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A. i OF 1 ____. __..�-- r EUGENE UIET[C1EN Co. ♦ * . . ill , ,, ' -.- lftm,* . 1 __ ­—.' — -— ____ .I - -­­ - I ___ A -.1. ------.L -, - l ` -, r �,.. _, �. -w , .. - Imo : y - ''_ l'Ilitil-lll r1r 11'1111 11144Ir�Ilftjf�11 ('M'1�1llI1.1ilIllIt11 tll '1' 111�11t�r1 1111111 1111111111110 �1f �1111111if11)111111111111111I1111111�IIIJill�111I'III111f111I1111111'1111111 - 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 11'0 11 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ! ` DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN --_� 1 THIS NOTIC61-"IT IS DUE IT) �� QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL r _ . __ . - --_ _-- __ . ._.... - ___ .__. ----.__.._ . -_ _,..�-. ---- y ...�..... DRAWING. OE 62 6Z LZ 9Lp S2 f? EZ Zt la- 02 d1 91 LI 91 51 bl cI Al 11 0! • 9 L 9 L � E � 1$WO' ./ ►►1111n11uI111IIII1nIIluIlI1111FmIII1N11ur1111nI11I111udN1IIIlulni�11111u11�N11{11HH111�r11111uII11�11#n11ui11►11+�1H11ru111u r#111u111n111tm! rt!tlnfltnl'u11ur111Nllnlllrrlll) lIluLlul1u1�111l11uIrI11�1W1nn AIMP11 . �� � � JULY 1 -.11".. ­­ A �. A, � . "' " ,"�,A�011,1',:,' 1992 -11-Vivelogw� - _ . -____��__ _____-__ ... __ � .._ __.. �. . r. .. 1, I " , "'' lliog"— - . �MJ4, - " - - - - - I - tol, - ., _ _. ... T y ..wlrarvt m„.;,..T;rrq•r InipiEs .._ ,r. ;,- , ,I ;. 1 pm"W� 11 �i 1 � o� 7 rj_4 of �- ,�� z� fit A4 A 2 0 A,,J:7 i72- C13 _10 �. �, _ 000 7A R 1-71 OA f (A 1110 P1. a r) A 1A) POMP pif®r 4� 4 goo 1-75 77AF .moi � ex✓AA/ 54 k 44e CAtA-t�w4 Vii'' ®,fes J710 tV 4- A', YNOLL DRIVE SEWER 2 OF 2 Amh� ,. ' I ' � � � � Ii � � � Nllle �� lli �. I � �' rl�� � 1L I �11 I � I � fl �� fli � i�l rr 1 00MI , MOW--M. 11"Iff I NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED 10 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE--17 IS DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL .-*"' DRAWING. QE 67 8l l7 4Z S2 t,2 U 2? 17! Ot 6f 191 P 91 51 t, I C 1 21 11 01 6 9 L 9 s tp IE 2 �,� -� �..... �•±11,I�cI����l���������1���������i����i�l�,��111t►�111111�11���'I���1����1��►�I����la��l�ll1�111111111�1r1�1f1111fflllfr�11�111111111��;�����r11111iiir �r��1�1�111011111nrIf1f11r�trlrrrtll,ri111111ririlrrrtl►.��t�l�1�11��1�111111111111rrll�w��1"t�u���uL�u�1��.ul�rulr���iulrrir � _ TTTT, V fl, cl 0 s Q v— T D O O N C co 2 00 . O om OC) U U) tDM 6) CD A J Q Cl. �cn rn m aw 3 N w y 7 w O� tl 11cc ?)er 8, 1975 Bill Geibel, District Engineer Oregon State Highlay Division P. 0. Box 565 °caverton, Oregon 97005 Dear Bills I am submitting herewith a request for payment for the cost of materials used to construct a part of a drainage improvement within the state right- o£-way on Hall Blvd. and Knoll Drive as per previous agrcement between your office sand the City's Director of Public h'orks. Also enclosed you find a breakdown of ma., rial costs for that portion of the project which lies within State Hi6hway right-of-way, a copy of the letter from you dated January 9, 1975, copy of a letter from you dated December 23# 1974 and a locational sketch showing the location and extent of the project work 4:hich has been comply_ted. 'flee total cost of materials for that portion of the project lying within State lil&hway right-of-way amounts to $341.75 and we would be appreciative of your early consideration of this payment. As an aside I am making an ns:3umption that the more recent letter in which labor costs were not nentfoned is the basis for this agreement and have, therefore, not submitted ,nny lal.or costs in conjunction herewith. " if you have any questions or desire further information please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, I Bruce P. Clark City Administrator J1 PC s ms Enclosures t� N013546 r HIS IS IJOT A PURCHASE ORDV 9 PLEASE ORDER THE FOLLOWING: P.O. NO.-_.y.____— SUGGESTED SUPPLIER: A—Bo Vle3 DATE- -- NANE y, t 1252Q- _ {n. __- - DELIVERY TO_.--- - $IREET ADDRESS CITY b ZIP CODE DATE NEEDED_—Y�kY'-L.QE.�`�-ird '� ,)�- - ----- - ACCOUNT NO. QUANTITY - DESCRIPTION Utfil f'ia Invoice. W .3726.__$/24175__. Knill nr. BS 90 r _ -- <?v - z �0• �nvo-ce W-X929-_ 9111/75 Mirt�S-i,. ' A___.�._ ---- -- —6.__.. ."_._._poly- in50rt_c_ounl:i,ng------ - 3 A0 • .12 A0.. .---_- Invoice W39.91---_ 9/17./ - FeR-*.r :apx'ink1._r r "i-e x51t.Woodar�l 5---- 1rr Com)1A.n;;s_ gal.v. _ 2 plugs � �r 'S Hain- -Jiat Head------_ _ . .._.—_, __ __ — .89 2.,j .3 -��• (i Tnvolae- IN _19 - 9+ 22/75 Cook. - 1 Closet t?nk Invoi.re 1977 4/26/75 1 3/��• x . . Nip Cook -Park , Invo e W 200.0--- 9/29/75 City Hal-1 - - 2'-9 1 Cloy~et plunger Ttr(�oiceW 2013_ 10/1/7> Jack Park B017 60 31-1 Sp•'-) PipaAroken piecos&D 9 S . 20..._ 1. , 2 _ ... -----2 r, S& D Catrplims r�-�tin c-'t, r-,TY •y '-; 164LO - 1 4 1 AH - `l , 5, -- -Z 3.r 0 -- 9 2.9 � -Labe valve - 1.7 t SPI-CIAt INSTRUCTIONS TOTAL / fMjUi'Ii __ - - _......... SIGN TUR -- APPROVED CII 1 i•i r-r.��fl� APPROVED R� - t Ij 859. r dCes HA �:J r ^.rp_ry 1'I�.�_`J OV , W. nA�IF1(H RowARF A S(! %p� — t W F yrs Y mc. Jr•�1ArTKEN T�GARD Air, PH(?NE y . L-01 d f G�'°�97 ?3 QNE 63 JIM 31 evER, s uM0. SU4 - Gr - .1 - N o. I'.Y.�-4 awlCFRs -11 \� `-k '�„'� 108 N '—!t- ► 1 1 frt.R01YARt l - —:yma- -_ UM@eR ,VST • r ��� -o•.cs'R arioN' .�.� _rar• COPY �_ .� ( /� '_---"-`�..— '•"-ss„r STM., ^ -- Ircr,CAL lupptics 'lUi10N ---_._ _ -. yam ---- •�---�_ ,� _ ��.��.�- -__ •------_ _ '' _ a. -• ` fMy n r►o Pla•h i octoun°Fie ernr t r red' d-tl_ I h 1vth shrn�ur'�d�tlTtlr''elecr.