N. DAKOTA ST. (KINDER CARE) ST.-STORM-SAN. SEWER r �M �. 6' HIGH WOOD FENCE v ' z INITIAL ft2INT A%MAIeT SUMMER LAK-4:. LIQ 3 Q FD. 2" I,'D. W/BRA55 CAP rj 0° 10 48'' E 151.00' FD. 5/8" I.R. (�, O. 24 1— 221.00 - V. A - - - 226,54 E.O.�I ) i – —_ , -- NOT IRON PIPE GALL-EV LEGAL DESCI�IFTIO I lu DRAINAGE SWALE I-Ole i1� pE!~D - ---- _...----- ------Q-----.__4-.___— _--0___- --- PARCEL I z BEGINNING AT AN IRON PIPE 869 FEET NORTH AND 20 FEET WEST OF T;-IE W QUARTER CORNER BET;JEEN SECTIONS 33 AND 34, TOWNSHIP I SOUTH, I RANGE I WEST, THENCE WEST 240 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE, THENCE SOUTH \ 181 FEET, THENCE EAST 240 FEET TO A POINT 688 FEET NORTH AND 20 ,q�,4 'eqG FEET WEST OF THE QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTION 33 AND 34, z DRAIN .p TOWNSHIP ! SOUTH, R,4NGE 1 'WI:.,T OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, LC WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, THENCE NORTH 181 FEET TC: -rHE F'OINT OF C.O. PN BEGINNING. y S \ /22926 (� PARCEL II G.O. LWU BEGINNING- AT A POINT 688 FEET NORTH AND 20 FEET WEST OF THE Q ,229.4.8 [� QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 33 AND 34, TOWNSHIP I SOUTH, RANGE I WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ._ OREGON; THENCE EAST 8 FEET TO A POINT WHICH IS 12 FEET WEST OF ~ MANHOLE p,N 0.99 AC. O THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 33; THENCE NORTH PARALLEL TO AND BEING 5 I\ 43,425 SQ. FT. O 12 FEET WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 33 TO THE SOUTH - y ll LINE OF S.W. SCHOL LS FERRY ROAD; THENCE WFSTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID ROAD TO THE EAST LINE OF THAT TRACT SOLD ON CONTRACT > TO LEE REED CUNNINGHAM AND REED LU. CUNNINGHAM, RECORDED AS SAN RECORDER'S FEE NO. -_, '343; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE EAST LINE OF 62' _ 58'— `r 61, SAID CUNNINGHAM TRACT AND ITS EXTENSION THEREOF TO THE PO!N", OF n/ O U ------ BEGINNING. 1�C. � U- KINDER-CARE - z BUILDING: CONCRETE N I, DEANE W. 5LAIR, A REG15TERE-D SURVEYOR i�' THF STATE OF OREGON, z N CD. SIDEWALK HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TO KINDER-CARE 70 THE BEST OF MY PROFESSIONAL FF. 1295'1' IRRIG. CONTROLLER t KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF Tt.AT THIS FLAT REPRESENTS A m _ GAS METER W/ W TRUE AND CORRECT SURVEY MADE ON THE GROUND UNDER MY DIRECT I' X 4' ENCLOSURE _9 SUPERVISION ON A'UGLlST 12, 1988; THAT THESE BUILDINGS DO NOT � Q = D.S. D.S. ENCROACH ON ANY STREET, TITLE OR BUILDING LINES, NOR ARE THERE Q m ANY ENCROACHMENTS BY iMPROVEMENTS FROM ADJOINING PROPERTIESt ul d - 16"CEDAR EXCE"T AS INDICATED. A.G. UNIT ENCLOSURE • REGISTERED ACCORDING TO MY SURVEY THIS 12 DAY AUGUST 1988. 5' -� ('YPICAL) PROFESSIONAL • 10' LANG SURVEYOR DEANE W. BLAIR REGISTRATION NO. 1981 4' HIGH CHAIN ELECTRIC METER LINK FENCE OREGON LINK Im Z DEANE W. BLAIR 12293r, 22931 gCD w W �— 10' GATE Q o NOTE f','�I'ZGEL jr 15 IN THE PKXIF_ a OF SEINc3 t7�IGPTEi7 ;O cqL_— RAMP HANDICAPPED i `THE f'UDLIG FOR IZI6HT-pP- WAY PUI�POSES QO ROP.17Wp'( . . ... . .;.,t . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . p.C,GE � 6EMENT ( 6oOK V PP�GE 3381 i�•Nt�A NON- EXC;LU5IVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / . . . . .. . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'_1j ... . . . PRIVATE E,�s=M El�ff (CLOG. # 86-27���) t3oTH AF�>=GT OHI,.Y PAIL 10 X 10 WOOD y . . ...,..... � 9, � �- ANIS WILL t�E�:�+'7ME MEf'NlNC71._E55 /hFTEiz L7Et�IGf'.�ION . TRASH ENCLOSURE w N TYP. `9 41 NOT> t?00- # F�8-5G�1� WASHINCITON COUNTY 5OOI- OF f�E.G0Kt)5 9 `� , 2� 12 r VINCENT CLSaN ANIS MAKTH^ H . JLSEN TO K -INUEK-GARB , A L I '. .. . . . .. . . . G� �� CEDARS 16 pELaWARE CORPORATION . Ro 0 CONCRETE PAD FKoPERT1Ee INC., A OF-L_AW^RO✓ } . .. . . . . . . . . . W/ BICYCLE RACK \ �� P Z PARKING �� GORPOR^-TION TO IGNDE-K -CARE L_E^FNUN0 GEN•T'1=KSiI, INC., P� 0 SYPHON t�ELAWARE GOI�AREA FIRE HYDRANT- CATCH BASIN • 30' I I kb 3O POINT OF �EC�INNINC� -- — v U _�_ F0 '/a" I.R. NO-02 E.0.09 (NOT IRON IRRIG.CONTROL- > =9I KINDER-CARE ` 0 TELEPHONE plt'E GALLEb fOR. IN k�EEt7) Fo. I�I.K. VALVE (L \ /POLE W/ GUY MONUMENT 228.99 ' !" WATER METER `v o i p i SIGN _ --tee 3 N 00 10 48 LU 161.00 — E•LEGTRIG I30X J00 0'48"E /� G' II SURVEY OVERHEAD � ' . 4.00' PP.RGEL]I _-� - N�8041'49"E A�.) B�I SI.F fes. ` , ELECTRIC AND --. . -- . . . . . .------- -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.15' OF . 230b6 TELEPHONE LINE _ F . S SIL�EWi�L{c MAILBOX_. .. . - N 00°10'48"W 41o8.27 _1 �/ �+ /� - /� i`I * ' / ' * t INC. EI T E&T E&T E&T E&T' Cr KINDER' CARE LEARl'%4ING-- C '-ETI-I t ERS, II > 33 o88•Gt0SPEED SIGN �- PJ, p>Ie GAP •._ �_ _¢_ ♦ r _OVERSIZED Ibl.00' 7tTGAS LINE (APPROX. LOCATION•_� �9 F4 GORNEIe 3�} CATCH BASIN - - -- ---- --___--. ---- -- -- - -_ _�.— -.--.---- -- UNIT N0. 3444 MANHOLE 3 N 12(orv8 aw. NOR'n-1 DA!<OTA 15 STORM SEWER 12" STORM EWER 61U. NORTH DAKOTA ST. �° TIGARD, OREI�ON X0223 v MANHOLE MANHOLE 12 w w w w w WATER w w w w � � � �:ALE. I"=210' r CATCH BASIN 3 N H w e 3 � Q SAN. 5EWI-7 o o C'4 ' s r W C4 t� La 11. NCRTH DAKOTA 5T. {K I NDETtCAR' ,,.ww.MMW1 /i • -Y. '• J .' '..11r•w:n��. ..o,.-....r.wr.v................... -----..,+- IIIIIII�Pnn 4M;iNM!'M^'.IAMSh MNHx 4 • i � � '� r�le�l'IIItI��iII1�11�+�11'Fjl+'III���II�IIIIII111�1�I�lll�t�llll ( I�III�IITI11 1111111 (IIIII�I�IIII>JrIIIII111+111I1II� II�IIIIIl1I�lII�IIIIIII�IIl1iI�111��I�IIIII�I�I►I�II;���IIIII� � . , � NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A --- IO I1 12 _ DRAWING 1S LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTInt"IT IS DUE TO r * QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. OE dt pZ LZ 92 sZ 02 EZ ZZ 12 OZ 61 91 L1 91 sl III,I CI zl II 019 L 9 s U E Z 1"•"" �grlltndlullni�� �nlnulunh11111 Ilulwl�t►Hlnulllal�++h+wll��rl�nlur►Itt�t4�tr►�11i�n,ftlrt111tt�Illwlutt�►ntlt� mu �11nin1111mhr III�IIunIIUIIIIttImIIJ1U�1111�uJ1J11�uu�WllUu�IIUIIW�MIIIn 4 - JULY 1 1 9 2 ]( ,1 ��] ��,,,��•���♦�I , ��.'�`(y�,//\] '/ 11 '� " »..+..«•w++4r.. •.,, •.... ,. .._"._..,....r ..w,,..,,1,...q,,,....,,,,,,.....,q1"...,..+.....r-w-w•.'.«.r-...,,.,,. "' . !� � � � ��rr"+I�� wI' -'- � \ � .I-'.' � ��� I •M.w:M iMu-.. .wnM.... .:.•.w�YM`..�4c."M�r••VIr:1•!•w,�l_w...,.,�,,,.w,+.MAA""M✓,.."Wo 4` . log LJ14L Pfo OC 801 �d` ( , , .. . �llY. 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Vl��nr,p•r..r.• r+,:.�._,.y,••y.r1•• .,,r 1� s..Ar�.. ."..+...,-.r....._._e•,. r....«..+r•p,'...,...._-^.-.:.•+.r.r...+r _ ... �'�..w.......v...r..+.."a_'•":N" '� .-uwn.�vlltt�gl•.r..z N 6&w 71) PM.,,F' et.TL A/ jalir 7M�61_14_ AW-4 MPO YXII) TK .......... ,r r e1jA IJ FL-77F Y, ED lLq JUL x,,88 � IGARD ' - CITY OF ?' ' �Y' f)C. V {V4 S /.N�' :r'M�Mw: .ww�:�. eY.MWuN....w_•....,+r+Ylu,r.-_�.. � � � �,la .,d t' S f�.'�rl:.� � 1)1' � �• !'" � w�l� .r.�.�.�'jl� ., 4 6 wM 'ice �I►N-nwr+w+..r.t,.w�..Ml • c � 0 . � ..._ .... .._ r.^... w.rw... ._.s.e_ ...•_,......_ ...,. .. ..«...^,.r` ..... .. ..^..-. .,..-... ._.—s.- ......a...w.:..r'•:�t:....t..-...,..�'.t:..-•..,. • .• .._..,r .. a..."••».•^tet-•�... . .. • ... ,e. �. � yy - C •.r+,:• nn•:»r+ *'fir.-N eyi.,,..r n,y t. a, a..r. „ *• - ._ .. .. _ { .,�� .Hy'. »n.wn""1'�„• I�- 4 �•�.. ^e,.•,, r:r..r,r•,sh:w�...�. .},� ..r _:. i� tet,' r.�� ►5,»N!.wtw1 'h �'� err .».r^"''�I A h' f _erI. r ! ,p�M/�”" N 4d� �iIR,� s. /♦p � Y ' jj. .ani s ,IX ,o '" �. �Fali' ' � i ,•"•,�, } '�G,' "� `:�'J': i►� r�`� t� ,/ +1 fir... V- Z#.M r1.. - `.✓ war► '' ,,� � _ ...+.. • 1 � „ fl ����� 262=4.�, A ". ,s�► p� 4.J [fi/ �t 7 RKef P. � ' .moor +r ,r � ,4,. !.-•� 1, `� � � +'���_M•Y" �i�"'' �,.�h..��++- f ,,ri'`tli..�M �L.Ji,r� ��• MAR�1�'1 � r, _10f W11-L QF) qAbl .. 10 �� 1 �`� ��1'�' t ; Tv urns rozA�. ��) I�~•, ,,,;, .�. � ,7\j'�yj�� � � 3 �'?� ��.� 1 � a<� `'� /'/''J��� /�' ,��0/'jf T. cosi �o:� �,� //J{,/��'jy/(�t�jy{��'.•� �Jj. •j/�),�/y!/»r'j/!j.`1.?, {yyy �/./.»�, 1 4, ^�Y,� �I 'rMr�.�;•^ RiI'1 / T #5e; //,7: •u .':II' ..� M A r ^•.I ' I .V. - 'i" �. �.11T . j o..l..,IM.1.1� •� } �;, E ,�+ ` .Rwn `�Lf! TE_ / . .1 `1'M �. j' � �- � +�y NWr (/ I» ,: � ( L�wF f •M �' � • STI „..7 '`.•.z'T- ►, IL..../ I+14�Td!•�, ,.. 1 )' ,�4, 1 746 1 / 7fz P”, iwMa�mmwft /�� � ,'�•`�r• ,; f�f'y/fes ; 1 /jj/�'�y'`,�� v:'. +� ." `+ 1 :•+, `{' `^rte � .t LIL /�.�iJ,F .. .....r••..,.,....•.,w..a-.__�...,..w-..ww....-.,.vwr._...,.._..--...n.+-+._w.,r- .....y+'.•..r..�w+r.w- ."�. 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COUP !Y /Mpi:i' _. . .. . ._:._ No. _ M"IICAT ION 100. _. _ DATE -- y I 1 � 11 � r,�r,.�. rls•w_ 1 •._-r�•�r Y.�.w�.. _r.�.+�rr R JIM U 5 •.».rr J .,......:r...._ ......A..,�......,.... r, & .n .� .srwrsr�e,�l�wr Y. 4-1 #T . �,,r"~ Z...� � �,.,! �, , ��Y � ��, w .. •y,.,• f K � ,�•._,.� r. �, '•, f r . � ` '' �' �r'++�i..�r�r � �11r►.�Ir...,�rlw�,..a. ,�. t e rf , r ,..'�i .. N, �=' • r Nr i � � l � { f � � l i l � � I � I , F� I � � IIII � � � I � IiIII � IIIIII � � � II�IIII � � llllll � lll �lll � ll � llll � ll �llll � llIIIII � II � IIII � IIIIIII � IIIIIII � IIIIIII � III IiIllllll � lll � l � � Il �� l � l � lflll I � Ill � r ' I � II11 ) � d' NOTE : I F TH 1S M 1CROF I LMEI� ► __. ._..-_. -.� ..�_.........2 . _..__._. .. _ _. _-....�_ 3 _ --_ _�.._ _ __ 0 i L DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN TH 15 NOTICE , 11 1 .) DUE TU THF ,)I_IAi. I T Y OF THE ORIG I NAL DRAWING. of f,z E7z [ ?_ 9? Sz bz Ez zZ � ? 02 61 HI LI 91 SI VI el � � ! 1 01 6 9 L 9 S 17 �t11 IIII�IIII I111�111111111�1111 IIII{1111 II11�1111 IIII�IIII 1111 1(11 II11�1� 'll�lll! I ' '� II I I � ( I I ( ( , Illll�llll�llll�lill�llll�ll lilill�lll I llilllllIII{�Iiil�llll�llll�lll►IIII,�IIII�IIII�IIII�IIi{���!l�IIIIIIIII�IIII�IIII�IIII�IIII�IIII�Illlr1111�I�II�IIII�IJ���IIII�IIII�IIlI�IILI�IIII W IIt flsL A am 7 Q V- Ci r N x � C,G Svwm r _ c « o. m CD :3 n. F September 3 , 1991. rt F TIGARD ON • `PO WHOM IT MAY -uNCERN: 7 7 This is to acknoF:leoge that effective this date, street, sanitary and storm sewer public improvement facilities installed within the following development projects are hereby accepted by the City of Tigard, Oregon, for operation and maintenance: 1 . Mallard Lakes Subdivision 2 . 108th Avenue Sanitary Sewer 3 . Morning Hill (Lots # 1 - 53) Subdivision 4 . Morning Hill No. 2 Subdivision 5 . Gallo's Vineyard Subdivision 6 . Dover Landing (Phase No. 2) Subdivi.sien 7 . Ari Green Subdivision 8 . Genesis No. 2 Subdivision -,,>9 . North Dakota Street Sanitary Sewer extension 10 . Morning Hill No. 3 Subdivision 11 . Tigard East Sanitary & Storm Sewer Relocation 12 . E-.odus Subdivision 13 . Cotswald No. 3 Subdivision 14 . Swanson's Glen (Phase No. 1) Subdivision 15. 108th Ave. /Durham Road Impruvement 16. 113th Ave. /Durham Road Improvement 17 . Albertson's Sanitary & Storm Sewer Extension !A . Mer.estone Subdivision 19 . Clydesdale Sanitary Sewer Extension 20 . Tony's Place Subdivision 21 . Barbee Court Subdivision 22 . Winterlake Subdivision 23 . Creekside Subdivision Randall R. Wooley, City e9gineer dj/.111:opt-enln.ncp 11125M Hall Blvd,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 -- ---- EL April 5, 1990 CITYOF TIIFARD OREGON Edwina Dunn, Contract Admin. Kindercare Learning Centers, Inc. 2400 Presidents Drive P.O. Drawer 2151 Montgomery, AL 36.197 RE: 12656 S.W. North Dakota Street (Site) , Tigard OR Dear Edwina: This is sent to notify Kin+erca,re Learning Centers, Inc. and Safeco Insurance Company of America that the ,lity of Tigard, Oregon, has no further interest in the Twenty-nine thousand ninE hundred dollars ($29,900.00) Performance Bond, No. 5106724, posted with the City to assure performance of public improvement construction work at the aforesaid project site. All work has been satisfactorily completed and, therefore, the assurance obligation is declared void. Sincerely, <� Randall R. Wooley City Engineer c: Safeco Insurance Co. Don Weber 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 — – IT 7 1/Z CITY OF TIIFARD OREGON August 2, 1969 Edwina Dunn, Contract Admin. Rindercare Learning Centers, Inc. 2400 Presidents Drive P.O. Drawer 2151 Montgomery, AL 36197 RE: 12656 S.W. North Dakota Street (site) T.gard, OR Dear Edwina: This letter is sent to inform you that until such time as asphaltic concrete and gravel debree is removed from the catchbasin (lc :ate( at station 1 + 55) in S.W. North Dakota Street, I cannot act to release the work assurance bond. Sincerely, ;John S. Hagman Engineering Tech JSH:jar Enclonure6 (2) �e41�� r i i 13'25 S'h Hall Blvd .PO Box 23397,Tig,Jlci,Ci egon 97223 (503)639-,"l 71 TRANSMIUAL n 0—4./'of _ Ido crrGl ap;77C-Rrw I2 "t4 `-�rXt T pa, wx' -z33g'y I.m M.ol ?�N Ve,volgb rA- 97223 ��- nn --------- hem I7rple Inti UexrlpWm VJ Remarks J is sero requested U Frrr 0 Return requested I,.i,rnirndnrmallrm C]Fnr)uurr(,su',I DAVID BANS AND MIA)CIAM If%:. FNGINCFRS.NI'R%Il'ORS MANNERS,LANUSCAPI.ARC I, I IFFICFS IN ORFGI)N,19A.NNI'MIDN ANb(AUPORNIA 1820 S a'CORBF'I'(A%'FNI'F PORl'IANU,OREU IN 9'101 AM ON)113.6663 FAX OAM 223.21M CITYOF TIIFARD May 31, 1989 OF KinderCare Learning Centers, Inc. PO Drawer 2151 Montgomery, Alabama 36177-9751 Dear Ms. Dunn, The items described in our December 20, 1988, leter (copy enclosed) still remain to be con-pleted. Subsequently, the assurance bond cannot be released. Sincerely, John S. Hagman Engineering Technician jlh/kinder enclosure 13125 SW Hall Blvd-P,O Box 2339?,Tigard,Oregon x7223 (503)639-4171 -- —— ---- — 7�. o 141 o _ /74 L r u � evt ef . ,(�, � �-� "Y cn 7Z^ al �� ,�4%. axe o t � Kinder a Learning Centers, Inc. 2400 Presidents Drive P.O.Drawer 2151 • Montgomery,Alabama 36197 1-800-633-1488 Kinder Care - 1 7-J v 7T 1 i . /'-It"` a- C, Please direct all correspondence regarding this bond to: EDWINA"RUSTY" DUNN contract Administrator Nuw Centers Development (205) 277-5090 Ext. 222 1-800-633-1488 r e� �sCA- #113 TIGARD,OREGON SW North Dakota Street STREET OPENING PF,RMIT PERFORMANCE (;OND BOND NO. 5106724 j KNOW ALL MEN' BY THESE PRESENTS that we, _KINDER-CAFE LEARNING CENTERS, INC. 2400 Presidents Dr Montgomery,Alabama 36116 , as Principal , and as Surety, are _jointly and severally held and bound unto the C:i t } U1 Tigard , Oregon , in the sum of Twenty-Nine Thousand Nine Hundred and no/100--•--------- ------------------ Dollars ( 29,900.00 ) for t:he payment of wi,77 we jointly nil severally bind ourselves , our heirs , executors , adminisLrators , successors rind firmly by these presents . THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND IS SUCH: That whereas the Principal herein has made application to the Cit)' Engineer of City of Tigard for a permit. to_ construct street improvements witliin the Citv of Tigard right-of-way of 12656 Southwest North Dakota Street _ Tigard, Oregon, under the provision of Ordinance No. 74-14 and 76-11 Code of the City of Tigard , and whereas ,;lid application was approved by the City Engineer of said City and a permit therefor issued, subject to and upon certain conditions , directions, stipulations , terms, pruvisions :(lief requirements provided for in said permit , a copy of which permit is attached hereto rind hereby made a part of this bond to the same extent and effect as if written herein and specific reference now made to all the terms, previsions, specifications :inti requirements set out , declared and provided for in said permit; NOW THEREFORE, IF THE Principal herein shall faithfully and truly observe the terms, Provisions , conditions, stipulations , directions and requirements of said permit rind shall in all respects, whether the same be enumerated herein or not, faithfully comply with the sa e and shall assume the defense of , indemnify and save harmless the City n1 Tigard , its officers, agents and employees from all claims, liabilities, loss , damage rt• injury which may have been suffered or claimed to have been suffered to pzrsclns at property directly or indirectly resulting from or arising out of the operations ar conduct of said Principal or any subcontractor in the performance of the work under ,roil permit and shall indemnify and make whole the City for any injury or damage to :oll'N• street , highway, avenue or road or any part thereof , resulting from the operations or conduct of said Principal or any subcontractor in connection with performance c- conduct of the work under said permit , and shall, in all respects faithfully keep and observe :l : i of said terms, provisions, conditions, stipulations, directions and recuirement.: , then r.his obligation is void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect . WITNESS our hands and seals this 24th da\ of February t 1988 KINDER BARE LEARNING CENTERS, INC. .0 n,YIce res en 70evejopment P ri ncipaI Countersign SAFFC 0 TNSURAN > Co MPANY OF MIUICA Al tornE`V-in-Facl (.111:bs/091(,2) 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. P.O. BOX 23397 CITYOFTIFAPM TIGARD, OR 97223 (503) 639-4171 OREGON TO: FROM: 17 MESSAGE— VOtk �­cte zl/t 7" 7f 0,7 lz� III eel e`e�m telp- -7z —Flo v ez� 6 ov ce-AlAl A" oex J 110 '�4 zf ry 7z' lo, 0 z/1 ztel'(Y"j k SIGNED DATE Q_ REPLY----- SIGNFD DATE PLEASE RETURN ORIGINAL COPY WITH REPLY. 