CHRIST THE KING CHURCH SANITARY SEWER Z fa I y EXISTING �— - - - - - BUILDING \ \ \ o I I c I I PARKING -� \ I 39SPACES / r PARKICU Iw _ .. I_ 37S�AQ S UN ( - G ci 1 1 - w N / z 1 1 I V m A ID 1 I _ - �- :.. , U) _ u') SITE PLAN 0 o PRINTEn MAY 8,1986 CHRIST THE KING CHRCH SVIR •^u/DLIII 1 OF v r • I �!' +. •` - - - __v F ir'I fY,l�lllrrllilllll�llll rilll�l lvllll� II I I NOTE: IF iLALMEG 2 II I ILII r!I i I!I II II I 111'1!1 eIIIIIII I IIIIIII eIIIIIII I Irll�ll otlllfll I 1111111 irllllll12 TNG IS LESS CLEAR T THIS NGT1GFf"7T IS WTO lh -- - . . . _-. . - . . ' I ]JE NG. ""bRMINGY OF THE ORIGINAL I OE 6Z BZ LZ D�IZ SZ ►Z EZ ZIZ IZ OZ 61 131 LI 9I $1I 41 EI ZI II OI 6 Y l D S t. E Z 1"'�" / �"�� � �nJunluulNIIIIIIIbIIdINdINIhllquull6lLmhnJllldplJlllllUnWNhm6Nduu�luluNLudu,160IlIINLmlunhndlry6nnh61lnnhnduullndmdn11h6rhnrhndyu{xuYluLudun6uduulnuhwlwl!•dulurdnu�uduuluulnullwlun I JUNE 24 199 .E N tiro �.� �L,,, E, (70 a) TOFOG(QA•PHV, AND G TF LOC.AnON C! )`ZVF�-_`•( IN N. E. I/H '?F TION IC> T 7 5• , R. I W• W. M . W WAS N I !:ETON C./''JNT'Y LO M.N (� ->URVEY FOR CURVE`( gY ,GAL I2o' OUTBUILDINGS W CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH KAM PE AQ'_`SOCl/ TS � Z2 TAN. 'E5&' N -rIAARD, orzECroN. CIVIL ENGINEERS 15962 S W BOGNES FERRY K-Ab 1 ! LAKE 0SMGO. C)REGON 97034 0 (503; ',35-6291 Z I ARCH ITEG71�)• r�Tz u-,H V, 7MITH / DULI, PD\RTNERSH I P vi 1� IN�� T�A ATN ORECjONH c'I-►OE(vZUE •!4 I DRY WEu_ ��►� I pikovISSIONAI ,501,$ �°',t O it + + CONC-RETE SLAB AROUND PERIMETER .. N 8�` 4?,' �'' E• 185. 23 P�� 7��3 OF CHURCH BUILDINCT (TYP.) 1, 0.33' N• �� 43 3D" E. IIOf•OI �S• 7811 �/' � .. '•� t � _ ;b aou o D OL - •CeM'Vo Mr. MYISIIi Zglr Zgy.a ,q5 C;) ! • til. r1AW1ti10' IE uuMP }''" t2P tglb IVa 135• 2,-5 P.5 �q�3 i PiNF �fslR(.M + -PINE.6 911w1 F "alu(1 131841 PINE r \ \\ NATLF, MLTER \ 3 II a 8 �v C \ \� I,• }q,l��1 , t l`1 13 \ t� 1 t� r-- + I + i �'.•`�>w'.' .d�,. ,� + `�e,/f \. .,i .\� /l ��,•..1 i/ha� �i� �'i•i ` '/_ 4ONGRETE WAUkWAY c�Nc KETE VVAIxwQ,y METER + oN�9 u j 3tia r �titi +�l \\ 13\11 h , \ c �► \ _.i__ Ec G-H U IZ G N F ` +� `` +Z �JY N h + � \ \ + �� � •� \' QUI LDIN �" A.0 U\r'^LK WA a 9 ' y q��+ - eu , \ + - 2 �� I�EG�E_ �D +_,Gs,V �'9r +-3 _,� �,, � ,� r'r, ,•i ., 0` 1 1 00T� f�f�ILpINy ;,Z 29� -- \ 3 +3 } tl 3r- �� '+ h. I �� — I G.f A� /{ EG�RIGAL LIt`lE �\ 3 1 (�I f 1 _c_ URGH SERVk;� SIGN ' _ANOPY / { 1 — } ZgI°3 / F.F. - FINISk�ED FLf�R• �,\3 alpi 3�a_ I F,/L _ F Ll GF,0 • WIrH ,UPPOKI FD-:,T-5 t•yd� hq r� + ,��, U - AA� LIME \\ \ \ \ I \ I t 1- - • I j2; 1 A F Lq'I c, yq 1 + Zqm ;� �'/ � ' / X03 � G�•V• G�'� VP��VE \ 1 r 1 qA Y faE E P 2a I 1 q LIGHT L,F LIGHT FIVTUR.E JEg Z ,B•I� 1 I I w "' ' + - q6'� Int AND WITH CONCRETE GUR(3 2q�' �� �/, yd° �•D. - �URFAGE DRAIN q +3 *32 32h I }3 \i +3. 1 II I I� I I��- ,�� i rt ,� �` �� �.g. - SANITAF-Y 15E:WEP- i I 1 o 3y A I v 1 lig0� � �vE� PARI' IN� L�� g y - \ I I H Io• Flo. �3 w I I ,�o .,� �° �K + _— z�� %a+z �,,/ ,o �j•T �7T�RM l7RP.IN LINE 1 I 1 I f /4- X3.3 T. - TELEPHONE L.N E t I + OUrSUILMNG� 2Q�3 " l / + 1 O GU R- r I d +3,vv iI I I I �, ; � � +� , j T:e• = Tpf' F l3 6 1 IIf '1 / z 1 U.F s LrTIL-ITY POLE 1' i �-�\ i +�°'k �-r- E , + �, / / �' W. s WATFR LINE E 1 I I 7) �+�°\.ti +elk \ + +�ti29,,0 � 3p� W.V. - V,/ATEA V/AI.VE tip � � \ t I I GI •�1/ � 1 ' I I f �I h 1 a'� ► �' �... � — Za°I 2a�,� / �� � �+� �•\ FF I N Gt LOT �`� I I + \ `t _ +3� U q3i / � , ', � \� � \ �, , I � 1 Z f ► `� 1 `\ 4 3� � ,��\�o ` ,�• ac,,y �¢�,vEV PPP"`'\N`�t24 _/+ � ,• � / ,Tv r.F_ °1 t 4 11 I I r 3vy�' ` ; # ,p� + ` .'�s 3oc-- + ' /yq,1.11 1134 c(tErE GUWER.T-Z99.2 FSI •�\O� +3 � TREf fit\ •— — .— '_ 0 b + \ , \ • �\ o t 30" + 2q. +g �t� 1, \ I +�' - WMAIN �IAtN, + 'I i- q ` \ 1 PARK1 16a LOT 51GN ,z.— __. .,p2 _� �-�'_ »Ip2 & t�° 3 1 II I l I ,yllo' 77 +f I n \ \\ .3o`�a I TPE1: '�c T L+v,�h�� `� UP`--- - u fl�ly I I I I + + O II 1 I + _jp��_T��i° J TREE I +, ' .. _�•' , ' — I � I +3y \off 1 �� �� � I , - ��•° �:i-E- �•� �` t+ °`� ce , +37 O _�- Ep,�I � + �H - + Lu II I 11 ( I y I ..PAF�G IN �LUf1 \ 1 1 `1 a } ,4 � ",p - I I i I �" t W �tt�\E OF _ I 1 i I I I 1 +ly.y 33� `� IJP. X41 _--�- NOTFh: + vN' '�'`PT%ON) I. -TBF- t3OUNDARY DIMEN510N5 SHOWN ARE TAKEN 3, -SNE UNCERCGROUND CCAS ,� TDGEPHONE I_INEc� WERE FtE-LZ) LOGATEP 1 - I �,�p YELL(1W L011ORETE I' I ��9"1 '�� + ' t(AP + o icy I �i1 \ _ _r -�E 1{yLR FROM REWRD INFOR.I"1ATION SHUWN IN PEEP 13(bK FRnM P/�INT �(AF:I�S MADE ON THE GROUND 43Y THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY 0UA�D P05T 1 �g�.NEP �� - 1�__ - ��'ti �-' ,�\° �. F 45-1 • PA4E ZC o , WASH ING,uN COUNT? DEED RECO2D5 , G0KpANy'-_,. AN /, -b;JP IPT ION I, MADE THAT THE UNDER4ROUt\l� �2Qh I Wv 0►' ' �� $�' 3q- �. � V+ / R� �_— ` r! v� -� -slre TS M SEE NpfE�y AND ON PRIV,4TE �URVE`fS PERFt7RMEG F37 HARPING ELECTRICAL- LINE`S WERE PI.O.GEp IN 7KE "T1iLEPHUNE TRENc;I� �'L C-,UI�E --�� _ 1� f_ E.L:3010 Zla �r.,-ter' As (ZEGORDED W1T1 -•fHt WAST-IINgTON wHEN ORtGINAtrI.Y t.•A1P- ( VERtFY WITH L(,EC,T�.IG/aL, COMPANY v. Z yG` XVN Y �UR•VEYORS OFFICE AS P'S, 71311 AND F'5. 79-13, PRIOR- TO GONSTFIVCITION �0�� ,� Z. TIE VFF-TICAL DATUM Ih " CITY OF TIUA1Zp ° FROM N• 7H6 GjffE FDNC-K MAfzK IS GENrER TOP of t�NNET oN FIRE HYDRANT G11Y 13FNGN MAR►- FOUND AT THE SOVTHEAST CO NER OF' lACA1�p �UTHE"RLY OF GHURGFt f�UtL-DINq ON �UUTHERI.Y SIDE v5 y`�r- -3zti -y�UtiV' +�� f ` `�` -- -- _ (4T" A ENUE ANU nAARDE STREET, WI{Ic-H IS OF e5U(L MOUNTAIN f��.U , ( �L 3O(�• } I V - - M©�� A WR S4'IKE IN U1 10 Ft�IE NO, IgCrI - + --" L1Y v c� ( i ,),vl I I HNULL I C;HR.1.5 I I HE KING C;IAk'C:H SWF' . .. .......,„ ,.., roan -. .. . � +Y1W4Nn^iww� � n IIS A 1 ;i'11Ft'1III 11f1 1`111111,1111111 1(I�� II It'll 11111'Il,lhr (IIi '11111 111111x111111 1111111 1111f11 1111111 111'!11 1111111 1111111 1111111 1111111 111111 1111111 1111111 NOTE: IF T141S MICROFILMED 1 2 _ `� 4 5 6 7 e 9 I D I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT 1GI i•"IT 15 DUE TO QUALITY OF Tit ORIGINAL t „ -0-DRAWING. — 0F. 6? 92 a 9Z SZ tiZ C2 ZZ 12 OL dl 81 L I 91 S I b l E I Z! I I 01 6�"' 0 L 8 S � b it Z 1 -'.. ��t1�111111111�In11Un�uuluulur 1111,11111lIIIItIp11111�ui16u111ll1111111i►u11111�II1111H1�i1t111111�II11111u�tIIIIIIIi�Nlht111�I1i1lllN�IInIiIIlllnilini�nlllllUlnlllnulilllllln�11111�YH�lliluu�u1f11n1�nuluulnllllWlNWlill�lll111111�1IU111111111111�IWIIli1 I e_j UNE 24 1992 c -1 w ID In CiTfOFMAND ly May 8, 1987 OREGON 25 Years of SeMce 1961-1986 Lee Gunderson Oregon State Highway Division 2131 S.W. Scholls Ferry Rd. P.O. Box 565 Beaverton, OR 97005 RE: Existing Storm Drainage On State Right-of-way Dear Lee: On March 23, I met with you and Steve Olson to discuss drainage from Christ the Ring Lutheran Church. The City's main concern was and still is flooding of The Colonies Apartments. You stated then the ditch and catch basin was the responsibility of the City because it is not on the State Right-of-way. I asked the City surveyors to locate the property corners of the apartment property. Enclosed is a sketch showing the ditch on the State R/W. The City is working with the owners of the apartments and Canterbury Square on upgrading the downstream storm drainage system. In the interim, however, it appears that improvements should be made to '-he ditch within the State right-of-way. Please contact me should you have any questions. aincerely, �4a Michael Mills Construction Inspector MM/mj 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tlgard,Oregon 97223 (603)639-4171 OZ i pTcH �yflk_TMEN1 gcvS�FS I r _ 1 a 4o 23-?4 _ — :zs— -- C C .r-1 /jN _r r l 1'11 S U T R \1 i eoe 49' I / ~ 4, r /-4W UL �leo � 71ti ,;P5 ' eZ yt—R.'�196.eo' N e9°4V't 206.30, ANTI 5 r SEE MAP / 2S I IOAC +I S nI I h/dull REPLY 11 I To serve you more promptly and econ your leper we are reply not y to ns I(A`//1 I Ill I\Jll I III/�V/\I Your letter with marginal notations ` on the letter Itself. arc-hlledt April 10, 1987 k ,s Randy C 1 arrlo aIt � , �AilIll� '" pp �\t`� \o , `r Q City of Tigard k 12755 SW Ash ,• c - ,e P.O. Box 23397 4r 1 � Tigard, OR 97223 c� P Re: Christ the King Lutheran Church /y u?- aJ' �•� Storm Water 2eterttion Dear Randy: CG Enclosed are calculations for design of a storm water retention system for the church project. The State Highway Department ' - design criteria were used. You will notice that the system, as designed, will produce flows not greater than those prior to development. As per our conversation, I understand that the installation of this storm retention system will result in no additional water flow at peak runoff times in the system downstream from the church property. I also understand that it will not be necessary for the church to do any work to the existing ditch system downstream of the church property. Please review and comment as necessary. I will attempt to keep you informed of the contractor's schedule for paving the parking lot. Sincerely, Smi I/Oull Partnership, Architects Steven C. Olson, AIP Partner SCO/zm CC: Lee Gunderson Dan Larsen Don McBee File O4:Rcn410 20915 S.W. 1051h AVENUE,TUALATIN,OREGON 97062 503/692-6k:3b MOFFATT, NICHOL & BONNEY, INC. - ENGINEERS PROJECT Gt�G IST jfiE Y-_IIJCT PAGE. I D(2L--IGE CA -BY IJ DT., DATE E {�LLowl►�� LAR-AINa�aE. G/�LU)LP.11ohJ t�d.L`fZE P.4 .THF. . .noto _ . MF 7Ho17 THF_ ,lhPAC.T.. ..SAF OF . GHRIS-T' . `THE kIWG 1_IJTNEP M CoHL)rL(_H ( abriTlOti1 OW 7HG EXISTING C��V.J N S'IR-EAM ..DRAI t.JAC�G 511�.0 GtvsZES/•�.N O , hi0�(�I GATI��. __.-_ , __ _. _2Ec�u I�z.Eo cA!:XIJ 2oc. �wNSTrLEa.rl . Pie- -EM_ .. PROPC'<7r-.J 115) 'EP70QF I tJC PLEMP . OF SSt�,j2.N t-A TMP_ _AU NOPE oN . 51Tr-- SUG-f .. 111A. .PosT-.D�vE�US�f11-t.�T-_ .S-I��.Frwa-T�2 owe ol✓ -r�l� sIT� a2� . Ec�.�P-� To PRE - _ AXI STJ tN C-r P Lj t,1_!2 FF 12JO.rcal=._—.938? .- :.. . ._. _. .�I`�T.�.P�l.u�• - _....10.3*4� . _ ._ _; �-4,320.sr._. _.�_-__. 5:4d 5-�,_._ ---. �&P_AUE __ Pot-S-+ jLj0r-,uP.PEt2 t XIST r .P�LL7 G.. _ 1.1C ,d>`f S 1, 58 3 C.�•F� .f!Wit;r t- I.Q. flet . .. - --._.._.EX157�N.� ..Rurvcol F _ r�uCFFtc•�ctiT _ _.. __. AitG \�iuGlO ,-�(t,,ll�)�� 5+ 1'IiGCadrb. i.c , p.n L���o.� s 5- 0.o:; P 1 G P�tiTl/��.i C.h►l.G Go t Tc-= .Cd.I .° M 10 v�.�E_ �T�- �o I•t I��. Llo= x.`16 Eltl'5I1NG caJr, MOFFATT, NICHOL & BONNEY, INC. - ENGINEERS PROJECT 0AP-J'21 7.11E Kit JG l_U1HF v_ .1 ! li)1 C.� f PAGE. _ _ JOB NO. . 3433 '. LURAI tJa G6,L-c- - . I'D qp -ne-r-1 . D.D ..T- BY' — DATE Tov�,I_ RuNo1-4= ,�= ��� (�z = 10�,�20 �.� G h GuPPF_V ►6, ffos.F o.,5 W-Kiw 5, 2 a0 S c� 3 PATI o , 'Ln 4;F. o.9 ED 12. ,ro4o 4v2-tAI5 0'9 d.of lv�*L.t� w.b-`1's ! , 242 5•F• Lo..9 . 0-0 f'1�•12 4L1 NG - Lei W.F�2 (A,,= 1 ? 001 ! 1 I �a S.F_� c�,9 0 0l A,=_82� �4� `.�•:��. C._.Uf•Jt�F�Et�PEr� ) = I • rj�1 �L . ( GI- -fro. ll0,••o•S+�o•5�2�dro.�.�•r��i2`�t� Tp•�1____ = O , �4� o.g3 L�.4 2-114)j AS�.jF1F.•� . .. . . c.n,l_G. _.. Tc- K•'J . *.2. •Tt -: 7�2..Mf�.t.. _..i .=O•.']o Tc- =. �t3..5 vi(I" TL=-. CoQ lyl.l►� L=J.1 15 T� G1 .9 C�.I � A,r G,x �� =- I•.c'�11. xp.34g,� o.� ls = o• 4� .c.•�•�. Az - '2 4, �,• ,� = I�, -7e)0 h= `�'-�_'�{' S$al ��•o(� f.Cl� I"lar 1124-Z��.OI�� _ O �O L= i_ - 2 . 9. 5o 11 I o o •��Ss.x o9f 2 t- Qz. .4 =x• 83 � .F. �� A MOFFATT, NICHOL- & BONNEY, INC. - ENGINEERS J PAGE. .-- PROJECT JOB NO. C, By Gf+LG . •. 51��N1 _ BY -U r-)-T - DATE � n 5.4�' Ilio = o•c��-�41 o�s•��,z o t-1 ir_l 1. T'. - 2 •clo t11r� . IA 2 7c- to tt" ' _ �• �� USS, 7G= t11tJ 1 = '� ( 3-� IGS X o-q Tk�TAt- Pik- N«FF LowEP F-uF��rzw,-.,cam REI�uIRCt� -TOV Cid sem``' i 1 \J= loo.K .�2.;T�= �o� I. t�".to _ To .IQ 95" PIPE- G" PIPEIT.