�n�l�h5�tl I ! 1� X�_ _ --- --- G Py: ���n a eby pn•e �FniEDS _ WA"'----._�— (J OEUVEREDgy' - f --- eu TOTAL - Vic= r'Fr"IAI IN$irrllfll��rir - � ' AI`F'RGYt I) ( DEPT. HCAb \ E AEPROVID kr cnr.ntR, ` N PLEA.',E ORDER THE FOLLOWING: P.O. NO.- SUGGESTED SUPPLIER: - - - Tigard Lumber -&—Bull din&.Supply DATE__. -- -_. 9/1E'/75 -- NAME _ 12585- S. -W.•....Pacific-Hwyr--- _ DELIVERY TO�—_ Pablic Works�- -- -- - - DEPT STREET i _. ... . . Tigard, Or. _97223 CITI d LIP CUCrE DATE rtEEDEoVW75-----.__$.17 r . t Acro -:JT NO. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AF -;5 �: n _ �,.;t lnvoicO H.-9101---- - 2.9� -_17�< -1 0029 --- Sar a cement h". x.20. Nt:) x b Builders �{ 9195 -36 _ -_._-- SPECIAL INSIRUCTIONS _ TOTAL AMOUi:I I :' • �I� SIGNATURL � V D r CITU F+t nr: 343 7 P.O. NO.. and Sand Grave Co., Inc . DATE._ 9/8/15 '. 0, Box 6i3 DE!IVERY•TO_ Public Works I ' DEPE slkl • TugalatIn, Or_, 9706? ADDRE;S_ _ Shoff, - CITY & LIP CODE / K 1. DATE NEEQEEI_ 8/25 I 7J " DESCRIPTION UNITF'f.C.F 0-11-1t+T' A`'f.,l IN l-N11 OIIGNT it - - - - �� 3 �� 32.04 c,y 1 p-0 Crushed Rock 2.85 91 - 31. ' KNOLTI Drive sF'[C IAl IIISIkUC11C�N` f01 AL /ah1C1U A Aft kjfi�, CIT, I . ' - - M ROYEEJ N 0.1.3 4 3 * THIS IS NOT A PURCHASE ORDER PLEASE ORDER THE FOLLOWING: P.O NO._.__ - SUGGESTED SU.PLIER ' A-uny Plast_ - DATE_ 9/-3/75 = - - Np1•tE . . ` � - t�•,• ' • - DEP 1220 S. W. Ya 3.n _ DEI IVFRY 10_ C r.l �C tVc r'x5 f SlR;.-I urr a ZlP c,joe Tpa.rdIt ar-. _97223 ; ADUREss:. Shop DATE NEEDFt,-_ 8/13h5 8/ o/'r`� • ACCOUNTNO. QUANTITY ,._ _. DESCRIPTION UNIT F'1.:..r A'-w�utl -=a ar/ zt vole No. W3669 8/1.3/7 G.a �► r fi'1 --IR _ `/e Ir•itoW3726 8/2.0,/75 �1I -1 • SI I CI�.I UJ',TP11CfIC)tJ5 TOTAL AM0L)MT 9. c ----- SIONATU �C Fes+i c _ .. -. . APfROVEl7 IY r IF XW BUILDERS WHOLESALF, SUPPLY No.W— N�7•�► OPEN TO THE PUBLIC We Carry Complete Stock of Electric and a1 12520 S.W.A4AIN TIGARD,OREGON 972?3 6394321 Plumbing Supplies at Wholesale Prices • ,5010TO r CONSTRUCTION SITE13 aC U O ; U U 1 w s . e D E D ' -- - E R E M R H E 0A I E ORDLR- -ALLOWANCE — OVERAGE TO BE PAID BY - _w. ;,I'I CIA1_INSTRUCTIONS - D4iE hNVCANfFD ,c ItEuuLE UHgER... CUSTOMER NO, SALESMAN �l _ c f) 13. 1_nsll cllr:l F. vdll L P O. c UANII I DESCRIPTION ` urJlr AMOUNT 3 • 000, 10 12 13 14 -.—M - T. -- - — 19 70 21 — — 23 24 75 28 21 ---- 28 - 19 30 All CI AIMS FOR SHORTAGE,OR OTHLRWISF,MUST BE 11r'POR rED IMh4FDIATELY UPON 13PCE IPT OF SIIIPMLNf n s .7 NO MAI FRIAL TO BE RETURNED OR EXCHANGED WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT. RETURNED MATERIAL SUBJECT TUTAV 10 HI STOCKING CHARGE. - - S11FC1AL OHOER MArl RIAL NOrsU9JECr rO RETURN, CLAIMS FOR BREAKAGE Rr-c•n/J UR DAMAGE MUST HE FILED WITH CARRIER. r,,,., 8Y 372(_ UIMERS WHOLESALE SUPPLY w __Jlo� OPEN TO THE PUMAC We Carry Cornplote Stock of Electric and 12520 S.W.NIA IN TIGARD.OREGON 97223 6394321 Plumbing Supplies at Whofes,fe Prices SOL I)TO CONSTRUCTION SITE B C B U u u 0 1 S I wL T L N D 0 D E E m E R R F R S R WANTED S I_AL 1�7RUCTIONS DATE '6-VERAGE'fO RE PAID 8 Wr _CbA 13 -CLOVVA DA� Ell COULE WIDER CUSTOMER_'__�NO. SAI L-SNIAN C D. ASH CHGE. WILL CALL 0 P.O. OFSCRIPTION - UN!I _.AMOUNT J_ 0 3 4 6 7 8 9 13 14 18 Cx 20 21 77 25 26 21 28 29 30 1j5—jjT-W6t.:,OR oni t nwi st MUST BF RI PON IED IW' uflur -CEIPT or smf,t Att 1 1 TAC' ,PO WITHOUT PRIOR COW I Nl- Iv IURNLD MATERIAL SOB. .10 NOW.AltiliAl IL) ur. RtTunNrD OR EXCIIANf 1. TO IIESIOCKINri CHARGE. RECD.-,i SPECIAL onorf?A,'ArERIAL NOT simirr-rTO ffrumv. CIAIMS FOR BnEAKAf3F a Y f", c OR DAMAGE MUST nU pit,to VvITII CA111111 H. CITY OF •rIGARL) . .REQUISITION TIGARU, OREGON _Fl 115 IS NOT A PURCHASE OROFR NO13 4 3'33 PLEASE ORDER THE FOLLOWING: P.O. NO, SUGGESTED SUPPLIER; ;' I ' • CLARK MY COQ DAIE`-`- �` _ '_ ' /ry NAME __913< /5 — r • 1 7 8464 Nyborg_ Rd. — ,'DFLIVER to PTS b�.c� _�rlorks 1 D S1R'If r:rr _ Tualatin, .pr. 9'1062 -: AnoRESs Shop: CIIY A ZIP COUE 1 DATE NCEDFD' �J -8-W Z2/!.7 5 rntl'17"tnl. ;'1•-I'111Y I Df 3[HIPTION -- UNIT 1"711:E AMr)UNf -- b' rT)voih() 82 - - 8/20/75 Z$,00 C L:, Ile '130 13j�; ?5 15 . t 433 - - - - _ to d SPT CIAL INSTRUCTIONS , - TOTAL AMOUNT I 29. ,:-) SIGNAMPIF AfvROVED ` cur WLOR E>/ REQUISITION '} No-1, 3431 �{ THIS IS NOT A PURCHASE ORDER r FOLLOWING; P.O. NO.__ _,tSTED SUPPLIER: cONcrE�..pJ_k�r� C0.' :_ oATe__ 4/3/75 NAME - - , 0. _RG { 25$ _ oF�ri<<r to�: Public Wol icfz'` _ - Derr. lual.atirl, Or. -97052 nnr,atr„ Shap CIIY.B Zlr CODE K' . DAIE NECG[l1 8/23/15 8/25/15" f f 2J/r5 � ACCOUNT NO. _-I O:IP'l I r Y - C)f C N 11'1 1�'�fi - UNIT PRICE_ I AMOUN i S I? �.%s;_ lnvol 759�► '1J G�<, .C���' 263. 36 J 91l _ . 1. ='t5 ' 1.�. _ ,,"r -• 1 •. (. _ ti . • • r SrI IAI IN!,IRLICUONs',.",,.- T(7T/,l- /�P,1UI_�i.'T ',t , ''.8 - /'��(? �Crt: A/I'I llC(Jh-.. '!Y!? C �iC1� • _. L I $IGNAIUP APPROVE DE at. 11cAo �G �I /1Z�.-{�"✓� yt�� - API.PnVED � ter r+ccorrnFrt� CITY OF TIGARD REQUISITION 1 3 4 ? TIGARD, OREGON +�/ •THIS IS NOT A PURCHASE 0POER .�f NO•." +3 PLEASE ORDER THE FOLLOWING; P.0440. SUGGESTED SUPPLIER-, /� 7�cl ijl >t IP4 DATE O.Gx-u! • I1,(^�- _ C1ElIVERY E , \ I FT STREET _ pct Gtr Q.^ � t -- - - -=� _ AD DFESS' CITY A ZIP f_'pDE a . ' .' DATE NEEDED AC��COUNTNO..33 QUANTITY nf4rR11,1it)N :rllfPRICE AbfOUNL - - - : . • .. '• .. _ •. 1, "•STRUCrIONS : TOT OU t _ _ AL AMOUNT �" • �� SIGNATURE l 1 Ai PROVTD EP •1CAD _,�,•t �/ Lill y All REQUISITION .. N012 Tjj*IS NOT A rURCHASE ORDE r �TE WING TP.O. NO. - �--- _ -_ - � ^ rr7C� - . ore-cin. Culvert Co. Inca DATE. 8-27 - - 75 P. 0.' BnX 406 DftIVIF.r ro ---- -- Publ xa _W9rks- . _-...