FREWING ORCHARDS SEWER SANITARY & STORM P� .._ ..__----------------- --------.. '00 N302131O 3N3D113 —� — ---_---__- -- �� 'Y '1 I'!1 Ni Oi14IYJ ONY 70YW—Wfl111A 1010/lOV QVY e001 ,..._• _ _ (IYVONV1S '3 'Y 9 'Y 'd •0 311dOUd-NV'ld 1 31Vld 111117 'L' f LM to Ex I - 11 , _ is , __ -- _ —.— --- -- .— _ -4 n r Ir- z y C T z - — - —_. ---- - -— --._. _ _-- ___. -- -- -- ----- ---_ — •— _ 0 sc z PR 70 1 11 —_ --+1"—.-+67- '5--- - - -- . - m — — — _ 11718. :F _ I — mu _ _. _— — _ - _ _ — _ C FLAN SCALE : 1 " = 201 W� T L1600 r2,' l 280 ) \ ,\ r'e \ ti• ��-----\fin+_ S1••� z x Ln LC%CATION OF M-I 96; \ ' PRIOR TO ITS RE— n f ! �`/ �� 5- c- -4. , LOCATION , SMtly ,9.51 STA Or00 ---� -_\ Z p T L"1503 ` — I�11_ STORM SE VIER lI�- J T.L.'1800 G0 — ._,...._ _,_� S TA 2+74.1 / TL. 700 / v •'�- � C.B. )3 2 s N \ \ r AS — BUILT - STA. 0+89.63 \ -�-- FREWING ORCHARD TRACT \.c; \\�^ \ SANITARY SEWER EXT . \ �\ DATE CONST. AUG.FEB 119651 — STA. 0.89 to 2+74 \\ \` DRW.§ REVISED 81 COMBINED JAN. 1972 ( by J.S.H. FREWING ORCHARDS SEWER I. OF 5 wow of" Ai r r. t , , .A � .- - - t. � ...y .. -. ..-_ ..�._ � --►_- - .. ..y.e 1 _ _,. _ .. .. ... . ,........,,,...».-. ..-..om.ar..-._....._..., �. raw+wue+Nrwen.»...,n..,Y..,......w..,..�....,_..�....w.w,n.,A"ry••.�,,..a...,....-.,..w+.,*•�,.... .....,. _ ..« .... .+e�Wa..,. ..n+.. • ,,�,,,, � - r11f1 1 r11f111 1111j1 1�4rl�ltr��i�r 1 11�1'� t �ilr 1 11111 I;'1111 111 11 111 111 111 r� III 11r X11 ri1 r1r 111 111 111 111 1I1 ,11 111 t11 f�1 r111 111 111 ►11 1t1 ti► � _ ....�. ._..._ �_.. NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED �"� I 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 0 10 11 12 r DRiiv;;Z _S !FSS CLEAR THAN ... THIS NOTIXrr'-2T 1S DUE TO jFIE QUALITY OF 1HE OIt,GINAL DR WING. tit SZ tiZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 BI LI 91 it 01 91 Z II 01 - 6 0 L 9 S 1111E Z I�"« 11u1,n1lunlulllnn11111b!,1i,lulm4111Will 1�1a lnr111u1►1..bUI111N11hu1lrlldrlulritdlurltlnlm,hllrtl!;111,afrr1111tnit�lurltrrl�nlrlhl�1t1t1rr1 JUNE 24 �7 s O 4 u p O q ` SEE TIOARD UTI L. SAN. SEW. PLANS w I 1 \\ _. N. 4b• 00' IM. 0 +00 EXIST. M.N. 9G (REMOVE ) M.M. 0t9,80'( NSTA4L) G" STU S M.N. 0 +-9.S 0 ( INSTALL) 1 nl , r d-4- T I -.. a o I I 0 1 SERVIC[ To CNoIRON O 10 Ir p i1 a ( M w v e0 I u LOT q = I I C O. I 94(INSTALL) r t>t Q LOT H �I m C)l 1l w_b o s s v i m �r ( O i I s m C 0. { 496.0 (INSTALL% TEMP.� - t 3' rl 0 1 0 Z ,� I � , y WALNUT w � o 1 PLACE m z - - - l _ { _--__. IV �---- . _ —I n >E D 1� -c c Z fZt'I -1 m rn I O _ n m z 0 i ` r < f m o m 7 D m Z .o 5+54.07 02[R LINE OF MIALNf,1T PLACE rn X D Ln 0 -4 b OD m m w i FRE WING TRACTS :2118D/VISION 0 PnW . 69002' = LOT 1600 0w 00 z \ w R/W 'n 1 02 P. EXISTING MH. 0+90.40 0 + > N r CXiSTING 8" CONC. SEWER ------ 77 I LOT /701 LOT 1700 LI2T /800 I f 1 190 - -_�_ _� __ __.. . ___----__--___ - ------___- _ _T RAISE M.M COVER TO 150.00' EXISTING 0ROUN1) I EL. 1 d 2 .50 180 -- -- _ J-ELL178.96 �EXI9TIN6 M.M. EMOVE EXISTING "Y" NEW M.H. (TYPA ) NSTALL NENTE[ 8' STU6OUT 1P.8 C.S. SLOPE 0.0086 . 