1,,LEP PINK COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS. FILE COPY MNSMIT'Iu Uate 14+4 --y-d NpaL-CkIZ6 dj )CUI III Ilan ful,les Irate Urscrlpuon Post•it'"routing r"u"t pad NU ROUTING - REQUEST Please — ❑ READ To HANDLE ❑ APPROVE a((nnd�d 1 L— FORWARD V ❑ RETURN ❑ KEEP OR DISCARD ❑ REVIEW WITH ME ,sc S "c`�•��, \� Date 2 Z From—_ rom {-e ) A coy 1;tej,x ao. 1>mu requested [j Fur Baur anl'nl,Rl U Return n•quesled [J For alar In(urmallnu CI For dour m,ie% I'! 1141111 - f - `2..00 " V UAATU RAN%AND A.SSI X TA]ES,Iw F. UINRIts NI R%MR%PI ANNI RA IANIRI AI'1 AR,III I I I IN V ( I's 1%k 0H,uN RASnINn 11 IN AND 4111ORNIA 2426 5 tl 1 nRRF 1'1 A%ENI r pA1RMYI,,11RPo1,N Ir2nl JIp1t I N1y 122!•644� �w_�`SAL .� (ITfOF TIFARD OREGON December 20, 1988 KinderC.are 2302 Martin Street (Suite 460) Irvine, CA 92715 Attn: Mr. Don Weber Re: 12656 SW North Dakota Street Dear Mr. Weber, To facilitate placement of the project onto it's one-year maintenance guarantee period, the following items need to be finished: Asphaltic concrete and gravel needs to be removed from A- ' the catchbasin, located at Station 1+55, in S.W. North Dakota Street. "" 2. One as-built mylar, detailing all of the public improvement r� t2. `� Cit � 'rrk, needs Assoc., s tobenprjvided to the City (by your engineer, David oc When the above items are completed, the project bond can be reduced to $5,980.00, at KiriderCare's option. If you would like to discuss anything related to assurance options, please call me at 649-4171. Sincerely, John Hagman Engineering Technician jlh cc: Mr, Mell. Stout/David Evan3 & Assoc. , Inc. 13125 SW Hail Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 FR ', khse-C M&v , vQ ` Ls p•v-,v c mac, 1MZ�v�.'tGv�-�-v�c.0 �sl°a=«G► • �� v�.Ei't' t-L�.d ` h.G�� 1 ti APPLICATION - STREET IMPROVEMENT/EXCAVATION COPY TO: 0IWHITE1 FILE ORDINANCE NO. 74.14 )E�OIIILUEI- NSP, p (YELLOW)•OTHER AGENCY (INSTRUCTIONS ON SEPARATE SHEET) 19(PINK)-APPLICANT APPROVED )31 APPLICATION NO.:_- �I NOT APPROVED p CITY OF TIGARD,OREGON FEE AMT.: s -- _-, PENDING FEE.PMT. ❑ CITY HALL RECEIPT NO,: PENDING SECURITY ❑ PUBLIC HURKS DEPARTMENT' BY DATE PENDING AGENCY "OK" ❑ Application.and Progress Record — — MAINTENANCE BOND • /1 J A. PENDING INFORMATION O FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT/EXCAVATION As REQUIRED o ANNUAL PtNO1NGVARIANC,-- O W . O, 5330-4811788 EXPIRATIONOATE• PERMIT NO.: A AAJ'uGPx ) DATE ISSUED: rl l I) / 656 . BY: (1) APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO EXCAVATE FOR AND INSTALL OUTS I D = PLANT VTELE71710NE _ FACHITIES AS DESCRIBED HEREIN, IN FULL ACCORDANCE WITH CITY REQUIREMENTS. APPLICANT GTE NORTHWEST INCORPORATED P . 0 . 1100 BEAVERTON , OR . 9707 643-0315 NAM L ADDRESS CITY PHONE CONTRACTORCHARLENE RFFD SA SA 629-2264 NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE PUANS :lY Z-AIC. NAME ADDRESSCITY PHONE ESTIMATED IMPROVEMENT TOTAL VALUATION ( COST): S Al / DOLLARS (2) EXCAVATION DATA: roR orrice usin i MAIN, 0.02x9 -s STREET DESCRIPTION PROGRESS Ot INSPECTION STA'fl!S NAME SURFACE CUT CUT CUT MATERIAL INSTALLED ITEM DATE REMARKS/TYPE BY TYPE LENGTH WIDTH 7EPTF/ ITEM A QUANTITY _ STREET OPENED _ R TION E Q U _ ESTIMATED STREET OPENING DATE: / / E S ESTIMATED STREET CLOSING DATE: / / T E U _ IJ0/?L_ STREET (3) SECURITY NO. — SECURITY AMT.: $ A i _ CLOSE SURETY CO.: _ _ FINAL _ CERTIFIED CHECK O CASH O— SONO D INSPEC. (G)-PLOT PLAN: INDICATE SI 1 E PERTINENT PHYSICAL � SPECIAL PROVISIONS%CONDITIONS: FEATURES; EXCAVATION LOCATION AND EXTENT. NO FYC' VAT ION OR DIRfREMOVAL —" -cul.• ISI _rm NOTE THE CITY OF TIGARD DOES NOT, HEREBY, GRANT PERMISSION TO APPLICANTS TO CONDUCT WORK WHERE RIGHT-OF."'AY JURISDICTION IS THAT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OR THE STATE OF OREGON. THE APt"LICANT AGREES TO DEPOSIT THE REOUIRCD SECURITIES, TO COMPLY WITH ALL PERTINENT LAWS AND CONSTRUCTION SPIEr_IFICATIONS PERTINENT TO CONDUCT OF T14C WORK, AND TO SIVE HARMLESS THE CITY AND EMPLOY(.ES AGAINST ANY INJURY OR DAMAGE WHICH M4Y RESULT FROM APPLICANTS ACTIONS. APPLICANTS SIGNATURE: C^C/�` �/�...� L'�'v�Z��-_- ) II fl 10 1988 13 AT E CITYOF TIGARD OREGON June 28, 1988 Mr. Russell Wells General Telephone Co. 4155 SW Cedar Hills Blvd. P.O. Box 1100 Beaverton OR 97075 Dear Russell: Enclosed please find copies of the Kindercare plan, end also your submittal. I would appreciate your rcviewing the data to assure a compatible installation of telephone facilities and sidewalk. As I mentioned via telephone, it appears as if there may be a locational conflict. Sincerely, T John S. Hagman Engineering Tech Encl. br/5632D 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,F.0,Box 23397,Tlgard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 -- Kinder Care Southwest Zone Office/Construction/Real Estate Kinder-Care Learning Centers, Inc.•2302 Mart,n Street,Suite 460•Irvine,Ca. 92715•(714) 752-1044 June 16, 1988 John Hagman City of Tigard 13125 S.W.Hall Blvd. P.O.Box 2339 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Sireat Dedication on North Dakota Street. Dear John: Regarding the dedication of that portion of frontage known as Tax Lot No. 2600, Gordon Hobbs, the Developer of Tax Lot 2300; both has the legal right to dedicate title but has agreed to do so • pon recordation of his map within the next few weeks after City approva— lt. would appear that this is the solution to the problem of meeting Cundition No. 1-"C" of City Final Order No, 87-13. Thank you for your help and please do not hesitate to call me at the number below should anything come up. Sincerely avid Da e_n ort Director of Real Es .ate (707) 746-1864 Home Office: 2400 Presidents Drive•Montgomery,Alabama 36116•(205)277 5090 LEI General Telephone Company of the Northwest, Inc. 4155 5 W. Cedar HiH6 Blvd P O. Box 110(1 Beaverton, Oregon 97075 503 645-5581 June 15, 1988 City of Tigard Mr. John Hagman P. 0. Box 23397 13125 S. W. Hall Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: PERMIT '1PPLICATI-)N - ROAD MOVE - N. DAKOTA GTE W. U. # 533-4811788 15 1W SECTION 34. Dear Mr. flagman: Enclosed for your information and approval are two (2) copies of our work order detailing facilities at the above meni:ioned location and one ( 1) copy of your permiit application. Upon your approval, please return one copy of the approved permit to this office. Should you require additional information, please call Russell Wells at 643-0375 . Very truly yours, ert S. Davidson Service Supervisor/Engineering RSD:de,) Enclosures (2) An Equal Opportunity Employer A part of GTE Corporation MEL lta�oms�2> Os:sunty. Oxe@ 1 Date _-- — ime r -- ILE YOU WERE 11 T Ile_ ��LY- TEL FLEAS �I TURNED YOUR CALL WILL CALL A© W TO SEE YOIr 1i Message IV H rc_ ,z��, 'fhr� il�ec. pd�57� • Rl Pool-It"toullnp request ped 7W PIO J�NQ Rid- ( T Please ❑ READ To 2"`'t El HANDLE r 1 ❑ APPROVE and - - L] FORWARD l ❑ RETURN —_yt-pce ii �� 11P ` Ll.c-e� ❑ KEEP OR DISCARD , REVIEW WITH ME L e /a S7.144-io Dale- 1�t Ftom ~ . CITYOFTIFARD OREGON June 7, 1988 Deane Blair David Evans & Associates, Inc. 2626 SW Corbett Avenue Portland , OR 97201-4802 Re: KinderCare, SW Norch Dakota Street Dedication Dear Deane: We, and our attorney, have reviewed the memorandum and attached documents which Mel Stout submitted regardira street dedication ad iacent to Ki.nderCare' s property. The documents do not show that KinderCare owns Tax Lot No. 2600; they merely show that KinderCare holds an access easement across it. Accordingly, based on the information provided, we do not see how KinderCare has authority to dedicate lax Lot No. 2600. This problem needs to be resolved by KinderCare in order to meet the 30 foot from centerline dedication requirement of Condition No. 1-"C" of City Fina]. Order No. 87-13, How is it to be donef Very Truly, John S. Hagman Engineer Technician ke/.521.9D cr: Mr. Don Webber KinderCare• Loarning Centers, Inc. 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 2397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 --- ---- --- — TAD CONSTRUCTION 1754 Chukar Ct . NW Salem, Ore. 97304 May 27, 1988 Vie: Air Test Results ---------------------- Project : Kinder Care 12658 S.W. Dakota Tigard, Ore. 97223 Contractor: Allied General Contractors Inc . 13912 N.E. Salmon Creek Ave. Vancouver, Washington 98686 Inspecting A�-,encv: City of Tigard 13125 S.W. Hall. Blvd. Tigard, Ore. 97223 Inspector: Michael. C. Mills Test. Parameters: Time and Pressure per Michael C. Mills M11# to M71# Pipe Dia . Tvpe Read. Time Results C/0 8" FVC 2m:n. 20sec . 4lbs start 4lbs end TV Inspection hcuca t ion Comment 2- � Leak in riser section to Base seam 0 to 25 ' Small amount of sediment (less Shan 'q inch) 25 ' to 80'6" Typical new construction 80'6" 6" "Y" lateral right 80'6" to 187' Typical new construction 187' End Run with 8" clean out . Tests performed by TAD Construct lon Albert P. Rossmeisl r ' O 1JONNELL, RAMIS, ELLIOTT & C—EW ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1727 N W HOYT STREET PORTLAND, OREGON 97209 15031 222.4402 DATE May 18, 1988 TO John Hagman FROM Kenneth Fox RE Kindercare Street Dedication I have reviewed the memo.random and attached documents you for- warded to me regarding the sti,%et dedication adjacent to the Kindercare property in Tigard. The documents provided to the City do not show that Kindercare owns the subject parcel (Tax Lot 2600) . Instead, the documents merely show that. Kindercare holds an easoment for access across the subject parcel. Kindercare cannot transfer title to land it does not own. Accordingly, based on the information provided, I do not see how Kindercare has authority to dedicate Tax Lot 2600 to the City. Attached please find the original documents you forwarded to me. KHF: lr c: /memo/hagman Eric. IPost lt'rounnp request Ped 7164 ROUTING - i,EQUEST Please READ To �'• 1S}"'t'"_" ❑ HANDLE ❑ APPROVE �pt -H► M � and ❑ FORWARD ►RETURN _ �`t•V-\f.�IS __hv��_ ❑ KEEP OR DISC ❑ REVIFW WITH ME c •• �rr'M Date_S _;,_.__- From _� April 15, 1988 CITYOF WARD Kinder-Care Learning Centers, Inc. OREGON 2302 Martin Street, Suite 460 Irvine, CA 9271.5 Attention: Don Weber RE: 13656 SW North Da'cota Street Dear Mr, Weber: Item D.l.e. of the Final Order No. 87-13 by the Tigard Planning Commi.ssior, states: "The applicant shall provide for connection of the building to the public sanitary sewer system. The proposed sanitary sewer connection relies on development of the adjacent residentially zoned parcel to the south. The subdivision must, therefore, be completed prior to construction of the day care facility or provisions for construction of a sanitary sewer to the existing main line must be made by the applicant." On April 11, 1988, 1 met with Mike, the foreman for Allied Construction, at the job site (12656 SW North Dakota Street). Mike prom -ped to begin construction of just the portion of public sanitary sewer .. Kinder-Care property. I pointed out to him that the plans for the adjacent subdivision have not been approved yet, and if he proceeds with censtructicn ..L L;ie uphill portion first, it will be at his own risk. On April 12, 1988, 197 feet of 8" PVC was constructed by Allied's four-man crew from manhole #1 to the C.O. at the northwest corner of the property as shown 3n the plans. I have compared the proposed Summerlake sanitary sewer plans with your proposed sanitary sewer plan and found they differ in grade and elevations. There needs to be some coordination between your engineer. (David Evans and Assoc.) and the Summerlake engineer (Land Development Consultants, Inc.). Please resolve this before it becomes a major problem. Sinc rely, / � chael M1 11-a l�<�e / �` Construction Inspector / �`f n/o�Ie4 ^,- ht/4255D L° �� t'i �-- f`Gre2lV CGL-- cc: David Evans and Assoc. 1.'e V f mal �A*t r Attn. Mel Stout 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23347,Tigard,Oregon 9 223 (503)639-4171 --1 ----— - I 1 L E '�E.l�l C "—" Z' �p �„„t, r�� ��. 1 �/1 a �t e.\e 1��1e � -�1n�."C r\�� N��M S �e� ��l o v� r_� �tl�. \ ,. s�� , �;,r-vim e t- CP'�# 4- �l 1 , v�n Ta�ee� � `1 v� S�►�1 - Wle�r-\z�-e \-�.v� �S V'.o� s'a����� c�Y-y 1 -J G.4!1`We � ���'<1�� /�� a/tel �,� _ � l.-?C'��G!J"ic,w %SSS��c"' lt/:'!7�' /els:' • e-�'Q1.e'-r/�c�ia yOA e"J fir 1 ' � V-% l\T• 1\ 1 c :7Y C'. jl•lC1 w�\�'\�1_ld 1V\ VC•�.�.Cw\,.t,_ too .] t•. 16 INC \�• �..t f•JE`�v.f-v\i S Cr\> It //� __ \ ` Wl \ zfC�� t'C�'`lA KCS a��'�e C u •�'j,-C)(c`+ • L•r r\�+ ._ \�\ .�� ) i / �/�� �„ i - � it • � ''� 1 ,-� s, , ,� ,��► ., r -AMW 'Q!1 D. Ott ,.,nta..•,�!'•Or Inr-,• 1 •t...�«• , ltt} .r ..r�i'�' •11•. int --"7" •i•. �• 'n1�1:1rid ;1n,i •.!t'n •,aro r•'1('•0 '.^r•r4! ,non mann tr•r foliowlnr rAr-^l: of lin: 1r ,flAehlnrtten 'ounty, `recon, 1,^reinn"•er ro1'^r1'^11 to a- rr.rcel3 Add . . Parcel A. uevinninK at ar, lror rt^e yl.'1 foot north s, iT r et west or the 1;1, cornIr �et•reen 7ect:nn3 lI and 3' , "ownsh!r 'nut r., ^Anse l Wont `hence a.at cu't fent to At. lr;r; rc; :h.r;d u!h 1°; feat; thcr a ",I. '4T "opt to 1 ndlnt ��. feet 'loroh In, 1J fact ' e3t Of the »-,art•r cornar het.reen « 'mitt , 'tame 1 '!oa*, of ttono » met ]11l ! i1" n '!nrth l31 feet to Lhe �llilarette 'er. 1.-r, •.^ nca the Pnlnt on t•erir.ninr• .arvel trAct o" 1111,1 :r, "c:tI.Ln 13. <r-�•c 1 c,i^—Ch, Mort. articrllrt • 1e'1cr!�,cd t follow3! '1et+1'nni'--r At the luartpr corner !:^t.veeh :;.ctlona 1' and 34. -ownnnin i "truth, iinae 1 Y'oat, �il:a-torte "er!Jian, i,%s;1irFtren ':^unvf, 'rpron, And runntn� there yrst 12 feet to A ^mint, said point tptr: ttie true -%ntnt of borinnint••; thence north nArsllel to the east line Or "ecticr. 33 to a no!r.t on tr• south 1!ne or ::chnll:+ -erre 'load, tnen southwesterly Alenr 3AiJ rirh•• er "Av line to an iron viae it the lnterlectlPn If the south line of "cholla Vorry °nsd and the wait line of that certain t'nnd which :s mentioned in the died from t,', Hltr an4 titre .0 "rsnR ilansafua Ind rerorded in book '1, YaPe 3)6, t!eeorda of 'aAahtr.rton t'ounty. �reron, thence mouth along the 'jpnt line or that road whicet line is 'O feet wont of Ind rarsilel to the east line o" n>•td %Nation 31, 111•11.4 feet MNre nr les! Le a nPtnt N feet writ or tt•e true Point % or bprinninr, thpnCR rant 8 feet to the true t+otnt of "•vtnntnr.. and. '4117RFAS, Amart owns cert+ln landot abuttinr said Parcels ! j coat A and d, and to Seeking to nuiet title in itjelr t� the u ! i r-r- -f 'Pet I,n 1 4, i,mrtl- nr Pfi- vjnrtP-r corer atw-an ini io•jit ,r .'m) lin Iinni, and dextro,, to ac , ,'r- r, �. � i!— iii It, vnw.. In ennrtidCr9tlnn or the ^iutua I t-rer!' 1,f- vt,talned tiorel,-.- and th- covenAtits and cnnvev1n(,.Pn rrnvl.le,l ror herein, it is arre-,i n., roiiowm: 11-non thnll, tv nu!tclallm deed, conve,r to Amart t~- south ftl feet or rarcel 11 dencrtl-ed n1jove. Arart agrees to rive, ,:rant and nonve-Y to 01-inn and ninon hall have n mon-oxelugiva P-1,ir—o!nt and r1rht or way for roadway and utility rurroses over, :cross, under ind throurli the north 116(:.9 feet of that rart or the east l,' feet or r,@�ticn 33 IvInk, 1,-tws-eri .1cholls Ferry 'load and the i-jartnr corner between iali :',?ct1vri3 33 and ',Ili. f 3. Amart ar-rees and cov.t.anl:3 to, wit"In one year -r the late or this irreenent, recomstruct at its exrense the roadway between :Icholln Ferry Road and the extended south lire or PRrce. A as described above. by grading, rocking and ravinr imune with A strip or 'lass r asphaltic concrete 2" thick ara 1P feet wide, In e read and worx-manlike manner, all within a strip or land being the east 20 feet of 2ectten 33, lietween &&.d two nnInts. It is understood that said roadway shall he built In con- Junctiun with the development which Amart nlans to undertake on Its own landn and coordlmatei therewith is I.1 rrnet!cal, convenient and nece3sary to avoid damage to slid 12 ft, rived rnadwa,i constructin- —t1vttv. Until such tlmr as same has been cor-troicted Amart shall rr,)vlde such temrorary work and trading as is necr.issry to kenr Cl non's ex I it I or roadwnv on an id ntrir reamonAb I v Amnnth and passable. r td I i :-v,!rint in': t.-,e ne:!vatlon to construct sal,l road i +'t re 'it:tt.rr !arts of ,-sr:. !ts successor, ir't �•. i ..n.1 ',all t! -t!re-,A i rr.. i-or. ccrr at!on or ait!d .^i1 :Onstruct. ... as '•er!:r. rejui!•ei, • :r. "'? .vent !: '.ecnrr.s :r 'ns•!:ate .,u:• .. a.t!cr. :o er:crce try of tce tern or t..!s acrcener.t or the rlv-�ts .!.e rart•, r,]t -r•vgl:ln: &.r-ej t, rav tte rrovati!n: ;art"'!