(l'/1- )_)'A V cel_ ~_�N CAtJc.. c'l 8 - =' .5-$ `i•- , Cott Et-,. 2q�.2�,, To . �.q�.a� = 0•�5 G '100 Yo1..,r�It�U �'� �-�.ot� E�, �5 .2� To �1�•_ 215 1.f'_EA OF _)0 G . ll�tl�lr VVI- OF Potluk--lct V= 175 + 450 OUT#"Lc*_j I Q A z ��. (�z, URa�t�_�aG-,ti- /�P•.E/�- s ' Q--1 MOFFATT, NICHOL & BONNEY, INC. - ENGINEERS q PROJECT �{L�NC �' IQG ��1I (:_1J A�_I C.I I�fir'..0 j -_ PAGE. JOB NO. BY ' T _ DATE- A2 ATE_A1SIG f'1 f✓ Dul'_i,,�_J = O.I O G F 298.o - 2q4 == 4.o' =7 VSE ) 1/2-" PIA, z c5 2 25f = 4•o r U✓-� Ali �1�, . �I+.��.i-� C-.)2lp-'rF Qo '- O. IO LFA t CD ci .t1l "6 LU LL EE 0 "S Z ui is v z "t, X Z73 Lj < X .t1l LL 0 '01A 'Hld3G U31VM WATER DEPTH, Ho, Ft. p O O O O LD r \ \ I a;d o \ n \\ aid �•, � O ata `�%i'• 2 cn ' C7 did \ O D j J'' \ \ G� aid � \ _ • m � \ o \a;a 4'• � n \� S \ 0 r did $ m \ \ 9'-a; m 8 aid • a T T 1)•. v ' M Tl �k L \' 0 WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON OA, ,9�6 December 15, 1986 John Hagman City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 RE: CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH - 99W AT BULL MOUNTAIN ROAD Per your request in your letter of September 10, 1986, I have attact-wd a copy of Washington County Permit #248-I . Bill Ihly Operations - Permits BI : lb Depaitment of Land Use And Transportation,Opernlions and Maintenance Division 24 i 0 Southeast River Road Hillsboro,Oregon 97 123 Phone:503/891.7037 0 WASHINGTON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION HILLSBORO, OR 97123 APPLICATION AND PERMIT TO OCCUPY OR PERFORM OPERAT;ONS WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF -WA'. JF COUNTY AND DEDICATED ROADS APPLICATION or� Date % L_ Permit No. Name of App11cant Address -� c �/7 9-k-`J�=_�// Phone Applicant hereby applies to the Washington County Department of Land Use and Transporta- tion for permission to perform the following operations within right ^-of-way under Washington County's jurisdiction. Types of operation and location are as follows: i v T yl,e o f ,�1-rrtc.J S ' N cl c l r u s:i of Com- 7�JL� BC�►*� � v__. PERMIT [he appropriate General Provisions -ontained in "Washington County, Department of lant, Use dnd Transportation, Rules 6 Regulations fur Po Lr�ia­l Buried Cable, Pipe l ine and Miscellaneous Operations and/or Facility Permits 19JU" as supplementc,cf and modified by the attached Standards and the follow 5pPrevisions, shill apply to this pNrvnit , and by this reference, are made a part her sof. It shall be they obligation of the applicant to obtain said Rules 6 Regulations from the Department of Land Use ar.d Transportation and to determine which of the various provisions are applicable before commencement of work under this permit . SPECIAL PROVISIONS jAe This permit is issued by the Department or Land Use arid Transportation subject to the terms and provisions contained herein and/or attached hereto. This permit. is acreptec, arid a proved by applicant ub ' ct to said terms and provi,�ons. � / mac, on Amount: pp]icant �t t2>"�- _ zt-i1ltl LT �`•.c�cc L� Type of Bond: [ ] Surety Bond # - [ ] Cash; Check # By Receipt U T <� kr-ce i ved /D , 19 y i t. �� ,�,• f"��j Ixpires t p 19 WASHINGTON COUNTY, LAND USE S TRANSPORTATION 2470.-')F, River RoaH Hillsboro, OR 97123 07-24-134 i1 n ry"1 M N N 1� n LTO� b M C TM �Yt/YY/t///Yi b N O r tit 1 0) x �� a0 i o m -v I , r +� o T a} .7 0 r 1LL tit U 2 .b �i t 10 4-4-4-4 �./ _.. N Q� p�p iT d 7 CI W a N Z t ad w w _X IREw WASHINGTON COUNTY WASHINGTON COUNT'S LAND USE DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION AND LANG DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION TRANSPORTATION 150 NORTH FIRST AVENUE HILLSBORO, OREGnN 97124 848-8781 RECEIPT FOR WED 12-10-86 80000 FACILITY PERMIT FEE A06154 213.60 OP6225 80.00 TOTAL 293.60 / CHECK 293.60 PROJECT NAME _ � &\T2(J e- ITEM 2 r CASEFILE NO. - / td 4108 1111 T17:12 LOCATION JF PROJECT _ �L °'°'�h � aia� r w1 / / ' ✓ _ APPUCANT NAME _ � ASSURANCE PRIOVIOED S DATE SUGMITTED -�-/_djae _____ FACILITY PERMIT FEE $ DATE PAD PARKM/r MM sAall m OAOi1 r S.W. OAK A& OAK � rte► �� z HILLSBORO - � � N b iunoN. r WASHINGTON COUNTY. �. OREGON October 9, 1986 David Smith 20915 SW 105th Tualatin, OR 97062 RE: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW, ITEM NO. SDR 9-86 (CITY OF TIGARD) 2S1 10 AC, TAX LOT 1700 - 2S1 10 AB, TAX LOT 500 DULL 1.101iNTAI N ROAD Pursuant to our conversation, for your records, you will find enclosed a copy of the recorded Dedication Deed for additional right-of-way along Bull Hountain Road and restrictive covenant waiving right of remonstrance for street improvements as required by the approval of a Site Development Review (through the City of Tigard) . Item No. SDR 9 86. recorded these documents on October 6, 1986, in the Washington County Book of Records, with the appropriate signature on the Dedication Deed for acceptance by Washington County. The Dedication Deed executed by Viola C. Cotter on September 30, 1986, was recorded at Document No. �'.6-45613 and the waiver of remonstrance at Document No. 86-45614. Fven thou the Church is ncn-assessable, you might like to know that the fair market value of the property dedicated Lo the use of the public as a Public way forever can be considered as a donation or as an expense item when Used in conjunction with the de,�t. luirinent of the site, for income tax purposes. The area that was dedicated on your site would amount to 7061 square feet (0.162 Acres), more or less. Thank you for your cooperation in thi, matter. �i erely, Daisy Reed Engineering Technician II ,1N Enclo3ures City of Tigard John Hagman Department of Land Use And Transportation, Engineering/Survey Division 50 North First Avenue Hillsboro,Oregon 97124 Phone:503/648.8761 Glpj � 66045613 DEDICATION DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Christ The King, Luthern Church, of Tigard, Oregon, an Oregon Corporation, hereinafter called the grantor being lawfully seized in fee simple of the following described premises, in consideration of the granting of Site Development Review, Item No. SDR-9-86, which is the whole consideration, heretofore granted by the city of Tigard, a political subsivision or the State of Oregon by Resolution No. 86-69, does hereby dedicate to the use cf the public as a public way forever that certain real property situated in the City of Tigard, County of Washington and State of Oregon, shown on the attached Exhibit "A" and being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: A portion of that tract of land situated in the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon, described in Deed to Christ the King Lutheran Church, of Tigard, Oregon, by Deed recorded in Book 463, Page 250, Washington County Deed Records, said portion being more particularly described as follows, to-wit.: Beginning at the intersection of the Northerly right.-of-way line of County Road No. 147-1/2 (Bull Mountain Road) with the Easterly right-of-way line of S.W. 114th Avenue as dedicated to the use of the Public by Deed Dedication recorded in Book 469, Page 392, Washington County Deed (� Records; thence N 00°05'00" W along the Easterly right-of-way line of said S.W. 114th Avenue, adistance of 46.22; thence Southeasterly on the arc of a 25.0 foot radius curve to the left, through a central angle of 1ZJ� 102°01'00" (the long chord of which bears S 51105'30" E, 38.86 feet) an arc distance of 41.51 feet to a point that is 35.00 feet Northerly from, when measured at right angles �.1 to, the centerline of County Road No. 147-1/2 (Bull Mountain Road); thence N 77`54'00" E, parallel with the centerline of said County Road, a distance of 429.56 feet to a point on the westerly rioht-of-way line of Pacific ;iighway (State Highway - 99W); thence S 24°52'00" W along the Easterly line of said Church tract a distance of 18.77 feet to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of County Road No. 147-1/2 (Bull Mountain Road); thence S 77°54'00" W, along the Northerly right-of-way line of said County Road, a distance rf 452.34 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 7,061 square feet (0.162 Acres), more or less. Basis of Bearing: Survey no. 7EII, Washington co'm ty Survey Records. To Have and To Hold, the above described and granted premises for the purposes hereinbefore set forth unto the public forever. i-3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor above named, by and through its Council President, has caused this instrument to be duly signed hereto. Dated this day of , �h(/,, _ , 19—L(12 iT— Christ The King, Lutheran Church, of Tigard, Oregon BY Vio a C, otter�Counci President STATE OF OREGON ) ss. County of Washington ) BE IT REMEMBERED that on this -'c") day of personally appeared Viola C. Cotter, who, being duly sworn, did say that she is the Council President of Christ The King, Lutheran Church, Pf Tigard, Oregon, and that the foregoing instrument was signed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors; and she acknowledged said instrument to be its voluntary act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed ,my.-official seal the day and year last above written. - -ter..,. Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: 2-- 3"!'.;� . � C.........••• Accepted as a dedicated pu04a road on behalf of the Board of . Commissioners of Washington County, Oregon, pursuant to Resolution and Order No. 78-208. Dated this�day of County Surveyor - -k.—C. Pearson Paye 2 - Dedication Deed 2S1 ILIAC, T.L. #1700 SDP.-9-86 CHRIST/182 After recc,-ding, please return to Land Use and Transportation SW 1/4 NE 1/4 SECTION 10 T2S R I W W.M. WASHINGTON COUNTY OREGON SCALE I"= 100' "A"S* EE MAP 2S I 10AB Pok UN11", ust NW Lij 7 dL. :D 1700 z X A, LLJ CHRIS r r/1 F KINO LvTHIRA N CHURCH AS OF -4 821 !J IRO "C E 1100 J. 454 AC 1200 4,4 AC L ed 300 S. 400 \e -7 AAZ AC SO' •��f 23-74 �'+ � Q `f rot 1 500 4 '.X AC 0ATE OF OFIEGON County of Washington I Dtnsld Vi Mason Director of Assessment and lax"llon and F--Offibc) FlOcOnJ1@1 of Con. nz veyees to sato county.do hereby certify that the whin instrument o! wofling was received and record"it,boot,at records of said county Donald W Mason Directo, of 277 Assessment end laxetior, FN- Otlicto County Gert, Soo 1986 OCT-6 PM 4- 26 • RESTRICTIVE COVENANT WAIVING RIGHT \ �?