166.10 I.E. 166.00 „ I. E. 169.811 1 G 0 z . ------- ___+50 0 _- --- - 0 3 1 + 50 ---- 0 a1� of PROFILE �' AS BUILT FILE �C'oPY HORIZONAL I r'= 2 0� SCALE : VERTICAL 1 = 1 0 , CITY of TI GARD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT NOTE'' FREWING ORCHARD TRACTS CONCRETE PIPE TO MEET A.S.T.M . EXTENSIUN OF SANITARY SEWER SPEC C- 14 ( EXTRA STRENGTH ) LINE L- IS STEVENS SITHOMPSON . CONSI;I_TING ENGINEERS DRAWN BY DLB. B. 2- 1965 REDRAWN BY R L THOMPSON 1 1972 FR W I:NG CIF'f;l tr,r'1')<a S[ X'"-R OF I -- ,. '.. �. wl.""_"'�S�R,.,,:,,w�_,�r+wj�.,p",,,,�,wrC' f_'14"".�.",^^_ _..._. ..�...�_.._ .. _. -.._.. ... - ....__—.�.. .. ....._.,.... ._. j .,,.... _ ....__ -. ..... ... .., .... -..,.�.,... ..»..5.. � ' r11t111 ��III 1 1 IJI IIf11Yf1 r1 1 1 1 1 II1 ( I ( II 1 1 1�1 r I I I r 1 1 I I I III I f 1�l I I III 11 111 1 I III 1 1 1 1 1 III 1111 I T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ '� ( � I 1111111 1 � 1 1 � 1L��1 � 1I � I III III III IIl ISI ISI III illlll II11 )lII�IIIIII�I11111l111111 � , � � .:' , NOTE: I F TH IS M ICROF I LME D 3 4 5 g _ 7 8 9 10 1 I ff 1 2 ' DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN ---�`' THIS NOTIC V--IT 1S DUE TO - �f QUALITY OF THE ORIG?NAL DRAWING. ----- — - - — Ot 62 02 LZ 9Z SZ rZ f2 212 IZ OZ 61 91 1.1 91 SI f?I EI 71 II 01 d 9 1 9 S'--J�-v E z Iswas�. . dlII111111111I111111111�111111111�11111111�II111111I111111111I11411HNI11ula1tt1111111111�N11�I111M1{t�II11�Ii11�IN1�111111tIt�11i111Hb�1111+1�liNiSi�11f11Tr7M1�I111ti111�11�I111�INI�11ir�11111�I11111111�illl�lll111111�)Il!l�III�I�ulllllull�{�IIIIi) JUNE 24 1992 1241( or s -� cn � � °a. ��o. c t�`c,� � , r WMAW F 0111KIIII11- Insurance Associates, Inc . 12501 S. W. MAIN :xTREET • P. O. BOX 23338 • TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PHONE 639.1126 BRANCH OFFICE • 45 N. W. WASHINGTON • SHERWOOD, OREGON 97140 PHONE 625.6123 ,Tune 6, 1979 Engi.neerilg Department City of Tigard 12420 S.W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Gentlemen: Re: Storm Sewer & Sanitary Sewer Lines At the suggestion of one of the men in your office, we are writing to you to request that you physically locate the storm sewer and sanitary sewer lines on Lots E and F in a subdivision of Lot 2, Frewing Orchard Tracts, Washington County, Oregon. 1 am attaching a photo copy of a survey showing the location of the lot and also a copy of the sanitar} sewer easement. It is our understa,-ding that the sanitary sewer line does not follow the easement shown on the attached diagram. If the actual line is not located within the easement, then is it necessary for us to have the easement vacated prior to any construction? We would appreciate knowing where the actual lines are located so that our architect may proceed with providing us plot plana that will not encroach upon the storm sewer or sanitary sewer lines. We thank you in advance for your help and cooperation. You s very truly, 1 1 William H. Surto Daniel Bertuleit I RECEIVED g 1q „UN - N 1919 CITY OF TIGARD Auguot 21, 1979 Insurance Associates, Inc. 12501 SW flair. St. P.O. Box 23338 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Res Storm b Sanitary Lines (T.L. 1600, Map 231- 2BD) Dear Mr. Burton! Per your previous request for assistance in physically locating said service lines, such has been done. A map illustrating our findings has also been provided to your office nor you; use. The actual lack of our use of an easement does not waive the need to vacate same, in the event it is desired to build therc,n. I believe that the City would be receptive to such vacation as long as an nl.trrnative routinr, is provided for. I hope this assists you in your endnavor to develop the property in gnent:on. Yours truly, John S. Hagman Supt. Enpr. . Division .TS11/p jr Encl. .. - `..r.,r• ..'