LYNN STREET SEWER SANITARY SEWER P. N� � :F, , I ".2p4► . t '. �i.p {' .: 4 i4 •` s y..:�C.... ,..'a.b '.. .s "e ,, .1�''. !.. 1� Aft /• 4M � y .f` .t.F 91' V '•,n y� [• ., ��> r.,yid ,td .. y .. . ", , dl J. LL'J � � iM �" • 7 '1' y�(' ".i.'1, .r. F, i � t 1„' , 1 , ... C:,:,.,T. '�'i � „i+ T ". a ♦/�,�� � , , 1, . a J, : ' r, .JE �I�.y�� �'F _ «,� }{pj��p-)1 ,qr ,{�. •{.♦.1y�,��y},'.��[j[y 'YKf' g,.. .?. v 1.:,' �. Yi-..T",« ,.�•' . . �. , . ,i :'� R ]' If 7r .. ll,•`' t, :4i '$j.M,.. '.^V s '.{ y��} A 'k. -'x, 1' ;1' i�"'V T �.'v,1-i'� J�'�/f '� •F S'_J'."V'A' 1T" i 11. Y .,� �. ^�p'y,, x'' .`t ,' ��.• l"tt�' 1,R .,'�.. � L'IA�. �'. ��`(I. 7, `..` :.�, '�'.. "'�' '1.`° ,'+1.1'4,. .TI '4'7'' M s � 1 s` 'tp Y e,YY. S .f h .::-G'�". „ L .y �' 'r� •max : j�' .r': `l ,/ y.. .l;f;¢7`•l I., }'!� 1 �• J ,T � .. PPPPPP"'''' 1 ,7. 'f 'w I• �, `75 ':.♦ •'� �� ��`/' y .� ���(�y,r, i '��{:� ^' ,,,y.,. w�'S-, 5 •'�iV4. A gyp.:. .�. .1!, ?1i.a"'AI, _. 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VAULT \ 12050 \ 0 0 � H 08, W y1 191 300, FLAN SCALE : 1 " = 20' o Zr RESIDENCE Y W I 12135 TO z 00 I \ AN Sta. 3;883 a�1 (w ye) ; a, RESIDI NCE IPISO VACANT LOT ' 12195 IL AV Or 130 d Its a GL fn z 91X - 125 la. 120 Li ra -_ _ _• ''_ 7 EUL A, El -4 I .1 Fill' .. - ,. - �_ r.a......,�,_ w �:�.-- _—r_ -•..x'_ �._.. ......._ •..r —�- ..�. ��_.....� _ �_ _,.. _ , 1 "R .. - Id•.I+rrr..�wna�.���nww��r+r•rr�...�..r�.w _ . p PLATE t-PLAN-PROnLEa , .P.R,�,11,1t.'11 o tANp^M 100%AOWMM ► VULWO-4$O$-AkO PiNUT[tr IN,U.S.N I • 1_.YNPd fNE.:E w,r , ,� t�a�Hs o4 t4ftN no, 1 OF 1 ;i...+� ,.. `�A..r�,�•d............ ' rr a .... r _�w�.r� Ip y.-��.—rYl , --•.�1 — a $, •„ ,y .� ,r r,,�1p,v •''r. , s' Y• + cti !fr � ,�• 'r v ��. ,y. ', .: � ' .1',i w. $� +1 -V. Y .,,, n ./• 1 S'" i"" 1 -! .qJ f' , +,.. ��• `,h' �I :.r,•..j '!�„' M 4 t, .c t'.♦ r,�;, zIWO 1 a I f. L OWN, ,w. I :d .1 F'•y �. � pip. •� .'��'� �' �r�,. ,r .r."•'}I •:; /�' r I•fl,I rr t r< • . a �NOW ,.. � . �-�;,�,,, .. ,.'r-, "SV�wrwr. t ..• . �r •--- ,... _ _. tw ... _ _ _ _ _ ..,._............._._ T .,.......,....,,...,.._..... ..___.. .., __..._.._.�...�.,.._.LY..y:r.�..:.,a� i I' - itllt Illllflrlplllll� 111'1111 'III��III I�1�1�1 IIIII�r Illll�l �II T il►�I�1 IIIIII� IIIII� , IIII111 Illit�r IIIIII) IIIIII! III�I�1 IIIII�I I�IIIII I�II111 illl��lll�ll111 IIIIII�I111�111 � � 1 � ,� � , NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ►- l Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i 0 I I 2 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE;-IT IS DUE T7 wjHF QUALITY OF THE ORIGIAAL DRAWING. OE 62 921 LZ 9Z SZ OZ E2 ZZ IZ OZ 61 91 LI 91 SI to EI ZI II 01 6 9 L 9 Sb� E Z 1a1r"" n111n1111111ulllnnlu►Il�mbulllnr�11111u11111111111iIn1�h�uluulilll�unlni111uIIInII11uIIn111nIIn111111111n111�11�u11I11ni11111iinlunlllllhfiillllllllullrr�IIIlI1111�I111I1H1�IlYlrl+l�+1r11111111n11n11uu111ulluluwtnuluulllu�Wll±/iII11u11u1�1UIiliH i U L y 1992 r ro CL CL ro c (po ro A G A R D CITY COUNCIL, REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 22, 1969, 7 .30 P.M. k('LL CALL: Present: Mayor E G. Kyle, Councilmen Floyd H Bergmann, Daniel L. Larsen, Robert C Moore: Stephen M Telfer, City Administrator, Fred A Anderson, City Attorney, Keith C Thompson, Director of Public Warks: Doris Hartig, City Pecorder Absent: Councilman Thomas M. O'Halloran P1ErY3F OF ALLEGIANCE { APPROVAL OF' MINUTES, SEPTEMBER A, 10. 