-- costs Sri related tr said r-nz eed!n7! an,t ', I.r. as .... :Ojrt ^.a'• jd,,jZ:e to r-irr-•ntle ..^cr •he r,revail.ry .,r:i'!I 'It:nrre.. .roes ....¢ec:e4 andi••real, In overt tf ir:e4l. il. ier-•n !tolva esw_uted thts a• . e"r.nr ro,!:e .-.•!r �Srratur•s. 4 r .arf, "r-�tJ*nt ,.n+t nr� 1 1 r' l'.9✓ •tnv �� �. I'r11 rn�nr. no I!,nonroI r'h111tr "ullrrl, • •.• etnvZul� ^rn q•r that hA to nrA,lrinnt n• " � , "n•. frac. , rens�l '1snr♦rtnv rnantnRr or AmArf. hevelnrrhrnt �nA .wj 'nn nt ir'1 leknnwlm�drA•1 -st 1 !r•+r.runent to hA th1 rr►e ,et nnrl deA�1 or u�«e i i � &r •,i, 1� ---_ " ^nitryl„t nn 0ar,IrA,-f-✓4✓ 3 1. A'141:PI%ZNT ,; 'A' f 1 tin. t'nuntv of wsisitionnnn i In miqle4rettl 010 "'IthIM M-1fled 1111rin qml and ftCkMMWlfI volintarily. Hernre me: o a ry-71-1 FTr_C ?�mr_ )rncwn, $?Aft op npgo, qb I of o""WW f4Lufwm matwow 't IM do Mooft 0111 of"I"was n'"wo-m ILI j?'Kl JAf'k, Ar1f7Y.EMY,ffT1981 OP 130 pm 22 L -tL-. Si- w 716 " E•:C i,w 41n+t>alxyrl trl'I-V yl ITI IA114 tit InNI LIMN :j•w" 0 .'iwrNT -:.CON and M1IRTIIA 11. OLSON,`aa�tenants by the entirety �•,r.,r„ 1 111 "'.. r•1.1t•. ,,,d 1. ,,,1+n11, 'MA MAROEVCLOpMFNT, TD., � limited Urevon �.drtf.•f 9nI ,f• ,, ,, ON/IM,all fight. •rd rrvrr•u in 111,In f4►h•Ihn►•ry A•�nM•1 , ' -- -.N pmpnrtr un.u.J wash l'1.•tnn rr,nlr n..�1n fu.n,t 1 �� ` 7r ' 1 rho it—.wrdrrWrwl tow llw ulnurr,.. •.l nQ n! IN•I+ n«.Ir 0w h tAr rrpw.Prrwrr♦OAs.10.1111 ON.d rAr YIncent , y STArt or OALOOM Cow+. ./ P 0?%LmgtOn 71•f••!/ r i f 1 w at/rMaia • 1� P•fb/WIT Apsiftb tow sh . —,w, d ':Ir.:C^t :]-.n ini 4-7r19�3 ''. I(I.:r, 14aG4:-•t and vlla `� !htll4 .rn! .1rnw lwral/lfa. I../.p..y .•.fn.rw w �. Ir w•Pt•rr rr ...t •Minh 1 ; It li<• .i// � i�� fd�s►t•L.rt M*a., PA,. c'r,f,r.-N. ...a•rr...w ..p..r ���.�f 1 � VCTttl..tt7 pt►a —_ _ 12120 tL I,An l l• 11. ad. r'rP'� r_r. ,r.,�.. f •� / •� 8911 .•1lw/tno AlllattAl• IMr �+•• ++• ►.I. . �-.+ urn r•.r���• ..r,.r.a.r ..•._. w ...r��.....••r Mur r,►n. r 71nwn t, Ltd. .,,..•, ,.,r. ...... dWS NJ . W M •v �•�q:.., r• r ^ rpt •,+ r.. i ' ;. :6 f' 1 , •I I "; Y ') rw w. rn �/Ha I•..w.ra.t•ywrl tt,, f -•i 'Moo..LMM�� ,� 9i Iw.nrr tin'Ir'nal a.. . .•. ...r.l.�►.� �Lfl i ✓ r ,.. ,%!'1 .�',rr"•^�rim wnnur sffw P j U(y7 l 7 n•'Ma.+ I 11 { 1 r �~ K1V()W ALL M nMrrN./YIr!rT•HfSF.HK. PY T.s. Thal VR7cCN'r 111.11tN tAR�hIrIr ,rf,l.•.a,l Ilnanta rr elf Ir Ih. Mtocol 'or.Iv..1,A4AKi UEnlELUMENT, .... I Iro•rf y.n,lyl.• .r� :.rh, I•nv and yu,/.b.m....ro / a Ilrltnd Ilr,,Ann Part nr rrrh,,, a Mn,rrnrr rallyd drarww,and unto a'ranfra a hean,auca:lat.,n arxl a•.r ~•'.. i an!all J lir I a' I ` m Thal.v.farn r.r!IrnpM1Y rrlA IM Irrrmrrn., lrrr.drfarnonl. J'anfnr• nghl. hilt..Ir,•J rnhrw• •r.l asfaurrr..anr. Ilr r.unr.. . r r; rrr a•prfatfY na,wnrafM rn the Clxl nfr / Waah 1 ng[ A [fact of land In Section 11, T... Srery IOr•a,],. nrw rrrr.l a.r•dhr. f. • ^fticu 1 loath, Rrng! l 4rat, :.fll.rm.•tta• tia•rfdldn, Wuhlnaton County, UreAnn, more �particularly deactlbed an fnllown Ileafnnfnq at the auarter rcrn-r hrtveen SOCtinfU 11 .and 14 nghlp 1 South, g,ctgr I .*WAV 0 1' Peat, L'fllaaaettr Meridian, 4nnhingtnn !:uun[v, Uregnn, .Ir 1 inning thrnrr'vert l: (t. t. I point; thence North parallel to the rant it.. of Su..tlur. it ". ; tl 11.1. of Schulla PerrY Road; thence easterly along Clid right-nt-wav+cotline tu�its Jtnter- aerrfnn with th.• ra•t line of Sertlnn 13; t"" Scutt! ,Hung the Etat line of Sectl n 31 to the pulnt of beginning. ' I SULJECi TO a non-a::lualve raaernt and right-of-vac for rcadwav ant „rtlfr„ - �t.� .n'. over, across, coder and thrvcgh thr north Ghr,B (ret Jf the above Ifr.,•rtheJ•tracc i� for the use and benefit of ' which abut Lie vest lite ofgthetorn ad abovendeactribedutracte3f Iand. attpl• to grancon' IanJa �• I '.'his ccnvayan__ fa aaAr In coca,devatlnn of that certain agreetaent dated-hj1,1 dj_,1981 etrecuce.l by grante.., and the covenants and agrer:orsto per -•-wd h,. grantees put- to . nvev th• ra+rrnr rtgnta aeacrt',ea toWletlon of granite's alit .•.� quiet title therein In grantee. � I FTr.Ma•,,and on H.wd rfr rmr ur•ra rM ra.d lranrrr ant,fr a•ww, '.'• t_• Tar .rrr• w•rww.aril a.wM hw.rw rim .0-W/.r*I%,-«.r L_.v.r..s.•.a.......•rtr..w a�---.�---,-- a.rhaal cnr:alnanry rrw.wr, n/ nr •rwhw)r. ,vlwr nr•wr+rr .w •aiu earn ,r !a..r.w.rd rMe ,• •r a•irricarodwar.m(ndaera r Aa h) r ra. an...".•r•..r I..w..-r w I r ar.•,r w +i I _r VWnartd Moo d-d and rfrre Ilr—rift w'r w r.glnrw. t/r .ne.Am rr.Aara.•IN elrrr arM awl ~Ora.hall he rmaalaarl fn r.r1•tM , or,.ww.rf.d nr•.wnr/r r.♦aar r ..n♦,.Ir r -,w r.ratr n•r•t•, nAerAwW Wows WAlrvat flow do~.Ana....uml IM•rn.rn. tion ch- •�• r �r i/ lar,4 i1/ �.. �'))�f ,!•r&'12 l rdoraAt r.,r far.w...al :r rrnr ro Aa e•.r1 «.I ...r .rf•rrr M •r..r+:af ,shah •rrAw,rd fM.nr A. cwr►•r S m 7vaard./Awaa-ter- arare 0e Oefrf)la '1 tr♦rIt if IF Pgnl! at � rr Yaabing[an 7 e 1 I r 1•twt U1ann Martha tl. Olson -Ao• %•+w... ..., ti .«.v a....,..r r... a.. w ,•Ir. ...r. .aw•a,,•.... .w r....r..r..r,4_-ft•......rw "riaw..rr.r aar waw.e1.1 .y, a+..r a.b t Ila l t .,,ham•~� •.•.•,.r awf ar .a.r✓ .rr+...a w•.a. r ,w_•••w• ' Ar w M^.....�..rr•.r.... w neer l�G/1 //��'"_ .,r....r�.4~r�.....r y,.►..•w., r... r.f.wa 11 Y./I..R f/d�[�liMf.�•fr erK�••--'- .n",r..a.•sar+y.r w.,I ,w.,.w.r.. r .w ....»rw. •.r ,.� .«w� Iuw•r 7�ar rea.a•r war ww y.rar Abler ar/w o_ l„ �• U•a.aaaNlaaa.arar.w I _ i . r •rf111,-'7 I, (1Lg4M T t 5.� I.ifPt7 fY •'fi�ve. ATElSgArlaf►/Mall{0L1}1f0f1/•1a/yPerry ..»..� wart as taeafeaa •T771 ewr Iw / f[t1 . . . r W w�✓ `h�y-+r,t�".k wr Pw•A`w. • aa..ea (hH 1tr Mw•ttnn IItY'01a4h It►y. ^"tti.a.d 0.0 0./w«r.ANA-~ r ran �' � 'al ►r t i wll ON t 7171 .....a s.e a.wna •fwA rr. WAV a.0 I •••. --a e64r.rary to aNY.I M.rara•.ar -r....�.a-rw....Y rn.•Jr�• •'d•t•rrM .►sal/.rw'w-0 MM a -ot �h'�0.1�.1ar!• �._••'•"�—'•�r••aa.� Y.•,•r raMrlq v1 0•wlagrl�•l Ltd, •.« fr1 o!•wM b pswr,n h+tww• awarr An r w rr�..w r w,am,irAte— lot 1 t►�"°t nM ULA, I) 4' -i4 9 sari•a.1ar ar J 7"!; . i`�j ';-watt M•'11 1Pf i • IMM IN IAF.&KIM wANOM ole om.%" M w tw.-w.wwl �:•e.. +.N, rvw. .. .• "...... _,, . Citizens Savings and Loan t" I KNOW ALL NQAI//Y THd 6 RRSEMT�, TNt y� • o V I Association, • Faders �avingr and Loan Association 9alterterD�.dld dramas, 3 l I la►the oorotd►fetlon hwo/ndte,wood,do"heerolr/rant,bargain,mall and oonrer... air V Buchanan "T hommmolt r coiled dnrrw, and unto drantme'e h0m.. --^wmofe and awdrm all d that certain feel pOPerry with fN Newwrwtrfe, Mredtraewrte and aPPurtsr wme theromwo belo.idind or in anfmir&PPKtrmny,whmted in the Co my a _ o/ Washington •State at Oregon%dew bed as hdkml,to-wit! •^ r See Fithibit "A", pages 1 t Attached heie,u. Ir property sold "As Ie" condition and Grantee relying upon his own inspection a i subject to the exceptions listed on t� u Ex ibit "B", att•chea hereto and incorporated herein. Grantor reserves to itself all rights to aer sewer .-.bates RRR ll payab.e or any other rights accruing pursuant to that agresarent i. 4{ dated Jur ` I, 14td0, recorded July 24, 1984, Recorder'a I . �� yww Ido. $4028040 hotween Wedgewood Bowes of Portland, Inc. , ; •' hurt Developaeat. Limited and the City of Tigard. s e► urt.ara 9f19069,9w9011,9e9050,2U147.9EW 2 Ar" I yc. •>ti7 .,mw�re•. r0w-ea wM aro.m wvwwt vert AD=x1t Nf l 7 Ran Mad wI RAY tam mmme wtta tae sad draew.e Met drearm'e Aew4 mowers and&M.Em Aarow r y + v +11_4• Pam,grosser Ammon...e.�r w and woo tae ed dfewrwa MW dealt..•. Awe.- ravrve Mad ante .. Js• wet 0MOWn w Aam AMw emma/eamome eased or crowed taemom rr rmMrr Mad roe draw wd ww, " a torr mad defend � n Ar eAeAad w /www awl P/e�tbead adMeet for AN clew awd draelMwde d aM /Iwwow •;,e 'defend rAYwr�f m7,traeyR or webs er rrml. ,n oo.o0 Tse www and Armed.wAwwwtw o wI her tAee wwdem.ow d•tures r eft --w d 230 r I epr4mmo m-, Mao Armed Mesal.. ewwMlor of or mrAwAe w ,w be ewwrf w waw I►0"m. prrar•trwd Ovals 1I w � ,wamme e(vies wasch)a t74 w -.-seem r wwewe w,r ee.wAe e + Aew % w r.►Awa f-od"et . Iw arwwarw/t#ia Alar Aad wmw taw ewwww w rwepAeee cert Mtwdl.ler owAnoe tAw nAePat err all rame-maw 1, •. dwerw nA IN as awp&W r Mtam*0 pawtdew hoema ew/d►eo mit r emrMewm'ww mad ti wa•wwaaaA 'I a is W~m wood.ape,ammm+r Am rumno wd the wenrww.w stirs it &M d L1aa.11m:Ar ,h0 87 J /a corrwraw rwMw,of Am reuead Ae aro tai b w/+d wd wed eM.e.d 4 to choses•tmh &"%ff,wd mooeme M MeeLo d 4M smog of a C i t Iowa Owl Ago & Loom Ao =W,.c 1 tm 7 •i tmew.ermewlw Ova enw sups:9460 nlll uaamftfi N IrK►�A�L`C Keel.•wl nae�wewwwN ra w•we ee w�wP=V 11y 1 r; rX Lwe ane er 44PLAM few w strew +moss re w l►^� VUR hof`r►Iw1t 3 resew wwwwtw gown etmwwe 's-tm res rM A1dt�r 11. wu1. r ,�• Nw7ee a7w soma t!t■ stowry .owal~ thew ea ... fie ! '�• fi! MAVE M OMPOW fart/d.. C)A&A� )w fir, At/t,/I drOabv. r 4 —mol? CAM.►/ ~cess otaeeewp Amom1 11e liall.y >� II .•� «. n am"4000 sow% } . N A ommomr among r&r awe ..s A.some aid.r GNP Me atm.+w OW.e cow tai alar o IR C r� Tun ....I.w1 do oft.Mar � Cit Loner &WAR" f lases +sot:Mo 1st of a�,.,,� � � Ad elrM.00/a>.ANNSMI Ice awAMI•aw Iaw wef atlrMw/a em falaMlrlr serwawaaw m toe Ora•aeew a war e-r e.twe er set air M M/.tlwwwm asp IMI cwt"Nommoew we.wpaf wp aro/A No mw.r ww-wswarth or awwrww w ew neer r Naw+wr w wM d -ralerttillpld ew aarrewwew b aw Iw Tambo"go wA rola Am"Asir b aeon AAewq fes mwodl. dh w..ee...w+ww mtiOF ..Irl 1/t t h l w raw�wh t "1i Cttltamr Sovimr sod Lose 0441PgOr601100m. D. O. bs 146" ~ 841.. L I770O t►nalr d 0 fwlNr 00 tdr wM11Mt •wNtr � N 1 t+1 O. O�t1�l►r wwm go tmwtwld Atm toad ten 04 11[[ 2232tll.lwIn /1160+ do �r 011 so, 09 �74lo.w tar..eaweaew ~ dibri M,slrl wewM11 .sear w w M/MraMtlM11• limltw A. Ae+rwe+ 00.000"S•M wi+ir�rlr+nM.vn.gtdwn IA , , . nil in he"11 Ft" Auwd d memb of tats mold. 401w, seem 4rym NNW ay had M 00 d .w-ew.I�r plymy M1M/. ESP a fad M Amp I am asoma"M r r w w Mese w NoH O, Owosso* ?14 /l idweor> Pl Mee ;old@, ON ►7wi h ,esti .,ee..seam.• /! � ( , .»-.+.•,.........,..w�. --- ---�-• .a.,.�,...,.....w-.-SII r 4v u I✓ EXHIBIT "A" ! I PARCEL 1: Those portions of Lot 14 ASH VALLEY TRACES and the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 33, Township 1 South, pangs l west, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon lying Northerly and Easterly of the plat of AmArt Sumieer Lake, a@ said plat is recorded in Book 47 and 37 and 39 Plat Records of said Washington County. EXCEPTINrl THEREFROM that portion lying within AMART SUMMER LAKE NO. 2, wsshington County, Oregon. • PARCEL S: y i A tract of land in Section 33, Township 1 South. Range 1 west, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon, more particularly described as follows: Comisencing at 'he quarter section corner between Sect.ors 33 and 34, Township 1 South, Pangs 1 west. Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; thence North along the Easterly line of said Section 33, a distance of 688.0 foot; thence west 12 foot to a point, said point being the true point of beginning: thence West 6 feet; chance South parallel to the East line of said Section 33, 668.0 feet to A point; thence teat a feet to a point: thence North 688.0 foot, parallel to .r said Cast line, to the true point of beginning. PARCEL 6: A tract of land in Section 33, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon, more particularly described as follows: f 9"inning at the quarter section corner between Sections 33 •p and 34, Township 1 South, Range 1 west, Willamette Meridian, ;l► Washington County, Oregon; thence west 12 feet to aint; thence North parallel to tP10 ,e tart line of said Section 3, to an interssctlun with the South line of Scholl@ Ferry Road; ..M, thence Easterly along said South line to an intersection with 4' the toot line of sold section 33; thence South along said toot line to the print of beginning. Excepting therefrom that portion thereof conveyed to Bethany Associates, Ltd. by ; ti deed recorded March 25, 1985. Fee number 05010265. Records of Washington County, Oregon. (CONTINU90) ° i i i s C „; 7”<•5 t: s a'Q•A,'ei+'?(�x� 't.� 't'�{�'r. �:-;,.-. _� _ - •a11,}��� •� `�I'' � ;�+�.ar.rw.L /�MIN•Y......,f+N7N��-••... wAs..ww�+. ••''1 i It 1 2 a Ilk r° f FARM 7; I .. .. . � A tract of lend in Section 33, Township 1 South, Pangs 1 West, Willematte ''•sridlsn, Washington County, Oregon more particularly described as follows: Beginnin at a stake 12 feet wast of the 1;4 section corner tN between Sections 33 and 31. Township 1 South, Range I West of ` the Willamette meridian and running thence West 19.82 chains •r? to the Southwest corner of J.D. Hits's land, from which a firas • 44 inches in diameter beers Horth 172 1/2 links; thence North 4 13.23 chains to stake in the center of the County Road: k thence North 72'55' East, 8.88 chains to a stake in the center Of said road; thence North 78'15' East, 11.48 cha.ns to a stake set 12 feet West of an iron bar 1 1/2 inches, 2 feet, set in the County Road where the Sins between Sections T 33 and 34 intersects said road, from which a fir 24 inches in di w ter bears North 6'15' East 98 1/2 links, a pine 30 ^ inches in diameter bears South 33' East 78 1/2 links; thance , South parallel with section line 17.95 chains to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING from Parcel VII the following live tracts bounded and described as follows, to-wit: 1. Beginning at an iron pipe 869 feet North and 20 feet west t of the 1/4 corner betwoon Sections 33 and 34, Township 1 I ; South, Range 1 West; thence west 240 feet to sn ironpipe; thence North parallel to the East line of said Section 33, a distance of 239.25 feet to on iron pipe in the South line of the Schulle Ferry r,ounty Road No. 348; thence North 19' East ��• along the South line of sold Scholl@ Ferry Road, 244.50 feet �� '•'? to an iron pipe; thence South along the West side of that ;Ts TF certain road which is mentioned in the deed from J.D. Hite " iY ., and wife t0 Pr w* C. Nausafus and recorded in Book U, pegs r�^- 338, Records of Washington County, Oregon; and is 20 feet j, most of and parallel to the Last line of said Lection 33, a '�, + ,; distance of 285.8 toot to the point of beginning. k rig t .tip. Vt. r ; r 1 CMM I NUL)l G s. 2 - Exhibit "A" 3 p y e' i T1 I 'YN��tit' e•, , � �� �i i i 4 A 3: t. • + 2. Beginning at the Cost Quarter section corner of Section 13, Township 1 South, Pangs 1 West, Willamette Meridien, Washington County. Oregon, running thence West 1320.12 feet, - t more or lose, along the Southerly boundary of the Vincent µ; Olsor tract es recorded in Book 225, page 248, Deed Records, w •y d&tou December 15, 1943, to an iron rod; thence North 573.8 J(� feet to an iron rod. said iron rod marking the true point of r� beginning of thin description: thence continuing Nort1, 299.38 foket to the center of Scholls Ferry Roud (C,.,nty Bead No. 348); thence North 72'55' East, 292.93 feat &lung said �Y+ $f centerline to a point: thence South 385.43 feet to an iron "u rod: thence West 280.0 feet to the true point of beginning of " ti this description. � I i„ 3. Beginning at the East 1/4 section corner of Section 33, f Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian; thence West 1320.12 feet to the Southwest corner of the Vincent Olson tract of Lund an recorded in Book 225, pe9e 248, Deed . - Records of Wshington County, Oregon; thence North 00.01 ' West., 573.60 feet along the West boundary of said Vincent Olson tract to a 5/8 inch iron rod at the Southwest corner of ° A ,' that tract of land conveyed to the Progress Bible Charch as 1. recorded in Book 394, page 254, of t said Deed Pecords, _# which paint is the true point of b*ginnof said .ng: thence E 280 .� fest to a 5.8 inch iron rod at the Southeast currier of Progress Biblo Church tract. thence South 311.15 fest to e y �• 5/8 inch iron rod; thence West 279.91 fest to a 5/8 inch iron . '" rod; thence North 00'01' West, 311.15 fest to the true point of beginning. W 4. The Easterly eight feet of even width. 4`F� S. **ginning at an iron pipe 869 feet North and 20 feet West of the 1/4 corner betwen sections 33 and 34, Township 1 'r'i"►' South, Range 1 West; thence rest 240 fest to an iron pipe: ' th*nce south 181 foot: thence teat 240 foot to a pcint 668 foot %orth and 20 feet West of the Quarter cnrn*r hetwoon Sections 33 end 34, To+wuhip 1 Aouth, Range 1 Oest of the Willsnette Meridien; thence North 181 fest to the point of beginning. ALU, WXCZ" that portion lying within AMART 60449P LARS and AMART SUMME P LAX2 MO. 2 AND AMAPT SUMM10 LAR[ MC 3, In the City of Tigard, Washington Cou, ty, Oregon, 3 Lzhiblt "A" d 61 x' s `�� �'� �j ��N4./'="sYl�4Y.'J�d�"..r't.,`v ti,.n�w._ ,.. • e In addition to the uveal printed esowtiol" 0 in a,r, Au that portion of the Wahl a r( 111 fie rights of ttiip►�11the 1Lnita at roads, streets and higtw". abecribw lying w statutory paws and Assessmentsof teh Unified Bewge ra9Agenrcy. • c (]) M Saw—t recorded �ern�ary '9, 1955 in Book 764,Pi s 24. 