.•ww- J.., `�►"'7•.•T•C'ftMA/•.. 'r" c;.V/ PACI FIC W\A/Y LA I 1 LOT b � h 3 L.OT A 230 I L2.Z.syO AJ 4F� I Z' E 3 % �.i Z"LV IA00 �alG�r If37l14-� di 3 Q I t P LI I t I UOT F 1_f 71' p I u� �� Ike, ,5 z 7 NuV ` V� : �C-E I ' y RECORD OF SURVEY N W 11/4 SEC.2, T 25., R I W, k,/M., WAc---)WINGTc-)N co OREGON NOV 1978 lOn NO _ —- REG15TUM 0 sunvf Y PROFE_c !Q14AL �� al leatswcruAnllnlseoullvAnn L-ANCj 51.Ji' 'L `:nR r OMf' I PJAW14 ON.UNI fJ A 910ns _.. ifr03,6431.411. /�• MAwN A OINTHERSSEA, INC. 4.-J ENGINEERS,, PLANNERS/SURVEYORS I HUCKE O DATE flit t.'NI k)It 1 w — W c� L� 1 / I, bi r~ Ld LU cn I � - - -- �J + W a I cc (_U _j LLJ ~ / LU N 4 m 1 r _ �, U J � lJ•) J W— =OC o W t M J t Q l oho a J y F- - - ------- cr) o� r � I �4a �ry ' n r 9 in LIJ 3,1.b pit S City of Tigard I INSPECTION REQUES ?�r for INSPECTION TIME: _ _ PERMIT NO. :— DAT E.' CS. :_.DATE: - DATE ISSUED :– OWNERS NAME * ADDRESS: C 0 N T R A C TOR : ------- -------- ---- --- - _ I TEST * Air ❑, Water[I , Visual ❑ , laboratory ❑ I RESULT: Approved ❑ Disapproved ❑ Pending p SKETCH. 7z2 .. Are I �� 0 4H, t It T e— i C) OK-1 ( S our INSPECTOR D[:NOTE Attach Attach supplemental test data beret] .. I 1 I � ' I i` LAIL 1 February 19, 1965 City of Tigard ' 12420 S.W. Main Tigard, Oregon Gentlemen: V is is to authorize the City for an engineer.inq fee for an SO foot extension of the 8 inch Sanitary Sewer I Extension on Frewing Orchards Tracts and I will reim- burse the City for the above cost. Very truly yours, ��1LQ�!-t� .PFJ -.-- r to dr ELDEN W. CARTER CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEER OREGON BANK BLDG. 319 S.W.WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND 4.OREGON lune 17, 1963 CITY OF TIGARD 12420 S.W. Dain St . Tigard 2:3 , Oregon Engineering servicee . Installing sanitary sewer exteneiun in FhLWiNLG OhCHAhD TRACTS (A. J. ZOLlin Project) . Constmetion contract - 419293.50 hnginsering Pee , 6p - - - - - - - - - J77. 61 X31 pn��Q� w w w w BUTYARD & PETTIT 716 S.E. 71st Ave. Cortland 15, Oregon may 31, 1963 CITY OF TIGAILD 12420 S.W. Main St. Tigard 23 , Oregon Installing sanitary sewer eutensi,-n in Vi;AiNG ORCHARD TRAOTS koulin 2roject) . I.umr sum Trice for sewer sTecified 41,211+.00 Extra work as dlreoted: p�1iN cwiy Extending sewer 9 ft.0 4.50 ,er ft. 40.50 �o�p( job' Installing Clean-out 06:00 dt,ta Total Amount Due - - - - 1,. 9 Approved for payment ,ineer S���Ib3 \L" *TAT T BOOTH & WRIGHT, INC., Surveyors SUCCESSORS TO MARSHALL®ROS. 301 CONCORD BUILDING PORTL\NO 4. OREGON CApitc 1 B-9844 Data-_ _ lkY 1+ 1963 Oity of Tigard Tigard, Oregon PLEASE RETURN THIS STUN WITH YOUR REMITTANCE AMT. e --------------------------------------------- April 21 3 139 1966 Stake eeW 14 Hrewinge Orchard Traote 10200 A roved for meat 9 A. C.