COMMERCIAL STREET SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE > * 4 . 4 . %4\ � \\ \ < � . s . � . £ ( � �f7 �OL M §�g ) � MMUKMMUL September 9, 1980 Re: ^.econditioning of Existing Sewers Gent leme►. Enclosed please find a check for the amount of $6.00 returned tr your office due you from the deposit for the above named project which was closed on April 4, 1980. We apologize for the delay in doing this. Yours truly, John S. Hagman Supt. Engr. Division JSH:pjr Enclosures Sent to: K. D. 6 Son P.O. Box 25428 Portland, OR 97225 Northwest Underground P.o. Box 1372 Corvallis, OR September 9, 1.980 Re: Reconditioning of Existing Sewers Gentle,ien: Enclosed please find a check in the amount of $6.00 due you froin the deposit for the above named project which was closed on April 4 , 1980. Also, please find enclosed your bid bona submitted along with your specifications. We apologize for the delay and hope that we have not inconvenienced you in any way. Yours truly, John S. Hagman Sunt. Engr. Division JFH:pjr Enclosures Sent to: Salem Sand S Gravel Dale Industries, Inc. P.O. Sox 1008 1.8600 SW Pac. Highway Salem, OR 97308 Sherwood, OR 97140 Tobey's Excavators 33003 SW TV Highway Hillsboro, OR 97123 REQUISITION CITY OF TIFAIM WASHINGTON COUNTY.OREGON DATE CHECK ONE: M I want to buy the following. Please research. Foward to Pur- chasing Coordinator. 1—= I have researched the following (attached quote information). Please issue a Purchase Order. Forward to Purchasing Coordinator. 17-71 I have ordered the following. Pease issue a confiru.ing Purchase Order. Forward to Purchasing Coordinator. I have received the follow:'.ng. Please make payment, Forward to Accounting. Received: , Date Initials P.O. # DATE REQUIRED SHIP TO _ OTHER INFORMATION ACCOUNT # QUANTITY DESCRIPTION (Please explain thoroughly) UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE I TOTAL. AMOUNT $ RECOMMENDED VENDORS DEPART14ENT HEAD APPROVAL Distribution: FINANCE DIRECTOR APPROVAL White - Pur. Coord. or (for 600 Accounts over $2500, and all 700 Account s— Accounting Yellow - Department Copy A/Qrri ed5 0rC lam. <), 1272 4-oo S3, 1 r .391-0? 1 5,'1`l �.�� S a�,s•..,. � �� �;��. 513� � o�c� S �XCCQv�f�r 3300 3 SL,) —To �Oa Q j313 53.3� 1 S k, IPaN 39- 7 s3S" 6 - 53 riff S o0 1 S6. V%A-')0A OK g11�(8 I �9 I u t e l ,.day r.: i( P: ;r halzra Sand & .rnvel Company 13600 stir Paciftc Highway Sherwood, t11' 07140 At rIr. Al N.alkhoven, General rnna„o..r r RF:: Conimprei.al Street ',anhole -',alkhovent This letter is to offirinl lv natify you to proceedtwithin ten ` 10; (iays) with construction of the above n4amd project in aer_oril with the terims th"reof, a-nclosed vntt will hind an executnc; cn,., of the contract between the city of 'qf^avl and your firms tf you have any rinestions or scheduling ; robjema, Tileame contact right Away. Yours truly, :'r4nk A. Currie Director of . ublic 14orks Tine 1. DALE IWIDTJ8T1=?.Im3S, INo. Divisions DALE'S SAND & GRAVEL TONQUIN QUARRY 18600 S.W. Pacific Hwy. Sherwood, Oregon 97140 • 639-7535 May 5, 1980 1276 John S. Hayman Supt. Engr. Division City of Tigard 12420 SW Main Tigard, OR 97223 Be: Commercial StreEt Manhole Sir: Ehclosed are duplicate executed contract documents consistiN of Agreement, Qontract Bond, and Ce, ificate of Insurance. If ycu require further docLanentation, please advise. Yours truly, L!1 L 'S 5 & GR11VF1, CO. Kal oven, Gen. Mar. E7icl. 9 Iwo. ' Divisions DALE'S SAND & GRAVEL TONQUIN QUARRY Y' 18600 S.W, Pacific Hwy. Sherwood, Oregon 97140 • 639-7535 May 5, 1980 1276 John S. Hagman Supt. Ehgr. Division City of Tigard 12420 SW Main Tiy.lyd, OR 97223 Re: Ck:xnmercial Street Manhole S.ir: Ehclosed are duplicate executed contract documents consistirni of Agreament, Cbitract Bond, and Certificate of Insurance. If you require further documentation, please advise. Yours truly, r DAf � SCO.CO. XKal Woven, Gen. Mgr. Encl. 1 rJ vv�lG v TrfIS rG �-2,T, rade this _ 28 _ diY o' ri1 _1 19�� betwee.i Dal °-q SjEld S`'.iLc3�:5'-�_SS?� IL-tzl naf ter term-_d "Contractor", and the CITY OF TIG-°.D, a municirali.ty of the State of Oregon, hereinafter ter=ed the "City', W I T N E S S E T H : WI�'RF.A.S, pursuant to invitation for bids publiciz_d by the City, th* Contractor subnit;.ed to the City a proposal on -ch 4 , 19.E-i a^d WIMPSPS, the City has d-eter.i.tned that said proposal of the Ccrztractor is the lowest and best bid received, and as such was duly accepted by resolution of the City Council of the City, at its meeting on the 14 dzy of April 19 eo ; NOW, Tl-R CRE, in consideration of th_ offer of the Cont,—,c-tor and the acceptance by the City, and the proaise:t and agreements herein cor.tatc_ed cu the part of each of the pz.rties to be performed, IT 1-9 A10FLE D between the Contractor and the City a:, follows. l: TL--t the Contractor is herel,)- bound. to coml.y with all-1 r2quireL_nt5 Of this erreement, the contractor's pro_esal, the detailed specific tions End r=q,.:ire=om!,s, the d-ra•mGs, and the general conditions and modificatiorU in ecn, itions as 'set forth in thi docu=z ants prepared by the City of Tigard, Orel;n, and the Ferforrmnce bond, all of which are collectively referred to b=;Gin as "Contract Documents" pertaining to the installation of one sanitary se-aer in the City of Tigard, OreZ,on, and by this reCe--emc.? Lode a Fart hereof to the sa=e legal force and effect as if set Porth herein is full. 2. The Contractor agrees to furnish all necessary materials, labor and equipment necessary to collate in a vork anitk= ma-nnzr all of the vork required fol the construction of the project in strict compliance with the contract locumants hereinabove mentioned. 3. All addenda, change orders, or modifications to this agreement, / including the contract documents, shall- be made in writing and approved by the City and City's attorney before being of any binding force or effect. 4. That in addition to the requirera_nts of the contract doemeats hereinabove referred to, the Contractor is hereby bound to ce=ly with each and all of the following conditions of thin contract purl;:;nt to the requiz�--wents of Oregon Revised Statutes for public contracts: (a) The Contractor shall rake payment prom-tly as due to all persons sup91yia3 to such contractor labor or material for the prosecution of vork provided for in the contract documents, and s1zU pay all contributions or amounts due the State Industrial Accident Fund from such contractor or sub- contractor incurred in the perform3.ace of the contract. (ORS 279.312(1) (2)). (b) The Contractor shall not permit any lien or claim to be tiled or prosecuted against the City on account of any labor or zaterizl fur-ilshed. (ORS 279.312(3)). (e) The Contractor shall pay to the Departnu ment of Revenue all sums withheld frog ea.vloyees pursuant to ORS 316.10.7 and 316.167. (OR3 279-312(4)). (d) If the Contractor fails, neglects or refuses to Mde prompt w pay-ant for any labor or materials furnished to the Contractor, or sub-contractor by any person is correction with this contract, as such claics beccce due, a proper officer or officers representing the City may gay such claim to the person furnishing the labor or services and charge the acoust of iayment against funds due or to become due the Contractor by r,3ascn of this Contract. The paycent of a claim authorized in this provision shall not relieva the Contractor or his surety from his or its obliga-tiea :-ith respect to any unpaid cleims. � (ORS 2T9.314)- (e) The Contractor agrees that no Fersoc shall be en9ioye3 for more than eight (8) hours in any one day, or forty (40) hours in any one. vaek, except in cases of necessity, emergency, or vhere the public policy absolutely requires it, and in such cases the laborer shall be paid at least time and a halt for all overtime in excess of eight (8) hours a day and for work performed on Saturday and en any legal holiday specified in ORS 187.,010, excepr. Veterans Day. Rowever, when specifically agreed to under.