNACES Map No. Tax Lot Including up to 100,000 8% 6.00 /� -- - i O '3 5/S/9� �')(�� ductwork over 100,0009TU 7.50 Address Thomas Paye Sfchnn and vents -- — Map Book FLOOR 6.00 _fferections to SRe HEATERS suspended,wall or floor-mourded B.00 or Cross Street AIR HANDLING UNIT u to 10,000 CFM 4.50 AIR CONDITIONER over 10,000 CFM 7.50 Nam q (or NaTe of Business) HEAT PUMP -- 7,50 Mailing Address Q ALTER EXISTING SYSTEM 450 l ew x_S�� /� REPAIR OF EQUIPMENT LISTED ABOVE 6.01 Owner city�st.t� G ext ------ -./ Non-portable EVAPORATIVE COOLER 4.50 'hone VENT FAN connected to single unit 3.00 �- -__-- -_.m-e__-- Na -- .—_----.--._-- VENT not included in Ap 11 To Permit 3.00 -- -- �p VENTILATION SYSTEM not Incl App Pmt. 4.50 Mailing Address h00D served by meth exhaust 4.50 -- ---- ---- DOWN DRAFT FOR RANGE Contractor cRy/state zip 3.00 WATER HEATER VENT 4.50 Phone _ INCINsti ERATORS domec a 7.:.0 — -- ---------- WOOD STOVES FIREPLACE 4.50 State --- - --- — Registratior. No. SOLAR SYSTEM 4.50 I hereby acknowledge that I kava read this application, CLOTHES DRYER 4.50 that the Information given is correct, that I am the owner or authorized agent of the owner, that plans submitted GAS PIPING 1 to 4 outlets 2.00 are it compliance w!th State laws, that I am registered each additional .50 with the State Builders'Board, that the registration ----- number given Is correct. (if exempt from State realstra- OTHER tion, please give reason here.) OTHER SUBTOTAL 5%of subtotal for State Surcharge rr - --- I s! �•T�_ TOTAL FEE DUE Signature Date APPROVED BY Describe Wor - to be done new addRion ❑ alteration [:]repair Date —_ .—�Date Submitted-_ Issued , By NOTICE: This permit becomes null and void if the work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, or if construction or work authorized is suspended or abandoned at any time 9L27 •6195 after work is commenced. WASHINGTON COUNTY Departmentf Land !Use&Transportation ELECTRICAL PERMIT Electrical inspectlnn Section 155 North First Avenue,#350-12 APPLICATION Hillsboro,Oregon 97124 Information: (503! 640-3470 Fax: (503) 681-3993 PLEASE • - Permit _ ; • . . sections, . Number 00 1006 p c�I - - Date 1. Locatign of installatjQn 4. Complete Fee Schedule below Address �f 1G yS�J ✓�/�t�_� r! Number of inspections per permit allowed Building Service i :- — Items Cost ea. City /c,� _ Suite No. included: Cost(ea.) Sum Tenant Name A. Residential-per unit (if commercial) _ 1000 so ft.or less $110.00 -__ ------ 4 Map No, 'mss Tax Lot / Each additional Soo sq.ft --- — or portion thereof $25.00 —c Limited Energy $25.00 1— Thomas Map Book; Page:- _ erection: Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Directions-- Dwelling Service or Feeder A___ $68.00 2 B. Services or Feeders Commercial Resident!4E, Installation,alterations or relocation 200 amps o•less $60.00 — 2 2a. Contractor installation only: 201 amps to 400 amps $80.00 2 Electrical C>�titctos 1J► �c 1., 401 amps to 600 amps $120.00 2 601 amps to 1000 amp-, $1eo.00 z Address ��YY r� SS s ' r Over 1000 amps or volts _ $340.00 City ��Vis _----- StateT zI F i l >>' Reconnect only ____ $50.00 Date - _._ JoV Nu er Property Owner -__uj_1_n.L _; C. Temporary Services or Feeders Contractor's License No. 3- zy S/f/'C Installation,alteration or relocation Contractor's Board Reg, No. ;���� �_.._ 2010 amps or less $50.00 amps to 400 amps _ $75.00 __ 2 401 amps to 600 amps __� $100.00 Signature of Supr. Elec'n ��� r -- - war 600 amps to 1000 volts see"B"above License No.3Fr/ _S Phone No. __3y FAX No. D. Branch Clrculds New,alteration or extension per panel 2b. For owner installations: a) The fee for branch circuits with purchase of service or feeder lee. Frrr nwrier's Name v I hi n,t Na Each branch circuit $5.00 ___ h) The fps for branch circuits without Ar-liliess purchase of service or feeder lee. First branch circuit - $35.00 lip Each add'nl branch circuit_`_- $5.00 _.