� goo?H w WRIGHT. INC..SURVEYOR! t i ELDEN W. CARTER CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEER OREGON BANK BLDG. 919 S.W.WASHINGTON 61. PORTLAND 4.OREGON Anrll 30, 19053 Bunyard & rett int} 715 /lot Ave. 4 ortland lb, Uregon Gentlemen : You have been Hwarled the contrgat for oonstruat- ing a sanitary sewer axtansl-.n in 10A:.ti41NG Oi-,CiiAi,D TIL40M to serve tue POLlin :-roherty In tocordance with yLLr *pro-osal eubmittell Anril 201 1353. The can.rsat is for the tum- Harr, of 41 ,218.00 . The ,orformknae bond irnieh you eLbmitt9d i,t in eatiF- ft►atory form ani! the Insurance certifia-ites 110L htive nn file with thio office are as required . Yon are hereby notified to nrooee4 with the work. Very t.rLly yours , Elden W. Garter, Lngitteer Oity of Tigard co-. city v/contraotor' c bond .5 /eI�• L tie, Ci. �C i. .x-t /fit c �'�/ �f•C^'L�� C,c�✓1 t 2c.r-7 t 1 c � ti 1 i 21 Lx l 1.l (�►-t ✓.J it ,{ � 'I.�-�1 iC�J (.t.t-U ltifL��;ii�?L-re/�� C'�C�-lt��! ,•�L-Ct �t.C; Gr��(�--C-�1 t� -�- 1� �C7 ELDEN W. CARTER, ENGINEER 1207 OREGON BANK BLDG. PORTLAND 4,OREGON .April 29 , 1963 MEMORANDUM T0 : City of Tigard Lum- Sum bids received for constructing sanitary sewer extension in FREWLNG URCHAiiD ThACTS to serve roLlin .iron.i•ty. BLnyard & rettit 419218.00 System ConctrLction Co. 4112bb.00 Contract was awarded to BLnyard & 4Lttit . El den W. Carter City zngineer BOND NO, 3217100 f HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY Hartford,Connecticut (A Stock Company) PERFORMANCE BOND (NOTE: THIS BOND IS ISSUED SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH PAYMENT BOND ON PACE 2 IN FAVOR OF THE OWNER CONDITIONED l7OF'.THF.PAYMENT OF LABOR AND MATERI�1..) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESF, PRESENTS: 111m BUNYARD i PETTIT, 716 S. E. 71st Avenue, Portland, Oregon Il Jere Invert the name and address.nr leant title,t ttie contractor) iii,ipal, hereinafter called Contractor, and the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, a w'poralion organized and existing under the laws of the State of Connecticut, with its principal office in the City of Hartford, Connecticut,as Surety,hereinafter called Surety,are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF TIOARD (Here insert the name and address,or lell title,of the Owner) ' 1lhligee,hereinafter called Ov•ner,in the nmotntt of ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIOHTREN AND NO/100- - ^Dollars(S 1,218.00 ), I,d' the payment wherenf Contractor and Surety hind themselves, their heirs,executors, ndministratom, successors and l—igns,joillik and severally,firmly by these presents. Whereas,Contractor has by written agreement dated April 25, )963 cntercd into n contract with Owner for Sanitary Sewer Extenelons at Proving Orchard Tract in at cordarlce with drawings and specifications prepared by Eldon W, Carter, Bngr. (Here insert lull name and title) u hich can tract is by reference made a part hereof,and is hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACT. Now, Therefore, the condition of this obligation is such that, if Conti actor shall promptly and faithfully perlorm said CONTRA(T, then this obligation shall he null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. The Surety hereby waives notice of any alteration or extension of time made by the Owner. Whenever Contractor rhall be,and declared by Owner to be in default under the CONTRACT, the Owner having performed Owner's obligations thereunder,the Surety may promptly remedy the default,or shall promptly (1) Complete the CONTRACT in accordance with its terms and conditions,or (2) Obtain a bid