• a written labor mampment negotiated labor agreecent, a laborer may be paid at. least time and a half 1my for work performed on Veterans Day or on any legal holiday specified in CPS 187.020. (OFS 279.316). (f) Contractor shall promptly, as due, make paycent to any perzoa, co-partnership, association, or corporation furnishing cedical s Sur_ gical and hospital care or other needed care and attention, incident to sick- ness or injury to the employees of such Contractor, of all sums which the Contractor agrees to pay for such mer-vices and all monies aad sums *ich the - Contractor collected or deducted fro❑ the Vag:s of his e=loy-eS pursuant to any law) contract or as'eement, for the purpo,;e of providing or paying far such se:-rice. (ORS 2.79.320). (g) The hourly nage rate to be paid by any Contractor or sub- contractor to work-an u_,ler this Co.^.t.act sha11 not be less than the Bretiailirg rate of uaoe for am hour's uor'_: is the saLe trai or o_cu; ticn in thr to lity :There such labor is per, rmc 4. When a contractor or subcontractor is a party to a state-vide aEreement in effect u._tu any Labor or�;aaizz tion, the rate of VzEes as established in the agraement s:L11 be ccnsidared to be th-e prevai.lirE rate in the local? y. (OPS 279.3:0)• (h) T'ne Contractor agrees t}:at the uorr--cn in each traae or cccu.pstiorl require3 for the work to be done pursuant to the Contract, eualoy-ad in theperfar' ='nee of the contract, either by the Contractor or subecatractor or other person doing o: contracting, to do any :art of the work conte_2Iated by the Contractor sh'll be paid not less th,n the minl=ua hourly ra;;e of gage slacified by the Cc---missioner om the Bureau of labor. (ORS 279.352). (i) Eefore final payr..ent is rade on the contract, the Contractor or his surety and every suocontractor or his surety shall file with tb~ City a statement in •Titin„ in the form perscribed by 'he State labor Commissioner certifying that the ho-lrly rate of uaEe paid each classification of vvrkr._a enployed by him an the contract and further certifying that no cork c c lofted I by him on such contract has been Paid less than the yreveiling rete of trage or less than the mincum hourly rate of va&e specified in the contract, which certificate and statecient shall be verified by the cath of the Contractor or his surety or subcontractor or his surety that he has read such statement and -certificate and knoc,;s the contents thereof and that the sar- is true to his knowledge. (ORS 279.354) . (j) The City may elect to cancel this contract for any wtlful failure or refusal on the part of the Contractor to faithfully perform his contract accordin', to its terms. (ORS 279.318(1)). (k) All applicable provizions of federal, state or Local statutes, ordinances and regdvalin� wit`' the prevention of envirormeutal pollution and the preservation of natural resources that affect the work under this contr.nct are by reference incorporated hcr.ein to the same force and affect as if set forth herein in full. At the time of execution of this contract the City knows that the following agencien have enacted ordinances or regulations affecting work under this contract: Federal GoverrLient (EPA) - State of Oregon (DEO) - 'dash*aQto n_ Ccuntv - Ci-ti of Tigard _ If the contractor must undertake addLtlorlal work due to the enac=.eLt of new or the amendment of existin- statutes, ordinances or regulations occurring after the submission of the successful bid, the City shall issue a change order setting forth the additional work that must be undertaken. The change order shall not invalidate the contract and there shall be, in addition to a reasonable exten- sion of the contract time, a reasonable adjustment In the contract price to compensate the successful bidder for all costs and expenses incurred, includLng overhead and profits, a!i a result of the additional work. (ORS 279,318(2)). 5. All work shall be done under the general supervision of the designated representative. Subject: to the contract's requir,:- -lrrra, the desisted tepre- sentative shall decide questions as to the quality and acceptablUtty of -�- Contract =aerials furnished, work perforr-ed, rate of propress of work, interpretation of dravirgs and specifications. 6. This agreeWent and all of the covenants h-!.eof sh-311 inure to t`is benefit of and be binding upon the City, end the Coatr-;xtor respectx--ely and their legal representatives. The Contractor shall not nssiV, transfer, or h}:ot czte his or their irate-rest or cbli&.tion; h�reucder :rithoir4 thu srrittea consent of the City. 7. Subject to the provIstons of said contract docLment:s erd 1n corside:ation of tine faithful per-forL--r.ce of tL, ter-is en.d curiiLttons thereof by the Contractor, the City ag ees to ;ay the contract price of "*Four Thousand Five ($ 4,500.00 ) in the manner and at the times provided in the specifications; subject, bovever, to aul..it of unit prices, chanrse or(!-rs, extra work orders and Dcd_ifica tions as applicable. Partial pay=ents, in accord`cce with CIS 279,575(1.), will be tade in the normal course of audit of the City's obligations based on estimates prepared and cartified by the Contractor and approved by the City's designated representative at thL close of each calendar month; subject, however, to the retainage requirements of OPS 279.575• 8. . Contractor she- 11 diliCently perform and coruplete all of the wars 'within a total of thirty ( 30 ) calendar days after nottce to proceed has teen issued to th? Contactor by the City, time and m,3nner of cec-fo ncP being of the essence hereof. Liquidated damages shall be paid ac100.QQiay. 9. A ccr;plete copy of the procosal of the Contractor is ap,aa!ej MW ¢aterials furnished, work per-for--ed, rte of proEress of work, interpretation of d_-av4_nas ani sreciyicaticns. (. This agree=ent and all of the covenants hereof stall laure to the benefit of and be binding upon the City, and tho Coctraztor resrecti•,rely anal, their legal representati-ves. The Contractor shall not assi , t,aasfer, or by�otteG3te his or their interest or obligrt;.or.; t�rcurder ��tho�xt the vrittea consent of the City. 7. Sub,;ect to the provisions of said contract docu:eats ard� i.n ccrisideraticn of the faithr'ul perfor—rce of the tees and eond.iticas thereof by the Contractor, the City agrees to -ay the contract price of "Four Thousand Five Hundred ( 4,500.00 ) in the meaner art at the ti=s provided in the s;eciticattons; subject, hoa;ever, to audit of unit prices, char_,- ,e order_, extra work orders and mcdifications as applicable. Partial payments, in accordance with MS 279.575(1), Will be rad-- in the normal course of audit of the City's obli�.tions based oa estimates pretAred ar 7 certified. by the Contractor and. approved by th-_ City's designated represe't`,ative e-t the cicse of each calendar month; sub t ct, however,, to tre retairage requirements of ORS 279.575• 8. Contractor stsll dill=eatly Ferform and cccplete all of the work 'Within a total of thirty t 30 ) calendar days after notice to procewd bass been issued to the Contractor by the City, tics ani tanr.-!r Of. cerfQr�rce being of the essence hereof. Liquidated dam�lges shall be paid at100.0,Qlay. 9. A corrlete copy of tEe proposal of th^ Contractor is a; end?d hereto and by this reference ¢ale a part h:reof. 10. la case suit or action is instituted to enforce the pravisioas of this contact, the Farcies agree that the losing Fart) shall pay such sum as the Court may adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees to be allo ed the pre- vailing party, together with such sun as an appellate court shall adjudge reason- able as attorney's fees in the even.. of ap-eal. ZN WITINZSS N=OF, the City has caused this agree=ent to be executed by its duly authorized urdersigned ,efficers, acting pursuant to reso- lution of the City Council, duly passed at the regular meeting held on the day of ^_ _ , 19 , and the Contractor has exocuted this agreement on the date hereinabove first written. QTY OF TIGAPJ) BY. -- ---------------� . Nayur BY __`___ Recover CONTRACTOR B GRAVEL CO By ,2�u Al Kal0vven, General Manager Attach A,'Ikmovlelgment(s) hereto. s s. CO RPOI- A E ACMU'n'I.ElX'r2 County of On this 2day of April , 1980, before Me appeared John Kalkhoven arta Shi cry .T_ K.+lk.hr)vnn both to me persoa`lly knol-n, who being duly sworn, did say that he, tI-- said John Kalkhoven is tre--------------Presidaat, au-1 he, the said Shirley J. Kalkhoven is the Secretary j of Dale's nand & Gravel Co. the Within, named Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the cirparate seal of said Corporation, acd that the said iantrumsnt vas sigaed and sealed in behalf of Said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and John Kalkhoven a•d hi riey =lkhQi,eA ac---iowled6 d said instrsment to be they free act.and deed of said Caryoraticn. IN UZTV-:011 f WhJi M-CF, I have hereunto set try haad and affixed my official seal tte day f % and year last abave vritten. KATHLEEN EODI NOTARY PUoLIC — ORREGON My Cornmis_on Expires �!