__.._ o 7'ualFI,'ElIL� Or. . 7 062 AUr,at55 S}l(�� ;4T —= - ' - uTr a zw ioo� . . ►7 .r DATE NEEDED S 25' ACCOUNT NO. QUANTITY +'; f!_;.'.•' .• DESCRIPTIONikr� +YiJ UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 6 x ].n 18 Ga. . CP�iP, P a n__SpL-1.oc 1.23 1.2. 30 i t cut chi, (Invairc 1.1131) 1.50 77 r � , SPI CIAI IN5TRUCTIONS' TOTAL AMOMI t 13.80 )l , c epir In APPROVLf, i .._.� ..r Y 7 r•,,.tit•, - --- ...,�__........,..._......._....,...,..��.�..: - REQUISITION = clf� TIGARD,,OREG.?N y , ` THIS IS I�OT A PURCHASE ORDER ><. Kol 2 4 9.4 I PLEASE ORDER THE. FOLLOW/ING P.O. NO.___ • , ' SUGGESTED SUPPLIER:' Li � V a L� 1 �_A 't DATE DELIVERY TO STREET - - ---- D ADDRESS - i Cl If d ZIP CODE - - -- ,DATE NE DED_ { ACCuI)NrNo ouANTITv DESCRIplION I UNIT PRICE: AMOUNT, • • I t 1 SI I I IN5T1 1/ 1104, . �. t r. TOTAL AMOUM c�• 4\rc �'' � \. fj.:11.e0, ► /If> , /,i/'/per-T �L !T ' • SIGNATURE C vj ! . �h•-CEJ_.- zrot � . �' APP tflvF Crit °z r1,r R P'o.11131 A r / :� tt \ ar�1 �r� '� �ac� eoo[ sna) TELEPHONE 634 41J1 . -%'� �,�Da j _ \ y o� n * s TUALATIN, OREGON 97062 !� U G 2 6 1975 c;;.t.y of Tigard ' Y 4F TIGARO. --- T'i ",f-i rd, Or. ;I,I� INn DA.rrI wi_11 c� l- - 1 8 21-- 5 CUSTOMER'S ONUEa NO. SNIP VIAE I u.Ms I I�frlvtR - 12994 Will call. I Aj%-20 days Net 30 _ - -- _ UNIT DE'ir RIPTION FCET PRICE ._ TOTA1. 1 I c,I' + 101 18 Ga. QI P, Plain Spi- loc " 10' 1.23 12 . 30 cut chrg 1.50 —1 . 50 - 1-1 . 80 ,, . 50 - 1 . 80 3 .3 / 7-- _: _ i 1 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE if payment is not ►eceiued within if P6 SI h-I1 1) 14 y 1114-4 4A; P6A CHARGE per month (12% Annual Rate) will he added to your account. ORIGINAL i y� 4fr�y it fa c) try ! ' '�n'�+t^ -'(7�,f �r� �Zf. � .♦ ° 1 ail f°s ., �;r �','Y . rtlr ;,}r+�h.t"I"y�J +� •,r76i�,. +�'' �'I}'' Mv.I .1'rE:',.�4 ., 'r a �ijyy tai/ t�r.}tk 1J� SLft 11t�'"'s Th c� al { ffqr, w � I r + ,r IriV tw ') TF;R� �{ dt'Ir r� �� C •� � a..�.,cS F -i I r r. ✓.ti � c �i �{ fi I ,'t+ j�rj� �.i�r} a♦ I t�N a ° I `�;r 1�x � `: y ! � 4 a 13t-'n,G��"It'�.'^ + } � � xl4 �' .t�����.}�iZ S� -f�l"�{IYI+,�'. k i,f y, I b .i"�.,t,.ye �4,ep3"� i � f r'e<.ic'�� �� •�' r f'�r Ip N ti :�. ! s k Iyi b, 1 W i l a 1 e ti fl - .. �^' �! 'C ��y�M�j�' u„I��.�t �I �'�i ;�1.a � �i�� y .�}I ��e�'�i I �1•i+, �.S d ) r �♦ x � y r �. Ir�� at t 'fib �''n. F S � ;. k '� 4 YrYfI •� �;'!"�., Tl'Y W.:,hi s '.I'r { ijp t � �' t .rl'�+r f �• �, w k'f �, rsY T y a !,� . ,Y K" •i" �' b t +r S.qi. 1`4,,4 A { ,titn"+."., r,C" 1+. ti v�"1L y, .r� s W' N TT a, i.,rel �° t >r..•� � tjjYf� I s y� �A >r v� ,� f �1 rM' -, I/ W�.^i� Wl.: � RA'�� Myt C' 4• Y1e1 � M�.y��M1 t �j�r �,5�); �! ,�M •, 9 � � � M° -`fir t�,•• .�' � � �,� y{I,���»� f .,iri .. r,,�j 1 i� f7'� IYW��: °6 �,4�`r!, �. REQUISITION ' • . N0.134221--, -014 THIS IS NOT A PURCHASE ORDER PLFASF ORDER THF FOLLOWING: P O. NO _ 3 SUGGESTED SUPPLIER; Ti and Sand & Gravel CO. Inc. DATE -- - 8-25-75---' - - - p. 0 _Box _413 _ E� _ :— • ,.• oeuv �r ru �2 ylp�ks Publ DEPT SIRI Tualatin, _Or.._ 9702...__ Aor [s Shop C11 f A IIP«I,E r p DATE NFFf)EU- - 8/19 8/2Q 8/21 8/22 ; DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE' AMOUNt ACCOUNT NO. OUANTnY _- . 0 Cr,_ Rk. cy+l -0 2.85 .20.04 -3_qty _ 7 3 _ -_ .� 2, 34.26 2.02 - - - -- __ . - 3, 2+8�_ 8 45 y 6.49 -- SPrCIAI INSTRUCTIONS TOTAL AMOM17 , 1.1.1 . 25 , .•+ _ - -- - xPYV�iYEII EWPT.NtAb -. APF'EUVEn �}Yy C11 r NmtmLjm { �f. INVOICE TIGARD SAND & GRAVEL GO . , 11(V^ CRUSHED ROCK • FILL MATERIALS • RIP RAP . SANDAL)© ��d P. 0. BOX 413 TUALATIN, OREGON 87062 0pITQ3 W,%3a CODE FOR SOURCE OF MATERIALS City Q1" Tlrard l TO•TONOUINOUAnRV,71455S.W 170TH AVE rr .�. -, 12(120 S. W. I-Tan 5t. T/• 164708 W )2NO AVI. _ V4,ard, OA-oGon 97223 CO•RTAFFORD QUARRY,GAGE ROAD,SNFRWGOO,URE I_ _J Customer No. TERMS: No Discount -Nat 10th Prom. Dats, ��St 3?��.975 DATE JOB LOCATION QUAN. TYPE OF MATERIAL SOURCE ICKE DEuMAT VI ERFUv UNIT PRICE �TOTAL� 8/19 7,017 cy Vx-0 Cr. ilk. TQ X 2.85 $ 20.014 8/20 12.02 cy 1'4--O Cr. Ilk. TQ X 2.85 34.?6 8/21 13.41, cy 1',-0 Cr. Ilk. IPQ X 2.85 38.45 8/?_2 6.44; cy 11,x-0 Cr; Rk. rQ X 2.85 1.8,50 $111 .25 3 3 1 7 g- 31 - �s j� r k 4 •t J 'K CUSTOm p5 COPY r r 6i __.._ DESt. Li r1 _,-, PtEI�% �.i(•x �M :Ni .., 8l'10145 e ICI 0 P-,!t tllh I e,ei, od ee tr• poy renton nre eft or pr i f ED81' U t. i Ci rp ,n,�to pt rr rh s nrcount wHh on ottomty for t�ne.�lpn, 1 hrrehy Golf'! TO11A 1 r Otte _! ter,and all cher ceftf,nc�r re .n cntlen e "We r Appiadate Your Ausinexs" ,..h. . r LUMBER CO. ,0 1 -AL ." 7 PLETE LINE OF 81ALDING MATLkULS �m 4,0 Nyberg Road • Tualatin,Oregon jlIC7, �8 t r e •, V r PHONE 638-4138 'agrHT`' at, TO --V_ •� - JO•NuMwtN _OATE AOONR ft _. LOT NUMwRw BUILDERS ---��--- -���— Fly tlr�rveNr Tor •,o.NUMwtN ' HARDWARE PIECES — DESCRIPTION FEET- PRICE AMOUNT_ r • — --. — - PLUMBING ELECTRICAL - I SUPPLIES fit. ROOFING d,>.• ' ► _�.:_ _ INSULATION - - —' -— -- TILE .� At CEMENT RECEIVED '-_-A.—It - TEHMSX Accounts due the 10th or the month following purchase Past due thereafter. ORlinyuency charge TOTAL __'� .__ lua��L __—__.