1977 (4) AQrWwt for Tenpnray Meter Cordw ion, ►ymrded in Book 1060, Pegs 169. • • (5) AQ;'cefent, recorded April 30, 196. ea %corder's MO 40, 81014629.-- (6) AQrag"nt, recorded July 21, 1984 a pecardsr's Pea Mo, 84020940. (7) M esernent ref- No. 85012459. corded April 9, 1985 a -otdar (6) Maea e _t recorded July 22, 1985 a lacordar'a F- 8 027459. (91 An asonewit recorded Marcy 3, 1966 a Recntder's ?%a No' 86009081. • (101 k sseertrr+c recorded Mere 7, 1985 a Reasrder'a A"" �t+• A6(1t)0( m+, Pse(31) M e san�nt recorded rabrj radar's Pse No. 870000 6828. y 10, 1987 a R :6 1121 M ,t recorded hCruerY 10, 1987 a Rsocader'a Fee M0. 87006812. tr' t (U) M easrent recoxded f�xrY 10, 198' a Reconler's FM No. 87006813. ' C * 'r i •� .•4 i. RIAs OF ooaaoa cow"of Wa0w4up I oowf't urwm o.«a a good 7RNwW,ab to♦jftm FWWdo a IAn n wA�w sr wa 006-. 40%w.e..n.h Ow ti.s Ase In a weo�ababad aw ` Drew w mom taINc+m of i w�wMw� w www to Oelue cv�aM i u nil DIC 10 PH it 02 M A. i \v� MAIIAMTf 110 - ITATMIT YON "OtrIDDAL dr COKt0YTi0K) TIMC11! OLLO1 AMD MAMA 1. OLSOM Oreetar, seevgs asd osrrsata toy ' KIMDKI-CAKI 1K0i1KTINS, IMO..A DUAVAII COMPOIATI01 Grutss, the Isllo+riat doses Ued real property free of sessrravess ressPt se r sCeoifisally sot forth hersist �f IKl ATTACKID DK/CKITTIOR !SIV st "t LA (!� This iastrossst will set &Llw see Of the proprty described L this U �ee�ktiak violor.;w of o"lisahle lead sme loos ud reselatioss. Bofors sigsiak er s this Lestrusst. the ►orsss eapiriag f» title to the property sbsld a►sal with the a skfrs►rlsts city Of eosstT fLsmalvl dsprtssst to verify ar►rov,A sees. • 1iOf3kA60 d i COMAlfl, COMITIMS. &WMCTlOgt, ASD L0111KM OF Klti.OtD. KZOAwt O1 w.s*tmr.Yoe • C00*TI, 0tn0[. ' The true sesolderstime for this sesysyosas is 1160.000.00. sated this 4th soy of 1s►rusry. IfM 8 u s cerprate {roster, it has ewsod its sows is N riga•/ by order sed its hearid of dirsetsrs. RAs[ N e..ety we U+a qAM AM 011mm" 0 aw t y iorsssslS'�ikNsa�rs+ the afsw sass TIMUMMa R � lACa4.w GILD suhoss/skims tM is be 6MAw/&Awls '�, `I+rt90 asters tea IM attar IMaa Law/ MMU a ~ is rapomod dt tm esa�t�dat� Kiid i to ».t u as fst Lwiq tt1/rsaa t 101 gMH A [ssrw foam M. ffA7f +�l MI " •r " DISCII►5101 g11CNL I lhlasi g at an iron pipe N1 feet North and 20 fast Nest of the quarter caner between Ieations 72 and 24. Toweebip 1 Srotb, la"41 1 Mast, theses Meet 240 Lest to as itis pipsl tbesas Sasth 111 fest{ tbowe l•at 240 fast to s point 611 feet North aa/ 20 feet rest of the quarter corset ►etwees Sections 72 ARA 14, TowesYip I "tb, tufa i Nest of the ■Illawatta NerlAias, NAabiytoa Coostp, Or,len, these• north 141 ` fast to the point of bee W ia1. t ;,� ►41C14. II •:1', tellaa/ty at • point ia1 feet noct► err 20 [set bet of the patter toner !•tease t 's • testisas 73 esd 24. Towesbip I South, buys 1 Vest of the ■illawett• Meridian. wasblsates :wary. OrathemeI theme Sant l foot to a point e►lah is 12 test Vest of the wt lies of Sectiue 331 eu tbe North parallel to and ►sial 12 toot Met of obs Aut limo of said Sect/es 37 to the south line of S.N. Sabolln Ism load. theses t+seterlT � • 6181 the owtb lieu of said road to t►s seat lino of that tract sell we Contract to Lee as" Cmirtbas and Ruud N. CassisSbas. Saaor/ed u lueer/er'o Ise so. ]1 7l47; thus• Swtb 61081 the usot line of ASIA Couniatbaw tract sed its eateetios thereof to the peist of ►gianiS6. • l a � 1, r per?a'I!•Mw ` M awuiu►at—�1AMw1 t��tps / A` y N �1AA 1/ow4am a�Alewiwl Com# so mom raw~ A agent go ORG040 au w6w0AI It No f nuww M two ewwv Now w ret batst no datlmosm sae tetwR\ IN, prat two"C" Mt Its All �» r 0 0 J X Q r H O W J J LO W U - z �k fn wM - 'M*S n r 09YLZ SB BTBZ IBI t�'IB 1N3MM3 30 f f r A `r � ~ N ° r / 4 N N A I o I o � I v M U') O P N N I N N O {y L) / a N1'Jt.ol / sales? IYI `rrii' '►9't(rl rC0 ��t 09 90114 4 u ° I o IC1 - r w,a,0 C r-- d N �� I ab O tD I( n �.J -Jj • n. O I iO �. ,a � � w r 120 I 91.D6 - � (D N O (O N 0 W a O O 0O ��'m Ab� o N M k,r.9 09 0960 •• �^ N at 4. V8tN go,St, 1929 O NN LL� 98.78 0� C b 10 0 \� N N �^ ICI r� N IrI o d Nw� 0 ,4 (n _ O--• ^' O l J J 92.67 p O i (D O B Or ,09 in o. nQ 118.81 4�.�4 4694 457 I.61 F 94 O N O 07 �� r Or %//�/p// — , z N ° 04'04'* 3, 5C 0 O N Ie N N W F r. - N N ��L., ' o N 5450 D6.C\jT7 8dT7 D6.77 ) F' Q Q Q 1 Q N O 1N 40 II rF O ., U — W — " v ti► �.__ z Z 1 W (n N O �� r 1 Ito 621 .�° N BZ 627 p 1 I: F o �� T�.ya V0 �� O :'�. 1 J T 00 (` LJ CO w >- w M J o w o cn cl: ir Nw r w a �. cn ( ►- z a o zCr Lr cr a a M o a o O l I1 Li W _ z u • N 69B ' 'H356'.� 'V ^_1 •N O N O Q O b 1 N; Co. o00 rr J — 0cf;60 ,Sb Cb -rb tv 0 qQ 00 .y ff e+ 6 rr M r I — _ In • r� I p.2p O n h 0 6x00 U N ^ a) n D — Q OO ~ Q• 01 IC) q 09Of =[fC QU')1 Ill lAry W N fog " oGlivO ttbl F2OIN 0 1ro o� ftogFp ;OvJ ♦ ' o Q o r01 ^� � Cr o ~ 69. '77 If 77 fn fns : si'°,°off H)d 77 ?qe' �v- Q � a _ a Q3 �i.'y e 7 N ti ,e Wuj M r cr " pe4, p� r� 01, n SIRELT & SEWER COMPLIANCE. AGREEMENT FIIIS ACRE: MFNT dated this 26th day of February 1988 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City", arid KINDER—CARE LEARNING_CENTERS,,„INC. rri-reinafter termed "Petitioner", W I T H E S S E T WHEREAS, Petit-ionet has applied to the City for, approval for dedication and improvement of a street to be known as S.W. North Dakota St. and for improvement of a sanitary sewer line, as described on the attached Exhibit "A" , and by reference made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the City of Tigard requiP•es PeciLiono vs to install streets, sidewalks, street lighting, storm sewers , sanitary sewers, underground utilities arid other public facilities, as may be necessary, and requires the payment of fees and posting of applicable assurances; end WHEREAS, the City has adopted the Standard Spocifi(ations for Public Works Construction Oregon Chapter APWA, for street, storm drain, structure and related work, and Unified Sewerage Agency Standards and Specifications, fur sanitary sewer construction, prepared by professional engineers, for public street improvement; arid WHEREAS, the public improvements to be constructed by the Petitioner are incomplete, and Petitic.ner has nonetheless requested the City to permit dedications of the property and granting of easements to the public: and the parties herein named desire to protect the public interest generally by legally enforceable assurance that public improvements will be irstalled as required and completed within the time hereinafter sot, forth, i NOW, THEREFORE, in (onside, ation of the foregoing premise and the covenants and agreements to be ko,•t and performed by the petitioner and its surety, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLIG.. 1 . Petitioner shall proceed with the intent arid purpose to complete all public improvements as shown on the improvement plan, as approved by the City of Tigard, prepared by Davi Evans & Assoc. Inc,. �dated.._,JF►. 1�Q$J____ ._�,__. Said improvements to be completed no later than one (1) year from the data of this agreement, arid petitioner hereby agrees Lo comply with standard specifications as adopted by the City, or as otherwise be or have been appruved by the Dcparl.ment of Community Development, to comply with all terms arid provisions specified hereinregard this improvement by Lhr, Council arid Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, and Lu use only such material and to follow such designs as may be r•equirod to conform t.horeto Potitioner shall provide cor•tificaLiun of iris Lal lat:iun coriformanco, and one as built mylar , both stamprd by :+ rogistored civil rnginoor, to the Cily prior to City inspection of peLitioners improvomorit. work fur City tonLativo and fin,il acceptance cunsidr,ral ion. I a - ..,.,.,,..w+bx..1•ww•.�,,,y,.,•,y,,,},,,r,v}.,M.w.�"'..w...+N►:..ar..«nw,wHw►r•-++•••o+•.:.,'«r.w,...Ur•,,,.•..•.,...,,,.•,.•...+.r.....W...+.v,.rr...+r'^......,.s,�.•.,,,..,,r,,,4,y�,�. 1ry, d VY164 1r it WAIP, f1j- w ,(-1Lfly- 4 , E loco '1 .+_w«-w+rr...•.,w :.•.r1... w..'r........^.•�v�. .A.......r.....p......,. too- 440 y s 1 ' A■ w_.. All < ,_ ��5f� �� kms..? ,...... •... 1 1. I C�t1 T O) P& F-: 7f-_ f err 1 ; j a �.. Y16` IO d / �_,.....,,__,_,,,,, ' .»-,...__....- ' ,. , ._AWML.•.':.�"Y.:+XIS7!sflr3t ,\-7 ",y�, �/��....� 7 e ,�� -+�i i'r��� '•a�n�' 4'_°A,a'�! qE p'',. 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NORTH 10^KO'TA STREET 5G/�L�. • I '' - 4' V I�f: o = 1 I 1 40 HOIaIZ • 5G/�t-E 1 " = 2 v IwT 14 0 20' HpW-17 I •--- p --- --- -- - --- - - ------ -- - --- -- --- - .__. __.._._------ -- ---- --- - - ------------ _ —_ -------- -i IORTH DAKOTA ST. (KINDER"" ', «..T. „ INA•,H,7RN, 4 �)F w „.�.. ... a..gl........ Y• aw■► •,Ipv .• •.,r,.,,r,.,-:w•.'�KA.'dw+dN•,.. ,.... •......,..yw • � 1 ` _ ,. _.o 7"" '■■■�T ...-.. ....r,.-, } ......r �w -711, ....r.•.N r _... MOR+•nn+nwr,n.•v.... ..r.raw. ...t..... .,..... _ ... •r:..J r.':� 11 Ifl 111 III 1111111 'Ilt SII III ijl' III 111 111 ISI (I O I�1 III 111 111 111 1711, 111 III fII 111 III III III III III 111 111 III 111 III 111 t11 SII fll 111 tIl III t11 111 • !tI' ) I ( ' I � � I I I I I I 1 1 1 � I I � I l II I .� I i I l I f l �• � c� r � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 ; NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 5 "'�"'�•--•— � r.■ •■ •.- ---- . -..-- —• ---.r.� ', DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICEr-TT I5 DUE TO ilf QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL "DRAWING. QE 67 92 12 92 SZ .? E2 ZZ IZ OZ 61 ul iI 91 --ll 101 .------EI 21 I1 01 6 9 L 9 L t 'E �t11�111111111111111111111II IItt1111111I111K1111�UI111111I111111111 I1111�I11II II II�III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�11I11111111111I11�II111;I1111111t1,lllllll IIIIIII�II III1111111111�IIillllllf1111)�iiii�!IIIIIIN�111�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111�)J)I� �(1111I!lllllUl�lllllli JULY 1 19 9z 2 . To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City an assurance in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of $ 29,900.00 a copy whereof is hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereof. Petitioner' s contractor shall be licensed, bonded and insured. 3 . In the event that the Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to procead with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time limited, upon ten (10) days' notice by the City to "tie Petitioner and the Petitioner's surety, and such default and failure to pr ' continuing thereafter, the City may at its optiori proceed to have the work plef.ed and charge the costs thereof against the Petitioner and the Petitioner' s surety and in the event the same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover- the amount thereof. In the event that such action be brought, the Petitioner and the Petitioner's surety shall be required to Promise and agree to ray, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court: shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fens and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if Any, or- the City may rt its option bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner t.nd/ur Petitioner' s surety specific performance of the contract and compliance with she standards adopted by the City of Tigard, and in any event, in a like mann the city shall be entitled to recover such sums as the court may ad)udge reasonable for the City's attorney's fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. 4 . The Petitiz)ner agrcvs to provide the City with 48 hour Advance notice of commencement of construction and, also, 12 hour advance notice of requested field inspections 5 The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspection~ which in the City' s ioLerest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner shall pay the prescribed inspection fee of 4% of the total estimated cost of the construction; said fee being $-I,_196.00 6 The Petitioner agrees to insure that Petitioner' s engineer obtains ac, uraLe as-built (field) construction records of said sewer arid street: installations and, also, agrees to insure that the City is furnished with one iccur•ate as-built mylar thereof and, further, with accurate legal descriptions arid maps of all necessary dedications and easements. Petitioner shall provide all necessary dedications and easements, on City farms, to the City . 1 At such time as the public improvements have been completed in at ( 4)rdalr a with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation conformance+" to the City to notify the City of ri�,,dinays for tonLative aee(?ptancr inspection arid, Lhon, upon notifieal ion by Iho Ovr),ir tiiont of Commur:ity Development Lhat the requirenuriLs of thr City havr, h oro mat , lho hatiI.ionot will submit Lu tho City a good and sufficiont 9uararitee horut, if nol already provided with the performance issuraricv, form appr1)V0d by the City, to pruvide for correcl.ion of any dofoc! ive work or ma mto nance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year afLe+r tentat ►v►t acct•;rLance of the public improvements by the City , 2 ,1 ©. PetiLiuner agrees to provide for- currectiun of any defoc:tive work and/or maintenance becoming apparent or arising during the guarantee period as hereinabove set forth. 4. At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accurdance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for, final acceptance inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that L1 requirements of the City have been met, the Coun, il agrees to accept said improvements for operatiun and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner's guarantee bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the parties have executed this agreement pursuant to authority in each of them. CITY OF TIG�RD: PETITIONER: Kinder-Care Learning Centers, Inc.* Director of Community Dev I oUpment _ City Engineer J (Attach Notary Acknowledgement hereto) Return Signed Copy to: Kinder—Care Learning Centers, Inc._T C/o Mel Stout; David Evans & Assoc. 262.6 S.W. Corbett, Portland_ OR 97201 *Kinder-Care Learning Centers, Inc. 2400 Presidents Dr. ht/ 3571P Montgomery, Alabama 36116 3 Moors 6uun�n Forml,Inc CITY OF TIOARD No. 29859 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. �� P O BOX 23397 Date-2 TIGARD.OR 97223 LIZName r �Or--�yt .4-� Address Lot Block/Map SubdivisionlAddress Cash Chep) , „ , ,,o Permit M's Bldg. Plumb q&, .Co other Rec. By _ Sewer 1 �n �---- Description r Amou Acct. No. '1432 Building Permit Fees_______________--. - 10 131.600 Plumbi n Permit Fees — 10-4,1.601 Mechanical Permit Fe_ es 10.230.501 State Bldg. Tax — — 10 433 Plans Check Fee ---- 3q 30 443 _Sewer Connection --- --- 7 30.444 Sewer Inspi— 'ti— on - - Q j 51-448 4 Street Syst. Dev. Charge (�IllriU��i' 52 449.610 Parks I Syst. Dev. Charge (3 I 52-449-620 Parks II Syst, Dev. Chafe — 31-450 Storm Drainage Syst. Dev. Charge .. 10-430 Business Tax m _ — "1 10 434 Alarm Permit C 10 227 Bail — m 10 A55 Fines • TraIficlMi d Parking - 10-230 CPTA TrafficlMisdIvic_Asst. -" s a 10.456 Indigent Defense m -30% — — 30.122-401 sewer IUSA r c _ 30-122.402 Sewer ServicelCity 3 � 30 123 Sewer SevicelCity Malnt. 30-j25 -- Unmatched 31-12A Storm Drainage 4 •4 5 Bancrof Prill. Pymt. 40.471 Bancroft Int. Pym1. TOTAL ACCOUNTING COPY I // PLEAS[ TAXI' 1`I41S TO Itit CA 1431-* FOR A RECEIPT NAM[' ���ICfP_� ^�7th/vr Cr'.1lt'.� JT-Mc f UAIE:.__..r.. `P. —F Z LA � ACCT. N DESCR IFri IONAMOUNT' 10--7.2000 Refundable Per-forrmanco fiend Deposit;__.____.. 10-43500 5 ign Permits _ HOP TU 10-43600 Public Sewer Plan Check/].nspEetion Fee 10-43600 _ _ Public, Storm Plan Check/inspection Fee.- 10-4 3 60u ea104360u _. _ /Public I prn_vement Fee $ ��-•_..__ 10-43600 Street Opening Permit. 10-43601 Street and Traffic Mar+,-- -- 50 q43 604962 ygUO PRESIDENTS DRIVE 213 -CARE I.EARIIINCj CENTERS INC• MONIGOMERY ALABAMA ]6197 KINDER I205I 277 5090 AMOUNT 'FOR THE PRE-SCHOOL TIME OF THEIR LIVES CI+ECM NO ****1 ,19 6.0 a DATE 604962 - �5ind� 2/ 7-3 • AND 00 CENTS 11 , 196 DOLLAR PAYCENTERS,INC. ER-CARE L[ARNINQ 10 THE 1 5 t)1 7 KIND � Autb0'1,.d d1Y��tur• ORDER O CITY OF TIGARDHIVD 13125 S.W. HALL OR 97223 TIV ARU L ��, 943t,t: r,311 118[,Ol•,96 e11- �•0 L 30 W /� / 9E,, 1041,1'/OU23P r KCCO28 2-24-88 D.W. B. LEGAL DESCR-YPTION FOR 15' WIDE SANITARY." SEWER EASEMENT A strip of land in the Northeast one-quarter of Section 33 , Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon, said strip being a portion of that parcel of land described as "PARCEL I" in a conveyance to Kinder-Care Properties, Inc. on Document No. 88-05018, Washington County Book of Records, said strip being described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said PARCEL I , which point is also the Initial Point of AMART SUMMER LAKE NO. 3 , a duly recorded subdivision in Washington County, recorded in Plat Book 60, pages 37 and 38 ; thence East, along the south line of said PARCEL I, 67 . 