or bids for submission to Owner for completing the CONTRACT in accordance with its terms and conditions,and upon determination by Owner and Surety of the lowest responsible bidder,arrange for a co,rtract between such bidder and Owner,and make available as work progresses(even though there should be a default or a succession of defaults under the contract or contracts of completion arranged under this paragraph) sufficirnt funds to pay the cost of completion less the.balance of the contract price; but not exceeding, including other costs and damages for which the Surety may be liable hereunder, the amount set forth in the (rat paragraph hereof. The term "balance of the contract price," as used in this paragraph,shall mean tate total amount payable by Owner to Contractor under the CONTRACT and any amendments thereto,less the amount properly paid by Owner to(7on- tractor. Ali% suit under this bond must be instituted before the expiration of two(2) years from the date c)n which final pay• meat under the CONTRACT falls due. No right of action shall accrue on this bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other than the Owner named herein or the heirs,executors,administrators nr successors of Owner. Signed and sealed this 30th day of April A. D. 19 63 DUNYARD i PETTIT Witness:lr„: (Seal) Ey R Inr'•vldu■p � �Prin It Attest (Seal) 111('nrpnrstk.,t rntiel COUNTER(!TONED: (Seal) BTv IIAR'I'F fiCCIDIiNT AND INl)/I;�IN!11 COMPANI' t � .. eATTORN6 -I.,N/-I►AVCT irliie, (Seal)hest 'jaPartner 1111113 all w.t. R I % orm IA.v.rent Z.1l Hi?,In111 94. %VP,-,H ht rlie:%men an Institute of Arehllaeia.l < ct j I ele Le- e6e< C ele 4( Z L fq L i ELDEN W. CARTER CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEER OREGON BANK BLDG. 319 S.W,WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND 4.OREGON M&A-ch C1 , 1i,c3 rY 1®r-1.3 Hoo.ura.blt Mayor and City COLI10il Tig�•, d , urc.gct� Gelt?,ar„e11 ; rEciL�ct IiLE; been rinds for b revieed ©it imate Of Oust Of extending the sanitary sew(,,. Liorlg „ot F kind bbtw6uL .,utc h 6 P, in the cubdivicicn of a"Id n:.�rt uC Lut 2 , I'l.LW:;:C 01,CLAhL to se: ro the T,ronert;i being dove' ored by A. J . .o411n. ` The ebtimate wr: OIL covers tt:e azteneion only as' far abbervicc ” -Ot is aDIUL,ntL to �2 ,UOJ.CU , ino.Ldir1E; c.ta, OvcrheE.o , cnginrLriug , ;, and arr-+cutioa. Vdr� trul; your. , Llden Darter, G,10;ijloer Of Tigard Lr. dun1. EUDEN NA'. CARTER CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEER OREGON BANK BLDG. 916 S W.WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND 4,QREGON i Mr. :iarold D. Milliken Asoictant Chief 3anitLiry engineer Oregon 6tate 3rnitary Authority - J. Dox £31 Cortland 7, Oregon Dear Ar. Miliiken. Enclosed for ,your files is a print of the drawt.ng shoiing the sanitury sewer extension in FhL: CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON * DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I. PROJECT No.: II. PROJECT NAMES III. DRAWING (TITLR) s Ste_. Xegv. fx/ ec'Sw.d dated / /li 3 IV PLAT (TITLE) : dateds V. SITE LOCATION: VI. PRINCIPALS: (1) DEVELOPER: ef-l!�Z_ { //Alec:' Address Phone No. (7) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCYs�__��__ Address _ Phone No..— Bond No. Exp. DAte_! ! _ (3) ENGINEER: oledtr Address , Phone No.--- (4) o.