__-._____ on past due accounts at 1%per month 112%annual -- - pen-anlage rate.) - _--- ��- „M4 - Thank Yod Rerumed me.chand'ua must be accompanied by Invoice and -- s 10%charge wilt ba made to cover handling, Item, ordered _ spacial are returnable subject to an additional handling charge. CLARK LUMBtR CO. CO%IPI,t:TF LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS qw ' 8,160 Nyberg Rnail'.' • Tualatin, Oregon PHONE 638-4138 -t-CLC.To NUMSItN �- -. AtlOwetf--` - - ^___ 4LbT NUMneN r� I r( tJf 1\'O BURGERS tlRUrvlRr TOr +� I.O.NUMNtN by HAP.DWARE - • PIECES DESCRIPTION — — — _ MEET PRICE PLUMBING — ----G5?„ 1t ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ROOFING INSULATION TILE ._-- n' CEMENT RtCEIVED r Accounts due the 10th of the month following TOTAL O �� n_ purchase past due is at 1%er b month 117 annual X ,(t,7�,�/j¢f� On past due accounts at i'h per month 11216 genual percentage fete.) I tire It.Up/�,rG, Gr,�rd�r _____ __------ _ _ Thank You RelufneA mathand.sa mnH ha a�rnmyanl•d by Involr+ sad r• r INVOICE Alf - r (ARCA Cl)OF_ .� 1111• 9oa) TEL -- P. ❑. rIr3X anti • TIJAL_ATIN, -ON 756 n r' y ., TO SHIPPING nAM WA 8.4)"75 E I PIANi O'min NIJ. CUSTOMER S UHUER NO. _QIP VI% T E ra nes 12 9 91 "A-20 days-IJot I IS •'.�!L Lr.Nr,TH DESCRIPTION UNIT - -- , ,.E.7 PRICK T O T y'. r) 18" 29' .MP) Plain � +i-l.oc 27A 3. 74 I t - ---- � 7t; lends,-p1mill t if%l Icr3 7.25 I, 11 \ IMPORTANT NOTICE If payment is not received within lams. y CHARGE per month (12 6 Annual Rate) will be added to your ;, , lilt, _ INVOICE CITY of: 1 DATL I CONCRE JE PIPE CO. P. O. BOX 258 TILIAI.ATM, O�?cGOM UNLOPDiNG TIME 5.11 M P•.I..c P11110NE •638-4176 Eoar+t IN ♦rn•ruu• PLATT - 19505 S. W. 118Th AVE. 3 OL)f o CIi 'l L or-L.To / . �, � . r•. ' "X 2:�517 _ O T !GA D, OREG011 . .. 7r'�J PRUJECi PIEt_rs sin 60TH CLASS WALL DESCRIPTION FEET PRI/CE AMOUNT'1 / Tul.v_ I � 1 ij, I _ � ♦AYM[NT 12 out. IOrH Of THC MONTH fOLLOWINO. 1% /[h MONTH %F.bV ICI CHAhOF AODfO ON nA:T DUE ACCOUNT$, A TO+. NANOt INO CNA*Gf7 50 'A AV {[ MAOI ON ALL h[TUbN[D MLIICN ANDIbr, NOTIC/ Ib N[hl.$r OI v THAT WE HAVE TNI$OTC COMMfNCCO TO OrLIT MATt It IAL AND 9 {UP►LI[! fop YOUN bfMC FIT 00 U!It O THE A$OVt JOb. ANUTHAT A I,I[N MAY {t CL AIMED IOh ALL MAT[IIIAL AND bUPnlif! b0 ►U hNIbNt D. R4 C H�F I I R+CS'":K�U C iJo(pltl'�rd DRIVER DISTRIBUTOR Of HAILISURTON CO. FOR TELES^ECTION AND TEtEOROUT EOUIPMENT --SPEED SHORE.ALUMINUM HYDRAULIC SHORii1r. AIRTIGHT WATERTIGHT SEWER PIPE R•IYOICE COPY f 1 Augut;t 27, 1975 I Joseph it. & Beverley C. SLumn.ers c/o 12280 S. U. Hall 31vd. Tigard, Oregon 97273 Res Knoll Drivc Storut Sewer. Dear t1r. & Rrs. Sur.nerss Picnic be advised the Tig-ird City Council at their rebular meeting Au�;u.at 25, 1,45 accepted your storm sewer eascment for S. W. Knell Drive and Hall Blvd. In accordance with the terms of the easecunt I am Enclosing our th, c for $1.00 and if I mAy be of farther assistattce to you regardine, this matter, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Donis Marti— city 1,,t-corder i hf l tnt< i Enclosure i z August 27, 1975 i a Roger Thomssen Dept. of Records & Elections Washington County Courrhoure Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 Dear Mr. lhcros:scn: Please record the followfi,y easeroettt in the wachington County deed record,: Knoll Drive Stoma Sewer Easement Jcsi-,ph K. & Beverley C. Sumers Our chtx.% to cover recordin6 costs is enclosed. a Sincerely, Doris Hartig City Recorder Mims Eticl o3ure I (a) Setting of Pj..bli, e ng, Se.ptAT-her !�, 1.915, 8s00, P. (b) Motion to set pu'bll.- ��e.ariigx Councilman Mickelson; seconded by Councilman Cook. Approved by -unanimous vote of Council. 13. ZONE CHANGE Amendment to the zoning map of City of Tigard, initiated by the Tigard Planning Commission, reclassifying certain lands owned by Joseph Chamberlain and Arrow Heating Co.. on S. W. Walnut Street from R-15 to R•7, single family residential; lots, 1,2,3,4,15116, 1' and 18 of Lake Terrace Subdivision. (a) Setting of Public Hearing September 8, 1975, 8s00 P. M. (b) Motion to set public hea- ngs Councilznar Cook; seconded by Councilman Mlcke.lson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 14. ACCEPTANCE STORM SEWER EASEMENT AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION - S. W, Knoll Drive and Hall. Blvd. Joseph R, & Beverley C. Summers. (a) City Administrator recommended Ccunctl accept easement and authorize Mayor and City Recorder to execute on behalf cf the City. (b) Motion by Councilman Moore tc ar--ept and authorize execution; seconded by Councilman Cook. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 15. AUTHORIZE DISCUSSION - RAILROAD BEAUTIFICATION PROGIaAM (a) Mayor Bishop synopsized memo to Council and requested authorization to discuss with the railroads possible landscaping and beautification of railroad right-of-way. (b) Motion by Couticilrran Barkhurst Council go on record that the City is interested in beautification of railroad right-of-way; authorize Mayor Bishop to continue discussions and deport status to Council; motion seconded by Councilman Mickelson. Approved by unarimous vote of Co"rcil. 16. ACCEPTANCE STREET DEDICATION - S. W. 68th Avenue South of Hampton (a) City Administratc,r requested item be removed from agenda. Dedication is a correction of previously rec-)rded Jocumerti and correction can be handled by staff. 