60 feet to the TRUE POINT OF B.'GINNING; thence continuing along the south line of said PARCEL I, East, 16.20 feet; thence North 22013141" West, 195. 53 feet to the North line of said PARCEL I; thence along the North line of said PARCEL I, West, 10. 40 feet tc the Northwest corner of said PARCEL I; thence along the west line of said PARCEL I , also being the east line of AMART SUMMER LAKE NO. 3 , South 00010148" East, 14 . 31 feet; thence South 22013141" East, 180. n feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 2891 square feet, more or less. Deane W. Blair P. L.S. 1981 I gmulLmn N A. 167/ 11.82 11100 2 Zap i` 112.6! 1120p 2500 P1�68 4" 1-16 ac 2 11300 " 169L� 904 112.78 r .LAS tir 6 L�n -G 11400 'o-- :R> ,2 O,��y7 SEE MAP - 170—� ►n tip I \S I 3 4 BC N of 13 a 'I.W, Pan N, _ 11500 171 � o _. \N 11600 \ 230 2601oo �. 172 762 N 0 646 173 118 174 tlQ � 1 FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY DO NOT RELY ON 9300 FOR ANY OTHER USE .,. �� ! � 1 49 11900 ' 1480°' ✓(5 ,,� IS. 111 , , V i 1/4CONNER BEAVERTON TIGARD IS I 33AD 1IIZ3) IiUAkU,UREUUN SW North Dak Street PEKFOItNANCJ, BOND BONl, NO. 5106724 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, KINDER-CARE LEARNING CENTERS, INC. 2400 Presidents Dr Montgomery,Alabama 36116 , as 1,rivrihal , and JKr,0kA►?L( CpHpM�►�� nfr A M ey-kck as Surety, are jointly and severally held and bound unto the City of Tigard, Oregon, in the sum of Twenty-Nine Thousand Nine Hundred and no/100------------- '--"""----"- Dollars J29,900.00 ) for the payment of which we jointly-)-d severally bind ourselves, our heirs , executors, administrators , successors and issign,: firmly by these presents . THZ CONDITION OF THIF BOND IS SUCH: That whereas the Principal herein has made application to the City Engineer „i t1 ,' City of Tigard for a permit to Construct street improvements within the City of Tigard right-of-way of 12656 Southwest_North Dakota Street Tigard, Oregon, under tluv provision of Ordinance No. 74-14 and 76-11 Code of the City of Tigard , and whereas said application was approved by the City Engineer of said City and a permit therefor issued, subject to and upon certain conditions , directions, stipulations, terms, provisions ;rn,l requirements provided for in said permit , a copy of which permit is attached hereto ;in,i hereby made a part of this bond to the same extent and effect as if written herein an,( specific reference now made to all the terms, provisions, specifications :In,i requirements set out, declared and provided for in said permit; NOW THEREFORE, IF THE Principal herein shall faithfully and truly observe the tvrn1r:, provisions, conditions, stipulations , directions and requirements of said permit shall in all respects, whether the same be enumerated herein or not, faithfully comlll\ with the same and shall assume the defense of , indemnify and save harmless the Citv o Tigard , its officers, agents and employees from all claims, liabilities, loss, damicp,e „l injury which may have been suffered or claimed to have been suffered to persons 11 property directly or indirectly resulting from or arising out of the operation. of conduct of said Principal or any subc,,)ntractor in the performance of t!ie work under sni'l permit and shall indemnify and make whole the City for any injury or damage to an, street, highway, avenue or road or any part thereof, resulting from the operation;: ,,I conduct of said Principal or any subcontractor in connection with performance or con,lu, l of the work under said permit , and shall in all respects faithfully keep and observe ;ill of said terms, provisions, conditions, stipulations, directions and requirement ., , ch,•r this obligation is void, otherwise it shall remain In full force and effect . WITNESS our hands and seals this — 24th day of February lv$S3 KINDER-CARE LEARNING CENTERS, INC. Bonar u n, Vice resifint/TJevelopment Counters7igne ,y / .'f! Principal AF6Ilt - SE,GQ_ INSURAXU GOMPA _AMILA Atturn�v-]n-Fact W • POWER SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA OF ATTORNEY GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA HOME OFFICE SAFECO PLAZA SAFECOSEATTLE.WASHINGTON 98185 No. 544(z ---- KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS; That SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA,each a Washington corporation,does each hereby appoint ----------------------THOMAS M. SCOTT, Shawnee Mission, Kansas; MICHAEL D. CUMMINS; BRENT G. HODGES; VICKI KLIMA, Kansas City, Missouri; LINDA K. LOWE, Gardner, Kansas; CYNTHIA R. LIGGETTE, Raytown, Missouri---------------------------------------------- its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact, with full authority to execute on its behalf fidelity and suroty bonds or undertakings and other documents of a similar character issued in the course of its business,and to bind the respective company therEby IN WITNESS WHEREOF, SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA have each executed and attested these presents day of __ July ----, 19 — CERTIFICATE — Extract from the ray-Laws of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA: "Article V, Section 13. — FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS . . the President, any Vice President, the Secretary. and any Assistant Vice President appointed for that purpose by the officer in charge of surety operations,shall each have authority to appoint individuals as attorneys-in-fact or under other appropriate titles with authority to execute on behalf of the company fidelity and surety bonds and other documents of similar character issued by the company in the course of its business. . .On any instrument making or evidencing such appointment,the signatures may be affixed by facsi-^ !:.On any instrument conferring such authority or on any bond or undertaking of the company,the seal,or a facsim-le thereof,may be impressed or affixed or in any other manner reproduced; provided, however, that the seal shall not be necessary to the validity of any such instrument or undertaking." Extract from a Resulution of the Board of Directors of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA adopted July 28, 1970 "On any certificate executed by the Secretary or an assistant secretary A the Company setting out, (I) The provisions of Article V. Section 13 of the By-Laws, and (ii) A copy of the power•of-attorney appointment, executed pursuant thereto, and (iii) Certifying that said power-of-attorney appointment is in full force and effect. the signature of the certifying officer may be by facsimile, and the seal of the Company may be a facsimile thereof " I, Bob A Dickey, Secretary of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANX OF AMERICA,do hereby certify that the foregoing extracts of the By-Laws and of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of these corporations,and of a Power of Attorney issued pursuant thereto,are true and correct,and that both the By-Laws, the Resolution and the Power of Attorney are still in full force and effect IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the facsimile seal of said corporation this ,?4th _day of February 19 88 ti1114 R10l 98 PWNIEd IN SA STREET COMPL'I'ANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMLNT dated this _ day of _, 19 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and hereinafter termed "Petitioner", W I T N E S S E T H: VJ WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for dedicatio 7 f a street to be known as ILA-- as describe on the attached• aind by reference made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the City of Tigard requires Petitioners f• s to install streets, sidewalks, street lighting, storm sewers, sa itary sewers, underground utilities and other g public facilities 1\< •�1� sit and requires the payment of fees «nd 2,4"�,NVv WHEREAS, the City has adopted the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction Oregon Chapter APWA, for street, storm drain, structure and related work, and Unified Sewe age Agency Standards and Specifications, for sanitary sewer construction, prepared by professional engineers, for public street improvement; and 11 WHEREAS, the public improvements to be constructed in—i* said tstmet-sfrVa are incomplete, and Pet'itio'ner has nonetheless requested the City to permit dedications of the propert,yf,to 'the public and the parties herein named desire to protect the public interest generally by legally enforceable assurance that public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration i the foregoing premise and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its surety, IT 13 HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1 . Petitioner shall prrcppd with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements as shown on the improvement plan, as approved by the City of Tigard, prepared by Said improvements to be completed no later than one (1) year from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner hereby agrees to comply with standard specifications as adopted by the City, or as otherwise be or have been approved by the Department of Community Development, to comply with all terms and provisions specified hpreinregard this impr •vempnt by the Council and Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may br r•oquired to conform thereto. Petitioner shall provide certification of installation conformance, and one as built mylar, both stamped by a registered civil engineer-, to the City prior to City inspection of petitioners improvement work for City tentative and final acceptance consideration. 9 . To assure compliance with the City' s requirements and the provision!; hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City '"'a. ek,; oia1 in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of s_ _ a copy whereof is hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereof. Petitioner's contractor shall be licensed, bonded and insured. - t 3. In the event that the Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time limited, upon ten (10) days' notice by the City to the Petitioner and the Petitioner' s surety, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work completed and charge the costs thereof against the Petitioner and the Petitioner's surety and in the event the same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event that action be brought, the Petitioner and the Petitioner's surety shall be required to promise and agree to pay, in addition to the ar,.ount.s accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may at its option bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's surety specific performance of the contract and compliance with the standards adopted by the City of tigard, and in any event, in a like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sums as the cuurt may adjudge reasonable for the City' s attorney' s fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. w X�:.4 ...- �4"Pn t: W t tfi .tfi o erTwr�r►4'Iw�`'i. �� �-"''e�'y-�`-- '--�=—""- �1 1, 1'he Petitioner agrees to provide the City with 40 hour advance notice or gr - commencement of construction and, also, 12 hour advance notice of requested field inspections . period of two (2) ye4A frqq�;_-07� date- ef, initial ss►idmpunt being $ ,,r,,., A, 5. The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City' s interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith„ in consideration whereof the Petitioner shall pay the prescribed inspection fee of 4% of the total estimated cost of the construction; said fee being $_ _ The Petitioner agrees to insure that Petitioner' s enc� r1��F�r obtains accurate as—built (field) construction records of said 'So' installation . and, also, agrees to insure that the City is furnished with one accurate O'f as-built mylar ,thereof and, further, with accur•at%,l�Hyal, ascriptions of al l necessary easements , t� I,ti"..,,, G,. , , '0 ..�„ ..,: ^, 7. At such time as the public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation conformance" to the City to notify the City of readiness for/ acceptance inspection and, then, upon notification by the Department of Community Development that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient '�C" guarantee bond, if not already provided with the performance' " . form approved by the City, to provide fur correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or- arising within one (1) year, after tentative acceptance of the public improvements by the City . Wit n pW-year IIf tentativv_#ceeptacW"`aF _tho public impP't+�wk► thw•--Pix na ,a r etc t acv a �(tj tickt =iR i hr�uiil'Ti iii C 'IFv Petitioner agrees to provide for correction of any defective work and/or maintenance br.coming apparent or arising during t:hp guarantee poriod as hereinabove set forth. 2 - I It. At, such time as all publicc improvements have boon completed in accordance with the C4�'.�r�rquir,ements, Petitioner- shall notify tho City of readiness for firat'A�i'nspect:ion and upon certification by tho Dopartment of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said impr,ovement.s, for operation and mainteriance responiloility, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond. IN WLIN[ 1S WHEREOF , the parties have execuLed this agreement pursuant to authority in each of them. CI-FY OF TIGARD: PE1111ONFR . BSL_ Director of Community Deve'lopmvnt (Attach Notary Acknowledgement hereto) Return Signed Copy to: (00706) w D.E.Q. COPY. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ISSUED Ry DATE 7-1 (CITY of TIGARD) ENGR OFFICE Dv nnTC OPERAT OFFICE ry --- — 7ATr BLDG OFFICE [ r GEN TEL.CO r' -- -•- ` 0000%N.W NAT GAS CO r --- L -� -- _Lnr Y"dA' DIST f)Y 0Alf \ By OATf - co 5 i-33 Q�rlilOn ►tM BY DATE _J IIIIIIIINI S, ►.E. 220 IN �, OuT a, 7e � some cn }+ C Cc 4) � V lilt, O LL 10) P i ,.k i L 5 4)` LM / sty 9 i 06 4) bin i> hm 4) SCALE : I " x 20' v nn Mil PosPN"roullnp request ped 7681 V%01 Nt✓�t GC- jer It 5r �,�a�►r. �. K.�Nb�-�-J��;C-b�.nc►. z�t s �►F E°�-� � �s-cRh s WA k 1r c#ec�..tnew.��ts � Fihr�� C25 F T I CARD EGON /-e�ru�� y l 7� l` �' ors of Service 1 1961-1986 -2VQ/ C�V2r1S /T5�5p(7C.. . �NC 7- CAJ 97Z0l RE: �Pr �'+L'�, z..,Pr�, P��., Dear ll'*/'r-, ���r�c✓ Attached please find 0"f- copy;s) of a public improvement plan. Said plain needs to be circulated through the below noted agencies for reviow acknowledgement and, subsequently, returned to this office . Very truly yours, .john S. HagmanEngineering Technician 3397P/0048P PGE Company Northwest Natural Gas Co. 14655 SW Old Schools Ferry Rd. 220 N.W. Second Avenun Beaverton, OR 97005 Portland. OR 97209 SEE: Jim Johnston, 643-5454 SEE: Ron Polvi, 226-4211 QC/ General Telephone Co. Tigard Water District r 12460 SW Main Street 8841 SW Commercial Street Tigard, OR 97223 Tigard, OR 97223 SEE: Donna Donaldson, 620-0373 SEE: Bob Santee, 39-1554 Ed Wilmott Metzger, Water District Washington County Fire 2:!.t Mt 6501 SW Taylors Ferry Road 20665 SW Blantun Portland, OR 97219 Aloha, OR 97007 SEE: Jesse Lowmar, 245-3331 SEE: Gene Bir•chell, 649 11511 EAS a�P` 13125 SW Nall Blvd.,PO.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 4� �e Tualatin fire Protection Districtillamette Cabls! 20665 SW Blanton 3X1114200 SW Brigadoon Court Aloha, OR 97007 Beaverton, OR 97005 SEE: Gene Birchell, 649-8577 SEE: K. J. Street, 644-311111 / Tigard Post Office / / State Highway Division 12210 SW Main St. 2131 SW 'c c 5 hol i s Ferry Road Tigard, OR 97223 Beaverton, OR 97005 SEE : Steve Kaufman, 639--1730 SEE: I_ee Gunderson, 229 cdri17 Corps of Engineers / / Wash. Co. Land Use 6 lranyp State of Oregon Courthouse Division of Statelands 150 N First Avenue± 1600 State Street Hillsboro, OR 97124 Salem, OR 97310 SEE: Ron Aase 648--8830 SEE: Bill parks 3/b-3805 U.S.A. Corps of Engineers Portland District Permit Evaluation Section 319 SW Pine Portland, OR 97204 SEC- : Richard Johnson 221•-6995 3397P/0048P 2--17-88 KCCO28 C.T .H. KINDER CARE LEARNING CENTER 1 of 2 S.W. NORTH DAKOTA STREET STREET/STORM, SANITARY .SEWER AND WATER IMPROVEMENTS CONS'T'RUCTION COST ESTIMATE - PUBLIC IMPROVL74ENTS Unit Item Quantity Price Cost STREETS and _STORM Clearing and grading L.S. $ 3 , 000. 00 $ 3 , 000. 00 Asphaltic-concrete class "B" , in place 83 Tons $ 35. 00 2 , 905. 00 3/4" (-) crushed rock, compacted, in place. 30 C.Y. $ 20. 00 600. 00 2" (-) crushed rock, compacted, in place. 120 C.Y. $ 18 . 00 2 , 160. 