�./ � Notary Public for Oregon. My Cc-.-nission Expires STATE OF ORMO N ) s s. CITY AC'K7W7;[ DG:.'—%X County of Washing on ) Oa this day of , 19 , before me appeared aad both to me personally kna'--a vrio, beimS duly s::orn, did say that he, t1-a said is the r'ayor, and th. t sh_, the zaid is the Recorder of the CITY OF TIGr'RD, a municiaal corljoration,t anal. the sairl —_ ani _ acimawledZed the said. instrureat to be ti— free act and deed of said municipal corporation. IPi TESTIMONY WFEREOF, I have hereunto set my bind and affixed my official seal, this the day and year in this my certificyte first Smitten. Notary Public for Ore Son My Co=E-ssiOn Lxpires ' fXN/alT 4e PUBLIC WQ.P:,:s coy;ip ce Bond 0 04-646-2919788 City of TiEard. State of Oreton rMC'•l ALL :Eff BY 1724 F4:ZSE[T9T:.at xc > , Dales Sand & gravel Co. - i as Fr•inciol, and Amerian Fid�ls�y 1 TnaUZra p'Cb, duly au:hcrized to conduct aeneral sure` S- y busin.ss in the State of Orea 3Q- as .Surety, are ,jointly and severally held and bound unto the City of Tigard, Oreva hAZei.3ft�^ r311ed Obligee, in tt.e su-m Of ($4,500.00�_• 1- rxn ey of the United States of A ',erica, for the paycent ?rinciral, and as Surety, jointly and severally bind ourselves, our successors ^.r_3 assioi s, firmly by thele presents, ME CONMITICY OFF THIS BOND JUM OSLIGATIOU IS SACH, that '• =- .F-158 on the 28 day of _n f f�. L la� the Principal hernia, ente-Mad into contract with the City of TiEard, Oregza, th- QbliEee herein, for the funis +j_ng c: =terials, labor and equipment and other requirements for thepeZ' = of c2ri3ia public i=;rovem_nts, being located within the City of TIE-ard, as core ` fully set forth in contact docs—ents as described in said contact, all af v'cilch Sol?, 1tyF c-OP.E, it the Principal herein shall fait (fully and. traly observe and cOLTly with the tet Ws of the contract and shsi-I vaij. and :.'ori all ratters and thinEs undertaken to be perfprmed under said contract ard^ shaLl proWptly r:3'te Faymcnts to all persc_ts supplying labor or mtertal for say i prosec::tion of the work provided for in such contract and shy?1 not Fa^i,t any lien or claim to be, filed or prosecution agzainst t1.1-_ City ort dccouat of al;;y i bc,_ ' or r~aterial furnished and shall pro3ptly pay all. contributions or am')LInts JUe tt:z S,,te Accident Industrial Fur:1 ani all. contributions or a:-;2-ji1ts d:;e =ate linsm7loym+nt Co,-ensation Full incurred in the r p_rfo,s-:•cO_ of said � 7 1 � Qi�r:�•-M d s 'il prcm, tly, as due, e3ke pyyl:ant to the psrson, co-1artn_rship, ation or co,oration entitled th!reto of the monies and sues r' J-2 is _ 27°•30 of t'•:e O1eE;on Re.-ised Statutes+ and . prciptlY 4over to t,! n State Departcent of Rcv,:nue all sums requirel to be deducted urn v;?Ees of e=;layees of the Princtpil and his sub-contr3ctvrs, pursuant 40 !`Zt'cc :16-197, Gr-�Ec,n n^_vised Statute.;, then. this obite3tion is to be •ro+d, ct ;r+se to re-- _n in ful-1 force and efrer_t. - Th, t0tal enount of the Surrtf,s liability und_r this bo,3, beth tq the ObliEee and to the persons furnishing 1-!'ar or raterials, provisions -nd ' Eossds and to any other per_oa or person3L. 3h311 in no ev._nt I.Xcced ti • 7 • pmvlded, h,Duavcr, tlut the con.iittuns cif this cbM:�-t%ion shall not apply to any zoney louncd or advaccud to the PrinciLal or to any sub-con'- or other person in the perfon:ance of any such work, whether sp,,cifically pro- vided for in the contract or not. This bend is executed for the puz-;cse of car-plying with Chapter 279 of Title 2c, Oregon Revised. Statutes, the provisions of :.hick are hereby facor- porated herein end =de a part hereof. ' Said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees ',.h-,t no change, extersion of tire, a-teration, or addition to the terns of the ccntract or to the work to be perfarczd thereunder or the sFectficatioas acco keying the same sl-,all in any,.-Ise affect its obllEations on this bond, prd it does hzreby - wive notice of any such ct^_an.SQ, extensicn of time, alteration, or addition. to toe terms of the contract or to the work or to the specifications. IN wI'i?rSS G-CER£OF the parties hereto have caused this bcnci to be i executed in Portland, Oregon, this 30th day of April 1930 PRINCIPAL(S) „DALE'S SM0 &_GRAVEL CO, Al Kalkhoven, General Manager Witney : • c American Fidelit!''Eire insurance Co. By _�.. • Title t _ Gc�t r�S. ey in fact Attorney n fact SG�al'Y C. M-COri County of WasililLgton On this 28 day April_ 1980 , before me appeared Al Kalkhoven and both to cc personally kaour., who being duly sworn, did say tr t he, the said Al KalkhaJel is the General Manager of Dale's Sarxj b Gravel Co. , the 'within tamed Corporati aed that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate scal of said Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instruizent is the corporate seal of said Coruoration., and that the said instru�=ent vas signed and sealed. in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, aed ► Al Kalkhaven and_ r ec'rowledb_d said instrLmont to be the free act and deed of said Corporatioa. IN T-rSTIM,)Pf 1.:E-:R,--,-OF, I have hereunto set of hand and affixed wy , official seal the day and year last stove written. ....../..f! ��uhf / .......... KATHLE`N LUDEN NOTARY PUBLIC — OREGON Notary public for Oregoa MY Commission F%pues �� .���l.L?.'f........ My Cocmission Expires; 0 Certificate of Insurance THIS CERTIFICATE IS 'SSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COvERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES LISTED BELOW. NAME AND ADD HESS -- COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGES ROLLINS 3URDICK hUNTER OF OREGON, INC. COMPANY IA 200 MARKET BUILDINC PORTLAND,OREGON 97201 LETTER _ CONSOLIDATED AMERICAN Telephone 503 224 9700 COMPANY B— l------ — — —�� formorIV Cole Clark &Cunningham LETTER ___ COMPAN, C NAME AND ADDRESS OFINSURED — LETTER y �4 DALE'S SAND s GRAVEL, AVEL, A DIVISION OF COMPANY D ---.____ --- DAU INDUSTRIES. INC. LETTER YD S. W. PACIFIC HWY COMPANY — SHEAW01111, ORf6QM 87140 _�-- LFIrTER This is to certify that policies of insurance listed below hive been issued to the insured named above and are in force at this time. COM- POLICY Limits of Liability in Thuubnds(000) LPANY ETTER TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EXPTE ON IAEACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE GENERAL LIABILITY BODILY INJURY $ $ rICOMPREHENSIVE FORM =)PREMISES—OPERATIONS PROPEntY DAMAGE S S zi EXPLOSION AND COLLAPSE HAZARD IV UNDE RG ROUND HAZARD v OPERATIONS HAZARD CAP IE2212 � 4-15-82 BODILY TY DA AND PROPERTY DAMAGE $ S 500 CQNTRACTUAI. INSURANCE COMBINED O y1 BROAD FORM PROPERTY A' DAMAGE INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS — PERSONAL INJURY PERSONAL INJURY f AUTOMOBILE (EACH PERSON) 3 " jVCOMPRLHENSIVE FORM CAP 'Qu 12 ���-�� BODILY INJURY A v (EACH OCCURRENCE) f OWNED HIRED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ NON-OWNED BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE S COMBINED f COMPREHENSIVE--LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO THE ACTUAL CASH VALUE LESS AUTOMOBILE, EXCEPT DY COLLISION OR UPSET EUT INCLUDING FIRE, THEFT AND WINDSTORM S DEDUCTIBLE COLLISION OR UPSET ACTUAL CASH VALUE LESS S DEDUCTIBLE EXCESS LIABILITY �— BODILY INJURY AND DUMBRFLLA FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE S f [30THER THAN UMBRELLA COMBINED FORM WORKERS' COMPENSATION STATUTORY and T_ EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY f PROPERTY AMOUNT DED. COINS ❑FIRE L7 F C E ❑V&MM IDESCRIPTIUN OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES --- _ - --- _ALL OPERATIONS PERFeWD BY THE NAKED INSURED IN CONNECTION WITH: INSTALLATION OF ONE SANITARY SEWER MN HOLE Cancellation: 11,011!"111, to "twill ,�jy��►MIk NAME AND anDnESS OF CERTIFICATE NOLDFR E 1';SUE0 - A irl1--2� -IOL- C ITY OF TI6AAD ROLLINS BURR CK HUNTER OnQOREGON, INC- 12420 S. V. MAIN TIGARD, OREGON 91223 - - -�• _ yUIHURIZEUREPRESFN,tygiVE Gu 6784 ENDORSEMENT Th.t endorsement, effective AOri 1 28 1980 for-rns a part of pol cy No. (1 -.01 A M.,stand rd timel :sued IC Dale's Sand b Gravel , Co. , A Division of Dale Industries, Inc. by Consolidated American Insurance Co. It is agreed that the policy may not be cancelled by the Conaany or red .ced in coverage by the Comnany until Thirty ( 30) days after written notice of such cancellation or reduction in coverage has been given in accordance with the conditions of the policy tc . City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 ,4,I1 other terms and condit,am of this policy remain unchanged .................