— _(4) INSPECTOR; Address Phone No. (5) PRIM CONTRACTOR mkgi 4 Address� Phone No. (5) CONTRACTORS SURETY AGENCY: fiEttlE�.d' �cC�dt„f i /ndo.nn� Ca Address Ni.l�.�,(onn.�/�cM� Phone No.— Bond No. Erp. Dnte 4 i"o/c. (7) SUB-CONTRACTORS: ” Inaert: Street, Sewer nr Strf—t Li !ht.. Ll i 5 zo n r I -50 ib R. M h4 1(3 M ht wf�U�•�M,-- f- �Y �! 1� i Y✓t tt 1 / C TS 0 7- (99 oo, V cj C) 4 –doll- -0 zor 1701 j 4 0 71.700 1 407- 1600 4 A/ 190 1,6e .9 X A!A A t, T f)C 17 /60 4- 1 *50 *50 op sc, 4zlz- REVISED AS CONSTRUCTS 41— Alo F STEVENS & THOMPSON '-)A/,:7 7-.F 7%; PORTLAND, OREGON 7 4Li 4;'- 55 N! \ CITY OF TIGARD c,t,r. ;N - EXTENSION OF' SANITARY SEWER c;��h4r, i��4�,� LINE L-18 DRAWN C I-PE-VITNIG ORCHARDS, SEWEP SCALE 4-r OF 7.1 CHECKED DATE APPROVED ����X11 � ( 111 1 1 III I I 1 F 1 F I � � 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1��1 i f� j - -- ...... .•a•,� -_ _ NOTE: IF TAIS MICROFILMED 7 8 8 i10 I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICrr-;.'-IT IS DUE TO JW QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL of --- loc Ge 92 a 9z C,2 sq C-2 u la 02 61 of il 91 sl ti cl al I1 01 6 9 L 9 9 E 2 13181 low JUNE 24 1992 y��� . 2 'r•"Din. HOLES 'i 9"R. PRECAST CONC STANDARD B SUBURBAN M1 FRAME 8 COVER TOP SLAB. COVERS ONLY AS SPECIFIED _ • 4 2 NS --- n •.• . S HOOP _ f1KttE4iSIR�RR-s 6"pipe 6: �I 9, �Bbio'OPRlr_ .'i ECAST114 I 5MORTAR p', of -- a Mb O.D.Mln .c : 3"Min. l °� s 3" CONCRETE RINGS -- Y3"D10. �• 23"D10. ,r P • O EPi • c tb_DIG. o• iir� f- I ( �-- - ___._. {- _i �-. • PRECAST CONC. m ° PRECAST CONC i w4 a�B �w4 n�12 PRECAST CONC .I m _- � �J -�" - CLEAN OUT M ECCENTRIC CONE -MORTAR , Nj o ECCENTRIC GONE •5 _._ - 1111 ORTAR , CCENTRIC CONC MORTAR I i' ! FRAME to COYER -- r I SECTION B-B NI _ � ,.�+ 3000 PSI CDNC. BASE' SECTION G-C MANHOLE FRAME 8 COVER � W 48"Dia._PRECAST • 11 • WYE BRANCH . e I _ B 4a'Die. PRECAST r m - t W B" ,' 48"Dfa.PRECAST m „ B" CONCRETE RINGS ---- • 1/"GASKET /CAOMWM PLATED STEEL •OLT J Z CONCRETE RINGS � ,! I,1 y, CONCRETE RINfiS �js -� N S EW __ rz re Z M4 STEPS _� ---- Mi STEPS _--- 3 � - T ,I y '1 STEPS 'ID'12"0/C 'la 12,0/C I I '8 12" O/C SHELF SLOPE 1 S - - --- UNDISTURBED , �. ( _� -- o 1,12 Moll. UNDISTURBED , I EARTH- LN ��V WASHERS 3"Min. -- -' I IVARI. LOCK■K •AR EARTH 4S•BEND- r9i s COTTf_R PINZ 4t Pipes /VARI S . 1,0. ! = N y�!o _.CG_A 90•BEND �1,10 ' 6"M � �'r^ na, -� \ - _x� - A -- -- PCAN SECTION -- secTiDN 1 TYPE U MANHOLE WATERTIGHT MANHOLE - 3000 PSI CONCRETE BASE '�� SHALLOW 'TYPE A MANHOLE TYPE B MANHOLE TYPE C MANHOLE -FRAME a COVER POOR P51 GONG BASE ' STANDARD OUTSIDE OR INSIDE DROP POUR AGAINST UNDISTURBED — OUTSIDE OR INSIDE DROP _ EARTH UNLESS COMPACTED FRAME AND COVER SCHEDULE FILL IS REOUIREO BY THE ENGINEER DIMENSIONS_ IN INCHES _ LOS.WEIGHT i� MANHOLE NOTES TYPE AR OPENING OVERALL DIA. AL • .,r,•• SHELF !.6"Min.�.1 I. LOWER 12" PRECAST CONC. RING TO BE SET INTO BASE B C' PTH RAME MER t I 12ia• I, f - - r --- LEVELED BEFORE CONC. IS SET MORTAR „01N"T TO INSURE -_ A 8 D TRENCH WIDTH • • UNDISTURBED SONO. ------ • ., EARTH- I STANDARD MI 93 31 3 10 240 140 4 ►Iw ►IPO LO. - - -- - VEL SUIVACOO 2 ALLOW A MIN, OF 24 HOURS TO EI.APSE BEFORE PLACING SUBURBAN M4 23 31 3 8 160J14 "-sL>� rT� rT x 3MPST �0 LEVEL CO~ PROVIDE 8 SECURELY- REMAINING RINGS B CONE. E INSTALL CONC. PLUG W/, " --.