� E. Miscellaneous(Service or Feeder not included) The installation is being made on property 1 own Each pump or irrigation circle ___ $40.00 which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Each sign or outline lighting $40.00 Owner's Signature Signal circuit(-,)or a limited -- ----- energy panel,alteration ��-• or extension - - $40.00 3. Plan Review section (if required) F. Each addltlont?I Inspection over the allowable Please check appropriate Item and enter fee In section 58 in any of the above 4 or more residential units in one structure Per inspection ___ $3500 Service and feeder, 800 am s or more Per hour ___. $55.00 p In Plant _ 555.00 System over 600 volts nominal Classified area or structure containing special S. Fees occupancy as described in N.E.C. Chapter 5 A. Enter total of above fees $ _ Submit 2 sets of plans with application where or of the above 5% Surcharge (.05 X total fees) $ apply. Not required for temporary construction services. Subtotal $ This permit becomes mill and void If the work authorized by the permit is not H. Enter 25% of line A for commenced within 160 days from date of Issuonce of such permit or If the Plan Review if required (Section 3) $ work authorized Is suspended or abandoned at any time after work Is commenced for a period of 160 days. Electrical Permits are non•refundoUle Subtotal $$ and non-transferable. L7 frust Account For inspections call Balance Due $ 681.3699 or 681-3698 24-hour recorder, one working day In advance of need BL28 8x95 i WASHINGTON COUNTY RESIDENTIAL. Department of Land Use & Transportation Plumbing Inspection Section PLUMBING P E R M IT 155 North First Avenue, 11350-12 Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 Project/ ,,^a information: (503)640-3470 Fax: (503) 681-3.993 Permit Numher Oso wu a Date _ Inspection Requests: (503)681-3699 or 681-3F;98 Permit Fee Schedule PLEAS . . d complete all sections. DESCRIPTION t]TV. i COST(Ea.)j AMOUNT RESIDE_NTIA_L- SFR (1) BATH _$_210.00 Nam Nf v lopment NEW _ SFR 2 BATH 275.00 Job � " SFR(3) BATH 5.00 Address Address SINK KITCHEN 9.00 . _Jr�. �-�9 -S�� , .�--�(- -- Map No. Tax Lot WATER HEATER _ 9,00 _ 35/SA0 /)Go DISHWASHER 9.00 Thomas Page Section DISPOSAL _ 9.00 Map Book v� WATER CLOSET 9.00 Directions to Site BASINS 9.00 or Cross Street --- - - -- TUBS 9,00 SHOWERS _ 9.00 Nam gg -��-T CLOTHES WASHER _ 9.00 LUI nc� _LAUNDRY TRAY _- 9.00 Mailina Address MISC, 9.00 Owner L Cit ate S� zip REMODEL EACH FIXTURE Q7)� (minimum fee-$25.00) 12.50 Phan FLOOR DRAINS 9.00 _ Sys _ RAIN DRAIN/DOWNSPOUT 9.00 Name.. DRY_W_ELULEACH LINE 10.00 V C!K S_ PIZ- -__- WATER SERVICE first 100' _ 30.00 Mailing, ddres WATER each addnl 100' 25.00 '-�- 7X() REPLACING in building Contractor city/St to zip .,, -el;t �� _ water supply lines Phone FIRST FLOOR 30.00 _.04" �� - d _ ADDN'L FLOOR-each 12,00 State Registration No. Plumbing Lic. Ndo. SAN. CONNECTION �1 �- ,4- rte- SEWER first 100' 30.00 1 hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,that the each addnl 100' 25.00 Information given Is correct,that I am the owner or authorized agent of(tie owner that plans submitted are In compliance with seperate perm t o-prevent State laws.that I am registered with the State Builders'Board,that two contractors from working the registration number given is correct (If exempt from State registration,please give reasuo here.) off same permit 40.00 BACK FLOW PREVENTER _ 9.00 STORM up to 4"diameter-per 100' 10.00 SEWER over 4"diameter-per 100' 15.00 �,��.�/�/� for ea, addnl 100' 30.00 Pirtn1 4/.. CATH BASINS/AREA DRAIN - 10.00 MOBILE HOME UTILITIES 60.00 u orlie�rra-- ---- Date INSP. OF EXISTING PLUMBING Describe work ew ❑addkion p alteration []repair per hour _ _ 40.00 to be done SOLAR-MINIMUM _ 30.0_0 HEAT EXCHANGE _ 9.00 COLLECTORIPANEL _ 9.00 NOTICE: _ TANK --4 9.00 _ This permit becomes null and void if the work MINIMUM FEE 25.00 or cotystruction authorized is not commenced SUBTOTAL within 180 days, or if construction or work .�� 5%of subtotal for State Surcharge authorized is suspended or abandoned at any time after work is commenced. L_1 TRUST ACCOUNT TOTAL FEE DUE -- - - 0tr�•a^�S DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION 155 NORTH FIRST, HILLSBORO,OR 97124 COUNTY, INSPECTION REQUESTS: 503/640-3561/693-4415 OREGON P,-,i-e .1 Date - 01/1.3/9, I'r.�r rii i t: 1 C 0111I:I1) F'e•?rrti i t # n 050900134 PENDING ieIJ n 01/10/1997 ':i i te? Hddrers. 14569 SW DAUER C r T1 1 d n Perri i t De-scr• . e SFR - RE:ISS 4 BO 3 EIA GWR LV(`Iorn :i letctd x HTI_I_SH:IF�t f.:RI E:K 1_ST 1. 01' 34 T'a I*xl:, ire. n PI o je c #k n F'0065290 VaIl.aatiOn n ;;100 , 000 . 06 I' :irf r; I Ni.iriil:tr-:.r n 1411 05AD 01/00 (lwIic-r n Con -.•truf:t. iari n NI::W Aliril ir.:aiI--,t Naiiie n WINOW001'.) 1,0IJ6TRUC'I'10N. C 'Ia=, .i •rir..atiori = 101 Wpl:i I i u a n t Wrlrtr n 14076 SW E1E:NC,HVIE W 1"E: 01,c u p a n r v n R3 _I 16WR1:) UR 97?24 V `111atee11 B,V n 1Y 1r1r,1:iI-Ctor• (Ir-t-a n (1 1 iI: oI1l; I`I'iclritT 550--4700 0 (: 11c.,arIt Fax WI r,) i s C0N1"fiA(.:"1'(1R Per Irl i t F eea Oki I i gnat i c3r•I . . . . . . E11.1i II] 'Inq Fr;..e . , , , . , it 4 33 . U0 P I can Rev i e 1-tie? , . . • 1 40 . / A I:: INCtr is rel Fe-e. . . . 1_':1 . 00 �.it,rite? Suri-harile? . . . e 11 YO rat f ii: Intl:iact . 