•!. .�f .r. !.:....`z..lr„`:`.l L'Y`!7,^........................ /J Aut�on:ea Reoresentat,t�. far► ENDORSEMENT Attached to and forming part of Policy No. CAP 182212 Issued to Dale's Sand b Gravel , Co. , A Division or Dale Industries, Inc. Endorsement effective April 28, 10,80 It is understood and agreed that City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main ______Tigard,Oregon 97223 are additional Insureds under this Policy but only in regard is claims arising out of or in connection with work being performed by Dale's Sand & Gravel , Co. under contract for Installation of One Sanitary Sever Man Hole However, it is specifically agreed that in regard to additional Insured (s) above, this Policy does not cover any liability arising out of professional services, including the preparation or approval of maps, plans, opinions, reports, surveys, designs, specifications, and supervisory inspections or engineering services. It is further understood and agreed that the foregoin+y shall riot act to increase the Company's limit of liability under this Policy. Prior to the canr:elIation of this Policy TF►Irty (30) Uays written notice will be given by; Rathbone. Kinq � Seeley on behalf of the Company to City of Ti!3crd DATED: April 28, 1980 s., r• ti fa a.. April :25, 1980 Dale's Sand & Gravel Co. U600 Sur pacific Highway Sherwood, OR 97140 Attn: Mr. Al Kalkhnven Ret Commercial Street Tianhole Dear Itr. kalkhovent On April 14, 1980, the City Council awarded the (bid) wore to yo„r firm. Subsequently, prier to our beinfr able to return the unsuccessful bidders bi(l- bonds, a contract must he executed !with your fine) to assure future rer.foninrr_(� of the cork. Therefore, enclosed herewith is relevant 110cume,ntation needinv your Attention. upon completion, please return mame for Council acknowlteftwnt. Yours truly, ' John S. Hapman Supt. FnRr. Division JSHtpjp .ncl(s) a April 7, 1980 Regarding: Reconditioning of Existing Sewers r i Bids were duly ok.,ned at 3:00 P.M. April 4, 1980 in the office of the City Administrator, Tigard City Hall, Tigard, Oregon irn the presence of the Director of. Public Works and Superintendent of the Shops. The following bids were received: Bidder Bid Dale's Sand & Gravel Co. $ 4,500.00 18600 SW Pacific Highway Sherwood, OR 97140 Salem Sand & Gravel Company 7,520.00 P.O. Box 1008 Salem, OR 97308 Tobey's Excavators 8,650.00 33003 SW T.V. Highway Hillsboro, OR 97123 All. bids were accompanied by bid bonds. Engineer's estimate $ 3,500.00 Staff will recommend award to the low bidder, Dale's Sand & Gravel at the regular Council meeting Monday, April 14, 1980. Thank you for the time and effort involved in submitting a bid. Frank Currie, Director of Public_ Works EX-HIBI T "A" RgCOC�DITIOtiIPiG 0=' EXISTIN. SE�nrERS , PROPOS TO F L-?_:ISF .'+:L.L L�,r iQOI.S, E'?UI�?',1EZ i, A;1D S'-WIiCES) REQ)UIa FOR THE COP�3T4;1CTIOPr Or S6kTR I!�PROVE a-N FOR TETE CYTZ OF TIG�+p O, QRSGO�T, AS THE CC�i�LETE SC 1EDUL,r Or YRSCE; WILL INDICATE. A-LL IPJ ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECI?ICATIONS T:: _EREC'RErJE CH k 0,1 FILE AT TEie. OFFICE OF THE CITU RECORDER, TIG;.-RD, OREGON. Nmme of Bidder Address ICI:u110 S.1`i. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Tigard, Oregon Gentlemen.: This n-ocosal is subr,it-ed as an o:rer by the undersigned to enter into contract with the City of Tigard, Qregcn, here inaf ter, sGT:?etime3 referred to as the C%gner, for the furnishing or all r.-aterials, labor, tools, equig^ent, and services required for the reconditioning of existing sewers for the City of Tigard as shown by the specifi- cations which are on file at the office of the City Recorder, Tigard, Oregon, and which are a condition hereof with the sane force and effect as though they were attached hereto. This offer is conditioned on the following declarations as to the acts, intentions, and understandings of the undersigned and the agresm, :nt of the City of Tigard to the terms and prices herein submitted. 1. All of the specifications which are listed therein have been exanin=_d by the undersigned and th?ir terms and conditions are hereby accepted. 2. The quantities stated in conn_etion with the price schedule for the contract submitted here,dith are approximate only and gayr.ent small be made on the unit prices name f for the actual quantities incorporated in the corpleted work. . Only those items for wi,ich estimated quantities arc given nay be increased or decreased at the unit pcicen nar, ed. If there shall be an increase in the total payment for an it.e:-i covered by a lu^,p sun price, it shall be ecnpute3 on a basis of Extra ;lark for which an increase it! will he a been earned, and if there be a decrease in pave Jn` for any such iters it shall be made only as the rcZU1Z_ negotiation betw,2en the undersigned and the 0--incr. ' The undersign.-d shall furnish the bonds required by the speC,_ z=ations, and c, ply with all laws of the ate of Oregv¢ which are pertinent to construction contracts of Lais character even though such laws may not have been quoted or referred to in the specifications. 4. The undersigned submits the unit prices set forth herei:1 as those at which he (or they) will perform the work involved. The extensions in the column headed "Total Bid Cost" are made for the sole murzaze of facilitating ccMn risort of bids and i.f ti --e are any discrepancies between the unit pries and the total mounts shown, the unit prices shall govern. 5. All schedule items for which fortr,s are provided herein shall be completed in full by the showing of a unit or lur,.p sum price for each item thereof. 6. Schedule of Prices ,,iUnit Total. Bid Descrinton Quantity Price — Cost 48" Standard Concrete Manhole l(in place) $td! -9-S o 0 E4 7. In nx-ning the above prices it is understood that they include all items of material and work required to camalete the cantraot in accordance with specifications. if any material, item, or service required by the plans and specie ications has not been Mentioned specifically among the various ite.;�s of the above "schedule oL Prices" the sane shall be furnished and place6 with-, the uti'-erstanding that the full cost to the Cerner has beer, merged with the several prices named in the "Schedule of prices". S. Vie undeisigned agrees that the "Tir,.e of Co`.tpletion" s'aall. be as definded in the specifications and further, the undersigned z�.ee5 to complete the work required within 30 -calendar days z_te; notice to proceed has' been issued to the Contractor by cie City. 9• The undersigned bidder here::y states as part of his bid that the provisions required by Chapter 279.350 O.R. S. shall b= included in his contract, along with all other provisions required by Chapter 279 O.R. S. Signature of Bidder: Authorized Agent ---- Dated at. l `L� � AL IGEN. This day of u r 7 7�' ,7 AMERICAN FIDELITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY E310 BOND NEW YORK BOND NUMBER: 04-646-2561131 PREMIUM: BBSU ................................. BID DATE : Api�l 4, 1980 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,That we,., Dale's Sand & Gravel Co. ......................................................................................................... .................................................... ............................................................................. ................................................................. ..........................................................................................................................................