00 Std. curb & gutter 181 L.F. $ 6. 00 1, 086. 00 Concrete sidewalk 100 S.Y. $ 15. 00 1, 500. 00 4" fog line 100 L. F. $ 0. 50 50. 00 "OM-3R" markers 3 EA. $ 10. 00 30. 00 12" conc. pipe, in place, complete. 22 L.F. $ 20. 00 440. 00 Std. catch basin I EA. $ 400. 00 400. 00 48" std. manhole 1 EA. $ 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 TOTAL STREETS AND STORM $13, 371.00 MID CUANSP.NUA_tX1'L-ES,INC. F.NGINERRS,SI'R'I'YORS,PI.INNI:RS.L1.N1)S( 11E ARC1111'F.ON WMW 2-17-88 KCCO28 C.L.H. KINDER CARE LEARNING CENTFR 2 of 2 S.W. NORTH DAKO'T'A STREET STREET/STORM, SANITARY S-TE'R AND WATER IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE - PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Unit Item Quantity Price Cost SANITARY SEWER IJIJU 8,l p.v.c. sewer pipe, 7 ,995.00 in place, complete 533 L.F. $ 15. 00 $ 6" p.v.c. sewer pipe, in place, complete 21.0 L.F. $ 12 .00 2 , 520. 00 Std. clean-out 1 EA. $ 350. 00 350. 00 48" std. manhole 1 EA. $ 1, 200. 00 1, 200, 00 Connect to existing 500. 00 manhole, outside drop 1 EA. $ 500. 00 TOTAL SANITARY SEWER $12, 565.00 WATER 6" fire hydrant assembly, in place, complete 1 EA. $ 2 , 500. 00 $ 2 , 500 . '" i" water meter, service, 500. 0 in place, complete 1 EA. $ 500. 00 TOTAL, WATER $ 3,000.00 TOTALS - CONSTRUCTION COSTS PROF,c r $13 ,371.00 STREETS AND STORM SANITARY SEWER �'� 13,069 F� 0� $12, 565.00 WATER / 04 ,$_3,000.0.0 v s OAEGONTOTAL $28,936.00 'S Jnr. 19,Ng Q4 CLH:mbh q��_3 L.HP'S L)rN,i)EVANSANI)ASS(� Hs,INC. IiV(il'�Ef•.RS,til'R1'I'.1'l1Rti,t'L�\YIiR�,U�rt1s(w11'G,�RCIII'1'f•.(T� Z- r� - 88 IKMLMR�MIKA� M%MLM-mjLmRW TRANSNUTju,,L Date__� � — Plle_ — ------.— T. Project— FTL� Olples I)gle Descriplion Lj As you reqtj(,.qlt,(l tor y(mr approval Ll Return n4im-sted 0 For your Information 0 For your rt-vi(,A From---M;".L, DAVID NAM AND AS91 XIAM INC. UNINAPtANCIMCM ,Prtl(;FSINOU(;ON,W&MIN(,"n)NAND(AUFORNIA 1626 5 W(PROM AVMIF. POWWD,ONEWN 97101 4FAII 22,14463 pp``Cl�ti.�' J 1 —.5Pe,,ce w . L l •` �5a CANCELLED TAX LOTS L301, 1+22 �..)1 100 200 a i5 — T1 ee 400 300 JJ 24 O N ♦/� cr N V� �0 21 o 22 � 3 � 33 /ego 1 r 1,4.45 OF 103.07 `i10 r r 71.25 '�'��������.asa•. u ROAD a e� s P-0 I ti 1e7 c1.eT 2400 WN I Ai 94 E 10800„ 10900 W$ �0 1f17t7p o 39 dC, 1 2 " 163 164 165 r R17 \\I (JJ = 41%% 75 11 ., f �eP 11000 , 166 n � ,�y� 2600 f� ti 11.e211100 09 4c �. Cr 8 rr, 167 t+0 0 11200 2500 C) 168 S' /os A- � uz.ea b ,.. I ... 8 11300 � _, 5 169 LI-1 t -� -- -`112.70 II470 SEE MAF' I\ _ 115` 4 z J IS I 34HC 111 " 11500 1 11600 2300 172 " �, 762Ac 2601 1 f W � � Q O e s' � 1 _ p �S W. fi'o 0366 M 1 12.23 1� I� 40 I1 °� n r 5.59 Ac a • n 1 n n a n c W n W I.L V/ SEE MAF' IS 133AD 0 0 •11.1! � T — 40 i J 1 CITY OF T167ARD OREGON February 10, 1988 David Evans & assoc. 2626 S.W. Corbett Ave. Portland, OR 97201 Attn: mr. Mell Stout RE: Kinder-Care Street & Sewer Plan Dear Mr. Stout: Attached please find one set of public improvement construction plans; said plate: having been provided to the City for preliminary review. Our comments are noted thereon. Please make all necessary revisions and then submit 7 sets to this office to commence the "formal" circulation and final review process. Also, please submit a revised cost estimate which reflects the noted plan revisions. Attached haroto please find a handout which further describes the aforesaiu circulation and review process. Sincerely, — v►R Z I�� John S. flagman Engineering Technician 4e rt e\ ,�(\',,_ re,t_fes Pl ,AA 11-4, `IMI K 1.# 10"00 1a1sr. �a� VLO "*; Mr. N1 � ",.,k Vk 13125 SW Nall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 — ��f cui"�i �-G�F �.D�rs TRANSMIT' I Dole— hit. -116 Item Collies Date r -esm Remarks ----- 0 As you requested Al!pViir wor approul U Relum requested [J For vitur informgtion For your n-%Ir-A DIMD EVWANDk'iq"7%N :oN'.%rrRvcnos MMA(Amwr nivisios )MI(B IN ONEWS'.WHINGITA W)tALIFORNIA 11,2(,S I tA)RbFrr AVEN11. POIMAND,OREGON 97201-4402 M)124-6663 i 2-5-88 KCCO28 KINDER CARE LEARNING CENTER C.L.H. 1 of 2 S.W. NORTH DAKOTA STREET STREET/STORM, SANITARY SEWER AND WATER IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE - PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Unit Item Quantity Price Cost STREETS and STORM Clearing and grading L.S. $ 3 , 000. 00 $ 3 , 000. 00 Asphaltic-concrete class "B" , in place 83 Tons $ 35. 00 2 , 905. 00 3/4" (-) crushed rock, compacted, in place. 30 C. Y. $ 20. 00 600. 00 2" (-) crushed rock, compacted, in place. 120 C. Y. $ 18 . 00 2 , 160. 00 Std. curb & gutter 181 L. F. $ 6. 00 1, 086. 00 Concrete sidewalk 100 S. Y. $ 15. 00 1 , 500. 00 12" cone. pipe, in place, complete. 22 L. F. $ 20. 00 440. 00 c catch basin 1. EA. $ 400. 00 400. 00 48" std. manhole 1 EA. $ 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 TOTAL STREETS A,vD STORM $13, 291.00 I�� I`.I! It\ �l It1I1i�Its I'LL\\LIt� L1\I►.�r,11'I•. 11t�IIIIf�"Iti s 2-5-88 KCCO28 C.L.H. KINDER CARE LEARNING CENTER 2 of 2 S.W. NORTH DAKOTA STREET STREET/STORM, SANITARY SEWER AND WATER IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE - PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Unit Item Ouantity Price Cost SANITARY SEWER 8" p.v.c. sewer pipe, in place, complete 357 L.F. $ 15. 00 $ 5, 355. 00 6" p.v.c. sewer pipe, in place, complete 210 L.F. $ 12 . 00 2 , 520. 00 48" std. manhole 1 EA. $ 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 Connect to existing manhole, outside drop 1 EA. $ 500. 00 500. 00 TOTAL SANITARY SEWER $ 9, 575.00 WATER 6" fire hydrant assembly, in place, complete 1 EA. $ 2 , 500. 00 $ 2 , 500. 00 1" water meter, service, in place, complete 1 EA. $ 500. 00 500. 00 TOTAL WATERPROOF $ 3 , 000.00 TOTALS - CONSTRUC'T`ION COSTS IV 13,,,06699 STREETS AND STORM v'oAEcorr $13 ,291.00 SANITARY SEWER C'y s�/jr y Q- $ 9,575.00 WATER �9l FS L �,P�Q 1,_31000.00 S 88 TOTAL $25, 866.00 CLH:mbh ,1 01 Nts. i %h'i ',I'I 'r( 11111' I TRANSMI 1 - I U.m 212lP - — - File _ V� —` 6FW-D I'roltKt_— K LA ! lel r �A�Q J �___-- -- Nuhµrt_ oev -- Llenl copies Date flewiption Remarks Lj As tnu requested U for%our apprmal [_; killro requested ❑For your informatir.n Ci Por your ru%Wo C7 _---- ----- Front -- ----— [14,41)EVANSANI AS90 AITAIN(: (;OS I(1100 MANMiiMM DIVISION I1MCPS IS I IREWS 11ASIII W i1i W AND tALIFORV11 16165 R tA1RRITl,1s}VI'F poriNSMORE181\ -2111411111 j410.11)2211 WO Filo #: CU 87--06, PD 87­05, V 87-24 Applicant: Kindercare, Inc, Location: 12656 SW North Dakota Decision Date: janu�tU_r?_, 1988 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE FULFILLED Prior to Building PermitsS _Orr Contact 1 . Public improvement constrU,Lion plans GA IL 2 . Performance assurance, etc. 3 . Half street improvements 1015 GA 4. Storm drainage GA 5. Sanitary Sewerage GA Prior to Occupancv Permits 6. State day care certificatiun J0 7. Landscaping J0 8. cin/3527P I a7yorT117ARD ® RD PLAN CHECK APPLICATION COMMUN[TY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 04 00" PLAN )'HECK N f 131?1.SW Ilan©Md a.0.RM 23197,Tigard,O egon orm(SW)63"176 PERMIT A _ DATE ISSUED JOB ADDRESS: TAX MAP/LOT SUB: LOT: - - LAND USE: VALUATION: t;D UG SETBACKS: FRONT: REAR: LEFT:_ RIGHT: WORK CLAS.): HEIGHT: TOTAL AREA: USE TYPE: FLOOR LOAD: 1ST: _ CONSTR TYPE: HEAT TYPE: _ 2ND: OCCUP GROU2: DWELL/UNITS: _ 3RD: OCCUP LOAD: NO BEDROOMS: BASEMENT: Nn STORIES: _ NO BATHS: GARAGE: IMP SURFACE: — APPROVALS REQ'D SPECIAL NOTES ITEMS REQUIRED PLANNING: REISSUE OF: LIST SUBCONTRACTORS: ENGINEEQING: LAST REISSUE: BUS TAX: FIRE DEPT. : FLOOD PLAIN/ CALCULATIONS: _ OTHER: SEN LND.: TRUS: DETAILS: _ PARKING PLAN: LANDSCAPE PLAN: PLAN (HECK BY: OTHER: COMMENTS: u - _ u _ DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OWYER 10-432 Building Permit Fees NAME: 10-431-600 10-431-600 Plumbing Permit Fees S --- ADDRESS: � Mhal Permit Fees 71S- 10-230-501 State Building Tax (5x) 10-433 Pl,ins Check. Fee / � .o I.-)` P110NE: 7/4 7.5 L -✓044 30-443 Sewer Connection (20X) t _ 30-202 Sewer Connection (80x) �! CONTRACTOR 30-444 Sewer Inspection NAM F.-- _ .51-448 Street System Dev. Charge (SDC) ADDR3SS: '52-449-610 Parks I System Dev. Charge (PDC) 52-449-620 Parks Il System Dev. Charge (PDC) S 31-450 Storm Drainage Syat Dev G'hrg(SSDC) PHONE: 10-230-505 TRFU (95x) s — 10-435 TRFD (5%) �— ARCH/ENGINaER 10-230-506 Washington County Fire /1 (95%) � 'TAME: _�r�k� A''✓E�, /O.t' _ 10-435 Washington County Fire 11 (SX) s ~' ADDRESS: 5v 12.41A OD.i OD. 10-220 Amart/Wedgewood a. 3-- -- PHONE: TOTAL $ ;cc�� - ••iy� - cv c Q '- - PREPAID P .s•/. U-U R EC # ".2'1(� BALANCE DUF APPLICANT SICNATIIRF, —� �Ceived By -- _ Dare Recetved: r - ' T C- ITYOF TIOARD ® PLAN CHECK� APPLICATION:W0F 116ARD COMMUNITY [DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMEW \ 04100« PLAN CHECK p 3125 SW►W Blvd P.o.em rco7,nq., .0rego,orrn(SM)63"176 PERMIT A —M DATE. ISSUED JOA ADDRESS: _ t,J� , k-„ ,,,/ TAX MAP/LOT I •J f Sur,: LOT: - VALUATION: :� r r, LAND USE: SETBAG'KS: FRONT: REAR: LEFT:__ RIGHT: WORK. CLASS: HEIGHT: TOTA1, AREA: _ USE TYPE: FLOOR LOAD: _ 1ST: CONSTR TYPE: HEAT TYPE: 2ND: - OCCUP GROUP: DWELL/UNITS: _ 3RD: _ OCCUP LOAD: :10 BEDROOMS: BASEMENT: NO STORIES: _ NO BATHS: GARAGE: IMP SURFACE: - — APPROVALS REQ'D SPECIAL NOTES ITEMS RFOUIRED PLANNING: REISSUE OF: LIST SUBCONTRACTORS: ENGINEERING: LAST REISSUE: BUS TAX: FIRE DEPT. : FLOOD PLAIN/ CALCULATIONS: OTHER: SEN LND.: TRUSS DETAILS: PARKING PLAN: LANDSCAPE PLAN: PIAN CHECK BY: OTHER: COMMENTS: r Ih, -_,, r� a ��} �U, 7 -�•. it _i� ~ j� ,.. r T CCT f DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OWNER 10-432 Building Permit Fees s NAME: f_itir,�t��,, C�;.r, -y� 10-431-600 Plumbing Permit Fees ADDRESSs.',3�z44 < 10-431-601 Mechanical Pcrmit Fees s �o- 64 1ia71S" 10-230-501 State Building Tax (5%) s 10-433 Plana Check Fee j ' s? ' s PHONE: lie ;�� - i��40 30-443 Sewer Connection (20x) �— z 30-202 Sewer Connection (80%) CONTRACTOR 30-444 Sewer Inspection Nom: •51-448 Street System Dev. Charge (SDC) _ ADDRESS: '52-449-610 Parke I System Dev. Charge (PDC) Z 52-449-620 Parks II System Dev. Charge (PDC) 3 31-450 Storm Drainage Syst Dev Chrg(SSDC) t PHONE: 10-230-505 TRFD (95x) � , ;. ! 10-435 TRFD r5x) s ARCH/ENGINEER 10-230-506 Washington County Fire /1 (95x) s Nom:=� r'k'� V ���, /ti's 10-435 Washington Count Fire /1 (52) ADDRESS: g y rJ«t 10-220 Amart/Wedgewood PHONE1 TOTAL j52- 4•¢D — PREPAID RFC RALANCE DUF s APP ,ICANT SIGNATURE eived Bvs }-� ,_ - Date Received: as su m tte or with minor madtilextion, Is consistent with relovint portions of the Community Development Code bmsptj upon the following findings : Chapter 18.52 (R-7 7on(..)) is sat k F i od bUt.-tAt.1 1,30 thv proposal 71plil all requirements of the R-7 zone, b. Chapter- 18,80 (Planned Dpv(qopm(,r1t) is satisfied bv­,juso t ho proposal' s site plan meets the requirements of the Planned Development Overlay zone as explained in the Analysis Section above. C . Chapter 18. 100 (Landscaping and Scrooning) is satisfied bocausp the proposed landscaping and screening provisions will adequately and attractively buffer tht, proposed children' s day care facility from adjacent residential uses as required by the Code. d. Chaptor 18, 102 (Visual Clearance Areas) is Satisfied because the proposed Site plan will provide adequate visual clearance areas for- vehicular access from the site to North Dakota Street. e. Chapter 18- 106 (Off--Street Parking) is satisfied because +:he parking lot plan for the Proposed day care facility meets Code requirements for number of parking spaces and bicycle parking spaces provided, Provision for handicapped ac--essibility, and par-king lot design. f Chiar)ter 18. 108 (Access) is satisfied because the a( ,� ,sjj Plan for the proposed use Meets Code requirements. Cha -Pr' 18- 130 (Conditional Use) is 'satisfied because both the general and specific conditional use criteria for a children' s day carp facility are mot as described in the Analysis above. h. Chapter 18. 134 (Variance) and 19- 114 (Signs) are satisfied because Lhp criteria for a variance to the sign regulations for the R-7 zone are met thereby justifying allowance of one f rklpsti,nd frig sign for the Proposed day care facility, Chapter 18- 164 (Street and Utility Standards) is Satisfied because the required pub] is improvements will bo installed as required by the Code. Plonning Commission approves Conditional Use %.;U 87-06; Planned Dovolopim-rit, PD 87.-05; and also a variance feet in ar-pa por. sign face., V 87 24, Subject to !sign of UP 11) 48 square to allow one freestanding the following conditions: 1. 114E. r0Lt.0WTNG CONDTITONS SHALL BE MET PRIOR TO TSSUANCF OF BUILDING PERMITS. STAFF' CONTACT: GARY ALFSON, LNGINLERTNG D1VJqTON (PHONE 634- "111) . Seven (7) sats (if Plan- prof i IP public improvement. construction plans and one (I) Itomi/ed construction cost: 1.3 Pc (U 87 2b/PD HI O'1/V 81 74 KINDIRCARF PAGI 7 Engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shA] 1 be submitted to the Engineering Division for approval . b. Construction of proposed public improvements shall no i, connnence until after t;he Engineering Division has issued approved public improvement plans. The Division will require posting of a 100% Performance Bond, the payment of ,a permit fee arsd a sign installation/streetlight ftit,, Also, the expculion of a street opening )or•mit or construction comp] iance agreement, shall occur prior to, or concurrently w.iLh the issuance of approved public impr•ove.mpnt r)lanct. c. Half street iuiprovenpoLs are required along North Dakota Street fur thc? longth of the property, to be QO feet from the face of Lhp existing curb. A 5-foot wide sidewalk will. be required and dedication of right.-of way to 30 feet from the center--line. The pavement section shall be A inches of asphaltic concrete on 15 inches of aggregate bash. d. The proposed storm drainage system is approved with the addition of a cat : r sin at the intersection of the p • . cur '' concrete sower- pipe . All catch " basins an the sit 11 require a sump/syphon prior to discharge into the public storm drain system. e. Thp applicant shall provide for connection of the building to the public sanitary sower system. The proposed sanitary sewer connection relies on development of the adjacent residentially zoned parcel to the south. The subdivision must therefore be completed prior to construction of the day care facility or provisions fur construction of a sanitary line to the existing main line must be made by the applicant. (if construction cit' additional main line apwerage i4 found to be not necessary, only five sets of plan- pr•of.Ile public. improvement plans need be submitted) . 2 , THF FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHA1.1. ISE SATISFIED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF AN OCCUPANCY PERMIT'. ciTAf 1• CONTAM: JERRY OFFER, PLANNING DIV[ ),t)N (PHONE 639­4171 ) at. 5tr+te of Oregon r•equir•ed cer,t.ifir..ation for day cyry facilities Is to be obtainpd prior, to occupanc:y . b. The landscaping materials arsd fencing shall be installed in confur•mance with the submitted landscaping plan. 1 1e'Jnl okm R R7- 13 v( (;11 d', 2tilnj H.- 04114 87-24 klNF)F'RC:ARE PAM 0 3 A sign pormit shall be obtainod Prom Planning to erecting the freestanding sign. The sign shall be limited Lo 65 square feet in area per sign face. No other signage shall be permitted on this property . STAFF CONTACT': DFRORAH SI(IORI OR JERRY OFFLR, PLANNING DIVISION (PHONE 639-4111) , 4. This approval is valid if oxi.-ir-cised within orio yoar- of the final docision date. H is fur-thor- or-der-ed that the applicant be notified fo the vWxy of Lhis or-dor-. P0'i"iE.D: -rhis d,,Ay of Decombor-, 1907, by the Planning to the Ci -y of Tigard. A. Dunald Maori, President Tigar-d Planning Commission cn/21 621) 1 1 N01 ()Rfif P 8l 13 pt CLI 0-7- 76/PD 87 05/V 87 24 K.INI)I.R(;A Rjr PAW 4 w s L� CITY OF TIGARD Washington County, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL ORDER - BY PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Concerning Case Number(s): CU 87-06 V 87-24 2. Name of Owner: Vincent Olson 3. Name of Applicant:_ Xindercare Inc. Address 3202 Martin St. #460 City Irvine State CA Zip, 92715 4. Location of Property: Address 12656 SW North Dakota 'Lax Map and Lot No(s) . 1S1 33AD 2500 _ 5. Nature of Application: Request to construct a 6250 sq. ft. children's d care faciay lity on a 1�_ acre parcel zoned R-7�PD (Single Family Residential, 7 units/acre Planned Development) Also, a variance is recnnegt-M t7n allow a 96 sq. ft, (48 sq. ft./side) free standing sign and a 27 sq. ft. wall sign where 6. Action: _ Approval as requested no signs are permitted. Approval with conditions Denial 7. Notice: Notice was published in the newspaper, posted at City Hall and mailed to: xx The applicant a owners xx Owners of record w+this► the required distance xx The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization xx Affected governmental agencies 8. Final Decision: THE DECISION SHALL BE FINAL ON Janaury 5, 1988, UNLEss AN APPEAL IS FILED. The adopted ficidings of fact, decision, and statement of condition can be obtained from the Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall, P.O. Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223. 9. Appeal: I ' Any party to thr decision may appeal this decision in accordance with 18.32.290(A) ate... Section 18.32.370 which provides that a written appeal may be filed within 10 days after no:.-ice is given and sent. The deat;li.ne for filing of an appeal is-4:20 PM January 5, 1987 10. esti.ons: If you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Department , 639-4171. CI:'FY OF' TLGARD PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL- ORDER No. 8-1 _ PC A FINAL ORDER INCLUDING FINDINGS AND CONCL_US.I.ONS WHICH APPROVES AN APPLIC,A-ETON FOR A CONDITIONAL- USE (CO 87--26) PLANNED DEVELOPME=NT (PD 87-05) AND A VARIANCE (V 87--24) REQUESTED BY KINf1LRCARF I IARN:INGS C1_NIL_RS, ;NC. Tho Tigard Planning Commission reviewed the abov0 application at a public hearing on December 15, 1987. 1-he Commission based its decision upon the facts, findings, and conclusions rioted below. A. FACTS 1 . General Information CAST: Conditional Use CU 87--06, Planned Development PD 87--05, Variance V 87-24 REQUESI Request by K>rndercar'e Lvar•nirig Centers, Inc. , for conditional use and planned development approval to construct a 6,250 square foot children' s day care facility on a 1 .08 acre parcel zoned R--7 (PD) . Also requested is a variance to allow a 96 square foot (48 sq. ft/side) freestandinq sign and a 27 square foot wal sign in a zone in which the Community De,relopment Code idles riot- permit signs for children' s day care facilities. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DFfiTGNATION: Medium Density Residential ZONING DESIGNATION: R--7 (PD) (Residential, 7 units/acre; Planned Development Overlay) APPLICANT: Dori Weber OWNER: Mr. Vincent Olson Kindercare, Inc . 2.302 Martin St. , Suite, •160 Irvine, CA 92715 I0CA71ON 12656 SW North Dakota Street., 286 fecal south of Scholls Ferry Road (WCTM 1S1 33AL 'Fax Lot 2500) 2. Background Information No previous applications concerning this parcel have been reviewed b; the Planning Division. I 3. Vicinity InTnrmation A residence, storage garage, arid veterinary clinic are located to the north on a parcel designated CP (Commercial Professional) , A vacant parcel with a combination of C-N, C--P, and C (Commercial-Neighborhood, Professional, General) runes is located to the east directly across North Dakota Street. The Greenway town Center Shopping Center is Located further east arid Scholls Ferry road is immediately north. 1110 Meadow Creek Apartments (zoned R--25, Residential 25 units/acre) are located to the southeast:. To t:he south FINAL ORDER R7- _1.L_3.__. PC -- CU 87--26/PD 87--05/V 87-24 KINDERCARE - PAGE 1 and west is the remaining undeveloped phase of the Summerlake Subdivision which is zoned R--4.5 (PD) (Residential -- 4.5 units/acre, Planned Development) . Parcels to the west are developed with single family residences . A six foot high wood fence separatve , these parcels from the subject parcel . 4. Site. Information and' Proposal Description rhe applicant requests conditional use and planned development approval to construct a 6,250 square foot children' s day care facility on a 1 .08 acre parcel. The parcel is zoned R-•7, PI) (Residential, 7 units/acre, Planned Uevelopment) . Children' s day care facilities are allowed as a conditional -iso in the R--7 zone. Site plan review is required of proposed uses it, the Planned Development overlay zone, 1-he applicant also requests a variance to Section 18. 114. 130 of tho Community Development Code which regula.t:es signage in the R-7 zone. Signs for children' s day care facilities are not listed as a permitted sign type. The applicant requests permission to erect a 96 square foot (48 sq. ft./side) freestandiny sign and a 2.7 square foot wall sign. The freestanding sign would be internally illuminated; the wall sign would be floodlightt.:d. The site presently contains a single family residence, two garages, and a variety of nut, fruit, and landscaping trees as well as a few iarge cedar trees. A septic system serves the existing residence. The applicant proposes removal of the buildings and most of i-he trees. A single story, 6,250 squ•+.re foot day care building, a landscaped play yard, and a 25 space parking lot are proposed for construction. Fencing would surround the play yard and building. A ten root high, ten foot wide, landscape buffer- on an eighteen inch high berm is to be located outside of the fence on the west and south sides. A f;ve foot wide concrete sidewaik would be constructed along North Dakota Street. Connection to the public sanitary sewerage system is proposed through construction of an 8 inch line to the south. Currently, the closest sanitary sewerage line to the south is approximately 400 feet away in the &Jjacent vacant parcel. Sanitary sewerage also exists approximately one hundred f. M. away to the southeast. Site storm drainage is ti be routed to an existing storm sewer beneath North Dakota Street . 5. H!cPncy and NPO Comments The Engineering Division has reviewed the application and offers the following comments : North Dakota Street, is a minor cc.11ector street which is improved, including curbs, along the east side opposite the Kindrrcare site. Street pavement is in rlood condition, Half street imprevoments will be required along North Dakota Street for the lencith of tho Kinder-care sit(,. - Storm drainage exists along the c•en'.or--line of North Dakota Street adjacent to the pry_rm!-,,ed development, A manhole is proposed to be constr•uctod over this existing i ino to provide the FINAL. ORDER 87-- 13 PC -- CU 87--?6/PU 87-05/V 87--24 K114DE.-RCARE -- PAGI 2 site with a storm drainage connection. The proposed storm drainage system is approved, contingent upon addition of a catch basin at the interse tion of the proposed street curb and the 10 irich concrete sewer F:ipe . No nanit:ary sewer- presently serves the site, In or-dor, for t:ho Kindercare project to receive an occupancy permit, connectiun to the sanitary sewerage system is required. Vie proposecl sanitary sewerage connection apparently assumes further devol.opmc�nt of the system on the adjacent, residentially zoned property to the south. Construction of further sanitary sewer- improvements will be the responsibility of the adjacent property owner, as part of residential dejolopment or else will be the responsibility of Kindercare. - The Kindercare proje^t proposes two accesses onto Nor-Lh Dakota Street approximately 130feet apart, center line to center line. The northern driveway is approximately 310 feet from Scholls Ferry Road. The proposed access plan is approved. The Tigard Water District reviewed the proposal and commented that sufficient water system capacity existed to serve the proposed development. Detailed comments on the proposal' s water system have been forwarded to the applicant. The Orego o State Highway Division, Washington County Fire District #1, PGE, General Telephone and the City of Tigard Building Division reviewed the proposal and offered no objection to it. ni., other comments were received. B. ANALYSIS CONDITIONAL USE The Community Development Code (CDC) conditionally allo1ws children' s day care facili '-.ies in the R-7 tone upon demonstration that certain approval criteria are satisfied. General approval standards include 1) the site size and dimensions are adequate for the proposed use and will allow adequate buffering from adjacent: uses; 2) 9i to characteristics are appropriate for the use; 3) adequate public facilities serve the site; 4) all. applicable requirements of the zoning district and the Code are satisfied; and, 5) the use complies with applicable comprehensive plan policies (CDC Chapter 18 . 130.040) . specific approval c,ritaria for children's day care facilities in the R--7 zone include 1) the site size is at least 5,000 square feet; 2) setback and height- regulations of the zone are satisfied; 3) state required certification will be obtained for the day care facility; and, 4) parking requirements are satisfied (CDC 18. 130. 150 (22)) .. In tl­ present situation, the general. and specific conditional use approval standards for a children' s day care facility are satisfied ber:ause 1) the 1 .08 arse pb�rcel in substantially larger, than the 5,000 square foot minimum required parcel size. 'The parcel provides adequate space for buffering, parking, and a large outdoor, recreation area; 2) no characteristics of the site impede the use; 3) adequate public facilities presently serve the site or will be exiended to the site in FINAL ORDER 87-- 13 PC - CU 87--26/PD 87-OS/V 87-24 KINDERCARE -- PAGE 3 �.or the development process; A) R--7 zonirig distr icL setback, building height, arid minimum landscaping area requirements are met. Other C( de requirements arca satisfied as addressed i.n the paragraphs be to u; 5) state required day care faci.I.ity certification will be required to be obtai.nrd prior to occupancy; 6) 2.5 parking spaces are provided when 11 spat-os (5 parking spaces plus ono space per eaach of thea 6 cl;,ssr•uoms) are required by Croda standards; and, 7) plan policies which apply to the use proposed are satisfied as follows: — Policy 2. 1 . I is satisfied because the NPO arid surrounding property owners were given notice of the hearing and an opportunity to comment on the. applicant's proposal . Policy 6. 1 . 1 is satisfied because adequate landscaping and fencing will be utilized to screen the day care facility from adjacent r•esidontial uses , — Policy 7. 1 .2 is satisfied because adequate water, Fewer, arid storm drainage facilities are available or will be made available to serve the development. Policy 8. 1 .3 will be satisfied when the conditions of approval relating to street improve,m�nLs are completed. Because the applicable criteria are presently satisfied or will be satisfied in the development process, the Planning Commission finds that conditional use approval of the Kinder-care application for a children' s day ..are facility in the R-7 zone is justified. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (CDC Chapter 18.80) Because the parcel which would contain the proposed children' s day care facility is designated with the Planned Development overlay zone, review of the site development plan by the Planning Commission is r•equi.red. Thea proposal ' s site development plan is consistent with Community Development Codec criteria regarding R.-I zona maximum lot coverage, building setback and height. (Chapter 1.8.52), off--street: parking (Chapter 18 . 106), access and egr•es.; (Chapter 18. 108), visual clearance areas (Chapter 18. 102), and landscaping arid buffering (Chapter 18 , 102.) . Because the site adjoins developed arid undeveloped residentially zoned properties, further discussion is war-,-anLod r•elat.ed to landscaping and buffering, The landscaping plan for the site indicates that a ton foot high, ten foot wide, landscaped buffer consisting of cedar trees and a variety of lower bushes and groundcovers will be planted along theta south and west property lines. A six foot high chain link fence with redwood slats will be placed inside this buffer and along thea north proporty line, In addition, Lho exiiting six foot high wooden fence on the west- nropert.y line will remain. A four foot high fence will bp erected in line with the building front to separate the parking area from the playground. The parking area will be landscaped with a cont,.inuat.ion of the ten foot high landscaping buffer along Lhe south side, six globe maple street, trues along the sidewalk, retenLion of eKisting cedars on the north property line, and with a variety of decorative landscaping I INAt ORM R R7— 13 PC CU 87--2.6/PD 87-05/V 87--24 KINDERCARE.. — PACE 4 plants near the buiIdirig. They playground area will be primarily lawn and will include play struct.uros . The proposeu landscaping should provide adequate ind attractive visual screening of the day care fac,i.li.t.y from ad j,+cent res ido.nco.s and ShOUld help i edu,�o playground noise. VAR]ANCE (CDC: Chapter 18, 134) rhe applicant requests a varianc,, to Sect:ion 1.8 , 11t.. , 1.30 of the Community Development Code which regulates signage in the R-7 zone. The Code does riot, make any provision for signs for children's da; care facilities in the R-7 zone, The anpli.cant requests a variance ..o allow a 96 square `oot, (48 sq. ft/sides freestanding sign Lo be located on the northeast corner of the site and also a 7 square foot wall sign. The freestanding sign would be internally illuminated; the wall sign would be floodlighted. Section 18. 1.34.050 of tho t,DC lists the following criteria for granting a variance: (1) The proposed variance will not be material?y detrimental to the purposes of this Code; be in conflict with the policies of t-h(a Comprehensive Plan; to any other applicable policies and standards; and to other properties in the same zoning district or- vicinity; (2) There are special circumstances that exist which are peculiar to the lot size or shape, topography or other circumstances over which the applicant has no control, arid which are riot applicable to other properties in the same zoning district; (3) The use proposed will be the same as permitted under this Code and City standards will be maintained to the greatest extent that is reasonably possible, while porm.il.ting some economic use of the land; (4) Existing physical and natural systems, such as but: riot, limited to traffic, drainage, dramatic land forms or parks will riot be adversely affected any mare than would occur if the development ware located as specified in the Code; and (S The hardship is riot self--imposed and the variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the hardship. In the present situation, the variance is requested to provide relief from a Code_ restriction that most likely resulted from an inadver-to nt omission rather than a conscious effort by the Code drafters to pr3hibit signs for day care facilities in the low and medium density zoning districts. If the variance is riot- granted, the applicant's business would be at a disadvAntago relative to other- day care facilities in other zone, whore day care facilities are permitted to have signs. Children' s day care faciliti:?s are also a conditional use in all other residential zones , Approved, nun--residential, conditional uses in the R-12, R -25, and R--40 zones are permitted to have one freestandirig illuminated or non--illuminat.ed sign not exceeding six feet F=INAL ORDER 87-- 13 PC - CU 87-i6/PD 87 -05/V 87--24 KINDERCARE - PAGE 5 in height arid 65 square foot in area per sign face. Wall signs are riot permitted. Day care facilities are also a conditional use in the CBO zone and are a permitted use in commercial zones and the IF, (Industria Park) zone. Signs, including wall signs, would be allowed for a da, care facility in i:hesv zoneE . Because of this imbalance in what. signage the Code permits day care facilities in different zonas, it is recommended that, the Commission grant the applicant' s requo.st: to allow the 48 square foot per- sign face freestanding sign as proposed, but: to prohibit: the erection of the proposed wall. sign. The variance for the freestanding sign only would put the applicant on a nearly equal footing with day care facilities in higher density residential zones. The Planning Commission believes that because the parcel is adjacent to a minor collector street, several commercial zones, and a high c.'ensity residential zone, the sign size requested is reasonable, In other cases where a similar use is located within an area that is primarily low or medium density residential in character, it is doubtful whether a sign of this size would be justifiable.. The variance criteria would be met if the variance is approved as rr:•nmmended bocause (1) the purposes of the Code and policies of the Comp-ehensive Plan would riot be violated by allowing the freestanding sigr ; (2) no adverse effects on other- properties are foreseen; 3) City standards will be maintained to the greatest extent possible by limiting the variance to only what is allowed for similar rAc•tivities in other residential zones arid by limiting the sign size to 48 =quare feet per sign face; 4) existing physical and natural system not ve affected by allowing the sign; arid, 5) the situation cr.