00 Pel—rnit Hf,coul`It IF:,e_s LaIr,:IiIated WracJit ' oria1 Fie?., I I:1 t a I F e-'a-t D Ia e- s 6 2 1, 63 I' aVnit: lIt to Doite PI: 1;111 .1 N0LAN[:E:. NOTICE This permit becomes null and void If the work or construction for which It is Issned Is not commenced within 180 days. Once construction has started, the permit becomes null and vuld If construction is Interrupted for a period of 180 days. I certify that the Information presented by the applicant and his agent or agents In supfort of!hls permit is true and correct to the best of our knowledge. I acknowledge that the Building Department's reliance upon false and misleading information may Invalidate this rirmit. All provisions of applicable laws and ordinances governing tl.e construction and use of this building or structure will be compiled with whether or not specified on the plans or noted on the plans corre-thrn sheets. I acknowledge that the granting of a permit does not grant authority to access private property or to use easements I further acknowledge that the use or occupancy of the structure or building permitted depends upon my calling for Inspections at varlous times during the process of construction and the building inspection staff verifying compliance with the va•lous codes. Use or occupancy of the building or structure permitted prior to approval by the Building Department Is solely at the risk of the apollcant and such use or occupancy Is revocable until all Inspection requirements are satisfied and approval Is given by the Building Official. I further acknowledge that a Ilen may be placed on the Ctle of the property upon which the permit is Issued specifying that the use or occupancy of the building or structure Is provisional and revocable until the satisfaction of all inspection requirements. APPUCANT'S SIGNATURE �_ /� l J T DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE&TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON SHING 1 ON LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION 155 NORTH FIRST,HILLSBORO,OR 97124 COUNTY, INSPECTION REQUESTS: 503/640.3561/693-4415 OREGON Paqe : Date 02/05/97 Time 12 : 17 Permit Type COMB(-) Permit # 05090084 Permit Status APPROVED Applied 01/10/1997 Site Address 14569 SW DAUER CT `1'I Issued 02/05/1997 Permit De;cr. SFR - REISS 4 BD 3 BA GAR LVCompleted HILLSHIRE CREEK EST LOT 34 To Expire 08/04/1997 Pr'o'ject # 11111065290 Valuation S9U ,892 . u0 Parcel Number 2S1 05AD 09.700 I,rcirtl Desr.r . Otiner Construction NEW Applicant Name WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, Classification 1.01 Applicant Addr . 14076 SW BENCHVIE.W TE Occupancy R3 TIGARD OR 97124 Validated By TY Trispector Area Applicant Phone 590--47UU Applicant Fax Also is CONTRAC'J'OR -------- Permit Fee Obligation. . . . . . Buildinlq Fee . . . . . . 406 . 00 Plan Review Fee . . . 140 . 73 Plumbinq Fee. . . . . . 315 . 00 Electrical Fee . . . . 210 . 00 Mechanic"al Fee. . . . 48 . 011 State Sur-harge . . . 49 . 45 Dev . CoIrpliance . . . 180 . UU Apron/Sidewalk . . . . 35 . 00 Traffic Impact . . . . 1 , 690 . 00 Permit Account Status . . . . . . Fees Calculated $3 , 084 . 18 Additional Fees $ . 00 Total Fees rfue $3 , 084 . 18 Payments to Date $3 , 084 . 18 PERMIT BALANCE $ ' 00 NOTICE: This permit becomes null and void If the work or construction for which It Is Issued Is not commenced within 180 days. Once construction hes started, the permit becomes null and void If constructiun Is Interrupted for a period of 180 days. I certify that the Information presented by the rippllcant and his agent or agents In support of this permit Is true and correct to the best of our knowledge. I acknowledge that the Building Uepartmtmt's reliance upon false and misleading information may Invalidate this permit. All provisions of applicable laws and ordinances governing tho construction and use of this building or structure will be complied with whether or not specified on the plans or noted on the plana correction sheets. I acknowledge that the granting of a permit does not grant authority to access private prop"or to use easements. I further acknowledge that the use or occupancy of the structure or building permitted depends upon my tailing for Inspections at various times during the process of construction and the building Inspection staff verifying compliance with the various codes. Use or occupancy of the building or structure permitted prior to approve!ny the Building Department in solely at the risk of the applicant and such use or occupancy Is revocable until all Inspection requirements at o satisfied and approval Is given by the Building Official. I further acknowledge that a Ilen may be placed on the title cf the property upon which the permit Is Issued specifying that the use or occupancy of the building or structure Is provisional and revocable until the satisfaction of all Inspection requirements, LY IT'S SIGNATURE V Page 1 Date 02/04/97 Time 08: 54 Permit Type COMBO Permit # 05090084 Permit Status PLANS OK Applied 01/10/1997 Site Address 14569 SW DAUER CT TI Issued Permit Descr . CFR - REISS 4 BD 3 BA GAR LVCompleted HILLSHIRE CREEK EST LOT 34 To Expire Project # P0065290 Valuation $90,892 . 