(hereinafter called the Principal),as Principal, and AMERICAN FIDELITY FIRE INSURANCE CO., a corporation, organized and e;,,isting under the laws of the State of New York and authorized to transact a general surety business in the Stake of (hereinafter called he Surety),as Surety,are hold and firmly bound unto, City ......................... .................................... ................................................I......................I...................................................................I................... (hereinafter called the Obligee) in the penal sum of,.....,,._.. t.elll....................percent(....,,,,.,.10. ... !7';) not to C-Vcpnel Total bid price of Ten Thousand aced no/l00­­------------ ..... Dollars . ................. for the payment of which the Principal and the Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, adimaistrators, successors and assigns,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas the Principal has submitted or is about to submit a proposal to the Obligee on a --ontract for......gity...of...Tip,,aTd—RerWtdltioning existing sewers ............I................................ ....... ..................I.............. .......... ...... ........*1.................................................... ....................................... ...I............................................ .......................................................................................................... 4 NOW, THEREFORP4 If the acid contract be awarded to the Principal and the Principal shall, within such time as may be specified, enter into the contract in writing, and give bond, with surety acceptable to the Obligee for the faithful perfor- mance of thif %&:ld contract-,or if the Principal shall fail to do so,pay to the Obligee the damages which the obligee may pUffpr by reason of such fallure not exceeding the penalty of this bond, then this obligation shall be void;otherwise remain in full force and effect. SIGNED,SEALED AND DATED this day of......Mar.r ............... ........................day ......... ...................... 1 19....�.Q........... Dale's Sand & (;ravel ..................................... y ............ ...... ............ LA...................... --e-t7l AM E R NCE COMPANY By: Dennfla— Ji . ert ATTORNEY IN-FACT d7-1,T X4 (10). c. f,74 1.3 J,Z 7S7— 5 G,a o 5 3 ) —0 1 I roc) 521 r C)cavjor ,33oc, ,�, $ CJ —TJ Lo 6 e,> ,i� ` / I ao I v(0o a s w IPa� PW\-/ 34— 7535- 6 _ S 3 ..� 5� no�. , U K q� iso 4 � d i t UNIFORIM BID PACKET FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROJECT TITLE: RF':ONDITIONING OF EXIS'T'ING SEWERS FORTHE CITY OF T1222D, ORE JON 19�� CITY OF TIGAR D 12420 S.W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 UNIFORIM BID PACKET FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTIOt4 TABLE OF CONTENTS - BID PACK 'I' Notice to Prospective Bidders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insert Proposal . . . . . . . Exhibit "A" Public Works Contract Agreement (Form) . . . . . . . . . . Exhibit "B" Public Works Contract Bond (Form) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exhibit "C" Certificate of Insurance (Form) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exhibit "D" Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insert Special Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insert A. P.W. A. Standard Specifications (Book, optional ) Reference "A" i R;C'�`lUI'�IQi7i�1 OF EX_IS i'T"_1': SEWERS "'TICE TO PR0�So"1'-rIVE' 9IDDERS writt-in seal-2d bids will b,2 received at the office oP the City Recorder, City of Tigard, 12 420 S. W. Main Street, Tigard, Ore-401 97223 until 3:00 o' clock P. m. , Pacific Daylight Time, April 4 980 _ for furnishing all services, ecuipmer.t and ma to ri<als to install one (1) standard concrete sanitarL sewer manh,,le on an _C tiIM inch approx. foo deep, concrete sanitary sewer for the City of Tigard, Oregon,inn accordance with specifications which are availablt� at the office of thi City P.ecerder, Tigard, Oregon. All bids will be publicly opened at the tim,2 and place desig- nated and shall thereafter be on file for public inspection. All bidders must pre-qualify in accordance with 279. 008 to 279.018 Oregon Ravis,sd Statutes. Forms and specifications may be examin-„1 �.•t the office of the City Recorder, Tigard, Oregon and copies thereof may be obtained by a deposit of .76. '7l for each set. The successful bidder will b�2 required to execute a formal contract in form containing teras and conditions approved by the City' s attorneys, and all bids must be accompanied by a surety bond, cashier' s chick or certifid check of the bidder in th,� ar.ount of 101,1; of th 2 bid as bid security. Award of contract and retention of bid security shall b? gov?rned by 279. 075 and 279.080 ORS except that performance bond as approved by th• City' s attorneys in a sura equal to the contract price shall be rer .,ired. The City reserv•is the right to accept or reject any and or all bids. BY ORD,R OF THE CITY COUNCIL DORIS WaTI J - City Recorder s EXHIBIT "A" RECONDITIOtiING OF EXISTING 'SEWERS PROPOS L TO FU7NISH ALL LABOR, TOOLS, EQUIP:,1E1iT, AND SERVICES REQUIRED FOR THE CONSTRGCTION OF SEWER IMPROVEMENT FOR THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON, AS THE COMPLLTE SCHEDULE: OF PRICES WILL INDICATE, ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECI^ICATIONS THEREFORE WHICH ARE ON FILE AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY RECORDL:R, TIGARD, OREGON. Name of Bidder Address _ To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Tigard, Oregon Gentlemen: This proposal is submitted as an offer by the undersigned to enter into contract with the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereinafter, sometimes referzed to as the Owner, for the furnishing of all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and se,vices required for the reconditioning of existing -,-vers for the City of Tigard as sho,.,,n by the specifi- cations which are on file at the office of the City Recorder, Tigard, Oregon, and which are a condition hereof with the same force ana effect as though they were attached hereto. This o`.fer is conditioned on the following declarations as to the acts, intentions, and understandings of the undersigned and the agreement of the City of Tigard to the terms and prices herein submitted. 1. All of the specifications which are listed therein have been examined by the undersigned and their t.erms and conditions are hereby accepted. 2 . The quantities stated in connection with the price schedule for the contract submitted herewith are approximate only and payment shall be made on the unit Fri=es named for the actual quantities incorporated in the completed work. Only those items fcr which estimated quantities are given may be increased or decreased at the unit prices named. If there shall be an increase in the total payment for an item covered by a lump sum PL : ce, it shall be compute3 on a basis of Extra work for which an increase in payment- will have been earned, and if there be a decrease in a lump sum. payment for any such item it shall, be made only as the result of negotiation between the undersigned and the Owner. (1) i 3. The undersign shall furnish the bonds , .uired by the speci- fications, and comply with all laws of the SL-.,:e of Oregon which are pertinent to construction contracts of this character even though such laws may not have been quoted or referred to in the specifications. 4. The undersigned submits the unit prices set forth herein as those at which he (or they) will p:2rform the work involved. The extensions in the column headad "Total Bid Cost" are made for the sole purpose of facilitating comparison of bids and if there are any discrepancies between the unit prices and the total amounts shown, the unit prices shall govern. 5. All schedule iterns for which forirs are provided herein shall be completed in full by the showing of a unit or lump sum price for each item thereof. 6. Schedule of Prices ; Unit Tota]. Bid Description Quantity Price Cost 48" Standard Concrete Manhole 1(in place) $ $ 7. In naming the above prices it is understood that they include all items of material and work required to complete the contract in accordance with specifications. If any material, item, or service required by the plan: and specifications has not been m.entionQd sloccifically arr.ong the various items of the above "Schedule of Prices" the sane shall be furnished and placed with the understanding that the full cost to the O•.gner has been merged with the several prices named in the "Schedule of Prices". 