- i, he need for the variance is not self--imposed, but instead ap,10 ko have resulted from an inadvertent omission by the Code drafters. C. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant criteria in this case are Tigard Comprehensive Plan Policies 2. 1 . 1 , 6.6. 1., 7 . 1 .2, arid 8. 1 .3; and with Community Development: Codo Chapters ►' .52, 18 .80, 18. 100, 18. 102, 18. 1.06, 18. 108, 1.8. 114, 18 , 130, 18. 134, arid 18, 164. The Planning Commission has determined that: the proposal as suhmitted, or with minor modifications . is cunsistcant with the Comprehensive Plan based ;upon the findings noted below: a. Policy 2 . 1 . 1 is satisfied bec•.au4e the NPO and surrounding property owners were given not ic,� of the hearing and an opportunity to comment on the applicant' s proposal . b. Policy 6. 1. . 1 is satisfied because adequaty landscaping and fencing will be utilized to screen the day care facility from adjacent residential uses. C. Policy 7. 1 .2 is satisfied because adequate water, sewer, arid st-ovio drainage facilities are available or will be made availablo 0 serve the development. d. Policy 8. 1 . 3 will bo satisfied when the c:undit.ions of approval relating to s'Lr•eet ir,•provements ar-e completed. FINAL ORDER 87-_13— PC --. CU 87--26/PD 87--05/V 87-2.4 KINDERCARE: -- PALL 6 w The Planning Commission has dotermined that the proposal as submitted or with m nor modification, is consistent with relevant portions of the Community )evelopmont Code based upon the following findings: a. Chapter 1.8.52 (R 7 lone) is satisfied because tho proposal meets x+11 r•equiroment:s of the R--7 zone. b. Chapter 18.80 (Planned Development) is satisfied because t.ho proposal' s site plan meets Lhe requirements of the Planned D:velopment Overlay zone as explained in the Analysis Section above. C. Chapter 18. 100 (Landscaping and Screening) is satisfied because the proposed landscaping and screening provisions will adequately and attractively buffer- the proposed children' s day care facility from adjacent residential uses as required by the Code. d. Chapter 18. 102 (Visual Clearance Areas) is satisfied because the proposed site plan will provide adequate visual clearance areas for vehicular access from the site to North Dakota Street. e. Chapter 18 . 1.06 (off—Street Parking) is satisfied because the parking lot plan for the proposed day care facility meets Cade requirements for number of parking spaces and bicycle parking spaces provided, provision for handicapped accessibility, and parking lot design. f. Chapter- 1.8. 108 (Access) is satisfied because the access plan for the proposed use meets Code requirements . g. Chapter 18. 1.30 (Conditional Use) is satisfied because both the general and specific conditional use criteria for a children's day care facility are met as described in the Analysis above. h. Chapter 18. 1.34 (Variance) and 18. 114 (Signs) are satisfied because t.ho criteria for a variance to the sign regulations for the R--7 /one are met thereby justifying allowance of one freestanding sign for the propo-ed day care facility. i . Chapter 18. 164 (Street and Utility Standards) is satisfied because the required public improvements will be installed as roquir•ed by the Cede. D. DECISION The Planning Commission approves Conditional Use CU 87-06; Planned Development, PD 87-•05; and also a variance tc allow one freestanding sign of up to 48 square root. in are;i per sign face, V 87--24,, subject. to the following conditions : 1 . THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE MET PRIOR 10 ISSUANCE OF Bl1TI.DTNG PERMITS. STAFF CONTACT; GARY ALFSON, ENGINEERING DIVISION (PHONE 634 4171) . a. Seven (7) sats of Filart profile public improvement: construction plans and one (.l) itemized construction cost 1 1NA1. ORDER 87— 13 PC -- tat 87---26/PD 87--05/V 87•-24 KINDERCARE — PAGE 7 �U ���,1J����M1i�$'� �Y _ rhea' �q i estimate, stamped by a Registered Professional Civil Engineer-, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the Engineering Division for approval. b. Construction of proposed public improvements sha11. not commonco until after- the Engineering Division has issued approved pub1.i.c improvement: plans. The Division will require posting of a 100% Performance Jierd-, ' the payment of a pormit feo and a sign instal .lat.i.on/streetlight fee. Also, the execution of a street opening permit or construction compliance agreement shall. occur prior to, or concurrently with the issuance of approved public improvement plans, c. Half street improvements are required along Borth Dakota Street- for the length of the property, to be AO feet from the face of the existing curb. A t- foot wide sidewalk will be required and dedication of right-of--way to 30 feat: from the center-line. The pavement -.section ahall. be 4 inches of asphaltic concrete on 15 inches of aggregate base. d. Thea proposed storm dr•ai.nage system is approved with the acditi,,)n of a catch basin at the intersection of the proposed curb and 10" concrete sewer pipe. All catch basins on the site will require a sump/syphon prior to discharge into the public storm drain system. F . The applicant shall provide for connection of the building to the public sanitary sewer system. The propored sanitary spwer• connection relies on development of the adjacent resideritially zoned parcel to the south. The subdivision must therefore be completed prior to construction of the day care facility or provisions for• construction of a sanitary line to the existing main line must- be made by the applicant.. (If construction of additional main 1.ine sewerage is found to be not ner.pssar•y, only five sets of plan--profile public improvement plans need be submitted) . 2 . TFic: F01.-LOWTNG CONDITTONS SHAI I IIF ATTSF'TFD PRT1R TO ISSIJANCE OF AN OCCUPANCY PERMIT. STAFF CONTACT : JERRY OFFER, PLANNING DIVISION (PHONE 639•-4171) . a. State of Oregon required certification for day care facilities is to be ubtainpd prior to occupancy . b. The landscaping materials and fencing shall. be installed in conformance with the submitted landscaping plan. FINAL ORDER 87--_13 PC -- CU 87-26/PD 87-05/V 87--2.4 KINDERCARE. PAGE 8 W Y i I M. 1 , 1 ) I r ..' ► PA�ILITA"T� GL�AN-pU'�� - -` �j�•'1E -FRP.ME 61247E F-012 • DELL �P1�1'f GONG. I°IPE I �', '`'�° � I , i'f it7k FIN15H GRADE ��a. r4 ��,, , 1120 RIM L LEV. �� ► \,, R ? b) P+�Opo�En � . ,:: , (�E� G�hblti� EAU-� �� - - - 1 � N _ PLAN) JOINT �� \`� hNDOD F�N<�I< c-A�ER .' CI°UIbLM� w 7URNED DOWN :'� t• i• �V^I�IE� " — PARKING BAS' Bi�3 WALK ,., ' 8J 1?V,G, PEFLeC,709 w 771 u G�� - �I - 24"X V"x " �"- u -`� zt o 1 y l r'JE''T DIS I A EA n rz N ����?G y'i T- - -- Q- -'d- - 1b S> LJ ; ��1N OR .. f __ _.___GONG, b�E CSE t�E'7<'''I L)- -- -- - _� `' GP•AIN�►CyC y�.�lAt_E n APptzpvEDI:w.IM 4�(O.�O r - - _ - ---- - --- - - --- i.5GZUrL I.E, �i '�2rp. � I g' �� y �,�� I•re. 020-1b b'IQUT �' I i I titi1 c'� ti's° - _ /« e, �• � �a �'1 °�'' Elm,P�12E�� D►�•IN �?AIL �-' S / '� . �`; G. - � a N07 70 061^LE S� I•E, 22 ,1 ; 229 �ONINb c 1 - t-4 'ip '1'O'1'Atr 5 A1zfrA -4�> 4�E2 1�R, P.T. AbpH�� , PP•n W I.E. 2��.op _` --_ ��P ESUILt�iNC� �1�EA 6P '2100 �✓0,, F7, _-! � �� �a c P.) y'TG. - I da- a 4' GRAIN LINK I' �12EA 1D, iGJO �Gr„ Fr 3t4/o �p�?. P/I,H, r �_,�� G, -� >=1 ELiD E . 141V �� IN -44- T M ISG, P12E�• Go; e&5 �(�, 1=T. I. �. '1!q. 33 � OUTi-L tP 0E NK I !<J Tr ip' / L I -- ,�' 2 67 ¢ ,u 7.4NINb i n e r a rrA(ZI�I NG �P� ''�G�/Ei.C7D 2Gj — - — — -- ---- % \ P, �`Olz ►DETAIL OF S,orNl?A `I' t� �11f.2°� I ONE S-TOr=`� �� GONG• �- l Grp `aEWEl2 SEE 4✓Hi• I OF 1 \ / LEARNING CENTER 21 P, 1 g DAKOTA r?TiZEE'C r�5 r F, 50 Q�a. — A�6. UNIT EN�'iLo- UVpu j _-_- GIBE TUrzNEr7 SOWN i�Llt ti _ �DbE PA►2KIN� �Y �wu�oN o« _o .' ;� . :�. nh� `� �J'bp.`?E- DW«, r-rR �.pao.�TIoNS a � Iu'' � �L,p,r� ��U"TION ►7E"I'i�lL , .c` N OF Doorte,� W1NrJa► Ire ,� - v Gen H1 PH 0H^i1,1 i HAN0IGP ? RAMP 1 t2 �• r�Yn► TO eLD4 I°Ai2KINv �.•. •., 1. . 1.. I GLA7b G AG \ COLUMk -EEG, Po.p =; ' '. :' - ► I' oi�� GLS Pos I 4016 I ��� GONGr�.E7E GUh�� I� .I Al, L'-O 'OUhct- Cnwc b�L :�.�.I 'I I ' }, N a 61° 1=-h G1Z•iJSHE(� 12G�'K / (7.h, D.7, 2A,3� 6AG4FlLL 'TO "1'OPOF IiUi2� � �"'-[.I•I-� `� " GI' min. Col'GURt3 C�'ETAI L. STANDARD 6 CURB ___ - - 11 WIT) � . ` P12EGA�a"j �,oNGeE-E— � �'�'?E � 22 ;.�0 � �'��' � � �' 2?`1. 6 7G '( W H EE L?TOP ' i=1ZO M �• GUi AL.ir '6'pAc'.EoJ I \ '2°1.'��O 12'21,45 ( ,. � / EN0 C.U128 r✓IoNuMEN1 i G✓i�N io x 1( wa0D - -- � �'a,o,� I ENGL.OSUi�E �' FND Gull �` 12 PCU K Q NOT -TO *60, :SEE DE`rAiL) � W LK q „ �� OInJN •-, '�'I..IG,�i�I'f .'�N GONG12E7E PAD _ i x TE I d`I N O 1 lv : t; Z U Ail E F00--ACO E OP ✓I�N I-E, 224,*a P�Nb !LLUi✓IINA"T!ON NOT "f0 E�GEEtp ILINC� --GPIa-� ,F�p-NING GEN"fEF ,NG• 10 X27 ° / 12'Xta' HaN171<iAP L 2->02 M�'rI N �T•P• T �.J rTE 400 / , ,01� GdN51: Pri ON - / flC pAoE - PAIN^ED 'fHA'f F?EG�LlI�EI7 �Y GONE, IFt�/IN� G�.LIFUP-Nlh °YL7 �J (ioNG12E•TE f Ap VJ/ - - - 221,ODTC• PH•C? 14) '�2- loq-q- t�IGYGLE f K 22�j, - � M i3(>L �5 PE►� �. �� J�M� ��IT-DIF�'F-•G"�'O�' C)F' GGNG�"�'UGTIUN � �O� � - �U � IeIM 22�.�0 Tom, � � /�N51 �?"PNpArzD�J � �. __ °�, PD �,C•, C�EE DETAIL) �•'�4' ♦ 1.r- 22<0,03 �2b.at, Q. \ •t'l°1.�5� I 1 2?tr 1�4��i, O �0 12-20.4(p -- -- X26. OT r \ ILINbER-Ga.I2E T24.412-r N Q, •I 12 O - - vE DAR`a �!G I IN �f�' — / D 2'1•-1� - - ~ x- I -_ - - = -_- -__ - - --- �i b N Cy EE v EYAI L) 1. PkLL- GO�I�TIZLrGT10N ��Ai.� GON�OF2I✓1 70 'THE PUP•T� �rup a�GO�I �'i72o1 �'� r-- > - r-- _- - -. r-- 1 s��,32 1G �� � n. IOL � i 1 �,JiAND?�r2t �` �PEGIFIGA' IONs, GF SHE• c,ITY 'Z'1'�-CiCoCi�j _ ??Q�42 2?Qj•�oT,G, --??°I,'Z3'(, / _ p P ) �2 Pa.1 p 7417.b'1 s -ter,._•_.. �ci.c�T� I 2, WHEi2E P � P E TOPSOIL WILL DE r✓~Ep FDIZ LA ,EP i2E�/E<>E??TION p.NG IrANC�rX.? PiN(�, 99 c?.3?T,G• �/ , �J. i"T' IG✓ THE rZcr,.�• PONr✓IP>ILI"i'`>' OF THE C�ENEIZA . P>,r✓I, P�i�-QED ON V���IIN�''G1J GGJi�IT`( (OVEiZF� �' -- - --- __ - ----- _--- _ - ---- - -- - . � � - -----�.- ? d fl- GdN IRAQ iOrZ TO VERIFY '1•HE �CJGA I IGN C!F P �-L. GiG-� IN GCUNG• Ni'M M�Ai.- P'T T�-I� _ --- =„r--- --� � Y -4�PWriv'f PAVEti�1EN'T %' RE�.C.C�i�'f E EX��J(INc�s `� I UTILIT1Er� A5 NC??ED GN SHE �ai7E PL.PN, N©P-'1•'Ht`��T Goy-N�I�- OP THS �NT�i�� z 3 - � � ; D ovl� slz�a � 0 C5 GE NOTE 4> -� �PEEO roihN !! �, rJ'AWGU'T ��I� ill`.iC� �D(�E OF PN•�/EM�N"( P,r� N = a G�Ti'iH �51� �� G �,w. �ipi�F-ErJTo Pc>.°�. • 2�1. .1,� I� �ro1cM �c7'l�._1�" �JfORM ra�INEl2 G.S. ►'. N S- - _ - _ - `-- -- --- -- - �H D W N J FO IZM (i L.,. !'�I� E i�E �O R GUN 5`T, � - _... _ - ---- - -- --------- �. • �. A DEt./lO_I iiON E2Ml? G✓.W, N, D� -O�D �T E EI" o A LM 'hNKS �O P>E REMO✓Er7 ASL DI'ZAIN7ILE UNp�s2I`IE�TH r '� ,,___—_— W— ,_ � EX"f <9, f2 ' WDA-T'EIz � W _.. �q=�- _--y.l------+ �j I WELL MJS,T PSIS s✓i LLEr7 �N. PSN MPEG 1 d�.l r�Y G� o-- GRAIN LINK P!:NGE 1 -��- • r , vATGH �vIN I Co. Goo�••DNA"� c>f'� _'N1= y�P-•/IGS V�I!TH N• n�. NATUPPc.G. GJPING 'NST�LLP�'TIoN CSF -�` -- - I)40r ING v�l�-T � LINE I RIM D27.4�I 12"Xf�" 'TAP ✓P�LVEIM f C-�h iJNE. E�Tt✓�l�oN �v�rJ �.v�. N. ��T,� '�T =-� ��IK2''IN� 'OIzM 4�i5-NEFF,� _ I.E, 6 <24.44 -* U GGK c% KJ�'ER �eMOVE EX"f1C> \ �E, d 22� �U HR Er✓ VN�1Elz M�eR -' iGP�P PAR�Iti6 1FTA%�.L WILL r3E PCOV DED n PP-C�Pi EtD I TI.P- 3 L1N� INr�(aL FIS E - - ---- - - —\ 1 7, LHE HP•trD , II t<Xrib M.H ` WTH P•� bN P. MINIMi�M 4 HIb� r?'P�"11N� - ( EXTcl, M.rl, H'�r��A►si' �.�aE�BL.r -T^F (2 WA"fEi2 ^Nb -- --' '- <� f��C�PC�iI`cD IN0,6VT^I.L III GJRC'DiZP�'T10N RIPl1 �rlq,o°l PARS-gib wi iH D.M.V.* Di�i�P��..Ep Pt:R�NI I O�l.`t'. zIM �1�7.Q>� (O�5 �'ER TiC��rI2D II I,E.�i rlrlGj� i'�1 (INl � I,. tL. / O L-A<0 12.E y v Pp a EG i O 'TG W I N<> U N r E iz ORS PP-G PG+�ED �,�N r1"f* 'f �iEW �'- I I.E,G 22to,�'1 (IN) wo.- elz alb,) �J'10P GONNEUf W iX2 v I C49, 1 , °IAF] 811 . 1 20 ^ti,D P\ =INE J P To *2 E20, _ - pPOPo�ED STo�M 4 EWM-P - 1. E.v 22 P5.37 CDUT) _ GOPPEI¢ pQMEr�(IG i,E,C 4'14. UNDER OZ� [41 gi, °?�O� P>11, CotG1. _7_ G-�I�ITING GI"PEET Llbl-�(' �'T � - QT N, HALF 5'�EE.i- —GC�N�T��l1GT Mo.NHG7LE o�/EP- vE12VIGE PIPE RNID FSP- pETAI L. O I� Qt , P�• 'THE p.PPrzO✓ED �'TaMpED ��..p.tl5 �iHAiL t3E E�15T t2 �TUP•M �Es�IE�- INr1'f<•LL_ I M E-TEIe (0.5 �,�"' `�. MPN'�/�MENT� tr Di�NF_-INA` I,E• 22 },24 1 IN CA15�7J PEi2 "i,�' J;zp WA-lrF- M�IfJ'A NE1'� ON HE u01'� JI">•E p.'f P��� �1ME�, r�P�p,or.Grl� SEE �H'f, i OF l;�I�J1: f: .0 N LINE. I•�,�L2�1•I�fi' 01awrT,) � ,°` '' r 1,�=�`, Flo o¢i� �HP��L Gor�1N EN<, ,.. = z , M. NOTES (DON'T.) I c � W I _ 3:r-ID E 7.Oo �. 1 -�11ZEE'f gANITAI2'� 5EW E� P-I M Mr �D 5�T �' tJ.�•c� 'f 1J0�.t 7$I LU5 Ar;7r=R 11 ,00 R M, Pl-,�•N Fr9I2 W• ND12TH t'JAKOTA `' 14. "THE 7ENANZ �PP�GE NLlMt3Ei2- i2(��Co ►NiLL �iREE'f - 1 10. �'TIZ•E,E'Gj gHA�L t�E r�EPT GL EA R. OF r> tZ"T �E 1�120M1�'TL'; r�I�pL�'fEr� ON .HE �TIZEE i MUD p •U17 �EP>R �. PrzON"T VJHEr2E i'i IS RIcAr>ILY �/15P>lE 'r0 �•v `'`�.. •,�"' Eq/ p , ,fin 11• GONTR�O►Z SHALL GDOr.iD NA";E EEG. SEiZ�/IGE rJ121�/FR� p�Nl7 QFFIGEI2� 0 RESPONiDIiJ(� P,iZ.E GES L s, SND "TELEnHONE JEIZVIGE rV 7H U71L1"i`1" GoMPD.NIES, PNpPP�t2A"'u� /�Nr� �HEi2 E�1E►�EI.IGY �/EHIGLE`a, �• •a�, ey :• (UFG' r�EG, 1D. ab0) wN••wr .www• sw .....e..w.inw.......+.w+wn..+_i.!^^'^aM.y.MY .....-... ..r._.....wwrJwiW.•Y'../. .w«.+........_...r......_..w-.... .. O :a.n _ r - w .. i �r•--- �- t r ,., .a :tirr ,I 1 I I II 1 i 111 I I RI oil 1 1 1 1 ' 1 I .1 I ,. - --_ _ I I 1 ( I II1 1 (1 1 I I III Ilt 11 III 11 111 111 111 1i1 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 III III 111 111 T11 rll Iil 111 111 111 111 11" �' 2 1 � 1 � I � I I � i � i � l I � I rillill � I ) I � I ( I � I �� NOTE: I F TH IS M ICROF I LMED = • I —3 Q _._ 5 �1 7 8 _ A 10 ( I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICS='TT IS DUE TO -JHF. QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL "DRAWING. Og 6t Q2 L2 92 SZ 1rZ £Z 22 IZ 0z 61 BI LI 91 �1 11 £I 21 II 011.-_-6 '_••r-- 9 L 9 b +E--- +Z I""'" - "1N�1111I1111�I1loll III�1b1111111�1111IIII�IIII1111)Ilttlllll'IIIIIlu111111111U1u1111111�11111111111IIIIH11�1111111�1�111111111�►Ni�IHI�IIIIIIIII�illlllllllllllltitf'}IIIIIIIlI1111LIII11lII1111N1�11"111111II�uIIIIII1�11UII111fII11111111llAllillllllllillillllillllll111111111�1�II11H W . JUS, 1992 ; _......._. .. . _... ..-- -... .........,....,_...•.,.IrN.wP- -.a�►w- -�^.-^-+'ter.-e ^•Ill.r-......- .- ,r.,._,..____ ._ - 3 . A sign permit shall be obtained from the Planning Division prior to erecting the freestanding sign, The sign shall. be limited to 65 square feel in area per sign face. No other signage shall be permitted on the property. STAFF" CONTACT: DEBORAH STUART OR JERRY OFFER, PLANNING DIVISION (PHONE. 639...-4171) . 4 . This approval is valid if oxer( ised within one year of thm final. decision data. �t. is further ordered that the applicant be notified fo the entry of ' ,--dor, PK-,,FU: This _,�— day of December, 1907, by the Planning Commission of tho City of Tigard . A. Donald Moen, President Tigard Planning Commission cn/2162; F INA[ ORDER 91----.13— PC — CU 87--26/PD 07--05/V 87--24 KTNDEwRCARE: -- PAGE: 9 12-2Y 2-4 1 low AZA. Tie `;+f • C y tt ® — �r w 7 A .w iJ 4e- xao-e 10 4W e- 4"1 So r � o �r L � � v n�AD D n1-IvE1NAY i c- I2"—b' Oil - _ 0 I}i 1 CY ^.G. TAI'EI? "V FL + n -+ �HE19 I:E MENT Ola P',bE �oVeRHEAb) E_XTP• M.la. � c _ _� �' � '�' �__-- - _ I-r lWol /''' - F.XT'Fl GIS?GH D/��✓IN RIM FIft i I N� �Torz~>' I SCALE : I " ' 20 �UILbINC� I r HOu�� I�•�l�UC�I'L � \ \�T� " rvc, 3 .40N G _-.__-- 2+gjt BNb GUIQ. 5{plW�L�0►EalG. 22'1.10 4 , 22(0. 03 OUT Ne �� ov��-ylzEe a (,er�Izry ✓+1kt ENb .-(GH V^Co1N + M `f'C NOTE 2 N� 30' WA�NU't l 224.33 IN 4 OUT -I" v�.M• ____�- ______ L� . I�ELOG✓TE G�T'� _ 3 —NOTE — "LOGI�TE I�17Le �I/�'1�►z i - + `____.___W _ --? _ -- --- •- - �xT'(a. GP.1CiN vi C7f M^WHOLE OVENit erroptm 24 12" 2W LINE I 22'F I+ v AV • � !1V ap i 4' FiI,yH GH�II-1 F� Pat RKIN& LOT Gl.p�7y 'G' AG Uh$ - PA6,GV I 1,91 1NWL tzE - -- b oo '74 RA&H ENGI�OSU _._ tNp CLJ1210 5EE D5'TAIL) T n 7N GONC.�:E'TE PAb I-E: --_ 4�l,aa 01 i G_�TCihF . X v re Z 2' ♦ N 0 SHED -- y' OV I `T02M yE kJeg- 0-% P. N - — - - 1000, --- 44- -- - g)c of ��Gr+ DA*&ININ�fAtL 1 x� a 1y(40' I.E. e, 424.44 -1HIEUFJf 6� L I N l; i I ENOL Or.✓UR.E: 71A, 5 GOWN W4t L i t')E"T^ i R5 E W IND0v?4#a:1RA , ' HAI�GIG�P ►zo.MP 1 f2 10 law E �r j gAGKFILt. -To "TOa OF GLJ9' 5z E85) DET SIG-T) �1 Erir2 cLir-8 LLL11AXI IN X ?E I TSP \ 224,elo �2 X IV, HaN t2I GAP +7PHON Olb �jPAGE - PAiHIT 5p °� 1 bo .-70 � 4i °(i -I -'� � / 1�`q�• .. ,. I NbEJ12 M-�GNa�2 E 112V. ro 'f.G. NI 02,20,49,40 - oeo^K.V �2E Z?q.1�2 1G TQ well,. Z'�T.G. ' e^WGJ`f PA`✓EME'�� ___ GzE,.GYIiE EXi�INr -��I�Eb s (�?CE NOME 4i � �JPEEO �oi�N Tr/H t^r;,I PO W E R 90L. A--F-:ML W— - --- - -- ------- ', E� leeMovF SX10. I,E, 0 1220 .'7(l K uF NX,Ef2 ►NP1'rex E�18�Y f'fpP I�" WAt2 �P�i RIM