17. OTHER BUSINESS (A) S. W. Cr,irt Street City Administrator !ktsted item was covered in monthly report and costs for stone, drainage have nat been estimated. When information is prepared matter willbe brought before Council for consideration. (B) ANNEXATION Mayor Bishop requested st.at.,s of Boundary Comnission action as reported in Page 4 - COUNCIL MINUTES - AuguF t 25, 1975 Project.Fnoll Dr.Storm Sewe Easement: S-S #1 Deed Reference: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we (I) ` hereinafter termed grantor (a) , in consideration of the sum of $ 1,00 to be paid by CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal- corporation of Oregon, lhereinetter termed the City, hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the CITY OF TIGARD a perpetual right-of-way and easement as hereinafter described, to- gether with a temporary right-of-way and easement to use an additonal area hereinafter described and designated temporary easement, for the following uses and purposes: 1. Perpetual. easements An unencumbered perpetual right-of-way and easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an underground_5t9M Zeweryjne. and appurtenances, together with the right to remove, as necessary, vegetation, foliage, trees and other obstructions within the easement area, but reserving to the grantors the title to the lands, subject to the easement, and the right to make such use thereof, except to construct buildings, as will not interfere with the uses and purposes of the easement; said easement area being 2`.�_ feet on each side, when measured at right angles, of the following described center line: note attached Exhibit "A" 2. Temporary easement: Together with the temporary right of ingress, egress and regress, and use for said construction purposes, of additional lands lying parallel to, along the sides and within �.0_feet, when measured at right angles, of the above described perpetual easement area, excepting and reserving to grantors the unencumbered enjoyment, use and preservation of all structures present upon the premises. This temporary easement shall terminate upon completion of the construction work, at which time, upon request of the owner, the City will issue a written release thereof. Should it be necessary to cut and remove any brush, trees, or other matter or materials from the easr_ment area, said brush, trees, or other matter and materials shall be removed and disposed of by the City and the City shall leave the easement area in a neat and work- manlike condition. The City agrees that in connection with its use of the perpetual easement area and in inspecting, repairing, maintaining, or replacing said underground_stQrq_*g tr_, the City will leave the premises in a neat and workmanlike condition and as nearly in the pre-existing state at practicable. I yPage 1 Easement The grantors do hereby warrant that they are the owners in fee simple and have the right to grant the above described easements. witness our hands and seals this ___— day of 19— (SEAL) R (SEAL) -----_,.- --.� ---. (SEAL) R — --.(SEAL) _(SEAL) _ ---(SEAL) For a consideration, the mortgage lien on the above described properties is hereby subordinate to the easements above granted. Dated this _ —_� day of Mortgagee +— HY Title.__._._..---..—..— STATE OF OREGON ) esu County On this _ — day of • 19__, personally appeared the above named X and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and ,leed. Before me: Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: Page 2 Easement EXHIBIT "A" A 10 foot wide strip of land within Lot 2 of KNOLL ACRES, a nubdivision of record in Washington County, Oregon, the center- line of which is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of said Lot 2, which point bears North 890 28' 03" East a distance of 122.34 feet from the Northwest corner thereof; thence running South 240 43' 57" West, along the herein described centerline, a distance of 91.00 feet to a terminal point on the South line of said Lot 2; said terminal point on the South line of Lot 2 bears South 83° 36' 19" East a distance of A3.66 feet from the Southwest corner thereof. ^STATE OF OREGON )ss. County of ) On this _ day of _ 19 , personally appeared the above named rind acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and doe(i. Before me: Notary Pu i-c-dor Oregon �—" My Commission expires: ACCEPTANCE The City above named hereby accepts the foregoing grants and agrees to comply with each and every term and condition thereof. CITY OF TIGARD By: By: Ci Ly _iteco-r-�-- --- --- STATE OF OREGON ) )ss. County of ) On this day of 196 , before me appeared and -� both to me persona-fly known who, be uly sworn, did say that e,the said is the Mayor, and he, the said _ is the Recorcler of the CITY OF TIGARD, a munic pi al—� corporation, and the said and acknowledTsaidnstrumen� o b te the free t acan eed oo sa mun c pal ge `Me corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, this the day and year in this my certificate first written. ' Notary PuFirfc ori— Oregon-` My commission expires ---- - Page 3 Easement x PAM,ILNG ORDINANCE ON FREWING STREET (a) Council reviewed ordinance and recommended a more definitive legal descri,.)tiOn ba included. Co>>ncil requested ordinance, with revisions, be on next Council agenda. Councilman Barkhurst requested City notify the adjacent property owners of the no parking restriction. k. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION (a) City Administrator reported correspondence from HUD indicates due to expansion of governmental appropriation, City's application for metro-descretionary funds is still under consideration. 