8. The undersigned agrees that the "Time of Completion" shall be as definded in the specifications and further, the undersigned agrees to Complete the work reouired within 30 calendar days after notice to proceed has been issued to the Contractor by—Ftiie City. 9. rhe undersigned bidder hereby states as part of his bid that the provisions required by Chapter 279.350 O.R. S. shall be included in his contract, along with all othor provisions required by Chapter 279 O. R. S. Signature 0:f Bidder: By _ Authorizers Agent Dated at This _, day of 19 (2) ExN/GST � THISG?Zi ;^�fi', T:sda this day o7,' , 19 , between hereinafter termed "Contractor", and the CITY Or TIG.''-_RD, a municipality of th_ State of OreSon, hereinafter termed the "City", WITNESSETH. : WHLRESS, pursuant to invitation for bids publicized by the City, the Contractor submitted to the City a proposal on , 19 ; and WIEREA.S, the City has determined that said proposal of the Contra :tor is the lowest and best bid received, and as such was duly accepted by resolution of the City Council of the City, at it; meeting on the day of , 1�? ; NOW, THi:.FiF.rORE, in consideration of the offer of the Contractor an-3 the acceptance by the City, and the promises and agreements herein contained on the part of each of the parties to be performed, IT IS 111EED between the Contractor and the City as follows: 1. That the Contractor is hereby bound to comply with all requireeants of this agreement, the contractor's proposal, the detailed specifications and rcquir:m,�nts, the drawings, and the general conditions and modifications in conditions as set forth in the dor_ur„-�!nts prepared by _ the City of Tigard, Oregon, and the perforrance bond, all of which are collectively referred to herein as "Contract Documents" pertaining to the installation of one sanitary sewer manhole , in the City of Tigard, Oregon, and by this reference mace a Fart hereof to the sane legal force and effect as if set forth herein in full. 2. The Contractor agrees to furnish a U necessary materials, labor and equipment neceozary to coc-plete in a workmanlike manner all of the Work required for the construction of the project in strict compliance with the contract documents hereinabove mentioned. 3. All addenda, change orders, or modifications to this agreement, including the contract dOCUMentS, shall be made in writing and approved by the City and City's attorney before being of any binding furce or effect. 4. That in addition to the requirema nts of the contract documents hereinabove referred to, the Contractor is hereby bound to comply with each and all of the Hollowing conditions of this contract pursuant to the requirements of Oregon Revised Statutes for public contracts; (a) The Contractor shall make payment promptly as due to all persons supplying to such contractor labor or material for the prosecution of work provided for in the contract documents, and shall pay all cont ritnctions or amounts due the State Industrial Accident Fund from such contractor or sub- contra-:tor incurred in the performance of the contract. (ORS 279.312(1) (2)). (b) The Contractor shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed, or prosecuted against the City on account of any labor or material furnished. (ORS 279.3120))• (c) The Contractor shall pay to the D.-partment of Revenue all suis withheld from employees pursuant to OR3 316.197 and 316.167. (ORS 279.312(4)). (d) If the Contractor fails, neglects or refu:,es to mike profit 2 - Contract pay^:Jent for any labor or materials furnished to the Contractor, or sub-contractor by any person in connection with this contract, as such claims become due, a proper officer or officers representing the City may pay such claim to the person furnishing the labor or services and charge the amount of payment against funds due or to become due the Contractor by reason of this Contract. The payment of a claim authorized in this provision shaU not relieve the Contractor or his surety from his or its obligation with respect to any unpaid claims. (oR3 279.314). (e) The Contractor agrees that no person shall be employed for more than eight (8) hours in any one day, or forty (40) hours in any one week, except in cases of necessity, emergency, or where the public policy absolutely requires it, and in such cases the laborer shall be paid at least time and a half for all overtime in. ex%ess of eight (8) hours a day and for work performed on Saturday and on any legal holiday specified in ORS 187.010, except Veterans Day. However, when specifically agreed to under a written labor ffanagemj:!nt negotiated labor agreement, a laborer may be paid at least time and a half ray for work performed on Veterans Day or on any legal holiday specified in OPS 187.020. (ORS 279.316). (f) Contractor shall promptly, as due, make payment to any person, co-partnership, association, or corporation furnishing medical, sur- gical and hospital care or other needed care and attention, incident to sick- ness or injury to the employees of such Contractor, of all sums which the Contractor agrees to pay for s' ::h ser-rices and all monies and sums which the 3 - Contract i i Contractor collected or deducted from the wages of his employees pursuant to a,i law, contract or agreement, for the purpose of providing or paying for Y , such service. (ORS 279.320)• (g) The hourly wage rate to be paid by any Contractor or sub- contractor to workmen under this Contract shall not be less than the prevailing rate of wage for an hour's work in the same trade or occupation in the locality where such labor is performed. When a contractor or subcontractor is a party to a state-wide agreement in effect with any labor organization, the rate of wages as established in the agroament shall be considered to be the prevailing rate in the locality. (ORS 279-350)- (h) The Contractor agrees that the workmen in each trade or occur,ation reTAr-!d for the work to be done pur;:uant to tLe Contract, employed in the perfortr::nce of the contract, either by the Contractor or subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do any part of the work contemplated by the Contractor si:all be paid not less than the minimum hourly rate of wage specified by the Commissioner of t.ie Bureau of labor. (ORS 279.352)• (i) Before final payment is made on the contract, the Contractor or his surety and every subcontractor or his surety shall file with the City a statement in writing in the form perscribed by the State labor Commissioner certifying that the hourly rate of wage paid each classification of workmen employed by him on the contract and further certifying that no workman emplo;�?d by him on such contract his been paid lens than tle prevailing rate of wage or less than the minorum hourly rate of wage specified in the contract, ubl' h 4 - Contract i t certificate and statement shalt be verified by the oath of the Contractor or his suretv or subcontractor or his surety that he has read such statement and certificate and knows the contents thereof and that the same is true to his knowledge. (ORS 279.354) . (j) The City may elect to cancel this contract for any wilful failure or refusal on the part of the Contractor to faithfully perform his contract according to its terms. (ORS 279.318(l) ) . (k) All applicable provi3ions of federal, state or local statutes, ordinances and regulations dealing with the prevention of environmental pollution and the preservation of natural resources that affect the work under this contract are by reference incorporated herein to the same force and affect as if set forth herein in full. At the time of execution of this contract the City knows that the following agencies have enacted ordinances or regulation; affecting work under this contract: Federal Gorern.^cent (EPA) - State of Oregon (DEQ) - Wash_noton Count. - City of Tigard if the contractor must undertake additional work due to the enactment of new or the amendment of existing statutes, ordinances or regulations occurring after the submission of the successful bid, the City shall issue a change order setting forth the additional work that must be undertaken. The change order shall not invalidate the contract and there shall be, in addition to a reasonable exten- sion of the contract time, a reasonable adjustment in the contract price to compensate the successful bidder for all costs and expenses incurred, including overhead and profits, as a result of the additional work. (ORS 279.318(2)). 