� OF REMONSTRANCE FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT 6 6 0 4 5 6 14 t We the undersigned, being the legal owners of real property hereinafter described, do hereby consent to the improvement of S.W. 114th Avenue and Bull Mountain Road pursuant to Washington County/City of Tigard Ordinances regarding local improvement districts or other similar provisions in effect at the time of subsequent improvement. In consideration of approval of land use action for Site Development Review, Item No. SDR-9-86 granted by the City of Tigard, a political sul)division, by Resolution No. 86-69 and of not, being required to improve the said road at thin, time, we hereby expressly waive any and all right to remonstrance against the formation of such local improvement district, by Washington County/City of Tigard pursuant to Washington County/City of Tigard Ordinances regarding local improvement districts or other similar provisions in effect at the time of subsequent improvement and the said assessment of such costs thereof against said property. Thi- consent, and waiver to remonstrate, shall expire twenty years from the date hereof but ttie undersigned owners or their heirs, successors or assigns shall renew this covenant and extend same for an additional twenty years upon request _r' Washington County/City of Tigard. The property subject to this consent and waiver of remonstrance is described as Map 0251 1OAC, Tax Lot 01700 and 2S1 10AB, Tax Lot No. 500 and is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL I - (2S1 IOAC TL 01700) A parcel of land in Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Washington County, Oregon, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Being a point on the West line of the Northeast quarter of said Section, which point is N 0005' W 1012.3 feet from an iron pipe at the center of said Section, and in the center of Bull Fountain Road; thence continuine_ N 0°05' W 333.6 feet to an iron pipe; thence N 89"41' E 305 feet to an iron pipe at the Northeast corner of that certain tract conveyed to A.L. Roberts, et ux, by deed recorded in Book 321, pane (04 on June 19, 1951; and the true point of beginning; thence East 748 feet to the center of Old Taylors Ferry Road; thence S 31`30' W along the center line of said Road 155 feet to a point at the intersection of said road center with the center line of the Hull Mountain Poad; +,pence along the center line of said Bull Mountain Road S 7B°18' W 681.1 feet to an iron pipe; thence N 0`OE' W along the West line of said Roberts tract 272.2 feet to the true point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM, the following described property previously deeded to the State of Oregon for highway purposes. Feginning at the intersection of the Westerly right-of-way line of the Pacific Highway West with the North line of that tract of land described in that certain deed to Donald C. Elliott and Ann 0. Elliott, rerorded in Book 301, page 467 of Washington County Records of Deeds, said point being South 1319.52 feet and West 1625.35 feet from the Northeast corner of Section 10, Townsl',ip 2 South, Range 1 West, N.M., Washington County, Oregon, thence S 31`44' W along said Westerly right-of-way line 164.08 feet to the center line of thr- Bull Mountain Road; thence 5 7S`32' W along said center line 200.0 feet; thence N 2E°30' 3" E 200.32 feet to the North line of said property; thence S 89°42'41" East 195.0 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL 11 - (251 ]DAB TL 0500) beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 10, Coles Acres, Washington County, Oregon, and running thence N 89`43'30" E 135.23 feet to o point on the South line of said Lot 10, /_0? being the true point of beginning of the property herein described; thence continuing N 89°43'30" E 169.87 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 10; thence N 0°02' W 132.57 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 10, thence 5 89033'30" W 170 feet to a point on the North line of said Lot 10; thence S 0°05' W 132.07 feet to the South line of said Lot 10 and the point of beginning. It is hereby intended that this consent to, and waiver of right of remonstrance against, the said street. improvements by Washington County/City of Tigard pursuant to Washington County/City of Tigard Ordinances regarding local improvement districts or other similar provisions in effect at the time of subsequent improvement shall be binding on ourselves and all subsequent owners of the hereinabove described property and shall run with title to the said property. Dated this d--y of ` _ f, Christ The King, Lutheran Church, of Tigard, Oregon By '1 �.Z Viola C. Cotter - Council President STATE OF OREGON ) ss. County of Washington ) BE IT REMEMBERED that on this ,�� da, if personally appeared Viola C. Cotter, who, being duly sworn, did say that She is the Council President of Christ The King, Lutheran Church, of Tigard, Oregon, an Oregon Corporation and that the foregoing instrument was signed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its boa,•d of directors; and she acknowledged said instrument :o Ire its voluntary act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed,iny_official seal the day and year last above written. Notary Public far Oregon My Commission expires: 3� Page 2 - Waiver 2S1 IOAC, T.L. 01700 8 251 IOAR, T.L. #500 SDR-9-85 CHRIST/3 6 4 STATE OF OREGON t � SS After recording, plase return to Coinly o/Waahtnplon Land Use and Transportation I Donald W.Mason Director of Assessment and Taxation and E.-OMlcrd Recorder of r,nn veyances for sold county do hereby cenl'y that the within instrument of wri inq was received and recorded In book of records of said county Donald W Mason. Director of Assesamem and Taxntion. bx- CMiCto County clerk 19,6OLT -6 PM 4 26 s s w SMITH/DULL PARTNERSHIP LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 20915 S.W. 105th TUALATIN, OR 97062 9111NO85-30-10 X110/1 /86 (503) 692-6065 1 Daisy Christ the King Church Washington County SDR9-86 Department Land Use & Transportation 150 N. 1st Avenue — --- -- -- -Y Hillsboro, OR 97124 WE ARE SENDING YOU the following Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Specilieatioris ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ _ COPIES DATE NUMBERUESGHIPIION 1 Dedication Deed- ----------__ _ -----W.a.i Y-e-r-Qi=RemQfl s tranoe_A9reemen t--------- --- --— THESE TRANSMISSIONS ARE: [] For your approval [J Approved as submgted ❑ Resubmit with copies for approval ❑ For your use [] Approved as ruled ❑ Submit copies for distribution As per your request [] Currecti-ins rioted ❑ Return___corrected prints ❑ For your review and comment(s) ❑ __ —_ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE t9 _ ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS'. COPY TO John Hagman, City of Tigard II INl11111II 1 i1i�1 ' M III ILW! IASI SIAM V ATHIN5 OHIO 4./0I tv IInP Uu t_.n I1111... I MAl bee Illi IF ENCLOSURES ARE NO(AS DESCHIDED,PI EASE WTIF Y US IMMEDIATELY J WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON RECEIVED SEP '3 l)19�u September 26, 1986 �,MI�N/OUi 1.t'ARj• David Smith 20915 S.W. 105th Tualatin, Or. 97062 RE: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW, ITEM NO. SDR 9-86 2S1 IOAC, TAX LOT #1700 & 2S1 10A8, TAX LOT #500 - BULL MOUNTAIN ROAD Pursuant to ou­ conversation, you will find enclosed a dedication deed for the additional right-of-way on Bull Mountain Road and a restrictive covenant waiving the right of remonstrance for street improvement, as required by the approval of a Site Development Review, Item No. SDP 9-86. Even though the Church property is non-.assessable, you might like to know that the fair market value of the property being dedicated to the use of the public as a public way forever, can be considered as a donation or as an expense item when used -in conjunction w ` h development, for income tax purposes. The area that is being dedizated on your site would amount to 7,061 square feet (0. 162 acres), more or less. Would you pleasir have the Dedication Deed and Waiver of Remonstrance signed by Viola Cotter b(J ore a notary public and return them to Washington County Department of _arid Use and Trarsportatlun to my attention. Your immediate cunbideration and assistance will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 648-8761, ext. 2416. Thank you fcr your cooperation in this matter, Sincerely, G�14 Daisy Reed Engineering Technician 1I Enclosures CHRIST/1 Dupmhoent of t and Uau And I imi•itrortuhun.I nifuieering/Survey Division t a. Fth first Avenue IfilL imm,0nrurrn 91124 11hunu 503/U48•87f.I DEDICATION DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Christ The King, Luthern Church, of Tigard, Oregon, an Oregon Corporation, hereinafter called the grantor being lawfully seized in fee simple of the following described premises, in consideration of the granting of Site Development Review, Item No. SUR-9-86, which is the whole consideration, heretofore granted by the City of Tigard, a politicai subsivision cf the State of Oregon by Resolution No. 86-69, does hereby dedicate to the use of the public as a public way forever that certain real property situated in the City of Tigard, County of Washington and State of Oregon, shown on the attached Exhibit "A" and being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: A portion of that tract of land situated in the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon, described in Deed to Christ the King Lutheran Church, of Tigard, Oregon, by Deed recorded in Book 483, Page 250, Washington County Deed Records, said portion being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of the Northerly right-of-way line of County Road No. 147-1/2 (Bull Mountain Road) with the Easterly right-of-way line of S.W. 114th Avenue as dedicated to the use of the Public by Deed Dedication recorded in Book 469, Page 392, Washington County Deed Records; thence N 00°01,'00" W along the Easterly right-of-way line of Jaid S.W. 114th Avenue, a distance of 46.22; thence Southeasterly on the arc of a 25.0 foot radius curve to the left, through a central angle of 102001'00" (the long chord of which bears S 51°05'30" E, 38.86 feet) an arc distance of 44.51 feet to a point that is 35.00 feet Northerly from, when measured at right angles to, the centerline of Count) hCPd No. 147-1/2 (Bull Mountain Road); thence N 17`54'00" E, parallel with the centerline of said County R)ad, a distance of 429.56 feet to a point on the westerly right-of-way line of Pacific Highway (State Highway - 99W); thence S 24°52'00" W along the Easterly lino of said Church tract a distance of 18.77 feet to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of County Road No. 147-1/2 (Bu'll Mountain Road) ; thence S 77054'00" W, along the Northerly right-of-way line of said County Road, a distance of 452.34 feet to the point of beginoing. Containing 7,061 square feet (0. 162 Acres), more or less. Basis of Bearing: Survey no. 7811, Washington County Survey Records. To Have and To Hold, the ebove described and granted premises for the purposes hereinbefore set forth unto the public forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor above named, by and through its Council President, has caused this instrument to be duly signed hereto. Dated this wo day of 19 U Christ The King, Lutheran Church, of Tigard, Oregon io a C.Gotter - Counc President STATE OF OREGON ) ss. County of Washington ) BE IT REMEMBERED that on this 20 day of 5'�Fp F"1" . 19c 1� personally appeared Viola C. Cotter, who, being duly sworn, did say that she is the Council President of Christ The King, Luta,?ran Church, of Tigard, Oregon, and that the foregoing instrument was signed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors; and she acknowledged said instrument to be its voluntary act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires:_5-- ? ; h- 7 Accepted as a dedicated public road on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of Washington County, Oregon, pursuant to Resolution and Order No. 78-208. Dated this day of 19 By County Surveyor - R. C. Pearson Page 2 - Dedication Deed 2S1 IOAC, T.L. #1700 SDR-9-86 CHRIST/192 After recording, please return to Land Use and Transportation SW A NE A SECTION 10 T2S R.i n YN__.W.Pv1. _ : -^.rY WASHINGTON COUNTY OREGON =- SCALE I'• 100' SEH ll'SEE MAP n 25 i coag row orntx wt NIW .,Q F, L. ..