-_-_.. - • -_ -- n 'V t o V v!d . .• 11/" 0 SU••ASfn 1 WATERTIGHT AM 2. 31 3 10 240 / a DRUBBER RING GASKET ". u 3 SEI' ALL RINGS 8 CONE B NH FRAME IN 1/2" MORTAR 8 - -- - — ____ _-_ ► p D • !MORTAR ALL JOINTS INSIDE 8 OUTSIDE CLEAN OUT 8 146 yy T - BLOCK PLUG SECURELY 4. ALL III SECTIONS ;•HALL CONFORM TO ASTM SPEC 478-GIT NOTES I TnE LETTER "S", NOT LESS THAN 2" IN SIZE, IS TO PE V. ` CAST Ii4 THE TOP OF ALL COVERS. ° •� 2 "OLYMPIC WATERTIGHT MI COVER No. 5791 OR EQUAL, MAY �I SANG BACKFILL 1 BE USED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ENGINEER IN AREAS SHELF - COMPACTED BACKFILL Mi BASE i WHERE THERE IS NO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC. LENGTH AS INDICATED ON PLANS ,OR .".., DIRECTED BY THE ENGR. It' Pipe 12" -- - - O.D. r °+Y WIDTH I 1 1508 P51 CONC. MANHOLE PLAN PAY WIDTH ,. , - 12" Pip. 1t• 01 pe W' HOOK STEP: BEHIND ' 1 ', I `�`I�i L0. �� GACKF&L MATERIAL TYPICAL FOR TYPE ASO Pipe I.D. + 60" � REINFORCING STEEL � t• ' `o,� TYPE 0 8 C SIMILAR, XCEPT DROPS +-BACKFILL y'• •' , , �`-- - THOROUGHLY JETTED -FINISH RAGE n�W • r a 0 1 4-PIPS i a I { i a = ° �i s I ato _ I_ y _•� r i •' I500 PSI CONC. FOR PIPE CRADLE - I CLEAN OUT FRAME B-. a "�•``;L--�'"�" T ,E�j"--- --- -� I . 1 t � • 1, Min.4"BE LOW PIPE -- COVER AS SPECIFIED 11, FINISH GRADE •I ' _ I. �' t r, SET IN MORTAR— r / I . ,I SECTION D-D p CLASS A CONCRETE BEDDING TYPICAL GRAVEL SECTION I G I - TRENCH WIDTH f ¢I= 12" Pipe 12" CONCRETE ENCASEMENT — < " ELEVATION _.t.._ t'-o'.-Plus Pipe 6" I I 6 / „ t > m LD r EXIST •IT1rMINOUS lUr1FACNN Min. .Mn .i _ (3 TOP STEP , - SELECT MATERIAL PLACED a PAY WIDTH - _ - A.C. PAVEMENT j I ONLY)- y, / - COMPACTED TO DEPTHS DETER / "—"'• ',,.•.V..:,.::...,r:ti'•;:'•:, t . 3/4"-C LEVELRN C•{�ft MINED BY FIELD CONDITIONS 8 It,-Pipe. It p ,' I I " - .�5•�3• N - t:, -I APPROVED BY THE ENGR L0 r>1 r, r`1 ,nl Y• .,` o`V� _ L t'-o sw•ASF COMPACTED •' i �' '• ELEVATION •••� " SELECT GRAVEL OR SAND BACK- KLECT COMPACTED SAND BACKFILL f' 74 A GENUINE r. i E'PI + FILL MATERIAL FROM 4- OF DR GRAVEL BEDDING MATERIAL WROUGHT IRON ��+- PIPE TO 12" ABOVE PIPE -L ipe I•• TRENCH WIDTH I•" PLACE E OMPACT AS DIRECTED - -TMIR.4"BELOW PIPE : SANG BACKFILL ' UNDISTURBED BY- "t^' ` EARTH I BEDDING-CLASS A,B OR C 451 BEND . • I PAY W-IDTH ;,�. UNOISTURBEO a I'— n� SELECT BACKFILL CLASS B SELECT BEDDING - - / ' • EARTH '"i �► COMPACTED BACKFILL ,_.NG I Q f'. MAT,-RIAL EXCAVATED FROM N WYE BRANCH r ��.,' it• �-6"Mm It;00 P51 I T r`- , �� �• CONC AL.. SIDES 4i+ TRENCH PAY WIDTH ' •ACK FILL MAT[RIAI � -�-�4 -Min. 12" COMPACTED PRE-GONER � t Igo PI Ig• THOR011.11LY I[TT • ---- ---- � .� • , 1 111 I� - fj� •" '' ABOVE PIPE, USING NATIVE • -- ---•-.� _- '� MATERIAL EXCAVATED FROM 111 it 2000 J CONC. PSI PLAN HARDTRENLUMPS8 ORGANICS FREE OF NES, \ - ------------ t Pipe " • •- PROVIDE B SE -- MATERIAL _ L • INSTALL CONC PLIIG - W/ RUBBER RING G,°s1cET MANHOLE STEP BEDDING cLAss A, a OR r, ` PLAN �' -SHAP7. BOTTOM OF TRENCH TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION TO FIT PIPE A PROVIDE BELL HOLE CUT OFF WALL L.12. oPIL 12" RESURFACING DETAILS CLEAN OUT ORDINARY BACKFILL CLASS C STANDARD BEDDING r..ihc liar ras Fwl r ..,."E„ .»R i r i ) CITY OF TIGARD *Mf 4 nF +"I f E JM wAu NO SCALE ID,n (� e.....ruc,.