5. All work shall be done under the general supervision of the designated representative. Subject to the contract' s requirements, the designated repre- sentative shall decide questions as to the quality and acceptabliLity of -5- Contract materials furnish?d, work performwed, rate of progress of work, interpretation of drawings and specifications. 6. This agreement and all of the cover.-ants hereof shall inure to the benefit of and be bindinG upon the City, and the Contractor respectively and their legal representatives. The Contractor shall not assiFm, transfer, or hypothecate his or their interest or obliEpticns hereunder without the written consent of the City. 7. Subject to the provisions of said contract documents and in consideration of the faitblul performance of the terms and conditions thereof by the Contractor, the City agrees to Fay the contract price of (� ) in the manner and at the times provided in the specifications; subject, however, to audit of unit prices, ehangP orders, extra work orders and modifications as applicable. Partial payments, in accordance with ORS 279.575(1), will be made in the normal course of audit of the City's obligations based on estimates prepared and certified by the Contractor and approved by the City's designated representative at the clove of each calendar month; subject, however, to the retainage re quiremc nts of ORS 279.575• 8. Contractor shall diliC-:!ntly perform and coeTplete all of the work within a total of thirty ( 30 ) calendar day3 after notice to proceed has been issued to the Contractor by the City, time and manner of performance being of the essence hereof. Liquidated damages shall be paid at100.0,Qtay. 9. A complete copy of the proposal of the Contractor is appended 6 - Contract hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. 10. In case suit or action is instituted to e.,force the provisions of this contract, the parties agree that the losing party shall pay such sum as the Court may adjudge reas:)nable as attorney's fees to he allowed the pre- vailing party, together with such sum as an appellate court shall adjudge reason- able as attorney's fees in the event of appeal. I I IN WITNESS WII;;REOF, the Ct;,y has caused this agreement to be i i executed by its duly authorized undersigned off icer3, acting pursuant to reso- lution of the City Council, duly passed at the regular meeting held on the day of , 19 , and the Contractor has executed this agreement on the date hereinabove first written. CITY OF TIGARD By Mayor By Recorder CONTMCTOR By By Attach Acknowledgment(s) hereto. 7 - Contract STATe OF ORE'WN ) s s. CORPOR. TE Amorm'L x s:ti'r County of On this day of , 19 , before me appeared and ` beth to me personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he, the said is the Pres1lent, and he, the said is the Secretary of the within named Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was ;signed and scaled in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board. of Directors, and and ac?,nowl.edged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporatlon. IN TESTIMOUY W=ECF, I have hereunto set my hand ani affixed my official seal the day a.:d year last above written. Notary Public for Or^_gon. My Cort nission Expires STATE OP OREGON ) s s. L"TDI VZDUAL County of Washington ) ' 19-- PersonsLly appeared before me, the above named _ _ and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be voluntary act and deed. Notary Public for Oregon. My Commission Expires STATE OF ORLON ) s s. CITY AC0O�AXDGt•Er,T County of Washington ) On this day of 19 , before me appeared and both to me personally known who, being duly sworn, did say that he, the said is the Mayor, and that she, the said is the Recorder of the CITY OF TIGA.RD, a municipal corporation, and the said and acknowledged the said instrument to be tha free act and deed of said municipal corporation. IN TESTI1401Y Whr.REOF, I gave hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, this the day and year in. this my certificate first written. Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires EXH/G1T e City of Tigard State of Oreton KITOW ALL bEN BY 'I'rTSE PRESSEN-23,, That we, �, as Principal, and duly authorized to <-,,nduct a general surety business in the State of Oregon, as Surety, are ,jointl-y :and severally held and bound unto the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereinafter called Obligee, in the sum of _- _._ Dollars ($ la:.;ul money of thn Ur_it:!d States of Amerir-,a, for the payment of which we, as Principal, and as Surety, ,jointly and severally bind ourselves, our successors and assi„ns, firmly by thece presents, TIE CONTITION Or THIS BOND MID OBLIGATIOU IS SUCH, that WhT,RE.'_S, on the day of Y�,, 19_�-• the Principal herein, entered into __>ntract witu the City of Tigard, Oreg.n, the Obligee herein, for the furni5n?ng of materials, labor and eciu4ment and other requirements for the performance of certain public improvements, being located within the City of T{g_ard, as more fully set forth in contract docu=nts as described in said contract, all of which NOW, TFEREFOP.E' if the Principal herein slLall faitzfully and truly cbs`rve and comply With the terms of the contract and shall well and truly r,:r- form all r-itters and things undertaken to be perforrrcd under said contract and. shill pro,,,ptly Wake payments to all persons supplying labor or Mterial for any prosecution of the work provided for in such contract and shall not F;z=...it any lien or claim to be filed or prosecution against the Cit;; on accouat of any ' or rAterial furnished and shall promptly pay all contributions or -mounts ;h.;e the S+._te Accident Industrial Fund and all contributions or 1,Lcunts d,;e the State Unemployment Compensation Fund incurred in the performance of said and shall proicptly, as due, rake payuent to the person, cc-p3rtn=rsh_p, r- ation or corprration entitled thereto of the monies and sins , nti:r :d in 279.320 of. the Oregon Revised Statutes, end shall prusptly p-ly over to vL: State D_partcent of Revonue 211 sums required to be deducted acd ret;_n,cd �m wages of employ,!--s of the Pr tncipal and his sub-contractors, pursu-.rnt to 52;;ti,_n '16.197,, Oregon Revised Statutes, then this obliZa tion is to be void, cti �t--�ise to , in full force and effect. The total amount of the Surety's liability und._r this bond, both to th-_ Obligee and to the persons furnishing; lcbor or raterials, provisions and go,�4s and to any other person or persons, sill in no ev-_nt ex:.eed ti,_ pcnii.ty th?r eof. Provided, how,2ver, tLut the con,iltions of this oblt�--:'Aon shall not apply to any money loant--d or ad-runc A to ti:e Principal or to tiny sub-contractor or othor person in tine perfon.ance of any such work, whether specifically Pro- vided for in the contract or not. This bond is executed for the purpose of complying with Chapter 279 of Title 20, Oregon Revised Statutes, the provisions of .,hich are hereby incor- porated herein and made a pert hereof. Said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the teras of the contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accoWC--nying the same shall in anywise affect its obliSations on this bond, and it does hereby - -waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work or to the specifications. IN ;-JT'41SS WE R.EOFIF the parties hereto have caused this 3cnd to be executed in Portland, Oregon, this day of , 19 PRINC'IPAL,(S� Witnesses: By _ Title _._..-- ----_--------- ---— - --------------- 5 U RK Y -2- ST:', G OF ORFIGON ) ss, County of On this day of 1975, before me appeared and _ beth to me personally known, who being; duly sworn, did say that he, the said � is the_ of the within naked Corpo_ation, and tt3t the seal affixed to said. instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrwnent is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instruwent was signed and sealed in beiiaL" of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and _ _and. acknowledg_d said instrurn::nt to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY KEPEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the (lay and year last above written. II� Notary Public for Oregon My Ccmmission Expires: I 1 -3- CXHIBIT "D" 'L--vTIFICATE CF INySU A:TCE '•,;i Y' This is to certify to: � THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON That the following described policy or policies have been issued to: (name and address of insured) By the (Na:ra and ad cress of insurance compan:•) DQscrint_on of Contract - Ins allarion of nnP Sanirare Snwnr Manhnln Limits of Policy Expiration _Type of ,overage Liabilitv Number pate 1. work-, en Cnmoensation Statutory 2. E:nolov-2 r ' s Liabilitv 5 Bodily Property ] Injury r)amage * �� 3. Comer ­c-nsive general Liab: Lit• _ ti $ A. Pre: ._ s--2s & Ouerations S S S 5 B. Btan-e` Ccncract_ual S S Indep,- dent $ S ,{ C. 5�,: _on,ractors S S = Products Liability and S $ D. C.ampito f 'ceras ions _ S S ! 