00 Parcel Number s 2S1 05AD 01700 Legal Descr. Owner Construction NEW Applicant Name WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, Classification 101 Applicant.. Addr . 14076 SW BENCHVIEW TE Occupancy R3 TIGARD OR 97224 Validated By TY inspector Area Applicant Phone 590-4700 Applicant Fax Also is CONTRACTOR --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Permit Fee Obligation. . . . . . btjildi.ng Fee . . . . . . 406 . 00 Plan Review Fee . , 140 . 73 Plumbing Fee . . . . . 325 . 00 Electrical Fee . . . . 210 00 Mechanical Fee . . . . 43 . 00 State Surcharge . . . 49 . 45 Dev . Compliance. . . : 180 . 00 Apron/Sidewalk . . . . s 35 . 00 Traffic Impact . . . . . 1 , 690 . 00 Permit Account S�.atus . . . . . . Fees Calculated $3, 084 . 18 Additional Fees $ . 00 Total Fees Due 93 , 084 . 18 Payments to Date : $1 ,830 . 73 PERMIT BALANCE s $1 , 253 . 45 DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE &TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION #350-12 155 NORTH FIRST, HILLSBORO, OR 97124 COUNTY, PHONE: 503/64C-3470 OREGON INSPECTION REQUESTS (24 hours): 503/681-3699 or 681-3697 Permit # 05090064 Project #- P0065290 Status : APPROVED PALL J. Applied Ic,sued : Oi!/05/1997 Expires: 09/23/1997 03/31 /97 06 00 Compa5itn Tl,/pe COMBO Construction Type: NEW Permit Title t3FR -- RE- Ie3S 4. 13I) 3 BA OAR LV DF,scri.ptianI HILL-SHIRE CREEK ESI' I._OT 34 Begun: 01/1.0/1997 Ad d r eA s s 1.4569 SW DAUER CT TI L_.ocat 1 on '..ijcattrjn Detail Region ;;caner Name Phone: AppI cant Nafn? WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC . Phone 590-4700 (:antr -ictov . WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC . Phone 590-4700 Par r.e I 6S I 05AD 01700 Apprt vai# APPR Valuation: Appr'0 "0 __ .__ T.nsp�-�::tor C'ommencs , Rejected,__._.___... IVR—RESULTS REQUEST ERROR ! nspe,..ted by Dale items requested to be Inspected . 1te!m# Inspection Description Requeator Area �()206 P Top Out AF' DN IVR CammpntS. Requested thru IVR I E 5 G Set Packs AP DN IVR 02/13/97 Insperfor `AI Action APPR IVRS - Inspection f 105 :- Footing AP DN IVR +-+2/ 13/97 1nspecr,ur F',:L Action, APPR IVRS — Inspection )106 9 Foundation AR DN IVR C-P11 7-./57 Inspec for RG Action. APPR IVRS — Inspection DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE &TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION#350-12 155 NORTH FIRST, HILL.SBORO, OR 97124 COUNTY, PHONE: 503/640-3470 OREGON INSPECTION REQUESTS (24 hours): 503/681-3699 or 381-3697 PACE 1 kill t r.r ? vpc' NEW 6'f�l,pun 01 / 1C/1997 c Al t�1 Lr II d ( i I c t I DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE &TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION 4150-12 155 NORTH FIRST, HILLSBORO, OR 97124 COUNTY, PHONE: 503/640-3170 OREGON INSPECTION REQUESTS (24 hours): 503/681-3699 or 681-3697 Permit #. 050900e4 Project #: P0065290 Status: APPROVED PAGE i Applied: Issued 02/05/1.997 Expires OR/04/1997 02/13/97 06 41 Compositn Type: COMIO Construction Type. NEW Permit Title: 'SFR - REISS 4 BD 3 BA GAR LV Description. HIL..LSHIRE CREEK Et3T LCT 34 Begun 01 /IU/1997 Address: 14569 SW DAUfR CT TI Location: Location Detail : Region Owner Name Phone. Applicant Name WIhli')W(1n1) cnNSTRUCTION, INC , Phone 590-4700 Contractor WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC. Phone: 590--4700 Parcel 2S1 05AD 01700 Occ . R3 Use Approval#. APPR Valuation: Approved__.___ Inspector Cominents. Re jetted_— _ IVR--RESUL_I-S REQUEST ERROR Inspected by: __ Itams requested to be Inspected . . . It,-,m# Inspection Description Requestor Area 00 105 S Footing KKP ( DN IVF! Phone: 819-8114 Comments: POURING 11AM - - - -------- --------------------------- inspection _------ -----Inspection History . . . 