15, 1969 a' Councilman Moore requested minutes of September 8th be corrected as follows: Item I 'b) Motion be corrected to read as follows: Motion by Councilman Moore to authorize City Attorney and Administrator to negotiate with Mr. Morrison, if it is legal, and award bid if the price did not exceed $14,252 15 plus the $2,000, for restoration Item 12 (a) 6th line, correct spelling to Mrs Marion Sabis'r b) With corrections as noted by Councilman Moore, minutes were approved as submit.Led,. 3 APPROVAL OF BILLS $6,329,30 a) Motion to approves Councilman Moore, :seconded by Councilman Berqmann Approved by unanimous vote of Council p:Yesent.. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS a) Administrator read letter from Eldon Hout, Chairman Washington County Board of Commissioners, regarding formation of Washington County Service District to implement proposed water and sewerage master' plan for Tualatin Basin Letter requested Council pa1s Resolution authorizing City of Tigard be included within Tualatin Service District„ Motion by Councilman Larsen requesting City At+ t�rney draft a resolution saying City of Tigard definitely i , accord in going along with Washington County Service L 9tllct, seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present 'b City Administrator stated correspondence has been i"ceived from R A. Gray and 2 property owners regarding a",*-r extension in Leron Heights Property owners complaining about restoration and landscaping Mr- Gray feels to has rulfilled his obligation, Cit; Administrator will ge« parties involved together and try to solve prcblem 1e will report results to Council, t " '. WW Re A. GRAY & CO* C 0 M S T R U C T 10 M • • • P.0. !OE 23561 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PHONE 639.6127 June `_7, 1961) c� ✓G�`fir; . ,t t I 1 t,.,. I J` , L.•` f,. r• n Hte. Sewer Extentiori :r U ro ; ido find owned contract. I appreciate your patience with my attempts tc fret an additional $400.00 for the boys. r r au1 ilii>: staff were exceptionally helpful in getting this project It ul. rt )rd-'r eo that the sale could be uonsumated. I have been rIr 1 r,, .; I- t,- ttem and have certainly not sh)wn my appreciation. :• 1 h' Anis-reran if 7 offended him in any way. Great diplomacy r tiiri ; I. } n, I ng suit, but there was never any intention to antagonize t r legal reasons t, xact payment from future users Ih' s,• private persons Finan ing utilities, I would hope v r. rr,i r{h t bo changed. 1 I. Ir, 't, f+rtur hat •h• city will n)t inform a potential user, :.r.,• r: ,m}.i i!,s in hie memorandum, that he may hook into a privately 1 w 1I n :Qst tr. him or remunPr"ti-In fir the. bidider. If this ti r, sill-utarrtially curtailing progrc:so. t' }he members of the council - to Mr. Tel fer and Mr. - I, i a{pri-Aation for hearing my plea and assisting so VNry t ty urs, t� .h r I ' I i 1 I. �I••1.. •.M...4.N....•.1 ,.,.CM1NkM... .++M•r•...:.. rly pG f �p�5 1p yp�1 I O (p� C O O u U V O I II I- G a a O O O O O O d O O% M N 0 N ♦ � X H O u. S a rra�77 U Ok z .7 I w - 111111�1111�11hLll�i111111� 11111111�IIlillll�lllllllll�il111lr1i� 11 liLA I 1 1 1 1 '^ u v a 9 y n v rf yy m r •� � yy m ti —^��ji Q� p� ro k b � Qj .. n�• 0.^ 3 qN� d O U 7 u ,w � � I k 4 y 41 w � alE � N=� a n I EBU OGq L cy '� 3Gg yak - ' - � � CMn�� v °�y „ � ��� ,� fir✓ n � ] 7 to o $ • ' • . ; �����$� �� � �3.� ti 's 3 n 4yvN � yryy o4 u ol y�Qi c��ri.