-- — J .7 � 1700 w s� 7 , �nEAAh JS DEO\C.AT\9N "J / ONO 11NTAWQ �,►�� "t �Qi 1100 1.34 A: / ,y s • L� �300 • / al �sSE.SsC�RS t�AP / / �)N 23-74 500 600 900 RESTRICTIVE COVENANT WAIVING RIGHT OF REMONSTRANCE FOR SiRLET IMPROVEMENT We the undersigned, being the legal owners of real property hereinafter described, do hereby consent to the improvement of S.W. 114th Avenue and Bull Mountain Road pursuant to Washington County/City of Tigard Ordinances regarding local improvement districts or other similar provisions in effect at the time of subsequent improvement. In consideration of approval of land use action for Site Development Review. Item No. SDR-9-86 granted by the City of Tigard. a political subdivision, by Resolution No. 86-69 and of not being required to improve the said road at this time, we hereby expressly waive any and all right to remonstrance against the formation of such local improvement district, by Washington County/City of Tigard pursuant to Washington County/City of Tigard Ordinances regarding local improvement districts or other similar provisions in effect at the time of subsequent improvement and the said assessment of such costs thereof against said property. This consent, and waiver to remonstrate, shall expire twenty years from the date hereof but the undersigned owners or their heirs, successors or assigns shall renew this covenant and extend same for an additional twenty years upon request of Washington Cuunty/City of Tigard. The property subject to this consent and waiver of remonstrance is described as Map 0251 10AC, Tax Lot 01700 and 2S1 IOAB, Tax Lot No. 500 and is more particularly described as folluws, to-wit: PARCEL I - (251 IUAC TL 017UO) pA arceT of land in Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Washington County. Oregon, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Being a point on the West line of the Northeast quarter of said Section, which point is N 0'05' W 1012.3 feet from an iron pipe at the center of said Section, and in the center of Bull Mountain Road; thence continuing N 0'05' W 333.6 feet to an iron pipe; thence N 89041' E 305 feet to an iron pipe at the Northeast corner of that certain tract conveyed to A.L. Roberts, et ux, by deed recorded in Book 321, page 604 on June 19, 1951; and the true point of beginning; thence East 748 feet to the center of Old Taylors Ferry Road; thence S 31030' W along the center line of said Road 155 feet to a point at the intersection of said road center with the center line of the Bull Mountain Road; thence along the center line of said Cull Mountain Road S 78°18' W 681.1 feet to an iron pipe; thence N 0'05' W along the West line of said Roberts tract 272.2 feet to the true point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM, the following described property previously deeded to the State of Oregon for highway purposes. Beginning at the intersection of the Westerly riyiit-of-way line of the Pacific Highway West with the North line of that tract of land described in that certain deed to Donald C. Elliott and Ann 0. Elliott, recorded in Book 301, page 487 of Washington County Records of Deeds, said point being South 1319.52 feet and West 1625.35 feet from the Northeast corner of Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, M.M., Washington County. Oregon, thence S 31'44' W along said Westerly right-of-way line 164.08 feet to the center line of the Bull Mountain Rand; thence 5 7B'32' W along said center line 2.00.0 feet; thence N 25'3U'23" E 200.32 feet to the North line of said property; thence S 89°42'41" East 195.0 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL. 11 - (251 lOAB TL 0500) Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 10. Coles Acres, Washington County, Oregon, and running thence N 89'43'30" E 135.23 feet to a paint un the South line of said Lot 10, being the true point of beginning of the property herein described; thence continuing N 89°43'30" E .169.87 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 10; thence 0 0002' W 132.57 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 10, thence S 89033'30" W 170 feet to a point on the North line of said Lot 10; thence S 0005' W 132.07 feet to the South line of said Lot 10 and the point of beginning. It is hereby intended that this consent to, and waiver of right of remonstrance against, the said street improvements by Washington County/City of Tigard pursuant to Washington County/City of Tigard Ordinances regarding local improvement districts or other similar provisions in effect at the time of subsequent improvement shall be binding on ourselves and all subsequent owners of the hereinabove described property and shall run with title to the said property. Dated this day of 19 . Christ The King, Lutheran Church, of Tigard, Oregon By_ Kola a C. Cotter - Council President STATE OF OREGON ) ss. County of Washington ) BE IT REMEMBERED that on this ,�� day of SE.���rM�,�, 192 personally appeared Viola C. Cotter, who, being duly swor., did say that she is the Council President of Christ The King, Lutheran Church, of Tigard, Oregon, an Oregon Corporation and that the foregoing instrument was signed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors; and she acknowledged said instrument to be its voluntary act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. Notary Public-'f'o'r Oregon My Commission expires: 3 I Page 2 - Waiver 2SI 10AC, T.L. #1700 b 251 10AB, T.L. #500 SDR-9-85 CHRIST/3 6 4 I After recording, please return to Land Use and Transportation WASPINGTON COUNTY. OREGON September 19, 19f�- Smith/Dull f' rtnership 20915 SW 10 th Tualatin, 97062 ATN: Da Smi t RE.: CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH BULL MOUNTAIN ROAD AT 99 W Enclosed you will find a "public improvement contract" which will enable you to assure sidewalk, driveways and drainone as required by the City of Tigard. The assurance amount is 55,340. Also enclosed is a handout which explains the financial assurance process. Prior to working within the right-of-way, you will need to execute the enclosed contract and obtain a facility perTlit (Bill Ihly, 681-7031 , ext. 5259). The fee for the facility permit is $80.00. There is also an administration fee of ;213.60. Both may be paid at the time you return the executed contract. If you have any questions regarding this contract, please call me at 648-8761 X2419. I..y0h D. Bailey Develcpment Assistance Planner JN Enclosure C: Ron Aase Bill Ihly John Hagman, City of Tigard i,/ f)(rluvtrnoW of I and Use And Transportat;on,Land Develoriment Serv.ces Division N Nrni, r—.:f vdnue Hillsboro,Oregon 97124 Phone 50q 1 R48-87r,1 September 10, 1986 CIT7Yearsof ARD 1961.1986 Washington County 2470 S.W. River Rd. Hillsboro, OR 97123 Attn : Mr. Bill Isley RE: Christ The King Church Dear Mr. Isley: Relative to issuance of a County permit for work proposed to be done by said Church, as illustrated by a plan titled "Addition to Christ The King Lutheran Church Tigard, Oregon" , prepared by Smith/ Dull Partnership, Architects, dated July 18th, 1986, the City of Tigard has no objection thereto. Note the enclosed copy of City Final Order No. (S. D.R. ) 9-86 and Resolution No. 86-69 - then please note that therein we stated, ft . . . all conditions shall be met prior to issuance of buildinu, permits" . Subsequently, a delay in issuance of the County' s rermit would serve no purpose. We do request though, that: a copy be provided to this office. Sincerely, John S. Hagman Engineering Technician encl . cc: Smith-Dull Partnership, Architects 13125 SW Hall Blvd„PO Box 23397,Tigard.Oregon 97223 503 639-4171 - - --- ---- g ( ) u r IN THE MATTER OF l'HE ADOPTION OF A FINAL ORDER UPON CITY COUNCIL REVIEW OF A PLANNING QIRECTQF!,8.,.Ap,PR*AL OFA .BITE DEVELOPMENT-REVIEW REQUEST (SOR 9-86) BY CHRIST THE KING CHURCH; ADOPTING FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW. WHEREAS, The Planning Director granted Site Development Review approval for an expansion of Christ the King Church subject to conditions; WHEREAS, the applicant appealed the decision on May 12, 1986; and 6'MERFA3, this matter came. before the City Council at its meeting of June 9, 1986; and WHEREAS, the applicable criteria in this case are contained in Chapter 18.164 of the Community Development Code; and WHEREAS, based upon the record in this case, the Council make the following findings of fact: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: Section 1: The property is located at the northeast corner of Bull Mountain Road and the 114th Avenue right-of-way. Section 2: Because of a change in applicable standards, the right--of--way dedication along the Bull Mountain Road fronta3e shall be changed from 40 to 35 feet from centerline trondition 3 of Director's decision) . Section 3 : Based upon the evidence in the record, the improvement of 114th Avenue through to Bull Mountain Road (Condition 6 of Director' s decision) is not timely and non-remonstrance agreement for future improvement of 114th Avenue as provided by Section 18. 164.030(a) of the Community Development Code is appropriate. Section 4: All other conditions of the Planning Director's decision shall ry ain in affect. The City Council, therefore, orders that the above referenced determination be, and same hereby ,ls, approved. RESOLUTION N0. 86-- 9 Page I 4_ a , •r, Tinel Chi- day of 1996. v or City of Tigard ATTEST: 7 A� y City Recorder - City of Tigard dJ/18 REWLUTIM W. 86- Page ! 11W1W_11K r c a rum a transportation and emergency access standpoint, 114th Avenue needs to become a through street as ')riginally intended. The concern raised by some of the residents ur) 114th Avenue is appreciated but the policies and development standards of the City clearly require the completion of 114th Avenue. It should be noted that it is not the intNntion of the City that 114th Avenue become anything other than a local street. The frontage road along Pacific Highway and 112th Avenue presently provide connections between Gaarde Street and Bull Mountain Road and other connections to the west are also foreseen in the future Mary attractive alternative,, for north south vehicular Iraftt, presently exist and therefore, no significant change in traffic volume is anticipated on 114th Avenue (: DI t:151ON The Planning 1lirector approv?s IsUR 9- db subject to the foIIOwIfig conditions 1 UrJI_EL` OIHI RWISI NOTED, AL I CONDI I LON, ru i HI MI , ''high I, 1SS'UAN(,1. OF BUILDING PERMITS 2 Final r,rl site storm drainage design drawlriys sha, I be Ruba,kttoo tc� the Engineering Division for review and approval Appli, ar,t tih,,kll demonstrate ',hat additional run-off created by th( s dVVV1L)P111V) t will not create downstream flooding problEms 3 Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated to the Pub? i( alc,ny the^ S W Bull Mountain Road frontage to increase thcw right of wa) to c r 0<1 feet from centerline The descri-• .._ for said ded(eattot, shall be tied to the existing right -of way center len, ,. , l ( established by Washington County The dedication documo ,t .r,,,ell Vr' be on City forms and approved by the Engineering 5e,, t e„r, `• ! DFDICATION FORMS AND INSTRUCTION, ARI FNCtOSfD 4 A letter of serviceability shall be obtained by the applic:ar,t tr„m Washington County which indicates that all County requiremunt % relating to 114th Avenue and Bull Mt Road have been satisfied A copy thereof shall be provided to the City 5 A non—remonstrance agreement for Future improvement of 8 w Bull Mountain Road shall be executed by the applicant and retor)dod Said ayreelnenl shall be on City of T iga►d standard forces .4nd recorded prior to issuance of buildtny permit -i 0 Inter T'"*_ rrovemenl of S W 111411 Avyl u4r- ZfSd� 1 occur pr eu► tt, allowing occu� f the re ff-fa( rlity A twenty two teat wile Ijaved roadwaV , rig 3 foot rm k shoulders shall ba �- const r ur ted 'nu i�w % \ t girt a l k o r c UTtr� t o Cit I n S,a(d rOadw�aI l nmplete, 1F,e, , onne r. of W 114th tr Nol l mtRd N(>T 1(;I of nEC1SION )DR 9 o6 NA(A 4 e.s � Connac an 8 A revised landscaping plan shall be submitted for Plannlnq Wo Director approval which includes the perimeter of the western parking lot. 9. A revised site plan shall be submitted for Planning Director approval that includes: / a. At least one handicapped parking space, b• A minimum of two bicycle spai.es (design shall d1so be submitted for approval), grid C. All two--way driveways shall be a minimum of 24 feet in width 10 This approval is valid if exercised within one year of the final decision date noted below. D PROCEDURE 1 Notice: Notice was published in the newspaper, posted at City Hall and mailed to XX The applicant 6 owners XX Owners of record within the required distanle Xit - The affected Neighborhood Planning Organizati .r XX Affected governmental agencies 2 Final Decisiun. Tht- L ;ISION SHALL ©L F1NA1 oN April 29, 198th UNt E yti AN nllPt ill 1S FILED j A��pea 1 Any party to the de. asion may appeal this decision in dccordrnLv with Section 18 . 