9. OTHER S. W. Hunziker Street Councilman Cook requested status report on S. W. Hunziker.. City Administrator responded and brought Council current on problems of negotiating with Water District, P.U.C. and railroad company. Ragli.one Storm Sewer City Administrator reported he was waiting for the adjacent property owner, Summer, to solve his septic tank problem so City can obtain easement to install storm sewer on Knoll Drive. Town and Country Days Mayor Bishop synopsized the planned activities inc.lu-Jing the dedication of the new post office by Senator Mark Hatfield, Babe Ruth Tournament, and parade. NPO #3 City Planner commented the NPO X63 has finished work on map and text and the matter will go before the Pianning Commission on August 5th. To expedite matters 'b< ";.anning Commission will hear the plan and text and then also consider the as next item on agenda. Council will receive copy of plan in next council pa,..rc for informational purposes. Meeting recessed and reconvened in front of Fowler Jr. High at 9:20 P. M. 10. UNSTRUCTURED DISCUSSION ON GOALS AND DIRECTIONS City Administrator opened uiscussion with requesting Council to review their goals, directions, resources, following up on budget adoption end general comments on what Council can do to obtain favorable public response to government. Informal discussion by staff and Council centered on improvement of internal affairs, amending ordinance:,, implementing fire district study. road and park improvements, storm drainage and -hiv- walks; as w-?1 l as a long range view of City direction. Councilman Mickelson suggested City Administrator prepare informal list of what needs to be done and present at meetitik; on 3rd Monday of next month. Council will review and suggest priorities. Council agreed to hold future meeting of similar nature. Meeting adjourned 10:30 P. M. ATTEST: City Recorder ��-- V� , Mayor y Page 2 - Council Study Session - July 21, 1475 April. 21, 1975 Mrs. R. Raglione 12340 S. W. Hall Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Lear Mrs. Raglione : Please be advised that the owners of the adjacent property (rummers) have agreed to provide an easement to the ri.ty to extend the storm drein line. This easement has not been provided to date because prior to the City' :: installing new pipe the septic yield drain lines must be relocated. Until this is accomplished ''he City cannot proceed with the i.istallation of lamer pipe. The summers ' ere under order by the Health Lepartmen't to fix their septic field problems. However, due to the wetvreether they have been unable to go in end dig on their property. Again, this fins caused the City to have to wait to resolve this problem. It is my anticipation that t-e "ummers' drain field will be relocated during this dry period we are now entering end when that is completed I further anticipate the :`ummer-s will provide the necessary easement. When we have the essement in hand we will commence construction of the r-e)posed improvement. Please be i:-1sured that under the conditions we are working tcwnrd the speedy resolution of this problem and we are as anxious as ,you are to see this improvement completed. ."Incerely, 3ruce 11. dark City Administrator 3P17:ms ' 5 RECEN APR 18 1975 CITY OF TIGARD Coe 174 49Z 3 44- 2�e 25- A L4( L L op OF OREGON STATE \\ ., HIGHWAY DIVISION RECEI\/EI) /89g P.O. [lox 565 1975 Beaverton, Oregon 97005 CITY OF TiGARp TOM McCALL GOVERNOR January 9, 1975 F.B. KIABOE Administrator of Highways Mr. dick Iliebert Di rcc Lor of Public Works Gity of Tigard 12420 S.W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 uedr flick, I am writing to amend Terry Flink 's letter to you dated December 23, 1974. curing our meeting on the proposed drainage installation at Ball 3oulevard and S.W. Knoll Drive, I indicated that I did not feel this was the State highway's responsibility; however, we will participate in the cost of the materials used within the State Right-of-Way. Please .end us a bill for these materials whey the work is completed. Sincerely, William W. Geibel District Engineer WWG/jem Form 81 734 3122 o F o OREGON STATE F : : 0 HIGHWAY DIVISION F . . . nox jb5 Beaverton, Oregon 9700 _ G i r i..4.. t VE December 23, 1974 ":l. Z l 1974 TOM McCALL CI fY OF TIGARD GWIVERNOP F. B. KIABOE Mr. Nick Hiebert Admini.hetor of HlphwrahDire ctor of i ubiic t,t'rvices City of Tigard 12420 S.W. Main Tigard, iregon 972-3 Dear Nick, Your letter dated December 9, 1974 asked us to investigate three items which ir;volve various intersections within the city limits of Tig',rd. Regional Traffic ingineer Ron Failmezger is ;investigating Items 1 and 2. I believe you have already received a letter from him regarding those items. Bill Geibel and I met with Section Foremen Glenn Roth at S.W. Knoll Drive and Hall Boulevard to discuss the drainage situation outlined in Item 3 of your letter. It was decided that the state will pay for the installation of the manhole and the 1211 and 1811 culvert, within our Right-of-clay, as shown in red on t::e attached print. Elease keep an accurate record of material and labor costs t.nd send us a detailed billing of the Stfaels portion when the work is 7ompleted. We will submit the approve,i copy of the billing to our Salem office for payment. Vary truly yours, W. W. GEIBEL DISTRICT ENGINEER by , C. T. Flink Assistant engineer CTF/cgl Form 81-734-3122 NU. ' 9fG P.O. NO.-,.-- - - - La il�- DATE _n-�. . - I ' NAME !� DELIVERY TO --- — ---. -- — DEPT STAE�I ADDRESS -�- CITY bZIP CODE _--- � DATE NEEDED P MOUNT —_ ACCOUNT NO. QUANTITY OF CRIPTION UNIT RICE A • SPI UAL INSTRUCTIONS - TOTAI AMOUNT SIGNATUREL _. --.