��1 S MW MRAUMRAMMA�- S',:WER LINE PERMIT ---U9-.41 71 I'prml t: t' C of. T-3-1-69 i WHisi i'AS, the City of Tigard, a municipal corporation of Tigard , Oregon, hereinafter called "Applicant" has filed an application with the Washington County board of Commissioners for permission to install a sewer line or lines for the transmission of sewage along, over and/or across cort.ain County roads; and WRFRFAS, the matter having been fully considered by the Washington County Board of Commissioners, and it being the opinion and Judtzrnent of sni.d Ronrd of Commissioners that the application should be prnnted rind a pormit ns prri,yed for therein should be issued: IT IS TREREF'ORF ORDERED that the application of the r; t-V of Tir�ard of washi ngfnn rniinty for permis.;ion to install ,,-t-d sewer line or lines along, over and/or across the C,runty roads at the 10L7tion.s as hereinafter more l,nrticulaarly described, ba apr)rcved nna that permit be c*r-nted the Paid Applicant to install. said sewer line or lines along or across sair, :ounty roads within the limits bounders and described as follows: on S.W. Lynn Street from a point 128 ' Easterly of 121st Avenue to a point 170 ' Easterly of 121st Avenue, as shown on the attached plans. SU'laXT, HO;,. '." [G, to and upon the foilowing terms, conditions, require- me!nts and .0*reementF: GENFRAi PROVISIONS le The word FnKineer, as herein used, shall mean the County Engineer or his duly authorized representative. P. The Appiicnnt herein agree: to employ any and all methods in the construction of s:,id sewer linen, which the Engineer may reouire in order to property protect the County roads from damage both during construction of said sewer linea and subsequent to their completion. S. During the installation or construction of said sewer lines and durinE* the repair of f.si(i linea, the Applicant shall at all times msintain such wntrtimen, bnrricades, nni other safety devices as may be necessary to properly prnte-ct trn 'fic upon ,-,nid County roads and to warn an,l safeguard the public nt--ninr,t in, ury or dnmore resulting from the oyr,rations of said Applicnnt in the cnnstructi(m nni mnint,. nance of sto-] nowor lines. All barricades and obstructions shall brnr liprhted signal lip-lits during the hours, between sunset and sunrise. rlr 4. The Applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the Washington County Board of Commissioners, Washinpton County, and all of the officers, employees or ar*ents of the Washington County Board of Commissioners and the members thereof, against any and all damnges, claims, demands, actions, cause of action, costs and expenses of whatever nature which may result from any injury to or death of any person, or for the loss or demnr►e to property of any kind or nature, including the County road facilities or structures, property, or equipment used or owned by Washington County or its Board of Commissioners, and facilities such as wires, lines, poles; or pipe lines, which mn,y now or may hereafter occupy the right-of-way of said County roads, when such injury, death, loss or dumnre is due to the existence of said sewer lines or to the construction, instnllrntiorn, maintenance, repair, romoval, operation or use thereof, or to the contents therein or therefrom. 5. The Applicant shall so conduct his construction that there shall be no interference or interruption of the traffic upon and along the County roads. The Fnrineer mn,y specify details in connection with the handling of traffic and sq,sr..h speci.ficktions shall be complied with by the Applicant. 