32 290(A) and `',Potion 18 . 32 110 of the Conwnuntty Development Code which provides that a written appeal must be filet' with the CITY RECORDER within 10 days After notice is given and sent The deadline for filing of an appeal is , : Jol , M A1,ril 29, 14 4 questions: If you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Department., Tigard City Hal! , 12755 SW Ash, PO Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223 , 639 4171 NREPARED Y: K iihi9rd' � � e .th den, fa ]PI or OAYF 4 j 11 Willi am a n, it cta of Planning 6 DovelopmorA 0A1 1 APPR�hV1 D (KSL . cn/2478P)) NOl ict OL DECISION SDR 9 86 PAGE 5 WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON August 21 , 1966 Smith/Du, 1 Pa tnership 20915 `W 105t� Tualatin, OR97062 ATTN: Dave S lith RE: BULL MOUNTAIN ROAD Enclosed is one copy of approved plans for the asphaltic concrete path on SW Bull Mountain Road for Christ the King Church. Approval is subject to the comments in RED. The approval of these plans by the Land Use and Transportation Department means that we have to the best of our ability reviewed the plans for cot,lpliance to County published standards and specifications while also incorporatiny the department policies. This approval does not supersede those standards and specifications, unless specifically varied by the County. The developer's engineer is responsible to see that all- construc- tion meets County standards and specifications. This approval does not relieve any legal conditions which have been placed on this project. �-L Ron Aase Plin Review JN Enc. C: Sharon Haubncr �� N1�,��Oax `e�s�w� 144 Bill Ihly John Hagman, City of Ti_.,ird V'kc♦ tt x`t .,r+�''t►vo� K'{ ��vJM +►�raswi r{"� �►+r• 4) q,-,e►...� Pt',,. ? Department of Land Use And Tran:,port3tion,Engineering our vey Lnvrbwn J P.n North Fast Avenue Hillsboro,Oregon, 97124 Phone:503/648-8761 ----------- / 9 v JJ ' ��3 z PLOT O l P L A ,1 � ( date revised CHRIST D62 503/692-6065 job no. "� .� �`,� � �I G A R D ® s I AN1 a 1 O c'� YA �7 A0. \ r no 3 r �q f -0 1 p �: rj ' G; U �O 11 T0 m m pG N D fill - 20915 S.W. 105th AVENUE, T UALATIN, OREGON 97► � r �!h N093HO `Nuv-1 n .! `�inNAnd u1501 M*S 91602 a u% Ec rUllt 1 {� O om H } {) I" Z �` '1 l� 0. a C' ll QOU = '.1 E LL L`CL `l R t-- v►- tit �:�, � J 1I 11 4, 1 �) J� n, J 1 C ► e l 1 o"r w �,V J. _ ALI, �* IV LL Ko u 1 f � -�l. Fes• Ali ---moa__—q 1p)QL i �/ Jam• �. • ' : a � C �. AIV _ oal Mo�N� AiN PLOT PL l cy) / L0 Z. A t7ow lzaA '5'117E PIPE Lij cc %J T ° Q APPROVED \ ui FOR WORK IN PUBLIC R': F{T OF WAY D ONLY ui DFPT},bF�AND U E .'r!� Z ".,^.iVSPORTATION SY Z `t- tASE DATV AUG 21 CSG 7 _ul u J r tilt Lo d rl F: & O � iOMION �1 N v m.4 NUNN .- ;� • � • 1 • • 1 I` • • I '! . � . e � • � • • I • • • � • � �J • �1 • � • • •1 • e � • • • • • • • • • • �1 � I1 • • • o .. , , ,. ,; ,, � �� • N/ • � ��� s � � ^'� � _ =y'� �� ����N • }_ _ '~ �O N J _ �v�� T�� �l • I 3� " s,Y' I I I I (i� � • \ � i • Z KlLO i /►� f I t •� /� 1 � r h 1 -v I ' I , I mim s x �1 0"00 `ANN :loo, • t AC. L t,671 lrj, u,444 w�.✓r� t 'Irk yJ rl O z FU0 Cr w Z Q cc L1J m I— w D C7 -j I 0 1 _ z c Lj Qf- 12 O Q co CC ~ � Q 1 o a ' d QVF- 1 b c i4 L N AN • ••••••••••••••i••••••••••e••••••••e•••• •i'ii s••••••••• � --". �/ -- � cam,,, • U �1 �'� • O °� %rij U'\ J • � I I ti 35� 24 1992 I A CAI Is f,4 Ij • �" I `Vl / \ r ADD. ALTER . 1 \ m I I SII � y i \ Iv% 1� lc _ � _ otK . \ I ♦ LO u b • nh o / Q n I �l/ �J r,'�--•�_ , 01 Nur.! -�---� / I T 40/� I M Q - � V,' _ � �% fit• \ � \ I I . . � if - I'. �' 1 I � / / VJ • l U ; � � -1 1 '� I I I u Q' 11.A { w�� ;wIjr- liolJ , '�, .a� 1 1— I _� •• pR.tyTN To 4r=' • � I I I ; r� SEE S•� _ — �. � '� U/ • I n • O �/ (�-yo • 1 - - I - -- • � �. 1 1 I � - - - � bL�.�'ro(U'1 �R�rJ Irl��� • 1 1 ,� I I �i o ^ cv� / Ca/is� IS¢E�S 'To E G��E W ks �� °�rw o��i ET GJ w�2T I — - � z Fl, — I- -- •— - -- - - � 1�T T pl i'Z'��, c�►,}'�2�. �— :` I I :� I j I �,o1 1 0 ` Gr,� ��, •a J G,p, � � _ � II G1J � I I I I • p 1 'fesr'1'i 4T -'f`r Q •� I 1 I I • ' 4,�� � m �.q�' ----- iij • I I r� I _ '1 1. -f APPROVED • I 1 Q� I m • -- (__ �I \ _ _��f FOR WORK IN • ' I _ — �� I ol�� PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY Z 11 I I � I I �' -- 1 ` • >rw'S'1"U m � - _�- � s,nlr.4:�1 � '��l�`-�`�:YtS•t�til�� IF ��'��I V�I,� ONLY WASHINGTON CO NTY � w 1 I \� * - A—��•Y.•. __--- DEP/ OF ND USE AND TRA SPORT-A'f10N _ _ _ RO,n� 0Y ''�`' ._..._ DATE AUG 2 1 19% Q ;7 A�ll 61j, 0 gow v J• Jr. eo-V56L& In PLOT PLAN � � r _ - AUG lg 1986 N = 20"-� ,,4U ',1' E & -- O TRANSPORTATION ^ ' e WASHINGTON COUNTY. �IM I ti OF t.1EW 12 � G,c,P Tib r Au C, �') 1�) " � 1 CHRIST HE KING MARCH SWR Y nr-• 5 M � .J H (' I �II 1 1 III 1 1 IJI I F 1�1 ( � �i� 111 1 I SII 1 I• i�l ( � I 1 I I � I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' � � , I ' NOTE: IF THIS M ICROF I1-MED L ••••• I ? • 3 �J 6 7! _ 8 �) I O I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN I THIS NOT IQ&r-11 IS DUE TO jlf- QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL f, , � .- .•• "DRAWING, QE 62 92 a 9Z S2 IdZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 BI Ll 91 sl t7l EI ZI it UI --6 9 L 9 S IP EI--- Z 1'•�•'�" • y .� ��llllnrlu111u111nu111111HIH1111111u1{�uutuul11aI1r111111�htH,lu1111ir1�1nllnlllullurlllltf�►u111rnlrl�llrfflllulirltllfNflllllif�Iuflul1111nMiillutllttulnH�Nuliflflflfl�u►I��I1�II�ulnllllrulllnll111111uhutl�Mll�lulVlulWllllu�llullulWulnn � � - ATJ �T �j r ., -� kwl - _ _ _ 4.-- % -Cww -_ C - ­� qq I {{''y^� �]� F ' ' ' I II 0 _ni 1 ' �� 5 .V �J wlQT I� I� - - • . .r._.-.�.-,._�_--. 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' 61111111111111111IIIIn11nII11111111111111411111111111111111111uuI1tlill,+1111n1au1111111111111111111111111111111.Ir111111111111111111111111111 NI1111t111�I111111111111111111IlIIIIIlljw ll§6&11111111111'.Inllutllnuliw�AiAuuUlu�l ihiiil►Iulull wlllll I i 11111111"I ...._. TUNE 21 4 19 9 2 1 - ....�,....._. _.. ��.• ._,,. _ ,,.._._._. __.. ,r..._._-- _... -. ... ... all! r it IJ l pd(1(leOQ ddchllecb l>AN I�;, SM c `r PARTNER 20915SW.105AVENUE,TUAtATIN.ORFOON97062 503/692-6065 SMITH/DULL PAUNERSHIP CL�ET�20915 S.W. 105th "'— TUALATIN, OR 97062 r.1013 NH (503) 692-6065 AT --� d - T 'tl O — --- WE ARE SENDING YOU the following. Attached [ Under separate cover via F Shop Drawings ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order �] Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ —W! _ COPIEffi DATE It NUMREn — DESCRIPTION Arc 441" THESE TRANSMISSIONS ARE: ----- [For your approval ❑ Approvedi as submitted ❑ Resubmit with_ copies for approval ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ As per your request ❑ Corrections noted ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For your review and comment(s) ❑ [� FOR BIDS DUE 19_ ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARK � �O!" - Go cOPr TO -------"+ SIGNATURE 'y all IK�EE IOSS EAST !TATE !T ATHENS. OHIO 45701 To Rrndv Call Toll-Frei 1-S00-5241 IJ77 If ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS bE$CPIlEb,PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY I I i ROAD i IRFACE DITCH i - --",0,- 4 5',04 A.0. J COM I:TED f- 2"--314'-MINUS SUBGRADE —1 I PROPERTY n � LINE I. APHALT CONCRETE SHALL. BE CLASS "C" MIX 2. M IMUM SIDEWALK THICKNESS SHALL BE 4" 3. LICATIONTO BE APPROVED �� • -1'�`- Ic) 0 ct. ��b to WASHIN TUN CCUN' r UEPT OF PliBl_IC WUfjjt.; uatE , . r;� _ REVISED , AC SIDEWALK s T %N, s •`L�0 MAMA C % 1 GAO \ . 0 it \ 55 VICINITY MAP \ / C r cp,N F V-A �� sr 59 60 63 62 61 \\ 40 Ll 6 7 38 39 S. HARRIS - McMoigAar.E ASSOCIATES >exotxeau-rvt•rtToww � ---- ---- i CITY - 54 PAR K 53 / CITY-PARK ol 52 ro 50 57 49 125 58 �n. to 12;-47 4 Go j �1 �,� �Q� �3 "•� i sY r '' W I II I' 45 -- -- _— �, �-- - — -I- -- --- 442 - 1 4Z 43 21 W. O' MARA ST. CHELSEA HILL NO.? _ AN(J-,J Q(jilncr5h() ynilh/dull oIn��thip dchilecl5 dcN(fcts F•TEVEN C. OLSON, AIA PARTNER May 27 , 1986 20915 S.W.?05 AVE NUEJUALATIN.OREGON 97062 503/692-6065 Randy Clarno City of Tigard P . 0 . Box 23397 Tigard , Oregon 97223 RE : Christ the King Lutheran Church wSite Drainage Dear Randy : Confirming our telephone conversation of May 20 , 1986 , no deten- tion of site storm water will be required . We intend to drain the site as per our preliminary site plan submitted to you for review on May 8, 1986 . Please inforlr me at once if you have any conce -ns , as I am proceeding with the final design drawings . Pleas( let me know when you have a resolution of the Bull Mountain Road sidewalk issue with Washington County . Sincerely, Sm ' th/Dull Partnership Steven C . Olson , AIA Partne- SCO/mh cc : File 20915 SW. 105th AVFNUE., TUALATIN,OREGON 97062 503/692-6065 f r e--71eoi.�/` 71 � � ® 7Z;e / elle etl-,-Izl . ye It445- -5-77111� l S464t<-- yJle-,,f�S yi 7 t*ilrstirf�� /NJ�'ycL/c�'/�'Icyi�' � 1 � SEti1 '. C I�RAST THE KJ1JG� C1aU R.0 F} � SIDEWAL1t 1r,OCKT10?�l , ►..TOTE T1M �•.TTIRCHE� SKETCH ��cj"Y SINCE THE TRor-c%Ao_ ExC-E.EvsS, out Nttatl�V1'� STh�1��RRe Y. too NOT 0161ELT TO !T -01 -`1�Dr/1t7 �'/v'�. .,l`j�./ Ojj``"SsTe� t�—t•�—� �7ti--Se'.�c�,! �S Cy d / `% �" 164.-. e /�I �'• �� � ��.�,�,� >,�- D�� / �c���-a►�=1� may_ - h��>r>��--- C.c, lv atf Lc /?e S c-kc2 7Zv—mak , l le� s W z A C7 \ 1 �I Lv LILA LC " lit 1 O�� Li EXISTING BUILDING — i I c � PARKING o 4 SPA ES _ I � i �so. MAY 81986 PRELIMINARY �11111�IIIIf�ll�i� 1111�������16 t i - ■ I • 1 " f 1 �� LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL PARTNERSHIP 20915 S.W. 105th Oe.108 NO TUALATIN, JR 97062 ATTENTION (503) 692-6065 pE � �,�---i'-kms.- -•. -�1�U�as�r-�--- To_ 37 - -- ----- --- WE ARE SENDING YOU the following: Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ _ _ _.s�._.