• _ APPROVI�� DEPT�HFAD 1 'jcLr' lax t - APPROVED CI1yRe )f F? 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL 11GARD, OREGON 91223 TELEPHONE: 639-3453 W. L. McMONAGLE - ASSOCIATES #' REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR SUBDIVISION PLANNING - DESIGN • MOBILE_ PARKS %L`"c�=.(�/ � t! LAND SURVEYS . AERIAL CONTROL SURVEYS 18 1974 December 11, 1974 CITY OF r1GARD City of Tigard 12420 SW Iain Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Invoice /7270 PROFESSIO14AT, SERVICES RENDERED: Re: 217t1, °- Knoll Drive dower realignment 'lie in existing utilities calculate positions to points, plot viork sheet and. give data to City. Total amount Cue • • • $1V7.00 0 l N ro ,' ill + !� , �'•r� ,!% • vJ j l;� �� ,1 ��� ��1 �1 l.1 , psi fJ t: tiO p/ lig Lo W N 4 W v- rq Z •►- 3 J co — �t o o o F- z o bo W Z - Q 0 Q o t?- zt "I 1n 1.q Op J w Z (L + W o ® W W O f Y W U) N _ V = F= 4 z � � z X v O 3 `o O a r' W n.) _ N Of` Z m M O vi a in tJ +f r7 r, 2 cr. OD pin o o •� �'� z CL a Z 2 4j O v H Q Q O o cn or\j t1 Cl) w rLG „ RD r' aT i COUItC IL R .;ULA k MEETING, NOVEYZER 25, 1974, 7�30 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL& Presents Mayor Floyd H. Bergmann; Councilmen John E. Cook, Robert C. Moore, Algin Mickelson; Robert Adams, Chief of Police, Fred A. Anderson, Legal Counsel; Bruce P. Clark, City Administr ori Doris Hartig, City Recorders Nick N+ebert, Director of Publi Services and Facilities; Russel Austin, Building Official, Ric and Bolen, City Planner. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, November 11 & 15, 1974. (a) Approved .as distributed. 3. WRI'T'TEN COrIMUNICATIONS (a) Helen loberski .- Creenburg Road Tri Met Ralph Peters (b) City Administrator suggested the letter from 1ph Peters requesting reimbursement of costs be considered under o er business and the letters from Helen Loherski and Tri-Met be received nd filed. Council concurred with recommendation. / 4. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES & INVESTMENTSs 147,928 2 (a) Motion to approves Councilman Cook, se nded by Councilman Mickelson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council resent. 5. MONTHLY REPORTS (a) Motion to accepts Councilman Moor , seconded by Councilman Mickelson. Approved by unanimous vote of Co cit present. 6. APPOINTMENT - ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBO ON NOISE (a) City Administ•ator reported hk had riot received confirmation of acceptance f-om Steve Faustl,,' proposed 5th member of committee and ; Councilman Paterson stated he did not wish to serve on the committee. Councilman Paterson recoaro nded Jim Asp be appointed and Council requested Interview Commi4tee meet with Mr. Asp prior to making Appointment. 7, PLANNING COM11ISSION APPOINTMENTS (a) Councilman 1•fickelson Reported the Interview Committee recommended the following be appolnt�de Lynn Wakum Term df office exnirinR 7/2/75 (filling unexpire� term of Alan Mickelson) Herman Porter term of office expiring 7/2/76 (filling unexo red term of Ralph Barkhurst) (b) Motion by Ceuncilman Mickelson to appoint Lynn Wskium to fill his unexpired term and Herman Porter to complete the term of Ralph Barkhurst, who resigned 12/31/741 motion seconded by Councilman Cook. Approved by uPfatmoua te of Council ' __.vo._ present. 8. A�1CF.tTANCE OF STORM SEWER EASEMENT - Summers - S.W. Nall & Knoll Drive (a) Director of Public Services and Facilities gave status report and stated to date City staff hq not received executed casement from Mrs. Summers. City Administrator nccommended Council, upon receipt of properly executed easement, accept and authorize Mayor and City Recorder to execute upon br aif of the City. � (b) Motion by Cai,neilm,n Cook, upon receipt of properly executed easement to accept dedication and authorize execution of easement by Mayor and City Recorder. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 9. AWARD BID •- Public Works Shop Building (a) Cit Administrator reported the following bids were submitted for the publ works shop building. R.A. G y Bid - $35,631. P. 0. B 23567 Alternate - $1,489. Additional Tigard, regon 97223 Prequalified - Bid Bond Enclosed H 6 A Cons ruction Bid - $30,802. 9095 S.W. B rnham Alternate - $1,392. Additional Tigard, Oreg n 97223 Prequalified - Bid Bond Enclosed Leagjeld Cons ruction Co. Bid - $32,155. 2437 S.W. Seym ur Drive Alternate - $1,595. Additional Portland, Orego 97201 Prequalified - Bid Bond Enclosed Gene H. SettergreBid - $36,480. 1625 S.F. Wuodwar Alternate - $1,150. Additional Portland, Oregon 9 02 Prequalified - Bid Bond Enclosed Since the bidsrecei .d were higher than estimated, it was staff's recommendation to awa the contract to the low bidder, H 6 A Construction Co. in am nt of $32,802 and reduce the cost by approximately $1,000 through a change f work order. Any costs over the line item budgeted amount to be utilized fr the street and storm drainage line item of the Revenue Sharing budget. (b) Motion by Councilman MEndeauohorizeaccept Mayor 6 Cibid of H 6tyARecorderConstruction executeCompany in amount of $30,802, Y contrasty seconded by Council an Cook. Approved by unanitnrus vote of ouncil present. 10. AWARD BID - Jack Palk Irrigstton Syste (a) Due to the various alternates in ids submitted, Director of Public Services and Facilities reconnnende the item be set over to next study se-ssion. Council concurred. 