6. This permit is issued with the specific understanding that the same i sub 6. to all existing public and private rights in and to the right-of-way of the County roads, and the same constitutes the consent of the Washington County Board of Commissioners to the installation of the said sewur lines only to the extent thnt the said Wnrhington County Board of Commissioner-7; has .Legal authority to grant such consent. 7. if at any time in the ,judgment of the said Board of Commissioners the presence of said newer line upon the right-of-way of said County road is detrimental to the interests of said County roads or to the proper repair, mainte- nance or reconstruction of the same, the Washington County Board of Commissioners may give notice of ,Hush fact to said Applicant, and upon receipt of such no+ice the Applicant arreen to conform promptly to the requirements of the said Washington County Board of Commissioners with respect thereto. H. The snid Applicant shall nt all timer keep said sewer line free from all leaks and in a good stnte of repair so that no damage or injury will be done to the said County roade. 9. The entire cost of installing maid sewer lines, including the cost of materials, trenching, laying, backfilling, supervision and inspection, and any other expense whatever incident thereto, is to be paid by the Applicant. The Applicant shall reimburse the Wnnhinvton County Board of Commissioners for any and nil expenses incurred by said Wnshinsrton County Board of Commissioners in connection with said instrsllation, and such reimbursement shall be made by said Applicant within ten (10) days after being billed therefore by the Washington County Board of Commissioners. 10. Any supervision or control exercised by the Engineer she 1l in no way reIleve. the Applicant of any duty or re:;ponsibilit,y to the penernl iublic, nor shall nur.h supervision or control relieve Raid Applicant of any liability for loss, damage or injury to persons or property sustained by reason of the installation, mainte- nance or repair of said sewer lines, nor of the Applicant's liability for damage to rnid County rondo. -2- 11. It' for any re-):.on it becomes necessary in the judgement of the Wnnhington County Board of Commissioners or the Engineer to disconnect the said sewer lines or any section thereof, for the purpose of r-pair of the said County roads or any work or improvement thereon, or if the said County roads are being damarred or enenngered by reason of the presence of said newer lines, or the seepnr*e of gns or .liquid therefrom, the Washington County Board of Commissioners mny rive the smid Applicant ten (10) days written notice to turn off the gas or liquid, and should said Applicant fail or neglect to do so, then the said Board of Commissioners or the Engineer may disconnect said sewer lines or turn off the gas or liquid, and by so doing neither the County, W,Ashington County Board of Commissioners, nor its Engineer, or employees shall be liable either officially or personnll,y for any damage or injury sustained t •ereby, either by the said Applicant, consumers or patrons, or persons to whom it owes a responsibility or Iinb:i l.i t,y. 12. It ic; understood and agreed that the Washinctton County Board of Comminnionern shnli not be held responsible or liable for injury or damage that may occur to sni.