00199 S Final Building AP DN IVR 00299 P Final Plumbing AP DN IVR 00499 E Final Electrical AP DN IVR 00399 M Final Me( finical AP DN IVH 00401 E Temporary Servir.. a AP DN IVR 00125 S Set Backs AP DN IVR DEPARI MENT OF LAND USE &TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION#350-12 155 NORTH FIRST, HILLSBORO, OR 97124 COUNTY, PHONE: 503/640-3470 OREGON INSPECTION REQUESTS (24 hours): 503/681.3699 or 681-3697 Permit # 05090084 Project. # P0065290 Status : APPROVEL PAGE 1 APP1 Ied ?sued : l ,x/1997 Expires 08/25/1997 02/28/97 06 : 00 fl,posito Typo COMBO C nat.ruction Type : NEW Permit. Title SFR REISS 4 BI) 3 BA GAR LV Description . HILLSHIRE CREEK EST LOT 34 Begun : 01/10/1997 Atldreea : 14569 SW DAUER CT TI Loc at..ir,ri Location Detail Region Owner Name Phone Applicant Name WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC . Phone 590-4700 Contractor WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC Phone 590-4700 Parcel 2'S1 05AD 0ii00 Approval.# APPR Valuation Approved .—x t,,s,pector Comments : Rejected____ IVR-RESULTS REQUEST ERROR ;. lnspecteO yy __ Date : Items requested to be Inspected Item# Inspection Description Request_ }r Area 00204 D plumbing Dost t Beam � DN Iva -�_- -------Comments Requested thru IVR Inspection Ristory . . 00125 5 Set Barks AP DN IVR 02/13/37 Inspector RB Action : APPR IVRS - Inspection 10105 S Footing AP DN IVR 02/13/97 Inspector RB Action : APPR IVRS - Inspection 00106 S Foundation AP DN IVR 02/19/97 Inspector . RB Action APPR IVRS - Insapection DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE &TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION#350-12 COUNTY, 155 !NORTH FIRST, HILLSBORO, OR 97124 PHONE: 503/640-3470 OREGON INSPECTION REQUESTS (24 hours): 503/681-3699 or 681-3697 0 r; ie.vU St:AtUS: AHPRQVED PAGE 1 Expires: 08/1?/:1.997 Oc/ !.9/97 06: 0( �.:I;:)ML' Construction 7yHr� NEW t1I'_.!-!�Hi ,• +. .NF I::K F."IT LCYI 14 Begur:: 01/10/1997 Reyien Phone. WlNDW!'jC;l 1N(; Phcne 590•-4700 W I NUW01.11 :i.lhlt l i'.'1.1G"!'T[1N I lui: . Phone. 590-4 700 IVR-RESULTS RE QUEST ER,40P rc .,,,••y t; =,�,i:_,g; t.ti7r1 i_hru IVB' AP ON I Vk APPR IVRS - InspPction AP ON IVP tI fm APPR IVR4 Inspection DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE &TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION #350-12 155 NORTH FIRST, HILLaBORO, OR 97124 COUNTY, PHONE: 503/640-3470 OREGON INSPECTION REQUESTS (24 hours): 503/681-3699 or 681-3697 Permit # 015090084 Project #: P0065290 StatuS . APPROVED PAGE 1 Applied I stjed . 02/05/199% E. plres 08/27/ 1997 03/0:3/97 06. 00 Ccmposttn Type COMBO -onstruction Type. NF'W PPrinit T'it1.e : SFR -- RE..ISS 4 DD 3 DA GAR LJ DPscriptJon HILLSHIRE (-REEK EST L-01 34 Begun: 01 /10/1997 Address . 14569 SW DAUER CT TI L.ocation !_ncation Detail . Region Owner NF,np : Phone Applicant Narie WINDWWID CONSTRLICTT.ON, INC Phone: 590-4700 Contractor : WINDWOLID CONSTRUCTION, INC . Phone. 590-470C vac l��1 Parcel PS1 75AD 01700 �•'I Approval# APPR Valuation: pprov Inspector Comments: I VR---RESUL_TS RE00EST ERROR ! Inspected by: Date: Items requested to be Inspected . Item# Inspection Descriptinn RP(Iuesto 77 �� Area 1'1(3109 S Structural Post ° Beam 9 Comma_nts: Requested thru IVR CA inspection History . %)01.25 S Set Backs AP DN IVR 02/ 1.3/97 Inspector: RB Action: APPR IVRS - Insper_tion 0105 S Footiny AP DN IVR 02/13/97 Inspector: Ria Action: APPR IVRS Inspection ()0106 S Faundation AP DN 1 '16 02/19/97 Inspector: RB Action. APPR IVRS Inspection DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE &TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION#350-12 "�► COUNTY, 155 NORTH FIRST, HILLSBORO, OR 97124 PHONE: 503/640-3470 OREGON INSPECTION REQUESTS (24 hours): 503/681-3699 or 681-3697 P-armit # . 050900&4 Project # . P0065290 Status . APPROVED PAGE 1 Applied: Issued 02/05/1997 Expires 08/18/1997 02/25/97 06 : 00 trpositn Type CCM80 Construction Type NEW Cermit Title SFR - REISS 4 BD 3 BA GAR LV Description HILLSHIRE CREEK EST LOT 34 Bequri : 0./10/199'/ Address 14569 SW DAU&R CT TI Location : Locution Detail Region Owner Name . Phone Applicant Name : WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC . Phone - 590-1700 Contractor . WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC . Phone 590-4700 Parcel 251 05AD 01700 Approval# : APPU Valuation : Approvod lraspec.tor Comments Rejected _ IVR-RESULT S RCQUCST GRROR i 1 „K,} srcted by _ - _ Date : _ .