11. RESOLUTION No. 74--64 RESOLUTION OF THE TI ARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRU ED WITHIN CLYDESDALE SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO COMPLETION F SIDEWALKS. (a) Motion to acceptR Councilman Mocre, se onded by Councilman Mickelson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council pr ent. 12. ORDINANCE No. 7.4_-57 AN ORDINANCE REPEALINq, SUB SECTIONS 306 (f) (1) AND 306 (f) (2) OF SECTION 14.04.06 OF THE TIGARD MUNICPAL CODE, AS RE- ENACTED BY SECTION 5 F ORDINANCE No. 74-34 WITH RESPECT TO EXECUTION AND HEC RD1NG OF OCCUPANCY RESTRICTIONS OF NEWLY CONSTRUCTED RESIDENT AL UNITS, FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENC . (a) Building Official synoposized problem with respect to recording and releasing occupancy restrictions. Staff recommended ordinance be amended to repeal recording of documents. (b) Motion to approvew Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Mickelson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. PAGE 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15, 1974 (b) Attorney Anderson commented he would soon be able to finalize the purchase of land to be used for a parking lot adjacent to Cook Park. 12. RESOLUTION No. 74-60 A RESOLUTION CREATING A CITY COUNCIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON NOISE, AND DELINEATING THE SCOPE OF ACTIVITY OF SAID COMMITTEE. (a) City Administrator requested Council bring recommendations for appoin anent of committee members to next study session. / (b) Motion to adopts Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 13. ACCEPTANCE OF SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTS School District No. 23-J - Twality Jr. High School (2) Sewer Ext nsion Scht,ol District No. 23-J - Templeton Grade School Sewer Extensa t- ter District No. 23-J - S.W. Murdock Street L.I. D. (a) Director of Public Services & Facilities synopsized l.oc tions and purpose of easements and recommended Council accept and author ze execution. (b) Motion by Councilman Mickelson to accept and authorise Mayor and City Recorder to execute on behalf of City; seconded by,douncilman Paterson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 14. ACCEPTANCE OF STORM SEWER EASEMENTS Richard L. & Lee R. Miller Daniels, Wiggins, Daniels Contractors (a) Director of Public Services & FacilitiesrEquested Council accept storm sewer easements and authorize execution. (b) Councilmen Moore moved to accept easem is and authorize Mayor and City Recorder to execute on behalf of City seconded by Councilman Cook. Approved by unanimous vote of Coun 1. 15. CALL FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING Novemb 7, 1974, 7:00 P.M. TO CANVASS RESULTS OF NOVEMBER 5, 1974 ELECTION. (a) Mayor Bergmann called a speci 1 meeting to be held at 7:00 P.M. November 7th, 1974 at Tigard City Hall for the purpose of canvassing the election results of the November 5th, 1974 ction. 16. REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMZFORIIING FEES - Jack Shaw $7.50 (a) City Administradreceipt of towing bill from Jack Shawwho had to be towed out at the corner of Johnson and Grant. Attorney Anderson recommhaw submit a claim in factual form and that it be submitted to oucarrier. Council requestbe notified of recommended ptocedure. City Adminis ator reported staff had been directed to take steps to improve sit ation. ( 17. OTHER BUSINESS: '\ Mrs. Raglionet Storm Drain (a) Director o c Services R Facilities, Mrs. Raglione and Ccuncil discussed the Storm drainage problem at the corner of S.W. Knoll Drive and S.W. Hall Blvd. Director of Public Services & Facilities reported adjoining property owner, Mrs. Summers, had given verbal permission to install a storm sewer on b-tr property. Staff will secure properly executed easement before prccrrding with Installation of storm drainage. line. Staff has requested engineer to survey Summer's property October 29, 1974. Council. concurred with Staff actions. PAGE 3 - COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOBER 28, 1974 Aosr� 4dw 1 I h j „ /��!'M?iX C.OrIC, //` 07�fG �r►1vr�4tr, �2./S��:Ac� _ ._ � �� � l�cc.�s� 3 � �:rhr. G'� •,� � 9¢.05_ca, _.- - _..... ... ..L. 94,CS li ►��,�i�/-� FraPSI r . 14 � � � I►IA ,Ill T C/f y Shirip,�T�.IC ; f C�OIJ L.cWI IN CoI/riw�t�Tt�I I� --- - 10 i I , Ali5 -l • - � r r fl ,•r nc�oF 1 301 04 NZ M 40 41 D S i 4� I n o, yq f y 317 . i , r ci6 n #� I • 1 I �� 1../ t) 1�� !� t..1 (.� fY 1 1.) • 1� 1: I �I .1 �, 4.1 1 i �'� # 4 0 0, 0 4 4 0 0 4 8 43 + 1? ` 611" 3 lb1` i tAli I; t> Sly! '� • F i t„I {�i l� 1 r (; LS 11 P't I� Q . 1? I I� •i . IJt� C► t1lil; l,� l� n # j� 4 G Il • fi c:r ,.� I � • �} i 1 11 u o 4 • 0 t,'r 0 t� 4t tl v �i k • ii I; id r s �� �, • Y'j r� i it ` {� 5 4 1 ri 1r i, l� I I 0 1 nF J4 q 4 .A i h 1 4 sti � I% 0 I 1 i fs 4 i 1 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 I! 0 li ll t; 11 . t7tlt) 4) t1t) u , d A +•, . 3 4d 1,i ti t) 1� I1 '(} ull � 1 • , I. # A c; ft4 • fl A ( f+ h �1 fl f'I 1'i 4.1 1l 1t 4+ r� 4 0 • l i „ r I • !� 1�7 � � d. i l7 ♦ � r � 1 �� G'1 � • SI [I 6 4 9 6 # r. 4 4 1 6 9 4 5 7 7 4 4 1 4 C' A 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 CI 0 0 0 6 4 6 q 0 0 0 00 0 6 6 4 S (I 6 b 4 4) (i n 0 0 0 4 ri i! • 0 0 (1 4 • n o (I o 0'11"o 4 9 4418 ,, � 4 ;'IH8464. 4 "1 vs9 44 .3 y wo G 0 Al r') c n (I 0 0 it 4 7 4 1 'i •^ ? 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