(i Hewer lines or any connection or connections thereto, by reason of any c u.ntruction or maintenance operations that may be carried on by or under the direction of either the Washington County Board of Commissioners or any duly authorized rcrire:.entntive of said Board of Commissioners, or by any person constr- uctinp, or instnlling, maintaining, repairing, operating or ursing, any facility pursuant to n permit heretofore or hereafter issued by the Washington County ' Beard of Commissioners. 1. ;. Applicant or his contractor shall obtain liability and property dnmare insurance Providing coverarre arrainnt any claim, demand, suit or action for prop-rt,y rinm,-irte, personal injury or death, resulting from any activities of the Applicnnt rind his-, or its officers, ap;ents, employees and contractors, in connection with the construction or mnintenance operations of said sewer lines. Said insurance shall provide coverage in the amounts; } 50,000.00 for property damage resulting from any ging,le occurrence, and $100,000.00 for the death or injury of any person, nub,ject to a limit of $200.000.00 for the injuries or deaths resulting from a ninrrle occurr(,nce. Copies of such policy or policies of insurance, or certi- ficate-r evidencing, the same, shall be submitted to and approved by the District Attorney for Wranhinpton County before any work is commenced under this permit. The Applicnnt and/or his contractor's insurer shall give the Washington County Board of Commissioners (10) slays written notice in advance of any cancellation of innurnnce renuired in the terms of this permit. 14. It: is understood and npreed that the Applicant Rhnll provide a surety bond in favor of Wnshinpton County for the sum of Dollars, to be effective berinninj- on the: date on which the Applicant's contractor Thnll enter upon the right of way of said County roads pursuant to the terms here- under and commence excnvntion for the construction of said sewer lines. It is further understood and ngreed that the surety bond will remain in force for a period of one (1) year followinrr the completion of the construction and installation of acid newer lines And repair of said County roads. PROVISIONS RELATING TO LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION Pi. The backfilling of all trenches and tunnels must be accomplished immeeiintel,y nfter the :.ewer lines have been placed and tested and must be well tamped and compacted so as to allow the least possible amount of subsequent :settlement. All debris, refuse and waste of all kinds which may have accumulated upon the said rir,ht-of-way by reason of the operation of the within named applicant or his cnntrnctor mny be removed immediately upon completion of said construction o porntion and the richt-of-way must be restored to at least as good a condition as it wnr- prior to nuch operation. All work in connection with said sewer linea construction must be done in a neat and workmanlike manner and under the general rautIe-rvision of the Engineer, whose decision shall be final with respect to any of the terms, conditions, stipulations and provisions of this permit and must me+art witli hi,, approval . lh. Where snid sewer lines crops the County roads, they shall be instr,lled on a line ns described in this permit. 17. At no point shall the top of the sewer lines be less than thirty ( 50) inches below the trade of the road or beneath the surface of the ground at that point, if the arc•und be lower than the grade of the County roads. 18. Where the newer linea Are in the traveled Portion of paved roadway, the top twelve (12) inches of backfill shall be ten (10) inches of 2"-0 compacted hese reek, an-', the remaining, two (:) -Inches (leveling course) shall concis` of V411 minus crushed rock or rrnvel. 