- - ------------------- I -----------------•-I T wren r*quo atsd to be, I4fspect.ea Item# Inspection Description Requostor Area n(?2 1 3 P Rain Drains AP DN J VR CommentA Rfquostwd thru IVR 00201 P Water Service AP DN IVR Comments Requested thru IVR 00212 P Storm F*w4r AP DN IVR Comments Requested thru IA/R 00:02 P Sanitary Sewo-r/Sewer Line AP DN IVR Comments : Requested thru IVR Inspection History. DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE &TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION#350-12 155 NORTH FIRST, HILLSBORO, OR 97124 COUNTY, PHONE: 503/640-3470 OREGON INSPECTION REQUESTS (24 hours): 503/681-3699 or 681-3697 P*rmit 8 : 05000084 Project 4 : P0066290 6tatua : APPPOV&D AAC1< 1 Applied. : Issued : 02/05/1997 Expires : 08/24/1997 02/26/97 06 00 Cc,mpositn Type . COMBO Construction Type : NEW Parmit Title : SF& - REI99 4 BD 3 IIA GAR LV Description : HILLSHIRE CREEK EST LOT 34 Begun : 01/10/1997 Address : 14569 SW DAUER CT TI Location Location Detail Region Owner Name Phone . Applicant Name WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC . Phony 500-4700 Contractor : WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC . Phone : 590-4700 Parcel : 2S1 05AD 01700 Approval* ! APPR Valuation : Approva31L1S-- Inspector Comments - Rejected_ IVR--RESULTS Li(z DROUEST RDROD I 77 <' r- _ J Inspected Dy : � —..�.._ >�te :-_�_�Zliz ' -- -- ------_ ------------ -- ----- _ __ -_---_--�, --� - - _ --------- -___--------- Items rwqusated to be ); acted a Item* Inspection Description Requestor Ares 00202 P Sanitary Sewer/Sewer Line AP DN IVR Comments . Requaoted thru IVR 00201 P Water Service AP DN TVR Comments Requested thru TVR 00213 P stain Drains AP DN IVQ Comments Requested thru IVR 00212 P Storm Sewer AP DN 111R Commente Requented thru 'VR Inspection History . . . . DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE &TRANSPORTATION WASHING'T'ON LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION#350-12 155 NORTH FIRST, HILLSBORO, OR 97124 COUNTY, PHONE: 503/640-3470 OREGON INSPECTION REQUESTS(24 hours): 503/681-3699 or 681-3697 Permit #: 05090094 Project #: P0065290 Status: TRANSFER PAGE 1 Applied : I �yl.led : 02/05/1997 Expires: 11/12/1997 05/21/97 06: 00 Compositn Type COMBO Construction Type: NEW Permit Title: SFR ._ REISS 4 BD 3 BA GAR LV Description: HIL.LSHIRE CREEK EST LOT 34 Begun. 01/10/1997 Address: 14569 SW DAUER CT TI Location: Location Detail : Region Owner Name: Phone- Applicant Name: WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC. Phone: 590-4700 Contractor: WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC. Phone, 590-4700 Parcel : 251 05AD 01700 "1 Approval#: APPR Valuation. C Approved Inspector Comments: Reje VR-•R E S U L T S REQUEST EFRROR I Inspected by: !` ���- Date: Items requested to be Inspected . . Item# ec _ on F?equestar Area 001 S Wallboard Nailing AP DN IVR omments- Requested thru IVR Inspection History . . . . . !-)0125 S Set Backs AP DN IVR 02/13/97 Inspector: RB Action: APPR IVRS Inspection 00105 S Footing AP DN IVR 02/13/97 Inspector: RB Action APPR IVRS Inspection 00106 S Foundation AP DN IVR 02/19/97 Inspector- RB Action: APPR iV175 - Inspection DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE &TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION#350-12 COUNTY, 155 NORTH FIRST, HILLSBORO, OR 97124 PHONE: 503/640-3470 OREGON INSPECTION REQUESTS (24 hours): 503/681-3699 or 681-3697 Perm, t. A ki' iWYtiUEM Project #. P0065290 Status: I'RANSF'ER PAGr 1. Applied Issued : 02/05/1.997 E:xpi.res: 11. /03/1.997 05/09/97 06: 00 C;ompositn Fype COMBO Construction *type. NEW Permit Title. SPR -- REISS 4 DD 3 CIF. GAR LV Description: HILLSHIRE CREEK EST ._CIT 34 Ilegun: 01/10/ 1997 Address 14569 SW DAUER CT T1 Loc at i on Location Detail Region Owner Name Phone: Applicant Name WINDWOOD CONSTRUC;IION, INC . Ph+ane 590-4700 Cuntr:Actor' WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC . Phone: 590-4700 ParrPI PSI 05AD 01700 Approval! APPR Valuation: Approved _ Inspector Comments. Rejected- A-1IVFt-RF.S"LILTS ...�. C .✓ CCT/UiJ /Vc i �C.✓E. ______--. ___.__ _.._ _____ (� C 7 1pv 9 PFOUEST ERROR ! Avi9 r if6 CC- Inspected bt, �--- Date Itpms request be ln!ij)P(--ted Item# irm Requester Are., 001.07 F AF 1JN IVR %:ommPnts. FtequestPd thru IVR Inspec: f•ion Hi Stu, y --- 00125 5) sl>t Backs AP DN IVR 0,.,' 13/97 Inspector RIP Artion APPR IVRS — Inspection 001 05 c. F{: ,t :i n g AP DN IVR t'-1,197 Inspectcir RB Action. APPR IVRS - Inspection 00106 G F c u n da t# i u rt AP DN IVR lq � 7 In,per, tnr• RIP Ar. tion APPR IVRS Inspection DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE &TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION#350-12 155 NORTH FIRST, HILLSBORO, OR 97124 COUNTY, PHONE: 503/640-3470 OREGON INSPECTION REQUESTS (24 hours): 503/681-3699 or 681-3697 Permit ## 05090084 Project #: P0065290 StatU5: TRANSFER PAGE 1 Applied Issued 02/05/1997 Expires: 11/05/1997 05.'12/97 06: 00 Compusitn l"ype 0 M a 0 Construction 1'ype. NEW Permit Title, 9FR — RE'.ISS 4 BD 3 BA GAR LV Description. HILL HIRE C',RE:EK EST LOT 34 Dequn. 