�,..... EXTENSION OF SANITARY SEWER TYPICAL DETAILS 2 I,.1' °jrj r .I.Lrrn c •O.111MDO•i•ON ♦.i.11,L •,t:. NSYr)H LINE L-18 2 i • w• . � •r"-,�„M�" ._.'mew"^'- .,-.....�r_tiw.9t�:.'�y: �_�'?rxn oo'r�N/1r.�-vv.... sv�_ "..:T•-, w�'.4.: ...--t^•i.:°�..Yui•-..__-:•+---"�. ti.._ -.� _ _�._`'.t' ,.>:.,._-:_`• _� _ __ _ _.'S�T""'!:�,;+-•:�•r•t.___-...-. - - , li•�IF�III)�I�iillli1111�1% 11Ifll��l1��11�1i1�t111111(IJlllll�ltlhll(I�,IIt(lil�llr�ll �11t�11 IIII(IIIIIiIIfIIfII1�IIlIl11�111 IIIIIIII111I111 111I1!11111'Ili IIII11{Illtllll IIII114(IIIIIt) i r ' � NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ( 2 3 4 5 6 r 8 g Iil III 12 DRAWING 1S LESS CLEAR THAN IBIS NOTICG,'IT IS DUE TO 1HE QUALITY OF THE ORIGI14AL DRAWING. QE 6z 92 1 9z S? t•z C zz III `0z 61 91 Ll 91 S I t,I I;I Z I I I 01 •'-__--l6-.__,---9 L 9 S'"�� tr IE'. z I"'•"' r!I�llll�llll�llllIIIII�IIIIIIi11�11111111r�1111IUIlItINI1111'111111111(1111llflfr�IlIII11�NI1I1111111�1i1t�II11�tltl�lilllUllII111IliiI�1111Itl�lill�Ili1�11ii�I�li�llll�tillllll>�IIIIItI11�IIII�IH'tl1� I�Illllilllllulllllllllul)i111H11inl�ull�l,utllll�ltulllulnll�ll�IhIH JUNE 24 1992 • in' .- __ ,ti:.SFA :;..- -.,•�r.�.. ,�,.... -- �� .. V � a �\ 1 h � r ✓ . 6iL a + j o � Leif � � • X90 �� 1► I . 1 I \+ 2 ` k ` AF__- � _ Eose.rs o`.�f —— 4 _ 1-�%�%.�s% I'17177` f I � t��,l p �d I�i _ I ?O'•evv4 Fo.sor»ers 1` h 1 17 Zov ( 4 r LAJ LLJ 7- CA C 7-,S! ` � Ofuw cnaF- aQ 0 a > 0 z m m i- N 00 CITY OF TlGA - I.! -5rco%: SIEWi 1 FREWI AG ORCHAk.G TRAC:i.'Y I� �, V rr ' r EId�rIW.Gar!'Lr, Er^�In�e,r Apr.,l9to3 ` I - 1 ' - ' I _ I - _ - y i _ _ - 77-7r- • - - I I Jui it I _ �. ' I i 1 I I t. 1 I - - �_ - 1 - - _ If 1 - 1 - 1fill 11 1 - - _ i - - I Ft -- - - - - .J 1 _ I. - - - - - _ - - -- - __ - i W - __ _ . +! 0 1- _ 1- 1- - - _ I U a C 7- W w _ f ref � � wca 1 -+ - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -t - -> (L < or Iff t - - - -t- 1- y. _ V a l a s e - • 1 -t + 1 L. t -I- - 1 I Y ' _. W n - - - - _ 1 .. - - ... _ - - -- - 1 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - + - - -4 - - _ 1- r _ _ I cn O O - - - - I_. _ .!� _ �-- ,- 0 p z - -- - - I _ -L 1- - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 , H . i._ 1 - - -, I ! i t { - f- I- 1 4-1 4- 4 a * t r - - i- } - - I, - - - - - - - - - - -- - _. . r �'- -- - - 1 - - - - - -I- - - - I J 1 -! -f- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - t F�F...W I IVIG OkCHA 'L7S SEWEF' - - - i,�oo 'foo 1-1 tttl 1 F-11-i -T-[4+ # -7 r OF r ` PLATE 4-CkOSS SECTION U.F.R,&R,E. STANDARD KEWFFEL 6 ESSER CO., NEW YORK, 77 {' i M - 1'llr�'lilliljill�`I�Itl�ltl. 1 tl'I'1`II(�1i11 111111 �Iin l 1(III IIF11i 111111 1;1111, ., fill 1111 1111111 1111111 III III III Ill Ili Ili ill 111 III Ill III Ili ill ill r - _ t � I I ) I i I i ( i ,� NOTE: IF THIS M ICROF i LMEn r+'•- i -- - 4 5 6 7 9 8 10 I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN ; + THIS NOT IMr- - IS DUE TO ' IF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL .��j --- - _- -- —� AE 62 9? L? 97, tit EZ 2Z I Z 07 � r31 L I 91 S I b l E I 21 11 01 6 O ! 9 •-.IS-.�,�--Ir E Z -IJL '--•- N11�lnIJI1uI II I IIID I L n I11111111nIIII�11n1uutluliillllleulenlll'Ie�1��1�IIIIn1111uIInII�I�IIIIHIn1t�II�IInnIu11111u�ulillillil�l►HIu11111n�n11l1llhlttltutlulllnllllntlulUuluuinu)u)(l nu 1u1111WJ)��11(IuuL�u�t�.�l{tIu111�1LWlllt) v III' UN 241992 ,