19. In event that the earth backfill below that portion of the trench to be filled with bn.se rock is not sufficiently stable to support the required amount of crushed rock or gravel , it is arreed that the Applicant will take all steps neces snry to insure that the required depth of crushed rock or gravel will remain free of soil or ciny and that no pumping action will result. 1�0. The pavement on said roads shall be restored by placing hot asphaltic concrete (Class N) with n compacted thickness equal to +hnt pavement which was rvmnved. 'rhe edres of the existing surfaces surrounding the trench shall be clean and pronf-rl,y treated with bitumuls to insure a bond between the existing pavement and the replacement mnterinl . The restored pavement shall be finished to a smooth riding* surface. DATED, this _2Z,� day of :2A.Za-e i4i 19� • APPRDV1D WASHIf�GCOUNTY WAS111NGTC,: COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dept.to Public WAS Chairman Commissioner ATTF,ST: _ Commissioner County Clerk Commissioner A,y Deputy __ Commissioner (SEAL) -t+- I I ACCEPTANCE OF PERMIT i In consideration of the benefits accruing to City of Tigard of Tigard , Oregon, by reason of the foregoing permit, the said Permit i.s hereby accepted by City of Tigard , and it does hereby IIi -ree to comply with a1.1 of the terms, provisions, stipulations and conditions 1 th^rein contained. t DATED this %U day of �1';,'u , 19—�-t T I'Y City Recorder T _ ;Pell' _. 1_ 4Et_ _ _ i �iii� i FI 4�{;ti ��'�N��;T �. � � �� I� + � Int a F�, �+a' i� f � ', � 1� ��i�„ , I { � I � � � L! $ II � i � � { � i� � ��1� TI1���' 1i� 11 ��� Tlri�1 �,�ti i I I A+10 i 3t<8d �` 7t CJ �a35=L 0T--+Pesr 0 AaopeRYr - - I1Ir. DoJBLG Ave -- L1• �_--- - E.j° y7� /6y°33 ' 83'96'30' -- tint;�;grrrNUY.rn�ttlSjfifjS>�:411�1H!1!t!>tMvi��;y�yyYY!fbu4k!SM,N,M1�r�frKltrf•> - _.-- ._-_. __._.__ _._.._ I j � I I i j I I to ' N � Iu �aD ✓ i -t.. -j 4 0 14-1 14...i I t c���Y sew er �zYe ►�Si ooJ r STA + 13) _i 3y G7 I aur I e�t*v i v 1 I I I (V Ll H ✓iPo f"/�-C� a-�–�q L=� .57-4 yc — �o y C�e✓ X38 pz 41 .. .l,v J,:•'N�P•r„r �,y,�IY 1M�q��!1�N,:n��N1y1N�y.�>1w1�l�i�iNW�,M N)l4 � _ .– —_.� -�— .-- _�j�__ . � I r 5 W. I-Y r,os,o IJ m � 2-28-Ir4 '•, �rA + !�O' o ..__._ 0,1.Z: b q C? i aiy' MN7 ,v/NW.7 --7- 0 0 49=L SOA*-,,A - j----- -� �_D'___. 0476 OL l400 f 1 i a--4-d-6 cor 'Awl. _ -Dic 113 0 allC 07 78 ovr 6 SZ our 1. { - ct t W79 G iy ,._ —).... des 9 _. _. i+ 84 t i � Ir— I E S.�.LYiJ►J ST EXT�►Jsio►J Q keV r i oleo 2 1+7._5 _x. S3 131 IVIS { Sal 32=� ,., .•r> > f 'N:s /plrlu>althlryKywnacxt�N�ra �� lBr�lEA1 —� —_ s kj Lo a i I i ��,a.Lk'AiN sT. �. T�ptioa a.-Le.c It "0 I� IF- __t4_ f �1 ]q I OYT , o S-T 1 ---_--_� _- i �'ys,;>trr: •-.,,;:;tj1•n•;eN�p7•iq!'rnnatpth;,lr;r!w(NKxwnM,y G'Y'M ,. ... ...,... .,,. ......e.:..m..Yu.Minwu.u`.w.,u�+(r�..:.�w4nWr�,b4ka44u�W�WY`Kuwti4�Y�aWM�M:.-Tnawr�iuwiiM+w��h�iWa ._..•.... .:.'-"-���.: !7 a --J ev. ----------- . ...... so 0455 0_a 16 7,9 /000 I'Loo 14 ;L:5 sly r , I i , 10 12 f._. 4U , ,7yd ori' y. !� �,�"r � � � •�- Zo 4-1 - 4- ...�._ �:. * .. -7 8, _ I ... •• ..,,. ,>y:v.V,:,,,,r�•.,.. ,•;�t�.. ,.,•n�;,,,,,nr<.:;h,�,r;xw�uelhyw r!aHn,:. 3 foQ e<< y y`+� � —'�/ _3. 5� 4L --�-- Y' !. A •r 5 _._ ,�, u y-_:_._ � �,,; ._..._._��_ � j f -----._._. �� � Y}v �-- �� ,. �� � __� -�--- ;� ---- _---__ __�___ ---_------_._._____t___.--.--'i � �, __ �.. _ _ __ _1______ . - ___ ____ _���_ _� �.