01 / 10/1997 Address. 14369 SW DAUER CT TI I....cc,at ion I. ocati.on LletAtl Rvoi.on Owner N---imp PlIone Applicant Narrle WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC . Phone. 597•--4700 Cujjtr�ictr.r WINDWOOD CONSTRUCJ'ON, INC . Phony . 590-4700 Parcel E"'n l 05AD 01 ,700 Approval.# APPW Valuation: AI .Le ad InspoctOr COMMentF, a jected -___ IVR—RESUL.TS REQUES-r ERROR ! ' 1 tII=;P�„_ t F I! � �, ..tj�j- � nate A )/v 7 ____ CtFm,_ req;. -, :, I:Pd to br lecte - ltem#r (in Description Rpquestnr A r P 0l:)10' c r IIII i n g - AP DN IVR C:omments. Requested thru IVR Inspection +itstory 00125 G 5,, t Backs AP DN IVR �y ( x=';'1,3/9 Inspector RD Action. APPR IVRS �- Inspection )010".', F col I.n q AP DN IVR ! -t:'• 1.:3/9 1rn=,pectov RS Action. APPR IVRS Insapection 001 Oe.; I ' .i n rj a t i o v, AP DN IVR 1I�/'Q !.11 pP1-- 1;nI Rn (Action APPR IVRS - Inspection DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE &TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON LAND UEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION#350.12 155 NORTH FIRST, HILI SBORO,OR 97124 COUNT, PHONE: 503/640-3470 OREGON INSPECTION REQUESTS (24 hours): 503/681-3699 or 681-3697 yam, v MAA 7- t----X4ft- 1 4 a4 C� 'j; r R,Ir�j 't'cr' k '` 'c:' L llc�C-�s_ ;�� �� r/ 7)� f,;'I 1 IT t t t�� 1.1 (� �'r l U� �� IU�I L> `�► r /��Z!��» n �- ir, 00t t,c- N A I L r,,-r(---e, A T aj6 S., TRIW t li IG)) (� tl1 W VI a t�' rive . f �kj � ffl7LI DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE &TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DI%ISION#350-12 155 NORTH FIRST. HILLSBORO, OR 971-14 COUNTY, PHONE: 503/640-3470 GREGON INSPECTION REQUESTS (24 hours): 503/681-3699 or 681-3697 DN I VI IVR teed TVF; sewe age SANITARY• POPEagency U155 N. First Ave.,SuIlteM, Hillsboro, or.,9124 SURFACE WATER 503 648-8621 CONNFCT TUN PF RM1 T IS'L;IJ17 DATE 020597 EXPIRoTION I)ATF. 0130497 I:I; (--XI' DAIV, 020599 PERMIT 111928 STRIICTURF ADTIRFSS 14561)' F'kf.I,JEC'T 4603 STRIJCIURF STREET SIA) DAIII:R CT L.O1 34 TIL.CJCK TY1'17 I'll NN17CTTON - NEW OF 1111 L.SIJTF'E CREEK PHASE 2 TYI'I I NS TAI_.I. AT ION_. ( 1 9 ) III Ti �iWl(/T ku C:ON/ST1C 1 YPF IJI;rOPANC:Y - ( 1. ) 1i fN131.F: F AM II_Y PARC;F I.- 2S 1. 02 AD 1700 Ul P SIC 4314 MH '.146114 OWNER W T NDWOOTI CON S f F{11.11:;'[I O ADDRFSS 14076 SW Ttl N[HVI LW 11:R TR[ATMF._N1 PLANT ROCKC141.K TIGARD UR 97224 PHONE 590-4700 WAI E.R 1111811 IET 1 1 6AkEt FIXTURF EQUTVAI. FNT IIWVLI ING RFSIIIFN'TIAL LIN 1:TS S t-_-s R v 1(1,F IIIJITS 0 .0 ONITS 1 SI_RVICE UNITS 1 CONNECTION F I:F r. SIIkF ACF. WAI I k TIC VL I.0PM1 N1 F LF S SEWFk CONNFCT I.UN 2200 .00 WATER 111IAI.ITY 190.00 LEf'-; CRI- 1111 e.: 1 Co .0(} WATER 1.11.IANT'ITY 1.00.00 LEST; CkFT111 0. 00::: ERWITON I;1INTROL IW;PFCTT(IN 40.00 FLAN [111-CK 26. 00 SUli+ f o TAL 2200 , 00 '11' , 11TAL 166.00 TOT AI ?36f, . 00 AFTI NAME TIAI E PHONE AFI ILA IATION RVP REMARKS IOT 34 H111 S141RE CIMLK tSl 7 #? l 1401IN MOT IC17 FU1N" I-:RC)!)'10N ("CINTRIJI. INSPFi:1; T IONS REOUIREII Nufhhe t, to call for 1N!,I'E f.'11C11J -844-41444 4 *4:*** Pwmit( nnrl Uor TpE es to comply with all rules and regulations of the Unified Sewerage Agency.including those regarding erosion control A 24-hour notice Is required for aro Non control Inspections.The Inspection request number Is 844-8444.When calling for an Inspection,please refer to the permit,project and lot numbers. The permit expnes one hundred eighty(180)days from the date of issuance.The Agency does not guarantee the accuracy of the location of side sewer Weia 7/93 WHITE - USA, BLUE - Accounting. GREEN -Inspection, YELLOW - Customer DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE &TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION#350-12 155 NORTH FIRST, HIL.LSBORO, OR 97124 COUNTY, PHONE: 503/640-3470 OREGON INSPECTION REQUESTS (24 hours): 503/681-3699 or 681-3697 F'erinit t' #. P0065290 Status. TRANSFER PAGE. 1 Applied asued . 