—_ _ n-PIES PATE, NUMBER DESCRI"TION _ 11aAN ------ THESE TRANSMISSIONS ARE: [] For your approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit with copies tot approval KFor your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution KAs per your request ❑ Corrections noted ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For your review and comment(s) F1 ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19_ ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US OFMARKS COPY TO SIGNATURE �n FORM 7057 WNEE 1035 EAST STATE 51 ATHENS ONTO A. 01 To"Aoki"'(,All Toll F,ee 1 800 578.1777 IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS DESCRIBED,PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMFDIATELY r , LETTEi� Oi= TR�1NaMiTTAL SMITH/DULL PARTNERSHIP 20915 S.W. 105th f1ntE A TUALATIN, OR 97062 J NO vx ni TENTIOP -- (503) 692-6065 RE — — --- --- O tea_-_ � av -- - ----- WE ARE SENDING YOU the following: K Attached ❑ Under separate cover via _— ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Specifica;ions ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples [� _ COPIER DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION s THESE TRANSMISSIONS ARE: U For your approval ❑ Approved as submitted [] Resubmit with copies for approval ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution As per your request ❑ corrections noted ❑ Return corrected prints For your review and comment(s) ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 n PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: �.. -- - COPY TO — SIGNATUR 1,0111M 106 ---- Mt6EE 1069 EAST A ST ATHENS. ON10 13701 IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS DESCRIBED,PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELYio N.oro�r cui Tuu r�..1 9pp,6a3+2 F, VRF.0 , i"v No IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF A FINAL ORDER UPON CITY COUNCIL PLANNING DIRECTOR'S APPROVAL OF A SITE DEVE'_OPMENT REVIEW REQUEST R(SDRW 9-86) By CHRIST THE KING CHURCH, ADOPTING FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, WHEREAS, The Planning Director granted Site Development Review a expansion of Christ the King Church subject to conditions; Pproval for an WHEREAS, the applicant appealed the decision on May 12, 1986; and WHEREAS, this matter came before the City Council at its meeting 1986; and ng of June 9, WHEREAS, the applicable criteria in this case are contained in Cha ter 4 of the Community Development Code; and P 18. 16 WHEREAS, based upon the record in this case, findings of fact: the Council make the followirn NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that. Section 1 : The property is located at the northeast corner of Bull Mountain Road and the 114th Avenue right-of-way, Section 2: Because of a change in applicable standards, the right-of way dedication along Bull Mountain Road frontage changed from 40 to 35 shall be feet from centerline (Condition 3 of Director' s decision) Section 3 : Based upon the evidence in the r•ecoj U, the improvement of 114th Avenue through to Bull Mountain Ro,%d (Condition 6 of Director' s decision) is not timely and non-remonstrance agreement for future improvement of 114th Avenue as provided b a P y Section 18. 164.030 � ( ) of the Community Development Code is appropriate . I Section 4: All other conditions of remain In affect. the Planning Director's decision shall The City Council, therefore, orders that the above referenced determination be, and same hereby is, approved. I , RESOLUTION NO, 86- 6 9 Page 1 i a■1 � , brdYi"''as w nci 1�lot find.docisi¢ Y,. ' '� ' N by",' 'rd h�, tir►al /PASSED- This - 2 3:d daffy of 1986. or -- city of Tigard NTTEST; aopoby City Recorder - City of Tigard A -f, � c1)/1P �z y 86_ i �r CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON NOTICE OF FINAL DECISION - BY CITY COUNCIL (Sec. 19.31.380) 1. Concerning Case Number(s): SBR 9-§§ ,; 2. Name of Owner: Christ the King Church j' 3 . Name of Applicant: Smith/Dull Partnership Address 20415 SW 105th Ave. City_Tualatin State OR Zip^97062 4 . Location of property : Address 11305 SW Bull Mtn. Road Legal Description_ 2S1 IOAB lot 400 & 2S1 10AC lot 1700 — 5 Nature of Application: Request for Council review, upon appeal, of conditions --- ------------i-- number 3 and 6 attached to the Community Development Director s approval of a request to expand ani existing 4300 sq. ft. Church with a 500 sq. ft. addition on property zoned C-G Genera Commercial, & .5- esi entia — units acre). 6. Action: Approved with conditions as shown in Resolution No. 86-71 (attached)$ by the Tigard City Council. 7. Notice: Notice was published in tho newspaper , post,cd at i'it.v Hall and mailed Lo: XX The applicant & owner Owners of ••er_ord within the required distant:(! The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization, Affected governmental agencies 8 . Final Decision: 1 HE DECISION WAS SIGNED ON _•7A4A6.__ AND HI c:0MI ', 1 I FECI M ON_ ._. 7/14/86 the adopted findings Of fact, decision, and statement of condition . .ikn be obtained from thv planning M-partment , Tigard City Hall., 127',)5 :W A0, p o Box 1339/, ligard, Oregon. 9,'723 A review of this decision may be, obtained by filing a notic-e of iritmtt with thq Or-(!gon land lisp Board of Apporo1s (I URA) &Cron!ing to thei, procedures. 9 99estions . If you have any questions, plt,;4!ie call the Tigard City. Iasi order at. 639 -4171 (0251P) SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SDR 9-86 PPPLICATION: Request by Smith/Dull Partnership (owner: Christ the King Lutheran Church) to expand an existing 432.0 square foot church with an addition of 4500 square Feet on property zoned C-G (General Commercial) and R-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 units per acre) . Location: 11305 SW Bull Mountain Road, (WCTM 2S1 IOAB Lot 500 and 2S1 13AC Lot 1700) . DECISION: Notice is hereby given that the Planning Director for the City of Tigard has APPROVED the above described application subject to certain conditions. The findings and conclusions on which the Director based his decision are as rioted below. A. FINDING OF FACT 1 . Background No previous land use applications have been reviewed by the City regarding this property. 2. Vicinity Information The land to the north is zoned R--4 .5 and R-12 (Residential, 12 units/acre) and is developed with single Family residences . The R-2 (Residential, 2 units/acre) zone and single family residences lie on the opposite site of the S.W. 114th Avenue right-of-way which abuts the western boundary of the subject. parcel. Commercially zoned property (C-P, Commercial Professional and C-G, Commercial General) is situated on the south side of Bull Mountain Road. 3 . Site Information and Proposal Description The property contains a church and two sppar-ate gravel parking lots on either side of the building with one driveway each onto Bull Mountain Road. The northern section of the property is zoned R-4 .5 and except for the extreme northern end of the building that i9 within this zone. The 114th Avenue ri,3ht-of--way is presently unimproved. The applic;.nt proposes to construct a 4,500 square foot addition which will represent an expansion to the southwest towards Bull Mountain Road . Both parking lots are intended to be improved with pavement and the existing access points will be modified slightly . NOTICE OF DECICION - SDR 9-86 PAGE 1 (11 1 Y 0 11 GhHI) �C ylBY✓ � �C®. NOT)(11. Of 1)1.I:f';l()N x_11 11 DL VF 1-01rMI.:N I RI V I I W ,I)u l) 80 AVP -IGAI LO N: f4!yuc,5t by )i th/Ura i l Isar V.rmr ,,l i p (ownccr: Christ. the K i ray t.utharan C;hurch) Lo expand an exi.s1,irig 4 iJl) square Fool. church with an addition cif 41)00 square (coat on propc)rty :mucid C, G (Geriural C,'ommor-c'ial) grid R-4 .5 (Residential, 4 .5 units per acre) . Location: 11.305 5W Bul.l. Mountain Road. (WC1M 2S1 10AB Lot 500 and 2S1 10AC L-ot 1700) . DECISION: Notice is hereby given that the Planning Director for the City of Tigard has APPROVED the above described application subject to certain conditions , 1`he findings arid conclusions on which the Director based his decision are as noted below. A. FINDING OF FACI 1 . Background No previous land use applications have been reviewed by the City regarding this property. 2. Vicinity Information The land to the north is zoned R--4 .5 arid R--12 (Residential, 12 units/acre) and is developed with single family residences. The R-2 (Resider:+.ial, 2 units/acre) zone and single family residences lie on the opposite site of the S.W. 114th Avenue right--of--way which abuts the western boundary of the subject parcel. Commercially zoned property (C—P, Commercial Professional arid C-G, Commercial General) is situated on the south side of Bull Mountain Road. 3 . Site Information arid Proposal. Description The property contains a church and two separate gravel parking lots on either, side of the building with one driveway each onto Bull Mountain Road The northern section of the property is zoned R-4 .5 and except for the extreme northern end of the building that is within this zone, The 114th Avenue right--of-quay is presently unimproved. The applicant proposes to construct a 4,500 square foot additi(xc which will represent an expansion to the southwest towards Bull Mountain Road . Both parking lots are intended to be improved with pavement and the existing access points will. be modified slightly . NOTICE OF DECISION — SDR 9-•86 — PAGE 1 The Engineering Division has the following cosssents: a. Considering the existing length of 114th Avenue. the right-of--way which is adjacent to the subject property should not be vacated and the street should be extended. b. Bull Mountain Road and 114th Avenue are under Washington County jurisdiction and a "letter of serviceability" must be obtained from the County. C. A non-remonstrance agreement For future improvement of Bull Mountain Road should be executed. Street improvements are not desirable at this time because the ultimate design for the Pacific Highway - Bull Mountain Road intersection has nut been determined . d. Connection to public sanitary sewer system shall be required . e. Interim improvement of S.W. 114th Avenue of a 22 foot wide paved roadway should be provided along the length of the subject property. f. Storm water runoff should by handled so that flooding will nut occur in downstream areas. OF ORE.. re%K%x Itte. The Building Inspection Division indicates that City records indicate that the church is not connected to public sewer facilities. The Tualatin Rjral Fire Protection District indicates that the completion of the remainder- of 114th Avenue is important to provide improved emergency access for the residents on this street as well as the immediate area. Washington Cuunty Department of Land Use and Transportation has they following comments: a. Additional riyht-of--way should be dedicated to increase the width from centerline to 35 feet. b. A 5-foot wide sidewalk located in a manner that will accommodate future street improvements shall be constructed along the Bull M,.)untain frontage. C. A waiver of remonstrance shall be executed regarding future street improvements on 114th Avenue and Bull Mountain Road. d. Provide adequate storm drainage along the Bull Mountain Road frontage. NOTICE OF DECISION - SDR 9-06 PAGE 2 . ,. ­ywr uiliy I ulur u inlyr Uv VuwiIL VI 114th Avenue. The southern end of the road should not be completed until after the entire length is within City jurisdiction rather than urider County control. Half-street improvements along the Bull Mountain Road frontages are also recommended. A petition with 20 signatures has been received from residents on 114th Avenue in objection to the extension of the street. B. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION 1-he proposed expansion is basically consistent, with Community Development Code requirements. Aspects of the application must be revised as noted below to achieve full compliance with the Code. I. Parking The Code requires 34 parking spaces and the applicant is proposing to Nava 38 spaces in the eastern lot arj 41 spaces in the western lot. The parking areas will need to be paved to meet City requiremen*.. Also, one handicapped parking space is necessary and the location of the space that is presently marked on the :ite is satisfactory . Finally, the site plan should be amended to include a minimum of two bicycle parking spaces. 2. Access The maintenance of' the existing driveway lucations is appropriate, however, the width of both should be a minimum of 24 feet in width. In addition, all driveway widths within the parking areas must be at least 24 feet wide. 3 . Landscaping The proposed landscaping plan east of the western parking lot complies with Code standards for buffering, landscaped area, and street trees . During the installation of landscaping material, special care should be taken to ensl;re that the adjoining apartment buildings are thoroughly scraened from the parking area. Since the parking lot on the west side of the building is to be incorporated as a part of this proposal, the landscaping plan must be amended to include its perimeter and the area to the north. 4. 114�h Avenue The City standard for the maximum length for dead-end or cul-Ac-sac streets is 400 feet and fire district standard call for at least a turn around area for all accessways that exceed 150 feet. in length. 114th Avenue is approximately one quarter mile long with no provision for a turn-around. It is the opinion of NOTICE OF DECISION - SDR 9-86 - PACE 3 Ton Vistricta rom a transportation a;: emergency access standpoint, 114th Avenue needs to become a through street as originally intended. The concern raised by some of the residents on 114th Avenue is appreciated but the policies and development standards of the Cite clearly require the completion of 114th Avenue. It should be noted that it is not the intention of the City that 114th Avenue become anything other than a local street. The frontage road along Pacific Highway and 112th Avenue presently provide connections between Gaarde Street and Bull Mountain Road and other connections to the west are also foreseen in the future. More attractive alternatives for north-south vehicular traffic presently exist and therefore, no significant change in traffic volume is anticipated on 114th Avenue. r. DECISION The Planning Director approves SUR 9- 06 subject to the followin5 conditions: 1 . UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CONDIIION, SHALL BE ME1 PRIOR IO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS. 2. Final on-site storm drainage design drawings shall be submitted to the Engineering Division for review and approval. Applicant shall demonstrate that additional r n-off created by this development will not create downstream flooding problems . 3 . Additional right-of--way shall be dedicated to the Public along the S.W. Bull Mountain Road frontage to increase the right-of--way to N ROTC z� 44 feet from centerline. The description for said dedication ' shall be. tied to the existing right-of way centerline as established by Washington county . The dedication document shall be on City forms and apnr�,v;;d by the Engineering Section. l DEDICATION FORMS AND INSTRUCTIONS ARE EWCLOSED, 4. H letter of serviceability shall be obtained by the applicant from Washington County which indicates that all County requiremerts relating to 114th Avenue and Bull Mt. Road have been satisfied. A copy thereof shall be provided to the City . S A nun-remonstrance agrooment for Future improvement of S.W Bull Mountain Road shall be executed by the applica.it and recorded Said agreement shall be on City of Tigard standard forms and recorded prior to issuance of building permits . 6 . Inter iu rovementof S.W. 114th A�gtiu�r sf9aCl ' occur prior to �pT� a1 lowi rig oc cup�Tfry rQf the remadeIvd facility . A twenty-two foot wide paved roadway, _ ung 3 foot rock shoulders, shall be KED' 00' constructed (no sidewalk or cuMs),_to City local street _tandarus . B`-49 Said roadway-mall complete the conn ► of S .W. 111101 tc► Bull Mt. Rd. l J NOTICE OF DECISION ,OR 9-86 PAGE 4 7• Connoc on 8 . A revised landscaping plan shall be submitted for Director, approval which includes the perimeter of the Rwostorn parking lot. 9. A revised site plan shall be submitted for Planning Director- approval that includes: a. At least one handicapped parking space, b. A minirnum of two bicycle spares (design shall also be submi.i_ted for approval), and c. All two--way driveways shall be a minimum of 24 feet in width. 10. This approval is valid if exercised within one year of the final decision date noted below. D. PROCEDURE 1 . Notice: Notice was published in the nevspaper, posted at City Hall and mailed to: _ XX The applicant 6 owners XX Owners of record within the equir-ed distance XX "The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization XX Affected governmental agencies 2. Final Decision: THE DECISION SHALL. BE FLNAL ON April 29, 1986 UNLESS AN APPEAL LS F It I D. —� 3 . �Peal: Any party to the decision may appeal this decision in acrord&ncv with Section 18 . i2.290(A) and Section 18. 32. 3/0 of Lhe_ Community Development Code which provides that a written appeal must bV filed with the CITY RECORDER within 10 days after notice is given and sent . The deadline for filing of an appeal is ^ :'l0 P M. April 29, 198Fj 4. Questions . If you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Department, ligard City Hall, 12755 SW Ash, PO Box 13397, Tigard, Oregon 97223, 639--4171 , F•aEPAREU Y: Keith Iden, Senior P1 a,20er 0AE61 (4 Will41..18/86 iam a n, it cto of Plaoning 6 Development DAIL APPROVED (KSL:cn/2478P)) NOIICE OF DECISION - SDR 9- 86 - PAGE 5 Alhbd Qc3-iInctIQ achltccl� April 18, 1986 Randy Corno City of Tigard P. O.Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon Q7223 RE: Christ the Kind Lutheran Church Site Drainage Dear Rdndy: As per our discussion over the telephone, I am forwarding information from our civil engineer, Moffatt, Nichol and Bonney, on storm water flow from the above referenced site. The State of Oregon intensity charts for a 10 year storm were used for arriving at the following numbers. We are assuming that all of the subject water will be routed to the existing ditch at the north- east corner of the property through on-site pipe flowing to the ditch along the south and east property lines. 1 . Existing storm drainege before new construc+ion. o 65 minute storm o Flow .63 c.f.s. o Water volume 2,1+60 cu. ft. 2. New site develo Arent (including existing) using standard catch basins (no detention . _-- o. 5mir-.ite storm o Flow 2.31 c.f.s. u Water volume 693 cu.ft. We have not looked at a detention system yet, as you indicated that it would not be desirable from the city's standpoint. i nope this information will be helpful in determining our storm drainage requirements. If you need additional information, please let me know. Sincerely, Smith/Dull Partnership, Architects 4&A 6 ft"—� Steve C. Olson, AIA Partner SCO/nh cc: Dan Larsen Don McBee file 20915 S.W 105th AVENUE,TUALATIN,OREGON 97062 503/692-6065 SMITH/DULL PARTNERSHIP 20915 S.W. 105th ,1,6 NO TE TUALATIN, OR 97062 M y r r h 1 I_ AI ATTENTION ',� Line rtin-dersnn (503) 692-6065 RE — 9 zn^ Oregon State HighfRay Dept. . T PO Box 565 O filh, j I..JU MR Aal— Beaverton , Oregon 97005 Li Li WE ARE SENDING YOU the following ❑ Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ Prints ❑ Plans Samples COPIES D+TE NUMBER, DI:SCRIrTION TDpr)&r'annhi r Sllrv-=T-'Q- 1 HESE TRANSMISSIONS ARE: ❑ For your approval ❑ Approved as submdtF J ❑ Resubmit with r_opies for approval ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted [] Submit copies for distribution ❑ As per your request ❑ Corrections noted ❑ Return _corrert,xi prints [ ] For your review and commenttsl ❑ w ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19_ ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS LP o I ' m Sending this as per our conversation 2/27/86 , please review and comment . 7GO A4 5'Ae,k- 4*7- ue .2'_`rca".. is �;s�..f�11- _tom. ai4 /G. -- ` ./T 5/r•��,�LrrVT�4,�.,f / //tI� v.. 1y& o ,nrJL-ed �E P COPY TO' p � ✓ a y( o4�oI SIGNATURE Steven C . Olson FORM 7057 WHE - 1066 EAST STATE ST ATHENS, OHIO 4s701 To R*orda CAU lou Fri•1 600-6761777 IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS DESCRIBED,PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY UT W� 1� o 11� u Ll W��#,im �����• �� ��-� � ,�� 'req � c � ,t «nur.�4 j �try�• 7�«�6.: �1Cf--- -:� i 1 � V. � ,-+•��i � � ��i 9.4 �f r ( ','I T, . . . . . . . .. . . . . . LED I L9 41 F '+tom.-•.i.i�r4� f« .. ` l,t•l �,'�•. ', _ _.(�','- ,�} ` '• �'`• - ,�1„rr,�.� ., is•: jr.Ti^.:.i!S. -- It ' y' 0 \N40SHINGTON COUN -Y ADMINISTRATION BUILDING -- 150 N. FIRST AVENUE `1 ,, HILLSBORO, OREGON 97124 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DEPT.OF LAND USE AND TRANSPOHTATION E ngineeringiJurvey Division WES MYLLENBECK. Chairman 2nd Floor BONNIE L. HAYS, Vice Chairman (503)648 8761 EVA M KILLPACK JOHN E. MEEK LUCILLE WARREN June 5, 1984 Ryan O'Brien 1134 SE 23rd Avenue Hillsboro , OR 97123 RE: MC CULLOCII HA=RING HOMES PROJECT, TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION - BEEF BEND ROAD I have reviewed the above referenced application, viewed the site and submit the following Findings of Fact and Recommendations: FINDINGS OF FACT 1) Beef Bend Road is a County major collector. ?) Existing right-of-way on Beef Bend Road is 30 feet from centerline; required right-of-way width for a major collector is 35 feet from centerline. 3) Beef Bend Road was overlaid in the 1981 Serial Levy Program, providing acceptable roadway structure. 4) Roadway width meets the 22 foot minimum acceptable width requirement. 5) Surface condition is good with no noticeable cracks �or potholes. 6) Sight distance is acceptable for cars exiting the site and entering from the east, however, sight distance is restricted for eastbound motorists turning left onto the site. The restriction is created by vegeation on th,� south side of the roadway. 7) Sidewalks do not exist along the frontoe of roadway and are a requirement of the County Community Development Code for all land divisions and new construction. 8) The traffic impact analysis shows that County roadways will function at an adequate level of service with this development. The consultant recommends the installation of street lights at the access drive, located 500 feet west of Pacific Highway, and at the intersections of the frontage road with both Bull Mountain and Beef Bend Roads . an equal rpporhrriitr rrrllrlurer Ryan O' Brien Page 2 RECOMMENDATIONS The following are recommended for conditions of approval for this development: Prior to issuance of a building permit - 1 ) Obtain access permit fro.li Washington County. Access p(-rrJ wi11 address roadway drainage and sight distance. 2) Assure construction of a sidevialk to County standard. 