4. Ccrprehens iv .au tomobi le S S Liability (owned, hired- S & nnn-owned ) 9. ,fit h e r - -------- Expires 11 : ,-1 standar,] tier.- at the al-rress of nar;ed insured stated * Indi-•-at. ^e following proport� dar,•.age 1 --ability features: Yes Nv L. "ur .aJ!-orm" includir-i occurr,_nce and care , cus tod%,, and .:ontral 2. Explosion, c,)Ilapse, and underground 'Jamarae exclu,aions The in:3urer i• :roes that it will notify in writing, THE CITY OF TTGAU OREGON _ of any material ^t:ange, exoiral- ion er cancellation of the above described policies not less ti-.a': W days 5n°are suct•, change, expirat i �n or cancellation becomes effer• -Ive. It is f irther agree ' the above named uwcier, his officer . , ace.nr.., ( including _he engineer ) and employees are in^_lu.3ed as d ,-;ttional named insure,is but only as respects the performance the above r'ebcribed contract. i _4ar.•e of Insurance Company) ! [k:t e: _ t Authorized Representative SPECIFICATIONS Scope: This work shall consist of reconditioning and repair of existing sewers in the City of Tigard, Oregon, by installation of one standard concrete sanitary sewer manhole, on an existing inch (approx. foot deep) concrete sanitary sewer line, in accordance with these specifications and the standard specifications of Public Works Construction APWA Oregon Chapter and the standard specifications of Unified Sewerage Agency, as adopted by the City for sanitary sewerage facilities construction. Material: The materials required for construction shall conform to that which is iterated in the above referenced star _ard specifications more specifically, such shall be in accord with and as illustrated by the attached Exhibit "E" (standard manhole datail) and the attached Exhibit r standard trench detail) . Patch material shall be Class "C" (hot mix) A.C. over a compacted crushed rock fill.. Construction Practices and Procedures: The methods required for construction shall conform to that which is iterated in the above referenced standard specifications except that, more specifically, all pavement cuts shall be saw cut in a neat workman-like manner. Utility service(s), and pedestrian and vehicle acce:.G, to adjacent businesses shall be maintained at all times. Materials and equipment shall not be stored in the street . Inspection Reimbursement: If the contractor shall work in excess of eight hours in any one day, or forty hours in any one week the City shall. be reimbursed for aci:ual construction inspection costs at the rate of time and one half for all over.tim(I in excess of eight hours per day and for work performed on Saturday and on any iegal holiday specified in O.R.S. 187.010. Traffic Control: The contractor shall provide all necessary traffic control devices and flagi.en and shall be responsible to insure the general public's safety through- out the conduct of paving operation:, , Liquidated Lamages: Liquidated Damages shall be assessed a': the rate of One Hundred_Dollars ($ 100.00) per clay payable by the contractor to the City on demand __ for each and every calendar day that completion of said work is delayed beyond the prescribed completion date. i SPECIAL CONDITIONS SUPPLEMENTARY TO SPECIFICATIONS RECONDITIONING OF E:CISTING SEWERS The following Special Conditions are supplemental to specifications for THF: E'fi,ENI' OF ANY INCONSISTENCY BLTWEEN THEE a SPECIAL CONDITIONS ALND OTHER SPEC IFICAlIO`iS, THE SP-ECIAL CONDITIONS HEREINAFTER SET FORTH SHALL SUPERSEDE OTHER SPECIFICATIONS: (1) Written sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder, City of Tigard, 12420 S.W. blain, Tigard, Oregon 97223, until 3 :00 o' clock P.M. , Pacific Daylight Time, on _LL__�_1980 at which time and place all bids received will be opened and publicly read. All bidders shall b(: required to pre-qualify in accordance with 179.008 to 279. 018 Oregon Revised Statutes. Only bids submitted by bidders whc have pre-qualified in accordance with the cited statutes will be considered. The American Public works Association Oregon Chapter. A form of Contractors' Pre-qualification Application and Questionnaire, or equal, shall be the basis a£ pre-qualification. Forms for pre-qualification may be obtained at the City Recorder' s office. (2) All bid proposals shall be in the form hereto attached, denoted E:-chibit "A" ,id by this reference made a part hereon, or substantially equal form. (3 ) As require3 by 279. 070 (3) ORS, a surety bond, cashier' s check or certified check .in an amount not less than 10% of the bid or contract price shall b.> attached to the bid as bid security. (4) A':✓ard of contract and return of bid security shall be conducted in accordance with 279.075 and 279. 080 ORS, and the succes,7ful bidder shall (a) Promptly execute a formal contract sub- stantially in the form, and contai:iing the terms and conditions set forth in form approved by 14r. JoeBailey _ attorney for the City set forth in Exhibit "B" hereto attached. (b) Execute and deliver to the City a good and sufficient corporate surety bond, subject to approval of the City, in a sum equal to 100 of the contract price, said bond to be in form sub- stantially equal to the City of Tigard Public works Contract Bond set forth in Exhibit "C" hereto attached. (5) The attention of all bidders is hereby especially invited to the requirements of the applicable provisions of Chapter 279 ORS including, but not limited to, the following: 279.036 - Mandatory preference of state products in purchase of materials and supplies. 279.038 - Use of Oregon construction products mandatory; limitation on extra price. 279.044 - Discretionary preference to Oregon persons, concerns, materials and supplies. 279.312 - Conditions of public contracts concerning payment of laborers and materialmen, contributions to Industrial Accident Fund, liens, and withholding taxes. 279. 314 - Condition concerning payment of claims by public office*•s. 279.316 - Condition concerning hours of labor. 279.318 - Condition concerning forfeiture of contract. 279.320 - Condition concerning pyament for medical care and attention to employees. 279.334 - Maximum hours of labor on public contracts. 279.336 - Time limitation on claim for overtime; posting of circular by contractor. 279. 338 - Length of day' s labor on public works. 279.350 - Workmen on public works to be paid not less then prevailing rate of wage. 279.352 - Provision in contractfor minimum hourly rate of wage; determination of prevailing rate of wages. 279.354 - Certification of rate of wage by contractor or subcontractor. 279. 510 - Faithful performance bond for public contract. ( 6) The City reser•i-?s the right to accept or reject any and or all proposals, or parts thereof. (2) Q W W U Q>> z l 1 cr �, of&0 ■ a W0H : • LL r t 11 d Z OW or • o \ _! a: O W 1L"W p W�O< W 7 0 w W W J Z It 00 4ft Q z Q r a > a 1 cr cr .- / Z / a p Z IL Q N OLL O_1 OW W O Tbal - W WW W U > n ais IL p < O « K ♦- W^ 1 < � a y 0 O Q < CW vCa�L ZW45 or O OO 1- O I < 00 0 0 w F > < mpa O V Z1. ►- vrn u < M Z W z W • e li I.- Uc ~ cr 11.1 O a r - p Q W W Q •W C Y J I- - (j U A d Ip W q n - Q W J on Z K 4 O l N V. r~ O a io0o 410 U 4~!ZM xo /boa a•O 2 --W •C E JE fti 000�� 00 + 7 ca V 20Or or F- fk z n LL a � . • O ^�N Z W r' o • e n O N � M � I.• eea • �) De MA It 0 a -T4 t 4. tl.Cp •n c__ -- nW da Z " 4 vor totL W? W • m v'aVA) ---�y-- - � f„�02 v U W a p ►1 P O f N m m o ~ 1t U U Z cw O Q a R \ . Q z ar n {y N Z O oi Z 2 I OI co rz a O o cn I Q z' v� p w I a N fl W 1 S ,N ui O w Z �� v� O F - Q Cl W i c� U. z I _ 4 Q I W I I W LO `U J- a T z t vn Q W tY kl h r- Q 'Q Z • w I (/) d O O N to w 0_ O �It t0 W - I N �D _ O i t0 O N N N N N N M M M M M ( tf O z I Z w LLJ m I - O _a _h C✓ M I up N tD N N N tp `!L N N N M M M it TI