02/05/1.997 Expires: I1 /08/I997 05/16/97 06: 00 r.;mpo5itn ! ,'Ik��� C01-IStrUCtiorr, Type NEW Permit i • I E �,t P REU.116 4 9D 3 BA GAR L.V DeScripi i it 111A..L.SHIRE CREED: EST' LOT 34 Bequn, 01 /:10/1997 Add1,o,i :, 14969 'SW DAUER CT TI c..u L,,t, l aLation Iota, 1 Rp9 .ion Owner Near: Phone Applicant W-la- WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC: Photie: 590-4700 C0t1f:r ,3Ct0r WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC Phone: 590•-4/00 P a r I.F,1 r'.S l 05AD -01700 �- App : ,rva? l# APf'R Iva Iuatinn ; i ,sper.tor f'omm r,t5: v,ctt,d IVR- RESULTS REQUEST' ERROR 1 h/ A T' r,-7 � AP DN J'JR t.an,mr?rits Regriested t:hru IVR -� AP DN IVR -- •-c,mment:s Requested thru IVR Cj N I V R �+ ,,r tiol'i APPR IVRS Tn ,v(.,( ti �1N IVR Irt L!e f?:3 Action APrR IVf 5 DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE &TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION:#350-12 155 NORTH FIRST, HILLSBORO, OR 97124 COUNTY, PHONE: 503/640-3470 nI?,EGON INSPECTION REQUESTS (24 hours): 503/681-3699 or 681-3697 �::�ta 1.a. : APF,v4nVE( PAGE' 1 F.:xpi'eG (,"9,127 1 1997 04/04/97 06: 00 t T k/p f IVE4% F 01/10/1997 R g i or) F'tl rs n r: ERROR ! rare IVR 101 IVR PN IVR DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE &TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION#350-12 155 NORTH FIRST, HILLSBORO,OR 97124 COUNTY, PHONE: 503/640-3470 OREGON INSPECTION REQUESTS (24 hours): 503/681-3699 or 681-3647 Permit #M 0501-70084. PT'0je(.t #: P0065290 Stercus: TRANSFER PAGE 1. Applir,d Issued - 02/05/1997 Expires: 10/08/ 1997 05/06/97 06: 00 c)mp c)s i tv, T,',-p e. COMBO Construction Type: NEW Permit Title SFR - REISS 4 BD 3 BA GAR L�,' Description: HI1_.L9HIRE- CREEK EST LOT 34 Begun; 01/10/199'7 Address- 14569 SW DAUER CT TI LOLAtiOn . Location Detail Region Owner Name Phone Applicant Name WTNI)WOOD C;ONSTRUCTION, INC . Phone 590-4700 Contractor : WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC Phone: 590---4700 ParcelPSI 05AD 01.700 Approval*' APPR ValuationApproved . ItI.Spett-OT' COMMerItSc--j e f-t—e r-2;j- REOUEST ERROR ' ted Date� _, Items 1tem# Description Re(jUeStor Area ;�0107 AP DN IVR Comolpnts: Requested thru IVR inspection AP DN TVR ,)0125 S Set Ba, Inspector RB Action APPR IVRS InSpeCtj-011 AP DN IVR 02113,197 : nspector . F413 Action APPR IVRS Inspection .)OtO6 S Foundation AP DN IVR OR" jc; ."I , 111t,npr for R13 Action APPR IVRS Irispecticn DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE &TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION#350-12 155 NORTH FIRST, HILLSBORO,OR 97124 COUNTY, PHONE: 50.i/640-3470 OREGON INSPECTION REQUESTS (24 hours): 503/681-3699 or 681-3697 Permit # 050yOUH-4 PT'n jec:t #' P00ta5.290 bt,atu!s. THAN'aFFr4 PAGE 1 Applied issued . 02/05/1997 Expires: 10/08/ 1997 05/06/97 06: 00 ompositn Type : c0flef) Const;T'ucti.on Type. NEW PeT,mit Title 1:>r R REISS 4 DD 3 BA GAR LV Description HIL_t_SHIRE CREEK EST LOT' 34 Hequn. 01/10/199.7 Address, 14569 SW DAUE:.R CT "f I L.or,itior 1-ocaltion Detail Region Owner Name Phone: Applicant Name WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC . Phone. 590-4700 Contractor . WINDWOOD CONSTRUCTION, INC . Phone. 590•-4700 P:y r c e l 291 05AD 017OO Approva I# APPR Vralua3tion'. AEpT'cl _—_-- Inspec:tor CommF?nts RP je( tP.d f'ECaUES'T' ERROR ! Ce J10K Items roilirzted +n ltrm# Requestor Area 00306AP DN IVR 1. umments Requested thru IVR ------------------------------- Tn�per.: tinn Hist:ar �� 001.25 S Set Dackc, AP LAN IVR 17- '?; Inspector ISP Action: APPR IVRS - Inspection 00105 .' 1 o f i T!" AP DN IVR Iiispec tor . RB Action. APPR IVRS Inspection AP DN IVP " l `' ' ' Inspector PB Action Ai-PR IVRS Tnspection DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE &TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION#350-12 155 NORTH FIRST, HILLSBORO,OR 97124 COUNTY, PHONE: 503/640-3470 OREGON INSPECTION REQUESTS (24 hours): 503/681-3699 or 681-3697 Permit. *1 05090084 PT'UjFct it P0065290 Status: TRANSFER PAGE_ 1 Applied . Issued 02/'05/1997 Expires: 10/06/1997 04/ 11/97 06 00 ompc,sitn Type: COMDC! Construction Type: NEW Permit Title: 9 F REISS 4 BD :3 DA GAR LV Description: HILA-SHIRI.- CREEK. ES'T' LOT :34 Ilegun.- 01/10/1997 Address: 14569 SW DAUE:R CT TI Lor et i un. oc.at, on I c tail Region (,')14ner Na+mp Phone: AppI i.cant Name WINDWODD CONSTRUCJTONo TNC , Phone: 590-4770 i.;c,ntractor. WINDWOOD CONSTRUC'( 10N, INC . Phone: 590-4700 Parc P 1 . OSJ. 05AD 01 700 Approval# APPR 'valuation. Approv _ Inspector C"ammpnts Re,�er..ted__._..�._._. VEGULTS REQU ST FRROP ! e ! n is P w c +f o b�i _. _ ..._ __ Date: ----------------- 1temF , Hgvested to be, Inspected t'40# E ] ))spec +..ion Description Requestor Area , r ;...vrr c, Service F1f i! IJF? c-1mmenta. Requested thru IVR 1nspPr: t.icon Hir,+.or, c5 , :yet I:3 :1c. kc AP DN I'dr; 97 In=..paUt0T' PP Action: APPR IVRS Inspection AP D N 1-,)n 1 - t-? inGpert,vr, PP Actian: APPP, IVRS - Inspection stir_, r r 1',3 C1 r AP DN 14 ! `'. P-7 TrnspectOr PP Action. APPR IVRS Inspection