3) Dedicate additional right-of-way to provide 35 feet from center- line of Beef Bend Road adjacent to the site. 4) Assure installation of street lights at the access drive and at the intersections of the frontage road with both Bull Mountain Road and Beef Bend Road. June Carlson Dahne Transportation Planning Coordinator JCD:ss c: Keith Liden x COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION 0 onsensus of Commissioner was to set over public hearing to a date certain an or the staff to research inconsistency with the proposal. Discussion follow regarding history of the proposal. o Commissioner ler requested staff provide more detailed information for the site developm t review. o President Moen suggeste setting over to July 10th. o Director Monahan questioned "'iA the Commission had any recommendations or direction regarding the varianc�1-4o the one covered .parking area per unit. o Commissioner Butler stated he did figt see where they had met ail the variance criteria. Commissioner Owens a eed. o Discussion followed regarding variance forcred parking. o Consensus o'_ Commission was for the plan to inc de one covered parking space per unit. o Richard Boberg, NPO #7 Chairman, announced that on June 7th there would be an NPO #7 meeting at City Hall to review this proposal. o Commissioner Butler moved to continue SUR 9-84 and V 9-84 t July 10, 1984. Commissioner Peterson seconded. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioners present. 5.4 SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SDR 7-84 WGK DEVELOPMENT For approval of an 80 unit multiple family residential development. LOCATED: Northwest corner of Beef Bend Road and SW Pacific Highway, Tigard (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 IOAC Tax Lot 1000). Associate Planner Liden reviewed staff 's recommendation including Engineering's comments and Washington County's recommended conditions, stating they needed some clarification regarding the lighting and improvements required for SW Bull Mountain Road. NPO COMMENTS Bob Bledsoe, NPU # 3 Chairman, stated their NPU had met on May 14th and they voted to support the proposal with one member abstaining. APPLICANT : kyan O'Brian stated he felt they had provided everything necessary for approval. He reviewed the layout of the plan and the need for the exemptions for several internal setbacks. Also they would be changing to bay windows. They agreed with all conditions except for the requirement for Bull Mountain RoaJ and frontage, as their project did not effect that street. He was also concerned with City Engineering Division condition. He felt t- ey needed to sit down with the City Engineer to work out details of the storm water drainage and access. PLANNING COMMISSION June 5, 1984 Page 5 �' • PUBLIC. TESTIMONY: fired Anderson was for and against proposal. He favored the concept. He submitr.ed letter and attachments on legal decisions and pertinent information regarding storm water dra4nage. He wanted to be assured that tLe water problem is resolved prior to construction. He opposed the setbacks of the 28 feet he felt it should be at least SO feet. Also felt Utility Easements shoula be drawn up to include sewer rn-f approved prior to approval. r, Dick Bancroft, Civil Engineer for Applicant, agreed there is a storm w ter drainage problem and have proposed a detention pond which should mitigate any problems on downstream properties. Discussion followed. Jean Young, Mayor King City, submitted and read into the record a letter regarding the storm drainage problems, traffic problems created by construction and traffic problems in the Beef Bend/99W area. o Roger Anderson commented that the conditions of the CPA and ZC were not included as conditions of approval. He did not want the applicant to be able to change from the plans submitted. Wanted to see dedication of utility easement prior to occupancy permit. CROSS EXAMINATION & REBUTTAL Ryan O' Brian stated they have no problems with utility easement or having to comply to CPA and ZC conditions. He then addressed setback. along the northerly boundary. He also felt information submitted from Fred Anderson dealt with Agricultural Land and did not apply to Urban Development. o Discussion on open space/recreational area, storm drainage and sewer PUBLIC HEARING Cii.OSED Commissioner Fyre .,upport?d with conditions from Engineering and Washi%gton County. o Commissioners Butler, Peterson and Vanderwood supported the proposal. „ Commissioner Owens supported with staff checking with County regarding signal on Bull Mountain. PreEident Moen commented that driveway proposed was the best alternative and supported the proposal . C( ,missioner Owens moved to approve the Site Development Review SUR 7-84 svDiect to the following cunditionE I . 'n)o landscaping plan shall be modified in order to meet the visual clearance requirements of the Code (CDC 18. 102). 2. The landscaping materials shown or the plan shall be installed prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. '. A +cti' lity and sanitary sewer easement shall be provided from Beet Bend Road to the northerly property line prior to occupancy. PLANNING C0?4M1SS10N Jnro N. IQR4 P,irr A LOULZ1-rFA Alp— - r 1r► • ( M 4. A 6 foot high, sight obscuring fence shall be installed along the northern property line prior to issuing occupancy permits. S. The building setbacks shall bc, as shown on the applicant's site plan lac,eled "Plan 7601", reviewed by Planning Commission on June 5, 1984. 6. This approval is valid for a period nf one year. 7. The two driveway accesses, storm drainage and holding tank specification to be worked out with staff. 8. Obtain access permit from Washington County. Access permit will aedress roadway drainage and sight distance prior to issuance of a building permit. 9. Assure construction of a sidewalk to County standard prior to issuance of a building permit. 10. Dedicate additional right-of-way to provide 35 feet from centerline of Beef Bend Road adjacent to the site prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. Assure installation of street lights (staff to clarity if these mean illuminating) at the access drive and at the intersections of the frontage road with both Bull Mountain Road (staff to clarify that Bull Mountain is necessary) and Beef Bend Road prior to issuance of a buildir., permit. Comissioner Butler seconded by motion. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioners present. 5. EAL NOP 4-84 FERD MORENO "'O # 3 o Monahan viewed package of informatior that was submitted to the Planning Commission. 'scussion on how to proceed. o Bob Bledsoe, NPO Chairman, stated the NPU unanimously supports the appeal especially on t grounds that apparently a false application had been submitted. o Attorney Josselson requested the plicant speak first. o APPLICANT: Ferd Moreno, 14430 SW McF and, responded to allegations made by the appellant. o Discuss4on followed on the lateness of the hoi and when would be a good time to continue to the hearing to. o Commissioner Butler moved to continue NOP 4-•84 to the ne 12th Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Peterson seconded. otion carried unanimously by Commissioners present. o Stati noted the next meeting would be held at the Tigerd School trio Building on Pacific Highway. PLANNING COMMISSION Juno 5, 1984 Page 7 �.r\�\V�GN..,}'1 N\�r- 'S�,♦r-Vt+�1!��J \S1C'� 1 It5D � , • 7 �\c kA,,.E :� \��-c 4��� �v� �� ,�^�� Y��_C\,.11M!! ✓��s't�ov� v�....�.�uE�lr ���t' • ` k♦Pv" k --5 Gtcv\\pS �t-) T t c c v„1v� --271s V.P_ �►t Gk *rG `C�E. y��pv.\� V\C C_R S:+'1♦ ,\ `���\l�1���\�p c�. W���,.♦ '1r��� - o� W a r S�t �0.1 `Ch�v.\ Ch t ►a to t.. r 4a LA lo �P._ C_'Z�t'_ � �t..� t1.'..'t��tltC-. c•� "`l4t-� '�-O !� gS..�re- ^.�lc�� . 4. A 6 foot high, sight obscuring fence shall be installed along the northern property line prior to issuing occupancy permits. 5. The building setbacks shall be as shown on the applicant 's site plan labeled "Plan 7601", reviewed by Planning Commission on June 5, 1984. 6. This approval is valid for a period of one year. 7. 'The two driveway accesses, storm drainage and holding tank specification to be worked out with staff. 8. Obtain access permit from Washington County. Access permit. will address roadway drainage and sight distance prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. Assure construction of a sidewalk to County standard prior to issuance of a building permit. 10. bedicate additional right-of-way to provide 35 feet from cei,Cer.line� yw of Beef Bend Road adjacent to the site prior to issuance of a V° building permit. E. Assure installation of street lights (staff to clarify if these mean illuminat.i;tg) at the access drive and at the intersections of the frontage road with both Bull Mountain Road (staff *- clarify that Bull Mountain is necessary) and Beef Bend Road prior to issuance of a building permit. Comissioner Butler seconded by motion. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioners present. 5. EAL HO: 4-84 FERU MORENO NPO # 3 o Monahan viewed package of information that was submitted to the Planning Commission. scussion on how to proceed. o Bob Bledsoe, NPO Chairman, stated the NPO unanimously supports the appeal especially on t grounds thac apparently a false application had been submitted. o Attorney Josselson requested the plicant speak first. * APPLICANT: Ferd Moreno, 14410 SW McF and, responded to allegations made by the appellant. * Discussion followed on the lateness of the hot and when would be a good time to continue to the hearing to. o Commissioner Butler moved to continue HOP 4-84 to the ne 12th Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Peterson seconded. otion carried unanimously by Commissioners present. o Staff noted the next meeting would be hsld at the Tigard School trict Building on Pacific Highway. II CITY OF TIGARD Waahingron County, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL DECISION - BY PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Concerning Case Number(s) : SUR 7-84 2. Name of Owner:Y WGK Development Corp. 3. Name of Applicant: WGK Development Corp. Address 1703 Pacific Ave. __City Forest Grogeate Or•Zip 97116 4. Location of Proper`y: Address Northwest corner of Beef Bend Road and SW Pacific Hwy. , Tigard Legal Description 2S1 IOAC lot 1000 5. Nature of Application: Site Development Review for approval of a 80 unit multiple family res-­1­1 deve opmen . 6• Action: Approval as requested XX Approval with conditions per Planning Commission Minutes Denial of June ;, 1984 7. Notice: Notice was published in the newspaper, and mailed to: posted at City Hall _ The applicant b owners XX Owners of record within the required distance The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization X! Affected governmental agencies I 8. Final Decision: � THE DECISION SHALL BE FINAL ON June 22,_1984 -UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. The adopted findings of fact, decision, and statement of condition obtained from the Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 12755 SW Ash,can be P•O• Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 9722.1. a A eal : Any party to the de c . th ision may appeal this decision in accordance w . 18.32.290(A) and Section 18.32370 which prevides that a written a may be filed within 10 days after notice is given and sent. PPeal The deadline for filing of an appeal is _ June 22. 1984 10• q2estton, : If you have any questions, please call the City of ',igard Planning Department, 639-4171. Pre siZent , Tigard Planning � L i �� R-EDD TE PP rt \ _ 1 �C c vr- tAe- eI� SZ�y 1y94cr- . (' I Will 61 C v1 `! wt C 7 k% \ate �0 1r� 1�C M i�! ! ��� �1�5 h 1� i 1tA V-C.S"C, � %v V* tJR�\�e��`�`� "J� Y�C- -2ccr..,% %w d4 y�+wn�r `,ra C. c -{�•.C \v�'t!°r a C e!1 c�H 'y o•e' �-�i. C `��c`�...v 7.�1 Tr o v�.•t�s .��t. J v C) v1v C. G Wtg1Cr v�i� r,v�14`\C. 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