____ _ i i i 58 • 1 olr.8 ______ I - i WHFREAo, cam; ty of IrLgard ____ _ has appli6d to the Engineer for Wa--hington County, for a permit to install a 8" si;wex 1' n(e in Wanh;matCounty Road being Road No. _x,955 , and: WHEREAS, Washington County, State of Oregon, normally requires that ,n appiicanL for such a permit provides for the furnishin,r of a corporate surety I ond guaranteeing that if such ripeiine be installed within the County Roadway ,int the said installation sh,iLl be done in conformity with specifications and requirements estabL4shed by the Roadmaster and that the Roadway be returned, :cubrequent to the installation, to such condition that the same was prior to the installatiun: and WHEREAS, The County Enf!ineor for Washington County, Oregon, pursuant to Authority grnnted by the County Court of the State nf Oregon for the County ,.-f Washington has agreed that if the Applicant will perform the work within the Couni,y road in conformity with the permit and shall restore the County Road an by raid permit provided and agree to re;,air the roadway for a term and period of five (5) yeors without co:::t to Washington County for any damages or repairs rei.uired resulting by reason of any deficiency in the work that the requirement for a bond shall be waived. NOW, TH'r:12FFORF, The Applicant in consideration of the granting of the permit attached herewith an.: he, waiving of the bond as therein specified do agree: to perform the work within the County road in conformity with the permit ind : r;ctll restore the Coitnry R-id aci by t;aid permit provided and apreett to repair the rondway f,-,r a torin .ttid period of five (5) ,years without cost to Washlni*ton County for any damages or repairs required resulting by reason of any deficiency in tho work. CityTigard BY ,"t. , , /V,�I - - Stephen M. Telfer City Administrator � , 1 - ice``-.' `• �`\ � �I fit 4�1 a \ � ,t. n��,��^ / •�•It. w / e n' r kN lh �y^ 7 01. 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Cje�+}4�E.a.Cirr1/ 37,5' �'ee.'t �n,t�4•e o+� I�e�S' o, 1 , +.`} OVA CSr r,., �{.'w, .i -j 1 � r a u .'t< � � �'+ L.4 u i'. � K <<�1 ♦11 a� ,.I �p � Mf IVa v i II� k. I �� C�u1►2t.�L> �7taTia cvrNFR "� i�IP-TITLE. �E!°c�N.T �r� t1J`,i��zi.�.lcE aF T 0%, 0 Mi04C1 �iroPER� iCS ; �UESCRI4)TioV) 139 l-cT 3.� Il_ G2ow� i 16INTS HTS s 1-u T 11 F2�+'�R�- To ItJcl_Ul)ti THr fic %JJIQ twF(Nr✓�':�' !on) : C_'S tN AfE 1-�' — a•%�a P2�'�� cI-AAlr4�7L • r � r wry .y 14,x, " + NE 1/4 NWI/4 SECTION 3 T2S R I W W.M WASHINGTON COUNTY" OREGON SCALE. 1"= MO' f 0 9.0 TEMPORARY EASEMENT PERMANENT EASEMENT 4 0 140 14 142 ! 143 � 30 31 E 32 33 k k t rZ I 137 136 ee . 2 _1s35 29 28 � 27 26 25 I0 lit !: 113 '2 « 114 IIS • « � ( �C 1-12 , cv —, o I q N �1 103 101 ut.e 2 Ileo --.- ■ 104 w4 0 0 los 6 p its t t. a-lit iIIte r 1 Q. CITY CP TIGARD, OREGON * �.K✓�cvG r DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I. PROJECT No. : I I. PROJECT NAME: }►'r] rt .S��, J III. DRAWING (TITLE) s _ T/��h x dated: IV. PLAT (TITLE) : dated: V. SITE LOCATION: _ VI. PRINCIPALS: (i) DEVELOPER: "�� e79'a,� al Address Phone No. (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY: Address Phone No. Bond No. Exp. Date (3) ENGINEER: 6, 0/_ G " Address Phone No. (4) INSPECTOR: Address- Phone No. (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR: 1��+`J ..�jh J r•� q �A , A `y , Address ___ Phone No. (6) CONTRACTDRS SPRETY AGENCY: Address , Phone No.� . Bond No. Exp. Date (7) SUB-CONThACTORS : * Insert: Street, Sewer or Street Light.